Code Vein, yet again?!
Code Vein, yet again?!
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for demon daddy.
>Expected a mediore game when I played demo
>Actually quite fun
I may just get it day one on PS4 to support this game.
That's why it's good to have low expectations of games as an adult. You WILL enjoy them more.
4th for Io a best!
4th for demon waifu's.
7th for Mia a shit!
I guess this is not a game for furries.
Eh, it helps that we knew pretty exactly what we were getting into. Obvious Dark Souls clone with enormous character editor and overblown anime antics.
Delete this right now
I hope Astral Chain pleases you.
Ganbare, broken neck-chan!
How'd you get the horns perfectly symmetrical? Is there an input to copy/paste/mirror?
What's up with sleepy-chan here?
I will continue complaining in vain until the twink soiboys get a sic cunt slider.
I still love your character user.
These pics are not mine, they are a JP OC's.
illegal leopard
Ah, asian autism explains it.
What did Mia mean by this?
Io boobie too big
Reminder that you can do really nice stuff by experimenting with the accessories in this game.
will pick it up if pc version isn't shit
She takes part in compensated dating!
I can't believe Mia fucks old men for blood beads!
No dignity!
Featuring Dante from DMC!
Add a dab emote, Namco.
>Kill boss
>Start dabbing on their corpse
He looks like he's suffering from AIDs.
>game built to appeal to millennials who were at "that" age in 2005-2009
>user wants a zoomer meme in it
Noo, ur a qt
You can thank Nero for that.
I'm sure it will all work out.
Explains why I want this so badly
Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel.
>make a fierce tomboy
>she runs like a faggot in the hub area
As if this game couldnt be any worse
Japan doesn’t like it when girls run like human beings
Nor do they like any form of masculinity, as evidenced by the CaC in this-- EVERY Japanese game with CaC.
You know the rules, post them characters.
>tfw this dress style is instant boner
>tfw girls who dress like this are always terrible people
>tfw boner gone
Make Sonic one now, please.
>terrible people
that's a bit of an understatements, i'd call them insufferable cunts.
I'm going to shitpost this thread!
>Hat clips through the hair
I wonder if everyone in Japan is just used to that thanks to literal generations raised on Monster Hunter
It has always been like this. Especially in games where you can customize the sizes and position of the accessories.
The blue one is pretty cute.
The character creation is great, especially for weebs but god do you look out of place when you add a lot
What's your weaponfu?
imagine breeding Coco against her will
Currently the greatswords. Both of them. Queenslayer for crowd control and Zweihander for singular strong targets.
I wanna fuck Karen in front of Louis
Pipe of Thralldom
I wanna fuck Rin in front of Mia.
I want to fuck Yakumo in front of everybody to assert dominance
Oh my god the music is amazing
I could stay at the main menu all day
This party's gettin' crazy.
Lost Bardiche
>can't make your character's tits as big as Io's
>even the other busty npc chick has bigger boobs
Fucking lame
>cant make them as flat as murasame or Mia
It goes both ways.
is the game out? Is there a demo?
Demo, yes.
No. Yes, but only on console.
Yes, on PS4 and Xbox.
The demo is real good. Surprisingly long for a demo. Two full areas, a safe zone, three bosses and one sorta-boss. Awesome CaC.
Can somone make Lash from Advance Wars? Im horrible at creation
Bayonettas are pretty lame.
They're a bit better from the Network test because at least they have a bit more punch to it - last time they sounded and hit like a wet fart.
Apparently someone's been saying they are better later into the game once you up your Ichor limit but I remain sceptical.
The lost bayonet is pretty lame. Melee is good but the projectile is baby. I'm sure later ones will be pretty sweet. "Lost" weapons are just trash weapons you'll find all over the floor everywhere.
The Lost broadsword is all right
Should I pre-order the deluxe edition? I will do what the last even reply says, if not I will just wait until a sale and buy it cheap.
So, uh... Are they gonna fix the sound design? The hammers sound so piddly. And are completely out of sync with the animations.
I'd say pre-order the standard at LEAST. Free veil and weapons is nice. As for the deluxe, don't buy into that shit; wait until the DLC seems worth the season pass.
You already missed the japanese deluxe that had a Mia figure in it unless you can somehow get it.
What to do about the queens knight shield spin?
Dodge it
>Bayonettas are pretty lame.
Please no, I love them bayonets.
Which way
Dodge later, it has a tight window.
You can also use the dodge gift, which is better, though I can never remember to use it.
Isn't the DE sold out everywhere?
Directly into his face. Helps a LOT if you use that red teleport looking dodge from the Ranger blood code.
The demo is just a bad part of the game, right? I was onboard because of the character creator, but the area design and look in general in the demo turned me off quite a bit. So bland.
Do furries really like that?
What said with the ranger blood code dodge, once I starting using that, never had to worry about it again
He does a little autistic grunt before rolling, either get away or roll into him following the direction of the shield
It appears that you vampires don't like the KFC.
May I, Ronald MacDonald present you with an alternative?
I need to see this in motion during cutscenes
>Ronald McDonald has to save the world because no one else can
>one of the few non-hentai CC where you can make girls with ultra long hair.
>clips through everything and looks horrible when you are running.
Guess I’ll just stick with a super edgy boy.
Its only the first area and depths. Even bloodborne was like that with central yharnam and chalices.
Make an oversized ponytail using multiple ponytails user.
He's got the ketchup powers necessary to do it.
>JP OC's.
I feel like they will win all the Mia plushies
>M*a plushies
Someone post the improved version
What about grand prize of them drawing your OC
Welp, I'm making steel inquisitor from Mistborn.
I love the edge that bleeds off these animations.
Reminds me of Pcell.
>Jojo chars aren't possib-
Shit's cool, btw.
Bayo in her teens.
The 20th 2B cosplay.
Are there any normal weapons or is it all dumb monster hunter shit?
So glad I pre-ordered this fucking game
Theres a bayonet
like just a bayonet by itself that you wield like a dagger?
Bayonet rifle
Huge ass hunting rifle with a bayonet attached.
there's a pipe
Post cute bois
Imagine rifle spear but not prepatch OP where you could load up arcane gems but also not shit like it is currently.
Unironically the hottest CV character I've seen. I want to fuck your character user.
Here you go
Not mine, it's from a JP user.
Can i make joker from persona 2 in this game?
goddamnit i guess i'm gonna have to buy the game
You may be a homosexual
I'm sure you could if you tried.
I mean I've got just enough bi in me to love traps, so.
Good choice. However, be aware that although it looks good and all, the game still has issues. And it uses Denuvo on PC. Don't do an impulse purchase.
Do it, it's pretty fun
what's the rundown on Danny Denuvo, i haven't played a vidya in a hot minute
It's a controversy as people many "gamers" believe that the game does impact performance and they would be right since there were times when Denuvo did ruin framerates due to shit implementation. Some people also noted a notable fps difference when DMCV launched on steam with Denuvo but people somehow managed to get their hands on an exe (downloaded from steam's file server) without denuvo. Although people do keep refuting the claims about how this DRM fucks with your performance, the new Borderlands 3 seems to have even more issues. It seems to have forced 2-3Mbps upload verification when playing the game online. All kinds of jank.
However it has happened that games have removed Denuvo after launch or after the game has been cracked. So there is hope.
A side note, MHW also has Denuvo on Steam, but it runs fine for me. And I have an RX580 + i7 3770k.
tfw PC and can't post characters
Same user, I have it pre-ordered but I'm not buying it again on my ps4. Just wait, user, we shall have our time.
Same, pre-ordered Io's deluxe edition because I'm a sucker for cosmectics
Remember to share the fun with jolly cooperation.
can edit toon mid-game infinite times?
You can stop calling it a toon you faggot.
But yes, everything except face, voice, and physique.
Jotaro if he was edgy and a twink.
Has the demo been updated yet?
Take the glasses off and I'd hit that.
gayest post i've ever seen
10/10 character design.
They're not coming off!
they should just go all the way and lemme edit toon to heart's content
>Cereza without glasses
user, I think we need a talk.
How do you access the gesture menu?
accessories too?
Press L3 twice
code vein threads full of chara creations yet again.
man... just wait till patch or release, bet most of you will drop it and stick to fapping to chara creation krk
CaC is robust in this game of course people are going to talk about it you dribbling retard
Also people are discussing the game just read the threads you slobbering oaf
i still have a bloodborne machine kicking around
no online, but would you anons suggest console over pc in this case?
Nah, PC cause it has potential for mods
do you think they'll be ban happy fags like ds?
There's no invasions so don't see why
>only two dungeons available
>only a very limited number of Codes to mess with
>only story we've seen so far is from very early in the game
The fuck are we supposed to discuss, dingus? The environment design?
The demo has been out for nearly 2 weeks. Anyone who has played it and wants to talk about it has already talked about it. I'm just filling the thread with characters so we can gather more attention and have other people try out the demo.
He's gonna say yes because he plays movie games
I appreciate your work user, will be using some of these as inspiration
Things that we will see from TGS in 9 hours
iwill buy on sale
Im trying to make a helmet but the accessories dont get big enough
I doubt they show something cool. But whatever.
As long as you play Io's game at some point.
can i download the demo to sonybox if i don't have (((online)))? Haven't touched it as anything more than a blu-ray player in years but CV perked my interest
They're not gonna show what they've already shown, so I'm expecting a cool boss or new environment we haven't seen.
If you're in Germany you need PlayStation Plus for some retarded reason. Everywhere else, go download it right now and show off your character.
>a cool boss
Please no. The last three or so trailers were all just "here, have some contextless boss footage".
For all you poorfags out there
What should they show then user? A fucking squatting minigame?
hour of Io doing cute things
Damn it. Already preordered, can't cancel.
Oh well.
... Alright I'd take that.
I thought they announced invasions? Was I lied to? I know there was a scripted NPC one in the chalice dungeon.
1st person footage of Io taking care of you
I'd actually watch that
>not buying it on steam
There are enemy invasions
Juicy story details to get the speculation train going, showing off Codes we haven't seen, other environments... that starting dungeon you get kicked into with Oliver had some really great level design that wasn't really apparent in the Depths so I want to see which of the two is indicative of the rest of the game.
steam is fucking overpriced, you can literally buy deluxe on other sites for the same price as standard on steam
Always use
The sites listed there have been curated to be non scam websites.
Steam is trash
Thanks, needed something to do on this rainy day. I'll try and do my redhead princess justice. Feel bad for any German bros tho
I bought Deluxe for less than the standard price on steam. Thing is, you can refund on Steam.
Why would you refund a good game?
Some people have shit taste.
>he doesn't live in a third world country with aggressive regional pricing
Coco's fetish is femdom.
Rin's fetish is sweat.
Mia's fetish is petplay.
Io's fetish is making you happy.
Pick the right one anons.
That's why Miafags are a thing
Who has bloodplay fetish? The human girl?
Sorry for shit quality. Taking pictures of CRT's is suffering.
Also dropping it.
Fuck off.
Drop yourself, fag.
>the kinky one is the old hag
Idk what I expected
t. salty they were banned from every server they joined
But ps4 had a screenshot function...
If only there where womb tatoos
Seriously, fuck off. We were having a good thread before you faggots came here again.
Imagine groping Eva's evas
It's still a good thread retard, the only one making it an issue is you. Fuck off newfag
>come to anonymous site
>"come here and toss your anonymity away!"
>shocked that he isn't welcomed with open arms
I repeat: Drop yourself, fag.
Why would you buy a game just to refund it tho, it's like shooting a guy before throwing him out of a plane type thing
Ah yes the newfag's newfag cry.
>calling someone a newfag for calling out discord poachers
Not an "Oof" big enough.
Eva is Jack's Io, right?
not for long ;)
Yeah, but what do i do with it?? I dont use any socail media shit.
>”Oh no people will find out I'm a nobody!”
Underage confirmed
Some people treat refunding as a free 2 hour demo. They try it out and if they like it they keep it and if not they can refund it before hitting the 2 hour mark.
>Using reddit slang
Nowadays 2 hours is basically just tutorials, treating it as a demo is retarded
Nice deflection newfag
You can take them without uploadin feom ps4. Connect a flashdrive
No u
It's the only demo we have on pc. What if it runs horrible? What if I simply don't like it? ect.
Some people put value in being able to refund.
No one wants to join your Discord user. Frankly, I'm expecting the Code Vein SUBREDDIT to be a better place. Discord servers are breeding grounds for underaged trannies talking about their degenerate furry fetishes while everyone else has to walk on eggshells to avoid getting banned because said underaged trannies don't like being disagreed with and the faggy server mods side with them every single time. I say this with all due respect user: Fuck off in any direction you choose so long as you do fuck off.
I want to hold hands with Mia
Now I'll post it just to spite your dumbass
Finally someone with taste
I need more Eva in this thread
Lost you idiot stop posting the fucking link in every God damn thread people will join it if they want but it doesn't help it if you constantly shit up threads like this
Shit taste, maybe.
>server already infighting
>If you're in Germany you need PlayStation Plus for some retarded reason
First nioh, now this, the state of Krauts
I only post it once a server
I'm posting it now because Im tired of these retards acting like discord is the bogeyman that will turn them gay
Cheers user
Thats what you get for dropping two nukes on Japan
Once a thread*
>now I will violate site rules just to spite you
Thank god there's a solution for that. Not that I'm implying anything here.
it can't turn me gay because only gays use it
You're doing a damn fine job proving that it is and does.
Maybe you could stop trying to push it on people who don't care for it? Every God damn thread, and you'd think you would learn that people don't want to join. I know that we both want to talk about the game a lot, but all you are doing is annoying people and justifying it under the guise of "fighting trolls."
You think I can be banned
That's the funny part. So the more you oppose the worse it gets. Your choice
Joke's on you faggot I'm already bi and I hate every discord server that isn't the one I'm already in and that's because I made that one with three buddies who hate discord too
It doesnt get worse. Well maybe for you. Just go ahead and do it. Lets get it over with
>Every God damn thread
Literally haven't been on Yea Forums since last Thursday
Let me handle the trolls
This thread right now.
>old hag
Does anyone really know her age? I bet she’s just in her late 20s/early 30s
>early 30s
old hag
>discord drama ALREADY leaking out
Just call it off boys now everyone knows it's a shit server
Like honestly leave, or stop posting about it. Let these threads remain comfy, please.
They're all vampires, so who knows
Indeed, who knows.
Whoa... if I buy her game, will she have sex with me?
>ywn lay flat on the floor and let eva squat over you and relieve herself all over your chest because that's all you're good for to her
nice hat
Tfw there is no loli slider.
Kill Jack first.
No, but you already have a wife
Cute edgelady. I hope Io helps her apply lotion to her skin because that must be uncomfortable sometimes.
>here's your pole dancer
My discord posting the furries
Cute :3
is she daijobu
It's supposed to be a hybrid between Tanjiro and Nezuko.
She reminded me more of the butterfly lady from the same anime
I hope we get atleast one hot monster with grab attacks
I will be left severely dissappointed if nothing tries to suck you off during the game.
See, this is the kind of shit I've been wanting to see. There's too many humanoids with weird faces and too little else so far.
I'm sorry, user. That's old concept art.
>io will never blush and smile and start rubbing your thigh
>ywn be a shota and have eva molest you
Thank God.
>he doesn't want eva to suck his tiny shota cock
>ywn do all your food prep on murasame's flat chopping board chest
Why even live
I wish the game had a hub where you can group with friends just like in MH.
... I didn't even know I wanted to do this.
Imaging the extra little saltiness from her skin.
u guys are weird
>Leave MC next to her for several minutes
>Io eventually leads the MC to one of the rooms in the back and falls asleep while cuddling with him
>shotafag calling anyone else a faggot
Fresh from the TGS.
I want to smell Eva's and Rin's armpits for completely different reasons. Eva will smell like a classy, clean woman. Rin will smell like a sweaty tomboy.
Eva smells like old people
I bet Coco smells like chocolate
how are poeple getting these angles? Is there a photo mode?
Io smells like Vanilla with a hint of orange peels
>you go down on coco
>she turns around because she likes oral from behind
>smells like fresh hot chocolate
I hope there are more clothing options.
I also hope the pc nude mods are going to be worth getting the steam version
Saw a Panther in the previous thread, decided to hop on and try something similar myself. I just wish the hair tufts didn't take up 8/12 the accessory space.
Same. I want; daily casual wear, dresses, winter clothing, hoodies, ect.
Sitting down gives you a lot more control over the camera.
>my pc sucks
>preordered the ps4 version
>will pirate pc version for nude mods anyway
this is the true meaning of killing bites
>weiss schnee becomes a vampire
Best rwby girl. Wouldn't say no
I've tried these angles and never got them
>Io was raped 5 minutes into the game and is "tired"
>everybody has vampire aids
>Io is confirmed final boss
Why would they do this anons?
>Io was raped 5 minutes into the game and is "tired"
we went over this, the mc was raped
Try both sticks.
Also the camera gets in front of obstacles so you can artificially zoom more.
>io raped
I got that vibe. But I also got the vibe that she went into it consensually as well
We already debunked the first, the second is true and the third is a fat fucking lie.
Io wasn't raped, and she's still pure
Ye it was consensual and only oral
Dude she got raped while you were out. It is why she was so tired. Thankfully she is too autistic to even know what happened.
Just finished the demo and had tons of fun right up until the last boss in the depths, I'm really sick of games "emulating" DS by just having tiny dodge windows and attacks that kill in 1 hit
looks like a slime girl
Show me the most edgy characters
if i can do it user then you can too
I did beat him user, I just didn't have fun
Then git gud at having fun. That boss is a blast once you learn his attacks.
She was tired because they made her carry your unconscious body all the way to jail
>He didn't see the boss list a few threads back.
Absolute brainlet.
it can't emulate ds because I don't believe you're getting one shooted unless it's the ridiculously telegraphed charge attack and your roll invencibility frames is way better
Shit I'm not him but don't post it I want to be surprised
>he doesn't know
based retard
So are there any armor elements in this game? When I get to play it, I want to make something of a vampire knight-themed melee character.
is there no breast slider? hoping im just missing it
Is this legit?
Like vampire knight the manga?
dunno, just use the shit user linked earlier in the thread or gmg if you want legit shit
CDKeys is legit. Bought a $40 code from them once, and it worked fine.
>as unmasculine as the boys are it's still impossible to make a trap because they're still too boyish
No. More like Warhammer Fantasy's Blood Dragon Vampires. Blood Knights to be precise.
Always check If you want legit sites.
It's 51$ on gamebillet which has been verified to be legitimate.
CDkeys "works" (I've bought from there before) but has never proven itself to not be using credit card scams to get keys.
Literally went through way too much shit in life.
He can still find power enough to smile.
Very noice
People that went through horrible shit and still be capable to feel something good are top tier.
her eyes look like cheese wheels
Someone edit in actual cheese wheels.
This knight becomes OoK in phase two. Stop jumping everywhere holy shit
Just block it, user
Nigga please the OoK took me multiple tries over three or four sessions. I beat the Queen's Knight within an hour of the first try.
Post some weapons not anime tiddies oof.
Potential spoilers - I did some USB stick fuckery and found this texture file. What could this be guys?
what an odd way to spell Io
>Mia Io Shit
Can't wait for that doujin
Successor of the Lung is a fat knight with a Jetpack.
This game is weird.
Looks pretty baller if you ask me.
looks fun, I hope we get his jetpack.
are you 14 years old
Its a chuuni game, fuck off with your age bullshit.
Ah, so that's the moose knight
you're in a thread about a game where you play anime vampires I don't know why you expected a high mental age from the people here
lol his name and design combined is a fat joke
I'm not any of those guys but the feel of this game is taking me back to when I was, so fuck you.
Now we just need to see the Successor of the Throat
Plasma Roar is horrible for filling the screen with shit
Just like my Maelstrom from the good old days
I hope this place isn't like Lost Izalith 2.0
Is there anything that resembles a suit?
>eva will never recline in a sofa crosslegged chatting with you and say "ara ara~" as she switches legs
Excuse me, I ordered a game about edgy vampires who dress like twats in a Mad Max setting. What the fuck is this moeblob doing here?
she's cattle
incest shotabait
He's just travelling with his sister, user. Not his fault he's comfy.
didn't even get to play the demo much
i am an idiot user pls forgive
Sorry, user, but some sins are unforgiveable
He's M*a's accessory.
Will there be more clothes in the final version? Also is there multiplayer or what?
yes and yes
We don't know yet, and yes.
Io's design is a bland pathetic attempt to attract the 2B audience. She's so boring and her eyes are lifeless and soulless.
You can literally make better waifus in her game, that's how shit she is.
>her eyes are lifeless and soulless.
yeah it's cute fuck off
Is he a shota vampire? Or the only human on the planet?
Definitely not the latter, there's a girl in some of the promo footage people are affectionately calling human-chan.
Io's design would be good if she was a loli
>the 2B audience
Im pretty sure shes supposed to be the opposite of Maiden in Black design wise.
How to spot a cuck
Woah your shit waifu has rape eyes, i bet you like slurping up tyrone's cum up too
You're the one projecting rape fantasies on to Io user.
You've been at this for days.
No one agrees with you.
You're an idiot and everyone knows it.
Give up.
Reminder that Io loves you
I love Mia___ tho
Fucking god damn it. I fucked up. Ignore. Check your posts before posting. I'm retarded.
I want to make food for Io AND Mia
>5 more hours until CV TGS
>my chest hurts
I don't think I'll make it bros
Why does your chest hurt user?
Dunno, probably lack of exercise or not enough sleep or some other physical reason.
I had that and needed vitamin D
How the fuck did a game with nothing but a character creator and 1 hour demo turn into a full blown autism general?
Complete with "xth for" cancer.
>nothing but cac
>1 hour
t. didn't even try the demo
I've beaten it 3 times. Once you know it, it's less than 1 hour of actual content.
I shudder to think of the autism that will spill forth from this game once it releases. Have some of you faggots honestly just been posting the same pictures of your characters over and over for the past week straight?
>Cute big tiddy vampfu who cares deeply about you
Fuck yeah I never expected to get into the waifu thing, but this feels pretty good.
why is she so tiny? is this a vore game?
You know the demo is short. What the fuck else are we going to talk about until the demo gets updated user? We've talked it all out.
Please post picutres of the weapon merchant girl.
Does this mean I will get a goth bf if I use the discord? :-)
Her name is Rin Murasame user.
I live the whole one eye being corrupted thing.
Any of the hundreds of thousands of other video games in the world? Any of the billions of other possible hobbies in life?
No? You rather just sit here and post the same image for the hundredth time, and look at the same images for the hundredth time?
So why are you on this website again?
Nigga we're excited for the game we want to enjoy things about it
I too wish people would stop posting the same 2 webms but there's not much else to post
And besides that people ARE discussing the game in these threads, but as mentioned it's a small amount of material to talk about
Stop getting buttmad and go to another thread if you hate it so much
I honestly don't understand the thought process of "here's a thread I know I won't like, better go tell them I don't like it"
You were that little faggot in school who walked up to the group of kids playing four square so you could tell them you don't wanna play four square weren't you
But people are excited about the game tho
I do this crazy thing where I go to different threads about different things. I don't just autisically sit in one place, posting "Xth for my waifu!", and then waiting for the next thread to be created, so that I can post "Xth for my waifu!" in that one too, repeat forever.
But hey, if you've found a comfortable rock, go ahead and eat your brain. I'm sure you weren't using it much.
I would pet her user, good work.
I'm sorry you don't like being comfy user.
>I do this crazy thing where I go to different threads and shitpost about them
How many of you guys entered the contest?
I do visit other threads user. 4chanx makes keeping track of threads that much easier. I even play Insurgency between my dumps of jp twitter images.
I'm bumping this thread so other anons notice the game and try it out.
I wish I could, but I'm PC
We all do that crazy thing probably, just like you're here now
>I'm sorry you don't have autism like me
Well alright pal. A year from now when you're STILL in these threads, STILL posting "Xth for my waifu!" every time I'm sure you'll still be having a great time.
what contest
I did with my edgyboy and broken neck girl.
Not that user but did this website for societal rejects full of autists start shunning actual autism? We make fun of eachother because we all understood we had problems. You are not supposed to shit on autism or board culture for real.
Fuck, did we become this mainstream?
I'm not american so I can't
late to the party, this game worth buying?
Generals were not Yea Forums culture until 3 years ago when a flood of newfags like you came to the site and ruined it forever. YOU, are the mainstream cancer.
Ttry the demo first user, then decide. I will buy it once payday comes up.
VG has been here since 2012 user.
Good point. Guess you should take the threads to /vg/ now. Goodbye.
Stay mad faggot
>haha I'm a cancerous newfag that breaks rules because the mods don't care any more and there's nothing you can do about it!
Well, I suppose you're not wrong. The site IS completely ruined now because of people like you. Congratulations, I suppose.
welp these threads are dead.
Why do you think v and vg split in the first place? This place has had generals for years.
Are you really this new?
And you know fully well that after a month or two these threads will be gone. Same thing happened to GE3. These franchises are too small to have a long term lasting impact.
I'll take this thread above whatever other off topic threads that get spammed on Yea Forums.
>Generals killed 4chins
>Not the million other off topic shit that gets posted everyday instead of video games
You've sat in these threads 24/7 for the last week straight based on nothing but character creator autism, because god forbid a picture of your shitty waifu ISN'T available on Yea Forums for most than 5 seconds.
You're the ones who should go to a discord. The entire point of autistically posting the same images over and over like these kinds of threads is because you want to be recognized in a consistent community instead of anonymous. You're literally avatarfagging.
The contest is America-only? I don't see that written anywhere on the website.
yes, there's link to rules on the bottom of the page
No seriously, why don't you just go to a discord if you hate the concept of anonymous posting so much?
Not that guy, but katawa shoujo general has been running on /vg/ for years. The size of the franchise doesn't matter, it's the size of the autism of anons that decide whether the general lives or dies.
>feeding the retard (You)'s
The worst walking animation ever.
>that tiny ass "official rules" at the bottom
No wonder I missed that. Oh well, I don't like Mia that much anyway.
there was an user in here last night making the same post every 15 minutes, something like "imagine waking up to Io's smile" and shit like that. it's so epic and random and hilarious XD
I find it cute, somehow.
Unfortunately I have to agree. It sucks because the walking animation while armed is really good. This one looks ripped straight out of an Illusion game. It's so ugly.
I wish I had that much free time on weekdays. I have only posted in yesterday nights and this one today. And I just dump twitter pics as I've said.
Cheer up user. Maybe you can calm down if you shitpost in another thread.
I forgot about them. But it's good to see that there is still a lot of dedication towards that game.
I liked the original demo we got. Does the new demo let you carry progress to the full game?
Well, that decides it, my first character will be a guy. Unless I happen to find a voice set for the female protag that is done by Laura Bailey, of course.
So far it looks like "no, but you can load your saved appearances."
Well you could enter anyway, worst case scenario you'll just dab on someone and stop them from winning
Only your character is gonna carry over
Oh man I love Io's smile user. These generals wouldn't be the same without him.
I've seen some JP's on twitter complaining about it. Sadly, they probably won't change it.
>laura bailey
>taking any role with less than an hour total of her talking
not likely user. you can preview all the character voices in the demo and none of them sound like her to me though, so
>eng dub
I hope you guys don't do this
Shame. Oh well, Vlad the Implier it is.
FeMC voice 6/7 is really cute, who is it? The one with the high pitch.
Eng dub Io for life.
I enter awoo hopefully that scores me some points with the jap judges.
i find that shit so pathetic and annoying. People think they're being funny but it's just really fucking gay and effeminate. sad you can't bully people over internet
I dunno; I don't think they've released the dub cast info yet. I could swear voice 3? is 2B.
Makes sense than Iofag is a dubfag
I really wish people would stop sucking Laura's dick for one moment.
>he said nothing about io
post it. I still can't find it.
He literally said "Eng dub Io " are you ok user?
Honestly same. She's a good actress, er, was, but now she's been in so much shit you can tell she's jaded and doesn't give a fuck about her roles anymore. She's just a selling name now, like sticking Ryan Reynolds into every movie ever after Deadpool.
Not her fault she happened to voice my favorite character of all time, Serah Farron. Also not her fault that her voice gives me eargasms.
Also, yes, I would suck the dick of a futa voiced by Laura Bailey.
No I am apparently not; I don't know how I misread it. My bad.
Just Ctrl+F "official rules" on the page and click on the link, user. It's not rocket science.
This right?
Because there's nothing on it.
New thread
how'd you make them so red/blue? skin color seemed rather limited
Good job user
Whens the new thread already I haven't posted my character in like 15 mintues.
>still seething
2.5 more hours until the update
New thread, get in vampires.
Io's boobs are too big
they hated jesus cause he told them the truth
user I'm an ass man and not normally into big boobs at all but I want to bury my face between Io's and just breathe slowly for hours.