FF7R literally plays like a mobile gacha game

Holy fuck LMFAO

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Other urls found in this thread:


Barry on suicide watch because FF7R is looking incredible

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>looks incredible good
>has braindead gameplay
makes you think

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Keyword is looking.

Man doomposters are pathetic

>How do we make the combat worse than 15?
>Maybe instead of holding the button down you don't press anything at all?

So you guys are doomposting because of what some plebbit fag "noticed"?, You guys have reached a new low

cant wait for the last episode to be released in 2024

>reddit screencaps

is this peak Yea Forums?

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>FFVII doomposters have been reduced to making reddit screencap threads

>auto attack while you wait for your skills to charge.
That's not gatcha gameplay, that's MMO gameplay.


Honestly think I’m done with Yea Forums. I come for the funny and the hype but the other 90% is screencaps from other sites or false flagging. What’s the point?

>you guys
It's FF15-kun samefagging
You can literally see him spamming this shit through archive

>he still plays mmos with autoattack
fuck off boomer

I love how everything we've seen from this looks to good so the shitposters have to fall back on "lol this game has a very easy difficulty setting, blunder of the century!"

Case in point


Kids play mobile games so they think gatcha invented that gameplay.

You must be 18+ to post here



>same threads everyday
>constant forced memes
>twitter/resetera/reddit screencap that will get 500+ replies 382 images ommited
>eceleb drama thread with no video game discussion gets 500+ replies

well.... they should just rename this to Yea Forums and Yea Forums to /trash/

not exactly a blunder but if I'm just pressing a button without any kind of difficulty or entertainment, doen't matter if the story is good I would drop that shit after a couple of hours

So it's basically FFXII but instead of characters just standing there while the meter charges, they do some low-damage attacks? I don't see the problem with this.

Get off "classic" (read: very easy) mode

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It's still dogshit in normal.

And you're not wrong since Yea Forums is under the care of an autist that will ban evade forever.

>you use standard attack to build bar for better skills and spam those
so it's exactly like every past FF game, good to know

Not quite the same, since XII could use skills automatically too, while 7R only handles the movement and auto-attack so you still need to handle ability and item usage yourself. Still not a problem though.

>an acual reddit screencap thread
is this real life?

only on turn based mode



A remake made for zoomers, nothing to be surprised about.

>literally who notices that remake gameplay is equally as braindead as the originals

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Sounds like a you problem, autist


ARPGs are for fags.

>SE added a whole mode to pander to original fans
>Barry thinks this is a bad thing for some reason

>In standard mode, the ATB gauge fills up by repeatedly attacking your enemy
Doesn't it fill up IN ORDER FOR YOU TO ATTACK? Why the fuck am I attacking to fill it up?
Nomura, you fucking ricenigger hack.

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Are you a certifiable retard? Serious question

Yea Forumseddit has been dead for a while. Literal redditors and twitter users post here and are not even called out on it anymore.

Are you? Do you even know what you're talking about?
You're clearly an underage zoomer who never played the original.

Yeah there was a really embarassing thread last night where so many people were pretending like this looks like a really indepth action combat system when it's clear that even without classic mode a ton of it is automated and superflouous.

Nice goalpost moving, barry.

Its not the same game dickhead, and you are able to play it in classic mode if you want to do nothing while it fills up. Try to turn your brain on before you post.

>dude this game is based on piss-weak autoattacks while waiting for a skill bar to build to let you use skillsthat's totally gacha combat

I don't think it has fully set in with people yet that this isn't Kingdom Hearts like they were hoping

Final Fantasy is Dead.

It's peak Bazztek

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I know it's not the same game. That's precisely my complaint, you absolute illiterate dipshit.

The ATB is there so you can unleash an attack once it's filled. It makes absolutely no sense to be attacking for the purpose of filling it up.

Thats literally how the original plays. Have these brainlets even played it?

>i hope FF7 comes to switch

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fuck off nigger, this does not belong here

Why are you so attached to the idea of ATB being the exact same in a action game remake of a turn based game? And like i said there is classic mode for autists like yourself where you can jack off while the gauge autofills just like in the old days

How does it feel to know that a game you hate is going to sell millions and will be considered one of the greatest remakes of all time? I hope you have plenty of shitposting in you because boy, you are in for years and years of trying your best to derail FF7R threads

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Because that's exactly what ATB is and it's an iconic part of VII's gameplay. Jesus christ, you're one dumb motherfucker, aren't you

Play it on classic then faggot. They literally pandered to you retards with a special fucking mode just for you, what more do you want? Just play the original if you want exactly the same. Fucking autism jesus christ

>what more do you want?
A not butchered remake, you absolute cretin

go back

>Every FF game
Is FFXV your first and only FF game?

You bitched about atb being manual, they give you a mode where its automatic. You keep bitching because ???


Based, i love Nomura desu!

Because it's still a mindless hack n slash shit. The only difference is you're not button mashing and the game does everything for you. Choosing between manual and automatic is a choice between bad and terrible.
You're a fucking moron if you believe "classic mode" plays like FFVII. It doesn't surprise me that your retarded ADHD underage can't even understand the difference. You've proven time and again that you don't even know what FFVII plays like. Enjoy your butchered piece of shit though, faggot

yeah bro not playing the game have never looked better!

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they're too busy wasting their money on pngs

Not the same autist but FF7 is just you toggling through menus and watching animations. idk how that more interactive.

But hey lets watch KotR 10 minute cutscenes and mime it 10 times. That's gameplay.

based Nomura BTFO turn-based boomer retards like this

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The thing is, anyone who would use "just you toggling through menus and watching animations" to describe it is clearly not a fan of the original.
So what I don't get is why the fuck is this marketed towards you in the first place, when millions others love and cherish the original gameplay as it is? They're selling FF7 to people who dont obviously give a shit about it and are alienating the fans that made the game a success instead.

The reason why ff7 gameplay system was good was the indepth customization of the materia system and the animations of the battle. It was very easy to break that game even as a kid.

Yeah because ff7 combat was so challenging and mentally engaging. You want a hd reskin of the original game download a fucking mod or something.

you act like the original ff7's combat was smt/saga-tier. ff combat has usually leaned more towards mainstream accessibility than anything else. just be glad that both the original and the remake don't have ffxv's "hold o to win" garbage.

If you want the exact same gameplay why would you even be interested in a remake? The game you want has been out for 15 odd years. Go play that.

If you don't want FF7's gameplay, then why get something called FF7R? There's Fornite and COD. Go play that.

>You want a hd reskin of the original game download a fucking mod or something.
People complain about those too (see : MediEvil remake)

wow lots of reddit posts nowadays

What is your ideal ff7r? A hd reskin?

Nigger you can turn that off, does every game that has easy mode bother you? must suck to be such a whiny faggot.

>How dare you want FF7 remake to be actually FF7

Answer the question: do you just want a hd reskin?

I want to be remake to play like the original it's based on. I don't consider that a reskin

You mean mash o to win? FF7 gameplay was barebones without the materia system.

Just give it up nerd. Bitch, complain, cry, do whatever your kind does, the game is still coming and will be talked about in here for years. Get used to it for your own good.

what in the fuck is RTwP sounds like some gay furry shit

>"I want the remake to play like the original"
>The original had materia
>You thought i meant i want the game without materia
Are you actually mentally retarded, my man

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>wants the exact same gameplay but with better graphics
>not a reskin

well yeah, reg attacks do 30 damage while specials do 4000 damage

so active combat is mostly pointless

Exactly this. They just have those auto attacks to make it feel like a lively battle -- think of it as idle animations that mean nothing to the gameplay and the real commands come when ATB is filled just like how you would issue commands in the original. Classic mode is fucking based for turn-based boomers like me.

This. It's a really stupid post and OP is a faggot

once Yea Forums starts posting first hand experience from playtesters you will have a point.

Guarding and dodging still exist.


Exactly. Materia what made the game work. It's the 2nd most broken progression mechanic behind Junction. Now since it's an action game, they have more uses to work with the new Materia system.





So it's basically exactly like how the original ATB was, a charge system to use skills, items, spells, etc. while auto-attack was basically something to do to manage resources and was just filler.

So it's exactly the same. Gotcha.

The original game was fucking braindead easy already, who fucking cares? Game looks great.

That post just describes the combat we already had....

I remember going cold turkey on my medication. Everything was spinning and I couldn't stop shitposting for days. This is the Barry experience.

>people are just now realizing that the "gameplay" isn't gameplay at all
Where the fuck have you retards been?

Have these retards even played the original FF7? What a stupid question, never mind.

Are people pretending to be retarded? This is exactly how it played originally. Skills did the damage and you had to wait for a bar to fill. Holy Christ calling it gacha gameplay is retarded.

It's fake you morons, unless the guy hands look at the controller when he moves his hand to scratch his forhead.

Christ I cant believe people here are actually retarded

Yes user, these people are retarded, they expected it to play exactly like FFXV or KH3, and then are blown away when they find out that ATB charges on its own, but that you still have to manually input abilities in order to use it. The average person has gotten so dumb and mindless anymore that it's unreal. It's like a bunch of retarded zombies who just see something that was once popular or is wildly talked about and a mind controlled consumer device goes off in their head and they start ranting and raving about it without any real intelligence.

Kill yourself reddit trash.

It's been four years since the announcement of part 1, the last episode won't release until 2030+
>meant to emulate the original battle system
As easy as FF7 was, it did not play itself for you.

Neither does this game, Classic Mode is just letting the ATB gauge fill up on its own rather than attacks doing it.

>It's been four years since the announcement of part 1
And 2 years of that was wasted because they fired CC2 and started making it in-house instead.

>movement and normal attacks happen automatically
I always wanted a FF-branded idle RPG where I can just watch numbers go up.

No they don't, only the ATB bar moves on it's own. I have no idea where you idiots are honestly getting this from as there is no actual proof of this at all.

Classic mode is literally the same as normal except the normal attacks and movement are handled by AI.


Normal = Auto-Attacks fill ATB Bar
Classic = ATB fills up automatically, Auto-Attacks are just filler/extra damage that have no other purpose

That's it.

Uninspired remake with billions of dollars poured into it is not new, movies have been doing this for ages

how can you be so wrong?

Normal = ATB fills up automatically but basic attacks fill it up faster
Classic = the same thing except the basic attacks are all done by AI.

> “in Classic Mode this aspect of gameplay is handled automatically. The player does not need to do anything and the character fights automatically, charging up their ATB Gauge.”

>and just like OP they fail to actually understand the ATB system yet still confirm that classic mode is exactly like FF7 was on PS1
>still manage to assume its all automatic and that you don't actually play

Happy cake day

Some retard that think gacha invented JRPG combat

>still manage to assume its all automatic and that you don't actually play
The basic attacks and action shit are automatic but you still have to select shit from the ATB. Also that's literally just a quote FROM THE OFFICIAL TWITTER you fucking retard.

Look I love shitting on Barry as much as the next guy but the combat is definitely looking weak sauce.

Sure it is, sure it is. What's next you're gonna tell me Yea Forums is good?

Oh no, not a mode I'll never use, what a travesty!

>specifically leaving the reddit name and logo on the crop
you did this on purpose don't you nigger

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The eternal circus

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Will Sephiroth be a boss in KH3 ReMIND DLC in order to promote the FFVII Remake?

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On the bright side it might work like a stamina bar similar to a Soulsborne game.

Everyone loves shitting on Barry, but real talk homie. What do you want out of the combat system?

Ffvii loooks incredible. Imagine not being able to be excited for anything other than trolling for the attention you never got on here

>materia system in tact
>enemies have a stagger meter mechanic
>each character has unique traits defining their own versions of their jobs
>positional awareness mechanics on top of vulnerable weak spots like horns to break and butt and type debuffs like overheating robotic enemies to raise their stagger rate
If you think its weak then you just aren't paying attention

It's pretty but ultimately empty of anything that makes games good

What makes a game good?

Shitty Xenoblade ain't good, retard

It can be played exactly like the original. Imagine being this up your ass for attention in here that you're intentionally not getting this.
it's gonna be truly kino and you not enjoying it means nothing because you don't matter at all outside of your own solipsism. Hope Zoe Quinn an heroes you

How would you know this? Please start larping

>turn-based is "gacha-like" combat
this is the dumbest fuckin' thing I've seen in a while
how big of a fucking zoomer do you have to be that turn-based combat is just gacha gameplay to you?
is persona 5 a gacha game too?

Ironic you say kino when it's going to be a movie instead of a game

No, just a shit game.

pot meet kettle

Gacha gameplay is full dopamine and zero stress MMO formula from RPG.

Mobilebrains can't understand how complex gameplay systems works is like:

Bistek and potatos is like McDonalds
Having Sex is like porn
Parties are like discord chats.

ok tranny

Born Woman is like dress as woman