Why did he do it, Yea Forums?
Why did he do it, Yea Forums?
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15 months? how is that not a manslaughter 1 charge
So what punishment will the officer who killed an innocent get?
Why doesn't the cop get charged for pulling the trigger?
nothing, he was just doing his job
>15 months
I dont believe it
15 months for getting a man killed? What the fuck, he'd get 15 years if they found cp on him.
'cause no intent
Shitty bait
People are assholes, and judging by that kids face he probably actually donates to streamers...should've gotten the chair...
He never would have been shot and killed if this little prick didn't lie about a volatile hostage situation. In retrospect, it was obviously a bad shot, but hindsight is 20/20.
Yeah, proving intent would have been too difficult, best to just pick a charge that will stick 100% and let society take care of the rest. He's screwed
According to his lawyer he overdosed on redpills shortly before making the call
How is it bait? The cop murdered an innocent person for absolutely no reason.
for teh lulz
Police are not paid to think you fucking idiot, are you a police officer or something?
He killed three actually. The man's niece was at the scene and later killed herself due to the mental trauma, then her boyfriend also killed himself because of her suicide.
He had a deathwish, OP. He was stuck in Ohio.
>using the police to intentionally kill an innocent person doesn't get you life
Fuck the system
lmao white people
Why are Americans okay with cops murdering their friends and families who arent doing anything wrong?
Only 15 months
He should get life, that's an act of terrorism
>call that killed a man
The gamer is a scapegoat.
Only one phone holds that kind of power.
too much fluoride in the water
If you comply with instructions and keep a cool head your chances of getting shot are astronomically low.
Why is the crank caller a terrorist but not the murderer?
Seeing as the guy he killed was white, nothing. If he had been black it would have made national news.
This is the one recent meme I don't hate.
he is going to get assraped and beaten in prison. will not have a pretty face when released.
that means he didn't kill anybody; the police killed one, someone killed themself (doesn't matter why), then someone else killed themself (also doesn't matter why). the guy in the OP didn't kill anybody and you can't be charged with someone else deciding to kill themself (unless you actually told them to do it, which the guy in the OP didn't).
This sounds like it would make a good miniseries
Gamers: incel shot first
Unless you're drunk, or mentally ill or in shock because you're being swatted for no reason
non-whites are too stupid to realize what a burden they are, they are so pathetic and not starving to death because of humans yet think not only that they can ever dream of being equal but even superior, L M A O.
There are clear instances of cops being trigger-happy cunts that deserve the chair. (IE: That one webm of a guy who survived a car crash crawling from his overturned vehicle just to be shot dead by the responding officer, the Simon Says guy, etc.)
There are also times like this where it would have been completely avoidable if not for one faggot getting mad at a video game causing problems where there wouldn't be any issues normally.
>still get shot 5 times in the head because you breathed wrong
Why don’t these streamers fuck off and being such annoying cunts thinking people want to watch others play a video game. Maybe if he wasn’t so annoying he wouldn’t have died.
Tell that to Daniel Shaver. Bootlickers make me want to fucking vomit
>The Call That Killed a Man
Sounds like a bond title kino
>not identifying a prank call and killing an innocent because he's a trigger happy american officer
what a joke, both should be in prison
How is it his fault that American cops are 80IQ sociopathic trogs with a chip on their shoulder?
OP here. A thought I had after I posted: imagine being in the news for something like this and being solely identified as a "gamer." Like what the fuck
how can american cops be this fucking dumb?
may be a minor?
>on no, a single bad cop when there are 1000s of those guys doing a decent job
Still doing a shitty job when cops outside of US are respected
Regardless of how you feel chimping out at cops is only going to make the situation worse.
It's something that blacks and hispanics seem to not realize and learn.
>guy kills a man
>15 months jail
>woman kills man
>gets her own superman/batman comic series
Why do they call people g*mers unironically like this? Just call him a kid
Nobody is okay with it except other cops and judges who are so buddy-buddy with them that they're probably jackoff crystal buddies every Thursday
Good. Swatting is the most pathetic thing you can do when you get butthurt at video games. People that scream and punch and break their own shit are way better because at least they're angry in their own area. Even actual rage killers are better because at least they didn't use someone else to take the person out, and they can be charged for murder proper. This fuckwit deserves whatever karma's intent on serving him.
Nice racism dickhead. /pol/ get OUT
she looks diseased
>The dude who called the police is charged for manslaughter
>The officer who pulled the trigger isn't
They're riding on this case because the fact it was a prank makes it easier, but what if the dude actually had a reason to suspect something dangerous could be going on? Isn't this only going to make people less likely to tip the police?
I need a burger to explain me these freedoms.
Imagine paying taxes to fund the assassins of innocents
cope for being a pussy
>be american
>get shot
let me tell you exactly what happened
some random 19 yo salty ass nigger hired a 26 yo serial-swatter to call the police on some random nigger that kicked his ass in cod ww2
the nigger that kicked his ass gave the 19yo shitter his OLD address and taunted him to "do something"
he moved from that place recently, so he got the poor bastard that currently lived there killed because he was a fucking pussy and didnt want to give him his true address
the nigger that hired the swatter got 15 months, the 26 yo nigger that swatted aka made the phone call got 20 FUCKING YEARS
fucking amerimutts i swear
just nuke the fucking seppolands, im tired to understand the dynamics of their fucking mongoloidal adventures
>just keep a cool head when the cops are busting down your door and screaming at you for reasons completely unknown
>any civilian can call a SWAT attack on anyone
It's not bait bootlicker.
>lie to police and deliberately create a situation that puts a man's life in danger so that you can laugh at him
>he dies
>get a little over a year in jail
That should be the penalty if no property is damaged and no one is hurt. Swatting is not ordering 30 cheese pizzas or burning a bag of shit on someone's doorstep. The chances of someone dying are not small; there's a reason why they say that you don't call in swat unless you're ready to lose everything. It should be an attempted murder charge, and if someone dies, it should be murder in the second degree at the very least.
>Be American
>Play video games
>Get shot
>judge dredd wannabe cop shoots and innocent gamer
>send the prank caller to jail instead
Are the american police force not accountable for anything?
>cop makes mistake
>you go to prison for it
Sounds like a 60's political thriller novel
Imagine not understanding anything
Unironically never have a hardened police force. They need to be soft, and possibly fodder for escalations. Put everyone else in SWAT.
not only reddit central and zoomer central now newfag central too
Yes how dare anyone imply that it's the actual murderer who should be in prison. Crazy notion
Sexually transmitted, yes.
How the fuck do people get SWATTED? How do these idiots get their address leaked?
How about that guy that got shot because he couldn't comply because he wasn't as bendy as the cop wanted him to be?
shut up retard
The cop that killed him should get the fucking needle
>not identifying a prank call
Are you actually retarded? What do you think the police should do if someone tells them a drunk ex-husband with a gun has taken a family hostage? Assume the call is fake and wait until they've interrogated the caller?
So many black people get killed on a regular basis though, especially in Chicago
she's wearing some sort of corset isn't she?
Or is that photoshop on the waist?
look at those arms...
I can't believe people throw away their lives and careers to fuck that thing.
If there was a probable reason that something was going on then he wouldn't be convicted for manslaughter.
for teh lulz XD
There's a needle for fucking?
What do you want, a riot? An angry letter? The fuck do you think could possibly happen to combat this
Yeah. It's called your dick.
>swat someone and get him killed
>charged with a manslaughter
>claim you got raped and destroy someone's life so hard he kills himself
>walk free
American justice system
wait, didnt the other guy who swatted someone over a cod game get 20 years?
>j-just comply
Bootlickers will also get the rope
>How the fuck do people get SWATTED? How do these idiots get their address leaked?
In this situation, the guy he was targeting gave him a phony address.
The dude who died had nothing to do with their shitty online feud.
He cute
I don't understand the relevance of the outcome of the call. Is 15 months a normal sentence for this kind of thing or does the fact that the cop actually killed the guy factor into the length of the sentence?
he killed himself, she didn't tell him to do it
So you want me to fuck the cop?
>tell cops someone has planted a bomb
>they take the threat seriously and evacuate the area
>someone carrying a package runs out of fear
>police gun him down
>get arrested
Actions have consequences. Don't crank call the cops unless you can accept them.
>can't even say it's 0, just low
To death. It's not much, but it's honest work.
She looks like my fridge...
>he just called the cops he didn't tell them to shoot him
who are you quoting?
Reddit has some 4 years trying to force this meme, to no avail.
>youre chillin on your computer, headphones on
>hear somebody breakin into your house
>deal with the situation accordingly, with alarm and urgency
>cops see it as a threat, shoot you
Have sex
2016 is recent to all but election zoomers
oh thanks captain hindsight. is that what you want having the police wastes precious minutes trying to figure out if the call is a prank or not? next thing you'll bitch about is "why didn't the cops arrive sooner!"
These things go hand in hand with "no knock raids" and other police bullshit that are blatant violations against our constitutional rights.
Honestly the more this stuff happens and the more it's in the media and the more people who see it the better it is.
Because we should be asking ourselves why the fuck is the SWAT team so easy to summon?
An ANONYMOUS call (you have a right to face your accusers so that's one right out the window) can lead to a search and arrest (more rights out the window as you are not served a warrant prior to this search).
If the US citizenry weren't so fucking cucked they would be within their rights to basically murder any cop who came into their home without first serving a warrant.
>convince someone that there is a bomb in a building
>they call in to report it to the police
>someone dies
>they go to prison for it because they called it in
>not me who started the panic
believe it or not cops can solve problems without killing someone involved
Because our country is becoming literally retarded. As the white population goes down, so does the average IQ
>The police said he had then failed to comply with an order to keep his hands up in the air, leading to one officer shooting him with a rifle.
>The officer in question was cleared of wrongdoing earlier this year.
well, you have some explianing to do
>guns bad, police good
are all american retards?
these are the people that browser this shite now
He's gonna get his shit kicked in in jail.
Yes, you do. That's literally what is happening in OP.
Goddamn i would with the force of a million suns.
I envy the niggers that'll fuck him every day there
is there even a state where its legal to shoot back at a cop if they raid your place by mistake?
his job isnt shooting unarmed people who are no threat to him
imagine the cops bust in your house right now and shoot you
would you say the cop was just doing his job and it's fine
so a few years ago is old now?
>call saying there's a hostage situation
>apparently this means you have to actively investigate the situation, waste time, and interrogate the caller to make sure it's real
>hostage dies six hours before cops show up
Yeah dude being a passive goat is totally worth it and not at all why France and that area in general is turning into the Middle East.
America is a huge place full of guns with lots of poor and urban areas. Cops who are clearly in the wrong get rolled, but the secret is that cops get killed regularly and so when people are behaving in threatening ways cops have to assess the situation. If its a grey area they usually get off with a slap on the wrist, because hamstringing the police means they become ineffective and just let crime happen
Can you imagine being angry at the cop who thought not only his life but an entire family's life is in danger and reacted to a suspected armed individual appearing to rush the officers?
Someones going to call me a bootlicker or compare it to a cop in another region of the us who went off on a power trip.
> never question the authority and comply even when you aren’t doing anything wrong
burger mutts
America is equal stupid no matter the race, I am sorry, but you guys will always be retarded fat fucks
Yeah, the cop.
>the nigger that kicked his ass gave the 19yo shitter his OLD address and taunted him to "do something"
he moved from that place recently, so he got the poor bastard that currently lived there killed because he was a fucking pussy and didnt want to give him his true address
Why the fuck would you do something like this? At least give him the address of a meme location or some other shit. Piece of garbage.
>you have a right to face your accusers
Yeah, in court, not at the scene of the crime.
>as you are not served a warrant
Cops don't have to have a warrant if they have a reasonable belief someone is in imminent danger. This isn't something new.
>hwndu poster
>he's white
lol 15 months, should be longer than that but thats the US for you.
pretty damn sure the courts will side with you but the question is will you even be alive by then?
All you need to do is not be identified. Easy enough. The day you start arresting and convicting people for doing their civic duty and alerting the authorities to possible threats to human life you start going down the same road as China where you hold bystanders accountable for tragic events. Nobody should ever be discouraged from contacting the police to alert them to a possible threat. Ever. Even if it was mistakenly done so, simply erred on the side of caution, and someone got hurt in the process.
Yeah haha america is so fucking STUPID
Don't be a retard when the cops kick in your door
Based darwin award competitor
>that 65y that asked you how to use Yea Forums at work
I would shit bricks
But how would he know? I'm thinking more of a case like
>Hear a weirdo talk about hostages on his basement
>Better tip the police
>Police shows up and as usual they shoot every person on the block
>Turns out he was a writer or something talking about the plot of his latest draft
>Well user seems like you're going to jail for killing people
You know jurisprudence would be against the tipper on this case.
Yeah but black on black crime goes against national medias agenda to pin all white people as racist black haters. How else could they siphon votes from minorities?
This is 100% accurate. Why try to fight the cops if you don't even have a gun at your disposal? Did you guys actually never been in another tense situation with literally any men in your life?
How’s the bottom of a boot taste user?
we all know they cheat
>be american
>get shot
>murderer gets off scot free
What the fuck is Singapore doing? You've got all that horsepower but you're not innovating shit.
You act as if white cops get punished for wrongfully killing black people.
The definition of manslaughter is essentially murder without intent
>IQ Ranking: lowest
I'm from Florida, and you might be too.
>standing scared at his front door wondering why the cops are pointing guns at him
>"rushing officers"
it's literally not an assassination because the guy that was killed was a gamer, i.e and e.g some literally who
Hey faggot, you sound like a cop.
Maybe we shouldn't let ANONYMOUS calls summon death squads?
Anonymous "tips" to the police are a violation of the right to face ones accusers.
Also these raids that are done without serving warrants are basically illegal as well. If a cop comes into your home unannounced, uninvited, and doesn't hand you a warrant first you are well within your rights to shoot and kill them as a home intruder. For all you know it's someone pretending to be a cop just to murder and/or rape you.
>heres my address you lil pussy
>you think hes gonna send someone here to kill me over beating him in a video game? Nah no ones that pathetic, youd have to be an absolute incel. Nothings gonna happen, I might move in a few days
They usually get a paid vacation, at worse he'll transfer to a neighboring precinct
Why are american police so blood thirsty? If a cop in my country shot and killed an innocent person he would be shamed and harassed by everyone until he killed himself
For lulz. Then it got all too real.
>15 months? how is that not a manslaughter 1 charge
Because it's the police's fault for acting like niggers.
The cops would have never raided the houses if that fucker didnt claim a hostage situation in another fucking state.
The cops are retarded for not suspecting a prank, they didnt even bother checking the caller even though the number was blocked
n-no the cops and white people are good guys NOOOOO
Lots of people become cops just so they can carry a gun and shoot people.
Because cops are allowed to murder innocent civilians. They don't need to know better, or have better use of force training. The victims are always to blame, the unarmed victims should have been less of a threat.
Yeah, whenever someone asks me for my phone/address I give them the numbers of a police station in Natchitoches, Louisiana. Never lived anywhere in the south. Giving them a normal citizen's address is just too shitty for me.
Is this what actually happened
The guy they shot went from having his hands in the air to putting one hand into his waistband. This is after you’ve already received a call from someone stating there was shooting and hostage situation at this address. Most people would agree when that’s the only knowledge you’re dealing with it’s not unreasonable that the cop would shoot the man for this action
You are definitely a dumbfuck Floridian if you think that's the lowest
>The police said he had then failed to comply with an order to keep his hands up in the air, leading to one officer shooting him with a rifle.
>accidentally go to scratch something out of instinct
>gets shot
They do.
10 times out of 11, it isn't wrongful. The black either ignores the cops orders and fumbles around with his pockets like a moron making it look like he's going for a gun, or attacks the cop in some fashion.
Except the dude that called was a serial swatter and had clear malicious intent, as did the faggot in OP.
>Don't call the cops
Well yeah that's the logical conclusion of these actions, and one step closer to nigger hellhole we go.
man what the fuck happened to the "land of the free"? and your love for your own life and freedom?
why did so many muricans turned into yes sir cucks? you're no dfferent from the bugmen that you supposedly hate
and you fags wonder why voice chat is disabled in online video games nowadays rofl
American police spend 1/10 of their training on de-escalation and the rest on crisis situations despite the fact that 90% of what they deal with on a daily basis is small time shit that requires de-escalation. So yeah cops are retards but the criminal justice system also just outright fails to train them properly.
>They do.
lol no they dont
Shit here in MN it took a white woman being killed by a nigger for a cop to get held accountable.
>Have to spend days to weeks getting a warrant to check and see if Buffalo Bill has you tied up in his basement
Please think on occasion
Stay on topic, you fucks.
>comply with instructions
>Yeah but black on black crime goes against national medias agenda to pin all white people as racist black haters. How else could they siphon votes from minorities?
I didn't say black on black crimes, mostly cops kill blacks there.
It's now treated as a regular thing these days
>Yeah, in court, not at the scene of the crime.
so then you agree that they shouldn't be taking anonymous tips at all then? because these people who are accusing you of a crime must certainly be made to show up in court, no?
>Cops don't have to have a warrant if they have a reasonable belief someone is in imminent danger. This isn't something new.
Yeah, it's been a violation of your rights as a US citizen for a long time.
Kind of like how they get around searching your vehicle without a warrant by somehow being allowed to let a dog sniff around it and if the dog thinks there is something in there then suddenly your rights are out the window.
Just because they are violations of your rights for a long time doesn't mean they're right or they should continue.
Man you sound like a cop. I wish BLM was still around making you faggots piss your pants.
>has never been confronted with a gun in his entire life: the post
You do absolutely nothing on 'instinct' when there's a gun pointed at you. You pay the fuck attention unless you are a blithering delusional retard which admittedly a lot of people are.
>if you comply with instructions and don't make any slight movement theres only a 50 percent chance of getting shot
amerilards hoyl fuck
Your mom was my topic last night and she was staying on my for a long time :^)
The last time police officers showed up at my front door without a warrant I called my local police station and asked them to confirm the identity of the officers before I opened my door. Even if someone shows you a badge and a few sheets of paper that doesn't necessarily mean they're legitimate. Someone with a will and a plan can provide convincing credentials, but they can't fake where dispatch states those officers are.
Am I wrong (about being Floridian)?
Welcome to the SJW state.
>haha I took a part of your post out of context look how witty I am
Don't call the cops with malicious intent. How hard is that? None of these swattings have been done in good faith.
>cops are bas-
how fucked up is it that americans are not only okay with their own people getting shot my authorities, but defend those that do it
like it's not wild enough that these mutts shoot eachother up on the regular, but they need their police to help them with it as well.
In terms of a shitty meme that should have died after two weeks yes, this is an eternity later.
they shot up the dude for opening his door, fuck that shit
Then he's a dumbass for not taking steps to protect his own identity when committing crimes.
It's wh*toids who defend the murdering police.
Look at that leftard seething.
who makes these please? love this linework
I don't think cops killing blacks makes up the majority of killings in Chicago, do you have a source for that?
Are you fucking retarded? That just proved that cops don't get punished for killing people. It took my SJW state that long to punish a nigger - no white cops have gotten punished. I bet your state has no white cops punished for killing nigs either.
>Seeing as the guy he killed was white, nothing
G8 B8 M8 I R8 U an 8
He opened his door at 2 in the morning because there were lights outside his door
Someone shined a light on his face as soon as he opened the door, he lifted his hands to cover his face to see what was going on
As soon as he moved his other hand they shot and killed him
It's America, gunning down innocents is what their cops do best.
Obviously. Only a dumbfuck would swat people in the first place.
Wtf I'm mad now
Maybe we should start executing police officer that murder unarmed innocent people. I bet the fear that someone is going to magic a pistol into their hands and shoot them will go down massively after the 10th or 20th executed officer.
The difference is that in your situation the caller truly believes that there is a crime taking place and would have justifiable defense that calling the cops was the best option. The guy is convicted of manslaughter because he knowingly reported false information that led to the death of another.
Most people don't like in active warzones, ameriturd
>China is 2nd
Remember that huge controversy when they would be cracking down on cheating
Innocent people dying makes the libs mad so cops murdering with impunity is cool and good.
Listen here, bucko.
If you get called that there is a gun wielding maniac on the loose, you will be on edge. You wont be all sober like' hey sir, are you a crazy man?' As far as you know it's you or him.
You are a retard and in need of a hard cope.
They lack empathy, everyone is selfish and full of hate. They would rather see people they hate suffer, even if it means they also have to suffer.
>kill someone
>traumatize police officers for life
>15 months
still gotem though
>bro just keep a cool head while 5 officers with guns drawn yell conflicting instructions at you bro just don't move or twitch at all or else you might literally die dude lmao
Because people online aren't real people in our minds.
If someone came upto you in real life crying and said they were thinking of killing themselves most of us would call someone or try do something (even if it was a stranger), online you're more likely to say "kys" or "record it faggot".
This isn't because people are assholes, there is just a disconnect when dealing with people online and honestly I don't know that it will ever change.
that poor killer cop ;_;
>the name of her comic is The Infected: Deathbringer
It all makes sense now.
>Regardless of how you feel chimping out at cops is only going to make the situation worse
This guy literally just stood in his doorway and got shot from across the street.
Yea Forums - Police Procedures and Law
those towers made them go full "greater good" retard
and individual rights are the last thing in greatergoodfags minds
>traumatize police officers for life
I know, imagine being hated by a bunch of entitled suburban fags with no problems ever and then having to kill a dude because another dumbfuck suburban kid thought it would be a good prank.
>muh homesteading
>muh castle doctrine
I guess the only reason amerifats hold on to these fantasies is because they want to avoid the humilation of getting murdered by a nigger.
Getting murdered by police is ok, though.
>bu-but just comply
Just give the nigger your wallet lmao :-DDD
And a "gamer" no less. Good thing they per-emptively killed him before he went on an incel rampage
I'm glad you're enjoying your thesaurus
>dude if youre not a cop you have no problems
bootlickers are funny
Imagine defending police brutality despite fucking centuries of citable examples of abusive law enforcement throughout all cultures all because you're an edgy /pol/tard. No it can't be that the police are shittily trained trigger happy retards! It's the BLACKS!
What the fuck, he didn't even point the gun at him and give orders, he just opened fire then kept walking like it was nothing. Cops don't give a fuck about human life, they just wanna live out their gun toting fantasies regardless of the situation.
>Just obey their orders and you won't get hurt
>traumatize police officers for life
Or you could fuck off.
what the fuck
and we spent all these years shitting on canada for arresting that one dude for lisa simpson hentai
i thought there were 2 kinds of jails, ones with shit for murder and rape and all that stuff (remember, the OP guy isn't charged with murder) and for those with, um, white collar crimes. then again i am stupid
You're retarded if that's what you got from my post.
You're retarded, period.
Killing someone is always a traumatic experience. It’s made worse by the fact that he killed an innocent man. The guy is probably a little fucked up from the situation
I mean there's Federal Prison but you can go there for sex crimes
prison and jail are different, you're okay
Look at what the gigantic faggot did afterward after knowing that the random dude got killed.
>When investigators asked Gaskill about “daring Barriss to ‘try again’ and giving Barriss an IP address,” he falsely said the IP address used to be his. It actually belonged to another person in Kansas, the indictment says
You're on your period? No wonder you're so angsty and upset
What causes Yea Forums to be a bunch of bootlickers anyway? Aren't you the guys that say "FUCK THE POLICE I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE LAW I PIRATE WHAT I WANT"? Like, why would you side with the law when you actively break it on a regular basis and don't give a shit about it?
And the other dude is fucking dead for no reason, you expect me to feel sorry for the guy who shot at a blinded confused dude?
seething pig
And he's probably not fucked because he can push all the blame on an hontest oopsie dasie
Is this really the peak of entertainment for American youth?
t. retarded bootlicker
Contrarians and actual election kiddos.
Why do Americans hate the people who enforce their laws so much? Would you be happier with nobody to enforce the law, and everyone just did whatever they want with no consequence? It's a really puzzling sentiment, since I thought the dangers of anarchy were pretty well understood
Based retarded "Yea Forums is one person" poster
Becasue SJWs and black people are also anti cop and Yea Forums will do the exact opposite of """them""" even if it means bootlicking.
You do realize that this is why dash cams exist right?
Sure this one fat ass is clearly in the wrong (unless there is some kind of audio where the guy says he's gonna shoot the cop but I seriously doubt that), but this is a one in a billion exception to the rule. The vast majority of the time, cops are not in the wrong.
>Police murder an unarmed man
>It's that guy's fault for calling the police
explain how that makes sense?
>and everyone just did whatever they want with no consequence?
You mean like how cops behave?
That's literally the reason you become a cop. So you can shoot and beat up people and get away with it.
He's speaking generally you dumb cuck
Yea Forums is comprised of people who have no grasp on any situation, but still want to voice opinions on it. They only pick whatever side they feel like arguing for at the time, often the underdog because contrarianism. No a single opinion here is worth considering seriously.
America, the country that is all about freedom and personal Independence, still slavishly worships authority man because authority man occasionally fucks people I don't like in addition to myself
>Mutt hate thread
When you have no worries in your life, internet access, food, a root over your head, and no significant worls conflict in many years, you begin to grow passive and blind. You begin to believe it was always like this, and always will be, when it wasn't. You begin to believe that problems are all caused by someone else and not this passive culture.
nobody on this site has any actual beliefs or allegiances. You just post the opinion you think will offend the most people and watch the (You)'s roll in.
>be burger cop
>dog approaches
>immediately try to kill the dog
>kill a random woman instead
While searching for this story I found at least one other instance of a cop shooting at a dog and killing a woman instead.
because law enforcement in america is a 50/50 split between actual officers and trigger happy retards. and the good ones don't do shit to wrangle in the windowlickers
>open the door
>get on the floor
its called Autobiography
>don't listen to cops
>keep reaching for your pants/belt area
This guy, I feel sorry for him, but hear me out.
If you ever get confused by a police order and aren't sure what to do with your hands, place them flat out on the floor and repeat "I don't understand." They will see you aren't a threat and be much less likely to fire.
Most importantly, DO NOT reach for your waistband for ANY REASON. Let your pants, your underwear, whatever, fall to the floor. Your no-no zone is where violent thugs tend to keep their guns, and if cops see you reach for that area, chances are they'll assume you're going for a gun. In the same vein, don't reach into your inner coat pockets or for your glove box until you have clearly explained you are going for your wallet/ID/insurance papers, and when you do go for it, use slow deliberate movements. LEOs are trained to react to sharp sudden movements with overwhelming power, because they only have a split second to make a reaction before an actual bad guy pulls the trigger.
I'm not saying law enforcement is perfect or they did nothing wrong, honest. I'm just saying that there are ways to make yourself much less of a threat and thus much less likely to end up with your vital liquids on your exterior.
This shows me that singapore has some smart people that lack morals.
In the case of piracy, Yea Forums may as well be one person. Not many people here would argue that piracy is wrong or side with police if they arrested some kid for downloading games/movies
Funny enough dash cams show how they're in the wrong as well. Like when the cop told a guy to show his hands then shot him because he listened
>nobody on this site has any actual beliefs or allegiances.
Nah plenty of retards try to astroturf here.
Big difference between "Vidya corporations (especially publishers) are the scummiest most douchebag groups on the planet. Fuck this low quality garbage filled with political propaganda that they shovel out year after year like leftist manure. I'm gonna pirate their shit to see if its worth my time before I drop a dime on it." and "nigguh nigguh nigguh imma rob a convenience store and shoot da clerk nigguh nigguh git dat muney"
If he did that they would have killed him for disobeying orders to crawl toward them.
>taking China's IQ and School scores at face value when they're a known nation of cheaters
I shig
>number of times swat killed some innocent person: 164
>number of times swat did anything of value: 0
keep up the good work
>be american
>get shot
A gamer, one of our own, is involved in this.
They travel to different countries after school, so they don't count as Nobel prize.
>"nigguh nigguh nigguh imma rob a convenience store and shoot da clerk nigguh nigguh git dat muney"
This was a white guy who got shot by a cop for standing on his porch you moron.
this isn't a problem in other countries with armed police
only in the US
therefore the problem is that our police are undertrained mongoloids, usually 99% burger ancestry or some kind of brown eyed muttfuck who should have gotten the rope a long time ago
>What do you want? Accountability among officials and govt reps?
Asking too much in murrica.
I get what you're saying but it sucks we need paragraphs explaining how to not die if we're ever pulled over by police because they'll shoot us dead for putting our hands anywhere but up.
>15 months in prison which means he will serve 7 1/2 on good behavior for basically being responsible for killing someone.
>be in (any place in europe)
>get raped by muslims and immigrants slowly consuming the lands
Yea but intent is easily falsifiable and hard to prove.
A bonus for doing his job. God bless America.
And again I must reiterate that that is the exception to the rule. They are highly publicized to make it seem as though it's more common than it is, but in reality, in a country of nearly 330 million fucking people, this shit is very rare and when it does happen, the cop in question gets fucking shit on because of the dashcam evidence.
But you don't seem to understand that for every one fuck up by a brainlet cop, there are 10,000 legitimate shootings by cops who don't feel like taking chances with Jamal reaching into his pockets when he was told not to.
>Kick Hornets nest
>Cry when no one takes pitty on you for being retarded
The cop should not get off scot free no, but at the same time, everyone who says something as retarded as this should be put in a dark room and told that if they don't find 10 dangerous objects within 15 min they will get blow to bits.
>get shot
>get raped
What are the police even good for if they let this happen?
You don’t have feel sorry from him, but is it so hard to think that you don’t walk away from that situation a little fucked up?
Just because he’s cleared of wrongdoing still doesn’t help him cope with the fact that he killed an innocent man. It might be something for him to help him through it but it won’t be some cure all that makes him feel better
Whatever you say bud
It's amazing to me that bootlickers really go to NOT ALL COPS every time. The police are basically a fucking gang. Even the "good ones" will go out of their way to prevent the bad cops from falling. From lying about what they know to actively aiding in cover-ups. They use the "brotherhood" mentality to force your silence. Go look up how fucked Police Unions are. Cops accused of shit like wrongful shootings are allowed 48 hours to make their statement and can look at the footage before making their statement. The victim isn't even allowed that.
>sell something clearly marked as for adults to adults in an adult section of your store
>get arrested and sentenced to jail because kids might see it
>Ryals said the department is saddened about the incident and “apologize for any distress and disappointment this incident has caused anyone who was affected by this disheartening event.” He also said the department will keep Reese’s in its thoughts through her recovery.
lol not even paying for the dog's surgery, THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS XD
According to everyone ITT, nothing! Get rid of cops! Total anarchy is good!
Right. All those Japanese corporations that show loli cunny are real lefitst organizations. Come on man, that's a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid saying "fuck the police. I broke the law and I don't care".
It would imply that American police act like niggers so much that calling them on someone is equivalent to killing that person.
He called a fake threat which the police take seriously.
People that swat are fucking faggots, end of.
for teh lulz
Next time someone gets killed by an erroneous police shooting its nobody valuable to society like yourself.
Everyone is accountable for their own actions. That's all I'm stating. You shouldn't go to prison for murder if you did not commit murder. It's real simple in this context. By all means put someone in prison for submitting a false report, but the results of the actions the police took are only the fault of the police.
Why did he wear suit?
Police officers lose their jobs all the time for stupid shit. The media loves to drag their names through the mud even if they were justified in the situation. See: Michael Brown
It’ll imply something bad about American police kek
>my 3rd world shithole
>cop stops me
>ask for documents
>I reach where ever the fuck I want to show him documents
>"Sorry for your troubles have a safe trip!"
>Land of the free
>cop stops you
>you fart in fear
>get shot
>get shot again
>"he had a gun I swear!"
Why? How much of a creep do you have to be and how shitty a defense team do you have to have to lose this ridiculous case? If the prosecutor can convince 12 literal retards that you're guilty then YOU fucked up.
>Police officers lose their jobs all the time for stupid shit.
No they dont lol
>The police are basically a fucking gang
Just like my tv movies
What the fuck would you wear to court?
>the very bottom
>I meant to get my taser but I fired my gun by accident whoopsie
Are you kidding me?
jews strike again
But that's true.
>it amazes me that people go not all cops every time
Because it's true and you massively over-inflate a few exceptions to the rule.
>15 months
Lmao I love being white
user this took place in Texas, the retard state.
You literally havent watched any cop footage from third world shithole and it shows
Hey now, don't be dumb, they're good for shooting unarmed people, that's certainly not nothing.
You don't have to do any of this outside of America. That's the problem.
>Total anarchy is good!
this is your brain on /pol/ faggotry, fag
They are common place, that's why body cameras have been enforced. Also if you wanna go down that road a Cop is 70-80% more likely to die by a car accident than a shooting. So Cops SHOULD be killing cars.
Well this user has point. If you live in country where everyone can have weapon there is possibility that this "swatting" was real and guy will just shoot you while pretending to know nothing.
you don't actually believe this, right?
Talking more about companies like EA and Ubisoft. And jap companies (mostly) immune to the american political propaganda machine, if they are actually based in japan. You already know that; you're just bullshitting thinking I won't notice.
Oh and pirating isn't illegal unless you attempt to sell the pirated copies.
I agree with Walter on certain principles but he's such a retard
Zog needs em that way
Just hold them to higher standards. Disable their ability to turn off body cams. If I had it my way, confiscate guns from any officer that isn't a supervisor or has some tenure.
>but it puts them in danger
Good. They'll tread more carefully or ride with a more experience/armed officer while learning how to deescalate situations.
Which is exactly why I said total anarchy is good, dumb dumb. Let's mad max this bitch. The positive effect being all these anti-cop fags will be dead within a month, having no firearms training, fitness or general life skills.
Becoming a cop requires nothing of you. People who flunk out become cops. You rarely find people with a real education slumming it at a police department. Ffs you could go to a trade school with half a brain and make exponentially more than a cop. The police attract the same mouthbreathers as the military through the same ways and people still wonder why most cops are meatheads with a single brain cell.
>mfw you're just a cop and want to shoot people scot-free
>has never been confronted with a gun in his entire life: the post
is this suppose to be a bad thing you retard mutt?
Both him and Jonathan went full retard in that game towards the end. You'd think that seeing the alternate worlds would give some reflection in their routes
Unironically this. The kid is a cunt but if the cops didn't do 5 lines of coke before kicking the door in, the guy wouldn't have been killed
your standards are so fucking off... holy shit... not thinking cops... holy fuck you are some swamp kid... holy fuck are you stupid.
You dont have to be the poorest country in africa to be a ''3rd world shithole''
Not everywhere has brazil's gang problems
What the fuck?
If the cops killed everyone, there would be no one left to swat.
>tfw no pistol shaped taser
police get all the cool shit man
I literally live in a shithole and despite our cops being corrupt dangerous motherfuckers, there is 0 chance I will be shot during civil situations like this.
angry seething muttoid police officer detected
>willingly throwing a guy to a bunch of crazy retards because of vidya
I dunno man,
Then we can put Martial law into effect that'll be so based and redpilled! Curfews are the American way
Because he's a brainless sperg obviously.
>call cops on someone
>cops show up and murder an innocent unarmed man
>you get charged and the cops get promoted
Why is America like this?
Because he's a faggot and I hope he gets raped in prison.
Yeah it's like a european sentence or something.
If I'm ever in the US and a cop talks to me for any reason I'm just ragdolling to the floor into a snow angel making position and repeating that I don't speak english until someone picks me up and puts me in a squad car.
Woolie took it like a champ
>Be American
>get shot
>our cops are corrupt and dangerous
>b-but they don't shoot people
I never brought up car accidents, the fuck are you smoking? Are you high?
And no, they aren't common place. Bodycams became more common because the left controlled media MASSIVELY overinflates and spins any time a nigger gets shot by a cop to push their agenda and get the TV equivalent of clickbait views.
So the cops put on dashcams and bodycams to prove that this shit is the exception, and they did, but you'll NEVER see footage of all the times some dumb gangbanger things he's a hard motherfucker and tries to pull a gun on a cop and gets a bullet in the face for it; no that wouldn't help the left wing media and the democrats. Instead you'll see the .001% of the time where a dude is just being dumb and not paying attention and the cop shoots him unlawfully because he thinks he's dangerous.
Because he's a fucking idiot.
i don't know what's more low-IQ than hating on cops. it's literally an excuse and cop-out for the people you are actually supposed to hate who use cops
but what i really mean is
"how low-IQ must a person be to not realize cops are small-time?" a lot of cop-haters actually put cops on a pedestal, not realizing how small-time they are and making them bigger than they are
your hate should be going to much bigger, but some of you are so braindead and conditioned to hate pawns (police) s0 you can be distracted by non-important stuff (like hating on cops)
oh, and cops are allowed to pull the trigger because it's your fault. america BEGGED for more "security" and protection" after 9/11 and this is what resulted. you wanted this. you have to realize this. the cops didn't pass the PATRIOT act
So "/pol/ faggotry" makes you right?
No, but if you've never been in a life threatening situation then you have no clue how your mentality and thought processes change when in one.
>I'm just ragdolling to the floor into a snow angel making position and repeating
Is that a fucking threat shit bag? *BANG BANG*
>be in america
>living your life
>some idiot calls the swat team to your house
>answer your door
>get shot
Land of the free, lmao
That's not anarchy though
>tfw bottom rank in IQ
>I never brought up car accidents, the fuck are you smoking? Are you high?
user I did because it's the leading Cop killer 45 cops died in 2012 and 35 of those deaths were car wrecks
this is literally the objectively best course of action though. just stay still and do nothing. just stare at them. ignore orders. eventually one of them will come up to you and cuff you at which point you're home free
How much does assassination cost? I think he got a bargain.
Police family with multiple generations on the job. Can confirm.
Lemme add a bit of context though, at least for good old NY.
>Police hires are now almost entirely dependent on nepotism or muh diversity
>As a result people who have no business being cops are pushed through training no matter how bad they do either because of their connections or because they meet a diversity quota
>This results in a 80/20 percent ratio of people who have no fucking idea what they’re doing to people who were actually picked for talent and/or nepotism hires where the person actually gives a shit and does their job.
>On top of this police officers that actually do their job get fucked instantly either by the government, virtue signallers, or people looking for a quick buck via a lawsuit settlement.
>As a result veteran officers no longer give a shit since they know that if they actually have to get hands on with someone they’ll be fired immediately so they don’t do anything either.
Port Authority is least shit, ICE used to be great but then Homeland Security took it over and the leadership was replaced with politically connected hires from the Bush/Obama administrations who were either total shit or had their hearts in the right place but had no business being in the job.
As a result of all of this NYC is sliding back into 80’s levels of degeneracy. Next time you’re in the city check out Central Park or the Bus Terminal and you’ll see what I mean. Especially at night.
Fucking whites, man. It's like they want their race to die out.
>dude lol it's your fault all the rich bigwigs signed this paper
That doesn't surprise me but it still has nothing to do with the current subject. Probably happens because they try to dart across traffic to give some college kid who is speeding a ticket.
Why the fuck is it so easy to call a swat team in USA? Do they seriously react to every single anonymous tip?
t. retard mutt who has guns pointed at him everyday
election zoomers are a literal pest to this website
>dude MAGA BRO
>You're not allowed to say cops are corrupt because you want them to actually do their job.
>all these angry strawman replies
Holy fuck
>get to the place
>deduce that it's a prank call by your swat training and don't kill any innocent
maybe it's hard for an american mind that only knows violence, who knows
>If I'm ever in the US
>Live in a town where everyone knows everyone including the cops
>0 risk of being shot
Imagine living anywhere but a small town in America.
>fifteen whole months for literally ending a dude
Fucking Playskool legal system
We live in a post 9/11 world, of course they do
clown world
daily reminder that you need a low IQ to be accepted in the police force.
Yea but a police state would be based
>*bang bang bang*
>"He was on drugs and didn't follow my orders"
>cop gets a medal and paid vacation
>user is buried in a cardboard box
If only he waited for red flag laws to be federally legal, he couldn't have done the same thing without going to jail.
I feel like this might be a regional thing, since you're in NYC. I can't see this happening in a place that isn't rabidly left wing.
>Remove ''cops''
>The world is now run by actual gangs
So you are saying that we should just cut out the middle man and let every criminal rape our sisters and take our money instead?
whats stopping trolls from russia or china doing it
Didn't even get his phone taken with an AR pressed against his back. Absolute chad
BaalBuddy on twitter
>end up in the hospital
>have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills
>well at least I still have my burgers
>go to McD
>get shot by random mass shooter
>end up back in the hospital
>have to pay another few hundreds of thousands in medical bills
>try to hang self
>break the rope
>try to shoot self
>die from a heart attack due to all the burgers I ate
>at least...I had...,muh freedom
only americans are stupid enough to do this shit
>St. Louis
Like fucking pottery.
Also the balls on that mother fucker. Or he just hates his life and doesn't give a shit.
If you become a criminal you can rape your own sister instead
you are aware that humanity existed without police officers for a long, long time right?
>Hire somebody to SWAT somebody
>They use the wrong address
>Police show up to some peaceful neighborhood with 0 sign of bad activity
>Approach wrong home
>Shoot new resident dead
This isn't even the first time Swatting has killed somebody. I don't know what's worse. That some faggot has the time and wherewithall to even think of doing this, or that the police are really that prone to chimping out. Jesus Fuck. The worst part of this is that taxpayers are gonna have to each shit because of this one faggot.
It's a famas i think.
why do americans keep voting in people who want this shit to happen more frequently
>SWAT training is so good that can't recognize a fake call when they get to a scene and the first thing they do is shoot an innocent man
>the caller is the only one to get prison
americans are a fucking joke lmao
>Lose an afternoon in the police station
>Don't comply
>Lose your brain to a hail of bullets
Your choice.
Yea Forums was already on the decline but the 2016 election really killed this place
>so let's go after small-time cops while we literally feed the big wigs
low-fucking-IQ. IQ is tied to how quick a person can into simple problem solving and critical thinking, but you utterly fail to realize what your "fight" even is. if anything, you're scared of looking at the bigger picture
hey. hey, you. mr. low-IQ. why are you afraid of the bigger picture?
you are aware that humanity lived in absolute barbarism for a long, long time right?
Yeah they do lol
no they dont lol
Even the "Not all cops!" good guys you hold up are trained like shit and have no real qualifications. The talent pool for qualified officers is so low that they regularly roll back the standards. You used to actually need to be physically fit to become a cop. Now they let fucking whales through training. And rather than working on methods to deescalate situations and deal with things nonviolently cops are taught that every stop is a life or death threat that you need to be ready to react to.
Now think back to high school. Picture the biggest retard in your class that wasn't you. He fails everything and has no future. The police and the military will take him in, give him a gun and throw him out into the world with his mental midget brain filled with paranoia that every black guy in a car wants to kill him.
And once again, as always,
>Be American
>get shot
Yeah, faggot, you try doing that when a fucking SWAT team shows up to your house because some faggot called them to go to the WRONG FUCKING HOUSE.
You are talking about a nation centered around children getting the tip of their dick chopped of in the name of judaism. Being bootlickers is the least of their problems.
>has many examples where they keep their job or go on "paid mental health days"
Yeah stupid white people and their ... uh... feelings. Ooga booga fuck white people
This fucking thread, man.
Maybe officers shouldn't be trained to think that literally anybody within 50 feet of them is a cold blooded assassin that can kill them in under 5 seconds unless they shoot first.
This happens in all world. But instead of swatting you call for bombs.
You basically described all of Ohio in one swoop
we're still modeling our societies trying to even achieve peak Rome
If a man rapes your sister, go kill the man it's fucking simple
there's no magical cop that shows up when your sister is about to be raped
The ultimate american fantasy is having a black cop fuck your wife while you're cuffed in the next room and once he's done, he shoots you and your dog for resisting. God I love America
If that's what you think, then I cringe.
conservatives are bootlickers who unconditionally adore the police and military.
Jurors are retarded no matter what state.
*tips fedora*
>cops stop me and my grandpa because we were moving furniture strapped to my shitty ass car and they thought we were gypsies
>grandpa actually knows a guy that's stationed at one of the cop's station and they hit it off
>massive strike with riots in the street in my city
>have to walk through it because public transportation are completely cut off at that area
>approach cop sitting in formation with others and ask up to where are the roads closed so I can take a bus from there
>'yeah, mate, just ten or so blocks down, be safe'
I love living in a shithole
Yeah they do lol
>be from shithole
>friend convinces me to go to that Work & Travel program despite it basically consisting of cleaning gringo shit
>I agree because le friends and fun xD
>forget that I'm brown and I'm big, probably look like a thug or a terrorist
Did I fuck up? I'll try to not even look at cops there, I don't want to die because I was trying to get some skittles.
which is ironic considering
How many years will the trigger happy cop get?
no they dont lol
>gives the mentally deficient a safe job
what's the problem?
Restructuring the system is too hard for law enforcement
yes but you can make a call to swat from outside the usa
weird you say that since its the wh*te trump voters who always are defending the police shooting people
>Bootlickers licking boots while they move goalposts again
Nobody in this thread has advocated for anarchy. People want better training and more accountability. The criminal justice system makes police almost untouchable. Youll try to say they're not and that they're held accountable while we're literally in a thread where a SWAT officer knocked on a door shined a light in someone's face and shot immediately. And then got off Scott free.
You're trying too hard, user.
>Be American
>go to school
>get shot
>go to church
>get shot
>go to the mall
>get shot
>go to the movies
>get shot after clapping
>go to a music festival
>get shot
>go to a bar
>get shot
>walk on the street
>get shot
>stay home
>get shot (by police)
A corrupt cop isn't going to shoot a civilian, retard. If he's speeding the cop is gonna be all buddy buddy and nice during the stop so the civvie slips him a 20 to get out of the ticket.
>murder an innocent man
>get $2500 a month as a reward
Your tax dollars at work.
that those instruments of governmental power and reach would be the ones who would come to take their guns away? did it get it?
>Yea Forums is filled with anarchistic children who hate laws and law enforcement that wholeheartedly believe that the nation would be better off under total anarchy
Whoa who woulda thunk it?
cop haters are some of the lowest of the low
it's also because cops are lowly bottom-tier workers
but they are easy to hate on because they're everywhere in public and media tells you to do so -- the same media that is controlled by the same people who control the cops in the first place.
>ignoring the PATRIOT act
you guus are honestly afaid or have been conditioned out of looking at the bigger picture. cops are literally nothing. you fear what they want you to fear which is their lowly police workers
What a Chad. He should have just taken his dick out at that point. The shooter would have sucked him off
Remember when a court literally banned a comic artist from drawing?
Fucking kek, US is so cucked.
Being swatted or having the police forcibly enter your home is identical to experiencing an armed robbery except calling 911 won't help you
no one thinks that but no anyone with a brain can tell cops in usa are mexico levels of stupid, fat and corrupt
Nepotism isn't exclusively right or left wing. Unlike that user, I'm in northern TX working in code enforcement and we deal with a lot of the same bullshit in regards to hiring/promotion practices. A little more so in my department since we work directly under council members more concerned with self-interest than bettering the community, but our PD has been going down the shitter as well over the past decade.
I blame it on the new generation of rich kids calling in favors from their parents connections. Not really the boomers or millenials specifically, but that weird transitioning generation in their 40's-50's who think that the world owes them tithings for their names.
I'm harsh on LEOs, but only because at work I need to remind them we're meant to operate on the same level. My real beef is with the local government.
Why the FUCK does he only get 15 months?
>the average trump voter
news medias glorify the cops constantly
Cops are pea brained thugs, but at least human level unlike blacks
>news medias glorify the cops constantly
No they fucking don't lmao
getting gunned down by police officers to own libs
"considering" is an idiom where I'm from but yes pretty much. it's ironic considering conservatives are typically antigovernment in terms of lawmaking but turn around and suck off the police force and a military industrial industry big enough to end homelessness, hunger, and debt in the US combined. strange people
paid leave
AP and Reuters are the biggest news providers and sell positive cop stories all the fucking time brainlet
but you're on Yea Forums so you probably don't know the difference between a wire service or a news agency
>bootlicking Yea Forumstards spend all their time on a laotian basket weaving image board jacking it to chinktoons and arguing about games they don't play
>rabid cop hating SJWs are taking over universities and politics and exerting their ideology through law
Yeah wonder how this is gonna go
You're right but also wrong.
>trained like shit and have no real qualifications
True. Standards for police training, much like educational standards, are constantly being lowered as the left wing political machine continually dumbifies the population. The pool for qualified people is also very low because of propaganda making cops out to be the bad guys.
>you used to actually need to be physically fit to become a cop
You still need that to get through police academy. The problems is that those standards aren't upheld after graduation and hiring; most of those fat ass cops got fat ass after being hired.
>rather than working on methods to deescalate situations and deal with shit nonviolently cops are taught that every stop is life or death
That's because it frequently is. The vast majority of people who cops stop are blacks or hispanics, since those are the ones that break the law by far the most frequently. The same group are also the most likely to be gangbangers or just have a grudge against cops and aren't shy about carrying guns around in their cars. If a cop stops a white college nerd, he's not likely to be too worried because statistically speaking, white college nerds aren't usually a fucking threat. But if you stop a run down piece of shit car with 4 nignogs in it in a shitty neighborhood, you take the safety off your fucking pistol because you have a good chance of them taking a shot at you. That's just reality, and reality doesn't care about your left wing delusions.
so be honest, Yea Forums
how many of you ITT consider yourselves "sovereign citizens?"
come on -- tell us so we can all laugh
being conservative is a mental disorder obviously
paid leave coming from the taxpayers
Not everyone since yo ucan read legit posts ITT. But yeah this is teenager times. It's not only about US. Every country. Some people dreams to kill cops.
>thinly veiled /pol/ post gets 400 replies in an hour
>videogame threads get archived after 20 replies
Nice videogame board
he deserves even more jail time, fuck him and his worthless life
Why is US legal system such a fucking joke
all anyone on Yea Forums wants to do is argue politics, election tourists ruined the board permanently
courts just upholding the law its the legislators and their pandering to hate groups that get shit censored.
Yet nothing really changed with law
>waah why does no one want to discuss some shitty game that nobody cares about?
video games are for fags
Notice how everyone fucking loves and wants to fuck firemen?
Yeah but it's a pity he couldn't do the same when he got cornered in the prison shower.So he just took it like a pro-wrestlerr instead
If only there was another board for this kind of topic
Well if nobody wants to be cops but these fat stupid autists are lining up, who do YOU propose we make cops? Do we use robots? Are you okay with heartless machines taking human life?
true, he should get a fine and at most 6months of jail time
>go outside to commute to 40+ hour job
>get shot
>call police
>get shot
>go to hospital
>bankrupted from bills
>get fired for missing work
>shoot yourself
the american dream
yeah, stop.
Pretty much
i know you are wrong, and you know you are wrong
but i can tell you are slowly taking the steps -- whether intentional or unintentional -- to realize the bigger picture just by the feeble way you replied to me. you see logic and reasoning in my previous post and i can tell
user, are you serious about wanting to go back to living in caves and never knowing if that person on the horizon is gonna kill you or ignore you? Becuase I sure s hell don't want to do that.
>Philip Mitchell Brailsford, 28, is now retired from the force with a tax-free pension worth $31,000 a year for life
Did any of the niggers defending the cop even watch the video? The guy opens his door and in less than a second is shot. He has no time at all to process what the fuck is happening and is killed near instantly. How can you defend this?
Fucking white boys these days. Cause nothing but problems. Just line em all up and shoot. Would solve 99% of society's problems just like that.
A part of it is that our governor is a literal sociopath who would see police officers die just so he can look good and not anger the minorities enough to lose votes. Once he’s out we might get someone like Pataki who actually let the police do their fucking jobs to restore order despite the bleating of people who’ve never been to the shithole areas of the city.
Almost like one emergency service pulls your retarded ass out of a burning building and the other forces you to face consequences when you break the law. How could perception ever be biased here?
intent based sentencing is retarded
we give people a slap on the wrist for being so stupid they might kill dozens of people, just because they didn't mean to
Video games threads are often deleted
>Are you okay with heartless machines taking human life?
If the police are being run by killbots, then that mean's robotics are advanced enough for decent quality sexbots.
So yeah. I am.
Too late. Hope you like the taste of lead
we sure are lucky that the cops finally came along a hundred years ago and convinced us all to live in cities
>and the other forces you to face consequences when you break the law
so, what law did the swatted guy brake?
Post the video.
I like this discussion but theres no reason to be a fag about it, it ISNT video games
I accept that and post anyway, understanding if it gets taken down at any moment. Quit being a fag
fucking up simon says
>americans are perfectly okay for cops to kill innocent civilians
dog bless :-DDD
Quite honestly lynch yourself, /pol/scum.
because libs hate cops and i hate libs therefore i love cops, easy
I mean it's worth it if I get to own a gun and style on libtards
False reporting of a crime.
Probably manslaughter too.
>you see logic and reasoning in my previous post and i can tell
No, I don't. Every fucking news story is about how "police are evil racists and arrest innocent black man" ad infinitum. You're the one who's being willfully blind.
>its not my fault they took my 911 call seriously
t. niggers
The swatted guy, not the caller you nitwit
not an argument
Firemen are the gigachads out of any service
>Needs actual physical training to save lives, ripped as fuck even at 50 years old
>gets to live in a comfy firehouse
>doesn't fucking murder people
>is selfless and a true hero
>is friends with all his coworkers and gets paid far more than the coping cop
meanwhile cops
>degenerate fat people or lazy brainlets who don't want to get a job that you actually have to think of
>"training" consists of running for 1 mile and not dying no matter how fat you are
>has to sit in a disgusting car all day
>I'm brown and I'm big
Don't worry you'll fit right in
>reading comprehension
>implying anti cop outrage isn't just a manufactured false flag to keep you from looking at the real people fucking you over like wall street and the oligarchs
Wake up Yea Forums. Cops are pawns
Frankly with his qualifications he should get more
But they aren’t since the person who killed him got arrested
2016 election was a mistake.
True, we should also let achmed running around with manpads at an airport off.
>but possesion of those is illegal
Fucking statists not allowing me to own a fucking stinger missile just because i might do something with it?
Usually the swatter says there's terrorist activity at the location, like making bombs or some similar shit.
Wow, you're right! Better abolish all law enforcement.
not the point but okay lol
that's the price of freedom
based firechad
Answer the question dipshit
this but unironically
>Say that all cops are bad and that they don't deserve to exist. Blowing whatever statistic you have WAY out of proportion
>Move goal post by sying that it would not be total anarchy if we remove one of the only jobs designed to stop people from devolving their surroundings into total anarchy.
Holy fucking shit are you people stupid. You should all just move to africa instead where the police have no power if you hate it so much.
When was the last time a fireman killed someone while in uniform? Not to mention firemen actually have to be fit.
I can't think of anything negative about a fireman, everything about them is positive
Only thing is their uniforms are pretty lame, of course they have to be to fulfil their purpose.
In this case they were. The tip said the man had shot his mom, was armed, and holding himself up in his home. That’s why SWAT was there in the first place.
Everyone seems to conveniently miss half the fucking story.
muh joos
>Tfw manlet genes so you'll never be big enough to be a firechad
This. Cops are bros. My cousin is a cop.
Being an Amer*can
My apologies, he had about five seconds of three(?) groups of cops from three(?) angles all shouting at him to do different things and was shot.
For every black killed by the cops, there's a hundred killed by black gangbangers
>trained police BAD
>roaming deathsquad GOOD
*claps in american*
haha, yeah, I really hope you get put into a similar situation my friend : ))
This is the reason why it's standard practice to yell something like THIS IS THE POLICE *BEFORE* you pry the bars off the front door. Guaranteed that old woman thought it was a burglar or some shit.
>dude just comply if you don't want to be murdered lmao
Would you be ok with getting shot to death if cops looked like this?
Where the hell do you live? The news by me constantly shits on them and criticizes them
you might be talking to the wrong person because i agree with you
Depends, would they step on my balls before killing me ? This is important ?
>police officer is killed because nigger suddenly pulled a .380 out of his waistband and blasted the officer as they got close to put on handcuffs
i sleep
>police shoot person who made sudden movement towards their waist in defiance and paid the price
No it'd be even worse foids should be on breeding farmd
I'd be more ok with it certainly.
You can falsify your intent, but if the facts don't back up the claim to a reasonable degree, it's not gonna hold up and risk further jail time.
In this case, it was very clear that it was malicious intent. He basically hired a guy to do the fake call, him claiming to be victim of home invasion and that the dude who the police shot already killed someone and was holding his family hostage.
Show me one example of the former and I'll believe you
Genuine question, why do cops ever need a gun if they have stun guns.
>Mike Brown turns around and runs at you from down the street like you allege
>Stun gun him and he's down on the ground convulsing
I hope a police officer shoots you because he thinks you're reaching for something.
I'd be ok with execution by toxic gas.
>Still being this retarded
user, for as long as there has been ''modern'' humans (which is a few mil years at the very least) there has always been humans who are going to act as ''guardians'' and ''punishers''. The word ''cop'' has not existed for that long, but jobs/work that were almost identical has existed for almost as long as civilization itself.
Agreed user, if you defy a police officer you deserve summary execution.
>Mistaken drug raid
This is the real danger of living in 'murica. Someone writes a 1 instead of a 7 and all of a sudden police have complete immunity to do whatever the fuck they want to you and your home. There are countless stories of families having their dogs killed because after breaking in during a "drug raid" the family dog runs up barking at the intruder and then gets shot. Police of course face no consequence from this. Hell, even living NEXT to the guy getting mistakenly drug raided has consequences because police have used neighboring yards to get to the target building, and if there's a dog in one of those they end up getting shot as well.
Are you guys seeing this? Libtards literally want KILLER ROBOTS to slaughter you and your children in their sleep! Thank God I'm voting trump 2020
this but unironically
more like
>police shoot unarmed civilian the second they exit the door because they had no idea what was going on and officer is untrained 20 year old shitting his diaper and trembling in fear
>prank calls now get people arrested because muh fee fees
Fucking Americans
YOU'RE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!
>missing out on sexbots
The absolute state.
based antifa bro!
>so, what law did the swatted guy brake?
The law of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Just like every other person who has ever been in an accident.
>all the chapofags ITT