This is *EXACTLY* how FF7R's overworld should be made in the next chapters

This is *EXACTLY* how FF7R's overworld should be made in the next chapters.
Prove me wrong.

Attached: 1568309578714.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

hey, you forgot your bridge baby before posting, user

Is this really what impresses consolekids nowadays?
Why not use a game that actually looks good like KCD and has a truly open world with fully modeled interiors?

>Why not use a game that actually looks good
But I did

>fully modeled interiors
How about looking what the thread is even about, before posting?

You mean it should be an empty world that looks like it's MGSV? Pass.

I'd much rather take a classic world map style overworld, but I know they won't do it because SE is a bunch of cowards.

>empty world
This criticism makes no sense when that 'empty' world poses constant traversal challenges.

They've gamified hiking and mountaineering, that empty world offers more meaningful gameplay decisions than the entirety of the original FF7.

What game?


please come to pc
please come to pc
please come to pc
please come to pc

It'll come right after Demon's Souls, Spider-Man, MGS4, and Bloodborne :3c

That game looks and play like shit you delusional polnigger

nobody actually wants that shit tho please stop pretending anyone gives a fuck about god damn turdborn and spider-guy the latent homosexual

is all you do in this game follow waypoint markers and deliver mail? why are people excited for this again?

Why would anybody want this jesus fucking christ

Classic fox and grapes.

>shitty distracting UI
>soulless map without landmarks designed for vastness and size for the sake of it rather than gameplay
>Uber Eats simulator
>generic Ubitrash stealth and "takedowns"
Yeah nah

Because sometimes you use a ladder to go up a hill

no trees
empty world
boring experience

pc and xbox is coming next year, they allready removed the game from the list of ps4 exclusives

KCD looks garbage in comparison

Attached: ed8971352244fe94cf010be550c982b2c923f8f0.jpg (1920x1080, 479K)

Because it's awesome.

>traversal challenges
Dynamic Bridge Crossing and Tactical Rock Hopping, it's like I'm really playing every other game in the world.

Never mind the fact that the original FF7 worldmap always was way emptier than that!
Never mind that muh EMBDY openworld would be the only solution that would allow to keep stuff like the Buggy, Tiny Bronco and Highwind exploration!
Never mind that FF7R will still have something like 14 ultra-detailed town anyways, but OH NOOES I won't be able to enjoy them anymore since there's MUH EMBDY space between them!! (which is even better since it allows easier traversation!) but NOOOEEES! EMBDY=BAAAAD!!!
Go fuck yourself mindless drones

Attached: your opinion.jpg (660x296, 70K)

>Never mind the fact that the original FF7 worldmap always was way emptier than that!
It's 2019 on the PS4, not 1998 on the PS1.
>Never mind that muh EMBDY openworld would be the only solution that would allow to keep stuff like the Buggy, Tiny Bronco and Highwind exploration!
See above.
>Never mind that FF7R will still have something like 14 ultra-detailed town anyways, but OH NOOES I won't be able to enjoy them anymore since there's MUH EMBDY space between them!! (which is even better since it
It's also taken them years to do just Midgard, and there is much more important stuff for a remake than a bland empty landscape.

With that said, nobody said they didn't want an overworld for FF7R, we just don't want it to be Death Stranding's bland and empty overworld that is beyond gigantic and offers no real challenge or gameplay whatsoever outside of the occasional enemy.

Death Stranding is basically just MGSV but bigger, sometimes you'll find an outpost/area with enemies, but others its a lot of empty ass shit with trite things to do (if that) while you listen to bland voice overs of the story. If I wanted to walk for 3 miles doing nothing I'd go outside and walk down the road or into the woods.