what the fuck is wrong with this guy?
What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
The only monsters that are even half decent are the muscle monsters.
First Kojima game, zoomzoom?
You realize he has product placement in a shitload of his games right? CalorieMate is a real thing.
The market audience for this “game” is 12-16. It’s the same target for Monster drinks. Brilliant collaboration.
Do you fucking crash after an hour too?
Anyone have that one mgs4 parody where they dubbed over a commercial and Otacon tells Snake to hail satan?
Wait, these are real? Are they any good? Better than Soilent?
>balanced food
>40g of sugar
it's a fucking candy bar
There's different flavours. Plain, chocolate, maple, fruit, cheese. Each one is kinda like a bland shortbreadish cookie. Not bad not great.
Who could have seen this coming?
He's gone from plagiarist to (((shill))). Kojimbots will defend this.
>Are they any good?
I heard they're pretty good but never had one myself.
It's more like a cookie or a cake.
Peacewalker came out nine years ago.
> Isn't energy ultra
As a filthy Boomer this offends me.
weak, you can do better
sory I only drink Rich Energy
You only drink piss
why Monster though? I feel like he would go after some hipster soda or """HIGH END""" seltzer.
>The answer is money, you dumb faggot
Yeah I know but still, I thought Snoy had that covered.
I'd bet money he's embracing the boomer meme.
are redbull and monster in a war about who gets to sponsor most things
they're fucking everywhere
that's fucked up, who would drink the normal one
It's because smaller energy drinks are starting to eek in on their popularity, they're trying to bury shit like BANG and NERV
For me its the Mountain Dew™ Kickstart™ Blueberry Pomegranate.
Bang’s is a root beer though
>that small energy drink firm that you never see on shelves but throw money at motorsports teams for sponsoring
>Bang is an American brand of energy drinks made by Vital Pharmaceuticals
Holy hell we're already living in the corporate dystopia.
Why did they get rid of the Limeade flavor? That was my favorite
>he doesn't have monster in his room
lmaoing at (You)r life famalam
kojima the memelord
Sorewa unlimited energy desu
>it's real
what the fuck, he has lost it
They probably didn't, they probably just stopped shipping it everywhere. I thought they got rid of Blueberry Pomegranate until I realize its like a "Walmart Exclusive" now or some shit.
Its literally ok when Lord Kojima does it right cultists?
Should have gone with DOB or speed instead, fuck corporate shilling.
i drink water
t. Youngfags
I dunno, the tea lemonade ones can be ok
>drinking from plastic cups when youre home
are you a girl?
I mean a pharmeceutical company making a beverage like that shouldn't surprise you, shit it's the same case with dr pepper.
They taste okay. It's basically just quick energy for when you're on the go.
How can you drink this warm?
>drinking monster
>not drinking NOS
Caloriemate works because it's a real product in a modern and "realistic" setting, isn't this supposed to be a post apocalyptic wasteland? Why is every private room fully stocked with brand new Monster Energy Drinks(tm)? At least make them rare, like Nuka Colas.
Be sure to drink water as well, this shit's basically guaranteed to give you kidney stones after a while.
you need sugar to live dumbass
You don't need 40 grams in a single meal.
those have been there since a year ago, i do use straws tho
Eh, i manage, i only need it to wake me up in the morning i don't really care how it tastes, still better than coffee anyway
>Not cold
Not refined sugar
Wow what a backstabbing shill, Yunker funded his game from the beginning when he didn't even have an office, then he switched to Monster because of Snoy
CalorieMate was in a Russian jungle years before it was even invented.
What the fuck are you going to do about it?
They're okay. The maple flavor is the only one worth buying.
No, you don't. You don't need any intake of refined sugar to live.
Daily reminder coffee + aspirine has got a stronger effect and it's actually not harmful like Monster.
>Caloriemate works because it's a real product in a modern and "realistic" setting
But the game took place in 1964.
>isn't this supposed to be a post apocalyptic wasteland?
You asked for the schizo collage so you get the schizo collage.
Yunker will never forget Kojima
>warm Monster
You're disgusting.
Literally everything you digest gets turned into sugar by your cells retard
You just now notice?
They were giving out kojimbo branded monster at TGS today so I'm getting free drinks out of the deal at least.
That They Live shirt is amazing.
and fibre doesn't get digested at all
Do you retards realize that the boomer meme was a succesful marketing scheme?
It sold a lot of cans just for the meme itself.
I mean, i've been drinking it for 1 and a half year now.
many years late retard, Yea Forums has shill marketing applications
iPods in MGS4 (which has aged badly, because who uses an iPod now a days?)
>washing dishes
Are you?
drink monster
you'll be a monster
Tell me this is the logo.
>not starting your day with a mug of thicc bulletproof coffe and then chugging matcha for the rest of the day
Lmao enjoy your diabeetus and constant fatigue, carbniggers.
>brand is called Monster
>the flavors aren't named after monsters
Such a wasted opportunity.
But I chuckle at the Monster boomer shit and I haven't bought a Monster in months. Maybe more than a year.
I still use my iPod 2 as mp3 player.
Isn't only not available because they kinda replaced it with Mountain dew flavored kickstart.
Kojima takes boomer posting to the next level. Truly the greatest living westaboo
Jokes on you, I'll drink whatever my store has and sometimes mix things up for variety.
Huge ego and narcissism
American products are typically more insane about sugar.
Water? What you should be drinking is Pokemanz
No, you don't. Your body has a secondary source of fuel for specifically this reason -- they're called ketones. Carbs weren't always available in the natural environment.
>Kraken coconut
>Ogre Orange
>Dragon fruit
>Chimera cocoa
>Manticore mango
kojima is keemstar now
BANG is the only energy drink that works on me, and tastes way better than monster piss
Its not even real sugar, its corn syrup.
Name one (1) product in the entire first world that still uses real sugar.
>Energy drinks
Drinking this garbage will kill you. Drink water and ween yourself off caffeine
Sierra Mist
Based retard
Caffeine is fine if you don't surpass 800mg a day. 800mg is the equivalent of 24 regular small cups of coffee. If you go that far, I suggest you should die.
>Drinking this garbage will kill you
I don't think it'll do that, but it gave me the worst stomach pain of my life, it felt like a heart attack at first
He doesn't exclusivity live in Monster Energy and Calorie Mate with a cig two inbetwen.
Are you even solid?
80% of drinks in my country use cane sugar, what shithole do you live in that uses artificial shit.
he's a mutt
95% of their food is corn syrup
Damn, how much sѹ do you have to consume to get a "stomach ache" from drinking an energy drink?
I'm 99% sure the actual recommended limit is 400mg
400mg is two tall cups of starbucks shit a day. I'm sure you can get past that if you distance them hours apart.
I know because I drink more of that but of actual coffee.
I'm just repeating what the FDA says.
Jap fag here.
This is literally better than basedlient but theres aren't all in one mean, it's more like really high calorie meal meant to replace your energy not your nutrients.
You could chuck some Lipovitan C, Lipovitan D Pro, Alinamin V, Tiovita, Oronamin C, o get some nutrients but even then I don't think it covers it all like Onions.
Actually "in Jelly" or "Amino Vital Jelly" + Calorie Mate could work for a long time I think but multiple versions of in Jelly.
Take a look at this straight-edge queer
>calls other people a dumbass while stating something factually incorrect.
Quintessentially 4channel post.
>washing your brain with caffeine every day
Enjoy the adenosine rebound addiction nigger.
Those are either giant hands or tiny cans.
Gotta suck that corporate dick for ad money.
>energy drink
>restoring stamina
Kojima is the biggest hack on this planet.
>40g sugar out of 80g
fucking retards
what the fuck do you think fuels your body?
G L U C O S E i.e sugar
dont skip high school science next time you wasted zygotes
>I love commercialism when it's from kojima my personal jesus figure
Why does Yea Forums have such a hate boner for this game and Kojima?
Explain how I live better on 0 carb then faggot
That doesn't apply to US products, they use fructose which makes you shart.
For me it's monster hydro, made with twice filtered water
Uhh what? No.
in early 2018 I went without food for over a month
the first thing I consumed was one of those, good times
when I lived in japan and ran out of money for real food, I just ate caloriemate, milk and inゼリー for a while
Natural sugar, as in the one that's in fruit and vegetables isn't bad, it's the added sugar in processed foods like sweets that is bad.
He talks about movies he watched than video games he plays.
That should tell you everything pretty much.
>natural sugar isn't bad
Oh yeah? Than try explaining to me why she is sucking my wallet dry and me not once in 2 years!
You body makes sugar from fucking anything. You don't have to consume any refined sugar at all, retard. Literall zero of it. There are fats, proteins and vitamins your body can't just make from a can of corn syrup. But it can turn those fats and proteins into glucose when it needs it. If you consume pure sugars most of it will most likely just go into your fat ass unless you workout like crazy exhausting all your glycogen supplies.
sugar is sugar
Why are marketing fags always so fucking out of date? Does it really take six months to a year for their make-work committees to come up with this shit? I just heard a radio commercial for a local car dealership who was trying to cash in on a meme that died in 2018.
My point is that nobody drinks regular Monster anymore. The new thing is to drink pre-workout even if you're not athletic. C4, Bang, Reign, 3D, etc.
>The new thing is to drink [shit's nobody ever heard of]
jones soda
Sugar is sugar but the thing is you're never going to find the same quantities of sugar in non-processed food compared to processed food.
Let's compare chocolate to carrots for example. Both foods have sugar, but they've got much different quantities of it. 100g of chocolate has 48 grams of sugar, while 100g of carrots has only 4.7g, a lot less.
Let's take another example, oranges and coca-cola, 100ml of coca-cola has 10.8g of sugar, 100g of oranges has 9g of sugar, similar amounts, but the thing is, when you eat an orange you're not getting only sugar, you're getting different nutrients, you're getting vitamin C, potassium, fiber, while when you drink coca-cola you're mostly just getting sugar.
So not only is natural sugar found in lower quantities than added sugar, but when you eat a food that has only naturas sugar it usually also has a lot of different nutrients, while foods with only added sugar, like coca-cola, don't have many nutrients.
Sugar in itself isn't a problem its that people tend to dump large amounts of it into their system at the same time that they eat, the body metabolises sugar first because it is not only the easiest thing for your body to digest but it also releases the largest amount of energy and if your lipid/amino acid reserves are adequate and your energy requirement has been met before your body has fully metabolised all your fat or protein for energy then that shit gets stored away or ejected out in your piss in proteins case.
Only Kyle drinks Monster
You're late
Isn't that dangerous?
>Let's compare chocolate to carrots
You should have stopped right there dumbass.
Have you not been in a convenience store in the past four months?
Yes. Isn't 300mg of caffeine and a cup of sugar dangerous? Do you think companies care?
>real sugar instead of (((HFCS)))
>real fruit juices and purees
The patrician's sipp.
sugar cubes
Let me grab this modern bag of Doritos™ in the middle of a south american jungle in the 70s
>That 35 year old boomer who still drinks Silent Hill Health Drinks
These are all I ate while I climbed Mt. Fuji. Maple is the only good one.
This makes me not want monster even more than before shillfags make me sick
Mah nigguh I have one of these every morning to start the day off.
Do people actually drink this piss? I thought it was all ironic?
Product placement is fine if it’s not out of place. The product placement in pikmin 2 is great. Monster energy drinks is retarded in death stranding.
It's really sad to see how monster achieved in 10 years a cultural domination only tobacco managed to achieve, in centuries.
There are plenty of people that willingly drink this disgusting concoction of chemicals.
I tried it once, it's pretty much made for old ass tired boomers as it gave me a sugar rush right after drinking it
>game set in America
>monster is an American company
>somehow this is unacceptable
Mountain Dew Throwback
*dabs on you*
Why should I buy Death Stranding when I could just go on a walk and bring a Monster energy with me?
What? Pretty much Monster is an american thing
Monster started expanding recently in japan and it seems they like it looking at all the anime girls drinking it art
Member when
>mgs3 Calorie Mate
>mgs4 Regain and a literal iPod
>mgsv seiko watch and japanese brand eyewear for Ocelot and Kaz
I member
>Monster Energy is an energy drink introduced by Hansen Natural Company (now Monster Beverage Corporation) in April 2002. There are 34 different drinks under the Monster brand in North America.
>Do people actually drink this piss?
>its okay when kojima advertises
>feeling dizzy and tired
>stamina mega low
>grab my trusty monster energy drink
>instantly refills my stamina
>thanks bonster
What year does this take place? It’s silly if monster is littered around the game and there’s no other drinks. This isn’t Pepsi Man.
How do I cure my constant tiredness then, faggot?
>inb4 sleep better
I get more than enough sleep.
Wrong can.
>post soda picture
>OMG this shit is so bad for you lol you fat
>post energy drink
>duuuude I do the same LMAO I literally can't survive without my 10 brand(c) per day this is literally ME haha based
>instantly refills my stamina
woah, so I get 30 minutes of energy and possible diabetes? sounds great to me
>Kojima puts Mountain Dew, Doritos, Calorie Mate, Playboy, iPod, iMacs, Walkmans, Sony Vaios, Sony Ericsson, AXE Bodyspray, Pepsi, Triumph Motorocycles, Famitsu, Weekly Shonen Jump, Hori, Regain 24, Uniqlo and GAKO/Kerotan in his games
>but Monster Energy is over the line
Not him but go to the doctor and tell him to give you the same stuff they give to people with narcolepsy
Go to the gym and bring your testosterone up, mr. low-t
>Name one (1) product in the entire first world that still uses real sugar.
Literally anything that's marketed as 100% organic. Tardo.
For me it's Reign™ Total Body Fuel™ Carnival Candy with 0 Sugar, 0 Calories, 0 Artificial Colors or Flavorings
Norman Reedus is affiliated with Monster. Would not surprise me if this was his or his handler's idea.
>0 calories
>energy drink
Caffeine pills or black coffee are much better alternatives to drinking this shit.
You can literally buy a whole box of caffeine pills for a dollar
If you dont crush raw coffee beans and snort them off the palm of your hand you are pathetic
Point out where in this thread anyone defended past instances of product placement faggot
Might need a little more exercise buddy
Energy drinks shrinks your balls, it's scientifically proven. I feel bad for energydrink cucks.
i prefer rockstar
Product placement is soul
>I can't function without caffeine
>Name one (1) product in the entire first world that still uses real sugar.
everything since corn syrup is cattle food everywhere outside the USA
Personally I just buy coffee powder and just eat it with a spoon.
Tastes horrible but it wakes you up. Probably should take caffeine pills instead though.
I fucking love energy drinks holy shit
Why not just drink coffee at that point? Get a capsule machine, the coffee is pretty good.
I was replying to the OP, not the entire thread, faggot.
by the time you are "addicted" to coffee, the cafeine doses don't do shit to your body, if the coffee "wakes you up" then it's mostly a placebo effect.
I don't like coffee.
>Keurig bullshit
Just stir it into a cup of hot water. Same shit Doesn't need a glorified $420 water boiler that has DRM IN COFFEE.
I don't think I mistyped
t. pic related
To be fair its an addictive drug that they put in fucking everything nowadays they even put that shit in paracetamol so you get a little buzz to make it seem like it is working.
>Get a capsule machine
now THAT is npc as fuck.
Marketing on Yea Forums is also pretty bad, shillanon.
>The literal chemical effects of caffeine are placebo
this desu, I might even get some Original Monster when desusuto comes out
*sips ultra sunrise*
>falling for any bullet proof meme
Are you 12? Coca cola was originally marketed as a pharmaceutical. In what way is a company with the word pharmaceutical in their name selling soft drink ‘dystopian’? Seriously retard
Your body build resistance really quickly.
This. I bet he never even tried yabloko moloko
>letting your livestock consume garbage.
that shit aint wagyu fuck off poor faggot
here's how we know you're fat as fuck
monster should just make their drinks without the caffeine
they're fucking tasty
Doesn't Konami own MGS? If there is any connection it will probably remain vague for legal reasons.
Caffeine has literally no effect past the first few drinks, your body becomes immune to it very quickly, the normalfag custom of chugging coffee every hour is useless and counterproductive.
>next day pimples all over your body
fuck that
the body isn't a machine, calories are fake science. Read how they "compute" calories. Then read how living cells works. At no moment does fuel get in the equation. That shit was simple garbage for women magazines, who never attended high school. It doesn't work.
The problem is the glycemic index of the food. Pure sugar doesnt need to get disgested as much so it goes straight into your blood stream and fucks with your hormones and insulin. Also its a lot easier to overeat calories that are pure sugar than say a vegetable
Dude that's like saying you can become IMMUNE TO FOOD
Just gotta amp up the quantity bro
Get some 200mg pills and take 10 of them at once, it'll do something, trust me
>the body isn't a machine
the body is literally a biological machine
monster zero ultra or "brain force" as I like to call it is the ultimate combat fuel. Nothing gets you going in the morning quite like a pint of the sweet white ambrosia
because flawed measurement procedures make calories difficult to pin down does not mean your body isn't fueled via nutrient intake my shitposting friend
Di you think it really originated as marketing? I could see marketer's piggybacking off it, but it seems unintuitive for a marketer to associate their product with a disheveled looking guy on the verge of middle age
>Calorie Mate Block
Why the shit dystopian food name? What's next, Carbohydrate Liquid Food Product?
Ssssssip, yep, MGS2 was a good game.
Ah, now mgs2. THAT was a video game. They sure don't make em like they used to.
What happen to reedus
>calories are fake science
so I guess you consume only air and sunlight then?
Calculate your tdee and then eat 500 calories over it, religiously, every day. Watch as you gain 2kg in a month.
They no longer make the Russian and Irish Java Monster flavors so fuck them!
actually it's more like a communist factory. Every structure in the cell was evolved either from existing outside as an individual organism, mutated or evolved
if anyone has done any formal analysis on this site, trust me, they have. Then they realize that old = good.
zoomer, newfag, cancer killing /b. all good cursewords for "youngster" so yes, they're probably trying to corner the non-health conscious gamer market they haven't completely dominated yet.
>When you don't think for yourself even the smallest amount
There are memes, then there are people that don't even attempt thought.
I never knew CalorieMate was real, fuuuck. That is still WAY different than a fucking meme drink, user.
Yiu guys are like /an/ equivalent of catfags.
>drinking soda
>drinking """"""energy"""""" """"""drinks"""""
Drink teas, water, and juices you fucking mongrels. No wonder why Americlap is fat as fuck amd why you caffeine niggers are so fucking annoying in the mornings
He's working with that same brand for the glasses in Death Stranding, as well.
Stop eating for a few weeks, so we can go without your retardation around here.
Calories are proven. Go cry about it.
dont lie, you just wanted to flash dat Ni No K*nny
>being tired and crabby in the morning
he he he
>drinking sugar
pic related?
Shoo shoo gains goblin!
>warm Monster
Tea and juice has like a fourth of what one small can of fucking soda or energy drinks have. Plus, they have 0(ZERO) caffeine and dont turn you into a basedboy who bitches about his fix in the morning. I dont even own a coffee machine, i am not a slave to the bean jew
Didn't this also have a Walkman shirt, as well as the new model or something that you got for research?
Tea has caffeine stupid
Yes, and?
>tea has ZERO caffeine
jesus fucking christ
>imagine drinking tea laced with poison
Look at this retard
Regardless, they sell decaf shit anyway for you dumbasses who cant find natural shit
>you need sugar to live dumbass
>when I lived in japan and ran out of money for real food, I just ate caloriemate, milk and inゼリー for a while
The amount of cancer cells in your body must have skyrocketed.
The natural shit has caffeine you mega stupid
Go look at /g/.
herbal teas are usually caffeine free
I don't think many people have heard of s o y-lent products on this website, but check this out my dude
Is it on the same level as your jew concocted "drinks" tho?
Tea naturally contains caffeine, fuckwit. The decaf is ‘unnatural’. dumb hippie faggot
He is an herbavore male, so, unfortunately, he was convinced that kidney stones are good.
sorry, but this is the only good energy drink on the market
well I have a month long fast under my belt so I'm probably cleaner than 99.999% of the population
He loves sucking off western consumerism. Peacewalker had Mountain Dew and literal Doritos; in Japan.
Red Bulls gave me kidney stones.
>USA goes to shit
>one of the techno millitary complex holdings that survive has The Monster Beverage Corporation has subsidiary
>the only energy drink in existence over north american soil now Monster Energy Drink
redpill me on what's wrong with cats?
I like both cats and dogs.
Sony had to make sure they make their money back somehow.
>unironically marketer shifting blame
This is a water only board please leave.
You can live strictly off of ketosis indefinitely (assuming you start in adulthood), so, no, no you don’t need sugar.
That's not how kidney stones work
Just look up toxo in cats
>inb4 tldr
Cats have a parasitic thats not directly harmful to them or any creature that they get passed onto. What it does is mess with a cat's prey's brain and basically makes them "fearless" and more "friendly" with said cats, making them easy meals. It has been found that this same parasite can exist in humans (and no, cats arent gonna you, you big dummy) but there are people who are so obsessed with cats that this may be the explanation
They're disgusting, don't listen to the other weeb faggots replying, imagine a moldy cheese brick shortbread, that's what it tastes like.
but it isn't good for you.
I'll never understand these weird diet memes.
Eat a large variety of mostly raw food. cook meat and poultry.
how is this hard?
boomercore game
Whether its on the same level is irrelevant. You said some stupid shit so i called you stupid, thats all there is to it.
It's a meme food for the Japanese.
cool beans. That's a really basic explanation and still included info I didn't know somehow. Here's a picture of my cat. My dog died years ago.
I tend to just grab a random can when I pass the aisle.
I have to admit I did grab a Monster Ultra Can just because of the meme though.
I just stated specifically, that Red Bulls gave me kidney stones. So energy drinks definitely do that. Are you a turbo autist?
isnt it funny how meme culture has made monster ads for free all over the internet?
Then how do they work?
I do.
>he hasn't lost the necessity to eat
I didn’t say you would be at your 100% when you use ketosis, your white muscle won’t be able to do much, but a permanent keto diet won’t kill you.
a permanent keto diet will turn your blood sour
Wonder how much they paid him for that tweet. Couple thousand? Must be a RUSH pressing that 'post' button
>what the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Has a terminal case of being extremely based
Is poultry not meat anymore?
>drinking anything but beer, black coffee and water
Bow down, monsterfags
>not drinking energizing drinks for the meme
I never drank anything but water for 20+ years until Boomerman came out. Now I crave the penis rocks.
Holy shit i bought that thing for 80 vs 140 full price, not really flashing since it's at the bottom of my closet, god tier collector's tho.
More money saved to spend on my favourite energy drink i guess :^) yeah i'm getting an heart attack on of these days.
>Its literally ok when Lord Kojima does it right cultists?
yes because when Kojima does it then it's funny and he integrates brands well into his games, just look at MGS V with all the Apple products and shit.
Is that still a thing? I loved that shit but they stopped selling it around here so I assumed it was discontinued. Pepsi Throwback is still around as "Pepsi Cola" though and that's great.
>Don't have enough water in body to process waste material to piss
>Waste material become condensed in kidneys and becomes stones
>energy drinks
LOL, i get 30mg adderall IR 3x daily.
have fun with your sugar and caffeine.
>not based Reign
>not crushing PR's on you drive to work
not gonna make it, friendo
Black/green/white tea is not the only tea. Anything steeped in water is tea, even herbs or fruit which do not contain caffeine
I wish they would just legalize cocaine for people over 21 already.
I wonder who the sponsor is
gibe short monster sponsored japanese gf pls
What about the people who are completely obsessed with dogs? I believe the results from that experiment were incredibly loosely (read as: almost completely unrelated) derived and the claim that it affected people not only had no basis but also the results the behavior exhibited by the test subjects were completely inconsistent with cat friendliness by humans, especially when side by side with literally any other domestic pet.
I went to a hobby shop yesterday and saw a stand with nothing but "dog mommy" stickers, magnets, and other shit. There is no more concentration of people being obsessed with cats than there are with people being obsessed with dogs. The only difference is, there are more women obsessed with cats and more men obsessed with dogs. That and there are more women obsessed with dogs than there are men with cats.
To make the assertion that yep this is probably why people are obsessed with cats based on a nearly unrelated test subject is utter bullshit, especially when it isn't exclusive to cats nor is there a notable increase in concentration toward cats. There's no science there. I'd believe it if there was a trial with a control group, and different groups for cats, dogs, men, and women because they're actually using applicable science - not loosely derived conclusions based on how you feel about a distant test. That's literally the antithesis of science.
mexican soda
is this US? only monster, red bull and beebad (don't fucking drink it for god's sake) in my shitty country
No. There are 5 main types of tea you mongo. Nothing else is actually tea.
Next you will try and pull a "b..b.b...but dukes baked beans in a keurig can also be coffee beans... lol. I was just pretending to be stupid"
Then why would he mention decaf if he is talking about herbal tea? Stop defending the retarded
So sense I was drinking a lot of Red Bulls, I developed kidney stones and thus stopped and only drink water. Whoaaaa. Mystical.
I'm in the US so your country might not have it, YET. But fear not for REIGN by MONSTER ENERGY is a wave of ANXIOUS ENERGY that is going to OVERTAKE the WORLD.
you think kojima wake up every morning and think "hmmmm maybe today i go based mode????" ?
How the fuck? Did your liquid intake consist of only red bulls?
Red Bulls and water.
well fuck, that's almost double the amount, hope it comes soon
No, the issue is you weren't drinking ENOUGH to have enough water in your body to actually process waste.
Not going to pound more and more water to compensate. Better to just get rid of the Red Bulls. Not that crazy of a task.
I believe Battery is Finnish but they sell it in parts of Europe. Sadly I can't buy it anywhere online.
For a real good time take this with some extra niacin and two shots of liquor.
the only thing that gave you stones is being a lazy fatass that doesn't walk enough and doesn't drink and piss enough LMAO
>calories are proven
LMAO holy shit you fucking robot. No they aren't. The body doesn't consume calories.
That sounds real scientifical, famarino! LMAO
No it won’t, the kidneys balance your blood ph
At my weight of 150 pounds, I'd have to drink 34 cans of Reign to have a lethal dose of caffeine. That's in one day.
>and he integrates brands well into his games
Ah yes, the cigarettes sure are well integrated into Metal Gear, aren't they
>he tries to deny the fact that ketoacidosis exist
go on lad have fun
Do it user, I believe in you!
>imagine the feeling of having 30 fucking cans of energy drink in a day.
Or even better there's a newer form of caffeine (dihydrous, I think?) that isn't quite as stimulating but is less likely to cause nausea.
Which book should kojima make a game of next?
What does MGSV have to do with moby dick
God what a massive fucking brainlet
You are drinking more water stupid.
This guy gets it
ultra violet monster i did not like
He got prego
Try and read the book, my dude.
>obvious shill Monster meme (sipboys) gets spread around
>doesn't go too far
>boomer meme happens, no can in sight
>suddenly every version of the boomer meme now has the monster can shoved into it
>sipboys is gone
Maybe you should stop being so impressionable then, you limp-dicked subhuman failure
everything should be legal
weed, heroin, coke
i am rxd valiums kpins ambiens addys and some other shit. a lot of it 'stacks' up since i dont take all
>80g in a serving
>40.7g sugar in a serving
>each serving is >50% pure sugar
ok retard
poultry includes eggs
camila sinesis is tea
that's it. it's one god damn plant
Any way you pluck it, anywhere it grows
THAT'S tea.
anything else is bullshit
Its like calling almond milk a type of milk
this. legalize everything and encourage self euthanasia.
I'll finally get a job and a house if others fall for the drugs meme
What’s a good monster flavour Yea Forums? I can’t stand the fruity taste in all of these energy drinks, I immediately dropped red bull because of it.
>be me 25y old
>never tried energy drink in my life
>see kids at mall drinking it every day
>bought redbull one month ago to try it out
>almost had a heart attack
>100+ pulse
>hard to breath
Kojima confirmed one of us.
thank you brother. spread the good word. I love hibiscus but honestly I wish people would fix their pronouns and call it a shrub or herbal tonic or something. Fuck off with your non-tea garbage innna cup meme I swear women ruin everything.
I remember I bought a monster energy drink with a vending machine snack before an exam, since I had a late day and didn't eat much. Had been off soda for a year, never drank an energy drink in over 15+.
Not 10 minutes into physics equations, when the fucking heart palpitations hit me. Never again
literally everywhere in Europe
>first world
fuck yeah brother
ive always preferred monster ultra unironically.
they're selling Tang now?
really? Sprite btfo
>not Zero Ultra
You might have sleep apnea and don't properly rest when you sleep
Can you describe the flavour?
if this game won't have unlockables like infinite battery I will kill myself
Like sugar free Sprite but with a slightly more artificial and bitter taste. Nothing special.
Monster energy drinks in Japan are so much smaller and I've never seen the zero ultra here, RIP. The regular energy drinks here aren't carbonated either, which is weird to get used to.
Got other recommendations? Something sweet but not sour at all like Red Bull’s piss water.
this game director is FUCKED
I drank a Monster Ultra once and ended up cleaning my entire flat in one go.
>muh ebin boomer meme
Water, ginger ale or just anything sugar free since you're probably gonna drink a good amount of cans in your lifetime. I find that most energy drinks, at least where I live, are just trying to be like red bull. All though I really like rockstar energy drinks. Pretty sweet and tasty. But if you happen to find then I'd recommend trying it.
The fuck is a flat?
whether it's good or bad is irrelevant to the main point: that you're a fucking newfag.
Wish we had more variety here in LolArgentina, all we have is the regular one and Zero Ultra, i love the later but i would like to try out more.
Can we finally admit that Konami did nothing wrong and that Kojimbo was an insane lunatic to work with all along?
My pad.
an upright section of stage scenery mounted on a movable frame
Educate yourself, retard
I mean, aside from the metal gear thing, konami does do some things wrong, like not putting out any PC bomberman games.
They know but they want to go with the flow.
At least those energy drinks don't have pride flags on them.
>that image
My nigga
Do you know how to use Yea Forums lingo? ...Cause thats not how you do it, buddy...
God that pic is so fucking stupid, reminds me of the whole "Quiet is chico" infographic shit.
Why the fuck didn't he pick based energy drink? You can't even get this one without ID.
Is there an option to give Monster to the baby?
/g/entoomen are fucking weirdos, they don't count.
are these asian 5 Hour Energies?
>have been drinking energy drinks on a semi-daily basis for 4 years now
I guess it differs person to person
ko- re-
sore ha sore, kore ha kore
baka gaijin
I seriously hope that people realize just how fucking awful Monster is for you. You do not need that much caffeine. Nobody does.
You get the (((energy))) from the ungodly amount of caffeine and b12
yaru janai ka
so like 3 rooms, very impressive user, truly caffeine is a hell of a drug
ultra zero is probably the top tier along with whatever they cool the blue ultra zero flavor.
I was one of those unironically too much depressed to play vidya before i got addicted on monster, life is still absolute shit but i have the energy to play vidya in the morning now and i even started lifting, a sip a day doesn't hurt if the rest you drink is only water.
Google gluconeogenesis you retarded fucking smoothbrain. There isn't a single dietary carbohydrate essential for the human body's function.
is your cat part Himalayan?
probably Himalayan ragdoll
here's an old pic with my sister's cat too.
fuck it here's a better one
>the only 2 known non genetic reasons to get stones aren't REAL
>Not putting 2L of water in a boiling pot and brewing your own energy iced tea yourself.
Just get some ginseng tea, some black tea and an hibiscus tea of your favored flavor, put one teabag of ginseng, two teabags of black tea and one teabag of hibiscus (whatever flavor you like really) tea, remove each bag at their respective maximum brewing time and then let the thing sit until its cold enough to be put in a pitcher in the fridge.
If you ask me that's a better alternative to energy drinks and an adequate cold alternative to coffee.
If literally any other dev did this they'd be called "reddit", "cringe", or a "corporate shill".
>Posting an edit
My condolences on being far too interesting to browse Yea Forums
I wouldn't mind trying Monster but the can is so fucking big and it's like 50g of sugar. I've been sticking to Red Bull because while it's not healthier it's smaller and doesn't go over your daily recommended sugar intake in 1 fucking drink.
>batman signal with a Mexican flag
Why is Norman wearing this?
monster zero ultra is for patricians (ultra black). i drink them daily.
Why is it always some dumb food item getting promoted in games, why can't it be a guitar center plug? You guys ever been to a guitar center? All of the entry level rock instruments you could ask for and every twenty minutes or so a new guy comes through and starts doing a sick solo on the display drum sets.
Wait really? Shit i gotta drink more then I've got giant fucking tanuki balls
>tfw balticunt
>tfw only kickstart flawors are orange and cherry
>tfw such a small country we probably won't get any of the other flavors this far out in the boondocks.
I guess I can live with it, but still bites pretty hard.
Stop overcaffienating yourself every day. Completely stop drinking caffeine for like a month or two and you won't need it anymore. Or you will need much less.
>mfw developed a kidney stone due to excessive energy drink consumption
I've never experienced such constant, agonizing pain in my whole life.
It's like a shitty diet cookie.
reeeee I've never seen this in Canada
>He doesn't remember *sip* posting
based keto diet
I was in Tokyo like a month ago, fuggyoumean? they have the zero ultra at family mart
>food analogy
aspirin wtf
How 'bout this?
trying too hard
He's the Japanese Tommy Wiseau
What do cheese cubes even have to do with pepsis ?
Monster is the strongest commercially available energy drink in my region, so I can understand kojimbles affection for it.
the iDroid is by far one of the worst crimes of V. Imagine how kino it would be trying to navigate afghanistan and africa using slightly incorrect paper maps.
t. american
Human Fuel is a good one.
>tfw boomer delivery man drinks boomer energy
Makes sense.
fucking sick bro can't awit
>mfw I had Calorie Mate in Japan and it was literally a full meal in three bars
That stuff is fucking amazing, it doesn't have a very rich flavour but you'll feel so much more energy in you after eating it
Is that a fleshlight....
this is so funny
US has a sugar lobby which has a big tarriff to keep the price of real sugar high, along with a big corn lobby that got food and drink companies to use HFCS instead.
Normie. Fuck you for experiencing something in life, it makes me jealous and angry.
Some people need help staying awake while watching movies.
>month long fast
How, doesn't your stomach get damaged from fasting for so long?
i was at yokohama last month, they got zero ultra at a 711 bruh
I never had a monster and I never had an arizona and i never had a red bull
ask me anything
How's that water with lemon?
>be xoomer
>go to hospital
>yep it's kidney stones
>oh and there's a mass on your other kidney
>get bad kidney removed two weeks later
>tfw kidney stones saved my life
yes, kidney stones are good
Ok but seriously now, what the fuck does Monster taste like? And also, why is it associated with le boomers? I have literally never seen anyone drink that shit
t. have drank nothing but water for over 19 years
youre autistic right? like not judging tht you have healthy habits, but to never try anythingnout of curiosity im positive you have the tism.
it tastes like water but good
sugar and carbonation.
stick to water other drinks are only for memeing
battery acid
Well at least they're not gargling BAWLS anymore.
>tfw drink about 3 cans of diet soda everyday along with a bottle of water or two
>always scared of getting kidney stones but nothing yet
>a couple of times i would get a pain in my side in what feels like my kidney area and think oh fuck it's happening but it was gone later or the next day with no painful piss
>cool beans.
Wow, I haven't heard anybody say that in a long time.
thats just sad and embarrassing altogether
like drinking gummy bears or something. the only good soda is coca cola
>Name one (1) product in the entire first world that still uses real sugar.
It's only USA that doesn't use real sugar.
>tard doesn't realize carbs are a source of energy
>they even put that shit in paracetamol
America is so fucked up lmao. All because you retards were tricked into thinking drug and food companies should have the FREEDOM to fuck over your population.
*sips monster*
>Try and read the book, my dude.
Especially the chapter "a squeeze of the hand".
Hint: They're both gay as fuck
... except for that part where Ishmael has the ship ironwright forge a spear out of razors and twisted iron rods while he shouts incantations to Satan pleading for him to imbue it with hellish powers, and then tempers it in the blood of pagans and cannibals. That was pretty fucking metal.
Why drink diet soda at all? It tastes worse than water.
I mean Ahab, shit.
i hope you're at least supplementing vitamins and electrolytes. Maybe youd be fine without those after a month, but longer than that and youre definitely pushing where you might drop dead
>It tastes worse than water.
do americans not drink water or what lmao
You thought the "Calorie" in CalorieMate was just for shits and giggles?
I disagree i think it tastes better than water. I like water well enough but it's really bland as fuck and for some reason i really hate drinking water when i eat food. When i'm eating food i want a flavored beverage. I drink water between meals.
So basically i like a flavored drink, it has no calories, and cans are a convenient container for storage and use.
>>It tastes worse than water.
>do americans not drink water or what lmao
It's probably healthier than the water in a lot of places in America.
I wonder if red bull invented the boomer meme to smear monster energy
I mean they have two F1 teams how much are a bunch of memelords gonna cost
glucose is in meat, vegetables, fruit, dairy, just about everything we eat. You don't need refined sugar from sugarcane or sugarbeets or high fructose corn syrup to live.
Energy drinks are disgusting.
don't you have bottled water or someshit
1st-world Central European countries like Austria, Germany, Switzerland etc. use real sugar almost exclusively.
Your habits tricked your brain into thinking it tastes worse than water; I'm saying this from experience, as I was in your shoes before. You are addicted and once you stop drinking all forms of diet, sugary, or juice drinks, your body will start to stabilize, and you will be able to enjoy water, once again. I believe in you, user. Become a hydro bro.
please don't post stuff like this again, there are hypochondriac people browsing this board.
mutts were a fucking mistake.
>Drinking regular Monster
>Not drinking based Rockstar Mango Tangerine Guava Strawberry
Never gonna make it.
Those are Silent Hill's health drinks
Like this but liquid.
>what the fuck do you think fuels your body?
ATP, imbecile. Not glucose.
Now do your homework and find out the many possible ways to generate ATP.
*smack smack* No marketing here *crunch*
I was there when it started on /fit/ as a way of mocking old people at the gym who just go there to get away from their home lives.
>I feel like he would go after some hipster soda or """HIGH END""" seltzer
Why the fuck would you feel that?
It did, they also made a MGS Peace Walker branded Walkman that I bought, sadly the battery on it died after like... 6-7 years of use
I bet yall are gonna be sad when you find out they're discontinuing Kickstart all together
I honestly think there is a degree of truth to this. it can't be anything specific.because they don't have the MGS license, but kojima is definitely fucking around trying to be 'deep like MGS2' including direct allusions like 'Social Strand System' (aka S3, 'Solid Snake Simulation'/'Selection for Societal Sanity').
It's pretty clear there's going to be a 'twist' that UCA are actually pretty objective villains (shackles/skull/spider motif, mandatory blood donations). I'm thinking the supposed globalist message he's been presenting in the pre-release marketing will be a total joke in hindsight.
>He doesn't have a Van Halen cassette tape on-hand at all times for emergencies.
That I do not.
To be fair, most popular soda brands sell cane sugar variant of their drinks everywhere. Corn syrup shit is just, like, a dollar cheaper.
>not monster ultra zero
>mfw diabetic because my ethnicity, family history (literally everyone grandparent), and shit eating while young
>mfw I was obsessed with wanting to try caloriemate because I was obsessed with mgs3 and paramedic was my waifu
>mfw I couldn't because it was hard and expensive back then to import, and I was pretty little
>mfw I'm top 5% now
>mfw eating one of these would be like eating a fucking cup of pure sugar
>warm monster
>still better than coffee anyway
In what fucking metric
well if kojimminey is telling me to...
all of these taste really good desu