Just bought this game, and I'm quite enjoying it

Just bought this game, and I'm quite enjoying it.

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This guy actually BOUGHT hentai!


Is it Higurashi and wasn't official translation not done yet? Also those sprites lack SOUL.

but this is not hentai

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>buying the release that changes sound effects, music, with a worse translation and is not fully released after years
based retard

is this bait?

what's the point then

If the truth is bait then I guess it is

I feel bad for anyone using the PS3 patch.

does the girl wearing a dog collar get fucked by a dog?

you just know

So what's the best way to play it then?

>changes sound effects, music
I never heard about this. I only knew this release was voice patchable

first release, no voice acting, sausage fingers sprites, no translation maybe a text hooker + yomichan if you want to sacrifice a bit of soul.

>he starts COOOMING after seeing animu girl

Get the original MG releases and then apply a fuckton of tweaks/patches that might not exist anymore while retaining the original artwork wherever possible.

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PS3 sprites and voices + ADV mode, aka pic related

what pic

Which girl you like? Rena is my one and only waifu after all these years

Rena is cute, Mion is funny too.

game's comfy af

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