How do we fix Touhou?
How do we fix Touhou?
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more Patchouli
What do you mean fix? It's fine.
More porn.
Bring back Mima.
Make Parsee a main character in at least one game.
What’s to be fixed?
Fix what?
More cunny.
except instead of freezing bullets you burn them since Clown is the main character
Fix the fact that the main characters are an impoverished sociopath and a mentally-deficient halfling
Give Reisen two more mainline games so she evens out with other guest playables
Clownpiece causing mischief over Gensokyo like Hecatia told her to
Human Village (Keine)
Kasen's House (Kasen)
Forest of Magic (Alice)
Extra Stage is Reimu fed up with her not paying rent or some shit
The protagonist doesn't have to be perfect
Where can you go play the game. I can’t find it
what's there to fix?
Marisa is smart has every 2hu game
>fix touhou
play the games nigga
Malehou spinoff.
Marisa actually looks based, damn.
you don't know what based means
Reimu actually looks bearable for once
of course Reimu would be a shuubie
Instead of big boobs, its big penis for Sakuya?
Also genderswapped miko makes no sense because historically shes already a guy
Would you lick Reiman's armpits?
Im fucking inlove with boyrisa
and his chest, and his dick
Character flaws are important.
More Crown Prince?
Imagine not being to beat NORMAL
>being to beat
Just play Sakuya bro
Marisa is a healthy, average-height Gensokyo woman.
Kill Reimu
Dumb raccoon poster
Why is this chicken so cute?
stop making gimmick games
You stop that.
I love my cute umbrella wife
It's called Cho Aniki.
Kogasa is a dumb blacksmith who lives off of instant ramen.
Sex with the raccoon?
pcb sucks
the only good games are eosd, imperishable night, hisoutensoku and ten desires
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
Cute vamps
redpill me on ZUN2
Wait a moment, something's off here...
Mamizou best obaa-san.
i liked the trance mechanic of td and eosd is literally perfect
ur posts are invalid
Zun Seems to be an incredibly chill guy, but I have no idea what I wuld talk about with him, its a toss up between if he initiates a convo about touhou or he just doesnt like talking about it? Idk
now give her a kiss on the cheek
these tits are FAKE. NEVER trust a tanuki's boobs
Remake the first three Windows games, either as some kind of three-pack or one at a time.
> all three have "Original mode" and "Modern mode"
> Original mode plays more or less identically to the first game
> Modern mode brings each game more in line with modern entries with more game-ish gimmicks
Tentative ideas:
> EoSD has you collecting scarlet mist (think divine spirits, but will slowly drift down instead of disappearing)
> You can press C at any time to switch between firing normally and firing scarlet-enhanced bullets, draining your mist like ammunition
> Scarlet shot has a vampiric effect, giving life/bomb shards when you capture spell cards with it, on top of additional damage and shot-enhancing gimmicks a la WBaWC
> PCB works as normal, but cherry bonuses now give bomb shards and bosses drop petals like those from Yuyuko's last spell while the border is active, allowing you to extend it
> IN has team-dependent time point gimmicks
> Border team can wrap around the edge of the screen
> Magic team can turn points into bomb shards or power items
> Scarlet team can enhance damage similar to the EoSD gimmick
> Netherworld team can slow time
Hey, cut it out.
>eosd is literally perfect
It's worse than both the games preceding and following it
Seihou 1+2 need a remake since they barely work on Windows. EoSD and PCB need a remake since the source code is gone
What is it about Kasen that made her fanworks almost entirely porn?
having sakuya as a playable character is nice, but the cherry mechanic feels like a gimmick
haven't played any pc-98 games yet, sadly
having no personality + big tits
new touhou book when? Symposium of Post Mysticism only went up to Ten Desires
big ol oni tiddies
How do we fix touhou?
More cunny
Fake News of Tengu Journalism
yeah but I mean one of Akyuu's Gensokyo chronicle books, with the character profiles
For me, it's UFO
You sick son of a bitch, what did you do!
What is this from?
Is... is that the alt-right I've heard about?
I've just beat Mamizou as Marisa
The entire ex stage is pure, unfiltered bullshit
I fixed her
I have that same controller. logitech F310.
i use a different one for touhou though. and the dpad.
>cherry mechanic feels like a gimmick
>Trance is fine tho
Also good luck with UFO
It gets easier once you've mastered trance tbqh
Press home key to take snapshots, use gpu scaling so the game doesnt stretch.
All the main games are good except ufo
By adding some more mouse!
*UFO and PoDD
Though jokes aside, at worse mainline games are ill conceived rather than truely bad.
HM is shit though.
h-haha yeah imagine not being able to beat normal
what the fuck was her problem?
oh I don't even consider the first 3 games to be a thing, lol
more porn
all the fightans are either painfully mediocre or bad except Soku
cut out the 'bullet hell' part and just make the rest of it porn.
dumb whore
>cut out the best part
>blue bullets blue background
>red bullets red background
Nice contrarian opinion.
TSS does PoDD better than PoDD btw
>blue talismans next to a lot of falling point items
>play Youmu
>let go of shift just before the sword strike finishes charging
>game predicated on "please wank over these preteens"
It's accomplishing its idiot point. Why fix what ain't broken?
None of the designs are wankable though. Fans just make them wankable.
>the only character that's younger than 18 is a fucking dog
imagine unironically thinking this
You're a stronger man than I am if you can wank to this
Raiko, Benben and the other one also under 18 in the same way
>hat with eyeballs
Does Ebisu count as being a preteen despite being an unborn fetus?
We don't know how long she's been dead.
We can at least agree she's cute and funny for a fetus.
I came here to say that i'm gonna breed the Shrine Maiden.
ZUN said she's a god of fortune too so she might actually be old
I wonder if Hina's friends with her then?
my favourite part of this omake is that Yachie's profile is longer than Eika's, Urumi's and Kutaka's combines and it spells out the plot of the whole game
>eiki isn't a midget but just small compared to komachi
blessed chart
Why is Shimmy such a precious onahole?
>>She acts courteously towards everyone, but looks down on the vast majority of them.
>surprise attacks
PC98 > Windows
Which songs do you like the most Yea Forums?
I only picked this one because i'm too lazy to search for others.
>Keiga = hard femdom and CBT
>Kiketsu = rape from every angle
>Gouyoku Alliance = Reenacting that one JAV where the actress fucks 100 men, but with you instead of the woman
>whatever the 4th one is = hot drug-induced sex
Damn medicine is a womannlet
I'm surprised there isn't art of Mima kidnapping Hina and disguising herself as her. I thought that wrote itself
Well she's literally a doll.
If Marisa dressed up like a fairy, I'm pretty sure no one would know the difference.
why do i find small marisa so cute bros
Because Marisa is a canon womanlet.
this picture was cute and then I found out that it was part of a set that ends with sakuya asking marisa if she would have been better off not learning to use magic at all if she was going to be so reliant on it and then I felt sad
she does have a point
but she can still use slaves and normal magic
Marisa best girl
marisa and mokou make the best pairing non-romantic, of course. Mokou is for Keine.
>Clown is barely smaller than Marisa
>who is, a fairy
Youmu is even smaller
Youmu is a dork. A tiny dork.
I don't know why they made her look like an actual toddler.
imagine being like 60 years old and genuinely being smaller than a fairy
because she basically is, in human years she would probably be 14 at most
>tfw her nonspell kills me again
at least she's a cute dork
If Youmu wasn't possessed by animal ZOMBIE GOASTs, she'd be screaming hysterically from all the spucci goasts flying around her.
To match her personality
kuso bird
Just move left and right
Bring Iku back
Reference the PC-98 characters/events in the games/manga
Make the incidents dire again
Make the fighting games fun and remove floating/flying mechanics for the love of god
Have ZUN ingest more alcohol before making a game
Touhou is probably the only good thing that was made in entire history of humanity
We don't
>Reference the PC-98 characters/events in the games/manga
nice joke
This is why theres no lewding the doggo
Make Sakuya Playable
>protag worships a youkai
>befriends many youkai and lets them off the hook despite being mass-murderers
>still kills the first male youkai for breaking a rule no one knew about
>most hated enemy is a human mage
What did Reimu mean by this?
LoLK was the direst incident, it last for 3 whole games even
Make it 3D
>kkhta 9/9 never ever
end my fucking life man
KKHTA was edgy shit though.
Literally TGT but without the self awareness
>just dodge bro
you're not wrong, but after 27 parts you still end up invested in this dumbass shit
reimu and marisa's deaths were pretty good though
Just bomb bro
For me, it's double spoiler.
Unironically ones of Yuyuko's easiest
Now this is fucking bullshit
That card is fucking insane
Flan or Rumia?
the one whose head is built for headpats
>tfw died to Miko's last spellcard in TD
I knew I should have used Practice Mode before going for a serious run, but I was too eager to get that sweet 1cc and went in blindly
Also any tips for TD?
It's not that bad but when you reach there with your last bomb/life the pressure is likely to make you choke especially on the red wiggly attack
It's not too bad if you can stay low, but you have to go around higher and I have like a 50% rate of screwing that up. The worst is probably the one where massive projectiles are constantly targeting you.
if she had a cock would her balls be the size of her entire half body like tanookis in japanese folklore just curious haha :)
the weak should fear the strong
Try to shotgun bosses so you can grab more spirits, it helps for Miko's last card too
Optimize trance to maximize your resources
use spirit world mode when the stages leave most lives and bombs (example: after you defeat Kogasa in stage 3, use the spirit world BEFORE you collect her spirits and and the fairies' that come right after)
Not that user, but I never pressed c during TD. I used the ring finger for shift and my hands are small.
I had to learn to press shift with my pinky for HSiFS, so whatever
>I had to learn to press shift with my pinky for HSiFS
I'm pretty sure that's what everyone do.
Can't you just use AutoHotKey to rebind C to something else like Ctrl?
I hope gobbo's game wins
>I'm pretty sure that's what everyone do.
Adding to this, when you bomb make sure to sit on top of bosses while doing so, it will dramatically increase your trance gauge.
Rude. Marisa is very smart.
>tfw burning meiling 7 never
good art for once
zun improved?
Why does Manako have an eyepatch?
>despite being mass-murderers
If you're not a mass murderer for eating meat, then Youkai did nothing wrong either.
inb4 vegans
Have this friend
>those hands
>giving marisa breasts
worst drawing ZUN's ever made
>>giving marisa breasts
Maybe you should stop being a fag for once
deal with it faglord
God I want to honk Marisa's Kirisames
You don't even remember her name
Yatsuhachie Chan
Marisa has grown and is a beautiful woman with moderately sized breasts now m8.
but saki is the strongest and her power is maximum
Prime 2hu
growing is the only thing Marisa can't do
I do genuinely still forget which one is benben and which one is NotBenben
The girl thats not Benben
Yatshuhashi Horikawa
Benben is the one with the real instrument
NotBenben is the dumbass who's holding strings
>unmatched leg strength vs the ability to make you lose the will to fight
pretty clear win
Marisa has grown up to be my wife!
Post 2hus you want to marry.
i think it's just a fold in her apron thing
fortune teller did nothing wrong
Is the Moriya Shrine Conspiracy dead, or are there links between games that I just can't find?
> Moriya shrine shows up (MoF)
> Opens up the underground (SA)
> Underground dwelling Nue sets Buddhists in motion
> Buddhists settle down on top of, and provoke, Taoists
> Youkai are threatened by rise of religion, start rebellion, Seija strengthened by spirit of rebellion long enough to find and trick Shinmyoumaru
> Leftover energy from the Miracle Mallet Incident allows Sumireko to create the Occult Orbs
> Lunarians slip the Lunar Capital Orb in with the rest of the Occult Orbs, use urban legends to start a harmless invasion of Gensokyo and provoke its citizens into solving an incident for them
Aaaand that seems to be the end of it. Even if you were willing to use some weak reasoning like "Okina was worried by the lunarian invasion and decided to check in", there's no apparent link between HSiFS and WBaWC.
Is the best long-running joke in the series officially kill?
Unironically my ideal girl
>It actually happened according to the Doom canon
Moriya is not connected to DDC at all.
The rebellion was strictly Shinmyoumaru and Seija's doing.
Also Sumireko didn't create the occult orbs
We're in a new arc. That's why we weren't shown the Eagle leader the last game
>Hey Marisa what's that on your chest?
>Oh it's just a fold in my apron thing.
But I just explained how it's connected.
The youkai started a rebellion because they were threatened by the rapid growth of religion, that was the explicit story behind TD extra.
The entire plot of DDC was Seija being an asshole and trying to turn the spirit of rebellion to her own ends, and the aftermath of such.
And... wait, she didn't? I could've sworn she did.
Okina pops up because she discovered her kid moved into her house's basement
Make your own shmup game about anime girls where for a story it is just you, a 40 something Jap boomer, complaining not-so-subtly about the world and how much a nationalist you are.
>Okina isn't tied
I mean, in her mythological background Kanako is her kid
>The youkai started a rebellion because they were threatened by the rapid growth of religion
Nope, the two events were not connected. Note that the youkai who are rebelling in DDC have no idea why they're doing so, and Kagerou even expresses surprise when she realizes that her friend Wakasagihime had also become violent.
Seija convinced Shinmyoumaru to use her mallet to cause the weak youkai of Gensokyo to overthrow the strong, her entire motivation was to turn Gensokyo on its head.
why is 14 the best
>When I'm around you user, I almost don't want to go out and pop a cap in a moon bitch.
b-but her power is maximum...
Well well, look at the outside worlder pulling up in her fancy German shrine
It's fine but the gimmicks suck.
>Kagerou has way too much red on red in her fight.
>Music bullets suck.
>Screen flipping sucks
>Giant Marisa and Sakuya have a weird hitbox that feels slightly too big.
>kicks your head off in 2 seconds
That could also be something for a future manga that it takes literal years to get to.
well there's definitely a new mange coming since WaHH ended and VFiS ends this month
how do i obtain 2hu
admit reimu sucks
Quickly user!
ZUN has decided the next Touhou game is going to be the last, and is letting you decide how the series ends.
What's the last game about? Who's the final boss? Who's the extra boss? Who's the phantasm boss?
Hard mode: no ripping off CtC
Well her IQ is minimum
>Hard mode: no ripping off CtC
But CtC is fucking shit.
I don't know but CtC's G Free is fucking hype
Marisa turns into a youkai and is put down by Reimu.
>It Was All a Dream: The Game
How bout I kick your ass boy.
CtC has a great ost in general.
Delete Junko and her game for being the worst final boss in any Touhou game, including spinoffs and fangames.
full on civil war between the humans and the youkai
multiple choice routes like IN, final boss is either a newhu human or all the sages at once
EX boss is Maribel on the cusp of turning into Yukari
Phantasm boss is Sariel
Jaimers pls go
does someone have the sauce on this, I know its old but I Cant find it
>mokou is for keine
How many final bosses spit on the concept Touhou was built on from 6 onwards?
Here's your concept m8: Dodge bullets
Plot is Reimu trying to bring Akyuu back from the dead.
Final boss is Eiki
EX boss is Yukari and Yumemi, who are revealed to be future versions of Maribel and Renko who traveled back in time.
Phantasm Boss is The Dragon God, who looks just like ZUN, and who's fight consists of spell cards taken from each past Final Boss.
Yeah, that's the other reason I think its possible. Something should be starting up soon.
>replaying the games
>bouncing around between them
>can almost 1cc the early games first try, even those that I didn't play all that much
>get fucked on the first stage in some of the modern games, specifically SA and TD
how does this happen? Is it because I'm underestimating them?
Is Contra: Hard Corps a Touhou game?
Shimmy is worse for the survival alone
I guess that makes Miko the best final boss. Easy as shit but at least she have flashy danmaku am I right mate?
You're doing something wrong, at least. Do you try to go above the Point of Collection against bucket-loli or something?
I only had that one attempt since trying it again before I quit out of shame
CtC is a good game.
Wait wtf is a Jaimers?
Byakuren wouldn't wear that and you know it
Have it deal with more serious and important issues
indeed, moonbitch BTFO
Byakuren doesn't know english in the first place.
I want her to scape my dick with her sharp fingernails, then the inside of my dickhole
I will never not love just how absurdly offensive this one panel is.
It's like she's channeling /pol/
sun themed game, Gensokyo covered in an unnatural Solar Eclipse. Essentially IN 2.0 except the final boss for the series being Amaterasu since she was already teased to exist
>mizuryu kei
>Final boss of Touhou is Shinto's most major god.
Would be kino.
>More powerlevel wanking
No. We need more Shimmys and Joons, not more Hecas and Okinas
holy fuck, is medicine actually that fucking small
that just makes her cuter
>You will never charge your special danmaku with an IRL solar panel
Why even live
>More powerlevel wanking
Nigga this has nothing to do with powerlevels. Amaterasu is the most important god in Japanese myth, that's what makes her showing up in Touhou kino.
>died at the final fourth of Saki's last spellcard
I ain't giving up, this horse is going down.
>Touhou game made by Capcom and its a crossover with Okami
Why is Saki so perfect?
>strongest beast
>dark wings
>banging as fuck theme
>head of beast mafia
>howdy as hell
She isnt my favorite from the game, but she is cute at least. Now her, she is the best
Don't forget
>Easiest extra boss
>All these new lewds
You can tell she's going to get some damn good porn.
Certified AnCap
I prefer her cute than the lewds
Has anyone here actually won at eratohok?
Mayumi a qt. Thank you based Cake for bringing her to life
I quite like the idea that since her body can be reshaped and destroyed, she could go full guts and just keep fighting on after getting an arm or half her head shattered
Tis but a flesh wound
Like won a scenario? Yeah, it's pretty easy as long as you don't do something retarded like start with no allies in a shitty location or turn every rapist npc faction up to 10.
I think that's my only gripe with Mayumi in the game, her skin doesn't show any damage after you defeat her.
>Patchuman casually shoving his hand down his boxers to scratch his ass
What a chad
Only if its rough anal and Im hugging her tail while doing so
it's a shame, but at least ZUN mentioned it in the omake
>It's a metaphor for robots taking over human jobs
Currently on NG4, but i have no idea how to unlock some events, is there like a guide or something?
Maybe even to help and contribute to those events?
>related to miko
yup, she's perfect
it's double meta since the haniwa soldiers became pointless immediately after
It's post-scarcity, just pray to Keiki and enjoy your NEET life
I need fanart of Keiki showing Marisa a human sized Haniwa Marisa as she said in her ending.
I wish I were a haniwa. So much wasted time sleeping and being tired. I hate it
So would Kaguya be on the moon or not.
You mean like when you make Youmu fuck Youki? I thought there was a word file packed in the game with a list of events. If there isn't you can ask around in the era discord on the wiki.
Sleeping is nice though.
And that's probably the reason she's becoming fairly popular. She's the closest thing to a robot and people like them some robots.
is there?
i just saw "Events" next to a character, and started looking into them, there are a couple i want to see how they work, but i have no bloody idea to activate it
And some events are still in moonspeak, will take a while to translate but at the very leat i can get my wife to speak full english like she's supposed toYou know, english vampire and all that
well, she is still cute. Also a better yoshika as well
Where do I find a Marisa gf
At the next Billy Joel concert
Nue explicitly said that the rebellion from TD's extra stage was started because they felt threatened.
The sudden surge in rebellious spirit did... something to Seija. Incensed her, woke her up, formed her outright, literally anything. She was spurred into action, did her shit with Shinmyoumaru, caused her own "revolution", and promptly had the shit beaten out of her.
Simple enough for you yet?
Neat. Should I make sure not to carry any valuables then?
The same way you fix your pets
You are retarded.
The TD's rebellion was simply an excuse to call in Mamizou, and that plays into HM. And it was simply in response to Miko showing up, which again pretty much resolves itself when HM happens.
There is nothing in DDC that references or even suggests that the rebellion in TD had anything to do with it.
You are shoving your fan fiction in people's faces while pretending that it's canon.
Prove me wrong, I dare you you secondary faggot.
make her fat too
So I need to cut off Touhou's balls?
kanzume's patchouli is a phallus magus of the highest order.
zun gets better at music with every game but his art remains shit
His art is so good that it ascended human comprehension and now just looks like shit to the uninitiated.
It's charming. Replace ZUN's art and people would riot.
> there is a story link between 10, 11, 12, and 13, and between 14 and 15, but no link between 13 and 14
> even though the major story theme of 14 was explicitly invoked and explained right in the extra stage of 13
Are you implying ZUN did it on accident, or what?
There is no concrete proof, but the literary evidence is blatant.
he tried tracing 3D models. The WBaWC art makes it pretty obvious
He lets fan art make up for it.
At least he hasn't pull an Alphes
Will she ever turn into a youkai?
It has soul
Seija was around before the rebellion, though. The whole rebellion in 14 kicks off because Shinmyoumaru used the mallet, which Seija gave her in the first place. The stuff in 13's extra stage can't be relevant or it would have interfered with the plot of 13.5
>zun gets better at music with every game
Not everything has to be one massive plot thread user, and ZUN himself stated that DDC was supposed to be a return to the basics in a sense.
Sakuya coming back, and the incident being a very basic "youkai does bad thing" incident is evidence of that thought process.
10-13.5 had a very direct, cohesive story arc, and said arc was cleanly resolved in 13.5, no reason to force 14 into the religion war arc.
I mean it's better than it used to be. Reimu hasn't been a zombie for years.
I'd be mad if it happens. She's like the Guts for the franchise
It would be a betrayal to Marisafags everywhere.
We'll see her training to be a hermit in Touhou's epilogue.
>zun gets better at music with every game
Beast Metropolis is fucking kino and definitely beats stage 5 of HSiFS
Yeah, user is clearly daft. ZUN's music peaked with LoLK
Sakuya pads his shorts!
talk to him about beer
he likes it a lot
>That TD secret ending
Cutest shit ever, why is there no fanart of toast Marisa?
Me pican las bolas
In WBaWC pretty much all post-Stage 3 themes are top tier. Dark Pegasus is by far one of my new favorite Extra Stage themes.
Hey, you're posting my picture I took!
Yeah, my Shiki Eiki Yamaxanadu Empire crushed all sinners, allied with Yukari who was the only possible threat while confining her to a small territory.
music in th17 is just ZUN testing out new buttons on his MIDI making machine
How do I start making MIDI kino like ZUN?
I'm kind of interested in making vidya music just using my pc keyboard
go get openmpt and start fucking around in it
i'm serious, it's a great program
2hu' is cute!
I've been wanting to try touhou games but where do i even start?
is there a certain order i should play them in?
Start with 6, play in order.
don't fall for the "start with EoSD" meme
just play all of them in order from the first
thank you for re-posting my drawing user
Ignore the first five at very least. There's no particular order to play them in, but you should take care to avoid the particularly frustrating ones.
Wily Beast and Weakest Creature is technically the easiest therefore the softest introduction, but it's so easy it's almost insulting.
I'd recommend starting with Imperishable Night.
Start with EoSD then go from there.
>They don't need any rest
Yeah, you have to make Youmu your slave and then capture Youki. The character events file details how to activate each event.
Use translation aggregator, broken English is better than just moonrunes.
Don't listen to this guy. Imperishable Night is the actual easiest one due to its extremely long death bomb timers that will teach you bad habits.
Just play in PC release order. Once you can get to Remilia in EOSD , you should be fine with any other game.
Try out the PC98 games later solely for Shinki's sicknasty boss fight.
>It's a "WBaWC is da easiest game xD" maymay episode
I hate reruns
Thank you lads. Will give them a shot later
>pick wolf shots
>spell cards last 1.5 cycles on average
>pick otter shots
>can't die
Otter feels really weak though and the bomb boost doesn't really help as much. The only truly good characters I've seen so far have been Marisa Wolf and Eagle and Youmu Wolf.
> It's another "lol the actual pattern difficulty doesn't matter xD" episode
WBaWC has patterns even easier than TD and 1ups about as generous as DDC, requiring some player interaction but more frequent than they need to be.
Not to mention the insanely powerful gimmicks that make you either unkillable or the most efficient killing machine the series has yet seen.
IN might have "deathbombs lul", but it makes every deathbomb cost 2 or even 3 normal bombs. The amount of times that you get to avoid death is much more important than your window for doing such, so this is more than balanced. And to top it off, it has what are debatably some of the best spell cards in the series.
If Touhou got localized, they would probably rename Marisa to Maria
>WBaWC has patterns even easier than TD and 1ups about as generous as DDC
>t. plays on normal.
Marisa is an english name.
Are you implying that a new player should start on hard or lunatic?
Even then, no, it's still fucking true.
Yeah, but they would still change it anyway.
isn't "reimu" hawaian name now?
ever since that one Jaypee guy named her daughter Raymoo
Post your Lunatic NNN 1cc if you're so cool.
Personality of a prude, body of a succubus.
Someone post the localised 2hu names image.
IN has 30 years deathbombs but it also has Marisa and her 6 gorrilions random stars
That was proven fake.
That's what you call marriage material
What is Reisen's best use?
Rabbit stew.
Anna Showmeyourmoves and Cousin Camille Shakes are based and Americapilled.
cannon fodder only good for being tossed to the protags to stall them.
>Nitro Carwash
Fucking gets me every time
Sex appeal.
top tier thread
Oh. I was sorta wondering if that was directed at me.
Anyway, nah, I don't have one.
Hug dispenser and headpat receiver
Yeah, Reimu's great.
But Marisa is better
Why is she so cute, bros?
Being my wife!
thats not reimu, thats kasen
user, I...
oh! its yuyuko. didnt notice the ghost thingy. i just know kasen dresses up as reimu in the manga, so my mind went to that.
She's not, fanwork makes her cute.
shes cute even in the games
Because she's somehow able to both be a cheeky, smarmy bitch while also being cute and pure as fuck.
>Marisa B ending MoF
Best and cutest ending in the series
Public use onahole
And the easiest ending in the series too
what was it again?
Just make the fucking anime already. I don't give a shit about your stupid implied canon from some misunderstood dialogue in the shooter games, or shit like naked Ran being "canon" because it got memed to death and was funny even though it originated in a fucking doujin. Honestly this shit is like Twitch plays Pokemon lore only with Touhou instead of Pokemon and in Japanese. Just make a fucking 48 episode (split cour predetermined 2 seasons both 24) anime from Touhou 6 to like Touhou 15, skip the decimal shit and the fighting game plots and have it revolve around Reimu. We don't need another 50000 fangames.
>Not using the fix.
Marisa builds a tiny shrine and Kanako explains faith to her.
My wife.
heard there was marisaposting
on another note. more Azuma Aya. on decimal games, and on more manga as well
Quick, name the best Marisa shot type before she smokes you!
Fix it in Smash!
Ah, I see, a HSiFS Marisa Spring chad.
2hu will finally have official ZUN-approved voice actors and there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT
Explain this tewifags
DDC MarisaA
Ah, I see, a masochist, then?
Nothing wrong with black hair.
Still confused why the egg doesnt play yuyuko and plays nitori.
>So-called "White Rabbit of Inaba"
>Black Hair
I sensing a hole in your facade, Tewi.
Also jesus christ tewi chill
Put cute girls in it
your wife is my reanimated assistant dude
>jeez user!
Piercing lasers 24/7
Here's your voice acting bro
You thought it was Koishi but it was ME, SOGA NO TOJIKO!
We need a new Phantasmagoria to do for Soga what PoFV did for Tewi.
only good thing about 2016 doom
>All of your fanfiction is canon!
That's stupid
its better than disneys scorched earth shit.
and if you didn't make a wad its not cannon.
His sketches are pretty good, but his coloring needs work.
Pic related is by colored by someone else.
There is nothing wrong with deleting the bloated mess that was the Star Wars EU.
Too bad Disney fucked it up anyway.
Theres nothing wrong with being wrong.
Oh wait.
How can one user possess so many wrong opinons?
ZUN has improved you have to give him credit on that
she has a very big wrist
Finally 1cc'ed Ten Desire
Reimu was right: all you have to do is to take it easy and just dodge the bullets instead of focusing on pure damage
who's the best wife material?
Someone please help me, I am with this track stuck in my brain since earlier today, it's driving me nuts.
The RULES OF NATURE faces are the best ZUN has ever done tbqh
>ZUN breasts getting bigger
Sakuya unironically if she actually loves you.
>She can cook, clean, and look after children.
>Time powers mean that she'll never be lacking for time in the day
>Can be coy and playful, but will show loyalty to a fault and will never question your judgment
She's a pretty quality wife, ye
Marisa trying to look intimidating is the cutest shit.
Marisa actually being intimidating is pretty cute too.
What's the best Touhou title
Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
The dragon awakes.
>implying reimu worships
I enjoyed Luna Nights and Reverie Moonlight
Imperishable Night
Well at least someone was considerate enough to write in the snow.
Undefinied Fantastic Object
The fact that it spells UFO is key
faily wars
I love Kaguya!
but thats star!
No, this is star
Post more rabbits
But he just changed one word from the original abbreviation
Two words, dummy.
LeLK is a good title.
But I have to go with Phantasmagoria. They're long as fuck but still carry an understandable meaning
Also. Who /drunk/ here. Posting on 2hu threads the way it must be done
Not drunk, just tired.
Gotta get that Lunatic 1cc w/ Eagle.
Antimony of Common Flowers
Got it.
2 down 1 to go.
Alright fags we be
reachin bump limit I ain't spamming this shit while drunk on a party to see it die
Whatcha drinkin user?
with her gaping asshole in full view
Don't fix what isn't broken.
Like. Pirate. Tons of rum
i want to have consensual sex in the missionary position with cake
But what does Susanowo even mean? You're crazy good, in any case.
Don't drink too much hard liquor without someone to call an ambulance for your sorry carcass.
I'm not really, pretty much bomb spammed through Keiki. Anyone can get Lunatic 1ccs if they try long enough, I think.
Jugenmujugenmugokonosurike kaiaiusugesugematsufunfaimatsufunraimatsukurune tokoronisumiyapparikojiyappankoji baibobaibobaiboshuringashuringan?
I think I recognize this style. Thank you for being awesome, user!
Defend this Reimufags.
how does one even go and become a youkai?
for what purpose?
between the yamas, bunch of spirits, the odd magicians and even a footstool for a vampire, why a youkai?
That just means that anyone can become crazy good with practice. You just don't notice how good you've become, because in your world, 1CC lunatic runs are common.
She does it for free
There are too many ways to list
>why a youkai?
Extended life
Effectively eternal youth
More innate power, both literal and political
Mi m8 i fockon srvived thos shit thats enough like o' barely wven stanfing roight now like i'm fockin done