Is 2019 the single best year in all of gaming? The GOTY is obviously Pathologic 2, but there's also:

Is 2019 the single best year in all of gaming? The GOTY is obviously Pathologic 2, but there's also:

Ion Fury
Resident Evil 2
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Gears 5
Amid Evil
Tom Clancy's The Division 2
Outer Wilds
Mortal Kombat 11
Ace Combat 7
Devil May Cry 5
Anno 1800
Astral Chain
Hypnospace Outlaw

and coming up

Death Stranding
Phoenix Point
Link's Awakening
Luigi's Mansion 3
Doom Eternal
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Can any other year compete?

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cool it, russia.

Goty is whatever game you liked most.

Come to think of it, America hasn’t done much this year.

Is there anything that can rival Pathologic in terms of storytelling and depth?

Pathologic Classic HD is miles better than 2 when it comes to dialogue.

I couldn't disagree more. The only thing that was better in P1 is music.

I find that both are equally good but for their own reasons
2 is more naturalistic in its dialogue but 1 blows your mind harder when things finally click

Only thing better in 1 is that you can play 3 characters and arguably some of the music.

I think it's better just to wait for The Bachelor and Cringeling in P2 to judge.

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fucking bachelor route when

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Stop bullying Clara, she's a good girl who did nothing wrong.

>stop bullying Clara

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For all we know, the dialogue thrown at Bachelor might be equally crazy as it was in the original

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but what are the good games that came out this year

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>he hasn't beaten the game
What are you waiting for, emshen?

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too busy playing the Modern Warfare Beta

>tfw no Bachelor soon

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It's a fucking great year for games. We also got a lot of "good but not great" titles like Remnant and Greedfall. If this keeps going we will see the rise of the aa developer.

is this something from P2? i don't remember this being in the artbook

the year of AA games

This here's a thing but I think that picture there is just brilliant fan art

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>COD MW and Gears of War being released to hype all over again

Yea Forumsros what year is this

Why yes I am quite the scholar on Russian artistic culture, how did you know?

I read Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky at the age of 13 before discovering the brilliance of Gogol, Chekov, Pushkin, Bulgakov, Nabokov, Turgenev and finally reading Andrei Bely's symbolist masterpiece Petersburg as my first step into adulthood.

Did I not mention Scriabin is my favorite composter? Though Shostakovic and Stravinsky are certainly in the running. Must confess Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky are but guilty pleasure to one esteemed being such as myself.

On to realms of cinephilia, how could one not mention Tarkovsky or better yet Kalatazov and Sokurov? Eisenstein's pioneering of montage cannot be praised enough and Man with a Movie Camera is the greatest documentary film ever made. Of course I do indeed recognize Aleksey German as one of our finest contemporary directors. To say little of Yuriy Norshteyn, the universally acknowledged greatest animator of all time or Aleksandr Petrov who mastered the art of paint-on-glass animation.

Gaming is tricky. Ice-Pick Lodge obviously leads the pack in terms of artistic drive with Pathologic and Turgor as gaming's highest narrative achievements but one cannot forget Vangers, a masterclass of experimental game design.

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>fan art
i thought you were shitting me for a moment

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Is Devotion any good?

>Is 2019 the single best year in all of gaming?
no and no

>Death stranding
I thought pathologic players had good taste?
And anyway, nothing will ever beat 1998
>Banjo Kazooie
>Ocarina of time
>Baldur's gate
>Half Life
>Grim Fandango
>Fallout 2
>Sonic Adventure

did so yesterday, now I just need some time to think about it

Super wrong.
Only thing 1 had over 2 was the sweet eurobeats.

Reloading saves to survive isn't cheating, it's part of the game's philosophy :( accepting consequences is, however, antithetical.

err, I meant NOT accepting consequences is antithetical, i.e. going back in time to save Notkin should he die.

Which Pathologic should I play?


>More garbage coming up

You have shit taste

Name ONE good video game.

Whoa looks like we got a real GAMER™ in this thread.

Jackie Chan

Yes, it's like What Remains of Edith Finch crossed with P.T. It's four hours of really beautiful storytelling about a Taiwanese single-child family; just ignore the lame jumpscares. Pirate it since there's no option to buy it due to Winnie the Pooh retards.

"Reloading saves to survive" is the exact definition of "not accepting consequences".

2 and only 2. It's a total remake of the first that does everything much better. Anyone who tells you otherwise is posturing.

You might have a point when if Bachelor and Changeling come out. Until then, pathologic 1 remains worth playing.

Only worth playing if you've already cleared Pathologic 2 and you're desperate to see more.

Marble Nest WHEN

Death in Pathologic is insignificant. To struggle against death is significant. This is made evident by the very conceit that you Artemy has a continuous experience from one life (attempt) through death and into another life (another attempt), an iteration. The least interesting way to fail in Pathologic is to die, and the drama is in doing what you can do to survive. If that means reloading a save and expending the energy and plotting on how to be better prepared for a fight, then that is more interesting than insanely committing yourself to walk the same path towards death again in the same way.

The consequences that Pathologic 2 wants you to recognize are the choices you make to keep playing, and what your choices lock you out of. It isn't interesting-and neither does the game seem to think this-if you were punished into no longer playing the game by death. Patho 2 is meant to be played, the whole point is to survive, and that doesn't necessarily mean in one shot, and flawlessly.

2019 has been a very fucking good year but Yea Forums will probably say otherwise. There has literally not been one month where something came out that I really wanted to play.

Jesus Christ, September especially.