Any WW2 games with a single player campaign told from the POV of the good guys?

Any WW2 games with a single player campaign told from the POV of the good guys?

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kys wehraboo

Arent they all?

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Call of duty: world at war but only one half. Guess which one

Call of Duty 2

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Play Hearts of Iron 3 and rewrite history

fuck WWII, we need more games about WWI

True but I don't want a soulless FPS game. A stealth game set in ww2 or in the 19th century would be godly

>tfw no medal of honor style 'everywhere' fps game from the axis perspective
>start on the eastern front of ww1, move to western, then freikorps, and ww2
>no Italian spinoff with Ethiopia, Greece, Africa and the charge at Izbushensky
>no Japanese spinoff with Tsingtao, Truku, Manchuria, Indochina, and Mongolia
Why live?

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Based and anglopilled

>unironically thinking soldiers are "good guys" or "bad guys"

There are no good guys in WAR, a waste of money, a waste of resources and a waste of life. If only we could have progress without the urge to kill each other.


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All of them are, as far as I know

CoD3 had Polish missions.


>Any WW2 games with a single player campaign told from the POV of the good guys?

>The wife of a German soldier who lived in Wereth told members of the notorious 1st SS Division that black American soldiers were hiding in her village. The SS troops quickly moved to capture the Americans, who surrendered without resistance. The SS men then marched their prisoners to a nearby field, where they were beaten, tortured, and finally shot.[4]

>The frozen bodies of the victims were discovered six weeks later, when the Allies re-captured the area. The SS troops had battered the black soldiers' faces, broken their legs with rifle butts, cut off fingers, stabbed some with bayonets, and had shot at least one soldier while he was bandaging a comrade's wounds.[3]

Were they as armia ludowa? AKA the only good polish guys in ww2

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My heart goes out to all the innocent house pets that had to die during the Dresden bombings

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Not WW2, but there is a Vietnamese game called "7554" where you play as the Viet Minh against the French.

>be masterrace
>lose both world wars
>"S-stupid allies weren't doing war fair!"

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Do you feel the same about the Indochina wars?

>America enters war
>Brings Shotgun
>Germans cry like bitches.

The first CoD had a Soviet campaign.

First Company of heroes has Wehrmacht campaign about a Tiger crew and Panzer Elite (politically correct way to say SS Panzer division) campaign where you BTFO Anglos in operation Market Garden.

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Realistic WW1 games would be boring as hell, it's why we dont get a lot of them
>sit in a trench for 30 minute match waiting on assault troops to jump in with grenades and flamethrowers

>be masterrace
>need entire world's military to team up and stop you
>get territory taken, general populace resorts to degeneracy and economy destroyed
>manage to build country up to a world power and negate Great Depression when the rest of the world is still struggling in less than a decade
>lose war to rest of the world again after it takes two of the largest armies in the world to stop 3 countries from breaking away from central banking scam

But user they were commies

i would kill for some underground railroad stealth/slave uprising gameplay. The haitian revolution would be chefs kiss.

Kek. Absolutely based.

Man I hate wehrahboos. Always fucking crying despite the fact there always the one to try to take on the world.
I'm still bringing my boomstick to your trenches you little bitch. Suck on that schnitzel bitch.


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French in any war are a fucking joke.
Couldn't even do anything in the African world war.

All the good Frenchmen died at Verdun, the Somme, and the Marne

is it good?

all the good Frenchies fell at Waterloo

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>not that the French were the good guys

People like to meme the eternal anglo or german are behind all the wars and chaos in Europe but the French had been at it for fucking centuries and got to keep all their gains. They get away with just being a butt of a joke in modern times because of an anomalously bad performance in WW2.

Napoleon era was the last time the French weren't laughably shit in any conflict.
Jesus Christ what happened?

Not just ww2 user but yes you are correct. They didn't get to suffer as much as the krauts financially because they were usually apart of the winning side.
That being said the krauts started ww2 without a doubt.

I agree, we need more games where you play as a soldier of the National Revolutionary Army and chase down reds while surviving operation Ichi-Go

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merely a meme, the French have the best war record in human history by a hilarious amount, the next best isn't even close to them

Consistently unstable governments. Two kingdoms, three empires and five republics.

>where you play as a soldier of the National Revolutionary Army and take bribes and buy hookers while fleeing to the autonomous province of Taiwan

There isn't any sadly. And I'm Polish, but come one Nazis had kino aesthetics, and poles were gonna lose no matter who won the war

Eat shit cunt, my grandfather was armia krajowa and killed you commie cunts

>autonomous province

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I'll be honest and say you are correct in terms of there track record.
Modern day France still are war waging fucks that get there asses handed to them alot.
Well spoken user that answered my question perfectly.

Soviets were the only good guys in WW2. Anglos and US were fighting for money, France actually lost the war and other other country was too small and weak to make any significant impact.

But poles won ww2. The good ones at least.

Which Jew “historian” made this lie up?

There's a special place in hell for you commies, really, it's actually nice, Satan recreated 1917 Russia in hell where you get hunted down by Cheka over and over again

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Tell any Pole this and he will kick your teeth in. WW2 ended in 1989 for us

I don't give a single shit about stillborn ideology, I'm just saying that soviet people were the only heroes of this war, you dumb pol faggot.

>Us were fighting for money
What a sack of shit. They just didn't want Germany to own majority of Europe nigga. Which they fucking did.

Being sent by the boatload half not even armed chased with bullets from your own side, is your idea of heroic apparently

>US were fighting for money and influence
happy now?
Did you get your knowledge of history from Hollywood movies? Absolute state.

It was a common story before they even made the movie smartass

Yes now give me a gf.

Well, absolute state of the US education then.
Come and get one yourself, you lazy faggot. It's not like it's hard. Just be good looking and don't act like an autist.

Oh yeah I’ll go there to kill you, satan and all the zionists like Trumpy once and for all.

Nearly all of the Medal of Honor games

>inb4 b-b-b-b the Nazis were the real good guys
and to that I say

>Don't act like an autist.
user why do you think I'm in this thread? I can't help it.
Also no u

The surrender meme was created when the US invaded Iraq and France refused to join in the illegal war.

basically all of them why ?

>be niggers
>rape German girl
>hide in German village
>we dindu nuffin y racist yt gotta give us up to the SS
>Get beaten to death
And nothing of value was lost

Wasn't talking about the Le France white flag meme anywhom user.

France is the bad guy in just about any war it gets involved in

>illegal war

>general populace resort to degeneracy
A myth
>economy destroyed
As was the rest of Europe
>manage to build country up to a world power
They already were one of the top 3 in europe, hell even the beggining of your post says they were one of the best
>nd negate Great Depression when the rest of the world is still struggling in less than a decade
Nah, Nazis policies only led to an hyper inflationinflation. This is what happened at the end of the war, and what they were warned off by their first Minister of Economy. Secretly printing money and rationing everything may help for a few years but it's african tier.

>lose war to rest of the world again after it takes two of the largest armies in the world to stop 3 countries from breaking away from central banking scam
Germany had to constantly borrow money, even after defeating France. They did uses their dominant position to repay debts whenever they wanted, qo I suppose they did actually do defeat central banking, by acting like a thug.

lol fuck france amirite ?
brb gonna get me some freedom fries

Fries are Belgian. Nice try though, Pierre

your point being ?

Stop typing like a fucking retard, Pierre.

Not really but interesting none the less, given that Vietnam rarely develops games.


Panzer General
Panzer Corps
Order of Battle
Codename: Panzers
Aces of the Deep
Silent Hunter
Company of Heroes

Not as embarrassing as being French

>lol fuck france amirite ?
This but unironically.
You faggots are responsible for the enlightenment AND postmodernism/existentialism.

Also the French Revolution, which was objectively the worst event of the 2nd millenium

Silent Storm 2

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