>two longest cutscenes in the game's history yet
>"Veteran of the Fourth War" title
>war campaign ending
Are they finally doing it? Are they finally getting rid of the stale Red VS Blue conflict?
Is this a step in the right direction?
>two longest cutscenes in the game's history yet
>"Veteran of the Fourth War" title
>war campaign ending
Are they finally doing it? Are they finally getting rid of the stale Red VS Blue conflict?
Is this a step in the right direction?
Other urls found in this thread:
WoW 2 when?
Not for a while yet. They'll milk it until the 20th anniversary at least.
in a better timeline this happened after siege of orgrimmar and wod/legion/bfa don't happen
They should make world of warcraft and diablo and starcraft in a one game. Like you could go to space and visit different planets. One could be like warcraft planet and one diablo etc.
Playing wow character and suddenly zerg ships swarm the world and your like what the fuck is this shit
It really is stupid that they rehashed half of the Garrosh-Vol'jin rebellion plot for Sylvanas-Saurfang.
But then we still don't know Sylvanas endgame.
Could still be a surprise, but people were thinking "who burns Teldrassil" would be a surprise too.
There can be no reconciliation until the Horde gets its shit pushed in severely
>thrilling conclusion
Too bad, next capital to be razed is Stormwind by Sylvanas and Alliance and Horde go to save its ruined husk together.
I'm just here waiting for the Black Empire to rise up again.
It will be "we need to unite against a greater threat" once again. How many times has this happened already?
Movie ID 903 - 3:18 Min Long
Movie ID 904 - 6:18 min Long
It better fucking be at least on par with the Broken Shore cinematic. That one was 4:09 minutes.
blizz has a loot treadmill equivalent for its plots
people will still eat it up though
Yeah but this time they're lampshading it and it seems they're ending it permanently:
Bad and good guys teaming up is a trope I don't get tired of.
What IS getting old is the constant make up/break up. If the threats are so profound that the devs need to constantly make two warring factions work together, they either need to finally break the seal and combine the player base OR just stop making cosmic level threats altogether and dial this shit down
>worgen models updated
my dick
Safe to say this expansion was a bigger blunder than Warlords of Draenor? And that was an expansion made for the sole purpose of selling tickets to a shite live action movie
the male animations are ten times more smooth now but the animations themselves are still bad, the 2h attack is atrocious
Who gives a shit I just want that crappy face snarl to fuck off so I can jack off to worgen sluts
They have to end it because the player balance between Horde and Alliance is so completely fucked up.
oh you don't actually play the game, my bad, carry on
WoW has been shit since cata, of course I don't play it
Yeah, it is. Draenor at least had a great leveling experience. BfA showed how shallow it was almost immediately. Eternal Palace has been fun though
The main problem is that there's no "bad guys and good guys". There's the Alliance, which despite some efforts in corners by some of the lower ranking (but probably better) writers always gets propped up as "the good guys" by the main writers.
Then there's the Horde, who are in a state of constant identity crisis by idiot plots that put homicidal lunatics in charge of "noble savages", "misunderstood but honorable", "the Horde is family". Thrall and Vol'jin warchief? Can't have that, need to keep Red VS Blue going, so lets put some Hitlers in charge instead.
>6 minutes long encrypted cutscene
paid transfers working as intended, goy
Horde had better raid racials for years.
And because people wanted to be like the tryhards they started rolling horde.
But who can blame them, choosing alliance (aside from pvp for a long time and then again human human human) was objectively a worse decision.
It's not just the cutscene that they encrypted this time. They encrypted the entire war campaign.
The only thing we got out of datamining this time is the Wrathion questline and Calia Menethil's new model. (She'll probably replace Sylvanas as leader of the Forsaken after whatever it is she pulls).
On 0:29 it looks like she is floating on the grass.
If it's a cutscene where Sylvanas reveals she's an Old God in disguise and we have to fight her at Thunder Bluff and then N'Zoth appears after she's defeated I will probably quit the game
Thunder Bluff is a feint. The real prize is Stormwind.
I kinda hope the Shadowlands "lea" turns out to be real.
>A Menethil in charge of the very people her brother killed in the first place
Well considering Jaina became Lord Admiral after killing her father and no one in Kul Tiras was upset about this I am willing to believe this might happen
I think the images are real, but most of what was posted with it is speculation on the leaker's part.
Hopefully it is because we have had two battles in undercity and one battle in orgrimmar yet no battles in alliance cities at all
That would require more work than adding cosmetics and fetch quests to the game, so... never.
So what is this, patch 8.4 or something? I've been out for a while.
>But then we still don't know Sylvanas endgame.
I'm gonna be so mad if it's just
>She was right the whole time you stupid shitlord and this whole expansion could have been avoided if she spoke two words to FUCKING ANYONE
She's been unabashedly an evil monster since The Frozen Throne, anyone who thought the attack was out of character is either an idiot or never paid a single bit of attention to her character outside of wanting to smell her feet
8.2.5. Minor patch, should drop within the next month or so with the cinematics unlocking by Blizzcon.
8.3 will be another major raid patch, and 8.3.5 will probably have some more allied races added in the downtime to 9.0.
Blizz seems to be doing a lot of halfway patches lately. This is 8.2.5.
To be fair they were ok with putting Sylvanas in charge despite her betraying and killing the last remnants of Lordaeron of her own free will
>Well considering Jaina became Lord Admiral after killing her father and no one in Kul Tiras was upset about this I am willing to believe this might happen
When did civil war ever play a real part in the World of Warcraft? And even if some people gave a fuck you would probably just get a quest to kill them.
Doesnt matter how righteous the cause of npc is, players will kill him for 5g and give no fuck.
>r betraying and killing the last remnants of Lordaeron of her own free will
Who, Garithos?
Three things we know about her endgame from the prequel novel.
It involves conquering Stormwind, she wants to become a goddess, and she fears Elune for some reason.
She also now holds an empty Xal'atath, which seems to have the power to imprison Old Gods or other powerful entities, if going by the theory that Xala'tatath was an Old God, imprisoned by its siblings in an early pwoer struggle.
Blizzard needs to fire Golden anyone else involved with the writing of the last 5 years.
They're all trash. Every single one.
Story can help make the ultimate encounters more satisfying. Here's an example of when things don't add up
How come Nazjatar is smaller than one zone in Vash'jir? I shit you not, there is a palace in Vash'jir that is larger than Azshara's
Him and all the farmlands in Tirisfal Glades she razed to the ground and raised
Not all. The people who write self-contained arcs and zone stories are fine. It's Golden and the Nathanos self-insert hack who need to get fired.
They're going to do something big in an attempt to revive the game, they're in a desperate state.
How many times does the Horde need to be hijacked by someone with severe bloodlust? WC3 put the franchise on the map and the crux of that game's story was watching a human prince descend into madness and become evil, they never bothered to replicate that success and just kept putting the horde in a constant succession crisis by installing a decent warchief then, realizing there's no conflict to base the next expansion off of, has them summarily removed or killed to make room for some asshole.
I can compromise there, sure. Get rid of those two insufferable shitbags at the very least.
Keep whomever it is that does the flavor text on grey items, however; have to correct myself there.
Imagine doing quest to understand other race lenguage and doing quest who requires to be from differen sides.
Why does Azshara have eyebrows?
Legitimately ruined the expansion for me. Most fucking irritating character of all time. Constantly fails at everything he does while telling everyone around him failure will not be tolerated.
What awful writing
I think making you hate him is kind of the point though.
We'll either kill him, or he'll betray Sylvanas at the last and they'll try to turn him into Snape.
lol, are they? Is this comment from some previous year? I hear this every few months for 13 years and I start to think they are NOT in a desperate state.
no way. BFA might not be that fun but at lest it didn't have garrisons, 1yr raid tiers and selfie patches
From doing the raid I was under the impression that it's mostly just Azshara sending us around to bits of her palace. We don't even see her throne or anything.
I agree. Nathanos makes me actively hate the current iteration of the Forsaken.
Sanctimonious cunt that always expects the best, never delivers, berates anyone who does better than he, constantly fails and yet is still somehow an important and respected character.
What fuckawful writing, man.
>>"Veteran of the Fourth War" title
City of Heroes did it in a pretty neat way. You would run small questlines to be able to migrate from being a hero to being a villain. You could also go rogue/vigilante and play in both the hero and villain territories. The advantage to going full hero/villain however were some bonus powers. I forgot which. It's been a while
Every expansion has a 1 year raid tier now. It was 1 year between 7.3 and BFA's release
The Fourth War is the entire Horde-Alliance conflict in WoW, or at least the one in BfA. And it's ending.
Yeah but BfA has a much slower patch schedule now.
In Legion 7.3 was already released by now, while in BfA 8.2.5 still needs to be released.
But wasn't that the MoP conflict?
The war didn't actually start until wrath user.
I like how hateable he is.
It's kind of hilarious that after burning thousands of night elven civilians to death the horde and alliance are going to kiss and make up after this, possibly even become one faction. The garbage novellas make it clear the whole horde is implicated in the massacre too (shamans conjure up winds to make it burn faster etc). Night elves have always been WoW's punching bag.
It's a gradual, progressive decay in which they increasingly feel threatened. They're probably below a million subs for retail now.
>Red VS Red
>teehee sorry for that fifth all-out genocidal war
>please forgive us and don't punish us in any way ;)
I'm already mad.
Listen, I'm usually anti-elf hate, but night elves deserve every inch.
Which yt channel is the best one to catch up with the story? Noble?
Blizz higher-ups would complain about this during Q&As and whatnot in previous years. Hard to make an expansion every 2 years but have absolutely no new content for the last year before a new release. They said they wanted to do better and sadly never did.
Current Blizzard seems content to keep that unholy tradition going.
>They encrypted the entire war campaign
Why no one decrypts it?
Or perhaps only people with 2 IQ still play WoW?
>Is this a step in the right direction?
No? Who the fuck would enjoy this? Why would either side accept this? The only people who get along are some of our leaders, the rest of the populations have been in heated combat for the last decade.
I was fine with him being a hateful dickhead at first because he's forsaken, but goddamn even Sylvanas occasionally compliments you. That fuckface never shuts up, wore thin very fast.
Never trust an elf
As a freewill forsaken i'd probably side with her.
Arthas was mind controlled and her sister had nothing to do with him doing bad thing in the first place.
>Classic was just their way of 'trying again from the beginning'
>now they'll expand the series in a direction that meets demand rather than trying to feature bloat to bring in casuals
I believe.
Also fuck Sylvanas. Holy shit. You'd think after all that time you'd tuck your fucking PMS away. Bitch.
>Arthas was mind controlled
lmao wut. the whole point was that *he* made those choices of his own will. mal'ganis manipilating causality =/= mind control.
god I love how butthurt she makes cucks
Classic lore is already fucked. With the Forsaken as part of the Horde the lore can never ever make any goddamn sense.
Did you play Wc3? He was under mind control once he took frostmourne. That's why Malganis wanted him to pick the sword.
being corrupted is not mind control. fuck, the distinction is why the word "corruption" exists.
He's talking about post-Frostmourne you fucking mongoloid
The time when he was actually killing Lordaeron
>WC3 put the franchise on the map
Nothing's happened in BFA, war wise so i'm almost inclined to agree with you.
remember when Warcraft looked cool instead of like a fucking childrens cartoon? This is embarrassing
Again play the game wowbaby. It's explicitly told.
Do you really think that Malganis wanted to die?
Frostmourne never mind controlled him, smooth brain. It whispered to him and he even fights and absorbs the corrupting force eventually. Never once was a decision made for him.
hellfire citadel was 439 days and antorus was 259. Don't forget that legion also had some small content patches in between
WoW's story and plot has been a trainwreck since TBC, whats there left to discuss?
Play classic and be done with it instead.
you're right it just stole his soul
>Arthas was mind controlled
Whisper = mind control retard.
Once Sylvanas breaks free of the mind control she even says "i don't hear the voice of the LK anymore".
There was no official war until Wrath. The Alliance didn't have a leader to declare it and Thrall never gave a fuck. It was only after Varian got pissy about the Wrathgate that the war officially started in full.
>The Lich King doesn't mind control his servants
This the IQ we are at now holy shit
Everyone under his thrall are completely and utterly slaves to his will, even if it seems they keep their personality in the process
Malganis expected Lich King to play nice and mindfuck Arthas into obedience, instead Lich King went "fuck it, you're my champion now, fuck this demon up all you want". You're literally refuting your own argument.
>her only claim to rule is her last name
>last person with that last name caused the fall of the entire kingdom, dooming its people
>has been sucking alliance cock the entire time
>somehow should be leader of a Horde faction
you're retarded
lol the only one getting cosmetics are the fucking npc
>to SAVE my homeland
>the moment he gets back to his homeland he murders his father and helps the scourge fuck it over
Gee it's almost like his soul got stolen and his will was replaced by the Lich King's
What does it have to do with what i said stupid fuck?
>Tormented by Frostmourne's maddening voice, Arthas lost the last vestiges of his sanity.
>Now, driven by the sword's dark will, Arthas plans to return home to Lordaeron and claim his just reward...
this isn't mind control for you?
Why do you think Malganis was so smug once he took the sword retard?
Because the whole point was to mind control him. He acts surprises then because the LK betrays him by ordering Arthas to kill him.
Actual decryption is hard to break user.
>mindfuck Arthas into obedience
You literally admitted that he was under mind control you stupid fuck.
They're not. They could be, but the LK left his commanders with free will, even if he could snuff it out at a moment's notice. Go read the Kel'thuzad short story.
Can you even fucking read?
>her only claim to rule is her last name
That' how Royalty works
>last person with that last name caused the fall of the entire kingdom, dooming its people
Yes because you missed the part where he was mad and killed his own father
>has been sucking alliance cock the entire time
Cool, if i was a forsaken with free will, the last thing i'd is to suck the cock of the Orcs who tried to genocide me when i was alive.
If the game can read the data then so can data miners
Not if you are decent at Maths. That's why you have ppl beaking game/software protection every day.
Literally 100% willing. Multiple quests in Icecrown confirm it
>the last thing i'd is to suck the cock of the Orcs who tried to genocide me when i was alive
So instead you want to suck the cocks of humans who tried to genocide you last week?
>WoW lore
LK should have been about Ner'zhul reclaiming the Horde
The rest of the population is tired of seeing their family and friends die I'd bet. Biggest mistake Sylvanas made was alienating her home base Forsaken by killing even the returnees at Arathi and blowing up Undercity.
I can't believe I never realized that Mal'ganis and Tassadar have the same VA
Never happened.
Yes, because you tried to genocide the humans first, you idiot.
Logical free undead behaviour would be to get the hell out of the genocidal group of zombies.
>b-but the alliance are racist!
An entire platoon of death knights was welcomed into the Alliance because they brought a note from an exiled traitor.
>alienating her home base
nice headcanon
>Biggest mistake Sylvanas made was alienating her home base Forsaken by killing even the returnees at Arathi and blowing up Undercity.
I've not seen a single Forsaken, even in confidence, criticize her for these. Hell I'm pretty sure Vivien defends her.
If there is one faction in Warcraft deserving of a genocide it's the Forsaken
They whine about getting persecuted all the time while claiming land using genocide tactics, bio warfare, and dirty bombs
When? Warcraft has literally always been cartoony.
i think getting soul eated makes one amoral so people are just more agreeable after that
Nope, the cinematic of wc2/wc3/early WoW were all but a Disney movie.
she's no longer royalty in Lordaeron, her family got ousted. Besides, Lordaeron didn't allow for female rulers, as evidenced by Arthas being the heir apparent instead of his older sister.
Kel'Thuzad, Uther, and The Lich King (in WotLK) have the exact same fucking voice
>because you tried to genocide the humans first,
Yea even though no one knows lol
Yeah, these are cool and all, but it doesn't change the fact that 98% of humans want zombies annihilated. It makes sense but why would sentient zombies just be okay with that? Why would either side want to join hands? It's a retarded thought. Orcs may be brutes who tried to kill them 30+ years ago, but the humans are the ones trying to kill them today.
Night elves are the reason the legion found Azeroth in the first place and now their mutants are responsible for N'zoth being released.
>retail wow team removes factions for the next expansion just to leave a steaming pile for the classic team who will be put in charge of retail afterwards
Except the game can't read them in their current state.
Arthas sought power over the undead and for himself. He got both. What the Lich King wanted was immaterial until he found out he was required to return to Northrend to stave off death
Anons, tell me how the story will continue on the old gods part now that n'zoth is free
You know how Royaly works right? If the last heir alive is a girl, then that's the girl who becomes Queen.
Anyway she has more legitimacy than an undead elf bitch who was hiding when the scourge attacked lordaeron.
>Eternal Palace has been fun though
it's pretty good, but Blackwater Behemoth is one of the worst fights Blizzard has ever designed. It's a complete pushover on normal and heroic but mythic turns it into a total clusterfuck that's way harder than Sivara or Radiance
N'zoth runs around for an expansion before being unceremoniously killed at the end of it.
WoW's artstyle doesn't translate well in that detail level they do for the cinematics. Something about it just looks so off.
>WoW 2 when?
How fucking stupid are you, kid?
>I think making you hate him is kind of the point though.
writing shitty on purpose doesn't make your writing not shitty
Read the prequel novel.
Lilian Voss is being propped up as the representative for the Forsaken vs Sylvanas (even though they retconned half of her as a result).
I knew you'd cite the cinematics. Those have a completely different art style you retard. The cutscene you were complaining about was in-game. Now go look at an in-game cutscene in Warcraft III.
>fictional female not allowed to rule in the current year
She'd fit right in with Talanji, Jaina, the waycrest cunt whatshername and every other empowered female that leads you through the zone quests
>more legitimacy than the one who freed them, wrested control of the area and led them as a new faction
cope and seethe harder
Reminder that undead are abominations and have no reason to exist after Arthas died. They "reproduce" by raising dead against their will to live the same tortured existence. All undead must dead.
Everything Arthas does is in the name of the LK.
But i agree that his corrupt version is beginning to show more signs of autonomy during TFT.
>the humans are the ones trying to kill them today
Because the Forsaken are operating literal nazi death camps to exterminate the living. There is no reason for the Alliance to attack friendlies when the world is full of actual hostiles. It's not like they're in need of lebensraum
How would they go about killing an old god? The titans are out of comission atm and our artifacts are destroyed
Blizzard as you know it does not exist.
You do not want anything from nuBlizz. Especially not a big budget sequel.
>Shit written 15 years after the fact to make the Scarlets more hateable again
>Also they were right but that doesn't matter because they bad guys
Literally every piece of lore written for the Crusade are attempts by Blizzard to distract from the fact that they are 100% correct in their actions and methods
it is
That comic is old as shit retard
I think the only fight I actively hate is The Queen's Court. Za'qul I think is my favorite. Hope we'll get another fight as good as Star Auger in 8.3
Even if the humans tried to make peace sylvanas would sabotage every effort to do so, If the zombies were not ruled by queen bitch their chances of peace would have went up tremendously.
Same way we killed C'thun, and yog'saron. hitting him until he drops shinies.
>Lilian Voss is being propped up as the representative for the Forsaken vs Sylvanas (even though they retconned half of her as a result).
So? I've still never seen a forsaken criticize her for those two moves, and Lilian still defended her actions at the start which means she wasn't broken up over either of those either.
Same way we stopped Sargeras
We beat some rando and then he gets his ass beat in a cutscene
Orcs were trying to kill everyone for two straight expansions, lmao. Remember Garrosh? The Iron Horde?
Orcs are are totally unstable. Yeah, I'd go with the humans.
>Is this a step in the right direction?
She freed them only to use them. She just replaced the Nathrezim order.
Again for a Forsaken with freewhill it makes little sense to genocide your family and join Horde willingly.
>Read the prequel novel.
I did and it has nothing to do with what you said.
Name 1 (one) thing Sylvanas did wrong
But we didnt. They were just avatars
It feels like they told him for the LK voice "Just do your Kel'Thuzad voice but slightly more raspy"
And in the same game you have humans from the argent dawn who aren't hating Forsaken.
except for the fact that no one else would ally with them? yea little sense.
They said something about sargeras coming back. The red star is still flickering where he is emprisoned
>>"Veteran of the Fourth War" title
>Calia looks like she's a Priest
So is she going to be pure, corrupted evil in disguise or totally useless until she changes classes? That's the tradition for Priest NPCs in the game.
Are you too autistic to understand why most humans would have qualms with their dead relatives walking around even without death camps? Fuck, the forsaken sent emissaries to the human kingdoms at the same time they sent them to the horde kingdoms, the humans just killed them on sight. Understandable, but why would either side every team up? They're irreconcilable.
>slaughter the humans who helped you
>"durr, durr why does every human left fear us?"
durrr muh headcanon
I actually like Queen's Court. It sucks if you play a class with really simple mechanics like frost DK, and the tank swap can be a pain without prot warriors, but as far as "two bosses you can't cleave and have to kill at the same time" fights go, it's not bad
Every played Wc3?
Also Argent dawn doesn't hate forsaken. Meanwhile Forsaken genocide every human on sight, probably their own family sometimes.
Fair enough, I just play a rogue so when Queen's Orders come out, I want to kill myself. Luckily I got AotC, so now I'm just waiting to resub for 8.2.5 or 8.3
>hey look, an undead with a parlay flag, should we talk to them?
>you mean the guys who struck a deal with the remaining Lordaeron army and stabbed them in the back? I'm not retarded
>oh if they're evil we'll just kill them
>CTRL+F "veteran"
>0 results
>CTRL+F "fourth war"
>0 results
>only reference to a title is the RAF title
yeah nah you're full of shit
Uncategorized Spells user. Why do I have to hold your hand through navigating a webpage?
Ah, yes, it appears you are correct. I am the low-IQ ape in this situation, my apologies.
>I'm not retarded
but you are
Listen user, you're obviously a little lost, so let me point you to where this started.
You can follow the chain. I've never once said the Forsaken were innocent victims. Them teaming up with humans though, or humans teaming up with them? Retarded. Pants on head retarded.
WoW team are trying their hardest make Undead Paladins become a thing after Forsaken playerbase complained about Trolls getting playable Paladins earlier than them.
I laugh at this dumbness, had to post to let you know thanks for the kek
racials stopped being the reason for the imbalance like 8 years ago
it's just a self-enforcing cycle at this point
more and better players are on horde
less and worse players are on alliance
people transfer from alliance to horde due to lack of decent players, making the problem worse
WoW has humans siding with orcs against generic evil dude every expac.
There are DKs everywhere in Alliance.
Blood Elves embraced the Horde.
At this point i don't see the issue with human and forsaken together.
>let me just fill this necromantic vessel with holy energy
>surely nothing can come from this
Goldens shit was bad enough but forsaken pallies would be 10x worse.
I'd play it. Lux Vult motherfuckers.
I don't see the issue. WoW was always like that. Forsaken priest already exist.
>At this point i don't see the issue with human and forsaken together.
Then you're just blind dude. There's too much bad blood and old wounds on both sides.
>like 8 years ago
Didn't entire guilds faction change for mythic KJ?
Priests channel light, Paladins are filled with it. That's how holy power and avengers wrath works. A forsaken would just explode.
>racials stopped being the reason for the imbalance like 8 years ago
you mean 9 months ago when BoD came out
We said the same about the Elves and the Orc, or the Trolls ans the Elves. Yet he was are. Horde is Elf party now.
With Golden's book about Forsaken reuniting with their family, it shows that it's more than possible.
A Forsaken would. A Redeemed won't.
Remeber when Paladins were just priest on armor?
Will my human warrior finally be able to breed with blood elves?
>Alliance get weekly quest with guaranteed Heroic Raid level gear due to the lack of Alliance players in world pvp
>meanwhile realms with low Horde population are fucked and forced to find groups for server hop or engage in group
Argent Dawn was mistake as Horde, but it's only remaining realm with active RP community.
Wish they would encrypt every patch, data mining is absolute cancer
I live in a kingdom, I know better of how the monarchy works than you.
>human warrior
how can one be so boring
You keep saying blood elves and Horde but the worst offenders for them were always the Amani, and they've never been forced to work with them.
wow cinematics are hyperrealistic too you know?
>Not if you are decent at Maths.
So basically you understand nothing about how encryption works. A 2048-bit key takes 1.5 million years to brute force if you have a datacenter your disposal
>Heroic Raid level
cry more nigger it got changed to normal after 1 week
Literally never? Turalyon was the odd one out of the OG paladins because he was the only one to actually be a priest before they made the order.
Right, which is why I made distinction between goldens garbage heap and forsaken. Her shit is bad enough, a forsaken pally is downright fanfic tier.
>Male-preference primogeniture accords succession to the throne to a female member of a dynasty if and only if she has no living brothers and no deceased brothers who left surviving legitimate descendants.
>It was practiced in the succession to the once-separate thrones of England and Scotland
In a worse timeline*
IFTFY. Legion is really good and meeting again with my bro Illidan and kicking some demon butt on a giant draenei ship is really awesome.
Yes i know. Troll killing Zuljin is the worst offender.
It's funny that no one gave a fuck back in the days.
People were already playing Blood Elves in mass anyway.
>8.2 is meh
>8.2.5 will just be an hour and 40 minutes of some shitty questline helping soifang and a couple cheesy cinematics
>no dungeon or mini raid
I guess there's the anniversary raid tho :^)
Regardless of Golden's ham-fisted way of writing it, isn't it kind of the logical end point for the Forsaken's story arc?
They were either going to betray and abandon the Horde in the end, or be offered a "cure". Or slowly go extinct I guess, but that'd be the most boring option, and the betrayal thing wouldn't work because videogame.
Kys shotafag
they were knights trained to be priests, not the other way around
Literally nobody likes Nathanos, but I think that's kind of the point. If they were going for a genuinely hateable and despicable character then they hit the nail on the head.
absolute top tier world first competing raiding guilds changing factions on a whime for the last bit of minmaxing has nothing to do with what causes the broad overall faction imbalance
>it's 715 now
Oh thank fuck.
>isn't it kind of the logical end point for the Forsaken's story arc?
No? The logical end point is death, not perpetuating them through "muh light."
>*licks the balls of the Orc who killed his people without mercy 50 years ago*
I want a wow 2 in the sense that they finally get rid of the engine they've been throwing duct tape on for 15 fucking years
yea that's never happened irl
>Racials haven't mattered since 8 years ago
>What about all these times they allowed people to just straight up skip mechanics on the hardest fights of the raid
>N-no those don't count!
It's a videogame user, that ending to their story wouldn't be compelling to anyone who plays them.
They are updating it every expac.
It's just that they suck at coding.
But you will never find a good coder when you see how much you are getting paid to work there.
I'm afraid that there are no orcs and blood elves irl user.
>the stale Red VS Blue conflict
Alliance vs. Horde IS Warcraft. I can see it going towards a cold war, maybe a rivalry at most, but complete end of hostilities isn't happening
That said, blizz writers are far too incompetent to write anything with the slightest hint of nuance or subtlety, so we're probably only limited to extremes here - war, or no war
Kotor 2 are Persona 3 are all about the existentialism of death and people lap that shit up. It can be done if you're competent enough. If you're not you just take the "lol redemption thru light" hack route.
>Alliance vs. Horde IS Warcraft
Warcraft 3 wasn't even Alliance vs Horde. Why do people keep saying this shit?
>was revealed to be alive over ten years ago during Wrath
>hasn't done jack shit since aside from making a cameo appearance at the broken shore
By now we've known he was alive for longer than we ever thought he was dead. Finding out he was still alive was such a hype moment during Wrath and now we know it was all for nothing because Blizzard couldn't figure out what to do with him. The Legion no longer even exists so he no longer has a role to play anymore.
Not him but accept the big L and move on.
They're going to replace the Red VS Blue pvp with a secret war of Light VS Void.
That's what the whole "accepting N'zoth's gift' player choice is leading towards.
1/3 is not a good ratio for you bromo, and even then, hostilities start back up by the end of TFT.
>Alliance vs. Horde IS Warcraft.
and yet the most popular editions of Warcraft, 3 and pre-Cata WoW, barely touch on the Alliance/Horde conflict
Blood Elves have their rightful place. Tauren are nice boys and they're willing to vouch for Orcs so they're fine too. Gobbos are gobbos and barely even Horde as it is. Really, the only Horde faction that really needs to be stomped out of existence is the Forsaken
First of all, Alliance was Horde on that fight as well, so your point is moot.
And yes, they don't count. The average raider does no faction change for a minmaxing edge, they do it because it is much, much easier to run a raiding guild on Horde. I was one of those who switched, it was harder to maintain a top 200 Alliance guild in Legion than it is to maintain a top100 one in BfA.
Explain Every Man for Himself causing most pvp players to switch to Alliance and roll humans for years.
Wait BFA is over? Doesnt that make it like the shortest xpac ever? Man they wanted out fuckin fast.
Tft is about Jaina siding with the Orcs to put an end to the faction war for good.
It's also about Scourge vs Legion, and inner conflicts, which is way better than the horse shit which is WoW story.
the story/gameplay are separate, we've been doing quests for the other side since vanilla, you can remove the faction system and it doesn't change anything but RP
It is not, just the faction war story arc is ending now that Sylvanas is pulling whatever shit she planned from the start. 8.3 will be the big finale.
Arthas was a piece of shit before ever touching the sword
Warcraft 1/2 may as well not exist lore wise, the Alliance doesn't even play a big role in 3 all they did was get fucked by the Scourge while the Horde was trying to reform.
Orcs if you are a Night Elf male*
>Sylvanis wants to live forever because of the horrors she saw in the afterlife when she killed herself the first time
>Goes to search for immortality by pissing off literally anyone and everyone for no reason at all, giving greater odds of her dying because now everyone wants to kill her
Great plan
I wonder who you could be
>what is Salic Law
the only brainlet is you for being dumb enough to take that post serious and give him a (you)
We still don't know if 8.3 is coming. They could either announce 8.3 or skip straight to new expansion to avoid using BFA's already cursed subtitle.
He was the greatest military strategist. Why do you think the Scourge wants him on their side?
Yea he was a cunt, but that's what made his charm.
May be your soi faction should do something for this?
Jaina only sides with orcs because she is addicted to BGC
Reminder that this is how it ends:
It's probably part real, part made up bullshit, but I wish it was real just for the shitstorm.
racials have a bigger impact in pvp because for one, you have to maintain a much smaller group of players (you only need 2/3/10 as opposed 20 people) and you don't need to have them on the same realm like you do with mythic
so there's more incentive and less hindrance to swap factions for that whereas for raiding guilds (outside the very, very top) main concern is getting 20 people online 3 nights a week
lmao Thrall literally sailed to Kalimdor because the humans were fucking with them, then when they get there more humans show up to fuck with them. The conflict never stopped, it was just put on pause for the legion invasion.
You’re not taking into account plot armour thanks to those tittys.
Except we have no idea what she's doing because her and and anduin were sidelined for jaina and nathanos.
yet blizzard is inevitably going to pull a "She was right all along and the only one willing to do what it takes to fight the TRUE threat"
>gets killed by Bolvar
Why are you so adamant. Arthus defense force lmao. Get over it.
A law invented by the French to counter the Anglo influence on France which started the Hundred Years' War.
Anyway you got btfo by the fact that the UK used the other one.
>And then the Lich King shows up!
That's the part where it becomes a complete fucking joke.
People keep spouting this nonsense. The choice is between 11 more months of BfA with 8.3 and 8.3.5 or 11 more months of drought.
9.0 won't come any sooner becayuse they cut a final BfA patch.
I know.
He sailed to Kalimdor because he got a CGI dream from Medivh telling him about the Legion invasion and that he would be fucked by infernals if he stayed here.
At the end of the Rexxar campaign it's clear that Jaina and Thrall are done with faction conflict, yet in WoW for some (gameplay) reason, Jaina starts the faction bullshit again.
>Alliance so busy defending Thunder Bluff that Sylvanas just slips into Stormwind, changes the locks, and claim's squatter's rights
this sounds so fucking stupid it just might be real
>it's clear that Jaina and Thrall are done with faction conflict
Well, I'm glad they're the only arbiters that get a say.
>You hear that everyone? Shows over, Jaina and Thrall said no more fighting. Send pigeons to Stormwind to let them know too.
Are you even thinking about what you're posting, user?
>Alliance vs. Horde IS Warcraft
Not since WC2, when the Horde was decisively defeated. Everything since then has been Blizzard desperately pretending the Horde is still relevant.
>No alliance vs horde in wc
>No alliance vs horde in wc3
>No alliance vs horde in half of wow
So, only one game?
>>No alliance vs horde in wc
>>No alliance vs horde in wc3
>>No alliance vs horde in half of wow
Every last one of those is wrong tho.
For what reason Stormwind, a shitty kingdom from the other side of the world, would want to start a war with some Orcs who don't want to hear about humans anymore?
Thrall is the warchief btw, so yea his voice matters a little bit.
There's an Assault on Stormwind zone that's already been datamined in 8.2.5, so the final raid probably is Stormwind if nothing else.
>No alliance vs horde in half of wow
how are people retarded enough to believe this, and to what end? I can only imagine you can believe this because you're a piece of shit zoomer that at most started with WoD and thinks he's qualified to give his input
I havent really been following the story since cata. Why is the horde and alliance in full war mode now? What caused it to restart? Was it really just sylvanis went full ape and burned the world tree or was there a good reason?
Alliance cucks btfo
You tell me, they're the ones who tried to set up shop in the barrens. My guess is probably to fuck with greenskins.
So what is Jaina’s character arc so far? All I remember is she worked with thrall, than wanted to destroy the horde because of the nukes, and than saying daddy was right and something about khadgar.
Now she's back to slurping Thrall's green cock
Never? WoW is a GaaS
>the only alli players willing to waste enough time on nu-wow to finish mythic raiding are subhuman chinks anyway
holy based
Haven’t played in years, is Jains still an orc slut? Are the Alliance still being blamed for trying to destroy genocidal factions?
I was just replaying to
>hostilities start back up by the end of TFT.
Yes i'm aware that WoW vanilla brought back the faction conflict for gameplay reason, thanks i played that game as well.
it wasnt stormwind, it was theramore
Sylvanas attacked the Alliance because "otherwise they'll attack us first". Yes the story is actually that retarded.
>So what is Jaina’s character arc so far?
being a short-sighted retard who gets constantly bailed out of danger by her incredible magic powers. That's all she's ever been and it's all she will be
the war must end
no, the war is good
the war is great
eh, the war isn't that good
the was must end
Sargeras stabs Azeroth, Azeroth is mortally wounded and starts hemorrhaging blood, blood turns out to be the fantasy equivalent of weaponized uranium.
Sylvanas goes to war with said resource and burns down Teldrassil/Darnassus. Alliance retaliates with an assault on Undercity. They take the city, Sylvanas blights it and turns it into no man's land. Apparently it's all part of a larger plan, probably her endgame to cheat death, but we won't know what that is until the end of this new 8.2.5 patch? Encrypted cutscenes are the longest to date.
remove forsaken and yes
I don't know a lot about WoW lore but I really like Sylvanas. Is Blizz going to kill her off at the end of Battle for Azeroth?
no, you did not. at the most, you played classic. that doesn't mean you played vanilla. sit down.
>remove forsaken
fuck off bugman
Thanks for moving the goalpost and admitting you were wrong concerning the faction war in wc3
Not in BfA. Probably in 9.0 though.
Whatever happens, she will no longer be Warchief or lead the Forsaken after 8.2.5.
You never played those games did you?
Didnt people confirm that the cutscenes were just the two they posted earlier in the expansion? Although it does seem weird to add them into the game after the fact AND try to hard to encrypt them.
What makes you think that?
So it's exactly like mop except that the bad guy was the good guy all along
read a good war, it's the only decent writing in BFA.
thanks for not even bothering to try and deny it. you're a hair better than most millenials who try to act veteran because they went all the way up to level 10 in classic
Theramore was literally the Alliances first and strongest foothold on Kalimdor outside of the Night Elves user. Horde weren't allowed.
Oh ok so its over a new resource but I have a question about that. What do they care? If memory serves cant the horde just blight everything whenever they want with effectivly no counter? Doesnt the alliance have the equivalent of a SC carrier in space and they can glass what they want? Isnt there already a nuke with the mana bomb? Who cares about this new resource?
you could argue the first game wasn't even alliance vs horde
Because the war is ending, and the war won't end until she's ousted. Ergo she's gone.
why would you think this even makes enough sense to be the case? wow guys, what if the cutscenes are HD remakes of Wrathgate. That makes sense too right
So will there not be world PVP anymore?
Because she killed our pets and she has to pay for that, LOKTAR!
Call me when when the next expansion releases. Hopefully Blizzard sees fit to unfuck their game.
It was a different alliance vs a different horde, but both sides seem to still lay a lot of the blame at the others feet. except the chad blood elves who understand the distinction between the two.
The Vindicaar and past WMD's have been conveniently forgotten by the writers.
Also Azerite isn't just a powerful fuel, it also allows one to see a myriad of possible futures or something.
this is some great fanfiction. Way better writing than blizzard could pull off no jk this shit is equally retarded and not happening
The subtitle of the first game is literally orcs vs humans.
Of course there will be. But in 9.0 it's likely they're shifting that to another paradigm than Horde VS Alliance.
humans aren't the Alliance
Yes it is.
Because the two cutscenes they already put out for the expansion are the exact same lengths as these two cutscenes, they just never added them to game. Maybe they're realizing now they should.
nope, the Alliance didn't exist in WC1, it only started after Lothar fled to Lordaeron
It's the same thing. Alliance = Humans and Horde = Orcs. Don't bitch on words.
They are not the exact same lengths, there are 3 Saurfang cutscenes, not two, and why would they be encrypted.
Also developer tweets about "the revolution will not be datamined".
I wonder why is there no rape in Warcraft universe. It's pretty obvious that there would be plenty of rape going on, especially by horde of alliance prisoners. Even if you want to sell the idea of the new horde being good, there would still be plenty back when the horde was demonic at least. It's funny how they try to be semi realistic with the violence aspect but rape is suddenly inexistent.
>I wonder why is there no rape in Warcraft universe
Alexstrazsa gets raped every time you train a dragon in WC2
>by 8.2.5 the horde will have 3 alliance dick suckers as leaders and a literal alliance character as another
there was rape though, alexstrazsa got raped a ton
thats where the orcs got their dragons in warcraft 2
You know what I mean.
>it also allows one to see a myriad of possible futures or something
When did this come into play all I've ever seen since I played this crap expansion was how azerite makes you super strong.
I know next to no one cares about them but has a panda done anything in lore post MoP? I mean outside of the rare Chen gettin hammered.
Because the game is rated T. The moment you introduce actual rape and pillaging the rating would jump up.
Plus, just saying the word rape is a mortal insult to the type of bluehair that dominates HR departments. A company Blizzard's size would implode from office politics if anyone actually tried to put it in game.
i want to be a baine bloodhoof dick sucker
Orcs raped draeneis and even bred them.
So yea, they are probably doing the same to the nelves.
Same reason why it took them forever to allow us to hide chests or their refusal to make any more kinky armors sex scares them.
the shado pan have apparently decided to be more proactive in world affairs since MoP but other than that pandaren are the new draenei, they're just there
I want you to die
All I want to know is when do I get my playable furry fox fuckbait?
Prequel novel and cutscene. Also quests where Gallywix equates Azerite to undiluted Kajamite.
>Horde about to take Lordaeron but loses because Gul'dan stabs them in the back and Doomhammer spergs the fuck out
>Horde can easily destroy Stormwind, loses because Vol'jin stabs Garrosh in the back
>Horde in position to kill Jaina and break the Alliance's momentum
>loses because Baine stabs Sylvanas in the back
how does it keep happening
XIV references rape and it's T. It's honestly just the bluehairs you mention and their desire to be squeaky clean accessible. Modern wow strikes me as Marvel if they did a fantasy setting.
I really wonder how anyone takes the green niggers seriously with their 'muh honor muddafukka'. Their idea of honor is throw a 6 year old an axe to let them try and defend their family and if they can't then gg no re time to die and use your older sister as a cocksleeve.
They should just release the plague on continental Azeroth, allow a questline that gives you the option to let your character become infected. Goal being to infect other characters. If the plague wins, WoW is over. If not, full transition to social media and all gameplay will be relegated to daily clickers.
because if the horde wins then its game over
if the alliance wins then the horde can just come back to try again later
>anduin's best buudy is baine bloodhoof
>jaina's butt buddy is thrall
>velen is mostly cool with the horde
>alleria is literally the sister of the horde warchief
How come they had added the lil fox people yet?
They're gonna release 8.2.5 after Blizzcon, aren't they?
No doubt they'll show one of the 2 cinematics that's encrypted in the PTR to hype us up
Horde dick sucker*
Tyrande loves the cock of Saurfang.
Jaina is Thrall's bitch
And Anduin is a twink who gets rammed by his Tauren friend.
Or the sneks. I want the foxes to be horde simple so they can never ever live it down.
8.3.5 along with the other new Allied Races to level in the drought until 9.0 I guess.
Nah the dudes right, the Horde is fucked. The only one who isn't an Alliance bootlicker at this point is Sylvanas. Lor'themar isn't really either but he's already shown his shrewdness with Varian in MoP.
They wanna hold off the shitshow when they simultaneously reveal that the alliance's race is just crippled gnomes
I am done argueing with you, coombrain.
The argument is that they're only using in-game assets to keep to the art of the game for their cinematics.
It's a bullshit argument, but it's still pretty neat to see what they've been able to do with their assets - which is probably a lot more than what people who do videos on youtube have been able to do.
Too late. They'll release it within the next few weeks, but the war campaign is timegated so the cinematics will hit on Blizzcon or maybe the week before. Blizzcon will have 8.3 trailer and 9.0 features announcement.
Although this time it'll be weird, anything they show of 9.0 is going to be rather spoilery for 8.3.
Getting rid of Sylvanas is the absolute dumbest thing they could do.
Level with me: What exactly is bad about being pro-Alliance, other than them being team blue?
Like, I mean it. The Alliance are pretty much just the fucking good guys. To a fault. If the Horde stopped having tantrums, like with Garrosh and Sylvanas, there would basically be no conflict left in WoW.
It's the only thing they can do at this point though. Every other Horde leader save Gallywix is aligned against her now.
ssslick ssslippery sssethrak sschlong
so lets say the alliance does actually just "win"
what would even change
its not like theyre gonna put the orcs in camps again
the only group the alliance would want to evict from an area are the forsaken out of lordaeron because the lordaeronians who were able to flee instead of staying to fight or just dying there think the ones who stayed shouldnt own it anymore
what would they do? just genocide the forsaken?
I unironically love watching the WoW cinematic even though I don't play. The art and music team have always been the best parts of Blizzard.
Remember that once we get rid of the rotting corpse, the Mok'nathal get to stay in Ashenvale and the pretty purple elves stay with us.
because they're "the man" and the only horde players that care and arent just doing it for The Meta are angsty rebellious manchildren who want to be the bad boys until it's time for them to suffer the consequences
>Llane about to beat the Horde, stabbed in the back by Garona
>Anduin Lothar attempts to negotiate peace, stabbed in the back by Doomhammer
>Daelin about to kill Thrall, stabbed in the back by Jaina
>Varian about to kill Thrall and Garrosh, stabbed in the back by Jaina
>Jaina about to dismantle the Horde
>Stabbed in the back by Varian
Why does it keep happening?
baine would probably let the alliance claim lordaeron like the cuck he is to make peace with the alliance
Before. They'll discuss it very briefly, then move onto 8.3 and trailer for expansion. Will probably tell us about how factions are gone or something.
Oh I guess Bael Modan never happened then. Or the night elves starting fights in Ashenvale without explanation. Or Camp Taurajo being firebombed. Or Genn attacking the Warchief in a cease fire. Or Alliance spies killing Horde miners in Silithus while still in that cease fire.
Listen nigger, I know you want to pretend it's good vs evil, but it hasn't been that way since WC2. Get over it already.
>>the only group the alliance would want to evict from an area are the forsaken out of lordaeron because the lordaeronians who were able to flee instead of staying to fight or just dying there think the ones who stayed shouldnt own it anymore
>what would they do? just genocide the forsaken?
Not even that. Before the Storm's entire plot was about how righteous and good the Alliance are, with them trying to reunite living and Forsaken families. The Alliance would honestly welcome every non-comically evil Forsaken in.
>World of Warcraft
>World isn't at war anymore
What did they mean by this
>Will probably tell us about how factions are gone or something.
Because everyone will be dead.
>>Anduin Lothar attempts to negotiate peace, stabbed in the back by Doomhammer
lmao is that what you call being killed in combat?
You're a fucking moron dude
>Or the night elves starting fights in Ashenvale without explanation.
why are horde players such dindus?
>Call parley
>Nah dude it was totally an honorable combat where we jumped him with 20 dudes
This thread needs more dwarves. Dark Iron dwarves.
Okay dude. Like, yeah. The Alliance has done some minor shit. But Sylvanas literally, LITERALLY committed "genocide" in BFA. Blizzard's words. Garrosh tried to take over the world twice. The level of fuck ups we're talking about here are "you made me bonk my head," and "you put a bullet through my skull."
The night elves show up in WC3 to fight, not talk. Fuck those stupid trees and fuck the night elves for not explaining why they were important and instead deciding to just fight. The orcs didn't start that fight.
Yeah but im curious how things will be back on Azeroth. Will the remaining generals, leadership, etc that didn't die just agree to a truce since everyone just horribly died?
The only ones left will be the Pandaren.
Varian would have gotten killed if he had tried in wrath
Why? You know that crypto is an entire field of Maths/informatic right?
Any lorefags here that can explain why undeath turns some people into mindless zombies but others like Sylvanas just gets more edgy and blue?
Is it a diceroll?
There's so few on the realm I play
I get some thirsty faggot from time to time compliment my dark iron in /w and I don't even wear a slutmog
Fuck the night elves. They were ready to kill every orc on Azeroth until the Legion showed up over some fucking trees. And it's still Saurfangs fault no matter how much you fags squeal about Sylvanas. I don't know about you, but I've been fighting this was for over a decade. I unironically hate the Alliance.
>invade land
>start destroying it
>why undeath turns some people into mindless zombies
Lich or necromancer can make whatever he wants, retard
They didn't know anyone fucking lived there until the niggers popped out of the trees to kill the peons.
The orcs invaded Night Elf territory. They fought back. The orcs proceeded to kill their gods, and eventually genocide them.
Next you're gonna quip about how they deserve it, cause you have no defense over the fact that the Horde are just evil. But that's the point. If the Horde stopped being literally insane, there would be no conflict left in WoW.
How do you guys still care at all about the awful fanfiction tier shit they pump out nowadays. I really don't get it, maybe the visuals are pretty good but the writing is so laughably bad that it turns everything else to shit.
It's okay we forgive you. Your Goddess with the wide hips already gave us Azshara last time we invaded her tree, now she will give us Ashenvale.
This is just yet another hole Blizzard dug for themselves and never figured out how to reverse the trend they started. Once the better players and better raiders are all on one faction, it snowballs hard. Blizzard never did anything to address the problem and now the only solution they have is to get rid of the factions altogether. Pathetic.
you know I feel like a lot of this couldve been avoided if the surviving humans hadnt tried to kill all the forsaken just for being dead in the first place
>harvesting lumber
>The orcs invaded Night Elf territory
see There was no parley. There was no "hey guys, we own this." There were shots fired, and the orcs responded. Don't try to spin this on the greenskins. The purple niggers begged for that fight.
It makes sense that they attack the demon corrupted orcs on sight
If ashenvale was NE land then why didn't they fought for it to defend from demons?
It's a diceroll, they explain it in the opening quests for Undead in the cata quest revamp
Tyrande literally met Broxigar thousands of years ago. It makes 0 sense that they would attack orcs on sight.
ah yes i didn't realize we were dealing with americans who are conveniently masters of rationalizing invading sovereign land and raping of its natural resources
>Sylvanas is actually an agent of Helya and masterminded some elaborate convoluted scheme to get everyone killed so they'd become agents of Helya as well or some shit and travel to the Shadowlands as ghosts to fight the old gods and save Azeroth.
>Sylvanas was never really evil
Kek, alright.
>knaak's garbage book retcons
who cares
The art and music team keep it afloat, and every next lorelol moment is just fun to shitstorm about.
And there's the occasional pearl in the muck, like zone storylines or self-contained arcs and some cool characters.
Bwonsamdi is a great character for instance.
I miss Arthas. He should have won.
>hating Broxigar
I don't care what side you play, that is some mad shit taste.
Yeah, and Garithos tried to genocide the Blood Elves. And so did Jaina in Dalaran, including civilians who had nothing to do with anything.
They made a weak attempt with the Hall of Fame but that sure didn't work.
This goes back to exactly what I said earlier. Minor fuck ups. The Orcs started destroying something that was sacred to the Night Elves. The Night Elves then mad the error of attacking without negotiating. The Orcs then escalated the conflict bit by bit until the Horde murdered countless civilians, and left the Night Elves a dying race.
Like, no, dude. There isn't a defense to that. You'll make a dumb quip, or joke like this, but I'm just explaining the level of bad writing we're on.
you mean the english?
and the germans spanish and dutch
and the norse
Bwonsamdi is so cool. He deserves a better expansion. All of Zandalar does.
Jaina didn't "genocide" the blood elves. She was getting a faction of them out of the city. She didn't fucking nuke Silvermoon.
brox is a garbage gary stu
>add in best looking armor appearance set in the game
>it costs over $150
if blizzard put this kind of effort into the rest of the game and not just direct cash transactions, WoW wouldn't be dying
Broxigar is a mary sue faggot just like his brother
If 9.0 is Shadowlands I bet we'll see more of him. His "boss" is probably either Hakkar or Mueh'zala.
>That's the part where it becomes a complete fucking joke.
So you admit that there is some credibility to the leak then?
>The Orcs then escalated the conflict bit by bit until the Horde murdered countless civilians, and left the Night Elves a dying race.
You don't get to decide how much push back is too much when you start fucking with people. Maybe think before you swing next time.
cope, doggie
Bownsamdi is a shit.
>Hurp a derp I'm so powerful and funny but have done literally nothing of note
>Rezzes players like they don't already come back on their own
>Alliance doesn't get an equivalent talking spirit healer
Stay salty, blue bois. Only one mortal has wounded Sargy, and it was an Orc.
Because we killed her demi-god so she was bitchy for a moment.
But it's okay, we fixed her now.
Personally I think the images are real, but everything the leaker posted with it is his own speculation.
If and are fakes, they're pretty good ones.
I've mained Horde since vanilla you little bitch. Broxigar and every other character Knaak has created is fucking trash
The best part is they decided to reveal it just after Classic launched. Better spend those $200 yourself because all your potential friends that you could have used it on sure just resubbed to Classic.
>orc faction autist
no wonder
Best thing for the game will be classic+
You'd have to pay me to play WoW since MoP
Yeah, that's the level of conversation we're at. Orcs invade territory. Night Elves don't handle it 100% gracefully, so that gives 100% justification for you to murder every single one of them.
Like, you'll hang on to this one piece of information to explain why literally burning children alive is okay, lmao.
Gol'Kosh, Broxigar tamed Tyrande. You shouldn't speak like that.
>negotiate for their own fucking land
welcome to the mind of the desperately coping hordelet. they gave the green niggers warning to stop invading their sovereign land by stomping out lumbering operations. green niggers turned it into a war
Ah yes, I'm sure to believe your completely unverifiable claims. Truly you've shown me the error of my ways. lmao just kidding kys blue faggot.
As someone new to WoW will it take me a long time to unlock the dark iron dwarf race to play?
Aw little guy you still seething you didn't get your own spirit healer with a kino temple?
Just drop the horde vs alliance conflict already
Its pointless and BfA only threw oil into the shitheap already catching fire
Alliance playerbase is at an all time low
All competitive players on Horde, pvp queues are immense for Horde and so on
Just drop this shit already and release wow 2
It's not one thing, it's everything they've done. Fuck the Alliance and anyone who stands with them. Thrall's entire motto was "If you don't want peace we will give you war." You don't get to start squealing about peace now because you got pushed to the back foot.
Long but not very long. Free boost to 110, level to 120, grind the 7th legion rep to Exalted for a month or so.
You know honestly I loved Christie Golden's books especially over Knaak's. Lord of the Clans and the recent Before the Storm were fantastic.
Turalyon finally recognizing Alonsus Fail was pretty kino.
....But my compliments end there holy shit Golden what the fuck are you doing with BfA and Sylvannas oh my hod
I would love for WoW's story to come to a conclusion somehow, this cycle of "Alliance vs Horde > 'Tentative Peace' > Alliance vs Horde again" has occurred countless times now. It's all so tiresome.
But where could they even go from that point? A total revamp? WoW 2?
>muh factions
and then their demigod god epic pwned lol
Its World OF Warcraft not World AT Warcraft
>110 to 120
>grind rep for a month
Oh okay so around three or four months if I play casually.
And we won!
Night Elf territory belong to us now, including their females.
Dude, NPCs are literally comparing the Horde to the Burning Legion now, lmao. There's no good conversation with you. You're exactly the type that argues Taurajo justifies murdering every single non-Horde character on the planet.
I bet you main a Blood Elf.
BFA trannies need to admit that classic killed their game
Little bit.
Honestly though it's kind of annoying that they play Bownsamdi up as such a powerful figure that taunts players and makes deals with all the powerful horde figures when the shit we've seen him do isn't all that great. It's like, should we go to the 30 other figures who control the powers of life and death... some of which we've fought alongside, or saved...or make a shady deal with this dude we just met?
>Before the Storm were fantastic.
>>....But my compliments end there holy shit Golden what the fuck are you doing with BfA and Sylvannas oh my hod
She's completely jumped on the SJW bandwagon, and she writes Anduin and the Alliance by proxy as dindu Mary Sues.
The "and she was a woman" line about Sylvanas being Warchief in the prequel novel was the worst case of virtue signaling I've ever seen. Which made absolutely 0 fucking sense in a universe that has no sexism whatsoever.
Actually the Battle of Darkshore ends with the Horde losing. The Horde were "weeks from defeat" after 8.1.
Not every non-Horde, just every pro-Alliance. Kill them all and let the light sort them out.
>Be mercifully let alive after TWO attempted genocides orchestrated by your people
>Take your lands
>Take your resources
>Kill your wildlife
>We are faction of peace why do you persecute us so guess we gotta genocide you
>if i start shitposting now maybe they'll think i've been le ebin trolling all along and it wont be so embarrassing to get my shit kicked in
guess this finally reached the same conclusion it normally does
Global defeat, I mean. Not just in that one zone.
Today I will remind them.
Garrosh is not dead. He was brought back by Yrel as the first Lightforgred Deathknight.
And this is why your faction is gonna have another finger wagged at it, and told to stop being evil.
There is nothing funnier than seeing horde fanboys try to defend literal worse-than-nazi actions.
It just doesn't compute that Blizzard might be bullshitting when they pretend that the game is about two equally grey factions. Which means that yes, those concentration camps are perfectly morally grey.
Nice Headcanon.
We got Ashenvale anyway and Tyrande will officialy give it to us, like she did with Azshara.
She just can't resist Orc males.
>>Be mercifully let alive
This is where the problems start desu. Turning their entire race into slaves isn't mercy, doubly so for the orcs.
The writing is shit, I agree. But Bwonsamdi is a pretty fun character. In fact the Loa were a big highlight of this expansion. They were very likeable and had fun quests.
Depends on how you define casually. Is playing for 15 hours to get to 120 then doing world quests for half an hour every day hardcore then?
I'd say I play casually and I had Dark Iron unlocked in a month.
>muh nazis
We aren't nazi. Nazi kill. We are actually making Night Elf feel better. We are showing them their true purpose.
Tyrande and her belove understood that. Cenarius as well.
Troll lore and settings has and ALWAYS will be the best.
Would be cool if the Alliance subjugated the horde and they became akin to second class citizens which created tension between the two factions.
Blizzard is too small brained to write any interesting stories though
You’re either trolling or a complete retard but have a (You) either way.
Playing 15 hours a day isn't casual.
>nazis bad
Literal NPC
noun: genocide; plural noun: genocides
the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
Genocide doesn't necessarily mean hunting down every last member of a certain group in the world. She specifically targeted and mass killed civilians of a certain race within the city. That is genocide.
Wow will end with one giant battleground the result of which all servers will either get the Alliance or Horde endings.
>large group
why would anyone dying involve Helya? Not only is Helya dead, Helheim is only for deceased Vrykul. Helya has no power over non-vrykul souls
>your faction
>implying I still play this game
lmao, my guy already seppuku'd after Horde leaders decided appeasing the Alliance was better than finishing a war we didn't start. I will not pay to play Alliance-lite. My hate hasn't died at all though.
Playing 15 hours over two weekends is though.
That'd put you at a month and a half to unlock DI.
>of a certain race
No she didn't. She targeted soldiers of the Horde. Extensions of the Warchief's will. Maybe next time don't swear yourself into eternal servitude to a genocidal maniac.
this ain't it, chief. move on.
She didn't mass kill them. She put them in the Violet Hold. Some died, yes, but we're talking about a faction, within a city, which were for the most part just imprisoned.
the alliance already tried that, and then thrall happened
She killed civilians who had nothing to with the conflict based solely on their race.
>Nazi's didn't genocide Jews, they just put them in jail. Sure some died, but we're talking about a religion, within a country, which were for the most part imprisoned.
Can't wait for the next patch.
Can't wait to get rid of Sylvanas and be friend with Night Elf again.
She targeted members of the Sunreavers. A faction.
Hell, don't the Horde constantly argue that High Elves and Blood Elves are the same thing? That entire scenario LITERALLY had High Elves helping her.
Horde civilians don't exist. The Horde is a military faction, every member is a soldier bloodsworn to follow every order from the Warchief.
Yes, remove forsaken and give just skeleton race based on ANY playable race
>nazis exterminated jews
>dalaran imprisoned blood elves
move on, user. you lost and you're just embarrassing yourself.
You know the Sunreavers still even exist as a faction, right? They were around in Legion. Hell, around in BFA. Like seriously dude. You're barking up the wrong tree.
>Muh innocent cupcake vendor who upon being detained began casting pyroblast and yelling FOR THE WARCHIEF
Thrall- because he's great at delegating tasks and is a great judge of character- left Grom Hellscream to cut lumber.
He instead drank demon blood until decapitating a night elf demigod made sense.
This is never, ever referenced again and forgiven because night elf demigods conveniently have a 'come back from death' trick that is never explained, and apparently only works when convenient to the plot. Typically when the orcs have stuck their foot in some shit again.
Bear in mind that every orc who invaded Ashenvale still bore the taint of the Burning Legion. Night Elves had every reason to tell the orcs to fuck off.
>And it's still Saurfangs fault no matter how much you fags squeal about Sylvanas.
Sylvanas goaded Sarufang into planning the war in the first place, and did so along the lines that a group of people who have literally never done anything besides turn the cheek might some day actually commit genocide against a group of races who have literally done nothing but commit genocide at least once every five years or so.
>Bael Modan
...literally invented out of whole cloth for the Horde to have more quests. It's not really referenced for Alliance players so it functionally doesn't exist. And this is actually a mercy for Horde players, or else we'd have to start pointing out Alliance-only questing areas where the Horde straight up murder civilians and make a show of it instead of something that gets referenced to having happened off screen.
A group of tents in the middle of nowhere, where the Alliance specifically allowed the civilians to evacuate. Meanwhile in Hillsbrad...
>I know you want to pretend it's good vs evil, but it hasn't been that way since WC2.
Blizzard has explicitly admitted they don't like writing Alliance plots and characters because they see them as THE GOOD GUYS. Unless you play a Troll or a Tauren, if you're Horde, you're the bad guys.
You literally reenact Kristallnacht on the Alliance side user, except the WoW version are direct orders from the ruling body.
Fuck it, can't be worse than what they've done to the lore so far.
Jaina removed a Horde faction from Dalaran after she found out they were harboring a WMD in her city.
>goaded Sarufang into planning the war
what a great excuse
are you feeling okay?
>people trying to justify Jaina's rampant murdering of civilians
>people trying to handwave it like it's no big deal despite people trying to get revenge on Jaina for this very act three expansions later
>people trying to do mental gymnastics to justify this decision
>people ignoring the fact that even Jaina herself regrets this action now
Turns out the Alliance were the actual Dindu's all along.
No, after she found out some of the factions members helped smuggle the WMD that she had already used city funds to smuggle elsewhere.
>Or the night elves starting fights in Ashenvale without explanation.
>Invade someone's land, get killed.
Wtf dude why can you do this?!
That's literally what the alliance did on the Zandalari city.
I'm fine. Getting some chuckles from people who unironically seem to believe there's no parallel here simply because it's blue vs red.
I'm not saying it was 100% good. I'm saying it literally wasn't genocide.