ITT: Yea Forums memes that only oldfags know at this point


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*holds up spork*

supah girr

every time

Oldfags don't exist.
The only faggots that try and cash in on "oldfag cred" are newfags trying to cope.

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t. zoomer

Xbox One will ruin console gaming who's boycotting?

t. coping newfag



Bowsette xD
only oldfags will remember...

>cash in on "oldfag cred" are newfags trying to cope.
you could tell who is a newfag though if they spout Yea Forums memes from 2008.


Why do you think that a reference to a game that only came out in 2012 is considered "old"? And why would you think only people from back then know about it when it gets posted about once a month? Hell, I've migrated to Yea Forums from Yea Forums after a Yea Forumstard recommended I should try Tribes: Ascend on a random omegle chat, and I know about it.

Pong 1 million get.

Terrible posts, as expected of phoneposters.

Should I unload some ancient memes Yea Forums?

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Post Successful

I don't think vgtg is that obscure yet.

Jesus, you should send that in to Bibliotheca Anonoma if you haven't done so already.


has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


youd be surprised the amount of people who have no idea what tribes is.

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Anyone still have their Stella chalice?


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Lol at that screenshot, you mean.

Yes please.

at least i'm not anthony burch

the fuck's that user?

here's a taste

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Open your eyes

I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.

dump that shit please

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That's not even that old.

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>tfw I have /g/ archive on one of my archive drives
and by /g/ I don't mean technology

i see your eyes are open

I was here when boomer meme started. definitely older than most people here...

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And to think it all started from a strokepost about a shitty Wii shooter

Is gurochan still around?


i remember checking the dates on this shit, and that picture actually came before the post did. someone just saw that phrase and decided to drop it on the first thread they saw on Yea Forums. history was made, probably the only thing anyone will remember The Conduit for

Man, I was on the gamespot forums back then, and I still remember that whole thing clearly.

Literally 2 seconds in Google, retard.
It's an active archive project of old internet/"internet folklore" shit with special focus on Yea Forums, 2channel, and SomethingAwful. They've got a whole load of shit archived and documented.For example: Forums/history

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Tanasinn unironically has a much better-- and actively updated-- timeline of Yea Forums. Probably because the guy who updates it lurks /qa/. Forums

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I hardly see this around anymore

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Attached: 4chan 2003.jpg (1280x960, 197K)

here's some ancient 4chidori for doing my work for me, wagie :3

Had to save it as a jpg because the screenshot was originally a .bmp. a snapshot of life back in 2006 I think

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What? The edits are flying all over the boards.

I meant this specific version
Sorry I should've made that more clear

>Not being an oldfag
Sure hope you guys dont do that

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>3) Raids are ruining Yea Forums becaue they're a chance for the 14-year-old to swarm
An eternal truth. They tried to warn us. We didn't listen.

Not a Yea Forums meme, but it just kills me that zoomers never got to experience the internet when flash videos were at their peak

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>14th anniversary coming up
>have been trying to leave this site since 2008

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Speaking of, whatever happened to /f/? Who still posts there? Isn't flash dying by the end of the year or something?

Do it

Can't you just block the site or something
Or move to Australia, some ISP have Yea Forums and stuff blocked

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/f/ is the last bastion of old Yea Forums humour and it's gonna be dead forever soon

Why do old memes have so much soul?

I miss T:A

This time, I'll show them ... online!

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Yo anyone know when will Battletoads: Cry of the 900 Mudkips edition will release on PlayStation 2?

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Fewer layers of irony.

Oldie but goodie thread? I likey.

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Remember when pic related was just a funny meme? Me neither.

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When I was new to Yea Forums people still typed out ">my face when" instead of ">mfw"
Sometimes they'd say ">mon visage" or ">mvq"

>no wojaks
>no pepes
cringe thread

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>Be newfag cancer from 2011
>Still feel like I've been on this board for way too long at this point

Weird to think that even I've been here for almost a decade.

Have a piece of history.

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anybody else remember the 25 year old boomer meme?


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>">mon visage"

I remember that, wasn't the full version of that "mon visage quad"?

The first time I played doom was on my 32X

I'm on telstra internet, and I was back on Yea Forums (without VPN and dns fuckery) like a week after the shooting.

I hear people on optus are still fucked though.

No one will know what this originated

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PS3 haz nogaems

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Same reason early /bant/ had so much soul. Posters weren't beholden to any pre-existing collective posting conventions and just wanted to have fun. Everyone was throwing everything at the wall and seeing what would stick instead of just sticking to derivations of an epic sad man MS Paint edit because that's "what's popular."

Why am I still here??

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This isn't that old, but I miss when we actually had fun threads. Now the closest thing we get is a draw thread and it's like 95% porn.

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Goliath online

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newfriends don't even know about candlejack. he wa-

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how many incarnations has gone through?


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fuck now you've taken me back
it's been so long since I saw that

Custom mousepad threads
borderlands 2 spam

this place was a lot more lighthearted before 2016. wonder what changed.

You dumbass, candlejack doesn't let you leave hyph

you're not supposed to type a hyphen at the end of candlejack posts you fucking newf

/f/ was my first contact with this place.

All those anime loops



A real part of me wishes it had died back then.

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This post contains win!


I cleared out my old hard drives, No way I have screen caps from anything past 3 years ago now. I'm just here till 8 comes back up.

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Anyone else remember /i/ the invasion board, and the one time where we blew up a van?

Old fags in term of Yea Forums or just vidya in general ?

I picked up Yea Forums at around 2011

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retarded piece of shit from russian containment board.
why are you still here? why are you but a pathetic husk of a human male?

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>there are people on this board right now that haven't watched Freakazoid

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anyone remembers NPC?

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Look at this trustworthy gentleman

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I miss demotivators.

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holy shit I'm laughing at >mvq, I haven't seen someone type that in years.

simpler times when things were stupid and while people were angry like usual people just wanted to talk about dumb video games.

Superlatively newfag Try again or lurk more.

Post the caption

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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Also 8.8

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I'm 30 and divorced.
Been here since a teen in high school

What am i doing with my life


Lel que?

Unironically miss soundthreads. They were the strongest bit of culture I think I've ever felt on Yea Forums.

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I honestly liked the song

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This isn't really "oldfag", but does anyone else remember when MLG parody videos were popular on Yea Forums around the early 2010s?

does this count?

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I want to go back

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He's coming back soon.


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That shit came out 9 years ago. Shut the fuck up big boy.

oldest I've seen so far

Literally who?

Something something katawa shoujo


Can you answer ANY of these?

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I miss when posting a picture of Ondore alongside your post gave it the opposite meaning.

I turn 30 this month and I have no idea what I'm doing with my life either.

superior song
Fuck I feel old now

Which anime is Touhou from?


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I can already hear Bonzi Buddy in the background

newfag newfag newfag

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>tfw no gf

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My first experience of Yea Forums was seeing the boards spammed with messages of a surgeon
Or something like that.

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Usually once I get a 3 day ban I leave and don't come back on for weeks until super bored. Then get addicted again, get banned again, and process repeats itself

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Why do you want the impostor when the real moot still hides in mexico.


>It'll soon be 5 years since Moot left

Yea Forums - The Vidya

the earliest meme version of that song I know is one about forum users that was midi'd on fucking geocities, it was appropriately called "We Didn't Start The Forum"

Another classic.

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I know that feel friendo.
Have a meme from /vp/

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How long has it been since you heard the term "party van"?
Also, this album

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I miss nogames


>Was around 18 or 19 when I started coming here
>Now I'm 27

I know I'm still new as fuck, but I feel like an old fart when I'm on Yea Forums these days.

mexi-moot is best moot

Don't. Discarding 15xx filenames opinions has taken a toll on me.

This video was a part of many rage threads. It feels like a breath of fresh air now. Girl is just having fun.

>I'm Freddy Francisco and I'm rich enough to afford a PS3 and 1 game, can you?

Or something to that effect

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>tfw the Internet actually is Serious Business now


>that feel when you lost your oldest memes years ago due to various computer deaths and hard drive failures over the years

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Wii? Nahhh, that's some foofoo BABY shit. Miss me with that baby shit. Me? I'm only rocking that Pee Ess Triple baybeeee.

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I'm 30 and divorced too, but I'm on my second wife who happens to also be a lurker.

If I get divorced again, I'll have to take a slice, you you DOUBLE DIVORCEE

Code Geass was 11 years ago.

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fucking lugey, wow dude I completely forgot about this shit

Wasn't that ToadyTheBro stuff from 2012?

I remember there were 2 other sheets to this test
Dunno how I did.

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>that one nip girl with an earthbound fansite
>freaked out when Yea Forums swarmed her forum

good shit

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i need em to relive my glory days

us oldfags am right? xD

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Obscure, you say?

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Speaking of old rage thread stuff, remember this fucking thing?

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That's not mud.


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ice cream? god I love ice cream!

>mfw I remember that site with the cow logo where each mouse pad was like a buck or free and the free chalices
>mfw I have no face

Fuck off roodypoo


Please, for the sake of data preservation, make a backup of your shit

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Man, reading this thread just makes me want to play some TF2 and crack open a bear.


I miss kaycee.

You lived long enough to see sakurafish banned from Yea Forums.

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what is that mysterious ticking noise

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nice KYM filename, faggot

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Back the fuck off?!?!

I'm a newfag, but I remember being on Yea Forums when Synchtube was a big thing on here.

I remember a gif of Link pulling one of those Gears of War guns out of a chest because people said if Twilight Princess had one Jeff would've gave it a 10/10. It always made me chuckle.

is that princess princess
my shit is in storage and i haven't paid on it in a couple months so i might lose it but i've got a lot of 2006-current year shit too

Continuing to drop what I find in my old Yea Forums folder

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I miss card crusher

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Nope. Anyone after 2007 is a newfag, anyone after 2012 is reddit, anyone after 2014 is a GGoober, and anyone after 2016 is an election refugee.

2008 checking in. Fucking miss /rs/ and sharethreads.


Here's a huge gift for you fags- low compression and all!

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That song was finally out of my head, fuck you

it is obscure


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drop it son

separating pokemon from Yea Forums was the right decision

the cake is a lie XD

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>forget to put noko in options
Fuck guess that thread is gone forever.

damn this was the halo 3 launch at citywalk lol



not enough icy girls

>Got here 2011
>tfw I was here only a short while before /rs/ got all its Megaupload links nuked from it

Upload to mega then post here

>browsing Yea Forums since 2005
>tfw half of the memes itt, including the blanket use of the word meme, seem recent

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I remember Ultros threads.
I miss them.

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>that day that moot made noframe the default

i was legit pissed

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>2007 junior year
>last couple weeks of school
>hear classmates talking about how Yea Forums hates spiderman 3
>what are you guys talking about
>we arent allowed to say :^)
>left in the dark completely
>fast forward like 6 months
>someone on gamefags potd board posts a "Yea Forums is a scary place" comic with some cute bunny
>go there and everything finally makes sense
I've been ruined and a terrible person ever since

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>Remember 1999-2010
>Internet was so fun and funny.
>2019 now.
>Best thing about the internet is a relaunch of a 15 year old game.
>Yea Forums is the only decent place left.
>Future was so bright.

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hay guis am i an oldfig yed?? xx__DD

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I came here to laugh at you.

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Someone got the old Scientology stuff?

holy shit what did this fag say again? *nods in your direction* or some shit?

Chanology is newfag shit, fuck off.

The one true moot

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

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Yea Forums is not even a decent place anymore. It's a shitty place in an ocean of absolute garbage.

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t. 2004

fuck off twitternigger.

What did noko even mean?

I know where sage came from but not noko

Why must you make me feel this way?

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I forgot the context for this meme but here it is, teedus

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I hated Yea Forums so much for being a Nintendo fanboy board, the Wii had nothing but shovelware, and one game every 6 months for the first two years. Mods would delete your threads or posts if you called the Wii a piece of shit and start stalking your IP and try to brainwash you into being a Nintendo fanboy. It was a shovelware developer named Malstrom, who unironically wanted everything to be kiddy games forever and ruined this website, he actually kept deleting the very first Demon's Souls import threads and the guy making the threads had to go on IIRC and dick suck the mods before they stopped being deleted by Malstrom. Yea Forums single handedly made FromSoft a successful company by importing the game and showing interest. I tried reasonable discourse and told Malstrom the Wii needed stricter quality control and less shovelware, but since he made the shittiest shovelware games and didn't want to get kicked out of the market, started IP stalking me and bullying me, unironically saying repeated "One day every genre of videogame will die off except simplistic platformers, but at least it will be better than a hardcore videogame crash.". The mods were being bribed by Malstrom to turn Yea Forums into a Nintendo fanboy shithole, but not with money, Malstrom told the mods he'd implement their ideas into his shitty shovelware games if they shilled and turned Yea Forums into a Nintendo fanboy shithole.

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ice cream? god I love ice cream!

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I can relate to this feel.

t. 80 B.C.

pissing in an ocean of piss etc etc

anyone have the desktop screenshot?


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Remember when Yea Forums was good?

*nods respecfully towards you* stand your ground against these fucks, and try to cope as best as you can

Funny thing is, on her twitter after she doubled down and said the guy killing himself wasn't her fault, people are saying almost the same thing

>tfw there was a future where the best board still exists before we entered this doomed timeline

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man i miss EFG. it's even the right size too

Remember when Left 4 Dead 2 caused quite the stir?

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niggers tongue my anus.


that can't be

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the toppest of keks

If I remember right, weren't both these images big things on Yea Forums around 2011?

There's some smaller comfy chans out there but they're pretty much all intended for /jp/ type autists.

Realistically Yea Forums can never be salvaged without purging a couple problem boards and aggressively banning for poor quality posts/letting users sagebomb unwanted threads, none of which will ever happen.

Back in the day when you replied to a post it would automatically send you back to ‘catalog’ so putting noko in would made it so you stay in the thread.

I actually came here 2013 around the Final Con Panel after a friend of mine encouraged me to lurk the site, I didn't use reddit until late 2014 where I briefly used it for gaymergay

>Why do old memes have so much soul?

Everything is too Reddit influenced, which is itself normalfag influenced and incredibly post-modernist and edgy. Nobody is capable of laughing at themselves anymore without it being in some way subversive or deconstructionist.

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He's also as literal shill paid by Nintendo of America.

Yea Forums was never good.

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>tfw remember most of these memes
>don't remember 3 out of 4 years of college


I have no idea the dates

Time has no meaning to me, it all blurs together

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At least it wasn't a literal 3DPD porndump then.

Attached: 034%20-%20Rockman%20X.jpg (1200x1600, 486K)

This was always one of my absolute favourites and the fact that it never lasted genuinely upsets me.

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>he got away with everything
fuck him AND his donation drive also fuck the cat

No I know that I used it myself.

I mean where the fuck did the phrase noko come from and why was that the command chosen for it

Yes it was, stop pretending.

Attached: Are you trying to rea(...).jpg (800x3624, 243K)

Answer me this Yea Forums in 2019:


4am posting, which happened twice because the majority of posters are from the east and west coast of the United States.

... I've lost control of my life

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mods delete this shit thread

It had cheese pizza and gore back then

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dude that's not an oldfag thing... shazbowl was just like a couple years ago...

How do I shot web?

I'm talking the old shit.

it all makes sense now, thank you user

>Realistically Yea Forums can never be salvaged without purging a couple problem boards and aggressively banning for poor quality posts/letting users sagebomb unwanted threads, none of which will ever happen.

At this point, I feel like the problems with Yea Forums lie with Internet culture as a whole, such as how everything is homogenized so that you see the same stuff on every site, and how everything is about some dumb political outrage thesse days.

Hold the fucking phone. College Humor didn't make this did they? I thought it was some fags from YTMND or something.

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I honestly forgot. Been so many years.

not old, but still good shit.

somebody post cheetus

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"oh no, something is garnering more than 3 posts a minute. SHUT IT DOWN"

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do you have the mustard gas one

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Why am I so pig-like in appearance

now it has cocks

>>that feel when you lost your oldest memes years ago due to various computer deaths and hard drive failures over the years

It hurts. I only go back to 2013 and I had some gold mines going back as far as 07.

Remember when Yea Forums was the board that was blamed when there were off-topic shitposters on Yea Forums?

You've got Bald Power! Use it!
Sweet Bald!

I remember watching it on their site and then them upload it on YouTube.

This is basically it. Monetization of the internet, for lack of a better word, brought in normal fags.

Because memes actually lasted a long ass time. They were in-jokes, yes, but they were also long-term impacts on the culture of a board. Iterating on those memes in clever ways was also encouraged.

Newage memes might last a year now at best before fading away pretty completely. The internet is just too big and too fast now. No one can have the time to do big, clever iterations on memes.

Hell, I've seen more and more memes with like "watermarks" on them to show authorship, which is fundamentally against the soul of memes.

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For most of them its probably the sincerity. There was less ironic comedy or absurdist self-aware humour, when you saw a joke you could be reasonably certain it was not made in earnest instead of the default being three layers of irony with an agenda to push.

At most there were memes made to mock the subject while presenting an image of sincerity like consolewar shitposts, but even those were smaller in number and most were direct insults or critiques instead.

>the tripfag cancer era is now almost a decade old

I'm glad it faded from memory. I did enjoy the constant dick shoops though.

wanna be with you
and make believe with you

>/l/ is purple
Based and /lolikon/ pilled.

Attached: nic.jpg (384x480, 32K)

I see. Time is blurry to me as well, but the early 2010s stand out to me because that was when I got here.

It has gotten way more gay for some reason. I randomly looked at it a few months back and it’s just a ton of trap and sissy stuff.

Attached: 66mez7.gif (320x175, 1.12M)

Don't worry bro, just put on your coolface.

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fuck you

>4.93 posts per minute
>most of it is autistic shitpostings and homosexual stuff

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I have been searching for that babby picture for years ever since I lost my old hard drive if there's any thread I'm going to find it in its this one so someone please post it if you have it.

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Attached: candle.jpg (600x414, 20K)

galo sengen

IRC it means stay or something just another example of how huge a weeb moot is/was.

at least post the original

Attached: Blank_8c96c6_522669.jpg (700x1000, 272K)

>Google "babby"
>click Images
are you literally retarded

don't forget cock rate and tribute threads

It's Pete time

Attached: 1204785865242.jpg (300x400, 63K)

Ebaumsworld did it.

Thank you


Attached: swapspit.jpg (550x412, 25K)

I think we need to expand our scope as to why the internet is so shit beyond just reddit, because it isn't just reddit, it's also twitter and discord to a greater extent.
Especially discord, which for some reason constantly gets free pass here for its drama, e-whoring, personality circlejerking, blogposting, and internet genericum because it's a "communication tool" when that's what fucking threads are for on this site in the first place.
Fuck reddit,
Fuck twitter,
and most of all,
FUCK discord.

Attached: puking jenny.png (482x679, 140K)

using "meme" to mean "image macro" is recent, or at least is something that started in the last 10 years

Oh god no.

My guess is it comes from nokoru, i.e. to remain


Attached: 296hmok.gif (250x188, 460K)


t. Ayashii World 1995

Fucking top me without cheating.

Attached: nanacacrash.jpg (700x465, 42K)

Thank you for the little slice of home lads. I'm going to work.

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I remember when moot was meximoot and longcat was just a wallpaper of him destroying tokyo.

One died of cancer right? They even killed him in a funny fashion manner at the spaceship. Lost my shit.

member the cute and funny board?

4 Str 4 Stam Leather Belt?

Attached: 1204688823019.gif (400x320, 287K)

i got you bro

Attached: 1286569824480.jpg (691x796, 66K)

The weirdest thing to me these days is how people view memes as "political weapons" now.

Everything is not how it seems

it was but god it wasn't in the sorry state it's in now. I used to have good times in old Yea Forums but now it's just another porn board.

>iShit filename
>most surfce-level of "oldfg" memes
Fuck off newfag, you ain't fooling nobody.

Attached: dntlkwhtylk.png (661x601, 31K)

mongler and him are the most fallen from grace memes on this site.

I remember seeing slap your shit gnome in 2007.

Lazily made this a while ago

Attached: 1554722057744.jpg (1024x1024, 282K)



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HEY Yea Forums!


You may not like it, but he's right, you know

Attached: 1197037145612.png (1019x1419, 127K)

I've got this burning like my veins are filled with nothing but gasoline...
Act III never, bros.


>spongebob comics are dead


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Fuck this is old

mon visage quand

newfag newfag newfag

What actually happens with this one?

Oh, and this image took over 9000 hours in MSPaint

Hiro gives you the site as a gift. Through unknown means histing fees will never be an issue and mods plus jannies will do what they're told for any rules changes.

What do you do to try improve the site?

Remember when there was also that Jupiter tripfag in 2012 that spammed off-topic threads?

Attached: 19pkGhk.gif (250x250, 1.06M)
I have lost a ton of shit thanks to pc failures and stuff

Attached: 1538458269662.jpg (600x800, 72K)

Attached: 1274441472923.png (1024x1152, 346K)

reopen /z/

Attached: 1187670309850.jpg (300x320, 40K)

It was College Humor. Back when they weren't shit prior to most of their writing staff/actors leaving for better things.

Shut it down for 3 months

Rule 34 on 404 girl

>tfw Synctube is dead and we'll never all giggle to the same stupid fucking songs over and over

Attached: 1567755385254.png (411x411, 332K)

shitpost on /5/ and never bother with anywhere else

bring back dubs

Attached: add 2.jpg (833x889, 114K)

You get 2nd degree burns.

Attached: jax.jpg (97x100, 2K)

Remember you are here forever.

Attached: 1143062467774.jpg (565x600, 69K)


You know what I REALLY miss the cringy panels we had when moot was still a thing.

God Hand 3/10
BABY’s 9/10

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Legitimately either shut down /pol/ or shut down the site

Sadly accurate to this day.

Attached: brknprmss.png (548x1874, 51K)

Assuming you don't burn the fuck out of your hand the spoon would likely explode into jagged pieces of very hot sharp metal.

Samefag here, going to drop this last one as a reminder of the past. Don't forget to you faggets.

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I remember that one more as (C) JAX THE BAT
>that one time fucking Kayla-Na showed up

Attached: 1296177226609.jpg (780x457, 78K)
was better tbqh

Attached: 2 (2).gif (686x773, 13K)


Attached: 1200px-799Guzzlord.png (1200x1200, 725K)

>What do you do to try improve the site?

Bring back public bans, incentivise board culture through stickies, sound etc. cut back on a number of boards which were added unnecessarily, police e-celeb threads, add more word filters to fuck over formulaic threads, force 1 post by this ID posters out etc.

Attached: party.jpg (600x742, 57K)

Damn, am I getting it mistaken for something else then? Wasn't there a YTMND version of the song?

ban twitter threads? Fuck I don't know. The problem has more to do with who is on the site rather than the site itself

Attached: 1186769788428.jpg (342x300, 27K)

Also good

I make it a rule that posting any form of Twitter screencap bullshit gives you a week-long ban.

Attached: twitter screencap threads.png (385x541, 262K)

Attached: gaben_on_vacation.jpg (642x413, 31K)

Attached: Cover-tom2[1].jpg (565x600, 40K)

Anyone else want to go back to the early-mid 2000's? We had so much to look forward to then.
I never wanted to grow up, I knew it was a fucking scam from day 1.

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This + close down the site for a month and ban phoneposting.

Enforce an image reply limit to once per person per thread.

Half Life 3.

Attached: 11847025.jpg (520x390, 43K)

Public bans, horrible background animations and sounds, also the removal of any General thread.

If I see that fucking cat one more time...

Attached: 1213410345339.jpg (520x343, 80K)

I'm mad that I never got mine, goddamnit

What is the best arcade game and why is it Revolution X

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>don't be cancer

We didn't listen.

Attached: 1155994746249.jpg (268x374, 29K)

Nah cunt

I'm so old I remember when we had porn threads on here. I remember before it was called furry porn/yiff, we had furry hentai/pokeporn threads. That's how old I am
Lolcatz lingo

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/incel/ - internet celebrities

Something something Boxie.

Attached: POKEMON.jpg (560x2529, 254K)

Attached: mdctz.jpg (1430x1136, 149K)

You will never recapture what made Yea Forums great. The internet and its users have changed too much for that to happen. The Wild West was won; the likes of which will never be seen again.

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thank god i'm just a newfag
i wish i saved old images though

Attached: ww2 rts.gif (250x250, 1.06M)


Attached: Arcueid.png (936x1836, 1.08M)

newfags can’t triforce

publicly sticky dox on all the mods/admins and link to sites where you can buy anthrax spores.

Attached: WAKEY WAKEY JANNIES.webm (854x480, 571K)
something something Martini-chan

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Attached: jeep.gif (525x248, 547K)

Attached: be9.jpg (460x500, 42K)

Honestly need to bad low effort shitpost words and political stuff

So old it remembers the times of Yea Forums posters having friends

yup feel the same about the meme word too

Attached: PB9d7.jpg (450x600, 34K)

bucket walrus

Fuck I hate newfags

propaganda is just political memes

prove me wrong

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change the green to yellow and this would basically be the plot of FE3H

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Attached: azncat.jpg (393x387, 70K)

Here you go Yea Forums

Attached: 1528801947666.gif (546x426, 32K)

Now there's a name I've not heard in a long time...

Attached: 1250212360203.gif (528x454, 81K)

>The Wild West was won; the likes of which will never be seen again.

>we can't always fight nature user. We can't fight change, we can't fight gravity, we can't fight nothing.

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this still gets a chuckle out of me so much time later

We can't always win, but we can always fight. Sometimes the fight is what matters user.

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How does a squid tickle you?
With Ten Tickles!

In rough order:
>IP range ban all possible mobile networks from posting.
>Issue more public bans as warnings.
>Increase character counts on posts to encourage more longform discussion.
>Increase max posted filesize and give PDFs+audio webms to more boards.
>Put in place a sitewide ban on Pepe and Wojak plus derivatives for at least two years.
>Discontinue passes without warning.
>Delete: /pol/, /r9k/, /soc/, /bant/, Yea Forums, /mlp/, and /news/. Delete /vip/ when the last pass expires, keep all topics banned from other boards that were permitted on the deleted ones banned (e.g. mlp stays gone)
>Create: /cape/ for Marvel plus DC properties, ban them from all other boards but Yea Forums and /toy/.
>Aggressively ban shitposts and remove threadmaking priviliges from repeated problem IPs permanently even after bans expire.

Attached: 1542678667593.gif (560x442, 74K)

Unironically shut it down forever. It's time for this site to die.

Last one for now boys, been a fun nostalgia trip, 2009 newfag here, out

Attached: fnnyjks.jpg (335x1110, 193K)

Here user, you can keep it alive.

Attached: 1250212637057.gif (300x221, 33K)

>tfw this makes me feel nostalgic for 2010 YouTube

here's an ancient oldfag meme:


Please rate

Do you remember? It was like an event. It was fantastic.

I also went back recently and like it more than modern WoW. How the mighty have fallen.

Attached: tortanic.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

sadly he got replaced by carlos


I kind of miss the early 2010s these days, even though I was already an adult at that point.

Fukken saved, classic

Oh and put in more wordfilters to try weed out shit threads before they can get made. Maybe put up a sticky on every board like /fit/ and /tg/ have laying out basuc board culture or soecific rules.

the S is kinda tiny tho, should have been the fat one

Malstrom also gave me malware and keyloggers, and throttles my internet every time I shitpost about him.

Attached: 1353435158811.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

Haruhi Suzamiya Endless 8.8

Implement a bunch of wordfilters to kill the current crop of shitty electionigger/twitter niggerspeak infesting literally everywhere. Be more original, you cunts.

Ban any and all social media screencap threads.

Make a /cel/ - Celebrities, a board to /trash/ any and all e-celeb talk, also make it an /mlp/-style containment for celeb generals like that kpop shit that infests /trash/ and Yea Forums and the idolshit killing /jp/. Make it a mod-moderated only board, jannies will only cause drama.

Force every topic board to efficiently use board space. Delete threads and temp ban posters who make threads on topics already clearly in the catalog. Make newfags afraid of making new threads and force a habit of checking the catalog.

Thinly-veiled off-topic threads are an insta-ban. You know the type.

Public bannings will be more frequent, BUT such threads where there is a public ban will be locked, allowing to act as an example without the retarded "MODS = GODS" fanfare spam.

Lend more traffic to other less-often used but ultimately useful boards like /i/, /c/, and /bant/ through their active promotion in a sticky on any board where they make sense.

Attached: 1207175829778.png (661x487, 37K)

are you data mining to try and make yourself out to be an oldfag later?

I want dubs back

Attached: 1544820765874.png (700x716, 815K)

you guys are still my only friends

Only semi-related, but does anyone else remember AMV Hell as fondly as I do?
This shit was hilarious to me.

fuck yeah, no one makes amvs now, IT SUCKS, but amv hell was awesome, 7 is still the best

So old memes are just as dumb as new memes?

Attached: 1559354290920.jpg (750x579, 419K)

>Not the DOOK

>IP range ban all possible mobile networks from posting.
Most traffic is from phones so that’s not happening
>Issue more public bans as warnings.
Do it to shame faggots
>Increase character counts on posts to encourage more longform discussion.
This doesn’t really matter because most people don’t do long posts anymore
>Increase max posted filesize and give PDFs+audio webms to more boards.
No idea why webm don’t have audio so that would be good
>Put in place a sitewide ban on Pepe and Wojak plus derivatives for at least two years.
This would be great. They have been past their prime
>Discontinue passes without warning.
No. I like posting every 30 seconds.
>Delete: /pol/, /r9k/, /soc/, /bant/, Yea Forums, /mlp/, and /news/. Delete /vip/ when the last pass expires, keep all topics banned from other boards that were permitted on the deleted ones banned (e.g. mlp stays gone)
They would just go to other boards and shit them up more than now.
>Create: /cape/ for Marvel plus DC properties, ban them from all other boards but Yea Forums and /toy/.
Seems ok
>Aggressively ban shitposts and remove threadmaking priviliges from repeated problem IPs permanently even after bans expire.
Maybe just ban low effort shitpost

it also ruined Yea Forums in a particular way because it caused overreaction bullshit and when mixed with contrarianism led to games being shitposted about on release day even if those games had barely been talked about at all because those who weren't around for it want to be a part of something like it
it was great to make fun of STANREY ROO's RINE ENDS HERE

>Lend more traffic to other less-often used but ultimately useful boards like /i/, /c/, and /bant/ through their active promotion in a sticky on any board where they make sense.
Unironically sounds like a poor idea

It'd just make them shitpost targets at the start and nobody would stick around. Directing traffic there would need to be more gradual.

I think a larger part of the anger was how Galaxies had died not long before.

We didn't call them memes back then.

ban all phoneposters
implement kanji captcha

I just fixed the site overnight

>Most traffic is from phones so that’s not happening
In the scenario given hosting is covered so I do not give one fuck about losing traffic particularly from phone posters.

Phone posting is a major factor behind shitposting, it made it go from requiring a dynamic ip+resetting your router to turning on airplane mode and then turning it back off.

It's particularly a problem since teens, college kids, and neets are the type to have less easy access to disabling their router but are more likely to shitpost.

i used to call everything demotivational posters back then


>I make poost

Attached: sf1.jpg (661x960, 62K)


I think it’s low effort shitpost that messed everything up and retards not knowing to not feed “trolls”.

literal 19yo zoomer here
none of those are memes that only an oldfag would know. literally anyone who has used the internet before has heard of these.
i mean come the fuck on,
your fucking grandmom probably recognizes these

Attached: A6D97908-68EF-4381-BE08-F271F1E49135.jpg (640x512, 23K)

>Yea Forums actually was a wild west semi dangerous hacker enclave at one point
kinda sorta anyhow but fuck you it was 2005 and any website was cool when I was 15


Get out of my thread kid. Before I beat you with my cane.

I think 4 is my favorite just because it really feels like the culmination of everything. It also captures the Deathnote era of anime really nicely which was one of the best times to be on Yea Forums. It was a love letter to the series and a perfect capstone.

Nigger, even at 15 you would have seen how shitty twitter, facebook, and reddit are.

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>came to this site when I was 13 and lurked until I was 18
I really kept to that lurkmoar newfag thing

It's not like Discord is any more fucky than IRC was at it's peak. The dramatics, the user rivalries that cause trouble for people unrelated to it, the powertripping admins and dick sucking cronies are all the exact same as they were then. The only difference between then and now is the ability to voice chat and the fact that the internet isn't niche anymore.
That's the heart of it. Beyond any site or system of messaging or big event, the reason things changed is because the gates got opened. The Internet inevitably evolved from a niche social area being explored to a tool almost the entire world uses daily. You can't close that Pandora's box anymore. The best you can do is find a forum or social circle that can be closed off or niche to keep that judgement out.