Do you like persona 5?

Do you like persona 5?

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yea it was pretty good

Yes. I love it.

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that anne doesn't look bad, can you post the rest of the cast?

it was okay nothing to write home about or even remember past its release year

so why don't the characters actually look Asian in the game?


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They're anime characters. They don't look like real people.

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No I got so bored of all the forced VN stuff that I dropped it.
The gameplay inside the palace is amazing, but then you have to go through 4+ hours of snoozefest before the next one.

Might as well just get it over with ASAP

Anne looks great. Ryuji's and Yusuke's actors should have been switched. Goro looks like a creeper, which can be good or bad depending on how you look at it.

not bad
kek, how tall is he in game btw?

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just play regular SMT if you're bothered by too much story m8

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they do though. You're just projecting.

They really nailed it with Kamoshida's actor. Looks spot on.

except for the, uh, athleticism

He isn't fat or anything

No, but he's DYEL. One of the defining characteristics of Kamoshida in the game is that he's physically imposing.

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It's the chin that makes him imposing.



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I love Persona 5 and I love my wife Anne.

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i want to fuck anne so bad

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175 cm (5'9"), but he kinda slouches
Joker is the exact same

cute girl

Dayum that's pretty tall for 100% japanese ancestry.

>Do you like persona 5?
No. Worst Persona by far and made me hate the genre almost. I could not care less about their new project since it's also going to be style over substance.

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>style over substance
How long until people stop parroting this brainlet tier criticism?

It's the bishie advantage. I think Joker is, given that Tatsuya is 181 cm (5'11"), Ziodynecock is only 1cm short of that, and 3MC is 170 cm (5'7")

Joker is the third tallest*
Too lazy to go through EVERY S.Link but I wouldn't be surprised if Tatsuya and Yusuke (both 181) are the tallest major characters, period.


Weebs belong in death camps.

post cute makotos

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Any cute Makotos I have involve Anne as well.

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I thought Anne was like 5'6"

She is but I doubt they had height requirements when they were doing casting for this play.

Thats fine with me user

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Thats so cute!

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Reminder to add :orig at the the end of the twitter image URL.

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Joker's also the youngest at 15 vs everyone else usually being 17/18.

>tfw your parents named you Let us start the game

Thanks user

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thank you user

pics nowadays have ?format=jpg&name=large, I change large to orig and they have the same resolution

>style over substance
>is an improvement over P4/P3 in every single way
haha okay fag

Those are some really attractive people. Thanks for making me feel ugly on a Saturday night OP.

This. Amazingly polished gameplay but the dialogue shit goes on for so long and reiterates shit we already knew over and over. And its not even particularly interesting in the first place. Its comfy sometimes but usually just feels like im wasting my time

I'm not a jealous husband, I don't mind showing my wife off to people

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Its a good wife you have user,she's very pretty

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Thank you! I just thank my lucky stars every day I get to come home to this every day

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Is there a source on him being 15? I thought they were all 2nd years except Tatsuya and maybe Piercy

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My wife apologizes for her big shapely butt

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>INB4 hurrr Makoto has a flat ass

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your wife has nothing to apoligise for, keep posting her butt and pantsu

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Ok! Sometimes she gets embarrassed by it is all. My wife can get pretty shy

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