Anyone else gotta play new games on low settings? Im poor
Anyone else gotta play new games on low settings? Im poor
I used to have to play TF2 with this config on my Emachine
I have a console I can play games at medium settings if a game is too much for my PC to handle.
Toaster PC
>low/medium at 60fps
>Low/medium at 20fps
I have to play hots on very
My PS4pro is actually capable of higher resolutions than my PC.
But at 20fps
my PC can't do better.
Xbone x looks like ultra settings 60 fps
Yes it can still do better than a fucking console
Well sure if I put everything at the absolute lowest setting at 720p then it might hit 60fps if I'm lucky.
U cant hav pc that looks nicer than console unless u pay 2000 dollars now.
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I have a, "high end" PC and I still play on low modt of the time.
are you braindead? you can build a pc capable of way better graphics than any console for less than 500$
I only use my gaming pc for Yea Forums and porn now, all my gaming is on ps4
No ones dumpster diving behind best buy for a few shitty console ports
>couldn't finish post because PC could only render so many characters
i can play monster hunter with high settings but i cant get consistent 60 fps on apex legends
really depends on how shit the devs are desu
warframe runs like its on cocain while conquerors blade runs like a fucking mentally challenged octopus on land
I have a GTX 770 and I play with whatever settings to get 60fps. I could probably play most things on high/ultra if I accepted 30 fps.
>have 1070 and 1440p/144hz monitor
>having to start dialling settings back on new releases
With Cyberpunk looming I sort of upgrade but I'm a poorfag.
>1440p/144hz monitor
What monitor?
I played Skyrim with the ultra-low graphics mod because my laptop couldn't run it otherwise. After a while, you get used to the graphics.
I have a 750ti, can't even manage 60fps on the absolute lowest for newer stuff. It's not too bad, been replaying a lot of early 2010s games I skipped (why did nobody tell me Borderlands 2 was good?)
WF is so well optimized it's fucking scary.
At the rate that videogame system requirements are evolving, I'll be having to play every new game on low in a year, two if I'm extremely lucky
Most of the art of modern games comes from the textures. I don't get these low texture settings though, what fucking card do you have that doesn't have 2 gigs of VRAM to make the textures look like the middle?
They usually all look better on low settings anyways, I basically stopped upgrading my GPU at this point
>1050 ti
Should have gone amd famalam. The rx 580 is the best low/mid range card on the market and amd increases performance to a ridiculous degree on driver updates.
low setting = SOUL
Why do people do this?
>Make some PC when I was piss poor
>Got a 9800 gtx+ at the time
>Ran games for 7 years and only had to upgrade because Dark Souls used dx11 and card didn't support it
>Now got a 4970k and r9 390
>Was still going strong and upgraded to 5700 xt just because I can, but the 390 would have lasted at least 2-3 more years.
It’s actually medium dynamic 4K
not him but I recall the 1050ti going on sale for like CAD$150 at a Staples. That's a far better value for budget gaming than a 580 easily even if AMD is wrecking everyone else in the consumer market in general
I play all games on low even if I dont have to, I just dont care anymore. Almost had this computer for a decade, apart from the graphics card.
>i7 920
>r9 290
It's funny because I think you still beat out a Xbox One X which is why you don't need to upgrade until next year.