Nintendo took MM1 and made it better in almost every single way. Has a bit less charm compared to the first title, and there are some tweaks I would make to the online experience, but otherwise a great game, you really can't go wrong with this series. Also heavily impressed by how creative the community has been, some of these levels I couldn't even dream of coming up with.
>New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (4/10)
They didn't even bother making any changes to a game that was already mediocre and boring 6 fucking years ago. Avoid unless you somehow haven't already played any of the other New Super Mario Bros. games.
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses (7/10)
Pretty good game. Enjoyable battles, best story of any fire emblem so far, best characters as well. Weighed down by being EXTREMELY fucking easy, having a visually bland and boring hub area, and being obviously rushed in terms of development (Edelgard path, for instance)
>Astral Chain (5/10)
One of the worst Platinum games ever. Combat is certainly enjoyable when the camera isn't fucking shit up. Investigation/exploration sections, however, are pretty fucking bad. One of the selling points of platinum's action games is that they have great replayability potential, and now that they added these plodding sections filled with lifeless NPCs standing in place and nothing fun or cool happening, that aspect is kind of ruined. Also entire game is way too fucking easy, except for the final boss.
>Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes (7/10)
Combat isn't particularly great, but the team that made this are very creative individuals. Love the different scenarios and gameplay change-ups.
>Yoshi's Crafted World (5/10)
Another middling Yoshi game. Incredible how the first game in this dude's series was one of the best platformers of all time, meanwhile this is just boring trite. If you have any kids this'll probably entertain them, at least.
But of course You played Easy mode with the impression that it was hard mode. Maddening makes it harder than fucking New Mystery, Infernal is gonna be scary as fuck
>shit camera and a little on the simple/easy size with very few combos to chose from >character customization is severely lacking, only 4 outfits and only one of them lets you customize the colors >too many fucking astral plane puzzles >lifeless characterization, no memorable personalities aside from Lappy and maybe kind of Jena Anderson >story is pretty terrible, braindead anime tropes throughout, characters have story threads which are completely dropped by the end >30 FPS with frequent drops, no anti-aliasing, sub-1080p, although art direction is outstanding which kind of makes up for this >certain exploration zones take wayyyyyyy too fucking long and have boring, shit quests >game is too easy overall except for last boss who is several times harder than any other boss in the game, feels like spend the entire game fighting a bunch of asylum demons/capra demon-tier enemies and then go straight to fighting gael
It's a 5/10 dude
Nicholas Turner
Maybe if it were all combat instead of mostly consisting of reading tripe dialouge alongside doing brainless """detective""" work and platforming it would have been better. Locking all the combat options till the half way point was also ass
Christopher Brown
youve never even played it
Elijah Jenkins
Master Chief successfully infiltrates the Nintendo universe.
Did you not get to the post game? There’s 70 combat missions which progressively get harder as they go with no story at all.
Wyatt Russell
Not him but I enjoyed TSA more than Astral Chain. TSA is a return to form for Suda while AC's camera, controls (the inconsistency of the back forward motion, only presets and how clunky it is to activate Zandatsu+focus as just a few examples) and inconsistent platforming bring it down for me. I wouldn't call it a 5/10, but I don't think its the masterpiece people say it is either. user also has a good point about replayability because I tried replaying Chapter 2 and 3 and really did not have fun doing it.