Death Stranding has no gamepla-

>Death Stranding has no gamepla-

Attached: Death Stranding Combat Gameplay.webm (640x360, 3M)

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it's like he can't move past metal gear solid


So from what I've seen from this game you pretty much just deliver packages and if you get caught you have a few options to get away. So it's like MGS but you work for FedEx

Is there any chance they fix the fuckawful jumping and falling animations before release?

>shitposting thread dies
>make another right away

Yes but with less depth to the stealth and combat mechanics. Instead the focus is on actual walking mechanics like balance and center of gravity. It's an absolute joke

It's out in two months, it has almost certainly gone gold already.

What do you expect from a hack?

I hope those are just the shit tier enemies, that looks easy as fuck to get away

tic tac toe had more gameplay then this piece of pretentious fart

Attached: 1563933006756.jpg (640x736, 42K)

Yeah I think this game is only getting hyped because Kojima is involved with it. If you think about it we didn't even see gameplay for it for like 2 years and people were excited even if the trailers didn't make any goddamn sense. I guess it's at least somewhat unique

Something about the run cycle bothers me but I don't know what.

Genuine question, why doesn't Kojima just make movies? Why even make Death Stranding a videogame? What's the point?

>It's a movie gam-

Attached: Death Stranding Takedown.webm (900x506, 2.03M)

he's recieved offers to make movies and said no. It's a video game because there is interactive elements to death stranding. You may not like them, but there's clearly player interaction

He probably likes to make games and has experience in that area? I don't know. I'm sure he would've made movies already if that's what he wants to do.

Death Stranding would not work as a movie.

what the actual fuck?

Attached: 1568445255470.png (450x450, 461K)

No one would watch it because he's shit at writing. He maybe passable for video game standards not for movies.

>He probably likes to make games
Then why doesn't he ever do that?
>has experience in that area
Since when?

>Then why doesn't he ever do that?
Refer to

>refer to this cinematic bullshit

I don't know. from the 80s or something. Anyway. It's completely different area to direct games than movies.

this looks strange, are there anymore executions so I know they don't all look like he's getting his soul reaved?

It's literally just a movie where you do delivery fetch quests between scenes

>trailer explicitly shows that the game consists of walking from point A to point B with occasional stealth gameplay at outposts you can just walk around / roaming enemies you can sneak past
>somehow Yea Forums thinks it's not a walking simulator
See before this game a "walking simulator" was a game like last of us or god of nuwar, where you had dull non-gameplay walking sections for the purpose of furthering the shitty story (and hiding load screens).
But kojima has gone and taken it to new levels. This game is *literally* about walking. Now you can walk across chasms with a ladder, or down cliffs with a rope, and up and down hills. Oh boy oh boy.
Fucking joke. Where's the agency, where's the FUN?

Stealth takedowns are so fucking boring, at least implement a cqc system or something goddamn


imagine actually getting excited for a Kojimeme game after MGS4 & 5 especially.

Attached: 1542431496944.jpg (221x195, 17K)

>a "walking simulator" was a game like last of us or god of nuwar

Attached: pp,650x642-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg (750x1000, 57K)

Wow you saved a FUCK DRUMPF protest image, what a gay


No it wasn't retard, a walking simulator was Dear Esther where you LITERALLY only walk.

I hate how you stupid faggots ruin the meaning of terms.


if only i was american to care about some pathetic picture i saved once.

did kojimer steal the code for the Fox engine before leaving Konami? That fucking running animation bro

>I almost bought a PS4 just for this game

Attached: 1509390320892.png (666x656, 113K)

It's probably just the same animators, they came over with Kojima from Konami.


ps4 fanboys right now:

best fucking game ever cut short from kojimmer wasting too much money and not being able to be trusted with making a grocery store list. yea i'd be trying to do it right with my own company too but i won't be surprised if its like a george lucas thing where it turns out the people "holding back" kojima were what kept it good.

Video game is so substandard that a hack like Kojima is getting constant praise. He's like the Zack Snyder of video game ffs.

>He's the Kubrick of video games

Attached: Kojima is the Kubrick of vidya.png (1732x166, 68K)

The animations are atrocious.
>inb4 he was a robot all along or some shit so it's supposed to be bad!

wtf is this shit? even MGS3 on ps2 had better takedown and CQC animations. this just looks like the game couldn't decide which one to use and flipped between 2 because the angle wasn't correct or something

ITT: Sour grapes.

Attached: DeathStrandingGoldFace.jpg (2560x1440, 1.51M)

>actual deep walking mechanics
It's pretty cool not gonna lie. You just know games in the future, specifically military shooters will use this type of inventory/traversal system in future games

I have a PS4 and the game looks like crap, It looks like a shittier Phantom Pain which is already setting the bar low.

>no one has shown Reedus peedus on a human corpse

Missed opportunity really.

this looks so shit lmao

You're still going to get it anyways.

I hated Phantom Pain and this looks like Phantom Pain but you're a delivery boy, why would I waste my money?

>Why wouldn't I get the inevitable GOTY

Attached: Death Stranding Gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.1M)

because reboots can be fun?

Attached: p.jpg (800x1117, 254K)

>not peeing on him afterwards.

>It's an absolute joke
Looks pretty original to me. It's actually putting a twist and doing something creative with the drab open-world game.
You have to deliver packages, and you traverse the land to do it.
But maybe there's a BT-infested ruined cityscape one way, the shorter way, and maybe that's too much, so you take the mountain around it. In any other Open-world game this would carry no risk. You just climb the mountain and down again. In Assassin's Creed for example you don't even die from fall damage anymore. There is no risk to traversal.
In DS the mountain path maybe free of BT's, but it's still an effort for you. You have to think about how you're going to traverse the mountain. Fall too far and your packages will break.