20+ minutes of NEW gameplay. Goddamn this game is kino as fuck. What went so right ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off.

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why do autists get triggered that Yea Forums is the only influential board left?

what a disaster

Attached: sitsvggowbf31.jpg (780x540, 68K)

>can pick between Turn Based and Action combat
>now everybody is happy
The absolute madmen they fucking did it

Attached: C07FE86B-7A98-4EBE-85FE-FB9AAE985495.jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

making actual gameplay first instead of pandering to casuals.

FF7R allows the player to choose because actual gameplay and an easy-automatic mode. Sadly trolls (Barry) are going to use the easy-automatic mode and try to pass that off as the only gameplay that FF7R has.

Embarrassing, all those years for this?

>actual gameplay
Which still isn't especially engaging when you've played other action games.

>Nitpick something this minor
>In a fucking demo
Doomposters are getting THIS desperate. Wow you fags are pathetic. The game is absolutely incredible . You lost.

Attached: 1567929713938.jpg (800x852, 132K)

ha ha
black materia

ha ha

Is there any footage of the "classic mode" combat?


It's going to be FF15.

Cloud's new limit break be dope AF, son.

Why is it even happening, you fucking loser? Gaming just gets worse and you fags just deny and then retort any critique with "barry" or some other shit. What is the point? FF7 had an aesthetic to it that was pre-2008 and since this shitty decade has passed it's clear to see the soul is lost.

i think im gonna play with tifa the entire game just to see her hop in place

Best thing I've seen from the remake so far, honestly.

Shit bait is shit. The original had the squats minigame and was also used to stay warm later on in the game. The standard mode also requires actual input from the player, so it's already and improvement from FF15.

I can't believe I'm actually excited for this. This is what happens when you put in actions and animations that suit gameplay rather than the shit XV had. I really appreciate them showing all of this combat instead of jerking themselves off about how you can set bushes on fire.

>the original had
Yes, I played it back when it was released. I'm not bothered about it being there, but it just screams ff15. "DUDE FISHING AND COOKING LMAO" but instead it's just squatting.

all the fun shit like manipulate and blue magic is gonna be gone why is anyone excited for this

That doesn't even make sense. It was part of the actual story in FF7 two different times. The first time was to get a wig from a tranny, the other to survive on a mountain by increasing your body temperature. There's nothing realistic about this at all.

Why is his shoulder so much lighter skinned than his head?

Attached: wtf.jpg (616x813, 64K)

Underage go home

>>only cares about visuals

Why on earth is anyone excited for a game that will never be finished?

Cloud and Zack also do squats to kill time in the flashbacks. The whole thing is a meme that's in virtually every FF7 spinoff and cameo characters.

Does item use need atb gauge?

How do you not fucking understand? Some parts are for the story but I worry it just becomes that. Obviously there is the story but knowing the dickhead running major projects these past few years, he will just make reddit tier gimmicks.

>t. zoomer

Barret looks good without the shades. Why can't he just keep it off the entire time.

Imagine defending episodic $179.99 censored press X to auto-play trash and not being paid for it.

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Ifrit looks great.

Attached: FF7Rautobattle.webm (960x540, 2.73M)

get a life barry

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Switchfags on suicidewatch

Attached: 4514F65C-D8F2-4B4F-BFFC-DD8095CE9470.png (713x959, 353K)

Lmao, what a shitshow

why do you reply to yourself?

I would imagine it's tied to his personality. He might change after the plate and remove them.

Is that the new Omnislash?

the damage control is real snoy

Can't believe they wasted dev time on this shitty "combat" mode lmao

Attached: 1568436658581.webm (960x540, 2.42M)

he shitposts about everything and wants to put anything against eachother.

There's nothing to understand. You're spreging out because something that was in the original is also in the remake, comparing it to unrelated minigames in other games. I doubt we'll even see any of the gym minigames again after getting the wig.

they made it for XV fans

>dragoon in 3D space for the first time outside of Dissidia
>possibility of new materia means Cid should have a Jump outside of his limit breaks, Crisis Core had one but not base FF7
>whatever Machinist stuff they can think of for him since Machinist has never had a standardized skillset

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It's illuminated.

cid yuffie and vincent will have jump mechanics, introduced in the second part

Is this one of Cloud's seizures from when he remembers glimpses of his real past?

go back

Why do you suck dicks, shill?

Anyone else never play the original and thinks this looks fun?

Attached: 5B5618AE-8A2C-43BB-BA49-34C4754BF7F3.png (925x1004, 862K)

Because he's already run it into the ground so hard that almost everyone else has stopped replying.

yeah this game is shit

Paying attention to Barry is the same as believing his bullshit, as far as he's concerned. Calling him "Barry" gives a persistent identity and allows other people to falseflag as him, or respond to themselves to keep a shitpost war going. Responding to him is what he wants, ignore bait.

Seriously stop sucking off shitposters, we don't need to assign identities to nobodies. This isn't Barneyfag we're talking about.

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For as influential as you claim Yea Forums to be, the "kino" meme has been stale for years now.

How the actual fuck is the Knight of Round summon going to work?

Kitase literally sweating because of how embarrassing this is

Is this the Switch version?

>XV-kun so mad he needs to make multiple threads posting the same webms over and over

damn call this nigga Seethe the Skilless

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 11K)

haha lol it's the dead gay man

He's sweating because it's better than anything XV could shit out.

Shill is a person who will never see anything bad on a game, advertise it no matter the shit it sees for the sake of make it popular

Calling you out on your retardness with out of context webm,straight up lies and massive strawmans is not shill

Who cares about whether a board is influential or not, /fit/ is arguably the most so because its own one-off memes keep getting picked up and spammed across the rest of the website for months to years, ie boomer and now "cooming XD". Yea Forums hasn't had a "dynamite" influential piece of content since Bane and they've been trying to recapture that ever since with other bits and bobs of film and television that are the joke in and of themselves like Sneed.

Both are shit. At least in XV you press buttons lmao

As a game's journalist I really appreciate this so know even I can play this game now. I don't have enough talent to be a real journalist like I envisioned in my overpriced college experience but I easily got a job in the entertainment sector as a journalist I've never played video games before and I have no appreciation for it as a art form but it pays for my studio apartment in a mostly black neighborhood in downtown new york. I've only had my bike stolen once it can't be that bad of a neighborhood.

Y-yeah, we just n-need to ignore evil trolls! They just w-want to unfairly put our perfect game d-down, because they're evil! Or something.

You and I both know claiming I'm white-knighting for the game has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

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Anyone want to have a discussion without shitposts and buzzwords?

I think the music sounds really good so far and I'm curious to see how each combat style feels. As much as I wanted a turnbased game I think I'm more interested to try the action style over the "classic" style

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This combayblpoks pretty good compared to whatever the fuck 15 was

>At least in XV you press buttons lmao

Well you need to press buttons to select from the command menu in 7R's Classic Mode, so your point is completely moot.

*posts wojack*
oh no no no

I played the original because of the State of Play trailer. So fucking hyped

Attached: Kamen Rider Tifa.webm (1344x840, 2.93M)

I'm extremely pleased by how it looks, so far. Sephiroth popping up in the first episode AT ALL makes me leery, but everything else going all-in on what made FF7 fairly quirky in its own right is spectacular. Barret still being a giga-nigga Mr. T, Don Corneo and the squat minigame being kept, not nixing the weird status effects like Toad. I'm most excited for more jobs possibly getting added as materia since there were oddities like there being no Dragoon-related materia despite Cid being one.

is the game in 30 fps?

You're really bad at this. Your discord manager won't be happy.

i dont think ive ever fapped to a woman hoping in place
will try

Calling him a shill again is a great comeback, user.

>No reflect
>No shell
>No holy
>No esuna
>Statuses are over before you hear the companions call them out anyway
>Magic is only fire ice thunder, and comes in fucking copy paste grenades that are tedious to craft
>No meta magic stuff like duplicate skills etc
>Shitty guard mechanic on 1 line of shield item that is shit and pointless when you have warp strike and tech
>Tech is the only thing even approaching ff combat: There are 4 techs that matter: Ignis buff (you don't really need it but w/e) Ignis heal (you can just use the avalanche of heal items) Prompto single target (mainly to get enemies out of attack) Gladios full screen big damage nuke
>No weapon choice because sword is the best on noctis and everyone else has a type and secondary they are best with
>barely any gearing choice after you tediously grind 3 accessories that is IT for gear choice, most don't do anything useful except increase TP grind rates
>No demon wall
>No boss has any memorable tactics, or if they do you can't tell because they are far too weak comparatively, even malboro boss barely puts anything on you and falls to the might of press O pretty fast
>no red magic, blue magic, white magic
>summons are based on random stupid conditions you have to look up, by then you're near end game anyway and it didn't matter

If they were setting out to fail completely at anything resembling good combat: Mission Accomplished.

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Looks terrible.
aRPG can't have a good gameplay anyway. Blooborne is the exception.

nice straw man, you needed to post an out of context webm with a wojack and you are set

Nice pasta

Bloodborne's R1 spam gameplay is atrocious.

Whoa I can finally press a button every few minutes while I watch the game play for me??? Lmao

You have more ways to approach an enemy in XV than any Soulsborne has, you have far more combat variety too and there's more enemy variety. You can shoot in XV, you can switch to Prompto to vulnerable an enemy and shoot them, or use a charge attack on an enemy in XV either before or after a warpstrike, different weapons have different warpstrike like AOE warpstrikes or individual target ones, or multi hit warpstrikes etc. Plus there is less weapon types in any Souls game than XV, there are countless different weapon movesets for Noctis to use, plus the other three bros who all play different and unique from each other. Same with how attacking ebemies in the air works in those too, because of things like death drop/airsteps in XV you have much smoother targetting and zoning on enemies, Shitborne doesn't even have a jump.

Attached: xvmyst1.webm (854x480, 2.95M)

you should be used to pasta, barry
you're practically a pizzeria

do you think they'll keep Barret's theme the same or "modernize it" with a hip-hop flare

not the combat, that's for sure

Yes but can I play as Lightning Farron in FFXV?

>copypasta that already got BTFO'd by XVchads
nate seething

Attached: Noct smiles.jpg (299x266, 15K)

Yeo, just like in XV. Except its pretty much the way XV is made, but in 7R it's an optional playstyle.

sounds like any turn based game then

it seems alright. Although I don't think the music was that good.

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Thanks, good to know that you're here to back your co-worker up.

I was joking about him, but you are right about that.

There's more to good gameplay than just having options.

You might, in fact, be the only person in this thread that isn't a shill.


Yes, but it's the only tolerable case. All other RPG have shit gameplay because there's 0 skill in this genre. And that's fine, but it doesn't translate well in action.

>Gaming just gets worse
it doesn't. you just keep desperately trying to recreate tortanic, probably because you missed out on the original.

probably the same but orchestated

i liked remake turks theme anyway, i think they should use more guitar and other instruments instead of everything orchestated
remake mako reactor orchestated was good too, because it wasnt using the same instruments

this shit is not being played on a ps4 lmao

btw I'm not barry and don't like XV. But this looks laughably bad
glad these devs are catering to retards who'd want the game to play for them

I'm so fucking tired of Final Fantasy threads in general being plagued by an autist obsessed with FFXV and his tsundere orbiters.

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Except it plays like shit in every case.
Perhaps Bloodborne is r1 spam (and that's only when you know your enemy well), but at least it feels good. Just like super mario is B spam.

Yeah it's great to see a bunch of the quirky stuff still there. Do you think they'll include things like Hojo being at Costa Del Sol?

Really? I think that's my favorite part so far.

Noctis can do anything Lightning does and more. There is more combat variety in XV through all the 15~ different weapon types for both ground and aerial combat with 4 directiinal inputs, warps and warp strikes, dodge rolls, shield blocks, parries, counters, staggers, aerial dodge, airstep, attack cancelling, impervious hit recovery, tech commands, link strikes, blindside attacks, magic, etc than the entire cast of XIII combined.

Attached: xv2.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Why not?
30 fps, average graphics. I don't see why it couldn't be on ps4.

>have to wait 2+ years to see him in action
Development times are insufferable. God help us if Nomura gets put on yet another project while this is going on.

The last trailer was pretty good, yet I'm still perturbed by the fact we're still only seeing the first 10 hours of the game and it's half a year away from launch. Am I really about to play an over glorified version of the first 10 hours of the game?

I played the original, you pleb. That is why I am saying things are getting worse, you dumb motherfucker.

Seconding the music sounds great. I hope Yet More Fighting gets a metal remix

Fuck off with your censored game.

I'm able to wait a year or two, some anons are patently silly and think episode 2 or 3 will have the same decade-long delay that the first one did.

>Am I really about to play an over glorified version of the first 10 hours of the game?
yes, it's obvious.

It's not Final Fantasy threads, but secretly most threads in this board, his plan is to put every fanbases against eachother because ff15 is ending up being forgotten in time.

I think my opinion will change if/when I play the actual game.

That said. I do want to know if they'll keep more of the OG 7's tracks.

Yeah that's why Bloodborne has shit combat.

XVs combat all blends seamlessly at unparalleled levels of fluidity in ARPG combat animation and motion blending, are you fucking for real right now? The hitstop increases sense of impact and feedback hitstop, there is no interuption of "consistency" during attack combos, critical hits and finisher attacks all deal more hitstop because they are higher impact hits than regular hits, that is consistent and internally logical. The flow of battle is heighted because of that because it puts an emphasis on notifying high impact strikes for satisfying feedback. XV has highly blended and fluid animation accounting for all kinds of terrain. If you want to see bad combat animation go look at Bloodborne's simple and choppy animations that feel disjointed.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20170129011315_1.webm (960x540, 1.16M)

It's censored "game". Auto-play garbage.

7R looks great, and XV is still shit, so suck my dick.

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thats some dedication, dont get a (you)

>I played the original, you pleb.
no you didn't, zoom zoom.

I really like that they went with the .hack style of battle music for trash mobs rather than just using the original battle theme. XV got real annoying with the battle theme interrupting the area music for every 2 second encounter, so having the trash battle theme be an extension of the area theme feels much better.
I'm curious to see how they work rare encounters into the game though. The trailer already showed Eligor (a rare encounter from the Train Graveyard), but it seems to have an intro cutscene like a boss. So I'm curious as to whether they're just going to make them all story bosses, or if they'll be optional bosses guarding treasure or some shit to promote exploration, or maybe even have them be part of side-quests or something.

Oh ok, your are the autist fan of FFXV i got it.

What company EVER shows large segments of their game? If we don't get more stuff within the last 3 months before launch then I'll be worried. But keeping cards to the chest is just what companies do

I find it amazing that you consume any media at all.
You understand that literally everything made is censored - it's just largely done behind the scenes.

Did he explained why Tifa was SJWed or cucks just ate it up?

>I'm still perturbed by the fact we're still only seeing the first 10 hours of the game and it's half a year away from launch.
if they showed more, you'd just bitch that they were spoiling the whole game before everyone gets to play it.

i imagine he doesn't think it's worth mentioning to a kneejerk keyboard-warrior who's mainly concerned with titties but cites principles

Spoiling? It's the same exact shit, only with censorship, cover mechanics and press x to win button.

I don't know what the fuck zoomers see in the combat. You think they'd learn from literally any FF that wasn't turn based or ATB

Instead of coming up with actual arguments all you fucking do is "wow it's barry/xv-kun get him boys!?". You are so fucking devoid of any valid argument you think if you focus on the person instead of the argument that you can somehow get your way. Fuck off. You're a fucking idiot and all you ever do is take shit out of context so you can shitpost with it because you're a fucking retard who is too much of a pussy to admit that XV is god tier.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20171010030249.webm (960x540, 2.66M)

I'm optimistic for the combat. Lightning Returns has great combat, arguably the best that the Final Fantasy series has ever had.

I really just want to hear the new version of "Lurking in the Darkness" and "Under the Rotting Pizza". The more chill/laid back tracks from 7 are some of my favorite and the most catchy in my opinion

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You're right, that toy sword clearly shows that he's not mature enough for the titties. Fucking toy playing babby lmao

XV is terrible but you're not wrong that "Barry" is a bigass strawman.

Yeah you'd think they'd learn from a masterpiece like XV but instead we got this auto-play bullshit.

Attached: xvair.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

I claim the opposite, it seems like most trailers these days reveal way more than they need to. That's movies and games. If it isn't in their trailers, it's not going to be in their games. So If I don't see any content post Midgar, it's just not going to be in it...

>spoiling a game that's been out for two decades
Most everyone knows one of the biggest spoilers of the game. With Square it's the opposite, I feel like their trailers reveal just about everything that you can expect in their games. They don't leave anything to surprise the player anymore.

shut up Barry

You sure showed him.

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I thought you were gone, I missed you.

How's it going Barry, kids doing well in school?

>Do you think they'll include things like Hojo being at Costa Del Sol?
It'll probably be in. The real question is whether he'll still be in his full lab clothes, or if he'll be wearing something more appropriate for the beach. Or half-and-half and have him wearing his labcoat over a speedo.

Attached: Hojo1.jpg (412x393, 28K)

>FF7 Remake thread turns into FF XV shitposting



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Whoever was playing that was inefficient as fuck.
XVs combat left a lot to be desired, but if you wanted to be effective you'd have to do more than just O it.

Going to have to get ready for this to be posted in every thread until and after release, now.

wow, you can move and attack just like in XV

literally reskinned XV

kh3 and dmc5 are garbage for braindeads
xv is kino

Attached: xvarmiger2.webm (700x404, 2.86M)

>FFXV reskin turns into bitching about FFXV

Wow who would've thought.

I do hope some tracks like Reunion and the Ancient city are still in.

Attached: 50930997_p0.jpg (550x1000, 340K)

Gaming as a whole right now is fantastic quit being a bitch

Constant comparisons to XV remind me of DMC5 to DmC, which is to say people are really fucking insistent they're the same thing when they're not and keep drudging up the earlier product.

Yeah, I sure showed you, toddler. Wanna show me your action figures?

>i said so its true
Why lie for, you dumb faggot?

>u iz zoom zoom
Okay. But I did play it unlike you. You will never ever play FF7 at it's peak lol

This is getting into too many layers of ironic Twitter shitposting for me to be interested.

I am actually pretty excited to hear the new remastered music, I've unashamedly listened to Reno's entrance on repeat just because of how sexy the new turks theme is. Which, if that one sounds that good I can only imagine how good the rest of the tracks will be.
>anxious heart
>birth of a god
>flowers blooming in the church
>cry of the planet
>Holding My Thoughts In My Heart
There's gonna be a lot wrong with this remake, but if the music at least holds strong I might forgive it.

I'd say game quality is as bi-polar as it's ever been right now. You're half right. There really are some abject shitters out there recently.

Music honestly is worse than the original. An orchestra-only arrangement doesn't mesh with the setting of the game at all and removes all of the rock influences Nobuo had. Where's the powerful synths and guitars?

I don't like the faces, but I'm optimistic.

Character faces and music were DmC tier though.

wtf i press forward and the character moves forward, literally the same as XV

Yep. All the meaningless moves that do pitiful amounts of damage which were added just for the sake of making the game appear action-based are automated in Classic Mode. They still happen, because they're needed to charge your ATB, but in the original your bars charged all by themselves and these "mini-attacks" weren't needed or even a part of the game.

So the part you no longer have to do is the part you never originally had to do in the original. It just looks more entertaining to watch than having everyone stood in a line doing nothing. All the meaningful moves, ie. the ones that have real impact on battles, ie. the only ones you had access to in the original, cannot be automated in Classic Mode and must be done manually just like in the original.

All the running around and sword swinging is just filler. Why should anyone care that senseless button-mashing is taken care of for you?

No, you goddamned retard.

You brainlets love spamming this buzzword after taking your entry level college logic class

Welcome to Yea Forums, we hate everything here.

It wasn't DmC2, I get it, people are still mad it wasn't because it would've been another TORtanic.

Nice try Nomurafag, you are the only ones trying to force a rivalry between DMChads and XVbros because KH3 bombed and FF7R plays itself so you tried to hide behind DMC5 to attack XV with thinking people defending XV would attack DMC5 and thus your falseflagging comes into play, except everyone saw through your desperate bullshit and laughed at how shitty KH3 was while DMChads and XVbros enjoyed their games.

Attached: 1554273720834.webm (560x314, 1.26M)

>Why should anyone care that senseless button-mashing is taken care of for you?
This. We just want to watch a movie about epic Cloud adventures. Who cares about buttons?

I think we'll eventually get the full OST remade. It'll take 3 games to do it but I do think we'll get them all

>birth of a god
Yes please

this is a bit off topic but is there any reason why a sizeable amount of mainline ff fans hate the mmo's

>part 2 trailer
>quick flashes of vincent, cait sith and vincent
>black screen
>"SHIT! you kids are crazy"
>sounds of someone lighting a cigarrette
>"but what the hell, count me in"
>cid appears
>mt nibel parkour gameplay
>cosmo canyon glimpses
>tiny bronco exploration
>cid and jumping mechanics gameplay
>last scene
>see aeris walking to the city of the ancients, with a smile on her face
>aeris theme plays as we see her walk off

kino? kino

>calls DMC5 braindead
>when XV is literally hold one button to win flashy cinematic combat

Attached: 9BE9255E-B5A9-4BDC-80D7-70C8FBC3F325.jpg (248x189, 10K)

Hope so.
It allows them to make better graphics.
I'll fuck around with 60+fps in the inevitable PC port after the consolefags betatest it for me.

See DMC fans love FFXV and even created mods for DMC5 in XV.

Attached: 1551893171780.png (678x419, 113K)

>what are lights?


Fuck zoomers.

Because FF MMOs are better games than mainlines.

ok barry, post that out of context webm again.

Don’t respond to bait

Why do you people insist on saying it's an incomplete game?
It's an incomplete story.
Your complaint is the same as complaining that a TV show episode doesn't have the entire series in one show.

>warp on triangle
>warpstrike on r1+triangle
>attack on O
>directional inputs on L stick+ O
>Dodge roll tech roll and block on square with different timing required
>parry counter on Square+O
>Jump on X
>Weapon switch on Dpad
>Armiger on R1+L1
>Techs on L1 plus dpad
>item menu on R2 plus dpad
>Character switch on L1+L2+Dpad
>over 15 unique weapon types on noctis alone which is more than all actions possible in DMC5 combined, let alone what will be in 7r per character which is just 1 weapon type
Nomura fags on suicide watch

Attached: warpin around.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

Because their parents wouldn't pay a subscription for them so they never got to play them.

Kino means cinema and all you fucks shit on cinematic experiences that act like games, and then you go and describe every game as kino meaning it's cinematic garbage.
Hypocritical retards.

This comment is kino.

It used to just be a joke though. Now it's hard to be excited about anything

Do we? I mean the only reason I play 14 is because it's Final Fantasy. My only problem with them is that they're considered numbered mainline games and not called Final Fantasy Online. But that's just because it fucks with my OCD. It has nothing to do with the game's quality

Attached: e89a2f86efd75a2758866a5dbbea2da9ab1af06d.jpg (1988x3118, 535K)

>Now it's hard to be excited about anything
>letting anything on Yea Forums affect your hype for a game

Attached: 1509701103862.gif (480x228, 469K)

i've seen a lot of people say that 11 and 14 shouldn't even have taken up a number but i saw that a lot more back when 11 was relevant, i still see some people get angry when you mention that the mmo's possibly bring in more money then the mainline game though

Nice of Squeenix to put in classic mode for free when it could have been a paid DLC. Adds replayability to the game, heck I've replayed FF7 many times already in the past.

Attached: i_want_to_be_by_his_side__tifa_lockhart_by_moonfoxultima-d6akag6.jpg (1024x693, 250K)

my skin is a mess of brown shades so that's pretty normal.

TV series at least are more or less guaranteed to finish the season or have it already finished before airing, and come out on a weekly basis and not make you pay for every episode.

Post fingers and game collection.

>cinematic "you win" mode
>ADHD combat with loads of numbers
>cover mechanics
>MeToo censorship

Peak Western ludo. The only thing it's lacking now is lootboxes.

Attached: 1561096712289.jpg (745x960, 79K)

>The loud vocal retards on Yea Forums trying to doom post about an optional combat option
They're really this desperate huh? They want this game to crash and burn so bad but it looks too great. They are having a meltdown right now. I fucking love it

Attached: 1558066637430.jpg (316x326, 8K)

Fucking zoomers.
Go pay a streamer to say your name.


Thanks, now I don't regret clicking on that thread.



weak bait

Attached: dc51mm1-21a4591b-d865-40d7-98d9-3282acf2d5da.png (860x860, 157K)

This is trash.

They know it looks good and can’t get over it.

Still not gonna buy cause the episodic bullshit personally though

Attached: 3BCADEE8-DEAC-406D-A50A-11A3E30B90F1.jpg (714x500, 80K)

Not exactly what I meant. I'm still excited. I just mean it's hard to be excited with others here because the constant wave of negativity and shitposts pushes out any actual discussion.

If I made a thread proclaiming I'm excited for 7 Remake I would probably be called a Zoomer and the thread would be derailed from there.

Attached: 07a1f3a36d1ff710ed85c34e232bd27fa723f0ad.jpg (1448x2050, 255K)

We've been waiting for this game for 7 years now (announced in 2012 iirc). I don't think waiting is an issue.

>dragoon in 3D space for the first time outside of Dissidia
FFXI, FFXIII, FFXIV, and FFXV exist bro

I can sort of get that when an MMO is the only thing keeping your series still alive after some pretty bad wasted efforts in the past.


Attached: CAD60BA9-9DA2-4BAA-A97B-C761A8FCF933.jpg (680x383, 31K)


Ok, yeah that's fair.

Fuck yes, bro. Can't wait to watch a FF7R movie while those nerds are pressing buttons in their videogames.

Attached: 1525516366375.jpg (334x334, 88K)

>That extremely faithful recreation of the combat theme

Attached: tear.jpg (600x804, 65K)

You forgot in XV you can use lances to fight in dragoon style.

Attached: aranea3.webm (956x532, 2.91M)

Can I borrow your time machine, bud?
Clearly you've seen that the remake story won't be completed.

>caring how others play the game
>frog posting

Only for 180 bucks, goyim.

Attached: 1531666501433.png (434x401, 265K)

It’s so beautiful. Who is doing the music this time around?

Attached: B05F19EB-FA36-497F-B516-5885873919F0.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)


Attached: 1362787634682.jpg (288x297, 17K)

I said borrow, not rent you fucking jew.

>dragoon in 3D space for the first time outside of Dissidia

>The last trailer was pretty good, yet I'm still perturbed by the fact we're still only seeing the first 10 hours of the game

Well they did say it was only Midgar. That's my biggest concern; the episodic nature. And not even decently paced episodes at that. I'm afraid that the first episode or two will be the ones with the most effort put into them and the rest will be rushed.

>i still see some people get angry when you mention that the mmo's possibly bring in more money then the mainline game though
It amazes me that people still haven't got over that yet. It's been 6 or 7 years since SE announced it at this point.

Attached: 1563414997917.png (367x324, 51K)

Fuck this video game,
Final Fantasy is Dead.

Too much orchestra, it doesn't always works well with games, actually. But I'm still pleased with the battle theme. Who's doing the music by the way?

No one cares about your opinion.

remember when people were shitposting about aeris ass non existant lighting levels
and i said that it was just her leaning forward

then we see her fight and we can see her figure being just a completely normal woman, modest hips

i was fucking right

Attached: GAIA WRATH.png (1580x890, 2.37M)

I'm ready to apologize

uhhh isnt this literally monster hunter series? what is "final fantasy" about this remake?

Attached: 1515388129288.png (600x700, 202K)

>triangle triangle square

Attached: no thank you.jpg (562x417, 35K)

Not sure. Is it Uematsu?

Attached: 3ae02e16fecee72a2b888ec4753daa173ede016c.jpg (1120x1360, 786K)

having an ass is unethical

underrated comment

>look at all the things I can do!
>but they don't fucking matter because they aren't required!

Being efficient is about removing redundant actions, not adding them just to have them. How many of those things are even remotely needed?


Yeah. Fuck off.

>down down circle circle
>circle circle
>circle down circle

Attached: 1509633390600.gif (200x190, 1.32M)

Ooooooh sugoi! Much action geimu-prey

>Aerith no longer hits with stick
>No more satisfying *CLANG* crits

I'm more than okay with her being a caster, but I think they should have her do some basic melee attacks if close enough to her target just to preserve that aspect from the original game. They don't need to even be worth shit, just exist as a nod.

>Why is it even happening, you fucking loser?
because it's still in development and thus obviously not finished, you gigabrain.

Yeah I don't get it. I haven't liked FF in nearly two decades and Square-Enix has always been trash, but I like what I've seen of FF VII R's gameplay so far. Not so sure about what looks like big story changes, and the episodic bullshit is still, well, bullshit. But still, I like what I've seen of the combat and would welcome a good Final Fantasy.

Uematsu is on his deathbed. He's not working right now. It's still his score, but he's not arranging it.

>Who is doing the music this time around?
Kitase mentioned Uematsu is involved somehow, but I don't think it's ever been established if he's heading it up or just supervizing, and I'm pretty sure that's all the info we have regarding who is doing it.

If you think you're being the most efficient in XV by just "holding O" you're actually clinically retarded.

Uematsu returned for the music.

There is Reflect, Shell, Holy and Esuna
Statuses last entire in game days and other temp statuses and clearly indicated on the HUD and last longer than their equivalent
Magic is Fire, Thunder, Ice, Death, Holy, Alterna plus Royal magic plus spells moved to abilities and weapons like Gravisphere for Gravity, Piercer for debuffing enemies, Enchantment for buffing magic, Summons also use magic stat. They are the easier to equip than Materia is and actually have more depth in their use than materia because of stacking abilities like Poison+Fira or Stop +Thundaga+Double-Quintcasts, Expericasts, Cursecasts, Healcasts etc
Shield Blockstuns enemies and has perfect blocks and animation cancels while also having different warpstrike for AOE damage when equipped rather than only single target, they are more useful than blocking in say KH ever is
All the techs are useful and all members have their own techs when switched to them too like Ignis dragoon jump or Noct legacy of the lucii or Gladio Maelstrom
There is over 15 unique weapon types and the RA's deal more damage than regular weapon types especially when using their passive abilities and unique actions like the sidestep attack and DPS on crossbow or the massive attack and warkstrike break damage on Tall's or the 200% attack boost on the Fathers finisher
You have 4 weapon gear slots for stats, 3 acc gear slots and 1 attire gear for noct, and 2 weapon slots for bros, that's more stat customization than older FFs like 7 have.
There is Demon Wall
Every single important and high level hunt boss has specific tactics best suited to dealing with them making full use of buffs, gear loadout, techs, combos, warps, parries, breaks, positioning, stats and more
Red magic is black/white magic which is in with offensive spells and healing magic like healcasts or cursecast or firaga or blizzaga or holy or death
Blue is just magic enemies use which again everything enemies do you can
Summons are gods
Cope, XV is the best FF.

Attached: knightshield.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

This combat system seems rather similar to the one in recent Tales of games

Can't wait for this to be on the disc and patched a month later.

I don't think I really want to mash buttons for 5 minutes ever time there's a battle

>but they don't fucking matter because they aren't required!
That's pretty funny since you're not required to do anything in FF7R combat.

7r is hold to win or do nothing to win

>Yeah, bro, just hold O!

Attached: Holding O to win.webm (960x540, 2.84M)

>O O O O O O O O O O
You can literally beat FF7 like this.

It is visually pretty but it is not mechanically engaging.

This concept should not be hard to grasp.

Sometimes bait is just some low IQ tard trying to share a retarded opinion.

By having an orgasm

Classic mode has automatic basic attacks, guarding and movement. You still have to choose the abilities/spells/items you want to use every time the ATB gauge fills up.

It's a pretty clever way of emulating the turn-based nature of the original game, all things considered.


it requires more input than ff7r

Attached: FF7R plays itself.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

are there really that many shills on Yea Forums? this looks like shit

Imagine firing a gun that does 1-2 damage per shot. Meanwhile cloud is hitting 200.


:>"it is not mechanically engaging"

>Normal attacks deals comparatively low damage on mid hits, higher damage on openers and finishers
>Builds break% on manual finishers
>Regular hitstun/stagger potential, differs on enemy size
>Risky open to taking damage when doing
>Compared to manual finishers, techs or warpstrikes does much less
>Crucial for dealing consistent reliable damage
>L stick directions+O for alternate attacks and inputs from sidesteps, charges, lunges, stingers, backflips with iframes etc
>Builds MP guage, Armiger guage and tech(ATB like bar) gauge with each hit
>Base triangle performs free warp which functions both as fast traversal or dash like evasion with iframes
>R1+Triangle performs warpstrike with hit stagger/hitstun potential
>Deals high damage with various effects depending on weapon type, from single target warpstrikes to AOE warpstrikes to multi hit warpstrikes to self buffing warpstrikes etc
>Builds Break% much higher and faster to vulnerable state enemies by breaking them and gaining their rare drop
>Consumes MP, depleting MP enters stasis during which no warps can be performed
>Very efficient
>Less risky due to iframes and cancelling normals through warps
>Tap Square + L stick direction for dodge roll with iframes
>Hold to Phase which consumes MP to evade some regular attacks but not AOE, parryable or 1hko attacks, inefficient but useful against projectiles
>Perfect timing tap to Blink cancel normal attacks, can cancel any normals through blink
>When shield equipped press to hold up shield to deflect and block and reduce physical attacks
>Perfect time block incoming attacks to blockstun enemies
>When taken damage and knocked back you can do Impervious action by tapping Square exactly when knocked back to cancel the damage dealt and recover through a tech roll recovery
>Can parrycounter with a Square+O input on parryable atttacks

Attached: Katana XV 1.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

holding in xv is optional too

>No unique Limit Break gimmicks
I'm way more disappointed in this than I would've expected.

Bullets are small. Getting hit by a sword is like getting hit by a GIANT bullet.

Given Square's nature I can see this happening. I know for a fact at least one episode is going to pale in comparison to the rest. I mean it's already happening with this episode. 4 years is enough time that they should've had it end where disc one ended.

you mean hamaguchi the actual director of 7r just called co-director?

Attached: naoki hamaguchi ff7 remake development leader since mid 2017.jpg (600x314, 23K)

It's a special kind of one because he also hates the game.

Classic mode is not required.

Hopping has two Ps, just like when you have sex.

The duality of man

>No unique Limit Break gimmicks
Was hoping they'd incorporate the slot wheels and shit again.
Hopefully Cait Sith's toy box/dice make a return.

>he doesn't know Cait Sith is being cut

Most shills hate the game, they're just being paid to defend it.

Deal with it Barry.

Everyone loves Tifa, nobody gives a shit about Stella and Luna

Attached: dddld3k.jpg (1280x1600, 111K)

God XV is such trash. The attack comes out the second you start attacking and isn't even near Noctis and yet he not only gets hit but knocked down instantly.

so ff7r is just autobattle to win since normal mode isn't required?

Attached: FF7R press nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

Yes, it is optional. I was simply highlighting that even when playing in classic mode, you cannot simply just do nothing, you still have to plan your ability/spell/item usage.

I hate the MMO style gameplay of having so much HP that you are just tanking damage over time constantly from just being near the enemy, and the only strategy is to make sure your net rate of total health percentage loss is lower than the enemy.

why do the japs have to be so obnoxious and constantly talk and make odd noises. Almost as annoying as Americans.

Attached: 1526465577857.gif (257x212, 2.91M)

They've got another like 8 years before they have to worry about that

it felt to me like its just a fan made orchestration

one of the many that exist already


>music is some how worse than the orignals
you've had ochestrated and black mage versions of almost every song and some how they fuck this up

I love how I said that. OH WAIT! Retard #1 assuming things because he doesn't understand the context at all.

At what point did I mention FF7R? Yup, Retard #2.

Gosh I sure love how I said anything about a single button. You guys are so smart! Retard #3.

Hey, guys, funny thing. Stop being upset and acting like I'm shittalking you specifically. None of you even understood what I was getting at, you just got an erection to have an argument assuming I was making a point about this stupid bullshit.

you don't need to do anything and doing that stuff in 7r is less input than popping an item in xv

oh nonononono


>The attack comes out the second you start attacking
>the second you start attacking
You never played XV did you?

>you cannot simply just do nothing
You absolutely can.

>what is aoe shockwave

Maybe have it work the same as Ifrit, but the knight attacking the enemy swaps out every 1/12th of the summon bar, with the king only appearing for the finishing nuke?

Beat me to itq

this dude is spergin out, be careful

I'm still a bit concerned with them making some frivolous changes to the story. For example, in this gameplay demo it seemed like the got rid of "Zack's" lines when Cloud has his mental fit and instead put in some Sephiroth foreshadowing instead. Perhaps this'll all make more sense in the full package considering the fact that the game needs to try and tell some sort of complete story by the end of Midgar but I still worry about what this may indicate for the feel of the story as a whole.

Strawman. FF7R has an optional mode for people who played FFXV to make it equally braindead. The difference is FFXV is like that by default with no option to change it.


Attached: 1549198717304.png (469x452, 277K)

I did, and I remember the sewer snake boss having no windup too, it would just start moving and you'd get knocked down instantly.

>Use summon
>It summons a random knight
>The summoner can then either use that knight's abilities, or switch knight
>Switching knights adds time to the summon timer so you can rotate a fair amount of them if you so wish, but not so much that you can keep the knights out perpetually to keep it balanced
>Departure attack is one all of the knights perform together

>even the game over screen is just a low effort fade to black
Jesus christ.

I assume you will die from having a blodclot form in your legs after being pinned under the immense piles of garbage you never cleaned out because you were too busy writing up a dissertation on FFXV combat.

Care to point to a fight that was fought and won in classic mode without a single command being given to the characters?

lol, how underleveled were you?
I'd buy your complaint if it were common, but you're literally hte first person I've seen mention it.

How the fuck should I know, nothing I said was actually about FF7R but you keep being autistic.

I wish they'd make that one summon behave differently and just do a long ass summon scene like in FF7.
They won't, but I think that'd be cool.

>Being efficient is about removing redundant actions
>I w-wasn't talking about b-being efficient...
Fuckin retard.

>the entire KotR boss fight is an extended version of their summon animation from FFVII

Attached: 1559761874421.jpg (250x250, 6K)

It be like ff14 where the knights rotate in and do their schtick.


FF7R by default already has hold to attack
classic mode is the press nothing to win mode which is less input than anything in xv

I imagine it'd be intentionally overpowered. All knights are there, all fighting, with the actual "finisher" being a combined attack.

so you are blind and have no idea what windup is on clearly telegraphed attacks

I think FFXV Royal is great. Just don’t like the ending.

this is a ff7r thread idiot

7R doesn't even have hitstun or stunlock on big enemies

Attached: redgiantwarpstrike.webm (1280x720, 482K)

For real?
I was just in the FF14 general asking if you can be a rabbit lady with a bow and arrow (which you can apparently). Was gonna give it a try.
Definitely going to now.

I've been avoiding it for three years, but I might get it if it's 20 bucks or less during winter sales.

The fight is laughably easy now because it's old and everyone is overpowered, but it's still kino. Look into the Extreme mode if you can.

Attached: 1558982657539.jpg (670x1620, 254K)

Did you watch the gameplay presentation? Tifa literally kicked Aps in the face and stunned it.

Did they add this in for the Royal DLC? I don't remember anything getting hitstunned.

Too bad Still more fighting/Those who fight further is worst than the original it's just not the same feeling without the electric guitar and synth it's too orchestrated.

>Can't wait for this to be on the disc and patched a month later
It's Squeenix. There is a good chance it will NEVER get patched.

You hate mobius and FF13 yet you suddenly give this guy the credit?

h-he's fast!

Is bazztek going nuclear over FF7R? Why?

Attached: bagdad-kun.jpg (1600x1066, 270K)

>Ifrit sets Aps on fire so he jumps in the water to put himself out
I wonder what other bosses will have unique interactions with summons.

>Anyone want to have a discussion without shitposts and buzzwords?

Where do you think you are?

>yfw they do the Seifer/Odin thing and have the SOLDIER 1st Class guy kill a summon.

>There is Reflect, Shell, Holy and Esuna
No, there isn't.

>Statuses last entire in game days and other temp statuses and clearly indicated on the HUD and last longer than their equivalent
And they still do nothing.

>Magic is Fire, Thunder, Ice
And that's where the list ends. It's not even magic, it's consumable items.

>Summons also use magic stat.
Which doesn't matter, because you can't control them.

>They are the easier to equip than Materia is and actually have more depth
No they don't. You can fuck FF7 up completely by using materia, you can do fuckall with XVs magic system.

>Shield Blockstuns enemies and has perfect blocks (...)
Which you'll never need because warping away not only quickheals you, but also makes you unattackable. Spaming warpstrike is the most effective way to fight.

>All the techs are useful and all members have their own techs ...)
Which you'll never need because warping away not only quickheals you, but also makes you unattackable. Spaming warpstrike is the most effective way to fight.

>There is over 15 unique weapon types and the RA's deal (...)
Which you'll never need because warping away not only quickheals you, but also makes you unattackable. Spaming warpstrike is the most effective way to fight.

>You have 4 weapon gear slots for stats, 3 acc gear slots and 1 attire gear for noct, and 2 weapon slots for bros, that's more stat customization than older FFs like 7 have.
You can have up to 16 materia slots, which is where most of the customization happens.

>There is Demon Wall
The only legit thing in this whole post full of garbage

>Every single important and high level hunt boss has specific tactics best suited to dealing bla bla bla
Doesnt matter, warp, quickheal, warpdash, the end. In the unlikely event you actually die you can simply spam phoenix downs lmao

>Red magic
>Blue magic
non existent, because there's not magic in FFXV

>Summons are gods
Gods that are beneath you.

>blatantly unfinished
XV is the worst FF.

Attached: asdad.png (512x512, 82K)

Because his head has hair on it.

>yfw Barrett was always meant to be a dark skinned japanese man, and not an actual nigger

But that’s not true because you still need to use the ATB attacks to actually do any meaningful damage.

>that hitbox
What the fuck? That laser barely even touched him.

All this talk about the remake and i still haven't played the original because i didn't get into JRPGs until the ps2 era. I'm gonna download the pc version and mod the fuck out of it.

I don't know if it was just unbalanced to show off moves for the demo, but the ATB bars look like they charge too much slower for the AI characters compared to the active one. I know combos are supposed to speed up the ATB, but when they active character gets 3 or 4 turns to every one the AI builds up in the same amount of time, you might as well have a party size of 1, since the ideal strategy will always be to pick whatever character has the most useful move, and only every use them.

It’s better than XV in basically every way and even managed to do the laughably bad XV combat in a manner that people enjoy by making it closer to say FFXII.

Yeah, I mentioned that yesterday. I don't like how the allusions to Sephiroth seem to be overshadowing the implication that Cloud isn't mentally altogether.

I should find some other place to have genuine discussions about this game I guess.

No boobs no buy

Please come to PC : (

>Yea Forums still trying to delude themselves into thinking a game that sold 9 million copies is somehow a flop

That's not very probable, seeing how he acts and speaks like he's straight from the ghetto.

There's no such thing as a civil FF7 discussion thread, not now, not ever.

Later, fag. Tell reddit and your tranny discord I said to eat my ass

you retard read the first comment
Okay, here’s a recap on everything Kitase talked about as he went through the live demo:

• There are 3 Combat Modes - Easy, Normal and Classic
• In Easy and Normal, you charge your ATB by attacking as you would normally, but for those who enjoyed the original turn-base, Classic Mode will handle ATB charges by automatically attacking for you, and you can just focus on going through commands
• In the new boss battle video against Aps, Aerith is shown using long-range abilities
• Aerith has a unique ability, Tempest, and Holy Circle
• Casting Holy Circle generates a small area on the battlefield, and when inside this area, any spell used can be cast repeatedly
• Each character can equip one Summon materia
• When equipped with a Summon materia, attacking will fill up a Summon Gauge
• After casting a Summon, your Summon will stay on the field until your gauge is depleted
• Summons are controlled by AI - however, as shown in the presentation, the summoner (Cloud in this case) can use his ATB charges to specifically command his Summon (Ifrit here) to use special abilities like Flare Burst and Crimson Dive
• Once the Summon Gauge depletes, the Summon will unleash his ultimate attack before leaving the field (Hellfire in this demonstration)
• Kitase also showed off the squatting mini-game

We need a Yea Forums Bingo Card.

Why does barret look like a thug?

This nigga shitposting on ShadowBringers and everyone told him to fuck off.

Hopefully they use some of that extra shit they're adding to the story to include moments to make up for the ones they've removed in order to foreshadow other story elements that didn't need to be introduced so early in the original.

Another game he feels threatened by. It's happened in the past and it will happen for future games

Why do people act like FF7's combat was any good to begin with?
Why is it so important all of a sudden?

So... is Knights of the Round gonna actually be thirteen knights?

This game is actually starting to restore my faith in Square Enix for a change. 13, 15, so much shit I fucking hated before, yet now, they are remaking one of my favorites, and it looks fucking amazing like I wanted it to, and they even added the option to not use the terrible battle system that I didn't want? What brought about this sudden change in quality? Why is this looking better then anything Square Enix has attempted in the last ten years?

It might be like Final Fantasy XIV where the main knight is chiefly present, but the others hop in to do attacks and also the ultimate.

We've had plenty of civil threads. They just happen in between announcements/reveals, when the retards have flocked to other games that got more recent announcements to bait over.

I think Yea Forums needs to go to therapy, its so used to games nowadays being shit and terrible, that when they actually see something good for a change they feel like its all lies somehow, like none of this is the actual game.

>wtf i press forward and the character moves forward, literally the same as XV
Funny thing, not even your ironic comparison is entirely true!
Believe it or not, in FFXV literally just pressing the attack button is enough to automatically move towards your enemy that's what makes it so hilarously bad

Attached: selphace.jpg (396x396, 56K)

Pattern recognition isn't something that requires therapy, it's a normal part of a functioning brain. How many times have we been burned by this shitty industry in the last decade?

>Why is this looking better then anything Square Enix has attempted in the last ten years
Because, this time, they put people in charge who actually know how to make games and not some waifufag who was too busy jerking off to his waifu to make a good game or a literally who was only known for mediocre handheld games.

But the level of how shitty it is usually gets worse and worse with every trailer, but here, it seems to be getting better and better?

If the rest of the gameplay wasn't broken, the hold o thing would have died as soon as the game came out
But XV lets you freely spam items and gives you a huge window to freely revive the party, meaning you can pretty much hold O and spam items until you win.
XV-kun's only argument is to list-spam endgame or dlc bosses as if that makes up for the fact the basegame is still broken and hasn't been fixed. And even then you can 1-hit kill some of them with the ring.

But it's you faggots who are literally browsing reddit.

Females will love this.

Faggot, I bet you're like the twitter brainless idiots who have always loved FFVII and have waited OH SO LONG for a remake LOVE EVERYTHING about it. Fuck off, you didn't even play the original one.

None of what you said invalidates my point

Nice FFXIII pasta.

NeithOf samefagging and going on full damage control on gamefaqs and Yea Forums because 7R has both hold to attack and press nothing to win mode.

Attached: Neithoff posting on v proof again.png (3052x1270, 358K)

FFXV had a lot of talented devs under terrible direction.

I know I will get torn alive by you guys for this but as a guy that loved FFXII, I actually like that they implemented a more layed back way to play FFVII remake. I don't care if you don't even have to touch any buttons to win battles. If it plays anything close to FFXII I'm going to love it. It's not like this game is going to be made in a way that you literally never have to touch buttons either so giving us multiple ways to enjoy this game is only a positive in my eyes.

>Tone is entirely different.
>Filler out the ass.
>Tons of stupid additions and changes.
>Makes an action system and a really shitty gimped action system instead of just having an option for the old system with the new graphics on top.

I mean, I guess it's pretty, and the combat system is nice, and some of the additions are pretty good. Most of the game seems like shit though. It'll be fun, but it won't be a good version of FF7,

So just like nier automata and KH3 and 7R?

And 7r lets you win by doing nothing

Attached: FF7R don't even press anything to win.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

Hey, at least the option is there for both autists.

user's saying that having to actively give a shit in a game as long as FF7 is going to be annoying.

>Kitase: This is one button action.

OP is a faggot

Doubtful, but anyway why don't you just watch a movie?

You still have to input commands. Maybe late game you can do nothing and stack counter attack materia and win just like the old game.

at least switchfags can play the og ffvii lmao

It has better direction than anything in 7r

They didn't like/care about FF7.

95% of the fight is autobattle so that's not somehow a good thing

even using items in xv requires more input


It's true.

Attached: xt727.jpg (4005x3068, 2.09M)

That's not even weird, FF7 was always braindead easy. Nobody minds it being casual.
Nah, fuck you.
It'll be a fun mindless play but it won't be as good as the original. I don't even hold FF7 on a pedestal and I realize this.

Kitase is the most competent director active in Square Enix and he's producing it. I'm sure he won't let it go to shit.

NeithOf aka nathan js going all out damage control right now

Attached: FF7R-kun.jpg (1920x1080, 944K)

that doesn't make any sense. Item use in ffxv have no cds and breaks the game.

You can only do actions when the atb bar fills up and the auto attacks do little dmg on classic. It's like a classic jrpg where you have the opportunity cost of sacrificing damage for survival.

>first part comes out at the end of console generation
>next two parts will be PS5 Xbox Whatever games

The right move is to wait until the final release and get the inevitable collection with Part 1 remastered to next gen standards. Because the remaster fad is only going to get worse from here on out.

7r is so soulless its literally copying XV

Attached: PGWddGGEb9SiD7VO (1).webm (1280x720, 1.83M)

I don't want to play an action game, I want to play ff7 turn based
can ff15 people go away already

goddamn Heavensward was kino

The right move is wait and see if PC mods fix Tifa.

>And 7r
Difference is, that's due a difficulty mode and you have the ability to play on something like normal mode.
XV's item problem that I described occurs no matter which difficulty mode you chose. It's a core issue that was never addressed

Tifa still looks awful though. I'm not even a cringe waifufag kind of person but its hard to ignore they botched her appearance too badly. Fans are going to have to mod the game so they can swap that awful model for the Dissidia one. That model looks great.

as opposed to holding o while the game plays itself?

you can't finish combos holding the button and consequently will fill up the ATB bar slower

>I want to play ff7 turn based

So play OG FF VII.

i'm talking about ffxv, aka "hold o to win: the movie."


The “combos” in ffxv are a joke

New Omnislash is kino as fuck

His head is dirty

ya and im talking about ffvii:r

>So just like nier automata and KH3 and 7R?
Uhm... nope?

>And 7r lets you win by doing nothing
I can't fathom why would you still keep pushing already debunked lies, but if getting constantly BTFOd is what pleases you, be my guest...

Already did. Now I want to play it with 2019 graphics.
Why the fuck is SE targetting the game for faggots that never played the original game?

Can someone with a degree in psychiatry please explain to me why Barry keeps posting that webm in every FF7R thread?
What exactly is it supposed to prove?

I wouldn't go that far


why are you so obsessed with this dude? go back to upvoting classic mode threads on reddit

Yes there is. Protect is on Royal Arms barrier, so is Shell, Holy is on Ring of the Lucii

Buffs and statuses effect everything and are your key source of stat boosts or debuffs outside of gear itself.

Magic is Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Holy, Death, Alterna, Venomcast, Stopcast, Cursecast, Expericast, Double-Quint casts, plus Royal Arms magic like warps and so on, plus graviga on gravisphere etc. And elemancy are magic with charges just like FF1 did. Comrades also has way more spells too and is regular MP based.

You can give commands to Ifrit with ATB charge while others are cutscene attacks like OG FF7, and they're all extremely powerful

You can't fuck up anything by using materia, you can fuck up in XV by casting cursecast on a party member

Warping away doesn't heal you, pointwarps do and not all battles have then, shieldblock blockstuns enemies leaving them vulberable to wail on, warpstrikes waste MP and without boosting magic stat you'll have barely enough for 2 warpstrikes per MP bar

Techs like ignis regroup heals the entire party, see above

RAs are your biggest strength boosts and have the most effective passive abilities especially like the Fathers 200% boost on attack and more.

You start 7 with not even 6 materia slots and XV has 10 weapon slots, 12 accessory slots and 4 attire slots which is far more customization than 7 has on the party

There is Demon Wall and you're seething SBK you KH shilling fuck

You will die if you do anything other than learning the systems so good job proving you never played XV, 7R meanwhile has a do nothing to win mode which makes any other mode pointless.

Red magic is literally black magic and white magic, both in XV
Blue is just enemy magic again all doable in XV

Gods that are above all else and only let you summon them when they want which is why they're so powerful.

XV is objectively the best FF.

Attached: Alternaffxv.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

Goddamn, Barret can raw me.

They figure original fans will buy anyway.

>Whoa I can finally press a button every few minutes while I watch the game play for me???
And not only that! If you play in any mode different than Classic, you can even play constantly!
But since you keep ignoring that, it's clear you don't really care about playing a game, but would rather just constantly keep your finger pressed on O.

>click video
>first 5 minutes are battling a super basic bullet sponge enemy
>leave thread

Attached: 1567216849503.jpg (1152x1152, 413K)

No they're optional just like classic mode in 7r

>Already did. Now I want to play it with 2019 graphics.

Then play the remake. I played FF VII in the 90s too, and I love the game to bits. I'm currently on my third playthrough of the Japanese version and my umpteenth playthrough of the game in general, but I'm not vehemently against a new system; I don't know why so many people are. I guess it's because though I've played turn-based RPGs forever, I can take or leave them, and I'm always perfectly fine with the originals if I want them.

You see nathan the 7r clip is copying XV

Almost everything that happens in this webm is beyond player control.

Are you retarded? You can clearly see the hp is different on each cut.

No it isn't, because its the only mode worth using now as it invalidates any other mode
Items in xv are entirely optional

yes you can and atb fills faster when holding

>For example, in this gameplay demo it seemed like the got rid of "Zack's" lines when Cloud has his mental fit and instead put in some Sephiroth foreshadowing instead.
But the "It's not just a reactor!" was from a cut scene in the original that they forgot to delete

>the only mode worth using now
that's a dumb argument. That's like saying playing on easy mode for any game ever makes the rest of the difficulty modes invalid.
>Items in xv are entirely optional
By this logic, so is doing anything in any game ever.
>"You don't have to play it, it's optional".
Grow the fuck up

absolutely kino

People have been asking for a FF7 because they loved the original game. We get a remake that changes the core gameplay.

Why not just make a movie adaption if they don't give a shit about the gameplay?

Xoomer fantasy 7

Nope, it invalidates any other mode because the game can just attack, block and move for you

items are optional, yet you're defending an "optional" mode in 7r that renders other modes moot

also 7r has hold to attack by default anyway

Attached: ff7r hold to attack.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

FF7 is pretty barebones if weren't for materia system. FF6 had a lot more mechanics considering it was a 4 man party.


>I'm not vehemently against a new system; I don't know why so many people are
Not being able to deal with change is a sign of autism. Funnily enough so is face-blindness, which also seems to be an issue in these threads lately.

>People have been asking for a FF7 because they loved the original game

I always wonder about that. I love the original game so I *didn't* want them remaking it, especially in later years when SE showed that they had become more incompetent than ever.

comparing a game mechanic to a mode. that's retarded.

Isn't Clancy Brown voicing someone in this game?

>it invalidates any other mode
Does easy mode for XV automatically invalidate normal mode because it auto-revives you there but not normal mode?
No it doesn't. Stop being a dense faggot
>items are optional,
Purposely ignoring a gameplay mechanic is not the same thing as playing on a different gameplay mode

No? Unless you think Heidegger sounds like him

Have they released the battle theme?

they completely butchered those who fight further

Yeah, considering he does a lot of voice work, I'm thinking that's him.

Your combat will always be more efficient if you do it yourself than if you let the AI do it for you.

Yeah 7r is literally casual and hold to win or do nothing to win

You ever wonder what the back of a buster sword looks like?

Well BAM, there it is.

Oh man I sure want the first bombing run to be dark souls level of difficulty.

I don't see how that strategy will work on the first boss.

zoomers won't recognize this masterpiece

Easy mode in xv requires a restart to access
classic in 7r is just a flip of a switch without having to restart and thus its regular viable and only viable way to play

and xv on easy still requires button inputs unlike 7r on classic

items are optional, purposely ignoring the mechanic that auto plays the game for you shows you know how casual 7r is but pretend it doesn't count

7r is also hold to attack, you never have to tap

Attached: ff7r playing itself.webm (960x540, 2.66M)

fuck off barry.


>People have been asking for a FF7 because they loved the original game. We get a remake that changes the core gameplay.
No sane person in the world loved FF7 because of the combat.

no arguments

Again ignoring a game mechanic and comparing it to a mode.

You know Materia is optional! You don't have to play it without them!

>image is mirrored/flipped
triggered my autism

Attached: 568479803126.jpg (1988x3118, 550K)

Someone post that image when barry got found out in a KH3 starting shit.

Fuck off nathan

How many times have you gotten banned already barry.

>that link
You could have posted an official video or something.

They aren't wrong, bazz.

Primarily refers to the higher echelon of film quality. Like joint & flick are for low quality stuff like marvel movies and B-movies.

Attached: xv btfo 1.png (903x202, 35K)

>Easy mode in xv requires a restart to access
No it doesn't. You can easily switch to between easy and normal in game by opening the menu and switching the difficulties. I literally just double-checked this right now. Why would you even try to lie about this?

Says the german greek tranny dilating

ignoring the auto battle mechanic in 7r shows how desperate you are to shill casual shit

I guess that FF7 really is the most overrated game of all time

How many cocks do you take daily nathan aka NeithOf from gamefaqs currently on damage control over there?

Pretty balls of them to add a journalist mode

Yes it does, switching from easy to normal requires you reboot the game from title

7r classic mode is just a regular in game mechanic thats always accessible without needing to boot to title to access

>Nope, it invalidates any other mode because the game can just attack, block and move for you
Dafuq?!? Literally what kind of demented pseudo-reasoning is that!? So this this how the mind of a sick person works...

>items are optional
Yes, and so is the Classic mode. So, your point?

>also 7r has hold to attack by default anyway
Wrong, stop lying

Attached: WTF am i reading.gif (341x321, 2M)

Answer the question Barry

>easy to normal requires you reboot the game from title
No it doesn't. You can switch difficulty modes at any point, mid-combat even. Why are you trying to lie about this?

Don't dodge the question barry.

>can pick between Turn Based and Action combat
no you can't, it's still action combat, it just automatically does the action part without you pressing anything.

I wonder how they will handle the part where Cloud becomes a vegetable. Will we get to play as Cid? I know that wont be in episode 1 though.

I want to reward tifa for her hard efforts with a hug.

Attached: 3149803 - Final_Fantasy_VII Tifa_Lockhart Xtermination.jpg (1061x1500, 857K)

Just post a pic, if that's true. That way he probably won't bother replying anymore.

You're one dumb motherfucker

Classic mode invalidates using other modes

items are optional in xv

7r literally has hold to attack




Nathan, try learning how inference works, I know you're an ESL German Greek fuck but at least try.

7r lets you switch to classic mode at any time

>Easy mode in xv requires a restart to access

>and thus its regular viable and only viable way to play
WOW, this might be the most unbelievably idiotic argument I've ever seen in my entire life: "you can do A therefore you can't do anything else". Please seek mental help, I'm dead serious

>and xv on easy still requires button inputs exactly like 7r on classic

>7r is also hold to attack, you never have to tap
Please stop blatantly lying, who exactly do you think you're fooling?

ah yes xv kun is back spamming shit, the only good think ffxv did was the amount of effort they put into monsters, the main combat was mediocre balancing wise. FF7R combat already looks ten times better

Attached: ffxvcomrades.webm (1000x562, 2.93M)

>completely ruined "Those who Fight Further" and "Mako Reactor" because apparently using any instrumentation outside of a regular orchestra is illegal or something.

Still haven't answered the question Barry

Not sex, she just looked so cute in that drawing, really doing her best to do pull ups

Attached: 1558608049774.jpg (1481x1496, 228K)

they're all true

Attached: FF7R hold to atttack.jpg (1080x1132, 334K)

Barry, please...

they're not

It was the opposite of XIII, which had too few classic monsters. XV had too many and maybe 1 original monster.


>the ATB charging speed forces you to switch it up often as the "off character" charges more slowly
More like it'll encourage players to ignore everyone except the one character they most want to use, because switching to anyone else means they'll get significantly less turns with that character.

Nice lies you lying german cunt nathan

classic mode invalidates any other mode

7r requires no buttin inputs on classic it plays itself

7r is literally confirmed to have hold to attack and for barret you only hold

>classic mode invalidates any other mode
Why though. Give a reason you damn schizo

Attached: 1535538835009.gif (200x200, 3.14M)

7r looks infinitely worse

Attached: HPcZttA.gif (400x378, 3.18M)

>Classic mode invalidates using other modes
Holy shit, I thought Yea Forums was exaggerating when calling you a retard... this is *literally* mental retardation in the clinical sense of the word; please seek help, trust me it's for your own good.

Attached: what the fuck.jpg (194x337, 18K)


>What went so right ?
fucking nothing by the looks of it.
>mash square and sometimes open a menu or roll
>turn on auto-battle so all you have to do is occasionally use the menu
It looks REALLY bad. Its pretty clear they have no idea what makes a GOOD action game and only know how to make a game that looks pretty.

We've known for months now that he's literally, clinically autistic. Nothing we can do but laugh whenever he shits up a thread.

It's over... we broke him

>This is what XV does to autists.

Attached: 1562080405958.jpg (1024x984, 44K)

Because VII's combat was so fucking great was it?

It was more mentally stimulating then just "ME MASH BUTTON HARD, ME WIN VIDEO GAME!"

It actually wasn't. Like, at all. Not at the beginning, and certainly not by the end of the game. Replay it.

Items invalidate XV as a game because they just make everything about it braindead easy.

I wonder how many people hyped for this also call Last of Us a movie.

>won't bother replying anymore.
Him getting proven wrong hasn't stopped him before

Attached: he's a lying faggot that ignores the fact that his favorite game lets him switch difficulty mod (1384x3983, 2.79M)

Again, more mentally stimulating then 7R, go back and actually play through it. You'll do a fuck load more thinking then "ME UNGA BUNGA SMASH BUTTON OVER AND OVER AGAIN". Do you know what would fix the combat for 7R since it wants to be an action game? ADD MORE THEN ONE FUCKING BUTTON FOR ATTACKING. Add light and heavy attacks that you can combo with, or hell, just steal the combat from Dissidia 012 and the way it worked there but flesh it out even more to work in an action game setting.

>go back and actually play through it.
I finished it again a month ago
>You'll do a fuck load more thinking then "ME UNGA BUNGA SMASH BUTTON OVER AND OVER AGAIN".
Completely and utterly false for literally 90% of the game if not more

He'll claim you only hovered over the Easy option and aren't actually able to choose it at all. He's Barry, his brain can't process either him or Tabata being wrong

>What went so right ?

how does it being good kino make it a good game ?

>Completely and utterly false for literally 90% of the game if not more
Proof here you never played it. I can't just have the characters smash the "attack" command over and over and over again and win the entire game in the original.
Also you can't even refute that 7R is a shit looking action game, huh? It looks just as mindless and shit as XV's combat.

>aren't actually able to choose it at all
As soon as you select it and exit the menu, the game autosaves too.
I don't even understand why he's trying to say that XV doesn't include this. There have been notable SE games that have included this feature since I think at least TWEWY, maybe earlier

This is going to be an XV level disaster

So you suck cocks?

>Proof here you never played it.
Probably finished it more times than you
>I can't just have the characters smash the "attack" command over and over and over again and win the entire game in the original.
You can sure do so about 90% of the time. Also you're acting as if moving up or down a menu is somehow more tactical thant VIIR's shorcuts
>Also you can't even refute that 7R is a shit looking action game, huh? It looks just as mindless and shit as XV's combat.
Because it looks on par with the type of combat FF has always had ie shitty. If I expected anything better I'd play DMC. It looks slightly better than XV, which is fine by me

>I can't just have the characters smash the "attack" command over and over and over again and win the entire game in the original.
Not the fag you're arguing with, but you can't do that in 7R either since the attack command is worthless for damage and is really only there to make you feel like you're doing something while you charge your ATB. You still need to use your skills (whether they be the character abilities, or those from materia) to actually get anywhere.

hold to attack was confirmed at E3 retard

Still haven't answered the question Barry

Attack command is like the most effiecient button to press. You can add materia to buff it 4 times or have an attack all. Can crit easily and cost no resources other than atb.