>Be young impressionable adult.
>"Drugs are cool" is in every single video game
>Try mushrooms
>lose my mind permanently
What happened? It didn't use to be like that.
Be young impressionable adult
Other urls found in this thread:
probably shouldnt take any hallucinogen if you are on antidepressants
I've done shrooms multiple times now, and they're such a fucking boring let-down
How do you lose your mind? Acid is where it's at
dont do drugs
If you lost your mind then how did you post this thread?
>stoner friends keep going on about how weed is good and relaxing
>everytime I smoke my mind becomes schizophrenic and time-dilated, too anxious to say anything about my experience because it sounds coo-coo bananas
>ate a whole dominoes medium pizza last time I smoked
I don't see the appeal. Alcohol is enough of a drug for me, it's far easier to control the high from it, is more pleasant to ingest, and is more socially accepted.
dont get drunk either my friend
dont bend to peer pressure
dont do drugs
booze tastes like shit
I always had fun on shrooms, weed is definately better for just chilling
I think I still have a mind
Honestly it bothers me how no one actually talks specifically how smoking makes them feel. For me it makes mundane shit seem a lot less mundane, like Im learning about it or observing it for the first time again. I fucking have a stoner I knew for years and not once did he mention any specifics
dont do drugs
>Try mushrooms
>What happened? It didn't use to be like that.
Man, what happened to the good old days of being in space and dodging asteroids?
It silences the anxiety for me. I've been using it to maintain the semblance of a functioning human for years now, simply because it gets me there without severe side effects or addictions (as much as it CAN become a reliance/dependency, it can't become an addiction per se)
That all said it very much varies from person to person such that you could easily get into a bad mindset just from smoking, or it may make you paranoid over the smallest things.
All it does is make me feel sleepy, does anyone else? Makes me wonder what was even the point, I don't get the munchies or anything. Don't really get the appeal
It's mostly Ubisoft that pushes their drug shit with Far Cry and to a lesser extent AC.
Drugs good, violence good, nudity bad!
Unironically good advice. You don't need to use additional substances to hallucinate or act crazy. And if your friends are hardcore stoners they're probably retards anyway
>just take LSD man, it will totally change your perspective on life!
ayahuasca is where its at, imagine tripping balls for 6+ hrs and then you also get to remember many of the things in the hallucinations as well. Better than DMT which is just like a 10 minute dream which you don't remember.
It depends on what kind. I was never into pot enough to really know how to define them, but there's the kind that makes you excited and everything is funny, then there's the shit that's really rank and just makes me really tired and anxious. Sounds like you got the second kind.
>never gotten drunk
>never smoked
>never done any drugs
Feels good not having to rely on drugs to have a good time.
>imagine tripping balls for 6+ hrs and then you also get to remember many of the things in the hallucinations as well
If you use a drug it will enhance what your personality is, so for me it made games and just chilling on the internet more fun
If you're a fucking idiot it will just enhance that aspect of your personality
I don't know how this turned into such a onions thing, but accurate
Hallucinogens can change your mind permanently after only one dose. That's not always a bad things, some hallucinogens can make your permanently happier and better integrated, but if you want your mind to be untouched, don't do mushrooms.
Heroin, cocaine, hell even nicotine will make you feel like shit and change your serotonin and endorphin pathways over time, but they won't change your brains with only one dose like shrooms can do.
Been smoking weed for 11 years. Im never bored with video games and can cope with being alone a lot more.
I tried shrooms and it felt good and funny as fuck with friends, but when i got home i felt like they turned on me and I started freaking out and cry and calling all my friends. Ill just stick to weed.
>If you use a drug it will enhance what your personality is
doing drugs instantly make you an idiot though
you got some demons to sort out fagget.
as a teen it made me feel happy and think about stuff
in my late 20's it pumps me so full of anxiety that I haven't done it in a few years
sounds like you're a retard, sorry faggot
>Never has done mushrooms
I pity thee.
that's a personal problem.
How many grams? I’ve tried both and acid was the boring letdown. Just 13 hours of wavering in and out of an annoying buzz that makes time drag on forever. Shrooms made me fall through the couch and out of the map boundaries.
I endorse this post
Mushrooms make you feel tired
LSD is like being high on a kickass blunt for like 10 hours.
Good time
Exactly what I was talking about if you have low intelligence and don't think logically you'll be an idiot
But people with working brains can get something out of the experience
gamers should use mushrooms because they reduce depression.
no they cant
doing drugs is for retards
no matter how rich or smart you are you are a retard and beneath animals
Apparently I become hyper active, super expressive, and incredibly funny when high. People love getting high with me.
Drugs affect everyone differently but stoners and druggies don't want to admit that they aren't for everyone because it's an excuse they use to cope with their addictions
t. former druggie who now just does mushrooms once every couple of years
good on you for mostly kicking it
but you should drop the annual fungus still
Get a life
Right some people do meth and gouge there own eyeballs out but just chilling with some weed and playing a game is awesome, really hard to beat that experience
I stopped using cannabis for a week and just after one day I felt amazing. I slept like a fucking log, I actually enjoyed conversations again instead of just being lost inside my own mind. I felt so freaking energetic and strong. Now I'm back to using for some reason, it sucks ass, might stop again next week.
I use it to treat my depression and stay sober. Reminding myself every couple of years that my experiences are just created by chemical balances in my brain and can literally just be altered by eating a mushroom that grows out of cow poop helps me stay in control and not let small swings in mood/life have major effects in my behavior/goals
Nice arguments there.
>How dare you make your life more enjoyable goy? Just accept the way it is and be a miserable wage-slave.
You'd probably kill yourself if you did drugs because you couldn't handle it, but for people with stable mind and a high iq it's highly enjoyable
One time I smoked a joint there decided to masturbate while high. Probably the most intense orgasm I've had in my life, but I wouldn't go out of my way to do it again probably.
I'm not your friend, but I appreciate the concern. If I bent to peer pressure I would be the nihilistic hedonist my past peer have become.
I stand by alcohol, as an occasional indulgence. It was created by nearly every civilization independent of each other throughout history, and has all been enjoyed for the sole reason of temporarly relaxing the inhibitions of the frontal cortex, and allowing men to briefly share their raw sub conscious with each other. It can be abused, but low or moderate use is far from detrimental.
I may take LSD or DMT in the future, but only to try it once.
Retard. Alcohol is very soluble with any high carbohydrate beverage, and between beer, coolers, wine, liquors, and spirits, there is a catalog of flavors with sophisticated palettes that rival that of culinary experiences.
I've talked to my sisters who have smoked the same weed as I had, and we had different experiences between all of us. I know that there was some Israeli institutions that were studying the different effects of a single strain of weed on multiple individuals, but that research is still relatively new. Weed effects everyone a differently.
I didn't get sleepy at all during my last high. Ingested the weed at 7pm, and came down from the high around 8:15pm, then had the come down until about 10:30pm. I stayed up until 1:20AM, and slept for nine hours.
What do you mean by >using cannabis? Do you smoke everyday? Of course you're gonna feel bad then, you never even know when you're stoned or not. You're never really sober then.
I just smoke when I'm with friends, and do so once every two weeks or so. It's nice for socializing and we always have fun.
>Needs foreign chemicals to enjoy life
Literal retard and weak willed faggot
>posts on Yea Forums
Dude do drugs, all your friends are doing it
you don't want to be left out, would you?
all your favorite movie heroes do drugs! you'll be just as cool as them!
seething because im right
you dont need drugs to do that
>How do you lose your mind?
Mushrooms boring? You didn't take enough.
Yeah a stable mind and a high iq both attributes you don't possess beast
Coffee is a far more obnoxious job than weed. I smoke and dont ask and dont tell at work.
>One day coffee machine gets installed
>"Oh i cant wake up without coffee, arent I quirky?"
>Everyone assaults you with their stale coffee breath
>Start finding cups of half drunk cold coffee in random areas that no one would take credit for
>Coffee stains start appearing on the carpets, desks and on peoples shirts
>Trash compactor smells like rotten milk from people tossing coffee in there
absoulte fucking cancer, i think smokers are my hygienic
Drug users are pathetic, even tobacco and alcohol. They are either flaunting their drug use to rationalize being drug dependent or are stuck in an endless loop of quitting to later return.
I pity drug addicts
What a fucking brainlet
sounds annoying
Tfw closing in an astrophysics degree and yet take acid monthly
Thought you said this shit makes you retarded
Imagine opening your mouth about something you know nothing about, it would be like a virgin talking about how you shouldn't have sex, which is exactly what you're doing
casual sex is bad too
I on the other hand am much more sane after 40+ tabs of acid/etc 2 years ago, still can believe how much of a weirdo I was before it honestly
weed made me like vidya again, very immersive.
For you
You'd get aids because you're a bottom fag
you're still retarded and im better than you by default
Explain why you guys are so against drugs then?
Granted, there are risks to over-indulgence, but so is there with everything. Obese people over-indulging on fast-food doesn't make an athlete enjoying the occasional hamburger a retard. Using most drugs in moderation has negligible downsides, like with most things in life.
>Academic prowess equal intelligence
You can have 3 doctorates in math and still be a retard, you can be illiterate and be a genius
Except smoking literally smells like dog shit and you spend your check on something illegal which is not worth the cost of being found.
Fucking retard. I hope you lose your job
Are you saying a rock can be a genius
>food analogy
>t. Coping college dropout
>If you can't read you're a rock! XDDDD
>You can have 3 doctorates in math and still be a retard
[citation needed]
I don't even take drugs other than the occasional drink, but prove your claims.
That feeling when it's legal to carry an ounce in my state for recreational use
I think it comes down to my past personal experiences and unique dopamine/seratonin responses to those specific strains I've tried. I'm sure there may be a strain out there that reacts more positively with myself, but I'm not enthusiastic about trying more. As it stands, I get high socially once every three months or so. I've declined it many more times than I've accepted it.
I'd rather people not make habits out of intoxicating themselves. I think there is a place in our society for narcotics and hallucinogens, but they rightly should be morally decried and kept out of access. It seems to serve well on our cultures as the matter kept only for shamans and seers, and more contemporarily, artists, poets, musicians. We need those people in our society, but they are such a small percentage of our population, we should outright ban most drugs, so that they and they will feel the need to break laws in order to obtain them.
Alcohol has helped me socialize with my close friends, and by ingesting only socially, it stays that way. I will always rationalize it, and stand by my use of it.
I've never tried vidya while high. It always seemed like it would be too much to concentrate on. When I had gotten high in the past, it was difficult to focus on any one thing in reality, my mind was making extrapolations of anything that was highly socially/materially perceivable.
The people who say this are so asleep in their lives that to experience any amount of awareness is a life changing experience. They assume everyone else is just as blind as they are.
But can a rock be a genius, it can't read
do you not think you constantly reek of weed? you're probably slow and lazy as shit if you smoke at work even if you think you're the most productive guy there.
I don't think there's anything wrong with smoking weed in your off-time but I've never met anyone who can smoke on the clock and not be a major drain on productivity.
10 years ago my pot dealer told me "user, you're really smart. but school is where you have to prove it"
it was completely retarded, but it stuck with me for some reason
>people avatarfagging with anime girls actually giving life advice to other people
You fucking incels have never even tried drugs, you've never been in a social situation where they were offered to you. Mushrooms and acid will open your mind to realize how much of a fucking failure you are at life, I pity you that you'll never have to chance to try a psychadelic and fix yourself.
not really
academic prowess corresponds pretty clearly with intelligence
Weed actually motivated me, to be more social, and on basic tasks, probably some ADHD shit
fucking retard you havent even tried being dead yet
maybe its time you try that faggot wow i cant believe you dont even know about being dead lol
>gay analogy
>Implying you keep only an ounce
who are you kidding stoner-san?
>says the guy posting on an anime website
pretending not to be a loser is more pathetic than being one
First 30 minutes I get schizophrenic and time grinds to a halt, I'm often a bit weird here. Next everything feels funny. The next phase is rampantly increased creativity, people love to be around me then, I've gotten with girls solely thanks to how I can apparently tell stories about mundane life shit with a spin on them.
I get tired of weed REALLY quick though and could never smoke it every day, I bought five grams in July and I still have 3/4ths of it left. All in all its a nice thing as long as you can pace yourself.
Imagine being one of those dullards who are gloating on here about never even having drunk a beer you must be such an awesome person right
yeah but it doesnt automatically make you intelligent
it just proves that you are either good at cheating or following instructions
>You're using anime on the anime website
>Drugs were never even offered to you
>You weren't raised in the ghetto and were pressured into doing drugs
Yeah buddy being street trash really is impressive.
it's not really deep but he's right.
Alternatively you can be a really diligent student even if you're not the smartest and still beat some of the smarter students.
Shit I'm a lazy student, I can admit that but I also pretty smart. My graduating class had to take a licensure exam (work in healthcare) and two students that did better than me academically just because they were more diligent students, failed and had to reapply for the exam. I barely studied (I know I'm a shit-head and lazy) and got one of the highest scores in my class.
I smoke with a bong and the smoke doesnt stay on your person, only niggers smoke joints. Dont smoke at work either. Just saying coffee users are just as obnoxious if not worse.
I haven't smoked in several years, as my overbearing family felt they needed to change my life, but at that time I had a pound
Thinking of dipping my toes back in
>needing drugs to realize any of that
You don't lose your mind you mongoloid, on acid even less so. If you're going to do hallucinogens don't do fairy faggot doses and stay indoors, with sober company. Oh and if you're doing shrooms get something stronger than cubensis, liberty caps are a much better trip.
>Stacy aces every year of school by sucking dick, it means she's a genius
You have a corrupted version of the English language just like everyone else these days so the word "intelligence" to you means "what are your grades at school?" Or "how much (useless) knowledge were you capable of memorizing during school?" Instead of "what's the best COA to take here upon your analysis of the situation?". I know that the subversion is complete a dialogue with someone who have graduated in the reeducation camps is impossible
3 grams of shrooms just gave me a body high(probably werent high quality shrooms) whereas 2 hits of acid had me seeing the walls breath
Was a nice fucking trip
By your logic, being a genius isn't worth shit.
yeah, keep moving the goalpost. The point being made is that despite drug use someone can be succesful. Academic prowess is universally observed as being succesful, especially in a field as astronomy.
>Mushrooms and acid will open your mind to realize how much of a fucking failure you are at life
Tends to happend when you realise you are a drug addict
I'm fucking with you retard, but can a rock be a genius
There's a difference between a superficial /passing though realisation and a deep down realisation/admission that you need to fix yourself, along with motivation to do so. Hallucinogens can provide that.
yeah but if you do drugs you will permanently be a faggot no matter how "successful" you are
So your family doesn't want you to be fined and or incarcerated for a hobby/addiction (to getting high) that you have which serves no purpose other than making you smell like shit and remove money from your bank account, risking jail time.
Yeah that's totally overbearing user, why can't they just stay out of your life and not care about your wellbeing?
>This is what drugs do to you
Once again, back your claims up, or shut the fuck up.
Not that user, but I don't see the appeal of casual sex.
>came like this close to plowing my cute Korean co-worker after an hour of drinking, talking, massaging
>realized I dont see myself having a relationship with this girl, and that sharing that sexual connection with no intention of following it up would be equivalent of stealing her love and passion temporarily
She and other guys I've known have made comments about my appearance, they assumed I was a lady killer, that I to have "slayed pussy."
Some Anons aren't interested in progressing the downwards decay of our societies moral fibres. I recognize we may be fucked as it is, but diving head first with the rest will only quicken our demise.
why the homophobia?
My family felt they knew what was best for me but they were misinformed, weed was a motivating factor in my life and was an antidepressant
I was never addicted to it nor did it interfere in any way with how I functioned, the crux of the issue was over a misunderstanding of an event.
You're a contrarian faggot and I'd break your face open
Nothing funnier than virgin losers whining about drugs.
>brainlet equates academic prowess with school grades
And just what tests are being cheated in and whose instructions are being followed by a post-doctoral researcher in fringe sciences?
why the faggotry?
why are you so defensive?
people are literally just explaining to you that just because you have a diploma that says "fucking guy is smart" doesnt mean hes smart
Because it's fun, that's the whole point user.
t. non-virgin loser
KYS faggot nobody gives a shit how many dicks you've enjoyed
>pretending psychadelics are addictive
Goes to show how sheltered and inexperienced you are. Can you really say that you find any meaning in your life at all? Is your thought actually insightful or is it just when you're going to fap to hentai next? Maybe try some serious self analysis, you might come to some conclusions without the help of your deep brain.
>being this much of a non-metacognitive NPC that you're only capable of "superficial" thinking without drugs
Take the opiod pill
Dmt sounds fun and from my limited experience with lucid dreaming while sick/sober it's kino
Except it absolutely does if you went through the actual work to get it. Are you arguing about the actual diploma itself as an award or the work to get it because there's a big fucking distincition
>I'll break your face open if you keep insulting muh weed
You honestly make my opinion of stoners more and more justified with your dribble
Yes please come beat me up user. God you are a fucking child mentally
>Virgin abstainer beta's getting literally BTFO
It's called respect, something you don't understand
>You can't have meaning in life unless you've done acid
>I need to get fucked up in dangerous subtances to find meaning in life
why are druggies like this? is this some sort of cope to not to admit that they are indeed addicts?
>It's called respect bro!
>Bro if you dont respect my illegal weed I'll smash your face open!
>Bro STOP disrespecting my WEED!
user, I...
DMT was the most enlightening experience I've ever undergone in my life. I had more Revelations in the span of six minutes than I'd had for years. You brainvirgins can pretend you can have these thoughts without drugs but you're deluding yourself, you will never be in the elevated plane that I was on in your whole lives. It's sad our government forbids this sacrament, but then again I suppose most you retards in this thread don't even deserve to try it.
>>Try mushrooms
>>lose my mind permanently
Cringe, this is very, very, very rare, and ZERO scientifically witnesses event or such cases.
If it happens at all, it's only when the subject already was schizophrenic, manic, or otherwise very very ill neurologically.
>Virgin abstainer beta's getting literally BTFO
To follow up on my green text, I have had casual sex before, but none of the times it has happened have felt fulfilling to me. Everytime it was in the pretence of some brief passion or attraction, but during the act and after, I would feel uninterested in the woman and my act. I saw the woman at her most open and vulnerable form, and I was nothing but a body there to be briefly consumed. And she was the same to me.
To do so became a symbol of materialism. We were bodies to be used.
I never want to ingest opioids outside of medically supervised pain relief.
The West is currently being consumed by opioids. People are killing themselves, their families, and their cities because of opioid abuse.
Out of all the stories I have heard of narcotics and recreational, designer drugs, opioids are the only one I've consistently read that no one in good faith suggests to try.
Weed and psychedelics do no harm
Only soulless people do drugs to compensate
>I smoke with a bong and the smoke doesnt stay on your person
lmao ok buddy
>coffee users are just as obnoxious if not worse.
lmao ok buddy
That is the whole point, school is monkey sees monkey does, this is the opposite of intelligence. Someone who has good grades at school can be a knowledgable person with a great memory but not necessarily intelligent
Depends on the game and the strain honestly, there were times I smoked and got so focused on sekiro that it was like I started seeing more frames on the enemies, on the other hand there were times I tried doing something but was just very far away from it
>being this much of a presumptuous cocksucker
Oh yeah, I bet you hit profound thoughts daily that you feel on an almost spiritual level don't you, you sad nigger.
Yea I would and you would die on that hill
>get fucked up in (sic) dangerous subtances (sic)
Really shows how little you know
With shrooms you want a minimum of 5g even if they're high quality to get a strong effect. You can drink OJ right after eating to further enhance the effects. The citric acid helps to break down the psilocybin to make it easier to digest.
Look up addiction tests on rats with water laced with cocaine. Only the rats who were missing entertainment and socialization would prefer the laced water, and once they were given that which they lacked to have an enjoyable life, they would stop preferring the drugged water.
Exact same happens to me, even with different strains. I've just stopped trying it
playing devils avocado here, but wouldn't waking up a basedboy be a good thing?
Retard, you obviously don't know shit apart from what you've heard on Joe Rogan or something.
whats worse is that they think they are cool by doing that
>user we don't think x habit is good for you
>no fuck you, you need to respect my decisions
>user x habit has really changed you
>no fuck you, you need to respect my decisions
Right, and to a certain grading I agree with you, but that just isn't the fucking case at all when you're going into PhD and beyond territory, to get a PhD you literally have to do something new.
Interesting. Thank you for sharing.
>To long didn't read
>I never want to ingest opioids outside of medically supervised pain relief.
You actually trust (doctors)? HAHAHAHAHAAH
>The West is currently being consumed by opioids. People are killing themselves, their families, and their cities because of opioid abuse.
Boohoo actually it's meth and we forced opiods on China for centuries
Don't care I'm not an addict meth head
>Out of all the stories I have heard of narcotics and recreational, designer drugs, opioids are the only one I've consistently read that no one in good faith suggests to try.
Only downside is impaired liver function and a chance of long term damage if u go nuts
Apart from that I was on them for over a decade on and off no ill effects stop being a poof
Weed and alcohol are shit because they are depressant melancholia inducing shit
half this thread is literally a circlejerk of people thinking they're cool for not using drugs.
>Some stoner retard is going to beat me up
Oh no what ever will I do? Not only am I trained with an M9, M4, and M249, but I go to the gym twice a day and have martial art training. This stoner's going to kick my ass!
Basedboys might be ignorant retards, but they're not happy ignorant retards
Most of them are on antidepressants and anxiety meds to counteract their inability to see why they're so unhappy
They exist in a constant state of instant gratification and all it takes to make them happy is a rebooted tv show/video game and the attention of a woman who is almost surely giving her attention to someone else on the side whether he knows it or not
Now that is a post of a man who needs a drink
>implying drugs are cool
>he doesnt do acid and smell like shit weed
user you're so not cool..
Kratom all day.
Make my own extract, get lit like bic.
I thought Oxy was good, kratom extract can kick it's ass.
And all of this for WAY less money and fewer negatives.
Super worth it
You obviously didnt eat enough retard
What. A. Faggot.
I mean, it's Yea Forums.
Don’t use my wife for such a homeschooled faggot opinion
Sad human.
I see more drug related threads than usual nowaydays. Was there a huge colombian sale recently that made every Yea Forumsirgin do the drugs?
Good read, thank you based user
its a shame you didnt realize earlier
The thing was, nothing had changed in my life, someone in my life used a cometely unrelated event that they misunderstood to justify trying to put me in a mental institution.
Having a knife that you forgot to take out of your backpack in an airport is not sufficient evidence to hold an intervention in someone's life, having a knife in your backpack at an airport doesn't automatically mean you're going to do something absurd from an anime you watched, it means I had a knife for self defense in case something happened to me in life, yet forgot to take it out of my backpack and didn't even re ever I had it on me.
It's called a lack of knowledge used to draw a conclusion, which is exactly what your dumbass is doing in this thread
>all these coping drug addicts trying to justify their addictions
hahaha, oh wait I forgot which sub I was on. I mostly browse /sci/...
This clears things up tho
>If you find enjoyment in life via means other than doing drugs you are sad
The conclusions you stoners come to absolutely astound me in ways I could not have imagined
Is that like salvia opioid mix? Ofc my shit country banned it because no fun allowed
I hope aus bans vapes officially
Yea but I have better reaction time and higher iq so none of that will help you
>This amount of projection to two words
Sad human
but DUDE the meaning of life and shit
lets travel all together to the galaxy called harmony in this interestellar spaceship
>Be white Mexican with German ancestry and my best friend is also white with anglo (gringo) ancestry
>He's rich and goes to Peru to do Ayahuasca every 6 months or so and tells me his experience every time
>Tell him about personal revelation's i've had of my Germanic ancestors fighting the Christians (Jews) and that it doesn't makes sense for him to be an Aztec in past lives (is there is such a thing) because he doesn't have a drop of Aztec in his veins
Yep drugs make people retarded indeed
>hmm why does a fringe internet nerd forum dabble in weird shit that's not mainstream
Hmmm I have no idea user go back to where u found this shithole and stay there until you figure it out later nerdnormie
>smoke pot
Absolutely hate the feeling
It's meh
Internal thought loops suck bro. Have a hard time functioning beyond laying down and closing my eyes
>snort speed and smoke crack
Turned out i liked this one. I cleaned my entire house, walked my dog, and organized all my files on my computer like a champ
must be weird
Yea Forums being full of 50+ year old women is pretty shit
>ate a whole dominoes medium pizza last time I smoked
Is that supposed to be a lot?
>be white mexican with German Ancestry
Fuck off mutt
If you're a pussy and don't want to do acid, do edibles. It's the same shit/effect as acid if it's your first time.
Just don't get too addicted or you'll scramble your long-term reward system.
>weed made me like vidya again
This, shit is so much more exciting when I'm baked, I smile like a goddamn idiot.
Also, when I browse Yea Forums when I'm stoned I realize like half of you guys are high at any given time.
Gay I hate this hippie shit
Either weird sex hell dreams where I get cucked over and over but rarely score or other world demonscapes for me
Nice dreams where I have friends and a gf depress the fuck out of me
My favourite are the owns where I'm a fugitive or raping my mom or getting killed over and over.
T. Well adjusted quiet neet user
love my depressants. weed and a good hoppy beer to slow me down is such a good way to cap off the day.
tried shrooms once but it was way too intense. had to piss constantly for some reason.
also did 2cb which was pretty fun, staying up for like a day and a half, watching public access tai chi from the mid-90s.
anyway drugs are pretty fun but if you're scared or worries about them, that's fine. just don't pretend you're a better person for not enjoying the same activities mankind has done for millenia. it's like shitting on hikers because you ride a bike instead, who cares.
Yeah, because you'll waste your money. Antidepressants block hallucinogens.
I already visit Mars where a group of snake people probed me.
If only
T. Virgin white male 29 year old with a momdom kink
Ssris also fuck up your libido
>american education system
>>ate a whole dominoes medium pizza last time I smoked
only that much? I have one of them for breakfast
t. obsessed
You have absolutely 0 idea how doctorates work.
I flew through the universe this one time and chilled with (God)
Don't remember the experience beyond flying through the stars it was comfy
Waking life pales in comparison to trips within dreams
Especially fever dreams within dreams that shit was intense
For me it felt the same as being drunk but the annoying fucking taste of the smoke was stuck in my mouth.
yeah sure, obsessed with a good school system, something that dumpster fire of a country doesn't have
I mean he's right. Schools only teach you the "correct" way of thinking
You have severe autism just judging by how you wrote that so I don't know if even dmt could help you, my condolences.
That's it? I constantly live off of dominoes. I even stick it up my ass and chew with my anus.
>when I browse Yea Forums when I'm stoned I realize like half of you guys are high at any given time.
I'm high on life, user.
Not like salvia at all, other than it is a plant also.
Kratom powder is powderized leaves of Mitragyna Speciosa tree.
The main active compound is 7-Hydroxymitragynine, which is a very potent opioid. It's basically as good a high if not better than all but fentanyl or syhnthetic compounds, and has far fewer negative side effects.
Constipation, addiction (After daily use after MUCH longer periods of time than pills like hydrocodone) and nausea being chief among them.
It's pretty much impossible to kill yourself on it, as you would vomit the excess back up well before you were to ever be in any danger.
People freak out about kratom in the blood of people who died, but it's almost always a result of poly-drug use that will kill fucking anybody with any combo.
Thank you, this has been my symposium.
Any faggot that needs to turn to any kind of drug to get through normal life is sad as fuck.
And are you such fucking dead beats you need drugs to find meaning in life? You sound like religious faggots
>me? I find meaning in life through the hedonic treadmill and constant consumerism, my drug of choice is chinese plastic figurines or cartoon young girls
I envy you, user.
Drugs let you see past the veil, especially psychedelics, and you get into contact with demons. The more times you see past the veil, the greater influence the demons have over you. That's the real evil in drugs, the temporary loss of self control and presence of mind
Based level headed druggie
Mad ill try and get some somehow
U listening asio centerlink? Mmhmmm
Try a different strain.
Nice. I usually have cool/creepy trips. I swear I saw Satan and it was my fucking ex. Also having music play in the back is a must.
oh mr drug overlord
please tell me what happens in the outer plains of reality
Dangerfield pls go
Based. Read the highlights, will read the rest later.
I agree. Some things can only be learned by experience, but I don't believe I was told enough about this phenomenon through my adolescence by my superiors. I recall only getting this message, that casual sex is a destructive act, from my Christian figureheads and teachers. Elders around me didn't stress it, and even my parents didn't reiterate this when my two brothers and I went into our teenage years. Even my Catholic high school, they only stressed the importance of using protection, and only one teacher I had really told us about how casual sex is using another person's love for a short term high. He was based
I wish for this to be told more to the youth. Casual sex is not all it's cracked up to be.
True. I haven't looked at the macros of what it constituted, but it couldn't have been too much.
Most people who turn to drugs to "feel alive" are already fucked in the head.
Fuck that reminded me of the last time I smoked.
>thought my senses were a thin blanket suffocating me with images of a fake world
>whole heartedly believed that just outside my region of physical perception was an infinite blackness
>saw myself in a tunnel where the walls were different lives and in each of them I went to Hell
>confused my anxious twitches as though my body were conscious and trying to kill me
>saw myself seeing myself judge every little thing I did like I was doing it all wrong
it was like I drank pure fear after smoking. Never again
>Yunkie calling anyone else hedonistic
Sucks for you that one of my hobbies is not the defining factor of my life, as drugs seem to be yours
No such thing that's a Jewish invention
GTF back to /rk9/
Sativa makes me paranoid.
Indica makes me just chill and lose myself in music.
most people who do drugs are miserable losers and Yea Forums is filled with them so this thread is very Yea Forums related
its a shame that denouncing casual sex has other people labelling you as a borderline religious extremist
Also, alcohol makes me feel immense regret over every little thing in my life. I have lost some friends and I just become sad and then an hour later angry over that.
>why arent people talking about video games on my twitter and eceleb board???
No it fucking isn't lol.
Almost every religion has a concept of demons or evil spirits predating any abrahamic religion
you sound like an insufferable cunt
Drug users are the dullest normalfags
Not only they dont get to develop an authentic personality, their interests are completely peers reliant. Ive yet to meet a drugsuser who isnt into competitive gaming like league or counter strike or other multiplayer bullshit. Fuck you druggies
Good thing demons and the "veil" aren't real.
Imagine not being open to new experiences and not trying acid, dmt or any other at least once to broaden your horizon. It doesn't make you addicted and if you don't have a mental illness it also wont damage you.
Tell me a revelation then
Nevermind the only topics are drugs and gossip related. Dullest human being I swear
>Almost every religion has a concept of demons
>or evil spirits
Here's a minor redpill: Everyone is affected by psychs differently.
This sums up most anti weed fags I've ever met
>nah dude weed is bad and it makes you stupid
>absolutely refuses to try it even once but is convinced it's bad anyway
It's like 6 year old that's never had apples before that is convinced he hates it despite never trying it before ever
They don't even have to enjoy the weed, I'd rather they hate it after trying it than decide they hate it without ever doing it themselves
I like the emotional rollercoaster mushrooms give me. Especially just laying down, closing my eyes and listening to music. Makes me feel like music wasn't meant to be listened without being on psychs.
LSD is fun too but for different reasons.
They can't, they have no friends or contacts that could get them any substance so they pretend they hate drugs and won't touch them, it's the ultimate sour grapes.
>lose my mind permanently
>It didn't used to be like that
How would you know, memory-crippled retard?
It's more like somebody that's never smoked tobacco saying they don't like tobacco/don't want to smoke it. You don't have to smoke cigarettes to know they're bad for you
Yeah this
Not even just psychs
Drugs in general affect people differently
Some people get panicky and anxious on weed, so in general I understand why they dont like smoking it, it's just not for them
I just got off weed after being drug addicted for 5 years.
I want back in
how do I get drugs if I’m a shut-in with no friends
I had my brother get me weed for a while but that was back when I was 16
One cigarette isn't going to ruin your life, just like one joint wont either.
We all know they're both bad in the long term, but you can't say "hurr weed is bad and I hate it" when you've not once ever smoked it or even understand why others do
tor marketplaces
call the cops and ask them to send some from their evidence storage
I don't like bacon
You do it because you are a moron and I'm fortunately not like you
I've tried alot of things in life but the only thing I don't see the appeal of is smoking cigarettes, why do people do this, when it's like one of the worst fucking things you could do.
Then perish.
I can say that weed was awesome for a time, but after a few years I got nothing but anxiety when I smoked. Stopped.
Ever since I took LSD I have been having extremely lucid dreams every night. Sometimes when I close my eyes I can visualize some of the most vivid things.
Projection m8
I enjoyed weed for a long time, and when I stopped enjoying it, I stopped doing it
It is literally that simple, I'm sorry you're so close minded that new things scare you
Good on you user, if things stop giving you enjoyment then you should stop doing them
>stay inside for 10 hours and have a blast playing vidya and just listening to music
lol shut up retard
I get a little bit anxious if I stay indoors, I like going to parks or forests.
But that's just me man.
alcohol makes me happy and outgoing for a short period, then I get extremely depressed, like near suicidal depressed
weed relaxes me and makes me feel more at ease
I guess with drug effects it just depends on the kind of person you are
sounds nice
beware of ticks
they can fuck you up
You have to leave the house eventually
Despite all the memes, despite all the cope, you can't live life in the long term if you just plan on playing vidya and listening to music 24/7
You're living an empty life of instant gratification to fill your empty void with SOMETHING besides your crushing loneliness
I'm not even telling you to do drugs, I'm just telling you to go outside and have a life m8
I'm candyflipping in a couple days
What should I expect if I've already done acid before?
>anyways wanna hear my totally right opinions on video games?
yeah, no wonder this board has so much shit taste
Here is a red pill for you drugs dont make you cool, it doesnt make you interesting , it doesn't add to your life, all it does is make you a degenerate loser, go out and make normal friends who each are their own unique person, instead of losers who will go nowhere in life doing drugs all day, there is a reason msot of society looks at these people with disgust, if you go out and make actual friends and make actual memories youll appreciate life more, rather than wasting it sitting around doing nothing, or for that matter only playing vidya
also stop fucking doing drugs and playing ranked games, you guys ruin it for everyone else just trying to rank up, youre not funny for doing drugs
t. no friends and access to drugs
*rips bong*
i read the first sentence man. best I can give you.
based, making boring shit fun is the worst way to fuck up your long-term goals. your time is better spent elsewhere.
[sp] just like video games [/sp]
How do you enjoy weed? Everyone I know uses it to relax at the end of the day, but it only causes me to worry. Don't get me wrong, I've had a handful of good experiences playing vidya or watching a funny movie with friends. However a majority of the time I find myself retreating into my mind and criticizing myself for things I could be doing better. If it's not that, then I think about bills, question if my friends really enjoy my company and other crazy shit. It just amplifies my anxiety 10 fold.
Maybe you need stronger weed
Sounds like it's not for you
I mean this I really do.
If it doesn't relax you, there is 0 reason to smoke it, and continuing to will just fuck up your mental health
not him but video games are definitely much healthier for you than fucking drugs. they create new neural pathways and keep your mind fresh. want better reaction times and image processing abilities? play shmups or twitch shooters. want better visual-spatial and pattern recognition IQ? play puzzle games. want better reading comprehension? play CRPGs. want better micromanagement skills? play dungeon crawlers or roguelikes. vidya genuinely makes you smarter. drugs objectively make you dumber. take your fucking pick.
Do they also block sedatives?
post thread jams
You've got it backwards, it can become an addiction not a dependence.
Dependency = physical withdrawal symptoms.
You're both a couple of fucking retards talking about m-muh past life.
genuinely kill yourself you disgusting human stain
I honestly tried nicotine capes just to see how it felt, it's kind of an upper but nowhere on the level adderal was, a bit more hazy, just for general use I prefer weed, I don't really have an addictive personality so I just stopped using them, not really worth the high when there are better options
You must be fun at parties *rolls eyes*
>40+ tabs
Nigger what does 40 tabs do to you? Send you to Mars?
Drugs increase the amount of neurotransmitters in your brain allowing you to learn more when you do an activity
You're not doing anything wrong mate.
This will sound really obvious but the way any kind of drug will affect you massively depends on your emotional state.
That being said, try something with a lower THC content and a higher CBL content as the latter has a much stronger link to the "mellow" feeling commonly associated with smoking weed.
Of course that's hard to do if it's illegal where you live but if live in a country where it's legal I would talk to your local dispensary about milder cannabis products or ones with a very low THC content like I mentioned earlier.
>paying big bucks for no thc
Bruh moment
>a catalog of flavours
They all taste like shitty cough medicine.
To add onto what I said earlier, the other active chemical in cannabis, THC, has been linked to feelings of anxiety and paranoia. That's not to say that you'll definitely have a bad trip taking THC but it's far more likely to have a negative affect. Especially so if you're already suffering with existing mental health disorders.
Well if the usual stuff makes him feel anxious then what have you got to lose?
Big money
imagine smoking weed then having a panic attack must be a hard life for you guys who cant handle a little bit of weed
You're part of why most people hate stoners
Astrophysics. NASA. SpaceX. Eat my ass faglord.
how do you prep kratom? I know it comes in powder form; do you just take it like that? do you throw them in gel capsules or what
I wish I wasn't so bad at physics, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it's something.
In my personal experience, Extasis helps you maintain "happyness" which in turn helps with the acid trip to keep it controlled.
However it does become a lot stronger
Elon Musk smokes weed
t. australian senator
>Yea Forums is full of junkies
Who would have thought
Did ur parents dress u in high school u seem like u were one of those few
>turn into a slurring happy guy or angry seething incel
>ate some thc gummies on family vacation
>become instantly aware of my hearts electrical pulses, try not to die
>"whats wrong user?"
>take adderall and monster
>stay awake for 72 hours
>fap and lift
its garbage. weed is for zero iq retards.
No. I did have two parents though, and that seems to be an abnormality these days.
Bro elon musk smokes weed and he’s pretty smart
>be degenerate
>become subhuman
i feel ya
From the video it appeared he was quite uncomfortable with the whole situation.
Nobody forced him he’s an adult
If i get too paranoid from weed should i try mushrooms? They sound very interesting.
I have issues with reality as it currently stands which is what causes my hesitation (think nothing exists and have panic attacks over it quite often).
Ive heard they can either completely fuck people like me for life, or help resolve the issues. Im assuming id be fucked but still interested.
You might have aspergers if you think this
Can anyone recommend me performance enhancing drugs ad where do I get them the bl*cks in my area only sell w**d
>pathetic anons cant handle hallucenigenics
He didn't even really passed it
>implying adults can't be socially manipulated to conform to a different behaviour that they don't feel strongly about
You think Elon was amicable about the whole thing? That Joe wasn't trying to coerce Elon into it? There was nothing about that situation that didn't seem like Elon was enthusiastic about smoking weed live on camera?
This too.
we know the majority of people are NPCs with no inner monologue
Grow up
Mushrooms and LSD are a very similar experience. Take more.
Oh my god you're actually lying.
No one cares what you think, normie. Stop sucking the fun out of everything. Also, kill yourself.
What are you, an impressionable 6 year old? Were you seriously never taught to have self-control and not do stuff just because someone said it was cool?
You're an actual autist with zero life experience. You can't say whether or not they add to your life if you haven't done them.
Drugs like coffee, weed, alcohol, LSD, mushrooms, cocaine, and MDMA do not fuck your body up if you do them occasionally.
>users and addicts coming out of the woodwork to defend their destructive habits
Like clockwork.
I am in the process of doing so. I wish I had grown up sooner to see through all the bull shit and poison progressives have been feeding youths for the last 100 years. I could have been married by now and be part of a better community that protects it own interests and looks out for it's children in this age of self-destruction and over stimulation.
Coke damaged my heart a little when I almost OD’d
Never smoke weed after a whole night of doing blow.
>Mushrooms and LSD are a very similar experience. Take more.
Not either of the anons you replied to, but I've done shrooms and acid quite a few times. I always felt like I was capable of conducting myself or staying mentally on track with acid, whereas mushrooms I'd go off the rails/get stuck in loops or confused by things around me. Haven't done either in more than a decade though.
>have cancer
>off work lots of time to kill
>smoking weed to help with nausea, appetite, and general pain
>see this thread
Jesus you guys need to really just chill the fuck out
I don't hang out with many people that smoke these days but the big mistake in the past was trying to keep up with big stoners. Eventually I'd take maybe a baby puff, let it sit for a bit, maybe one more then enjoy my night. Could also just not be your thing which is fine, user.
I hope your cancer gets better bro
Drunkenness being spectacularly different from sobriety (aside from the diminished motor skills and awareness/reactions) is the biggest meme there is
I don't even know where one would get illegal drugs where I live so can't comment on those
>junkie takes substances that objectively makes them unhealthy and unsociable
>junkie proceeds to claim that anyone who calls them out on it is unhealthy and unsociable
Why do drug addicts always act like overcompensating middle schoolers? The whole "you need to get a life" or "lol you must be fun at parties bro" defenses don't make any sense when drugs are primarily used by spastic shut-ins with no self-control or people in a solo environment. It only proves that drugfags have no substantial personality or have no constructive hobbies to do.
Oh it already is, going back to work by the end of the year. I can already tell because I had a lump the size of a cantelope in my pelvic region and nowadays I can finally piss right again.
Yeah, I'm sure everyone should be in a situation where they have cancer like you, user.
Glad to hear it FUCK CANCER
Gee. I wonder where you got that cancer.
>You can't say whether or not they add to your life if you haven't done them.
>you cant say if a bullet to the head kills you if you haven't shot yourself
People die from drugs every day, ive had a family member who used drugs and has fucked up his life beyond repair, call him a dumbass if you want but there are thousands just like him
You have a disease I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Do what you wish with your life, user, without our judgement. I pray for you and family.
My brother tried Pheonix Tears before his untimely passing
well it was a type of cancer that doctors arent sure how it starts but is statistically high in males around age 20-29 and it is believed that being overweight also increases the risk. So i feel like its pretty relevant to the posters of Yea Forums.
Psychedellics are harmless and they aren't even addictive you complete sperg. Smoking tobacco is worse for you than taking shrooms.
What the hell were you trying to prove in this post? You have fucking cancer, a deadly illness that nobody wishes to have. That's like trying to defend regular people chugging cough syrup just because you in particular may have a cold.
Video games are objectively bad for you.
>Being a pussy
dabbing irl
I forgot to mention it before, but thank you to everyone who participated in this thread. It has been engaging and interesting to read the replies and speak with you.
For a board dedicated to video games, the best threads are the ones that have nothing to do with them
That's bullshit and you know it.
Damage to your body is of way less importance than fucking your brain and psyche up.
that feel when you always enter these threads when they're nearly over and no one will reply to my greentext story anyways.
>smoke weed a lot, have a tolerance built up
>stepbrother wants to smoke ever 45 minutes
>head down to the workshop with bud we smoked all this week
>pack a bowl, smoke it. his turn, then mine again.
>suddenly dizzy as fuck, legs give out under me
>have 3DS in my sweater pocket
>consciously protect my 3DS as i drop to my side
>im on the ground, my eyes in a constant state of looking around like when you spin in circles over and over and stop
>he's laughing at me, thinks im pretending
>telling him this is legit wtf is going on with me
>keeps smoking and laughing
>can't get up, so i start crawling out
>whole time he's laughing and walking beside me
>get to the shop doors and get up only to fall again
>legs will not function
>crawl from the shop to my house
>go down the stairs one step at a time on my ass
>get to my room, stand up, open the door and fall on my belly 2 feet from my bed
>say fuck it and force myself to sleep.
Does anyone know what the fuck happened that day? i never experienced that before.
Drugs are actually fun and here for a reason, just don't abuse it.
If you don't believe every alusination as real you'll be fine-
The after effects you twat.
Random weird changes in personality.
You had a stroke or something, weed jsut doesn't do that.-
okay, you're retarded. Next.
You shouldn't do drugs if only for the fact it makes you pretentious as hell while feeling like you're "so down to Earth and chill".
Agreed. I enjoy the Yea Forums threads that pop up here every blue moon. Some of the best music I've bought came from suggestions from /fit/ and Yea Forums (though pic related came from Yea Forums).
Then what does DMT do?
No wonder nu-Yea Forums sucks shit at the videogames
That's more related to drug abuse than to drug usage though.
There are risks, and if you're of a weak mental state and know it, avoid them.
It's just not for everybody.
With Jews, YOU LOSE.
Don't do drugs.
you gave a retarded answer, fuck off.
I don’t drink as much any more because I’m sure my organs are already crying for me to stop at the age of 26 based on abuse in my teen years. Weed has always made me feel paranoid, or guilty, or just terrible, but it isn’t the worst thing. Sometimes you need that I feel. But then there’s other times/or other strains where my heart rate will just be jacked, and I just become much better at cognitive things. For example I’ll be unstoppable in smash after a good blunt. Other times it makes me think much more deeply, like I’m experiencing the situation at hand for the first time as another user said.
I did both one resulted in having my arm broken by the police and the other resulted in me playing leeg of legens and watching the book of life. guess which one was which. both were unique interesting experiences in their own ways.
Shit nigga you should write a book about this
you took drugs like a retarded faggot
you should have died and its a shame you didnt
>t. literally doesn't know what he's talking about
Same here, every seems new with weed. Music, vidya, movies, paintings.
Not wanting to do them is fine. I just have a beer once in a while. I have friends that like drinking or smoking here and there and some that dislike it. Everyone acts respectful and no one is 'HURR I'M SO DRUNK/HIGH DUDE'.
The people that lash out telling others to die remind me of that kid named Quentin that would post those images all those years ago. He got exposed as a bitter, friendless loser.
You must have a lot of funny anecdotes
I drink beer/whiskey/rum purely for taste and not to get drunk, if anything I honestly dislike being drunk. There is a plethora of tastes and experiences unique to alcoholic beverages especially when it comes to spirits.
The beverages that taste shit are usually the ones that are cheaper and people buy just to get drunk.
Don't know why, wanna share a story.
>Plan to go to a party with friends, played a bit of Silent Hill & Dying light (trending at the time) before going
>4-5h later, at the party with friends (boys & girls)
>some stoner then ask if some of us would like to take mushrooms
>Was kind of afraid to take it, but majority was starting to take them, so fuck it and try it out
>20-30 min in, all the girls at the party starts laughing, and saying shit like "OOOH IT'S LIKE AN INSTAGRAM FILTER IN MY EYES", "WAAH SKY IS MELTING, SO BEAUTIFUL"
>Still nothing with me.exe
>Ask to stoner if it will kicks in soon
>Was a bit fat at the time, so apparently, it takes more time to come with the mass (Still don't know if it was true or not)
>Mushroom still don't do shit
>Starts talking to one of the girl, telling me that she see beautiful things, colors are cool etc
>Suddently felt watched by something
>You know this impression of beeing followed near a forest ?
>Notice a white bucket near the road, and became sort of afraid by hit, with no reason whatsoever
>Forget about it, dudes at the party said that they feel the mushroom coming in, seeing funny shit.
>Still fucking nothinginmylife.exe
>Came back to the house, and saw a shadow in the tree, thinking it's a bat or somethin.
>It moves fast as fuck between the different trees, like in animated tv shows.
>Oh fuk it's coming
>Can't see funny shit, no colors popping.
>Seeing the same barbed wire as in Dying light around the house, hearing whispers behind.
>Mushroom and Panic kicks in, full swing.
>Tries to talk to friends to relax, but they're all happy and don't understand that i'm panicking
>Rush to the toilet, locking in, starts talking to myself in the mirror
>Felt like It was not me beyond the mirror, and seeing my iris getting more dilated the more I stared at it
The only relief was that it passed over the night, but fuck, it was not a great trip.
I guess shrooms are cool but depends on who takes it.
That's quite a mature opinion user, thanks for sharing
That you need to chill out.
Sucks to be you, stoner.
>"Drugs are cool" is in every single video game
No it isn't.
It depends on your mental state going in and the environment. If you're in a bad way and in a place you don't quite know it's a recipe for bad times. With experience it gets easier to take the reigns but I'd still recommend only doing it with close friends in a place you're fully comfortable with.
It was in a vineyard of a friend, I go here a lot, but maybe it was the game I played before going there ? The fact that the vineyard was not that great in the night ?
Maybe i'll try it one more time with close friends like you said, but it's been since 2015 that I've not touch anything like weed/shrooms. Don't know how my mind would react after the fact that it didn't go so well the first time
Sometimes a bad trip was spurred by stress from earlier in the day/week that I let build. At times I went in simply paranoid or anxious about a bad trip and that lead to one. Mushrooms can be weird. I haven't done them in a while now but getting into a positive mindset, comfortable environment (and not doing a crazy dose) and 'letting go' without fighting the effects seems key. I've friends that simply don't enjoy mushrooms so that could be your case as well. No matter the situation they'd just not enjoy themselves.
Either way if you do decide to try them again at some point I hope you stay safe and possibly have a good time. If they aren't for you that's all good, user.
I agree, but in some form of moderation. It's no secret that doing this shit too much fucks you up socially, but if you don't play too much, it can be pretty cool. My time with FPS has left me with a pretty good reaction time, which can be pretty helpful.
As a side note, I really think a lot of the people who sperg out on pretty decent games just play them way too much in general. They are bored with them and don't realize they need to refresh by taking a break for a while.
some people take to weed badly
you're one of them
however weed is degenerate
>it's far easier to control the high from it
>is more pleasant to ingest
How can one man be so wrong
>>"Drugs are cool" is in every single video game
I've played games my entire life and I've never seen this.
That isn't how it works, retard.