Can't wait to sneak up on CV shitters and sink them

Can't wait to sneak up on CV shitters and sink them.
Fuck carriers.

Attached: wows-submarines-preview_feature.jpg (1920x1080, 359K)

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>fuck carriers
reminds me of the navyfield days where i would load a frigate up with AP rounds, then sneak around the border of the map at top speed. when i finally found a carrier i would park my boat on top of him like a somalian pirate. if anyone wanted to get rid of me they would have to fire a broadside into their own teams CV.

good times

Good, fuck carriers.

Not topic but all I want is a sid meirs pirates but battleships and stuff instead.

How about Sid Meier's Somali Pirates?

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Surcouf when?

Neat, I remember the jew in chief saying that they'd never add submarines. They must be running out of money :^)

Stopped playing after the carrier rework. Was a DD main and the playstyle just kept getting more boring and passive as stealth got stripped away. It's like they unironically want to return to the days of Shimas spamming torps from 20km. Waiting on subs because sadly they'll probably be the most aggressive class in the game due to how ass backwards half the mechanics are now.

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They can be the minor enemy AI NPC you get to kill to not make traveling in the seas boring

Surcouf when???

SSBN when

I'm looking forward to RUboats being best at everything that matters in the game.


Soviet has the best navy in WWII )))

workings as intended tovarish :^)

Wait they are actually adding submarines? When are they expected to be released? I might come back to this russian jew shit

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>u-96 as premium
Would buy

Some time next year probably. Maybeee christmas. They're doing a proper test this time in attempt to avoid the shit that happened with the carrier rework.

>Three nations will be the first to receive these stealthy combat machines, including:

>The United States: the Cachalot (Tier VI), Salmon (Tier VIII) and Balao (Tier X).

>Germany: the U-69 (Tier VI), U-190 (Tier VIII) and U-2501 (Tier X).

>USSR: the S-1 (Tier VI), L-20 (Tier VIII) and K1 (Tier X).


How the fuck are they going to handle the fact that submerged subs have absolute shit speed?
Insane concealability on the surface?

I haven't played since they added the british battleships so it's been awhile.

Soviet will be best, the only question is if burger or nazi botes will be worst.

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I can't get back into WoWS because the matchmaking just shits itself over once you get to Tier V. This protected matchmaking does not make sense if you're going to screw over Tier Vs big anyways

The same way they made destroyers viable, by throwing reality into the wind when convenient.

Well shit just watched the reveal trailer and there goes all my interest.
>no deck guns ever shown

I'm thinking Sovoks > Burgers > Krauts.
At least until Tier X. U-2501 is a wildcard, might be insanely OP or get completely shafted depending on Wargaming's whims.

Nazi botes must always be bad because otherwise more people will want to be Nazis. There are enough Wehraboos who play them despite them being shit but we mustn’t encourage more people to become Nazis by making them actually good.
t. Wargaming

>no deck guns ever shown
Shame. I'd actually get back into the game if we got the 6"-gunned American V-boats or the WW1 U-151.

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You know the German tier 10 is going to be garbage when the Soviet ship at that tier is some meme boat from 1936.

People still play this piece of shit?

what happened to carriers?

Holy shit. World of Warships is adding subs?
I might finally get into this shit.

It was a complete trainwreck. Balance was worse than before for at least 6 months.

yikes what the fuck were they thinking? i'd love to see the dick suckers on the forums that defended them for this

569 makes the contact and leads them
U-94 scores a kill in the dark
124 sinking 4 in 2 approaches
406 suffers failure on launch

Are you fucking serious?

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"We're gonna make a shipgame!"
>literally everyone
"Carriers will be a nightmare to balance, don't do it."
>WG, ten months later
"we're gonna.. uh.. rework them"
>WG, five months after that
And we're about to go through the exact. Same. Thing. With submarines.

>World of Torpedocraft
Zero arming distance torpedo destroyer shitters complaining about any other ship is always hilarious.
>complaining about CVs
I bet you're one of those retards that thinks he can go off on his own and try to rambo-mode an entire fleet, but cries like a bitch when he gets picked off by planes because he was too stupid to stay in range of cruiser AA.
CV planes get torn up so fucking easy now - no excuse to die to them anymore.

is this fun? or do I have to grind like a slave for new ships/tanks? I dropped war thunder because of that.

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100% slave grinding
dont bother

All games require grinding.

The grind is very tame by the standards of the soviet free 2 play games. By western standards it's pretty insane but not quite korea tier.

It's even worse than warthunder because there's less playerbase

Depends on what you consider fun, user. If it's critical to you to play VIII-X games, it's a crushing grind. If you're a man's man and think II-III destroyerbeats are the pinnacle of entertainment, it's ez and fast.

>'s even worse than warthunder
user, don't lie that blatantly on the internet.

This game is so grindy. I've been playing since it came out and only have one T10 and two T9s. How do people amass giant ship collections?

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Tier 2-3 is best tier.
I like playing St. Louis (I think that's what it was) with my 16 cannons.

This game isn't even grindy as you think it's probably the most accessable one by far

Honestly ive never touched this game as it doesn't seem balanced how i would have done it. This is the only game that really WWII naval combat in a MP game, i miss playing this game so bad man, and best of all no grind to use ships like the yamato or iowa

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Hello hello
Flamu here

Hell yes it was. What a fun, good ship. Low tiers in WoWS are as good as it gets. Everything goes totally to shit at VI and doesn't come back.


Preferred Pacific myself, but good taste.

My nigga

Subs were a horror story occasionally teased at by the devs as a joke. I remember someone on wowsg saying that subs killed steel ocean. Is that true?

>no japanese subs
>no surcouf
fuck russia

As someone who's never played the game before, what exactly did this change for the worse?

Is this game worth the time?
I have bad memories about grind in WoT but people say that ships is different.

the problem with pacific was that the MP maps had infinite ships that would be instantly replaced when sunk, made it spamy, midway's mp missions had much more limited resources and were varied, most assets not being replaceable. Also the damage control and aiming (no auto aim) was much better, pacific you just looked at your target and held down fire.

Still a good game but the MP was a downgrade.

People just don't like change.
Any response you get will be someone using hyperbole in reference to how effective the carriers are, because they likely just got blown up by a plane.
The usual "it's everything except me that's at fault" online arguments.

Before rework CVs have 3-4 squadrons they could control, and nuke half the map. But in the meantime AA actually worked and number of planes was limited, so it was possible to make CV useless.
Now CVs only have 1 squadron, but the planes are endless, and due to '''''rework''''' of AA it became totaly useless.
tldr CVs were shit before rework, but somehow WG managed to make them worse

Looking forward to IJN being worst at everything that matters in the game. Oh wait.

Russia has subs during WWII?

The soviets captured a few yugo sub and accidentally sunk one while they were using it themselves.
The game will probably even give pan-asia subs too since Thailand had some

AA is significantly better now, priority sector changes have fixed most of the issues I had with airpower.

Cruisers in particular are much better, american cruisers are nearly impossible to attack from the air

Why is there no game like this that isn't some grindy F2P multiplayer game? Naval combat is cool.

I've played the old Battlestations games, but they're pretty unpolished and feel clunky at this point.

Hahaha this game is still a thing?

Literally the most autistic and pathetic community I've ever seen. I used to play with the player who had the highest stats and most knowledge about that game and everyone was obsessed with him because they were jealous, which forced him to hide his stats because they wouldn't stop harassing him.

>priority sector
Can you explain? I just come back.

Wargaming is a Russian company. They kept telling everyone "we're developing a new gameplay for carriers" for over three years. In reality, they only spent three months and they didn't bother testing it. The new gameplay was meant to balance carriers and make it fair, but it made carriers overpowered and godlike. When they released the update, they got complaints from 90% of the server.
