Why does he make people mad, Yea Forums? He's the nicest guy around

Why does he make people mad, Yea Forums? He's the nicest guy around

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I don't see anyone who even cares, they're too busy hyped over a meme tumblr skeleton.

Nobody is mad though

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The real reason is coz nintendofags think he stolen the place of some other bing bong wahoo character like Geno or waluigi. That's why they're mad.

They'll come up with excuses but this is the truth.

He doesn’t, he just got overshadowed by memes so hard that people have to pretend everyone’s mad about his inclusion while most people are completely indifferent.

Nobody's mad about Terry, just indifferent. He's a character I don't think anyone minds being around, yet nobody asked for or has a strong attachment to. Even for people who really like KoF, those games have tons of characters so everyone's going to have a different favorite. Lots of them are iconic too. Instead of Terry they could've gone with Ryo, Kyo, Iori, Athena - but it doesn't matter. In any case, most people would go "okay neat" and look past them to the next reveal.

He's not interesting in the context of Smash and his niche is already filled.

Meme loving fucks are mad that they can't recognize this character and use it as ammo for their shitposting in taiwanese or american image/bulletin boards.

And also there's some idiots who really wanted indie reps, their leakfaggotry to be true, or worse, an Overwatch rep THAT SOON.

Ill admit that I didn't really care for him. But then I decided to look into his history and I feel like he does earn his spot in the roster

Reminder that KOF inspired Sakurai to turn his prototype game into a crossover, that Terry, as the main protag of the oldest series that's part of KOF (Fatal Fury), deserved that spot and that meme furry tumblr skeleton is only a costume and will never be an actual rep no matter what they pretend.

Only zoomer trannys hates him. If your age is more than 25 you clearly know who the fuck is he and how big was SNK in arcade world.

We got Andy on Smash, too? Based!

Because nice guys finish last.

I'm older enough to remember when Capcom vs SNK was announced and everybody was like WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS HAPPENING!

He's no one's favorite character from no one's favorite fighting game on no one's favorite 90's console.
I'm not mad.
I'm confused.

They're upset that their character didn't get in, same reason every character who gets in gets shat on. Everyone else ranges from "Eh" to "WOO YEAH!!". I'm really happy he's here.

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Could you repeat that? Can't hear you over the sounds of Latinos sharpening their machetes and shivs

My latino friends were like "oh cool" at best and one of them was even pissed because he spent money on the pass and got a character he actively hates. I dunno why he hates him, didn't ask.

this, they announced another round of dlc anyway so there's nothing to get mad about anyway.

So we can all agree that slotfagging is way worse than rosterfagging?

I don't have any interest in the character itself as of now but I'd rather have a new punchy guy than another DLC sword user

Honestly anything is better than another fucking FE rep. Smash 4 should have been called Fire Emblem Battle Royale Featuring Mario

He looks and probably plays like a character who is already in. He's redundant

Fighting game characters are the least interesting thing you can put in Smash also. They already come from 2D puncho-kicko games; it's not much of an homage to their series to put them in Smash, it's just sticking the character in. Ryu and Ken are the most soulless characters in Smash, and now Terry is joining them.

I'm hoping that FE finally selling really well with 3H means we'll get less FE charity picks but we'll probably get one of the new lords or the MC from 3H anyway

Smash adds characters that wouldn't typically work in a fighting game (shit like Waku Waku aside), that's the appeal. Ryu and Ken were more than enough to fill the "fighting game guy" trope.

The Smash series is so saturated, or rather downright infested, with FE advertising now that any future FE reps added to Ultimate should be free DLC.

They're jealous that the character they wanted didn't get in instead.

>oh my god, there's three fighting game characters out of 80+, it makes me shart myself into a faggot frenzy

>his niche is already filled
What niche is that?

Fighting game character with a copy-and-pasted moveset from their game of origin.

Are "niches" now the newest rule rosterfaggots have created? Duck Hunt filled the niche of "mammal with bird friend where both work together to fight", so why do we need Banjo? Mario fills the niche of "human character who punches and kicks and uses fire" so why do we need Captain Falcon?

I dunno man. I was answering for the other guy because it seemed obvious what he meant; I don't subscribe to this new rule.

he could play way differently from ryu and ken. just use a little imagination in that there meatbrain of yours.

Think of KoF's dodge mechanic, super meter shit, and he possibly could be a hardcore command input only character. where his A and B are punch and kick, not attack and special.

No no no he's Ken with a hat he does the exact same things in the exact same ways Yea Forums would never lie to me and I can't be assed to do some research.

>Meanwhile smashfags think this is ok

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They are okay because Fire Emblem is an awesome series that is still selling well.

>all fighting game characters play the exact same.

its clear you've never touched one, please tell me the similarities between Fei Long and Iron Tager, i'll be right here.

i know someone is going to shitpost about bad sales in the past, but that doesn't quite matter now because it is selling well in the present.

So basically smashfags are retarded faggots making arbitrary rules that they themselves don't follow when it's not convenient.

Why do people associate Undertale with tumblr or SJWs?

not really. most smashfags hate the fact that there are too many fire emblem characters

Tfw people don't even care about Terry, so now I have to make a video explaining why he's relevant. For fucks sake.

>smashfags complain endlessly about FE swordies
>"they think it's ok"

People hate that he, like them, has brain damage.

Exactly, we've been doing that since Melee and we'll keep doing that when sakurai puts in garbage like Hat Ken.

why do they make the males so pretty looking but the females so ugly?
is fe really a fujo series at this point?

Uneducated masses.

i think it's fine. the only one who is redundant is chrom or lucina. one of the 2 would be fine but not both

I want him to abuse my boipussy

>Male Morf
>Fire Morf
>Dad Morf
>Strong Morf

I guess Corrin and Robin can get a pass (in spite from being from the shittiest games in the series), but still.

Obscure characters are great when they're actually interesting.

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I bet you think he plays like a shoto

>meanwhile people ask for characters who are literally bread and butter shotos

undertale has tumblr aesthetics. that skull character is obviously straight up calarts.

>meanwhile people ask for characters who are literally bread and butter shotos

Such as?

Mai and Iori. Really, Orochi Kyo and K' are the ones who aren't.

What is NOT tumblr and SJW shit about this game? Literally everything caters to that crowd, from the piss easy gameplay to shitty aesthetics to cringy story, dialogue and "humor".

I know he doesn't play like a shoto, I used to watch my dad play '98 as a kid. I tried it again recently then watched footage of his moveset in the newer games, he's objectively boring.

>he's objectively boring.
That's most of the roster

nah boring shit are melee finals

>why do they make the males so pretty looking but the females so ugly?

because you're gay, they all have pretty much the same face

>We get capcom vs SNK 3 in an Nintendo game

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Don't know never cared to play the game. I always see it praised so much but always just assumed it was like any other old indie game people hype up.

>SNKfags still obsessed over CVS

Move on and enjoy Terry in Smash.

what are you even off about?
I'd like a new CVS but I don't mind terry being in smash.

I'm so glad to see Terry Bogard get justifiably represented in Smash. He deserves it. Whiny little teenage zoomies can suck it lol.

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What's wrong with that. Cvs3 is way overdue. Meanwhile we already got 3 Capcom vs marvel games with the last one sucking ass.

i wanna rub his titties

Guess I'll have to fix the mess that Terry started.

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>capcom vs SNK 3
4, actually. Tekken 7 got Akuma and Geese first.

All Marvel crossovers sold better than the crossovers with SNK. That's why there's multiple crossovers with Marvel and not SNK.

>What's wrong with that.

I'd rather see SNK make their own games and build up their own brand again than suck Capcoms dick for CVS3.

Not to mention CvS actually killed SNK.

Zoomers who aren't old enough to remember when King of Fighters was at its peak in popularity and refuse to do even 10 seconds of research are pretty mad though.

Zoomers want retarded characters like indies.

Rent free

>I’m an expert on what latinos think because I have a couple latino friends

You people obsess WAY too much about what other websites think about games.

Ryu and Ken are boring, generic karate fags, atleast Terry is fun to play as and has a personality unlike those 2 faggots from Street Fighter.

Not my fault anything dumblr likes is shit.

What is the best Fatal Fury game Yea Forums?

Garou or RB2

Isabelle stole the slot of literally anything fucking else with the concept of Echoes introduced and you can't make me think otherwise.

Tumblr likes a lot of what Yea Forums likes, including breathing and eating, so you'd better stop doing those if you don't want to be a hypocrite.

We all do.

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incels seething over chad duh

explain the other thread full of angry people then

It's Yea Forums, every thread is filled with angry bitchbabies because that's Yea Forums culture. Internet hate machine, we do not forgive we do not forget, we are legion, etc.

>You can love or hate basic vital functions

You're a contender for most retarded post of the day, go sleep on a highway.

You people claim to be against everything other websites are for, so why aren't you against breathing and eating?

why do Terry and Ryo job so much in KoF?

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Fire Emblem and Pokémon could disappear and Smash wouldn't change too much. casuals would bitch about their JIGGLYPIKAMEWTWOOOOO but otherwise nothing of value would be lost.

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>Sakurai made Smash Bros so people can have an easier time
>Implying Hat Ken -isn't- going to be dumbed down into Shoto territory at the bare fucking minimum for 'complex' inputs.

everyone knows he will have inputs you dumbass

>dumbed down to shoto territory

you do realize he isn't a shot because of his stuff outside of his specials right

he'll never be a shoto no matter how much you try to force it
you'll realize just how stupid you are come november

"Hat Ken" is the new MAGA, an instant admittance that someone is stupider than shit.

>This isn't the timeline where Terry is in Tekken and Geese is in Smash

huh, it is true, Terry's rushdown style fits Tekken

what kind of nickname would retarded smashbabs give Geese out of anger?

swordless marth
counter falcon

Weeb Ken You did say retarded smashbabs

True, but Geese is in Tekken because Harada loves the character and literally said he wanted to see the Mishima family get fucked up by Geese "I-killed-my-wife-but-wasn't-a-bitch-about-it" Howard.

can't wait for famitsu column regarding terry

Harada's just pretty based in general desu, but Geese was a masterpiece.

It's a western indie game

Isn't Geese too OP in Tekken?

not anymore, he still really good though

>What is NOT tumblr and SJW shit about this game?

no obnoxious politics. isn't that the defining aspect of sjws

>no obnoxious politics
Tell that to the fanbase

>no obnoxious politics

Is anyone else thinking one of his gimmicks will be proximity normals?

He could have some insane combo potential if they focused on that and letting him keep his input shenanigans.

>rosterfags complaining about a character they don't know getting in
>buy real bout fatal fury special after terry's announcement
>it's the most fun I've ever had with a traditional fighting game

Isn't this the point of Smash to begin with?

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>Rising Taco
>Charge Motion

I understand that you could just down+b it, but I'm not looking forward to doing a charge motion online if I want extra damage.


because no, they're not okay


>Charge Motions Mandatory
>Smash Bros
INSTANT LOW TIER unless that shit hits for like 90% raw Or they get with the fucking program and do what KI did and just make inputs +button instead of charge autism

It’s a dp motion in the older games, I don’t think they’ll do charge moves in smash.

They could make it a DP motion like how it was 98 but then he couldn't have his power dunk.

I mean, thinking about his moveset, would he get Power Dunk or the slide kick that he had in the RBFF games?

I wanted Iori
Nakoruru would have been fine too

Considering the collab is
>Fatal Fury
and not KoF, he'll probably have the slide kick. Maybe Power Dunk as a normal?

Smash was a fighting game for characters without fighting games.
Any other character that came from a fighting game needs to stop diluting the pure comfy gene pool.

Yes. The point of Smash is having fun with other games.

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Now THIS is autism.

based retard

So then what IS the appeal? The balanced move sets? The well placed hit boxes?

How nice is Terry?


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I would've liked Iori but Nakoruru is wack, not a fan of her hit and run playstyle. Also don't want a repeat of KOF14 vanilla where's she's busted.

wow must suck knowing all the cameos in your shitty party game are from real fighting games with actual credibility

The fun of having Ryu and Terry fight Bayonetta, Yoshi, Cloud, Pikachu, etc and watching other characters fighting on their home stages.


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> Terry is fun to play as and has a personality unlike those 2 faggots from Street Fighter.
That is a mexican meme, more people in the world can reckognize ryu and ken and be familiar with their moves than Terry. Terry has a personality? he looks all generic to me, if somebody tells me that design belongs to a trucker character I would believe it.

>muh mexicans
Mexican fightfags are into fighting games, not Smash. They like Iori and Kyo over Terry and they're all arcade boomers who are already married and working so no new interest is being generated by this shit reveal.
Did we see a lot of new Ryu players when he came out for smash 4? Fighting game players just aren't interested.
We should've gotten nako, iori or mai instead of this.

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We get it, you didn't get Master Doomguy, Waluashley, or Steve Bandicoot so you're extremely upset.

Put "fuck niggers" in the descriptions while you're at it.

Smashkiddies don't know about Sakurai's fcg histroy

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I can't see Power Dunk being a normal. It could be relegated to the weird input that it has in RBFF2

And while it is a collab with Fatal Fury, that level is from KOF and they used KOF as the opening setpiece for his trailer so I wouldn't put it past them to use his KOF moveset as material.

If he got in then I'd actually be worried Sakurai was plagirising my wishlist for Smash.

I don't see a lot of pacman and still I think it was a good addition, he deserved to be there. I think Terry deserved to be in smash in some point, same with any tekken character.

Saying Terry is more fun to play and have a personality unlike ryu and ken is false, fatal fury games didn't so well compared to street fighter and street fighter had way more influence and representation in culture and media.

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because they were the protagonists in their own games. Terry in Fatal Fury and Ryo in Art of Fighting.

Do you know everybody? Or are you just projecting your opinion and your experience on all of this?
I know him & I know that some of my cousins are cheering about his inclusion.
Of course you're confused.

>SNK ironed ton of mechanics for fighting games.
>Fatal Fury Special introduced the concept of guest characters on fighting games with Ryo.
>Whole inspiration for smash came from KOF.
>Nuh no Hat goomba deserves more than Him.

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>expecting smashfags to know shit about fighting games even when they're desperate to be considered a part of the FGC

Smash kiddies are the most ignorant and entitled fan base on the internet. They shit on fighting games one second then throw hissy fits when one of their games doesn't make it to the EVO main stage.

It saddens me Inceniroar and Joker got stickies but not an actually good character

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Nothing to cope, it's one DLC character I don't care about.

It should’ve beenwaluigi. Sakurai really needs to stop teasing us and just tell us if he’s playable or not

Bruh he's an assist trophy, I think they've been plenty clear on if he'll be playable or not.

Joker's announcement was out of left field and the Incineroar sticky was more about containment for muh Grinchfags than anything else.

Terryfags are actually civil so they didn't need a containment thread.

After killing the man who murdered his father, Terry adopts the man's son so he wouldn't become an orphan like Terry was.

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Shh, don't try to make Yea Forums understand that video games are supposed to be played and be fun!

Let's give you some ideas for Elite Smash (and show whiney zoomies who's boss) :


So whose body will 4-Star Geese posses?

Dude, the first game subtitle is Fatal Fury: The King of Fighters. That's the name of the tournament that Terry enters to defeat Geese. Fatal Fury 2 is another KOF tournament too. Only after that the tournament became it's own game.

He is.

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it's funny that some of those meme skeleton hypers try to flex on terry using said meme skeleton
so i don't know what's this "who even cares", it's just hiding bitter jealousy that terry's not a mii costume and meme skeleton is

Probably Ganondorf.

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>these FE swordies had ruined fighting games
So if you main one of these, does that mean you're autistic?


Mfw because of Lucina/Chrom and Corrin, we will never get a cool FE character in Smash ever again.

Never even understood why in Smash 4 some complained Marth, Ike, Lucina and Robin were too much.
Roy was mostly good because he was wanted from Melee, so most were okay with it, but then Corrin fucking happend

A Ninja Gaiden stage has the potential to be great or a nightmare or both.

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undertale has (buzzword) aesthetics. that skull character is obviously straight up (buzzword)

>ridley is just purple charizard
>banjo is just duck hunt dog
>luigi is just green mario
>daisy really is just peach
>dark pit is just pit
>lucas is just ness
>falco is just fox
>wolf is just fox
>lucina is marth
>chrom is marth
>roy is marth
>pichu is just pikachu
>young link is link
>toon link is link
>sans is just mii gunner
now before you go "BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW THEY TOTALLY PLAY DIFFERENTLY" in your head, keep in mind i already knew you were going to say that
i also am aware a lot of you were like "rosalina is just peach why do we need space peach"
you guys are so easy to read

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Besides awesome music, I honestly don't know what to expect from his stage. Maybe Hayabusa village? We could even have Momiji training in the background.

hat ken

Discord trannies.

Will we ever get a sword fighter that's not a pretty boy, something that looks like Conan (the barbarian)?

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This, Hat Ken.

discord trannies want Terry's dick inside their butts

Yea Forums is mostly children who are in their "rebellious" phase, so even though many posters try and act like they are aloof and above [insert website with broad crossover appeal with Yea Forums like Reddit, Tumblr, etc] they desperately search for the approval of others. This is also seen when people complain about "Calarts", all it show is that they don't really know anything about animation at all. "Calarts" style used to be edgelords complaining about "Hey Arnold" for fucks sake. Its just edgy children repeating things they heard other edgy children say in an attempt to seem "with it".

so you would say these new Yea Forums types are fighting the battle of who could care less?

Does Nightmare from Soul Calibur count as a pretty boy? He might have a chance.

Holy fuck, reminder that the people who came up with this phrase were stereotypical neckbeards who thought Guy Fawkes masks, pretentious lines like "we do not forget. we are legion" and presenting themselves as faceless guys in black suits was unironically cool.

It'll be some fucked up train tracks with birds and ninjas constantly spawning to murder you.

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Geralt may have a chance.

Just pick Simon and be happy.

Pretty much. It's just kids acting out in the dumbest way possible. Forums can be fun, but laughing at goofy tryhard children learning to express themselves never stops being amusing. Most of them will hopefully grow out of it eventually though, so you can't get too upset with them.

You are talking to the same fags who want pointless shit like Dixie Kong or Bandana Dee rather than fitting 3rd parties.

people are indifferent about this because all of them wanted kula diamond

Gay characters, literally in order to defeat 2 gay guards without killing them you have to make one of them drop his armor and later pat his nude pecs so the other one get jeleous and they end up coming out of the closet and going to a date

Aside the obvious Kurikinton and Geese Ni, what else they can shove on soundtrack?

I'm really itching for london march.

>That one frame of nipple
Obari, you are a god and I hate that you aren't in the industry anymore.

this, sports team theme, '96 ikari team theme, and all the saxophones

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Now I remember what these threads remind me of

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Can't see it, he's technically a book character.

Normies know Simon, relative to vidya.

Thats have nothing to do with SNK. CAPCOM did the damn game on top of not being a character/team theme.

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I guess you mean the hentai industry? Because he's still making robot porn in Gundam and such.

Ouch, I hope history doesn't repeat on this one, since the Belmont's turned out to be kind of low-mid tier. Come on Terry, be high tier at least and have a decent recovery.

Marth, Ike, and Robin are perfect. The others can take a hike.

homosexuals begone.

I hope Terry is S tier just to piss off all the Smash fans that didn't want him.

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If he has Max mode or Desperation on top of Smash's rage system then he will be. I can see people getting comboed all the way to the edge and crack shoot spike, or Power Geyser off the top even at 60% and it will be endless complaining. Won't matter if Rising Tackle is one of the worst recoveries in the game, when the man takes two stocks just because he got to 80% damage.

who could be mad about this


Need the obligatory AOF theme.

max mode is kof, he is repping fatal fury
ignore that he has a kof stage
it is more likely he will either have a high percent (low life) dm thing or s/p-power
probably a break on a move like power dunk

He's not a pretty boy but i wish for something that actually feels like a gladiator of sorts, nightmare looks like a straight up demon, which could be cool too but it doesn't fill that need.
Geralt could be cool
I have been but the feeling of playing a manly swordsman is still unfulfilled

I'm pretty sure he going take some jabs from KOF rather than be 100% from FF.

I mean, Ryu isn't just lifted from SF2.

>Terry has TOP from Garou
I'd nut

Oh you know why

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>max mode is kof, he is repping fatal fury
>ignore that he has a kof stage
Fatal Fury IS King of Fighters, that's the name of the tournament in the story before it became it's own game.

Tekken is a game for bad dads like Heihachi, Kazuya, Geese. Smash is a game for wholesome good dads like Terry, Bowser, and Chrom.

theres not enough assholes that like terry to cause a problem

>Terry has the Line Battle System

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what if he had faint cancels

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>Sakurai gives him Just Defend
>Each sucessful parry heals you

ryu doesn't use any of his crossover moves, though
i mean otherwise he'd be using beam hadoken from maaaahvel instead of regular shinkuu hadoken as his fs
hell, fatal fury is a series, not one game, i just told you different mechanics from parts that aren't in other parts
s/p-power aren't available in anything before real bout fatal fury, but it still retains low life moves, for example, real bout was the first time fatal fury used a separate meter for what are basically super moves
garou mark of the wolves keeps s/p-power and break but it takes away the one thing that fatal fury stood out for, which is multiplanes, but what you got instead was just defend and TOP
fatal fury also used hops before kof did, starting in fatal fury 3 which came out in 95, the first time hops were used in kof was 96, so even kof takes from fatal fury (whodathunk)
common misconception, fatal fury or garou densetsu (餓狼伝説) was given the subtitle of king of fighters in america because of feminists suing nra over ar15s and was also known as doki doki panic 3 in japan
the actual original subtitle from japan is shukumei no tatakai (宿命の闘い), which translates roughly to "fight of fate"
NOOOOOT king of fighters
now did it probably inspire the name for the upcoming crossover series in 94? sure, probably did
but japanesewise, it was never the official kof

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Why does power wave look unsafe on hit in Garou. Was he really that shitty in his own game?

What century are you in?

Nobody likes a nice guy

Power wave never have been exactly safe.

the first video, that's the kof96 fireball that they kept in other games for a while, but it does a kd on hit so it's not really unsafe on hit
but normally you wouldn't throw the traveling power wave that's for his normal moveset like that in someone's face or even midscreen outside if it would actually combo and it has enough pushback that they can't do anything unless in the corner maybe, your tactic from farther away is to either make your opponent block it so you can approach or have them jump over and you can nail them on their approach with something like burn nucko or you throw them out of their roll
don't ask me to detail that strategy tho cuz i don't even play terry

The present one.

Gundam Build Divers (TV) : Storyboard (OP), Unit Director (OP), Animation Director (mecha; ep 6), In-Between Animation (ep 6), Key Animation (OP; 5 episodes)
Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE (ONA) : Action Director
Gundam Build Fighters (TV) : Storyboard (OP1; ep 23), Unit Director (OP), Animation Director (Mecha; eps 7, 15, 23), Key Animation (OP; 5 episodes)
Gundam Build Fighters Try (TV) : Storyboard (OP1), Unit Director (OP1), Animation Director (Mecha; 4 episodes), Key Animation (OP1; 6 episodes)
Gundam Build Fighters Try Island Wars (special) : Key Animation
Gundam Build Fighters: Battlogue (ONA) : Director, Key Animation (eps 1-2, 5)


Mobile Suit Gundam AGE (TV) : Storyboard (OP3), Unit Director (OP3), Key Animation (OP2, OP3, OP4; ep 49)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (TV) : Storyboard (ep 3), Animation Director (Mecha; 4 episodes), In-Between Animation (ep 21), Key Animation (OP1-2; 5 episodes)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (TV 2) : Storyboard (ep 18), Animation Director (Mecha; 5 episodes), 2nd Key Animation (ep 3), Key Animation (OP; OP1-2; 7 episodes)
Moldiver (OAV) : Animation (OP), Key Animation (ep 4)

Ryu (and Ken)'s aerial special cancels is basically a Marvel mechanic, and Sakurai outright mentioned the Capcom vs. series for it IIRC

The japanese title doesn't matter, the game story IS about the King of Fighters tournament. So is Fatal Fury 2. They got a Fatal Fury story element and made a bigger game after it.
So FF = KOF.

Why does terry have a little nigger on his shoulder

Terry grew up on the streets, he's got to know a few.

>Ryu (and Ken)'s aerial special cancels is basically a Marvel mechanic, and Sakurai outright mentioned the Capcom vs. series for it IIRC
it's not really something you can avoid in smash anyway, but the only thing he did in the air special wise in marvel that wasn't already in sf2t was the hadoken because he never did shoryuken in air, and focus attack wasn't in mahvel ever so doing it in air takes from nothing
so as much as sakurai can say vs series gave him an air hadoken, you can't really say anything for srk or fa, it's just the circumstance of smash in the end
and even for terry, he has never been in a vs game where he could do something like air power wave or air any of his other specials for that matter, what are you gonna do with that?
k believe what you want then, japan doesn't matter etc ignoring it's a localization thing etc

>k believe what you want then, japan doesn't matter etc ignoring it's a localization thing etc
Explain this screen from the original Japanese arcade version them. Or the Japanese manual for the home version, I'm sure you read them, right?

Attached: fatfury1.png (1440x1080, 190K)

k you're right, i even checked the manual
but they're touting him as garou densetsu/fatal fury, not kof
kof as a series rather than ingame tournament
stuff people are thinking they're gonna give terry like hd cancels is not reflective of fatal fury at all
hell it's barely even reflective of standard kof, that kind of thing only really exists in three games and that's out of 14 mainline games
don't expect hd cancels
expect breaks at best for move cancels, and most likely just moves that are breakable

That's what I had in mind.

Attached: terry_SSBU_moves.png (2368x1543, 785K)

Is pranked Terry being added?

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I thought it was SVC (SNK vs. Capcom) that started SNK's downfall.

Attached: Ryu-snk-stand.gif (55x105, 14K)

That's Ukee, SNK's old mascot who use to appear on loading screens. We still get him, or at least a monkey on SNK loading screens sometimes.

I like this, but I'd still want the lane system represented in some way. Even if he just gets a really big dodge

It was piracy that killed SNK.

imo needs braking from motw on his power dunk

But people have been "pirating" SNK games since the early 90's, why wasn't it killed earlier?

the 2 sales they got on their expensive console couldn't cover them for longer than that

The internet.

>that misshapen chest

you have a tumor in your left chest Terry

this kind of reminds me of that captain america by rob liefeld

it is honestly jaw dropping Terry out of everyone is "obscure", you all keep posting generic waifus from generic game n°3848903227# STILL, you don't know who Terry fucking Bogard is

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Forget it user, it's Yea Forums.

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Okay, what SNK rep would you prefer?

90% of the people on this board won't get that reference.

You just might be on your first step to discovering that not everyone likes the exact same things you do and in this specific case most people don't. If someone doesn't give a fuck about getting in depth into the fighting game genre they have extremely little avenue to know about KoF despite its relative popularity in the fighting game bubble.

I refuse to believe this, I refuse to believe in a videogame board people don't know what is arguably the second biggest fighting game franchise ever

Yea Forums sperged out over Dragon Quest getting in and called it a literally who franchise
These are the people you're dealing with

>It was piracy that killed SNK.
SNK says it was piracy that killed them, but I suspect it was their costly god-tier sprite work that bankrupt them.

Attached: marco-ngbc-super.gif (320x192, 130K)

>solid character
>people cry because it's not genie

Zoomers have no soul and therefore can't appreciate soulful character picks.

KoF XIII's sprites almost bankrupted them again. The insane production cost of those game sprites and XIII's low sales was not enough to break even. Probably why they went with 3D models in XIV.

Attached: KoF XIII concepts.png (700x2287, 848K)

Smash is arguably the second biggest fighting game dude. Followed by Mortal Kombat. Followed by Tekken. Followed by Soul Calibur. Followed by Dead or Alive. In comparison KoF isn't even at evo. You have to go deeeeep into the genre to find KoF. And it isn't a genre many people want to go deep into, which is okay.

>Soul Calibur. Followed by Dead or Alive
literally WHO franchises

Smash isn't a fighting game.

they are so fucking ugly, it deserved the flop

The niches is Mexicans and Chinese

Attached: KoF XIV sprites.png (562x712, 162K)

every single one looks far better on the left, except for Leona

It got popular, Yea Forums loved the game when it came out.

>second biggest fighting game franchise ever
Isn't that Mortal Kombat?

Why the fuck they didn't put him in the Character art, it was really nice how every character got a mascot until Terry

this is why I said arguably, the three biggest ones are SF, kof and MK
imagine thinking anyone but obese weebs care about fucking soul calibour

Attached: Terry_Rock_Ukee.png (800x800, 453K)

Terry plays way different than Ryu/Ken. People saying Terry is Ken with a hat know nothing about arcade games.

You forgot Tekken.

I want Garou 2 just to make sure Ukee is still okay

That's not true at all, Mexico a country in wich Niuntendo consoles always sold more than the competence (the Wii U sold better in Mexico compared to the Xbox and PS4)

Smash is also the best selling game in almost any store, hell the Best Smash Player in the World is Mexican, and a Mexican channel in Mexico runs Smash tournaments

How long do monkeys even live? He could have died of old age.

Is there a longer version of this song?

Didn't they say he ran away?

Teasing on what? he was deconfirmed in the first E3

Okay. Then the second biggest is Mortal Kombat.

Not really. Soul Calibur is not only at evo so even very shallow fighting game fans would know about it, but it's one of very few games with a 98 on metacritic, the second highest score. Dead or Alive is the border of literally who territory, but it actually sells millions so people are buying it, also in my subjective experience it's more widespread than kof for sure there's threads for it every day on here always.

I got you.

Attached: terry-bogard-snk40th-illustration-by-eisuke-ogure.jpg (811x811, 337K)

I feel like if he was a newcomer then his reception wouldn't have been as harsh. Having to pay for a character that only a small percentage of the fanbase of this game is probably what's triggering people. That or they still think that a literal who like Terry wasted a DLC slot.

Nigga, the King of Fighters tournament started with Fatal Fury. Theres a reason the first KoF is called King of Fighters 94 because the story of the game is that this year's KoF tournament will be a team tournament not that its the first KoF tournament.

He is in only because Mexicans buy all of the fuckin neo-releases on the Switch, they were apparently the best selling iteam on the console until Hollow Knight came out.

Also, expect Hollow Knight because of that

keep up with the rest of the conversation "nigga"

Real Bout 1
Garou isn't a Fatal Fury game, it's just SNK's superior answer to Street Fighter Turd Strike

Isn't Rock Howard retconned at this point?


Man, those gymnastics user.

Technically arial specials are in rainbow edition

Hat ken

"Ah shit, Here we go again."

>Getting mad over fanart.

I really wish FE had died with Awakening

gymnastics your tiny dick
>uh sans mii costume got more hype than your literal who hat ken from a game that sold 5 copies lol why is he in smash !!!!

>Smashfags want Smash to be recognized as a real fighting game
>Add an iconic fighting game character to the roster
>Smashfags get mad

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That's kinda hard to improve. I mean, it's already orchestral.

Special-Cancels would be pretty OP tbqh.

If this was Terry's moveset, He'd be S tier, and its a pretty good moveset if I say so myself.

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This. FUCK zoomers.

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Absolutely shameful post, Christ almighty.

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Very well. I'll keep enjoying your seething tears when Sakurai puts Chadol Christin or Estelle Bright in Smash as an out-of-the-blue pick.

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Would he work in smash Bros?

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Could Mozart be still alive?! So they can ask him for rights to the song

I don't mind him in a general sense, I just don't see how they passed over other SNK reps in favor of him.