Why would you drink the tree sap instead of having a nice can of cherry Wèllcheers?
lobcorp thread
Why would you drink the tree sap instead of having a nice can of cherry Wèllcheers?
Other urls found in this thread:
>literally every healing "tool" has a drawback which nullifies its usefulness
>gets outdone by the generator anyway
Why does this happen?
I love Benis!
>spoiler tags broke
m-my prudence...
Bros... I want to get hugged by Happy Spurdo :DDD...
Is that Fuuka?
What is Hod's purpose if your facility is comprised solely of decked-out gigachads?
your brein is borken
Exactly the same as before, being completely and totally useless and hopefully inspiring character growth in managers who hope not to be so worthless themselves
Enkephalin dealership
Being a cocksock for the manager
What about the one that's just a straight up buff to Fortitude? Plus that notepad one is useful as long as you're not a scatterbrain
Those don't heal you.
Meanwhile Flesh Idol is literally just the button under the disguise of a tool
habbi teddi :DDD
binas :DDD
bugget :DD
ok now this is ebin!
Best girls
There are very few tools that are actually useful, notes, train, heart and behavioral adjustment
You get fucked once yes, but after you learn, it's basically free healing as long as you don't take too long
what about Prophecy + Da Capo immunity?
>best girls
>little shit that betrayed everyone included
>Carmen and Binah not
Why would you use Prophecy if you already have Decapo? Most likely your nugget will already have decked out prudence
Goddammit someone drew my best employee dying to Laetitia, this is personal.
>Hod is there
>Malkuth is there as a joke
Not even close
fugg, I want her buket :DDDD
>Hod Symbiote
>Makes all stats cap at 200, gives very fast 3-6 pale damage per hit melee attack and gives 0.5 on all resistances but can't wear gifts, armor or weapons
>Makes Agent look like a full body, dark brownish Melty suit but with Hod eyes and hair
>Has a 40% chance of causing Enkephalin drawback which causes 2.0 vulnerable on all resistances, sets all your stats -50% and the only way to remove it is to finish the day or execute your agent.
I wanna bongbong bongbong's bongbongs!
The tree sap is delicious, the flavour just explodes in your mouth.
Here's your Bongbong bro
So, regarding my question from the last thread.
As it turns out, it's possible to do both supression and other missions at the same time. The missions other than the supression aren't visible during the day, but they are still active and will properly show up on the result screen.
More like boingboing
I think that's a bug.
Angela won't tell you about the energy quota nor about the shoes remembering their old master and also none of the Sephira will tell you about escaped abnos during suppression.
I'll never understand why is Spurdo is the only ancient meme that everyone still likes.
He's real to me
It's not. Spurdo died in favor of Gondola but Gondola looks very ironic for non Fins so they still make spurdo edits.
Also /pol/ and /int/ mascots.
To be honest, I think that mission was completely bugged for me.
The mission was Tiphereth 4 "Clear without containment room's occurrence of Qliphoth Meltdown".
>Old Lady constantly at 0.
>Release Forsaken Murderer several times to keep QoH happy.
>Snow White's Apple escapes at some point because I overlooked her during a Meltdown.
>Mission still registers as successful.
>tfw you will never have a harem of bongbongs
someone post it
mission is to not let any abno to meltdown due to QLIPHOTH meltdowns (those things at the top left corner that also cause ordeals). It's hard to explain things in the game when half the mechanics are call QLIPHOTH
I see. But that's still what happened with Snow White's Apple and yet I cleared the mission.
then it's broken or who knows
Can I have more spurdo edits thanks
God Hod is so Precious and I want to protect her. She deserves to be loved AND respected. She learned her lesson and now is a better person because of it. Everything Binah says is over the line because Binah is a broken woman without love in her heart and truly is the one that needs help in the facility.
Lobotomy Filename thread when?
Then post how Angela looks after even Malkuth is introduced.
Why is Binah such a bully?
That's from time A haven't beat the shit out of Binah to teach her how to be a good Sephira
>no EGOs
Can any draw anons give advice on how to be able to recreate drawings well? My second attempt is much worse than my first.
God Hod is so STUPID i LOVE it. I just want to invite her out on a dinner date, and after we’ve had a great meal and the dates going fantastically, I’ll invite her over to my place. At first she’ll be flustered but I know she’ll agree to come. And so we’ll arrive back at my place and i’ll pop open some wine and we’ll drink until she’s nice and bubbly. Then i’ll bring her to be bedroom and grab her by the hair and slam twenty left hooks RIGHT into her STUPID CUTE face. She’ll be in so much pain and be so confused that she won’t react and instead give me an adorably confused bloodied face. Then i’ll give her a swift right hook to knock her out and throw her on the ground. Then when she wake up in the morning not remembering what happened, i’ll explain to her how she accidentally fell down the concrete stairs outside my place after drinking too much wine and i’ll get off scott free
Stop it hag
I'm a shitty draw user that who was blessed by lewd mod sensei. Should honestly just get a drawing tablet for your PC, really helped me out.
fucking finally I got them all
now I just need to kill whitenight then binah
You just have to keep drawing. Iterating on an image is one of the best ways to polish it, but not every one will be a winner.
Keep considering what your goal is as you iterate.
>then binah
Binah or Binah 2.0?
Pfffft hahahahaha
good luck, user
practice. draw the same character, body type, pose etc. over and over again until you get a good grasp on it.
also, don't be afraid to experiment and change your art style to suit your preferences. it's much easier to learn when you develop your own methods.
Hold up
Lemme search for that template thingy I found back in 2018
>just need to kill Binah
So haven't done the gauntlet yet? Have fun user
maybe he's talking about Binah and Hokma duo
Gotta do everything myself
Hey Yea Forums
I found some cute and funny art
What do you think?
What is going on in that picture
rate my employe
It's just a shitty /int/ meme not a based /pol/ one
10/10 would put into SO duty
>2 chadlets with WAW gear get sandwiched between 2 green noon bots and send the whole department into chaos when they die
What the fuck.
Thanks anons, i’ll keep practicing
I’ve always been hesitant to get one due to the cost investment, what do you use?
Thanks user, but I personally don’t really want to use a template
cute! do hearted employees actually get the aids if another employee has heart?
>day 24
If you don't have Jucticia armor yet I pity you
Wow you were close.
Are you doing the cheese?
no I still haven't beaten binah, she's my only suppression left, I got to the first day of the gaunlet so I think I know what happens, wish me luck
>doesn't do it in the gauntlet week without memerepo
Who gamer here?
What is the manager looking at?
Something Cute?
Something Funny?
I have every piece of aleph gear, now including whitenight's
to anyone unaware, if you make your only employee in the facility panic with heart of aspiration they will go berserk then become disciple and continue going berserk and kill whitenight while invulnerable
then you memrepo, you lose the weapon they had but get whitenight's
it is very funny
>Dream of a Black Swan
Does it have to be the 12th, or can any of the apostles do it? I saw another cheese where the guy put all the apostles in the farthest point away from WN, cleared it out, then called the bunnies on them while deathballing and microing WN and his guards
If you wanna cheese it then only twelve becomes immortal
Otherwise just fuckin kill him
>I got to the first day of the gaunlet so I think I know what happens
I have a point of reference for you. I've beat each day of the gauntlet on second try, beside the 49th, which I've already tried ~20 times and haven't beaten in five days
No wonder he didn't suppress the briah sephirah...
Why does boy Tiph wear a dress anyway
>that moment when you realize you haven't played the game in months and might need to start all over again just to get used to things
Angela bought dresses at 2 for 1 deal
>complaining about cute boys in cute dresses
Who said I was complaining? I think it's cute, but was wondering if there's some lore reason to it.
>that time I unironically had to TT2 because the manager wouldn't stop muttering about cunny while rolling in a ball on the ground
i don't think there's any lore reason in particular, guess it's just to emphasize that they're both tiphereth.
or someone at project moon simply likes traps. that would explain why you can make your nuggets crossdress.
Reminder That A is not dead in LoR
What the fuck kinda name is 'Icy Pete'
I don't know
there are few bizarre names. Very interesting is that there are only few Korean names in the pool
>work at L corp
>sleep in
>wake up to this
Hahah, nice edit.
Am I a clerk? I pull out my 9mm gun and shoot until I die like a complete imbicile I am
The names are also usernames of some of the backers, I searched and some of them have social media or twitch accounts
Who is the madlad who invented bongbong
Don't know but it should be noted that the legacy version of amber dawn () was called this
I guess that explains names like MarineRabbit.
Bongbong green is made out of people...! arrrghh
>bongbong is the perfect food
Feetus deletus should produce extra energy after eating bongbong
If I am reading the legacy wiki entries correct, abnormalities used to drain energy when happy and you had to make them unhappy to get E boxes? It seems to fit with the lore more.
Damn, they dumbed it down for us stupid westerners
A lot of the bullshit abnos seemed to do something like that.
>Snow White's Apple is in a good mood
>lose E boxes
>SWA is in a bad mood
>gain a shit ton of E, only for her to breach seconds later and whoops your whole facility is dead because your best weaponry during this version was upgraded batons and semi-auto pistols
legacy was a lot more bullshit but it had some cool stuff that didn't make the cut to newer versions
ctrl + s, Manager...
My last and first playthrough got Neon Genesis Evangelion'd on day 15. This better not be some WhiteNight 2.0 shit forcing me all the way back to day 1 as well...
If the story book opens up, the birds are completely immune to all damage, all that's left is the gate.
Good luck with the game though, it's ALEPH with 0.3 in all defenses and 10,000 HP or some shit like that. The event isn't that bad though if you have ALEPH gear and plenty of agents on hand for what's about to happen.
i think there can be only one hearted employee at a time? everyone else gets slime-cheek aids
>using the "c word"
Hokma...the ad revenue....
Real clerks deal with dawn ordeals like champs.
>would you like a meal
>a bath
>fufufu.. or me..?
And then little red killed him
I did Ctrl+S, they just didn’t go through for some reason...
He's not going to be advertiser unfriendly, is he? If he is, keep in mind this is not what the contract said.
For me, it's the Big Bird.
Angela wants them to believe they are a single AI because Enoch is too much of a DEEP thinker to fall back in line
Is Angela resetting Enoch because he remembers his human life, or because of something else. Fug I keep misunderstanding the story.
I wish there was a seething wojak edit of A/X
His AI goes *windows so shutdown* due to excessive abstract thinking.
How's the pseudo-sequel looking so far?
I think all of them remember their human lives to some extent, that’s not the problem. The problem is that he keeps breaking himself by realizing the nature of the Sephirah (organic intelligence/human brains in machine bodies) when he’s not authorized to know about such things
He resets him simply because he doesnt follows "the script". Its mentioned more than once that Sephirah do remember most of their past lives (except for details relating to their trauma) but Angela wants them to act like machines and do their functions as Sephirah efficiently and since Enoch wont do that she has to keep him pacified.
He remembers he's a human, particularly the part where he happily died hoping to make things better and that he would accordingly be reborn into a better world, which obviously hasn't happened, which totally breaks him when he remembers, and maybe he also infers that the people he knew who he wanted to improve the world for all died painfully and are trapped in hell with him
Wait so he doesn't have a cloned brain inside the box? Why does he have organs and stuff then? fuggg
test post
Why aren’t spoiler tags working when they’re next to other characters? I swear I’m typing them correctly on my phone and I used the shortcut on PC earlier
There hasnt been any more real news since the battle trailer dropped
He probably has cloned organs in his box because angela keeps murdering him, but no all the other ones are the people themselves.
So each layer is authorized to a certain extent of knowledge
>asiyah thinks employee safety and wellbeing is most important
>briah thinks protecting against and mitigating abnos is most important
>atlizuth knows doing whatever benefits the facility is most important
its a direct sequel
hmm the new artstyle reminds me of an otome game, not sure how I feel about it
Also it's a completely different game huh? No gameplay elements carried over at all
Direct sequels usually aren't an entirely different gameplay genre
The only one who knows for sure what's going on is ben, but he's locked away for a reason, and even then tries to bail out his best bro from an asshole yandere zombie bitch. Honestly he's a damn good friend.
Usually, but it's not impossible, for example system shock shifts hard on genres between the first and second one.
They’re not artificial intelligence, that’s why he mutters “not machines...” when he system crashes. The organs you see in the crush scene are remains, especially brain/nervous (maybe others), of the people the Sephirah’s filtered forms resemble. The replacement process probably involves the TT2 Protocol, the same thing that lets you repo and retry. There’s a CG later game that shows the process in “detail,” but Tiph B getting crushed is your first clue to their true forms (both as boxes and as boxes full of human parts) before you start doing suppressions
Does Hokma interact with anyone at all? I know Binah at least comes out of the basement once to taunt Gebura
why the fuck would I give even a solitary shit about the effect of singing machine
Doubt it, unless you count the employees stuck down there working for him or getting freshly pulled out of storage. He doesn’t have a reason to since the only person he gives a shit about is A. And he knows way too much so I seriously doubt Angela would let him walk 3 steps out of his department without hovering behind him to make sure he holds his tongue.
T-Boy still has organs and shit inside his box, but his brain isnt the "original", its a cloned version because the original asked way too many questions for Angela's power hungry and control freak nature. T-Girl realised as it happened that her brother genuinely died at that moment and lost all her empathy for the newer "fakes", which are slowly losing more and more personality that the old T-Boy had.
I have a challenge for you Yea Forums.
It's very simple.
>start from day 1 and pick every aleph the game gives you (optional)
>pick the flesh idol
>on day 45 sacrifice someone to it and another abno to reach midnight and try to recontain the facility
>execution bullets not allowed for maximum difficulty (optional)
Remember to dish out as much pain as possible.
Why doesn't he give a shit about anyone else? What stops him from revealing every secret of the facility to Tiph B, causing him to become enlightened and germinating the Seed of Light right then and there?
They just follow A's plan to a T
It's all very sad. Angela will pay for her selfish crimes...
Looking at installing the "Full Time Employees" mod by abcdcode because Binah is fuckin impossible right now. Does it also work if I meme repo or is it day 1 reset only?
More like
DEADbong lmao
Imagine how shitty being an Assiyah sephirah must have been thinking it was all just about collecting energy to maintain a pointless existence. At least the Briah sephirah could sort of pick-up there was something bigger going on.
It's an alternative universe actually
Wrong! That Bong is sleeping!
Regardless of the validity of the second part, Angela would put his efforts down faster than he could say “box” and maybe even consider lobotomizing him like she does Tiph.
Reasonably, A is the only one that can free them from this thousand+ year hell and the best way to do that is to sit, be patient, and count on his friend’s plan like he always has. Maybe in life he was an agreeable and amicable boss like Carmen and got along with everyone, but now it’s more risk than it’s worth to try and be buddy-buddy, especially when he carries the burden of all that knowledge.
Imagine being so competent and focused on your work that your "boss" has to say "no, stop with these extremely revolutionary ideas, the point is that employees are supposed to die okay? Now go drink your coffee". Chesed and Gebura have it the absolute worst. Both living existences less than pointless, Chesed knows his employees will all die brutal deaths but isnt allowed to do anything about it, Gebura completely loses herself in bloodshed because if she speaks out she will be reset like Enoch (as Lisa warned her).
Is it? I assumed it's a direct sequel due the dialogue from the trailer
It's gotta be a Junji Ito reference right?
Make a copy of your save file and give memrepo a try, I don't know if it works though if the mod doesn't state it
That's easy though?
no its not
Do it on day 49 then you damn korean.
I find it preferable, Id rather be a Chesed and know Im participating in a farce than being Hod and blaming myself for the people who die
Woah, that was spooky, I think it might be now that you mention it.
It doesnt work after testing, thanks for the heads up. Guess I gotta bite the bullet and rest to 1 then.
>Geburah calls Chesed a coward
>Geburah is scared of Angela
>While Chesed literally announces he's rebelling again Angela at his meltdown and makes it clear he sees her as an enemy after
How is one box of coffee so based?
I believe there’s also a cutscene where he calls Tiphereth creepy and Gebura a warlord
He doesn’t give a fuck when upset
Too bad the upper sephirahs are all incomptent in one way or another as people before becoming their current form. Malkuth was clumsy as fuck, Hod was childish, Netzach was literally just a hospital patient and Yesod was an autistic freak.
Gebura and Chesed have different backstories but its clear they are way more confident and competent.
He's a total unironic chad with a 200iq and a 20cm cock
Hey hey people, Geburah here
Wait I thought the Sephirahs were AI like Angela?
Oh you poor thing, I'd say keep on playing before you get spoiled more.
Stop looking at the thread and go play the heckin game
>Choose an abno I haven't chosen before because why not
>Start up day without looking at anything because I didn't get anything significant outside of points
>New abno I chose nowhere to be seen
Did you expand a department that was already full?
I was alternating between the training and security departments which both have one spot open.
You don't fuck with a man's coffee, there are lines to be drawn and that's a good one.
How did Hod even become a scientist? Was she the daughter of someone wealthy or something?
Someone in thread said she was living in the hood as Carmen recruited her because she felt sorry for her.
Speaking of which I wonder how did A get a hold of her corpse after she killed herself since its implied that it happened outside the corporation some time after the Head incident. Did he send a fixer to steal her corpse?
I’m pretty sure they don’t clone brains but rather TT2 them
>Start plotting out an abno tierlist
>Realise there are actually a really small number left to work with
b-bros I don't want it to end
But we already have a definitive one
Can’t wait for Brokma and Chesshead rebelling against Angela in Ruina.
It kind of makes since. The upper Sephirah were just random scientists that were friends with A or otherwise brought together by Carmen. Chessed and Gebura on the other hand were elites, the beat of the best in their respective areas.
who says we can't have 2?
We need one with all abnos though
It was a joke I just wanted an excuse to post it
I'll make one fuck you
Sorry, guess I should've clarified, I was joking when I said we had a definitive one. I think a "proper" one would be nice
It's actually based upon relative usefulness, ease of working with the abno, risk, and benefit (assuming no Qliphoth Meltdown immunity). Not power rankings. ie Snow Queen is in S because she's amazing and carries no risk, whereas Flesh Lantern is in D.
"el abominacion" will never not be the funniest spin on el goblino
What's the news on modding, people? New abnos? New character sprites? I remember people posted that Yotsuba edit, and pictures of faces and spritesheets. Anything?
Sprite replacements are the most recent groundbreaking discovery I can think of
today ill be stealing literally ALL the footage used in the video from my betters
Don't act like I'm interested in your stupid e-celeb drama because I made an easy joke, now fuck off and don't respond to me again
Make two you coward
So I just got 2 employees bugged in Snow Queen and there's no way to get them out, are they dead if I finish the day?
iirc no, do they appear as "out of control"?
Snow Queen? More like Bug Queen rofl
Can someone post the complete abno gift chart?
I've had something similar happen before. Sometimes a fight doesn't finish properly if you accelerate time at the wrong moment during the fight, and the cover doesn't appear. She behaves fucky from there and I had an agent stuck in there, but they were fine at the end of the day. I dunno if the same will happen for you though.
He need some MILK!
Ended the day and my frozen dudes were back to normal
That's a completely different Queen
>gebura's suppression
You just have to dodge her attacks and avoid the blender.
Gotchu covered.
It's maximum fun. My strategy below:
Just deploy your chads in aleph gear and leave everyone else in the wings. Some people will tell you not to bother with working and just focus on killing her, but personally I recommend dealing with all your clerks for the clerk rights activists because the last thing you want is a big bird of mountain at the last minute to fuck everything up. You can also spam Little Red on her in her third phase and she actually does last a while and is able to do a fair bit of damage, don't send your deathball in at the same time of course.
Wait for her to be next to the door of a main department before sending your guys in, try to keep her just a little distance from the door, and have your ranged guys by the door with a group of melee guys on either side of her. When she starts an attack against one group of melee guys, pause, and have everyone move to the other side. If she starts walking over to your ranged guys, then let her walk for as long as possible before clicking them out of the room, at which point your melee guys should be standing around where you want to fight her so she'll walk over to them.
Your nuggers should be able to tank one hit, if they take one, which you often will on the second phase, then just heal them. Don't get greedy. On the third phase you need to group everyone together and wait for her to be next to the door before having people pop in, wait for her to start an attack, leave, and repeat. Sometimes you'll get lucky and she'll do the Justicia attack in the wrong direction. If you get caught by the first The Smile slam, spam black shields and hope for the best.
By the fourth phase, good fucking luck. I had some success by placing my guys all over Briah and just getting people out of the way yet right next to the target. Use slow bullets. Hopefully you can kill her in one deathball murderfest.
Thanks dude I might expand upon this if I find the time.
I love you user
I hope you slept well last night
I am convinced that my mind is simply incompatible with this kind of game
>cute girls run departments
>oh wait they're not girls they're robots
>oh wait they're not robots they're tragic remains of people
>oh wait they're not tragic remains they're absurdly deadly abnormalities
I just want to like the one called binah, I only ever entered a lobcorp thread because I saw an image of her, what the fuck went so wrong
If you don't like her as the empty shell of a sociopath she is, you don't deserve her.
Are there any good pics of content filter off nuggets? Like, proper proportions? Bonus points if they look like badasses.
Yandere is and always will be a shit fetish user
Yes, a bunch.
t. Clerk
She doesn't have any feelings of affection. She's just full yan, no dere.
Got around to coloring, enjoy Binahfags
So is there some pattern to what the letter prefixes on the designations mean?
T means that it's a manifestation of trauma but I forget the rest
Trauma, Original, Fairytale, Donator.
It's called yangire
God I wish that were me
There's no gire in Binah. She is and has been like that for a very long time.
So she's just a psychopath that really enjoys hurting people?
Pretty much, yeah.
It's great.
Then shes a yangire you stupid mutt.
Original. Not affiliated with anything, usually amalgamations like Nothing There, misc like the birds, or religious like One Sin, come up with completely by Project Moon or to parody an /extremely/ common trope like the Magical Girls to the point there's not one particular legend.
Fairy Tale. Self-explanatory. Based on more specific fairy tales and legends/stories like Little Red Riding Hood, Santa and his reindeer, The Six Swans (and its variations), or the opera Der Freischutz.
Donor. Tumblbug backer abnormalities with round containers on extraction screen.
Trauma. Manifested thanks to a trauma of some sort, such as Butterflies likely stemming from the desire of the employees to die for real and escape the facility, Alriune and Happy Teddy Bear being semi-sentient toys/objects that were abandoned and left to rot, or The Dreaming Current being either a Scarlet Ibis-esque child with an illness that was narrowly saved by two scientists who used horrific experimental treatments on him or an abomination that came from his hallucinations stemming from the candy not-LSD they pumped him full of as part of the treatment.
I have never seen yangire being used for anything other than characters that appear normal or appealing on the outside.
Where do you get your definition from?
Holy shit thank you user, that looks fantastic
Did you have your very own Bongbong in your facility user?
This was my Bongbong.
y have 20 of those suckers running around and dogpiling inosent ordeals! may get more
I wish i could be a fixer.
n u ggi s
Binah appears normal and acts in a way that will benefit her yet she encourages violence and death. If that's not a yangire I don't know what is.
I have one in my current playthrough but he's WAW tier
This is the hardest one you've posted yet
>Binah appears normal
At no point in the game, is what you meant to say, right?
>and acts in a way that will benefit her
Garion was openly torturing and murdering people and Binah does her best to put and end to you as well.
>yet she encourages violence and death
There is absolutely no "yet" involved.
> If that's not a yangire I don't know what is.
A character that seems normal on the surface, yet in the correct situation turns murderous for reasons other than love.
This is easy, I have a suit fetish
Not cool bro
How large a part of your nuggets did you customize?
I have two employees who I'll re-create if they die during a tough day, otherwise I let random chance pick for my ugly ass employees
Where can you find the talksprites of A? The English wiki is obviously useless
Around 70%, sometimes i keep the names but i always make them look cool.
Russian wiki.
I'm a clerk, how do I go about getting there
use google you superclerk
i swear no one knows how to google anymore
Ahhhh that image is too cute!
>Been using Google
>Literally just links back to the English and JP wikis no matter how many queries I use
>Go to take a screenshot and suddenly it decides to show up
fucking hell
Drink vodka
i think you need to be put on scarecrow duty
for me I search the following:
lobotomy corporation "ru"
Guarantees at least one result for the russian wiki, in this case вики
>fodb beating basedshoots
Prudence levels worldwide have dropped
Absolutely none. I like getting attached to the ones who survive and excel instead of custom-built snowflakes.
But wouldn't it be fun to make your custom-built snowflakes excel?
I have a squad of 5 I'll always remake at the start of a run, but otherwise I just smash that hire button as fast as possible if I need more nuggets.
I like them both a whole lot with a very mild lean towards Der Fascist, but answering the question as a fujo rather than a husbandofag pushed me over the edge into Funeral, who has a classy charm and care for agents that makes him a little more attractive to pair with them. Der x Agents is alright and Der x Funeral is obviously wonderful, but even I have to admit Der x Red comes out on top even if I'm usually not one for het, and that detracts yaoi points from him.
That's boring, all my most interesting nuggets came from the roll of chance.
Some get weeded out, and the survivors become my favourites.
You're a crueler man than me then, letting your employees die.
Nothing There looks like THAT?
Nobody here does much modding, but there's a Korean forum for the game that's done a lot.
>one of my original 3 nuggets was ugly and had s mean looking face.
>still alive at day 40 and is one of my first 2 gigachad.
>not editing it to say cl*rks
Umm...You don't get to bring clerks...
Ahh, just realized the picture of A means he was already guessing clerks
>E and R being picked twice each but the L was spared that
I don't know 100% how Wheel of Fortune works so I was trying to reference the Lo/v/otomy Corp save where there were employees that spelled out C L E R K S and L died first
관리자: (방송켬)아아 날 사랑하면 눈 깜박여봐 환상체 포함
직원, 환상체들: (어떻게든 눈 안깜빡이려고 필사적)
관리자: (팝콘)
>Manager: (ON TV) Alas, you love me, eyes blinking, sir annulus, including
>employees, the annulus (I desperately tried all eyes blinking eyes)
>manager (popcorn)
what translation machine did you use, that's way off the mark
Google Translate for the meme lmao
What a chad
I hope you had a good meal tonight user, and I hope you’ll sleep well tonight
When does the game click? I'm on day 3, and so far it's been kind of bland.
Also, the grammar on the descriptions is ticking my autism off.
Day 1-20 is basically an extended tutorial, but if you don't at least enjoy discovering new abnos and unlocking their lore it's probably not the game for you.
>day 3
New managers are cute, CUTE!
Up to day 20 you will be playing the glorified tutorial, and yeah you get used to the grammar.
Mmmm... Binah's binahs
Either you get used to the ESL grammar or you don't, it doesn't get better as you play. Also, shit starts to go down once you get your first WAWs and ALEPHs which is around day 14-21, the plot thickens at day 21 granted you did ALL your missions like you're supposed to be doing.
If you still don't like it then, don't force yourself anymore because it gets harder.
how difficult does it get? I don't like seeing my guys die.
I'm not having any trouble right now, but I got this Iron maiden thingy, that doesn't seem to respond to my clicks when it's chewing my staff.
>Iron Maiden
Once inside, your agent doesn't seem to want to come out. It must be comfortable in there!
Don't worry, this thing is the only one of its kind. The rest just have tricks that'll make it easy to lose your amigos.
>how difficult does it get
It goes from pisseasy as long as you pay attention to painful but manageable depending on whether you get a few certain bad abnos to ballbustingly dificult near the end.
Don't expect more than half your agents to survive to the final day, and even that's assuming you're good at the game and know what you're doing.
If you have a bad short term memory this game will be impossible
I was like you, trying to keep everyone alive, It was all going "well" (countless of restarts as soon one of my guys died) until day 40, which was when I started accepting loses. Just gonna say now incase you were like me, there is absolutely no reward in S ranking all missions besides a few extra LOB points, which in all reality won't change much at all.
>Iron Maiden thingie
Read it's information as it gets unlocked when you keep sending people, you will know why, also a protip, as you know if you restart the day you will lose all research, but when you get to day 6, start researching the shit out of the tool and then hit the "memory repository" option, you get to keep all research done and your agents will be alive and well.
You are going to get to a point where you finish the day by a hair length of facility wiping and you move on with a ton of losses. Of course you can keep resetting the day to have perfect days but it's challenging and sometimes not even worth it.
>how difficult does it get?
I told this to a friend, but it went from "haha gonna take a break from drawing and wind off by playing this game" to "I am going to go back to fucking draw because this fucking game keeps fucking me FUCK"
>how difficult does it get?
Dint sseth canceled its video about this game when he got his ass handed to him by last 4 days? I doubt he even saw the white midnight
Don't tell newbies to abuse memerepo, that sucks the fun out of it. Once they're in Beriah/Atziluth and the game becomes unmanagable you give them that advice.
All I've heard on that topic is he wouldn't wish Days 46~50 on anyone.
>there are people who didn't git gud enough to simply deathless Day 49
what level abnos are clerks and agents (levels I-V)?
So I have only been in this game for a couple of weeks and while a fan I do not follow him religiously. Why is everyone on about Sseth?
>how difficult does it get? I don't like seeing my guys die.
You will see your employees die and accept their deaths as an inevitable sacrifice just so you can advance.
But you can start all over again and build everything and everyone back stronger than they were before, until even the greatest challenges become trivial in the face of your gigachads.
I like the part of these threads where someone asks a question and 10 people come with their paragraphs
Faggot e-celeb who would bring in underageb&s to further deteriorate these threads.
let me test this
Why is red x der the best ship?
Level 5 Agents with ALEPH gear are WAW, proper winged all-gift-slot-filled gigachads are ALEPH, the rest are HE, TETH or ZAYIN. Remember that even the fixers are only WAW and you aren't 1v1ing them without the damage resistances being weighed in your favour (or some good micro).
Apparently he was going to make a video about the game, hinting at things on some of his latest videos, and everyone is worried that if he makes a video this will happen.
People i checked the Underrail threads and were fine, quit worrying.
>fixers have OP weapons leagues better than any ALEPH EGO
>only WAW tier
Because an ALEPH EGO is not equal to an ALEPH Abno, similar to how Mimicry doesn't do 300 red damage on is charged attack and Sound of a Star doesn't attack every enemy in the facility.
Der first of all is a Chad, he's not a manlet and in perfect male:female height ratio with Red. Der also represents a soldier which can also mean hunter. Which in original(or revised version of the story) came and saved Little red and Granny from Big Wolf. He represents salvation from artistically hunting wolf until last of her days, even if he murdered his family to prank Devil and not let last bullet kill them
Actually the EGO is far better. The nuggets are just untrained assholes who have no idea of what they're doing. Remember that they've been training for 1.5 months at that point and they're already capable of taking on everything thrown at them. The Red Mist gives you a short glimpse in the final blender of how good EGO is, but even she's completely gimped because of the situation.
If the nuggets actually could use the gear correctly, you'd be looking at a facility full of Red Mists.
>Shooting all of my loved ones to break my deal with the devil prank (GONE RIGHT)
The reason as to why Red X Der is the best ship (excluding A X Carmen) is because they're both cool Abnormality designs that compliment each other in terms of not only aesthetics but personality too. Red is as to be expected, dressed in red garments that are stylised with a certain edge (both literally and figuratively) which compliments her stern and aggressive nature as a tragic result of her lore, wherein she's aggressively mauled to absolute disfigurement by the Big and Might be Bad Wolf. Der Shooty however, is wispy-like and dresses in incredibly oversized/loose clothing, whilst in a constant stance of idle observation, probably also a result of his lore where he makes a deal with the Devil for shits and giggles and ends up with cool sniper powers which he uses to off a few cunts then fucks off afterwards. Despite these incredibly contrasting aspects in terms of design and personality/lore, they still manage to somehow transcend and overcome these differences within their crackship and ironically enough, compliment each other because of it and in doing so find other similarities that they share (i.e. their contractual hunting and love for weapons). With Der Shooty's calm and collected manner healing the past scars of Red's trauma (only figuratively not literally) within their ship and Red's direct mannerisms enabling Der to find direction in his wandering life, Red X Der is one of the best ships which even rivals A X Carmen because similarly together they are able to face their past fears in order to build the future.
Binah explains the entire appeal of EGO was that it imparts knowledge on to the user and they don't need training. Awakening EGO is an entirely different cup of tea and is likely something not everyone can do, let alone awakening your own EGO like geb did.
I'm usually not one for het ships and I don't think I would say it's the BEST (maybe the best between abnormalities), but it's a mix of their designs and their characters meshing really well. You have two normally-proportioned humanoid fairy tale abnormalities (already rare) who have nonhuman or monstrous-appearing traits that strike a nice balance where they're palatable to most people with "normal" taste but just outlandish enough that they can attract some monsterfuckers.
Now imagine that these two already-compatible designs have backstories that explain how they morphed into what they are today, having once been normal people, but with one key difference: Freischutz more or less willingly brought about his own destruction by accepting a contract with the devil, while Red getting mauled was completely out of her control. Der enjoys his powers and holds no resentment against the devil (arguably having even become one himself by killing his beloved) and used his powers for sport, while Red aggressively seeks revenge and has made it her life's purpose and livelihood. They're broken "people" who have little capacity for love and no interest in social needs, but they have deliciously contrasting reasons that pull them together because opposites with a few similarities attracts like crazy. Since neither of them likes Attachment, they won't get on each other's nerves; they're comfortably distant and aloof, pursuing different goals and fulfilling different purposes but complementing each other both personality-wise and visually. They may be reluctant to take up a relationship for their own reasons, but a partnership formed through their shared service to the facility or even vitriol from Red hating his carefree nature + Shoots not having to worry about /killing/ killing her could break down the walls they've each built around their hearts.
You guys must be either incredibly fanatical or incredibly autistic regarding Sseth, because this is a fraction of a second and I had to hunt down the video by cross-referencing a date in which someone alludes to 'a recent video' by him.
I hope red x der appears in LoR in any capacity
You missed the thread where someone asked after all the fearmongering and he said he wasn't going to make a video due to the gauntlet fucking his ass.
Hey I didn't knew about that, I only knew of some reference because of reading it in the threads here, but never bothered asking what exactly
Pale's gun is the only one you can really say is all that better since the others are either comparable to Aleph gear or more focused on fucking up your facility than actually killing you.
She also says that the EGO's power grows with the wielder's heart and that she's seen nobody but Geb pull out their true potential. In-game the nuggets need certain levels to even use the EGO. I see no reason why their ability to draw out the gear's potential wouldn't rise with experience and training. Hell, it already improves in game through the nugget's level, or else there's something very unexplained about how Justice improves one's speed.
>Awakening EGO is an entirely different cup of tea and is likely something not everyone can do, let alone awakening your own EGO like geb did.
I'd disagree, considering the entirety of the plot involves connecting people back to the divine light and Adam is capable of pushing that overboard so much it transforms people. Everyone has the innate potential for it, but it needs work and a method for unlocking it.
None has that, the point of day 49-50 is that Adam and Ayin give that ability to people but in different manners
This image is amazing.
If Hokma and Binah know fucking up A's plan isn't ideal, why do they still meltdown?
He makes a pretty direct reference to it around 9:50 of the Heroes of Might and Magic II review, and iirc there was one in Starsector someone pointed out but I missed it.
You are correct. I cannot find anything at all. Do you have a link handy?
It's the Heroes of Might & Magic II video, when he is advising uninstalling the game if you cannot get certain towns.
Iirc, Hokma does it to test you and Binah does it to fuck with you
Isnt hokma tired of watching you fail and fall into despair endlessly so he tries to stop you from suffering a fate worse than death and binah is just a salty bitch?
Maybe i didnt pay enough attention.
Hokma is the broest of bro's and isn't throwing a bitchfit like the rest and is just testing A to see if he's ready this time. Binah does it to fuck with you and is also testing you in her own way, A seems to have earned a bit of her respect after the suppression.
Them melting down and being supressed is probably essential to A's plan rather than fucking it up as it properly aligns the Kabbalah/clears the Qlipoth like with the upper supressions.
Because Hokma didn't want to let go of the past and Binah is an asshole.
Oh shit, you're right. I assumed was the only 'reference' and did not continue watching after spotting that.
>isn't throwing a bitchfit
Hokma seems pretty hokmad in the dialogue leading up to the suppression being available.
Any artist here? Could someone edit this gif to look like punishing bird please?
>manager:(comms on)aah, if you love me blinl your eyes, including abnos
>employees,abnos:(desperately tries not to blink)
>manager:(grabs popcorn)
Is this a reference to something
On the [REDACTED] station's name, yeah. Changed it to Nothing There.
>Russian wiki has fan abnos page
Why do the english wiki mods have such a hard stick up their asses? Why can't they have fun like everyone else?
Russians are always based
Remember that
Binah has been locked in a basement for an incomprehensible amount of time, drawing up the bucket and (assuming the average Manager is absolute garbage that couldn't even reach her department) wallowing alone with only retarded employees, her memories, and the well to keep her company. It's half a test and half an attempt at revenge.
Hokma is just trying to make sure you're capable of finishing what you've started without hesitation or crutches.
Not to mention the EN wiki refuses to make a page for Hokma and Binah because something about spoiling the game too much.
>a wiki giving a shit about spoilers outside of putting a spoiler warning on the top of the article
Come on now.
Binah believes that A's plan is stupid and that it will fail due to Wings, Claws and shit outside. Her meltdown is testing Binah worldview vs A's. When you beat her she start to believe you can change the world so she sticks with you no matter what to the end
Didn't the owner of the English wiki get his shit pushed in really hard by the Atzliuth supps or something and refuses to let anyone make new pages or edit too much because if he couldn't beat it himself, or was that a rumor?
This is why Binah is perfect for A, that naturally grown affection is proof of it
Wait wait hold on, I didn't notice that. Is he writing the video script? Is this masochist going to review a game that absolutely reamed his ass?
>My Sweet Orange Tree
wasn't that a scrapped abno though?
That video was back in May, so maybe not? Apparently he scrapped it after being unable to beat it, so that must have been the script he was working on up to then.
Based Adam ensuring another realises the true might of destiny and goes back.
I forgot what thread it is, try searching 'manual' or 'clerk', it was one of THOSE threads
I have you covered user.
>that feel when that was also the same thread I posted Netzach X Hod lewds
What a casual.
Why are all you homos gushing over some eceleb again?
The heck, core suppressions were awesome, the way the game makes you get attached to your employees, the difficulty of the core effects, the AMAZING music and the fear of losing your guys, i loved every single suppression.
You're a fucking legend, thanks Manager.
he's the guy who can give this game exposure it deserves, also LoR will be done ?soon? so exposure to that game too
I love Binah, and I love you user. I really hope you had a good day today and that you’ll have a good day tomorrow. I hope that you’ll have good meals and that you’ll have a fulfilling experience in whatever your endeavors are. And although I won’t have them, I hope you have good dreams user. You deserve all of it. Goodnight anons.
Speaking of the gauntlet, I wonder if any other anons have done the full gauntlet deathless.
Someone should try to S-rank days 1 through 50
It's theoretically possible
I gave up trying to do for day 49 and accepted my losses, but did everything else deathless
Not trying to step on any toes here, but he could still make a vid on it on the style of, "Do you absolutely enjoy suffering? Are you tired of living happy and content? Don't worry, the developers over in the Korea (Shows picture of Japan) have got you covered."
Keep in mind he did enjoy the game to the point of putting a rather blatant reference on one of his vids. Again, don't hold your breaths, just saying that him scrapping off the LC vid is not a guaranteed claim.
Wait, you're supposed to do the work it shows to get the gift? Even if it's low for the abno?
Actually no wait, forgot i let 7 people die against Binah
>OHOHOHOHO, was that a good work result manager?
>Fufu, let's see you try to catch me
No it's just showing what it provides a stat boost for.
The days prior to the gauntlet should be simple enough. I don't know if I'd be willing to go through a whole 45 days again but if I have truly nothing better to do which is usually always I'll give it a shot.
>mfw the FUCKING LAMA escapes again
500 decibel shitpost incoming
jesus christ my sides
I understand you. Got an employee who used You're bald really early in the game and he eventually became the problem solver.
ive come to realize the brilliance of this game is that it is basically a sociopath simulator. In the begining, the game gives you just enough points to make your own custom agent to love and cherish, then the sereph's make you feel bad for getting employees killed, then they make you do things to intentionally get them killed, then you start realizing that its actually okay to get them killed, then you start actively enjoying getting them killed because you are now a horrible person that views your own creations as disposable tools who exist only to further your own insane goals.
Jokes on A, I still cherish all my employees!
>then you start realizing that its actually okay to get them killed
This game screws up with you by making employees too adorable and willing to give everything for you, then as end up putting them in the most dangerous situations possible, watching them struggle and forcing you to do your best possible to somehow keep them alive.
It's not sociopathy, because you just understand that sacrificing several nuggets for good of many is a viable solution
user... that is what a sociopath would say.
I see these threads reach bump limit but I have no idea what they're about. What game is this?
do you believe that everyone who ever commanded in war is a sociopath?
I dont enjoy getting my empoyees killed, in fact, i get genuinely sad whenever one of my employees die.
I wish i could save everyone.
Lobotomy Corporation
Korean knock off SCP management game
Read the spoiler in the OP
When you were reading the manual I studied the armor.
While you were choosing best girl I mastered the Life for the Dare Devil
While you wasted your days with no Mem Repos I cultivated my Justice.
And now that the facility is on fire and the ALEPHs are at the door you have the audacity to take me out of Repression work?
Craniotomy Organization
i feel like the healing tools would be more effective if they lasted like 3-5minutes before their bad effects could kick in. Like, 30 seconds and you might explode wont even give you enough time to travel through half the facility to do whatever it is you desperately need to do. The whole reason flesh idol and shelter work so well is that its so easy to forget an agent is in there until all of a sudden its third trumpet time. Your management skills arent being tested if a tool only has enough time for you to click it, make agent do thing 5 feet away, then send him or her back.
Thanks. I just Googled it and it looks like a Reddit game, so I see why Yea Forums likes it.
I would argue that "playing God" is not sociopath trait. Many leaders, historically, had to play this role and were normal in mind. If the game encourages you to kill people senselessly without a reasonable reward and not care of the welfare of the survivors, that would be another story.
>not a new ip
Don't respond to bait please.
The other master baiter has raised my temperance
I used to end my Lobcorp sessions by sending someone to the cross to pray and let all hell break loose. It was fun to see the new monsters join in on the shitshow.
>Cute visuals? Oh, that's a reddit game for sure
The end-game and boss fights are far, far from casual. As said many times before, it serves as a normie-filter (which, surprisingly, even included sseth) so I doubt most of the morons over at plebbit would enjoy it.
yeah I bet bud.
Shit, the other poster was right. Ok buddy you got your (you). Grind it and snort it all up like the cute little attention whore you are
>it serves as a normie-filter
No, the normie filter of the game is the EN translation. Nobody without some amount of autism is going to be able to ignore it beyond the first few days.
Who are you talking to.
As an ESL I never realize how bad the translation is for some people. It's readble to me. Some of the Sephirah's dialogue is weirdly vague (Binah especially) and I see typos but it's never enough to make me rage quit. I wonder if it's different for those who have English as their first language.
what is not normie-filter in this game. Though, reading about legacy we got lucky with energy generation
The second level is my favorite when you fight the hairy monster.
>/vg/ autist is back
He's evolving like Nothing There
Talk about being obsessed
Who are you talking to.
EOP writefag here. I'm usually really sensitive to poor English (which means I'll have a mistake somewhere in this post), especially in others' narrative writing, but I find the game more than tolerable and I can gloss over the handful that remain. I did this even before I knew about the fuckery the devs had to go through to get this thing released, let alone translated. Sure there's a few glaring errors and outright misinformation like Porccubus' managerial tips, but they're a minuscule part of the game you can work around anyway.
People keep complaining, but in all honestly I don't even notice anything majorly wrong. There's a few mispellings here and there, but other than that and the awkward sentence structure, the LC dialogue is pretty clear-cut Basic Level English, which is especially good for Koreans considering the difficulty of English for Asian countries
What really gets my goat is that Poeccubus can be edited very simply by the devs and updated but apparently they have no time for that
I'm one of the people who is tolerant to any writing mistake as long as I can fully understand what author intended to say in a dialog. And we won't even know if character intent is mistranslated
This makes me sad, ever since I started playing this godamn game it hasn't left my mind.
I'm starved for content and have even watched random streamers that get 6 viewers at best.
I've even looked at all the 96 pages it had on Pixiv.
I feel the same, playing the game over and over after I'm done doesn't scratch that itch, and I'm mad
>pretty much have Day 49 down to a science since I just kept having an LC itch I needed to scratch
>nothing left to do besides do a full reset and meme up a speed run
>don't really feel like it
>but still want more LC to either watch or experience
I think my SP is rapidly dropping by this point.
Give me a better slice of life squad other than these 4. Protip: you can't
Chesed, The Shelter, and a nice piping hot cup of joe.
>Find new game
>Love the characters
>Love the music
>Fun to play
>Very charming
>It's also very niche and there aren't much videos or fan art of it
>Too obscure to be noticed by famous tubers
I absolutely abhor this feeling
That's why I make my own fanart
Fuck dammit.
At least add the "all your energy +tip" meme to it, lmao.
I don't like how close you guys are hitting to home. I've been "fixated" on games before (particularly Taroverse shit to name the most "recent" example), but nothing like LobCorp where there was a small dedicated Yea Forums community to get all wrapped up in that's not tainted by contrarians and corporate greed on the part of the company. I've barely if ever made OC before besides maybe some really bad small horsegreen texts going on 5 years ago but I've pumped out more than even I can keep track of since I started browsing these threads, and I don't want the ride to end
I actually want him to shill it for the dev even if the threads go under.
Couldn't think of a way to add it in that still pertains to the original meme, even the movement transitions were a bit of a stretch.
The ride wont end, we have Runia to look forwards to
I really hope you fucks use spoiler tags properly for the early ruina threads, I'm always a bit behind and don't want to be spoiled but also don't want to miss out on the release discussion.
The original has a literal >tfw
I know, but I can't help but fear the inevitable future even if it's a year or way more off from Ruina's release. Guess all I can do is stop being a pussy, enjoy them while they're around, and face it
Spoiler tags used to be used almost constantly even for "basic" LobCorp stuff like boxes to the point the threads felt like walking into CENSORED's containment with the filter on and still occasionally are, so I don't think it'll be too much of a concern. I'm just worried I won't be able to play as much as I'd like (if at all on release since I'm a poorfag), but also won't be able to stay away from the threads because I have 0 impulse control
>manager orders all agents to work on no one but laetitia for the entirety of day 50
>White Night escapes and everything is ruined at the last possible moment
Can abbos actually breach on Day 50? My facility was made to be as not cancerous as possible so I memerepoed all whiny bitch abnormalities like WN and Train.
Yes, I had QoH breach so I was a little worried about WN with only a couple gigachads left alive after the previous day, but everything worked out.
No clue if they can breach, probably can though.
>whiny bitch abnormalities like WN and Train.
WN is nowhere near as bad as the others like Train and Parasyte Tree. Great gear, great gift and you can keep him happy just by having someone continuously grind on him to get the wing.
mod to replace all abnos and sephirah with bongbong when
Mod to replace bongbong with bongbong when?
Which Bongbong EGO combination incarnation is the most iconic version of Bongbong?
this one
Exactly. I really liked the game but I don't feel like playing it anymore, meanwhile the premise is still really engaging and I like the characters/weapons/whatever. Speaking of I just made this, skulls are really hard to model apparently.
You know how Angela took all Sephiras with her to library and left A to die but isn't A technically a Kether Sephira?
A was already gone by the time that happened.
Nice work, it looks more menacing
I don't like self aware bong bongs, gimme the cute mindless ones
Did he take Carmen brain on the way out?
Not that kind of gone user.
Can koreanons translate?
But was it AA, or A A or AA to A A
>Lobotomy is technically Robotomi due to Korean writing
>shortened to Robtom
>Rob Tom
>Rob Thomas
I've cracked the code
Real talk, does a HP Wellcheers can or the Tree Sap heal more?
Read "can" as a verb and got confused from the sentence spaghetti.
Answer the fucking question.
>people can write paragraphs on DerxRed reasons
>most if not all can't answer who's voice we hear at the end of days 46-49
Lorelets, all of you
no I want another DerxRed paragraph about how they would work on each other
I don't think anyone has issues with that user.
Wait what, I thought the voice at the end was obviously Angela's, not to be mistaken for Carmen's based off the dialogue? I'll have to recheck my save but I'm pretty sure there were several things that basically gave it away, like one part where she straight up admits that she's going to betray A at the end and that he doesn't want her to be there if he truly knew.
>Der on Red
Would go into attachment work but because of the devil's contract taking his soul, it would be extremely autonomous and cold-hearted, with Red being extremely confused in the process because she genuinely doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, if it even counts as Attachment and if she should be mad at him for even attempting it, because she's tsun for him.
Der is an intellectual and he would know how to tend to Red's needs probably resorting to doing some gun mechanical work with her, with some idle chat sprinkled in but not verging into Attachment territory, despite it being more personally connecting than when he actually tries to do Attachment. Red would appreciate it out of all of the works as does Der, because it involves the least physical contact
Der would probably poke her or tap her with the butt of his rifle, to see how she responds, and Red despite being kind of pissed off or annoyed at what he's doing would just accept it because he's not doing anything too harmful that would cross the line
Der would aim his rifle at Red and fire a bullet at her with incredibly low Transmit, Penetrate and Accelerate power. Red would be kind of pissed that he did it but understanding that he intentionally didn't do it with the intent to harm would brush it off.
There is problem in such interpretation based on 46th day when voice says why it's so dark, why you can't hear my voice, which can't fit Angela because she can see clearly and constantly talked to us
Checkmate Lorefags
But I do and insulting people is best way to prompt them to prove me wrong
That's blatantly metaphorical dude. Did you think we were just meming when we said Angela went nuclear because A wouldn't give her any dick?
Ripped the screenshot right now from my save. Also what said, it's probably metaphorical.
>Not sending a cute, receptive femboy to Der's containment room
And what that metaphorically means in your interpretation? Connect this metaphorical word to Angela first
I didn't know there was log says what words belongs to whom. I still don't understand why they didn't show that Angela says it when in log show that it's her
Maybe it's just placeholder and an oversight.
A didn't give a single shit about Angela as a person from her very creation. He did nothing but treat her, an AI who says repeatedly that she's sophisticated enough to be considered a human, like a computer until the end, which to her was millions of years. The text on Day 49 spells the idea out clearly.
Is there any file where I can find all the text? going through codex is too slow
>Found Angela_desc and found archaic Optimist/Rationalist/Pacifist/etc. quotes from beta
It's (mostly) all in \ExternalData\xml\Language\Localize\en. Can't find where the true ending text is anywhere though. That other en folder higher up is all old stuff and abno texts.
I once inquired about making some spelling corrections to the strangely made Korean-to-English translations, dude was a bit of a hardass about saying absolutely not
No idea about the the rest though, like the missing pages. I had assumed the wiki editors were just lazy
I've been trying to make content for this game but shit just went down for me so it might set me back a bit.
Get well user, hope it blows over without fucking you up too much.
I've drawn 3 things these past few days for the thread as life support. Hopefully it doesn't die incredibly hard before Ruina comes
I see... well why dont we meet again... as stars
When LoR comes again?
All we know is 2020
Oh noooo!