Hey pal gimme your wallet

Hey pal gimme your wallet

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>being so weak that a child with a bat is enough to beat you down

>Implying I don't want her to beat me up

Come on, let's have a hat thread!
What's your favourite kind of hat?

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>implying I have a wallet


fuck bow girl that ugly sack of shit

>pirate this game
>click on executable to start playing
>steam boots up instead
>I'm now at the store page for this game

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No, It's my turn to beat you with my big club.

This outfit looks a million times better than the official design.

>be disguted by the existence of a black fictional character

Imagine being this retarded...

You didn't crack it right

>Yea Forums still seething that a literal nigger got into the game
Kek here's to hoping she gets into Smash

>It's a book titled list of good things about white males...
>the pages are blank!
LOL bravo Hat in Time!

No it doesn't you weirdo. You objectively have shit taste. Zoomers leave

>he pirated a non cracked copy
I pirated skyrim legendary edition, some chicken invader games for my mother, and other stuff i don't remember.

Not knowing where to get a cracked copy of a game is pirating 101.

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is the dev going to make a sequel for a hat in time?

what kind of basednigger animal gives a shit about smash lmao

There's maybe more DLC in the work.

>implying its because she's black

Not everyone is racist like you anons.

t. piratefag on suicide watch

>launch the game
>load Wound-Up Windmill
>try for a bit, quit and just listen to music on youtube
Deathwish, man.
Mustache hat

Show me your butt and I might consider it

mating press

Retarded zoomers.

based retard

I'm ot the one who plays this tranny game. How about you leave zoomer

I don't give money for tranny propaganda.

This never happened

you're gonna need to get pass security first

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> Unironically playing a tranny game.


Burden of proof is on you retard give me the source

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Okay nigwad my proof is I looked it up and couldn’t find anything

Ehhh mods no fun

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>TFW gaming company get jontron on board then go full SJW making him look like a tool

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>Try it on PS4 via piracy
>Actually so so good I HAVE to buy it to support it

I mean yes it's an excellent game despite all this political BS put involved. I do not care about stuff like that.

My god if they make AHIT2 is will be so KINO

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>He thinks Gears For Breakfast did that
You're retarded

What will you do if I don't? rape me? I dare you! I double dare you to rape me
*unzips penis*
Come here you little shit, try to rape me.

you'r right! they shouldnt have gotten jon tron to begin with

>political BS
it's literally just some fucking drawing of some lgbt flag in a secret room that you actually have to go out of your way to even see.
anyone who truly cares about stuff like that is 100% retarded

What did it do to push tranny shit?

And it's in the sewers

It might literally be a shitstain

that was yooka laylee, not hat in time

anyone wanna fool around together on cuteandfunny?

b-b-b-but the hat girl is a girl and that's political

>Hat Kid will never give you a hug
It hurts

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That tranny ninja mask "she"'s wearing, also an lgbt flag in the game.

>ninja mask
It's a surgical mask you retard. And the cat whiskers is a japanese thing since they commonly wear them when they're sick.

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Yeah, that's their original purpose, but since then they were compromised by tranny ninjas who wear them to cover up their manly ass faces.

Just put the crack in the executable retard

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CODEX is the crack directory, not a league of legends reference, zoomzoom

>the crack

LOL you wish piratefags

I'm assuming you think you're in the Borderlands thread, but you're in the Cunny in Time thread friend.

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You heard me.

I beat the pirated game on release niggu

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After 58 posts this is the only post to mention cunny. We can do better than this.

the other post was deleted