Games where the church are the good guys

>games where the church are the good guys
Are there any examples other than KC:D?

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No because vidya is escapism.

The church has never been the good guys in real life, why should it be in games?

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It's rare because most gamedevs are faggots like who just want to subvert expectations.


Take your edgy shit back to Yea Forums or /pol/ I want to discuss video games not your cringe political beliefs

It's not a belief, it's a fact.

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Dragon Quest, every game
Castlevania, every game
Octopath Traveler
La Pucelle
MGQ Paradox

>other than KC:D
Did we even play the same game?
The church in that game was so full of blatant degenerates and snakes abusing their power, you literally have to bribe a priest into not fucking whores and saying prayers for wounded men

Dawn of war series

fuck off redditor

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Warhammer is pretty atheist tho, the emperor was a massive fedora

DQ varies with this. In 8 there were corrupt priests, in 7 God was fucking things up (though I’m told that was explained in post game content). There might be some other examples I’m forgetting.

>controls an order of holy knights of crazy power but never abuses its military for any material gain
>genuinely tries to improve the lives of common folk, builds schools and does other charity work
>has noble goals

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i never got around to playing chapter 3 mainly cos i didnt like the look of this guy
i suppose i should

>disliking the based Kevin of all people, the guy who stopped Weissmann's madness and allowed Joshua to break from his control on top of watching over Estelle

All these years later and we still cant have a single thread mentioning religion that doesnt have an edgy fedorafag virtue signalling in it can we

I just didnt like his design calm your autism bro

Religion threads are always shit
>edgy atheists who are convinced their code of morals(or lack there of) is superior
>religious moralfags who ignore any criticisms of their religion and shitpost relentlessly about how superior their religion is while living a life of supreme degeneracy

Every single time

Most of the Castlevania series. Not the Netflix series though. I like it, but you can tell the director/writers were just salivating at the fact that they could make the church into the bad guys.

>not liking his based green onion hair

Even with a few corrupt priests in 8 the vast majority of them are helpful so it still counts.
And God fucking things up does not equals evil church.

>Warhammer is pretty atheist tho,
Maybe during the Great Crusade
Yeah Big E was a fedoralord but current Imperium sure fucking isnt

Also you got the Chaos Gods, the C'tan if you can count them as actual gods; same goes for the Old Ones, and the Eldar Pantheon (or the ones that are still alive at least like Cegorach or Isha)

In Grandia 2 the religion is good but the church is bad.
Just like real life.

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>one corrupt person means the whole church is evil
american education

based and praised

only the Catholic church who make up their own theology such as, to them "not attending church" is a sin despite it not actually being one

>one corrupt person
You didnt watch the Netflix Castlevania
One dude basically began Dracula's genocide and then every member of the church jumped on board, including the literal brown shirts the church used to oppress the Speakers and force them out of town

to be fair the dude was basically Barlowe 0.5, it was at least kind of believable for the Cv universe

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Fitting considering the time.

That's just scratching the surface of the evil shit the churches in KC:D did, too.

Three Houses.

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Darkest Dungeon?

Church didn't do torture and burning of witches.