Low-Fantasy RPGs

We need to see more low-fantasy RPGs out there. Think about low-fantasy universes like Conan.

Magic use still exists, but it's only practiced by well versed masters and it's usually in secret/not in the open.

None of this tolkien-esque trash where people are just walking around shooting fireballs everywhere like it's no big deal.

Low-fantasy games should make an entrance into the RPG genre. Simple things like magic being in the game but you spend half the game progressing just to learn one spell.

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Other urls found in this thread:


marina sirtis looks like a monster now

i see you haven't read lotr

>trashing LotR

I bet you think GoT is the peak of fantasy fiction huh OP.

>people get old

stop the presses. It'll happen to you, and I guarantee you'll look even worse because there wasn't much there to begin with

>Old people look old
Stop the fucking presses

Why do you mention Tolkien if you've clearly never read any of his books?

>shooting fireballs everywhere

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Kingdom Come exists

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>Dissing tolkien
>Hasn't read him
Even in the movies magic isn't that common.

I like your thread OP but you are a retard and deserve to have your balls stepped on by a female knight

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nah sirtis aged poorly dude
t. granny porn lover


bitch please

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I like elves, there should be elves

I like to look smart without having to do any of the work

>because there wasn't much there to begin with

She aged better than Kes from voyager did

>Think about low-fantasy universes like Conan.

Try Conan Exiles then.

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I'm glad this faggot got cut out, and will be forgotten to time.

i just googled her she looks fine what?

>Basically cuts himself out of the adventure.
I like Tom Bombadil though.

You can Bombadil the fuck back outta here.

Fucking this, mentally and physically.

Kes's actress has to be the farthest a Trek regular's ever fallen.

>tolkien-esque trash where people are just walking around shooting fireballs
There were only ~6 wizards in Middle Earth.

I dunno a bunch of them have fallen six feet under by now

One of the first self insert Mary Sue characters

She hasn't fallen under her own car yet, so she still has a bit futher to fall

Is there even such a thing as a fantasy RPG with many races such as Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, Trolls, Orcs, Humans, BUT WITHOUT ANY MAGIC?

I bet Nimoy cuts a fucking swarthe skeleton.

Goddamn this and the fucking aerobics stretching scene with the doctor

Bless you Roddenberry you fucking deviant pervert coke fiend

Roddenberry was dead before that scene got shot.

...that has the dignity to cut himself out of the adventure early on and with essentially an isolated event. It doesn't really fit that particular aspect of the archetype at least.

Calling Bombadil an insert is a stretch, as the best evidence for that is Goldberry as Tolkien loved his wife and kept inserting her as the most beautiful bitch ever.

His self insert was Beren, since Edith was Luthien

Beverly Crusher has always been MILES ahead of every female character in that show.

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True but his thumbprint was still on the show yet, since he had designed the characters.

Troi was originally supposed to have four breasts or something. Dude was crazy.

Shame her son's the world's biggest twat, such an annoying shit it even scared off Picards dick

This character was always involved in such wierd sexual shit
>That episode where a guy mind rapes her and it makes her ultra horny
>That episode where they discover that one loser is fucking copies of her in the holodeck

I actually liked him, and Picard only wants dangerous pussy anyway.

>The Nemesis movie
>Gets mind raped AGAIN

why does everyone fawn over Picard anyway? He's the most milquetoast person on the show by far

>hairy forearms always out of shot

>The episode where she gets impregnated by an alien
>the episode where she gets an arranged marriage and then gets cucked by an aids riddles space thot
>the episode where some alien grannifies her by offloading his anger into her
>the episode where she and her mother gets abducted by space jews
Troi had a hard life

Battle Brothers

Picard's episodes are great and you clearly haven't watched them. If the man is getting primary focus then he's guaranteed to go fucking insane for at least some duration of the episode. Doubly so if Cardassians or the Borg are involved.

Indeed. Picard is fucking based and he has really seen some shit.

Clearly Riker's episodes are superior.


>it's another Picard goes into the simulator episode

Yeah, I want a prehistoric RPG where magic is at its peak strength but knowledge is in its infancy. Maybe rip-off 2001 and have mysterious monoliths.

Most of the simulator episodes are a fun intermission though.

>trashing GOT

Bet you think LOTR is the peak of fantasy, dumbass

>None of this tolkien-esque trash where people are just walking around shooting fireballs everywhere like it's no big deal.
the thing is, shooting fireballs in tolkien isn't normal either. Educate yourself

I guess I can at least tell you're not from reddit.

>0 replies

Regardless, the game is actually legit fun. Might pick it up when I'm not poor.

no one has ever said this

>kes' actress aged 10 times faster IRL

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It was "free" on PS+

No but it's uneducated contrarianism to rag on it for having magic usage.

holy shit that's gold

I fucking hate both sides of this thread.
>literally insulting Tolkien for no reason.
>wrongly defining terms like low-fantasy

You should watch the FINALE of season 2

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>the episode where she and her mother gets abducted by space jews
The ferengi did nothing wrong

Yeah, it's definitely not perfect, but I had a ton of fun with it for about two months. Only stopped because the server we were on got too laggy.

The one thing they really need to fix is the combat, especially the animations. The rest is good and I fucking love building cozy bases.

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sword and sorcery?

Kingdom come is fantasy?

yea, they have female knights

Does this make The Witcher low-fantasy?

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Don't worry, both sides hate you just as much.

I...think it does?

Tolkien is pretty fucking low magic my dude

It certainly makes you a retard.

There isn't really many "low fantasy" games, closest I can think of is arx fatalis or dishonored

Y-yeah, that one be one hell of a punishment. Ha ha.

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just go play a medieval game retard

What games did they play in medieval days?

>Has literal teleportation

It has magic potions.

stone the witch for having actual fun

The Royal Game of Ur?

That game was only fun with friends

It takes place in an fantasy universe where there's no blacks.

based retard

Zoomers want super spectacle so no chance of low-key anything happening.

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>My period started
So its axe wound started leaking pus again or something?

what an autistic reply

Yeah, it was pretty autistic. "Hurrr I'm so much better than everyone else!"

There need to be more western-fantasy RPGs.

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The thing I don't like about Witcher is that everything is very flashy, a lot of glowing colorful stuff. I'd like to see a game where the spells don't really have much of a visual effect, or like an old school fantasy film style, if anybody gets what I mean. Otherwise it's kinda there, it's mostly just peasants and normal people doing their normal things with the occasional magical stuff

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Witcher 1 never had this shit.

What I gather from this and similar threads is game set in an age of Myth.
Fantastical where magic isn't a system but a force
like how crops benefit from a volcano's ashes so to can humans find benefits from the fantastical forces.
heroes and stories both propelled and burdened by prophecy as in the never ending story or Morrowind.

here is some shit that functions more or less like what I think about
extra credits in case you don't like em

or comics like Conquests, For the Empire, and most of the myths as portrayed in Hellboy

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low fantasy doesn't necessarily mean low power levels
you can shoot black holes out of your dick as long as it's a crazy rare occurrence

I think the biggest trap games fall into is giving the player magic. I mean there are examples like The Witcher where magic is a bit more rare, but you play as that 0.01% of people who can shoot fire out of his ass at will. Magic is no longer rare or mysterious if you the player can do it.

It'd be interesting if there was a game where you play as a normal dude, fighting normal people and animals using a combat system like M&B/Mordhau that's tricky but satisfying. And halfway through the game, just when you're starting to make a name for yourself as a skilled warrior, supernatural monsters and magic-user villains start showing up and you realize what bullshit it is that the smug cunts can turn you into a newt by chanting some gibberish and snapping their fingers. So now you need to figure out how to deal with them, and learn various tricks for turning their own magic against them and dealing with their bullshit.

In other words, immerse the players in the mundane before introducing them to the mysterious.

hey, kangz tiddies

What? Arx Fatalis poses itself as a medieval fantasy world suffering a nuclear winter. But it's still menaced by Mage-Knights powered by evil gods, invisible Ratmen, and has Sorcerress Nagas making up the roster.

also conquering armies and The Dark Crystal
and the sequel to the dark crystal as well but it suffers a bit from the increased flashiness mentioned
the stakes can be as high as ever but it isn't like every fucking isekai on the market in a medieval setting but chicks with modern glasses and nylon stockings etc.
it's should be a world that would function not just wizard town, generic starting zone town, dorf town etc.

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>95 replies
>3 people actually know what "low fantasy" means despite Conan/Robert E. Howard reference in OP

Marina Sirtis is fucking sexy 80s milf

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The setting literally doesn't matter.
You can make a 10/10 RPG in the most basic ass humans/elves/dwarves/orc/dragons world.

And the thing I miss is actually far-out there epic fantasy.

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You amongst the more modern RPGs might want to try Gothic 1. Lots of magic in there towards the too but it has that a gritty and very down to earth atmosphere, the whole game takes place in a prison colony.
Back in TNG she was adorable


Is that even a fantasy game?

If anything, Gandalf and the hobbits were Tolkien's self-insert.

Nah, read the Silmarillion. Feanor is Tolkien's self-insert for sure.

Low fantasy means fantasy but in the normal world. Stuff like World of Darkness or Lovecraft stories. It doesn't have anything to do with the amount of the magic and dragons.

Silmarillion is an unfinished book and it shows. I couldn't stand it.

I didn't know Tolkien died of sheer anger.