Archery in games

Jannies just deleted my thread for no reason. So I'll ask again.

What game has the most fun archery?

Attached: longbow.jpg (770x437, 55K)

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Did they, really? They're such faggots.

They deleted it because there was little to no discussion about video games.
If any retarded faggots start arguing about real life, abandon thread again. Talk about VIDEO GAMES YOU RETARDS.
Mountain Blade has the best mounted archery

This. M&B is the only game I know of to make archery semi realistic and still fun. No games really focus on archery which is a shame.
The first nu tomb raider had fun archery gameplay. Mostly due to the enemy animations when they get hit

Mount and Blade: Warband

Dark Souls


Attached: screenshot.jpg (900x451, 67K)

> Women using bows.
Is there a more retarded trend in video gaming?
They do realise bows take a fucktonne of upper body strength that women just don't have, right?

I wish there was an multiplayer shooter based off archery tag where the only weapons are arrows lying around on the map including wacky trick arrows.

Attached: 1562895328514.gif (400x225, 1016K)

Bowman 1 and 2

Attached: bowman.jpg (670x320, 11K)

Wii sport resort

English bows can't pierce French Plate.
Also TES games and Far Crys.
Spent hours running around shooting animals and characters that passes for animals.

fuck you and fuck everyone who uses bows in multiplayer,
you just fucking try to fight like honorable knight using two handed sword, the thinking's man weapon, and those faggots either pop an arrow in your face or your back
you goddamn cowards fight me like real man
hitting archers straight into face with throwing axes is best feel in MP desu

you might be retarded

That was me user.
I was the one who shot you in the head 5 times in a row.

I made people really mad in TF2 when I use the Huntsman

Effective low-end draw weight for warbows is something in the order of 40-50 pounds. Extreme upper end is a bit north of 200 pounds, but most archers in most periods did not shoot such heavy bows: there probably does not exist (even, "can not exist", supposing unenhanced biological human females) a woman that can shoot extreme high end warbows, but there exists women who can shoot militarily effective bows, for most historical contexts, and player characters tend to be exceptional rather than average.

>You will never train with the longbow for three hours after church every sunday until you get severe muscular hypertrophy of your right arm and pecs that can identified by people studying your remains

Absolutely unequivocally indomitably based

Attached: 86BB2143-6BE3-4D3D-B2E5-819861887F64.png (552x237, 262K)

Well, that is your choice of not getting a reproduction longbow and going to church on Sundays.

Wii Sports Resort

Mordhau's archery is pretty fun.

fucking based
>talking about ''honor'' in video games

>fucktonne of upper body strength
Have you ever shot a bow? Lol
A fit woman would have no particular trouble drawing even a longbow or any warbow.
Its doing it repeatedly and reliably to meet a certain rate of fire in a battle that is the real challenge.

Medieval 2 longbow only stacks. Remember to recruit a bunch of peasant archers in one city to get the woodsmans guild.

Reminder that bows penetrating plate armor of any kind is unrealistic.

>Mountain blade
It's Mount and Blade retard

topping the charts in Modhau as an archer was pretty satisfying

Attached: arrow pincushion.gif (220x220, 332K)

damn that would still hurt like a motherfucker though

Sorry guys but the best game for archery is Kingdom Come: Deliverance. You need to wear a vambrace until your skill gets high enough

Attached: home gym.png (1139x860, 983K)

post archer girls

Attached: archery girl3.webm (1244x700, 2.87M)

Yes, it's one thing to be able to physically draw a bow and another to shoot it repeatedly, accurately (your hand can't shake too much), for extended periods of time, AND still be in shape to fight hand-on-hand should that prove necessary.

However, the draw weight difference between the strength of bow you can barely draw once, and one you could shoot in combat situation, is less than a factor of two. A fit woman can draw a low-end military draw weight bow (as in, draw weight required to be useful even when facing armor like gambesons or linothorax), but higher end of the spectrum, no. For example, during the height of their prevalence, English longbows were 80lbs+ due to their ongoing arms race with armor, and I'd imagine most untrained men could not draw one (the muscles you use in drawing a bow are not the same people generally use, whether we're talking about medievals or modern people). That's why they practiced: to build up strength. It's not that hard to hit an army. And then you had 200lbs bows shot by true elite archers (bows of King's personal guard from Mary Rose shipwreck are 180 pounds, some elite samurai shot "5-man" bows that with ~200 pound draw weight, a few contemporary HEMA-practitioners also shoot such bows) and those are also included in your "any warbow". No man who hasn't trained for archery specifically could draw one even once, never mind a woman.

Scum has good archery

>No man who hasn't trained for archery specifically could draw one even once, never mind a woman.
we get it you hate women

>A fit woman would have no particular trouble drawing even a longbow or any warbow
t. retard

t. has never shot a bow in his life

t. retard

Are you fucking retarded? This is a board for video games. You just wrote a paragraph about retarded shit. Fuck off nigger.


Attached: archers.png (800x3176, 1.25M)

Make like a mgtow and fuck off your own way

>and lydia

make me fucktard


Dragon’s Dogma


I like this image. It's not very subtle that it's a joke though.

>no actual argument

I shoot a 60# bow. That's the heaviest you can buy commercially without getting one custom made. While light by historical warbow standards, even most men I know can't draw it back.

>Sorry guys but the best game for archery is Kingdom Come: Deliverance. You need to wear a vambrace until your skill gets high enough

The vambrace thing is stupid. All it takes to not hit your forearm while shooting a bow is rotating your elbow 90 degrees.

But Kingdumb Cum does have the best and most realistic archery: using a historical self-bow it's really hard to hit anything. They weren't sniper rifles.

Is there even any other game with horse archery?

your pretty good

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Have you? Archery is taxing for your upper body. Not just the arms. This used to be my hobby until I got bored travelling 30 minutes just to do archery for an hour or so every time I want to.

Maybe in medieval times
I dated a girl in HS that was into archery and most modern bows are designed to take as little upper body strength as possible.

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Delete this
Archery was the least amount of fun in that game, which is astounding considering the entire game is the epitome of unfun

>women can shoot 30lb bow
>it's the same as shooting 130 lb bow
fucking retard, warbows are so taxing on body English archers had DEFORMED SKELETON due to shooting it

>want to find a good HYW game
>find a good mod for M&B that suited the mercenary lifestyle but it's all in French
>find a translation submod
>English translation 100%
>but the modder decided to make his own edits
>other features 25%
>then he threw a shitfit on the forums because autism and never released any of it

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Bladestorm is set in the HYW if you like Dynasty Warriors type gameplay