what's the best mortal kombat game?
What's the best mortal kombat game?
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3 and 9 are the only ones that I really liked. Stryker is pretty much the only MK character I like to play, other then Devorah but Devorah's moveset changed so much between games it sucks.
5 for the multiple fighting styles but fans are retarded and will never recognize it
how did you get a picture of my wife?
The beat em up one
areola slips are the hottest shit ever
prove me wrong faggots
You wouldn't date a girl with 4 arms and 6'8" tall, right?
MKT roster against a backdrop of gameplay that finally tries to be more than just a gory gimmick game. It wasn't finely balanced but they finally showed they cared about something more than shock value in their fighting games.
In a heartbeat user
9 was the best
>team ladder
>plenty of content
>women still looked like whores
>game was still campy, X felt like it tried to be serious which doesn't fucking work in MK
She makes my pee pee hard in a weird way
If she was sexy, yes
you wouldn't?
I'd marry her
Kill this monstrosity.
every mk before and after 9 is shit desu
Four arms alone is a big enough selling point. She could work every part of your anatomy at the same time.
>>see the very edge of the areola
would someone edit them completely in? asking for a friend...
I like Deborah but not for the vore stuff. I want to fuck her stomachpussy.
She looks better in the thumbnail
MK3/MKT, MK Deception, MK9 and MKX were the games I enjoyed the most. I'd say MKX is the best despite all its flaws.
MK11 was nothing but a let down.
I just think her skin would feel really nice to rub.
maybe... describe what you think this sensation may feel like, for scientific purposes, of course
Well I think it would be really smooth like a beetles shell.
>tfw MK can only do monster girls right
2 and 9
2 because it has legit gameplay and great stories and characters
9 becuause has tons of extras, things to do, nice gameplay story and actually had balls to not self-censor itself for virtue signaling
Mortal kombat 3 is unironically the best in the series. Best roster and best fatalities.
Vanilla 3.
>caring about story
>in a mortal kombat game
whenever people make post like this all I can think of is
Lul. She looks like Charles Barkley. What was the ethics department thinking on that one.
ultimate mk3 - because you gotta respect the classics
Deadly Alliance - i just like it don't know why.
Armageddon - extra fun bullshit only. as a fighting game it fucking sucked.
9,10,11 - legit good games that have a real good story mode and fun extras to play with drunk buddies.
>crtl+F Shaolin Monks
>not found
I hate this place sometimes
>areola slips are the hottest shit ever
>prove me wrong faggots
Can't disprove truth
It isnt the best though. It is good,just not the best.
One guy called it the beat em up one, unless they were actually talking about one of the shitty ones for whatever reason.
Shaolin Monks is fun but 9 is still better
Not anymore: Sheeva looks like a generic western-AAA-game negroid
That Sheeva does suck but D'Vroah will always get me hard
Sheeva looked nice in the X comic, why did they fucked her up so bad
Small penis humiliation with Skarlet.
I sure as hell would.
sheeva was always ugly retards
Shaolin Monks was it, just couldn't remember the name.
the retards needs to use fanart to make her hot seeShe was passable in MK3 at best.
>had the balls to not self censor
>all of the ads only showed the male characters because people bitched about the excessive sex appeal
You don't know what censorship is, you dumb little faggot.
so turned her race into Titans?
based shizzy
>Armageddon Sheeva
Fucking kino
Hands down Sheeva at her absolute peak design-wise
I wouldn't say any of them are "good" despite being a fan of the series, but out of all of them Deadly Alliance probably had the best balance of features, though I like MKX's gameplay the best overall.
It's literally all there IS to care about. It's sure as hell not the fun or deep fighting mechanics.
ebin maymay
why is she the best mk girl
I want shokan milkies!
Sheeva is well over 7ft.
And yes I would date, and marry her.
She looks so stupid. Why'd her and her bitch friend make it back but not the cool newcomers like Takeda and Ferra/Torr?
What? You didn't think playing as a hulking brute with a funny midget or a psudeo-cyber whip ninja was cool? They were way better than bugbitch or the cowboy who did fuck all
Is this outfit even in the game? I'm suspecting not. Pisses me off they turned her from a cool ninja assassin into some blood magician.
literally me
I flat out can't stand her. She's boring and not nearly as fun as half the cast of original mk. Clearly some devs oc that made it in
>Gstar will never play MK11 for us
>first was boring
>second had shit rubber band AI, even for an mk game
>third cash grab
she's the only girl in 11 with a decent face
Whoa whoa WHOA, user, her hair and arms are completely exposed, as well as parts of her neck and face! This is very unethical and problematic. Cover her up immediately, you misogynist.
just wondering
And do it before I get back from the Slut Walk, or there'll be hell to pay!
For multiplayer I always find myself going for MK2 or Trilogy. For overall quality though MK9 is still the height for me as it's overloaded with kontent, doesn't take itself seriously, and knows what it is. Deception gets a mention as well for just being out there and really going above and beyond with giving players stuff to do and if it dosn't have to be strictly fighters then Shaolin Monks is a blast as well. I don't really care for anything newer than 9, it lost its identity as far as I'm concerned.
>tfw this is gone forever
2x the armpit hair
Shaolin Monks >>> XL >>> UMK3 >>> shit > the rest > much, much more shit > MK vs DC
Mortal Kombat have always been bad fighting games, XL was the closest thing to good but it falls just short. Shaolin Monks is a legitimately good action game.
Sheeva always looked like shit desu but the those big titties in that sling bikini and the thought of her domming you with four very strong arms was a nice distraction
What's worse is they were so close with XL but then went full retard on 11 and regressed so far it's insane.
>chitin carapace
Grab a beetle and rub it. It will be literally the same.
MK9 was where it peaked.
Don't forget the giant futa cock.
Does she have 1 or 2
Beatles scare me
My brain says two, but my heart says its just one giant horsecock.
are people still trying to say mk9 girls cool good
Now say that in English.
are you retarded my guy there is only one word wrong
>that leaked battle quote with Shao Khan where she is now an strong independent woman
What's the quote? Not a surprise by the way. Boon scoured the entire Shitcago area and hired the most virtue signaling employees he could possibly find.
there is not one
Do you have a script to tell you when there's an MK thread so you can shit it up? I give it another 10 mins before you start posting MK11 Kitana pics again.
show us the leaked quote then
What's that belt for?
It's from strapping you to her body
I'm not even that user I don't know what he's talking about in regards to a quote. I'm just bored with reading your shilling in every single fucking MK thread.
>MK9 hype threads were fun
>MKX hype threads were fun
>MK11 threads were anti-hype and a shitshow
Where did it all go so wrong?
>lying about quote
>get asked to show quote
>"dude you're a shill lmao"
Shaolin Monks
MK2, not even a question
LMAO this cunt again
Every fucking MK thread
One of them was made post-2016
Kitana has never looked good. MK4 Sonya's where it's at.
billy and his retarded fans
the one where ShizzyZzZzZz was hired as the lead character designer.
aw man
probably 9
fucking retard
>Peak amazon fetish
Shaolin Monks
I still enjoyed the latter ones tho
never got the hate for mk4, it's fast-paced, combos are fun to do and i like a lot of the scenarios.
The roster kinda sucks but it's still fun to play.
I enjoyed it a lot when I was a kid, and it was one of my favorites when I didn't know better, but when I played it recently I realized how STIFF it is, literally unplayable. Also the scenary hazards take like half your HP and you can just cheese the game. The roster absolutely sucks too, but Shinok was cook tho
Replace MKDA with Deception. Then your list it perfect
Deception didn't have weapon impalement as a mechanic
And now the series is clean of sex appeal.
It did, MKD was a better MKDA
>Sheeva always looked like shit
Hard wrong.
Nvrmind you're right. No weapon impalment. But MKD was still the better game
look at this hottie
Yeah probably. I didn't quite like the roster in MKD but it competes with DA
I really wish someone would post links to some futa on male stories starring Sheeva...
I think Unchained has the missing DA characters
Daily reminder that Sonya's actress in MK3, Kerri Hoskins, was a Playboy Bunny and there's nudes of her online.
Not Drahmin :(
Show me one(1) non fan art sheeva that doesn't an ugly mug
Post links then.
Just type "Kerri Hoskins nude" on Google and they'll all pop up. Here's the least NSFW one I could find.
And she's butt ugly.
Post #478016229 is literally a cry for "give me attention". No (you)s for you today amigo.
you dont get any
When's Mommy Sindel?
Not out yet and she won't be mommy anymore.
Any pics of this hot whore with unshaved legs and pussy and pits?
>Armageddon Sheeva
Peak Sheeva.
Why would a gorno game have an ethics department?
Just a reminder that small penises are the best for blowjobs and irrumatio
That is all.
>finally get some female character models that aren't shaped like men with tits
>cool costumes like pic related aren't allowed anymore
Damn shame.
Complaining about women again are we Yea Forums?
No, it didn't. You couldn't impale people in Deception.
Gore and overtly sexual costumes were MK's thing just like those B-rated slasher/gorno films.
You think she likes it best in the vaginal anal or mouthal?
Have some class, user. We prefer to control ourselves.
The problem with this series as a whole is there is no "best" game. There might be a best state of the game where you like the mechanics as they are but the dev team has this fucking idiotic habit of constantly making changes to the point of killing all player interest in it. Every mortal kombat has died in the same way thanks to this sort of incompetent meddling.
quick, post your kombatfu
9>shaolin monks>10>11>ultimate 3>2>4
Her MKX design is so much nicer.
>tfw cocklet
>dont care about bjs that much
>but large insertions and stomach bulge are my fetish
X D'vorah was like an evil version of Tali from Mass Effect. I liked her.
They're adding the leotard costumes user they only said that shit because dumbasses like you and trannies would advertise the game for free and it worked like a charm
3 and 9
Bessie is just a bloated Jade.
>4 arms
>2 tits
Missed opportunity there
They're all bloated Jades
god she looks so fuckin cute bros
Why? Because of Maxwell's Silver Hammer?
You don't date Sheva.
Sheva dates you
>that thousand-yard stare
She had 4 tits in a dream I once had. Not gonna lie, was kinda disappointed when I remembered an hour after I woke up that she only had 2.
>shyzzy improved MK11's models
I liek it
>no not for the vore shit