No AA7 news at TGS

>no AA7 news at TGS
>DGS2 translation still nowhere in sight

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Other urls found in this thread:

>DGS2 translation still nowhere in sight
That fan group is still working on it like normal, whats your deal?

Fuck off already jesus Christ. The Ace Attorney series has no fucking future, Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice being digital only and selling like shit only helped kill the franchise, and that's only cemented more by the fact that THREE entire games in the franchise never even saw an international release. AA7 is never going to happen and the story will never be finished.

Talking about AA, play Ace Attorney Multiplayer at Yea Forums's server you niggers
It's the weekend, give it a shot right now

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I hope you're excited for the next AA game!
Ace Attorney Trilogy: Stadia edition!

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Here is an all time classic.

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They said they had something in store in the "near future" (I think those were their words) after doing the DGS2 demo but then it's been radio silence since.

>we will never play as edgeworth again
it hurts bros

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>There's a case going on right now
I thought this shit was dead

If Capcom wasn't deathly allergic to the Switch for no reason, we'd already have AA7 by now.

yo this shit takes two trillion years to install

There's always a case going on
Game is 5GB

>>no AA7 news at TGS
Why would you want that in the first place?

>The franchise ends before Phoenix ever tells Apollo and Trucy that they're related
The absolute madman

Man like all of the servers require you to download their own content packs. This shit blows

Why would you bother with any server other than the Yea Forums one though? They are usually filled with ponyshit and whatnot

It really is fucking stupid, every server has their own content and sometimes their own clients that are often incompatible with each other and you have to redownload for every one.

I have no damn idea what im doing bro

"Attorney Online Vidya" is the Yea Forums server

Whenever I enter that one it's just dead and no activity is going on despite 34 people being online. Downloaded from the link in the thread.

Reserved for Feenie

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I'm sorry this fag hijacked your thread OP

Go to another room, user

Servers are divided in multiple areas, else it'd be a clusterfuck. Use the music list at the bottom right to switch. You can use the /areas command to see player population.

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Begone thot

dumb roleplaying erpers

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Godot did nothing wrong

So why did Phoenix think it'd be prefectly okay to submit some 'evidence' that was just passed to him by some random girl he'd never met before in the lobby.

I did it I figured it out thanx

dumb shitposter

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What the fuck happened to AAO?
It used to be fun discussions, random cases and jokes few years ago. I even made some good friends there.
Now you join any vanilla server, it is pure spam, erotic roleplay, sexual "jokes".... you can discuss anything more than 2 minute before someone bring sex into it.
I just gave up after trying 3 vanilla servers for few days.

>you can't

>vanilla servers
Found your problem.
They're unironically filled with kids and/or ERPers.

Normalfag servers were always shit
Of course the Yea Forums server is shit too but you can at least discuss things without feeling like you are in a hugbox

shitty writing.
A flaw with all of these games. The only reason ass attorney is popular is because brainlets think they are smart for figuring out these ""puzzles"" while the game holds their hand at every fucking second. Also "muh edgey"

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They were filled with some kids but not anywhere near today brain dead level. They used to make fun discussions,start improvised cases, there were a lot of stupid jokes and spam but not repeated in a boring loop about sex theme.
I am not sure if the new kid generation is this brain dead or the game attracted some weird bunch of people.
I didn't think about trying Yea Forums server. Seeing how much sex centered were he other servers , i can only imagine what a +18 custom Yea Forums server would be like.

Hey man, the music is pretty good too.

the Yea Forums server at least has a hard "no ERP" rule, and they only occasionally have cases about grossberg raping pearl

ERP is literally instant ban in the Yea Forums server

M-Maybe they're just working on a Switch Ace Attorney?
Perhaps it's taking so long because it's fully 3D and you can walk around the investigation areas to examine objects?
Haha maybe?

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Hahaha imagine

go back to your dying circlejerk and stay there