Is it dead?

Is it dead?

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not entirely u can still find a game

no, albeit only chinks and very racist white people play it now

Not so long as you enter the code FREE SHIT.


seems like my kind of game

I saw something about them fucking up the aiming and walking, is it true and if it is what did they do

someone needs to do a sequel this shit was fun as fuck. it is an underutilized setting for multiplayer games. anyone remember this piece of shit?

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I do, yeah. Usually played the deputy.

Unfortunately, they didn't PASS THE WHISKEY

they added a fuckhuge delay to walking accuracy and added a right mouse aim mode that replaces fanning if you peak to be right or left handed
they also nerfed the shit out of crouch jumping
and they removed people dropping all guns on death a while ago
and they added a money system for the weapon chests
Christ this game just got worse with every update didnt it



It is dead for me, I refuse to play it after they broke it.

why do people do this shit

>game gets ruined by devs listening to retards
hmm where have I seen this before

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The Jagex version was shit from day 1 unless you meant to talk about stuff like the SMGs in the original

NO user you don't understand game has to evolve just like triple As.

This. Panicked gunswapping was kino.

wow just like the real wild west

>they added a fuckhuge delay to walking accuracy and added a right mouse aim mode that replaces fanning if you peak to be right or left handed
>doing anything means you can't even hit your target at point blank but if you aim with right mouse you can even jump and still hit your target dead on
They really didn't need to add that, game was fine the way it was.

*shits a random headshot at you while fanning*
nothing personnel desperado

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Best in the West?

The best thing about wild west games is that assault rifles weren't invented yet and once you take assault rifles out of the picture you suddenly get a ton of varied and fun player interactions.

Just look at how Fistful of Frags has dual wielding, fanning, people throwing axes at each other, people throwing barrels, people throwing empty guns instead of reloading them, jump kicks, shotguns that actually have an effective range of more than 6 inches, disarms, fisticuffs, it's complete insanity and I love it.


are people really interested in old west games?
should i make one?

>picking up empty weapons and throwing them at people
>knocking guns out of peoples hands and shooting them with it
>kicking people into fences or off cliffs
>kicking explosive barrels and people
melee combat in MP FPS is always a blast

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Yes, make a Fistful of Frags game in Unreal Engine.

>regular melee no longer disarm people
>now have to buy brass knuckles for the effect

I've been saying this in every fistful thread that appears, but the changes to shootout were the beginning of the end. Ryell is a fucking idiot of a dev, and killed something good.

basically this. in any modern FPS game the SMG are ARs are always the metagame

People who use hatchets are the same people who play Pyro in tf2
change my mind

any good weapons i should add?

And then people complain about how FPS games are homogenized.

No shit they're going to be homogenized when they're all designed around a gun that's hitscan, rapid fire, headshot capable, with a large magazine and effective and both long and short ranges.

>and they added a money system for the weapon chests

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So people can't just camp waiting for Walker and Sharps and have to actually participate in the game without OP weapons.

shootout already made their kill points worthless unless you managed to get 6+ kills in a row

this is the only fps I am good at. feels bad man

>implying people who use them care about meme points
I was once in Top 5, it was by far my biggest achievement in online shooters and I am so proud of it

Kill those gringos!


I played as a substitute on a competitive team a long time ago, I can’t even remember what the team was called.

Anyway the team won a grand championship or somehow like a year or two after I left and I just had golden guns one day because I guess they hadn’t taken me off their roster. It was pretty cool and I went around telling pretty I was a dev.

How do i improve upon the gameplay, aside from reverting it back to the original state before it got fucked up?

Only one server and its 4 team, I want 2 team godamnit.



so why dont we play it together Yea Forumsros?

Do you have a server set up?

What game mode does Comp FoF usually run?

no, but we can ALWAYS hijack an empty server

I'm game.

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Colt Single Action Army, LeMat Revolver, Colt Model 1839, 1855 Revolver Rifle, Henry Rifle, Spencer Repeating Rifle assuming the date and balance permits them

still going?

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I stopped playing when I realized there's no reason to use anything other than one handed Schofield

The day they nerfed the bow I quit
Dumb dev

>Cant start with dual Derringer

Goldeneye Source killed itself similarly by adding a shitload of delays when doing anything and making shots do no damage if you shoot too fast.

Halo sorta got around this by having the assualt rifles and SMGs shoot cotton balls. This is only an inherent problem in modern military arcade shit and is easily solved by going back to sci fi like most 90s shooters.

>time period
I'll just keep it generic wild west so anything can be put into the game no matter the date

>making shots do no damage if you shoot too fast
what? how?