This is a pirate according to Yea Forums

This is a pirate according to Yea Forums

Attached: 4947155284dfc71b72b36210472bde3f.png (2893x4092, 3.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>has a pirate hat
>owns a (flying) ship
>uses an anchor as a weapon
Yes, that's a pirate.

That's not a pirate hat
ship is nowhere in sight
anchors are used by other sailors, not just pirates

>That's not a pirate hat
>has a skull and crossbones on it

ok retard

>we only get a 2 seconds teaser and the full trailer is the 29th
Go fuck yourself, retard.

Attached: 1565891885779.jpg (480x411, 69K)

So if I paint a skull and crossbone on my house it's a pirate house all of a sudden?

Would you let May rape and pillage your town?


no, this is a pirate

Attached: 1568475507573.png (1673x2160, 2.24M)

That's a buccaneer.

I really haven't liked the redesigns of Ky and May. What's with these trendy casual modern clothes?

If you paint a prominent Jolly Roger on your house, it will be a pirate house, yes.

This is a Japanese Buccaneer.

Attached: Azelstan.jpg (300x471, 25K)


Are you not a prostitute because you decided to put on some pants and have some breakfast at McDonalds?

Yeah, why wouldn't it?

Yeah, why wouldn't I?

This but the complete opposite.

Attached: 43554453345345345.jpg (937x1400, 125K)

Looks like a cardigan slag

Attached: 76678687678768.jpg (864x1000, 99K)

It looks good and not retarded?

I've never really bothered with drawfags, but is this what you consider an anchor post?

Attached: 4030s97227.png (128x128, 15K)

Looks comfy

Speak English you autistic, gibberish typing, retard.

The OP can't be the anchor post silly

Are you illiterate?
You act like one.
Maybe try reading words more closely and think what the words mean before you try to act stupid again.

Well I asked a question, thanks for answering it for me though.
As I said, I never really went into draw threads.
pic related.

Attached: Bethesda E3 Presentations.jpg (500x818, 168K)

Anyone got that image of the smiling pirate carrying a bag of games while various wojaks are crying behind him?

Yes you fucking retard

That's retarded

So, is she hiding some tig ol biddies in that sweater or what?


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Attached: EEbqCjBUwAAnD__.jpg (600x960, 94K)

Is may actuall thick now

>ship is nowhere in sight
That's because it's flying, retard.


I think they're trying to make the characters look less outlandish. I liked the old-designs as well but if you want mainstream appeal those are not good designs to do it with.

This game is placed further down the timeline, right? Why does the cast keep getting older but look younger? Ky looks like he's in his mid-twenties in the first game during the 90's but now he looks like he's fucking 16.

New May has some thick ass thighs. She looks cute and fluffy af too with her big jacket.

A 25 year old cunny is just a vagoo.

Literally yes

She looks in her twenties.

What purpose does literally serve in this post?

she looks comfy

ffs Ishiwatari, is May never gonna get pantyshots?

FUCK EVERYTHING, shes been muh wife since PSOne, Im tired of your bullshit.

>take Nadeko
>put a skull-n-crossbones on her hat
>call it May

Who needs pantyshots when you've got spats?

Attached: 354453453345435345.jpg (1126x2048, 241K)

Spats are better than panties.

Attached: may.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

In the literal sense, yes, it does make it a pirate house.
Just admit you made a retarded post and fuck off.

As opposed to it figuratively making it a pirate house?

Attached: 1568460243675.png (2200x2400, 323K)

Gear magic from trading eyes with his son and from having sex with his wife that isn't even 10 years old

Attached: 1552976162112.jpg (631x658, 43K)


Don't look at her face don't look at her face don't look at her face

Attached: 1568401996472.jpg (1324x2048, 327K)

Soon you'll understand the power is spats

Attached: 1549748119087.jpg (2508x3028, 382K)

The design is fine but it is way less "piratey" than her old one.


More like Mei, because she's fat.

Attached: 500px-May_GGXrd_Portrait[1].png (500x825, 352K)

How does anyone actually think this retarded formless sack looks good?

Attached: 45345345345335435354453.png (1075x1518, 1.04M)

You don't even play the game

Because it looks cute and fits her you fag.

Attached: 47864876464435435.jpg (1100x995, 103K)

user you're gay.

It literally doesn't. It's a sack.

Attached: 4533454354354533.png (1518x2150, 2.69M)

Don't @ me, deviants.

>They made the only loli a fat hag

Guilty Gear is an SJW game now.

Make me, you faggot.

I mean in reality, no, youre right. It's just an autistic house now.

But yes that makes it a pirate house. Lean out the window at kids, "YARRRRR THE SS AUTISM SAILS AGAIN"

If all you care about are her pits and flat chest then may I suggest Bridget?

Attached: 8677867868678.jpg (841x580, 67K)

I absolutely do and I have good tastes, unlike you

Attached: 20171029203051_1.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

and you are an retard

no obesity

Attached: 20171029203214_1.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)

Its hilarious how mad the lolicons are now that May is grown up

>is a pedo
>thinks he has good tastes


This is grown up? Is she still flat?

May steals games she doesn't like out of spite?

Show me your yrc oki then

I like that you don't even care about the rest of her and instead just zoom in on her pits so you might as well jerk it to literally any character with exposed pits.

I know you're a spic/black, because only those type of people promote obese women with "badonkadonks." You disgust me. There's nothing wrong with a girl being slim and petite.

I don't care about anything, I'm just saying it looks like shit. It's not cute oversized, it's oversized oversized. Most of the fanart changes its shape to fit May or May's shape to fit it, for a good reason.

no that's a pimp

I like my lolis but I see this as a improvement. she is still cute after all

>Having nice thighs is being big black vvymyn obese.

Attached: 435354345354435.jpg (1668x2388, 1.86M)


I heard they are going to release 1 trailer every 2 weeks, is this tru?

Well they are releasing a new trailer at Ceotaku in two weeks but I don't know if they will stick with it. Would be nice though.

Oh well, I hope they show more than just May next trailer

this is the only good comment in this shit thread.

GG has no loli now, showing now after all, that BB was always better.

Yes. God, how fucking dumb are you?

>Have to reply to yourself.

Attached: 5345435453453453453.jpg (1000x1000, 153K)

Raising a jolly roger is how you announce to the world that you are a pirate, yes.

Alabaster Jonez

>responding to niggers going reee lolis
>responding to niggers who in any form like platinum or rachel in the first place

I hope Daisuke releases legacy clothes as DLC at least.

What do the Jellyfish Pirates even do?

Isn't the ship Johnny's though?

god I want my head to be crushed between her thighs. All you niggers complaining about the change are fucking gay

Attached: x7wuDSazMtvmdzo405z3wWtrK6w_lmY3TxmbQGBPxAY.jpg (600x623, 24K)

>May is not a loli anymore.
Why do people keep saying this it’s not like she has balloons tits or something, she still looks flat.

Attached: 91482D19-48E1-4C13-B939-F46E70F2572D.gif (220x260, 1005K)

idk why everyone says the pirate/sailor vibe is gone, the jacket looks like what a lot of people who work on ships/at the water near me wear, it's not a sweater more similar to a thick rain jacket. does anybody know what I'm talking about or am I retarded?

>The Jellyfish Pirates is the crew of the Mayship that steals from the rich and gives their wealth to the poor. This group consists mainly of young women who were taken-in by Johnny, their captain, to improve their circumstance in life
Thanks GG wiki!

Attached: 35434534543453.jpg (1920x1080, 393K)

BB: Platinum, Rachel, Linhua
GG: old hags and one fem faggot.

Attached: 4075e73cdfc1e9b3a62dc84f2b0d0a92.png (718x1100, 770K)

I think I know what you're talking about.


Anchor Post is just so drawfriends taking up requests from older threads have a place to post them when a new thread starts in case the user requesting wasn't around in the thread and the thread was close to dying. May's typically used as a joke, because her weapon of choice is an anchor she swings around.

I wonder if May is off doing some solo journeying.

Ky's got Gear power in his eye now, May was cured of her gear disease so she looks her age now.

It's nice seeing May getting the popularity she deserves, if only because of her new thicc thighs.

Attached: ぽんこっちゃん - Xrdメイちゃん.png (800x800, 240K)

I always thought of May as the girl you want to give hugs and kisses to while she flashes the brightest smile.

Sounds like SJW shit.

no, that's female kirby

The hoodie is so large it goes over her spats, it's obviously baggy as a stylistic choice. The gap between GG2020 and Rev2 isn't that large, May just looks her age now because she isn't suffering from disease anymore. So sorry you can't cunnypost anymore.

Thanks to Ponccochan, she's the girl I want to throatfuck repeatedly and then snuggle and hug afterwards.

Attached: ぽんこっちゃん - メイちゃんごーっ!.png (800x800, 556K)

Don't you have a dircord to be tranny?

Nobody knows, her hoodie's too poofy.

>blonde fuckwad goes around creating a harem of chicks, a granny and a cat
>gets rich doing so
Jesus fuck why are you niggers so politicla and retarded at the same time

Johnny stole May's clothes as revenge.

Attached: 4535434354534533.jpg (1000x1349, 171K)

It's literally a harem. He's sky pirate robin hood with a harem of pirate girls both old and young.

May has no Gear disease and never has had anything like that. She had a disease that targeted the Japanese, but that was only introduced in Xrd and was never said to have anything to do with her age. People are just assuming this out of nowhere. I'd say its more likely she just looks like she does now because they probably feel more open to taking the designs in general in a newer direction now that they're not trying to draw a comparison between the 3D models and the sprites from XX, and the best way to do that was to use the same designs, so you had characters looking no older than they had before and shit like Ky wearing his Holy Orders uniform despite not being a soldier anymore. Only Potemkin and Milia didn't get that treatment. I really doubt there's going to be any kind of story reason for May looking different, it's just a new design because everybody, presumably, will get a new design to suit this game's aesthetic and she looks a little older because she is a little older, she just didn't look a little older in Xrd because they were basing her off of her old design instead of giving her a new look.

He doesn't fuck the girls nor does he have any intention of fucking them, so I wouldn't describe it as a harem.

Attached: EEbNb-EXsAI94TF.jpg (1280x1024, 149K)

>but that was only introduced in Xrd and was never said to have anything to do with her age.
Could've swore it was introduced before Xrd and it's the reason she had super strength, but that's it.

Finally some good fucking cunny

She has super strength becuase of her Ki, which she has because she's Japanese. Ki had nothing to do with the disease targeting the Japanese or Gears though, it was just something Japanese people had, which is why Justice destroyed Japan.


Attached: 1553475287530.jpg (1280x720, 82K)


May's new theme when

>mays' armpits covered up
>new nigger character

arc has really gone full sjw...


Truly a worse fetish than feet

Why do anchors make such cool weapons?


Big slab of iron with two pointyish ends.

don't forget a few tubs of this

Attached: 50000_50100_50350_5010050350CF[1][1].gif (1518x1236, 342K)

They're giant double sided axes except they don't look retarded because they're real.

She literally hasn't been a loli for ages

Does anyone else think the 2d art in the trailer is unnecessary? I think the 3d models legit look better than the art and kinda ruins the trailer a little.

Only because Twitter reverse search is so broken

Ky had sex with Dizzy a second time and obtained his final form (Formá Guapó)

>tfw sister has thicc thighs and also wears shorts constantly

how do I stop myself from fapping furiously to her, bros?

Thanks. Twitter is so shit, especially for anything art related.

Huh, are they actually letting May age?

Well your brain should have taken care of that while you grew up.

>You will never sniff hotbox May thanks to her new hoodie.

How would the world respond today?

wear her panties

Sniff her spats, dummy

Probably laugh.

>pedophiles coming out of the woodworks
friendly reminder that drawn child porn is still child porn

It was Johnny's ship, now May owns it and is the new captain.

I like Sol's, but Ky's is kind of ugly. It's just meant to be a formal introduction of the character anyway, they all need a portrait regardless.

I don't make the pirate rules kid.

I don't care if she doesn't have loli proportions anymore
I just don't like the outfit

I'm pretty sure her and Tiki go to the same gym.

Attached: Chaiki Tiki.png (1600x1920, 1.07M)

She spent so much time surrounded by dolphins that she turned into a whale herself.

Look at that unit.

I already had issues with this redesign to be honest. If nothing else at least we got her legs back.

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Attached: 4533354345453345.png (715x900, 286K)

>Put May in a Neo-StreetBurka


??? May should be in her 30s in the new game


sorry but the "she's a 10000 year old demoness" isn't an argument

Anyone have a clean shot of this image?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-09-14-14h18m08s631.png (1920x1080, 1015K)

Anime girls in simpler more casual clothes is fucking hot.

Attached: 4354354435435.jpg (637x900, 56K)

>tfw people still not realizing that she's going to pull a Makoto from BB

Her big jacket is cute you herb.

how about "she's a woman in her mid to late 20s"

Attached: 7tqycMm.png (363x176, 84K)

how about you're still masturbating to the body of a child

>being flat looking over literal armor and being short is equal to being a kid
Go outside for once

>you'll never go on a date with casual Pyra

Attached: Now I've lost it.png (382x600, 411K)

I wish the hat was more conventional but I'm OK with the rest of the attire.

She's in her early twenties.


I like the Xrd pants. Dunno why since I'm a legfag. Guess I just think they're cute.

>ignoring her mannerisms and the fuck that she does look like a fucking child
pick up a football

>being happy and nice is being a fucking kid
>being flat looking over literal armor and being short is equal to being a kid
Previous point still stands

like this?

Attached: may.png (1920x861, 1.05M)

sure, keep playing stupid
one day we'll crack downon you


Why yes, being a pirate is alright with me, how could you tell?

>a ship flying a pirate flag was considered a pirate ship
>a hose flying a pirate flag ISN'T a pirate house!?!???!
Fucking dumbass.

If you painted a skull and crossbone on your chest you would be a pirate fag, yes.

Maybe actually do go outside and meet people for once, humans do not exatly consist of presets

stan kariya matou

cope pedo

Attached: asdfasd.png (432x375, 226K)

I honestly like May's new face way more than her nice new thighs. The face is just too fucking cute now, I doubt any other girl can beat it

May is an old hag.
For me, it's Dizzy.

Attached: 1476108627969.jpg (1920x1080, 717K)


Attached: 876768768768786.jpg (1920x860, 112K)

>changing the only young tight female for a fatty landwhale ADULT WOMAN WHO NEEDS NO MAN
man, not like this ASW, not like this.
But Japan is SJWfree, right Yea Forums?

Attached: EEXelfTXYAAXhcX.jpg (461x461, 28K)




I think your eyes/brain are fucked, possibly beyond repair.