Games with this feel?

Games with this feel?

Attached: 1558003791753.png (900x1200, 1.74M)

why is her head so small


So is it supposed to represent a heaven you will never reach? Or how in even the worst world there is good?

100% certain that a Korean drew her without even knowing the source. Koreans draw small heads and super high up waists. Look how close her waist is to the bottom of her tits.

It supposed to represent humanities triumph over all know odds thy have ever faced

This is disgusting

Okay I fucked up it was a nip not a gook. brb sudoku

This gives me some Warhammer vibe, imagine the emperor of mankind got pranked

Unironically: Bayonetta.

I thought it was some chaos shit at first until I clicked it

Sort of Nocturne although it has less tit emphasis. Kind of reminds me of Soul Sacrifice too

Attached: nocturne.jpg (800x536, 188K)

Mighty Pauldrons

looks more like a pranked Nurgle.

this sort of. nothing really comes to mind. 95% of games today fucking suck

It's just a thicc anime girl with demons and shit. Never read too much into something designed by a chinese artist, they aren't capable of more than symbolism.

Makes the body look beefier, More "heroic.
Also you as a viewer are looking up so it might be for purposes of scale.

Attached: idealic.jpg (600x621, 88K)

It's not, it's the rest of her that's big

It's just some chink mobile mmo artist drawing something to jerk off to.

Wow her head/face ruins this.

Attached: twitch stream 2019.webm (1920x1080, 2.7M)

Darkest Dungeon, probably just because of the jagged thing hovering over her head.

Would be hotter with actual curves

Why are Koreans so unattractive?

They don't have Taiwanese genes unlike the Japanese.

Me on the left

For a dance like that to be effective, the female needs curves..... and, well... not be shaped like a plank.


>left: nord cuck
>mid: anglos
>right: chad med

amerilards detected

Attached: dumpster dive.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

for your small peepee LOL

Is that his nut sack hanging out of his shorts, or does he have a tumor on his left leg?

Attached: 1566660512382.jpg (750x911, 44K)


he's just that fat user, his leg has its own rolls.

These are the people the rest of the US population wishes didn't exist

Haven't actually played 3 but I've played 2. Is diablo 3 worth it or should I just go with PoE?