Dark Souls

About to start another game but I want to avoid what I always do and that's main Zwei or Baldur Side Sword or sorcery build.
Are there any fun builds you guys recommend or a certain weapon I should main instead?

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you could give a dex uchigatana build a shot

Spear or halberd FAI knight

I just started a new game too, how about that.
I bought the spear from the undead merchant, never used it before, liked it.
Take time to read item descs, also avoid leveling until you are sure the stats you want/require.

I just stared doing zwei again, I really should just go pyromancy

Bow only
Dickass thief

SL1 runs are fun

Magic and pryomancy + Velka's Rapier

Try just a simple longsword run. It gets very strong and it has a nice kit for a basic weapon

Black Knight Greatsword

>Bow only
must be insane

Halberds(BKH or Gargoyle's) are busted as fuck, you could try that if you haven't already. The range spoils you for future runs though

at start choose black firebombs

kill asylum waifu

get big ham ham

play game have fun

2 handed falchion faith build with power within and sunlight blade
it's so op it's fun

i second this. i just finished a bow only run and it was fun as fuck


holy fuck those were some pussy ass weapons you've used
for shame

Try a pyromancy run, get lots of attunement so you have a bunch of spells to choose from on the fly. Then just pick a weapon type you've never used before, pyromancy is good enough to handle anything so if you hate the weapon, you've got a fallback until you can find a new one to try.

New player here also, sitting in the character creator and got a couple of questions. If I wanna be a pure melee beefboy, do I wanna pick a melee class or pyromancer because it starts at level? And second, what's the difference between a dex and str build?

Starts at level 1*

Different weapons scale differently with Str and Dex, and also have different requirements for use. Best results for a new player are typically to keep them balanced so you don't reduce your options. You can specialize after you find weapons you like. Starting class isn't horribly important, but if you're looking for beefy, just pick something with a decent mix of End, Vit, and Str, then throw a few levels in Dex. Knight's probably a good starting point, but Pyromancy has no stat requirements in 1, so it's also pretty handy to have around.

sorcery build is easiest

Sorcery, waving sticks around and wearing frilly dresses is not my thing. Not to mention magic in Dark Souls seem very odd.

It's also boring as shit, at least in DaS1. Just press to cast, and sometimes move slightly backward or to the side if the first cast didn't obliterate them instantly. Never really tried it in 3, and don't remember 2 anymore.


Washing pole, chaos blade, great scythe, falchion with sunlight blade, or Demon Great Machete.
Don't do this, caestus is terrible.

L A R G E. C L U B.

Sl1 reinforced club and great combustion
Unironically the most fun I've had with this game on ng+