Do not forget top remove all your weapons before entering the underrail thread

Do not forget top remove all your weapons before entering the underrail thread.

Attached: 7MFYGdF.png (1535x961, 453K)

And so the question I wanted to ask was, does attacking this fool to retrieve the stolen train for Rail Crossing make all free drones hostile?

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How the fuck are you supposed to get 40k for the best jet ski? By level 17 I've had probably 6-8k AT MOST and I've been spending quite conservatively.
How on earth do you make tens of thousands in this? Do you just autistically sell everything and spend 10 minutes after every battle going to all the merchants to sell loot?

Real talk, is optimizing your stats to the point of having 3s everywhere but your focus ones necessary or just autism?

Playing with this on normal difficulty, stealthy sniper. The build was highly criticized in those threads as an unoptimal, but the game's been easy so far. I realized that Depot A is the place where people have difficulties only after almost completing it.

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How long can I delay picking up crafting skills? I can't really find a spot to squeeze them in for what I have in mind, but it seems unavoidable to pick them up later for actually good gear.

Okay everyone in Magatzin is dead. Since another user said there were four maps, I'm wondering it would be fun to just go kill everyone in schtab too.

You can also carry all the loot out of it - stash everything into the shelf near Dude, and when it's time to go home, take it all out before talking to him.

>>>> d e x

Only on Dominating, and to a certain extent, Hard.
Did you kill the Spec Ops? If so there's no reason to bother with the upper room since it's more of the same soldiers, outside of the loot of course.

Which one was the spec ops?

If you can't tell then you haven't fought the spec ops, did you stealth kill the soldiers?

Which map is spec ops on? Another user here, I stealth killed everyone of all maps but the last one, with oil, and I didn't encounter any spec ops either.

No. They set off alarms and everything. I just killed them all with grenades and my energy guns. A few times it seemed like the alarm would reset and then the turn based combat ended and I got to run back and recharge my electronic items.

Second map.
That's weird, are you on normal perhaps?

Yeah, normal. It's my first playthrough.


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Yeah, but it's not like you'll be encountering them aside from Protectorate quests. That quest is the deciding point whether you want to join Protectorate or Drones. Kill or convince the Drones and get the train back to join Protectorate. Or don't get involved and lie to the quest giver about the train's fate, then go to Core City metro station to join Free Drones.

Ah, then I guess the spec ops don't spawn on anything below Hard.

Introducing the new hardest difficulty: APEX HARDCORE

-can only be unlocked after beating the game on DOMINATING
-items sold are worth 10% their regular price
-carrying capacity reduced by 50%
-can't drop items from your inventory for free (can still drop equipped weapons for free)
-grenade cooldowns are increased by 1 turn
-high efficiency energy converters nerfed to regenerating x% of energy lost to damage, at y% per round
-toxic gas simply deals bio damage each round/if moved through; no damage multiplication
-using psi abilities from 1 school will increase the action point cost of psi abilities from other schools
-forcefield functions as an energy shield against ranged attacks and has a certain amount of hp against melee attacks before failing (dependent on skill)
-all npc's have 30% greater detection & trap detection (bosses have 50% greater)
-bear traps dont function if they deal no damage, stronger enemies have shorter durations, and spotted traps use your traps skill vs their dodge
-some enemies (typically knife-users) will have black dragon throwing knives/crossbow bolts, and such traps can also be found
-trap location and type is somewhat random
-enemy placement is somewhat random
-npc's that spot traps or corpses will turn orange and search the map (and pull alarms, if any)
-if spotted, all hostile npc's on that map will never turn back to green; yellow minimum
-npc's will not enter dangerous terrain (such as gas, fire, or traps) unless they have a clear path to you
-most hostile npc's, if they can't attack you on their current turn, will instead head for cover or distance
-if you are seen entering stealth in a controlled or partially controlled map, npc's will turn hostile
-each of the five tribal invasions will be lead by a boss tribal; old ice guy first, then eldran, then bankraester, then oyensorm, then magnar
-Tchort will resurrect after a few turns as long as at least one mutagen tank is still active; how long depends on how many are active

Jewing Ray for infinite charons with Mercantile

Yeah, they're ridiculously expensive. You can get two very high monetary rewards ranking in several tens of thousands if you have high Mercantile skill and sell Acorn to Aran or Reef Glider to the jetski merchant, but at that point you've already pretty much completed the expansion and there's no reason to buy an endgame jetski.

Hey dudes, I'm at the gray army base with Dude. Is there no other way to get through this other than killing everyone? I've got no stealth and there's just way too many people for me to reliably be able to kill them all. Going as a heavy armor psyker. I'm a girl by the way.

why stop there

-selling items now requires you to pay the trader and not the other way around
-can't get rid of items except for selling them
-can't not pick items
-walking speed reduced by 95%, speedhacks detected and disabled
-hit chance reduced by 99%
-the entire screen is darkness and every npc replaced with crawlers
-left mouse button click triggers the game over screen

Hey guys! I'm starting a new run now that the expansion is out. Last time I made a Tranq psi character and was tons of fun and before that a sneaky sniper critlord. This time I'm thinking about either a Psychosis or a crafter something.
What build would you recommend for a third run?

zoner mode
8x player hp
you now have an npc that follows you around, holds your hand, and tells you where to go

hey hey people reddit here

chemical/energy pistol man
psi monk man
smg man

Seconding question.

I murdered them all with energy pistols and grenades.

this game is 50% jank, 50% broken and 100% love

Attached: why is this game so fucking buggy.jpg (1589x908, 394K)

I'm just killing everyone with...grenades, like the other guy. There's some really good choke points, like this bathroom in the second map.

how do I do the abram bug the embassy mission with no stealth

The run back to the metro from the dude's cave house was a huge pain. Too many psibugs

You don't.

Persuasion to get the secretary to leave the room. Or if you have Tailoring, get black cloth and craft a balaclava, leather armor and tabi. Enter stealth in the adjacent room with the ambassador and guard (doesn't matter if they initially see you), then go to the secretary's room while in stealth and plant the bug.

Cloaking device or persuade


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You can hack the door next to the secretary's office, get in, and then close the door behind you. You have to time the patrol.

Is there any difference in outcome between using mercantile to spin quinton a yarn about funding a brewery vs telling him it's for magic portal potions?

Play as a hammer wizard

Attached: Boom goes the cultist.jpg (1024x768, 237K)

you're gay

I love you too babe

>killing the good guys

Good guys dont hold experiments in their back labs, user.

SMG seems fun, maybe as an operator character coupled with some grenade throwing, little knife skills and definitely crafting. Any build like this?

>That awkward feeling when you meet a NPC with your same portrait

what's a couple of g*ys

Put their armour on

you were the kid who'd take whatever anyone dished out to him if only they'd let him be their friend

Good one user

>Some Aegis shotcunt has the brilliant idea of shooting a Sormibaeren behind me
Yep, I'm siding with the pirates again.

Dont mind me, just drilling some rocks.

Attached: the rocks.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

When did dominating become the correct collective difficulty?
I thought we'd all agreed it broke too much shit and hard was the cannon way to play

"CRAWLERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this cave before. There could be CRAWLERS anywhere." The hefty weight of his steel hammer felt good in his bare hands "I HATE CRAWLERS" he thought. Subterranon.mp4 was reverberating trough the entire tunnel, making it eerie even as the 700 credit Psi beetle brain soup circulated trough his powerful, psychic brain and washed away his (extremely merited) fear of POISONOUS ROOF NIGGERS in the dark. "play as a hammer wizard, you can go anyw-" PLAYER rolls for initiative 20 toxic 15 toxic 30 mechanical STUNNED CRITICAL HIT 40 toxic 50 mechanical 60 toxic 45 mechanical 40 toxic 50 mechanical

I spent half an hour making this I'm getting my mileage out of it

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The pirates have shotgunners too
Arguably, even more damaging ones
Maybe it's your fault for getting surrounded by them, or actually being squishy and die to shotguns

>When did dominating become the correct collective difficulty?
Never, unless you believe two obsessive discordtrannies mean anything.

>Maybe it's your fault for getting surrounded by them
Not really, I was out in the open in the very first turn of the initial invasion and this mong just literally threw a grenade (missing) and shoot his load while I was in his line of fire next to the turret, Aegis mooks just have horrible AI and often shoot themselves with their shotguns or bursts.

Caltrops, specially crawler caltrops stop all natives to bumrush you
Hope you got sure step, or metal booties

It never did. Domicucks spamming traps and braps and claiming godhood with their PSI powers has never been the intended way to play this game. Normal for first playthrough and Hard for subsequent ones is the correct option

When styg got to upper underrail I think he just said fuck it and rushed everything till the end of the game, it's the only way you can explain the lack of area to explore like the metro being fucking 2 screens from core city to tchort institute, and the general plot pigeonhole you're forced to maneuver through

Look, I've played this game for hundreds of hours and you clearly do not understand what I'm saying, let's leave it at this.

Upper Underrail looks significantly nicer than Lower Underrail though

>PLAYER rolls for initiative 20 toxic 15 toxic 30 mechanical STUNNED CRITICAL HIT 40 toxic 50 mechanical 60 toxic 45 mechanical 40 toxic 50 mechanical
Not exacly, more like getting stinger hit for 2 mechanical damage then getting slowly eroded away by poision, they keep stinging and booking it with no real chance for retaliation
Slowly die to attrition is incredibly annoying, god bless caltrops, flares, molotovs and electrokinetic imprints

But it's literally like 5 screens meaning he put shit tons of time and effort into the caves and lower underrail and he just said fuck it when it came to end game

>frozen solid
>get burned to death
Game, please.

Take off the regalia

I do actually, I simply dont understand how you let yourself fall in these situations, specially when you got time to prepare defenses for the invasions.
Everybody knows Underrail's AI is quite fucking spastic, this is old news.

Do you think people can't burn to death or do you think ice can't melt? I'm not quite sure what you're complaining about here

I think his complaint was burning to death while still frozen.

No you don't, and you're also completely unable to understand a humourous post, so again, stop posting because you completely misunderstood everything.

How the fuck do I find Core city on foot? I've found the south rail outpost, do I just heading north from there?

Pretty much

just take the goddamn train CJ, it's 25 bucks
you're on the absolute wrong side of the entire map.

Why not take the fucking train?

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I found couldn't really find decent quality parts, or at least a large amount of places to look for them until the junkyard quests. So probably around there.

Wandering to core city, at your presumed low level without a clear idea where it is, is suicide. Do it, it'll be fun
or be sensible and

I want the oddities and murder EXP

Do I miss out on a lot by killing the muties in expedition? I don't feel like wasting supplies on them is a good idea.

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It's not a big deal giving them supplies, and the ferryman will be highly disapprove your actions if you kill the muties.
Alternatively, you can bypass this problem with enough Persuation

Trying to create a build that's smg, riot armor and shield, and has good persuasion. You think it's possible to create without sacrificing everything? I want to be an enforcer

I'm not even sure if SMGs are two or one handed weapons

Then what the fuck, is only pistols one handed? That's lame as fuck
I was originally going to go with shotgun and shield like a true enforcer but that option was gutted too. There should be a [feat] that makes it so you can 1 hand a couple of weapons that would make sense to be one hand-able, with a strength requirement or something

Oddity or Classic
I like exploring and collecting shit
Which one is easier

I said I'm not sure, you can try becoming an enforcer, but I dont know if that will work
Also remenber that 'enforcers' actually have pistols, not SMGs

True, but I was kind of going for more of a SWAT type of enforcer

Oddity for first playthrough
Classic for repeated playthroughs

Oddity is all about exploring and collecting shit
Classic is easier
Appears you have a conundrum on your hands

Psionic mania or locus of control?

Oddity is easier but it can get tedious at times, but is still the defacto exp system for Underrail
Classic is simpler, but can get out of hands sometimes

Locus breaks the game.


how? I tried that a gorillion times and there's literally no way to do it without getting caught

There's nothing to elaborate, read the description, look at the Thought Control spells and do the math.

But LoC is way more important and breaks the game in so many hillarious ways

>I tried that a gorillion times and there's literally no way to do it without getting caught
Keyword: Timing.

They spawned for me on normal

Persuasion being absolute dogshit in the basegame, but one of the most useful things in expedition is one of my pet peeves of the game.

Coretech, Praetorian or JKK?

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Finished the Dude quest line. I asked for the recipe and the guys like "but, bro, if I give you the recipe, you won't visit me. C'mon. I can make you the juice..."
Got the recipe from him, then burned him alive with a molotov cocktail. Get fucked old creep, I can make the juice myself cunt lmao. Can't believe they made it so he doesn't even fight back, just runs away asking "bro why are you doing this"

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Depends on your build or what you want
Coretech has by far the easiest, yet most fun missions
Praetorian quests are quite hard, but it has some nice lore dump
JKK are an absolute nightmare and also is a kick to the balls to waifufags

>Yea Forums chases away and hates underrail threads
>Seth makes a video
>Yea Forums loves talking about the game now


I cant help but imagine a 'stop' sign on that scenario

>the notorious hacker Yea Forums

I'll take Coretech then, Praetorians can go fuck themselves and the only waifu in the game that I've seen so far was my own PC. I doubt any questline would be a problem though, I'm a bit overleveled for that part of the game.

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feels good to be devilish

He's the only one to sell juice later after a little quest.
You just dig your own grave.


Retard, I got the recipe and I can make it.

>I'm a bit overleveled for that part of the game.
Yes you kinda are.

Do you know how to war crimes?

>Do you know how to war crimes?
Maybe, I'm not sure what you mean.

Remenber what you did when you run out of juice and have to do a 30 minutes back trip to caves full of crawlers.


kek sure

Are you familiar with Gas Grenades?

He sells juice components after the quest. You're not going to have a lot of fun collecting them yourself.

lmao yeah alright queer
keep sucking crazy man cock

Nah, I just burn people to death or explode them or (usually) burst them two times and that usually clears entire rooms.

I don't see why there is a need for you to respond to me in this way.

Me = Dabber
You = Dabbed on

The game will eventually punish you for your idiocy.
You just wait.


Cringe post.

Oh, you're for a treat

Get a Gas Grenade blueprint, Quinton in SGS sells it if memory serves me well
Get Toxic sludges and starting mixtures, make gas grenades
Combine gas grenades and fire grenades on the same fight, throw some caltrops and prepare some traps if you can

You wont regret that decision
Make sure that when you get to the Coretech warehouse mission, do NOT rush to talk to the agent, and instead make a death trap on the entrance of the warehouse, THEN talk to her

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If you are playing normal and can craft stuff, by buying components and selling manufactured products to the shops. If you are playing harder or dominating, buying low and selling high to Ray with high mercantile. Or stealing Vera's respawning charons 635 times.

>Or stealing Vera's respawning charons 635 times.
Not him, but I'm intrigued.
Pick pocketing I assume?

Yeah. She has 63 charons and some sgs credits. Steal just the charons, leave the area, immediately return and she has another 63 charons ready. When suspicion bar fills, just do misions or dick around until it resets.
Repeat ad infinitum.

>Have a 10000 Charon item
>Merchant only have 400 Charon

Execute, Practical Physicist, or Power Management for my energy pistol build?

Don't bully Vera.

Which one's more moral?
Or if it's one of those morally grey things, which one is better for SGS in the long run?

Get juiced up and visit all merchants in a single go for added efficiency.

>literally means devil in my tounge

T. in can.

Ok. Minister Percival in Core City is even better since his suspicion bar resets every time you leave the area, anyways.

What language?
This is not the first time this happens, for example, 'Aku' means evil in Japanese, the main villain in Samurai Jack

On a scale of one to five, should I buy this vidyer?

Underrail uses quite some proto-slavic crap, same for the Serpents.

Chort means Devil in Russian.

>anything popular is reddit

Russian, though I believe it's the same in most other slavic languages.

Pirate and buy if you like it.

Why the fuck

Attached: underrail.png (1340x632, 167K)

secret recording from developer brainstorming session:

>Wladislav, I finished balancing mutated dogs
>We gonna give them lots of mp and make them harder to hit
>that way they will be in players faces all the time
>I don't know Stanislav, we also should give them a ranged attack, and it also should be an ensnare for several turns

In short, I fucking hate mutated dogs

I have one word for you, one word: Fire.

Fire and poision caltrops

yeah well I have 2 molotovs on me and must rely on rng setting them on fire. also 180 hp is ridiculous.

>Which one's more moral?
If you care about good vs. evil
Drones: In lore you have characters often saying Drones can be pretty fanatic and kill people over suspicions alone and you do have to target at least one civilian United Station official to join them, but when you get to know them they're actually pretty decent folk.
Protectorate: Their quest line has you working together with a squad that's named "Chemical Assault Unit". I'm sure you can extrapolate the content of said quest based on that.

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why is there no information whether or not weapons are 2 handed or 1 handed anywhere for this game onine
Can anyone test these things? I'm not home to check myself

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I dunno man I had about 8 molotovs when I went to depot; only used a few but whenever I did, doggies got the little black skull icon and ran away to die from burning away from me.

>Which one's more moral?
Free Drones.

morality is a spook

Free Drones are said to be very fanatical and kill anybody who suspects to be a tin can, however they are okay folk when you know them.
Protectorade themselves are also okay, the whole ambient of Forte Apogee is very comfy, so are the people that reside in it, there's a regenerade commander that I highly empathize with
But at the end of the questline, you will meet the CAU, and you will have to either kill all drones yourself, or do something much, much worse, so much that the game endslides will state that the grizzly fate of the drones will haunt your character until he/she dies

most of heavy weapons are to handed, ARs, shotguns, snipers, hammers
Most of light weapons are one handed, although I'm not sure about SMGs
Spears can be both

>help a group of terrorists take weapons that were supposed to keep a station safe
>or don't do that
Real difficult moral choice there.

I've just started my first playthrough and I want to make a psionic build, what should my stats, feats and stuff be? I want to be challenged but not get absolutely shit-stomped because I screwed up my build

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>smg was the main thing I wanted to test

Attached: please... give me a chance....jpg (1024x901, 39K)

Is there any reason not to?

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pic related

Attached: me.png (478x464, 32K)

Like I said, I'm not sure with SMGs, feel free to try, report results back in

All actions end with him falling off the bridge, so, not really

I can't right now, that's why it's bugging me so much. Thanks for the info on shotguns though, that was the other one I was curious about. I feel like there should be a soft str req to 1 hand big certain big weapons, it ultimately isn't a very helpful thing

what if i shoot him with a sniper rifle from a concealed vantage point

The moral weight
I pushed him once and had to reload cos i felt so bad

I feel you, I always though you should really use guns with shield tho, I can picture shield guys holding the gun with the shield arm, and shoot with the other, would look incredebly awkward but it's possible

So what's the optimal warcrimes build? It seems to be the chem pistol + grenades + some traps option, is that right?

Two-handed. This ain't Fallout.
Pistols, knives and swords are your only option with shields.

Risking the chance of the whole Core City turning hostile on you

If I had it my wage and Styg listened to everything I told him to no matter how bad of an idea it was, I'd have it so the riot armor with a shield would put the shield on your back when you can't use it because of weapon choice. and also make the shields better in someway


Chem pistols, specially acid ones, gas grenades, fire nades, poision caltrops, poision bear traps

>Seth does a video on underrail
>Yea Forums starts spamming underrail threads

they have been spammed again ever since expedition came out

Gassing terrorists is not evil, one group is trying to keep some semblance of order and the other is just creating chaos

More like 'the DLC comes out', but alright

I give him two (2) chances and he kept being a dick. My conscience is devoid of guilt.

All right, I'll check this out, thanks for the advice.

>be retarded newfag
>know nothing of Yea Forums beyond last thursday
Fuck off dicksmoker. Or as we say in south underrail, pipeworker.

Are you sure? All guns have a "two handed" animation when you don't have a shield

Who sells magnesium?

Who else here reinstalled Fallout:Tactics for overrail murderhobosquad?


Damn, what a shame. Riot gear with smg and riot shield is a such a classic look, and to think that I originally wanted to make a riot shield shotgun build. I guess I'll forego the shield. I really wanted to make it work but I don't want to do a melee build or use a pistol at all

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Quinton in SGS
Travis in Rail Crossing
Fixer in Junkyard
Octavia in Institute
Phili in Oculus


-damage increases 50% as quickly with item quality/psi skills
-items sold are worth 10% their regular price, quest rewards 25% of normal
-carrying capacity reduced by 50%
-can't drop items from your inventory for free (can still drop equipped weapons for free)
-grenade cooldowns +1 turn
-w2c does 90% damage
-high efficiency energy converters nerfed to regenerating x% of energy lost to damage, at y% per round
-toxic gas simply deals bio damage each round/if moved through; no damage multiplication
-using psi abilities from 1 school will increase the action point cost of psi abilities from other schools
-many psi abilities must hit vs evasion now (or reduced by it), use psi skill at 70% for THC
-forcefield functions as an energy shield against ranged attacks, has a certain amount of hp against melee attacks before failing (dependent on skill)
-all npc's have 30% greater detection & trap detection (bosses have 50% greater)
-bear traps dont function if they deal no damage, stronger enemies have shorter durations, and spotted traps use your traps skill vs their dodge
-some enemies will have black dragon throwing knives/crossbow bolts, and such traps can also be found
-randomized traps/locations
-randomized enemy placement
-npc's that spot traps or corpses will turn orange, holler, and search the map (and pull alarms, if any)
-if spotted, all hostile npc's on that map will never turn back to green; yellow minimum
-npc's will not enter dangerous terrain (such as gas, fire, or traps) unless they have a clear path to you
-most hostile npc's, if they can't attack you on their current turn, will instead head for cover or distance
-if you are seen entering stealth in a controlled or partially controlled map, npc's will turn hostile
-gladiators past master exploder have improved builds with more feats, especially carnifex

Attached: too many words.png (977x81, 8K)


tea kettle more like tea kitten lol

lolz nice

thx :3

>-can only be unlocked after beating the game on DOMINATING
Sorry you lost me there.
That goes against the spirit of Underrail.



Any tips for normal firearms AR/Pistol, throwing stuff build?


does juice let you teleport to cities and stuff?

>I originally wanted to make a riot shield shotgun build
Same. Never had a chance.

>I don't want to use a pistol at all
You might once you see the energy pistols desu.

or pickpocket the key



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>have to restart every arena fight so I have the movement to loot the contestant's corpse before it ends
this is fucking annoying

It's more of an aesthetic thing for me than a raw power thing.

getting mad

This is gonna sound stupid, but how do I get the Ferryman to start talking philosophy? I managed to do it in a previous save but had to reload to fix a mistake I did.

I keep getting fucked by the acid hunters, they always play first and shoot me for 160 dmg 3 times each before i can act. What are the best acid resistant armors. I play as a tincan with AR

do I need a mouse to play this?

how well do crossbows hold up? i dont ever see much discussion about them


Mutant dog/siphoner leather armour and boots will help you

I just got jumped by a siphoner for the first time I'll never walk next to a body of water unstealthed for the rest of the game

You could use a laptop trackpad if that's what you mean, no fast twitch reflexes are needed.

I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing
I just want to shank people and skulk around
If I just get Melee, Dodge, Evasion and literally all the Subterfuge skills, will that even work
When do I need to invest in crafting and how much

He isn't a walking tank with a shotgun cannon one shooting the frogs with the 20pellet

well geez
that would certainly make you play honest!

You get 40 points per level and each skill can only take 5 per level, so you have plenty to spend on crafting.

yea my tip is dont do pistols. they're the worst weapons in the game. not broken that you cant finish the game, but everything else is better.
if you do hybrid you wont be using pistols at all.
just use AR and go full metal armor. you'll be invincible. 9 strentgh, high con, high perception, rest int. feats to take: juggernaut, full auto, commando and other constitution related feats.

if you really want to go with pistols, then you'll need really high dexterity and build around having big criticals.
so it's sorta hard to do a hybrid.

throwing goes with everything. for ar tin can build you dont even need any points coz you can throw grenades at your feet.

Underrail is not a game for brainlets, you cannot play like this. But yes, stealthy knifer can work, but you need to do a lot of thinking
Mechanics, tailoring and electronics, there's no top, requirements on crafting will go up as quaility of components also go up

it'll work
you wont have the best equipment, but that was never necessary

it'd be much harder on the hardest difficulties, but it's doable

I played a female character for the first time and I can tell people are being significally nicer to me
Puts in perspective how male players get shit on for the sole fact he's a dude

Where are the save files at on linux?

So just to confirm, there's no real reason not to wear armor with high penalty if you're neither sneaking nor putting points into evasion/dodge, right?


>finally get to the Faceless Base
>shitton of free ammo/guns everywhere

Am I nearing the end? I'm only like level 17 so I feel I should go out and do more side quests.

Mine went to /home//Documents/My Games/Underrail/Saves

>Everyone playing psi wiz, ar tincan or "stop, hammer time"
>No one plays crossbow trapper
Traps are not gay lads, give them a try. You can even use a acid blob pistol as a synergy weapon.

Nah m8, I'm playing a walking war crime instead.
I also played crossbow trapper in my pre-Expedition playthrough so there's not much point doing it again.

Correct, tanks cannot use the 'nimble' skills like dodge, evasion, stealth and dont have moment points at all

>"stop, hammer time"
kek, I'm stealing that one

>zoners are nicer to a curvy qt
Who would've imagined.

My 2nd playthrough i'm definitely gonna do a crossbow trapper, poison is just so damn effecient at dealing with organics.
Gonna be a pain in the dick fighting robots though.

I lterally just checked 3/5 of those
Must have missed it, will very slowly mouse over everything
thanks user

Armor penalty also negatively affects movement points. If you're a tank that should be mostly be a non-issue apart from armor-bypassing attacks like Thought Control or shit like acid damage, or if you need to get close and personal yourself in case of melee.

>Traps are not gay lads
Aniki said they are.

I'm playing one right now as my first character blind. I have 40 points in pickpocketing and regret every single one of it.
Right now I'm wearing a tactical vest but I'm thinking about swapping to leather for more stealth since almost everything dies before trying to hit me and what doesn't can't get past my energy shield. Also what bowgun is best, I'm just swapping models to craft the highest damage but I've seen a bowgun that has 21 base AP, but has trash damage.

They have a hell of a time getting through tough armor. their utility is unmatched, but they require a lot of prepwork (too much for my liking) but they're silent and crit like champs against trapped enemies.

Is it possible to regain supplies and soldiers in expedition?

I dont think so

Man, I hate this, it adds a ticking clock as soon as you go into the expedition

Pls help
It's my first playthrough and playing oddity, I know my build is very inefficient, I'm going for stealth burst smg/sniper and I have no idea how to spend my specialization points, should I put them on commando and aimed shot?

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What the fuck do you mean AR's are two-handed, I've been holding an AR in my right hand and an SVD in the other, I haven't seen any penalities yet.

Just go straight to kill the Sormibaeren as soon as the intro's over.

Someone mentioned that you can get to Milton before getting the Armadillo Drill parts. Is this true because I can't find a route to get there.

Imp is more accurate translation.

Ah, the 3INT post of the day...Dominating.

They're strong when prepared, and hopeless when not. You have to think ahead and plan shit out more; its fun but not really very "strong".

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I like it.

They're two-handed, as in you can't equip them if you're dressed in armor with built in riot shield. You can always equip two different weapons and freely switch between them with no penalties.

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The word is commonly used to refer to the guy at the top of the food chain in hell, so devil is an appropriate translation.

Put specialization points on the ability you use the most

What's a good SMG to go with a combat shotty?

I literally get like this every time I get a hint of those fuckers. I hate them so much I even jump up from leveling up.

I hate crawlers.

The Tommy Gun

I wanna use assault rifles but I dont have one yet and these beetles keep cooking my brain.

5mm silenced jackrabbit with smart module

What the fuck! There's a Rogue Plasma Sentry down in the Lurker areas you can explore PRE-DRILL!

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Yeah, the Rogue Plasma Sentry randomly spawns the in lurker tunnels.

>tfw you kept everything at "very good" literally for days if you go back and dick around to your hearts content in Core City, but suddenly everything drops to "almost unexistant" once you start exploring facilities
Welp thank you guys for telling me about using the Juice, I would have been buttfucked by Magnus AKA "This is not even my real form!" otherwise.

>that one fucking retarded crawler that keeps standing in place thinking I can't see it even though I've been bursting its buddies for two rounds and it shows up clearly in my vision
haha fuck you you fucking ceiling crawling cunt

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Yep, happened to me too
Just walk away and return 30 minutes later

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There is a special kind of pleasure in mowing down hordes of burrowers and spawns with your shotgun.

Ah, I was actually returning down here to unlock the 50 gate for the oddity so I already had EMP's and a plasma pistol to deal with it. Would suck to meet it at level 3.

>Would suck to meet it at level 3.
Which was exacly what happened to me

>throwing a molotov and watching every single one get the "burning" debuff and run around in a panic

yeeeeeees, YEEEESSSSSS

redpill me on assault rifles

shooting a lot of bullets is the aryan way to do it.

yeah but are they all about the burstan? what about the generic gun feats like aimed shot?

Reliable damage, relatively cheap, good enough variety to make minmaxing worthwhile, Crippling Strike will be the bane of your existence.

Man, choosing the first level feats is always such a pain in the ass. So few defining ones.
I'm going for the whole chem pistol shebang. Aimed Shot seems good, but what else to grab? Saw people suggest Recklessness, but does that 7% really make a difference?
Because I could also grab Quick Pockets purely to have another grenade slot.

You dakka until you can't dakka. Sometimes you'll get lucky and your dakka will kill three people at once. Later on you get a feat that lets you dakka twice if you kill someone with your first dakka. Flashbangs/Nades Mk. 4+Adrenaline shots+sprint break the game. If you let melee guys get close or those psychokinetic kunts to stun you, you're most likely gonna have to reload.

>Spend 9000 charons for Super Steel
>All three stocks are sub 100Q

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When in doubt, take Sprint, it will be ALWAYS useful regardless of builds

>Spend money
>feel soul break
It never is worth it next to building your own/finding in the wild either

Is there any reason not to take Doctor? Higher Effective HP plus having dirt-cheap post-combat heals seems too good to give up.

You have a point, but I ain't got 6 Agility. I suppose I could drop Strength for it, but that seems ill-advised given how much shit I'll be hauling around; and I intended on using heavier armor as well.

Who else took the psi pill even though they literally never use psi because their stats aren't optimized for it? I'm retarded and didn't know it lowers your hp.

Well, he does warn you that it'd cause weakening.

Doctor is useful for 3 CON weaklings and +10 CON tanks

It's a pointless feat since you shouldn't get hit to begin with, good for beginners, but a waste for anyone else.
On the other hand you could use it to save Cliff if you really care, and that one random event soldier in Core City, you can't do that without Doctor.

Vaguely related question: Is Recklessness actually good? I honestly can't tell due to not having fucked around with crit builds enough.

It's godly and very much needed for builds that revolve around critical damage, such as an energy gun build.

how intensive is this game. i have a toster (2015 macbook pro retina, has a gpu but its dog shit) can i run this game? for whats its worth i can run skyrim

How well do chem pistols go with energy ones? I'm tempted to dick around with both, and neither is so feat intensive that I couldn't fit it in, but at the same time I fear I'd end up using one over the other to too large of a degree.

if you can run skyrim you can run 3 instances of this game

hell yeah, ive purposely avoided these threads cuz it looks so sick. i should buy the base game and expansion right? and should i play the first time completely blind?

It runs perfectly on an i3 aio igp that struggles with google spreadsheets and youtube

can't I skip sprint and go full 95% tungsten retard

It's really not intensive at all.
It's not only in isometric mode meaning less has to actually be rendered but it's all just a bunch of flat animation images zipping about.
If you can run a prettier doom, you can run this´.

They kind of overlap.

very cool. thanks, first playthru blind on normal? and i want the expansion right?

they each have a specific feat that you really need, so getting both of those will probably feel suboptimal

I found a friend.
And people said snooping would only cause me hardships.

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yeah go with expansion.
if you go blind at least look at the feat list when creating a character, take a note of what you want and pick the right attributes/skills
or you can google underrail builds and choose one of your liking
don't spread yourself to thin, you'll have a bad time with some jack of all trades build

I don't know, will it? Chem pistols have a total of two feats (Cooked Shot and Mad Chemist), and energy ones have two or three (High-Technicalities, Practical Physician and MAYBE Power Management). That's really simple to fit into a single build even along other shit , though one is likely to kick in later than the other. I don't really see an issue. As long as he stays on track and gets one sorted first, anyway.

It makes me look like an angel.
Real talk though the confuses west and east a lot. Told me to go get the emp core to the southwest, but it was literally to the southeast.

Kneecap shot on chem pistol build, yay or nay? I really don't think I'll need it.

im playing a scientist right now.
it works fine. attributes are practicaly the same
mad chemist and cooked shot is all you need for chem pistols
everything else can be for energy pistols

I have the exact same problem, I was confused as hell looking for the warehouse the dude was on about.

Redundant since both mostly fill the same exact as weapons dealing non-mechanical damage types as situation demands. Both also cover crowd control on their own: acid roots, fire causes panic and ice freezes. While only two of the energy pistols merely deal damage, electroshock pistol also stuns.

You most likely want to roll 2 different chem pistols or 2 different energy pistols rather than one of each, especially since their core feats don't overlap.

no, you'll have cooked shot

Alright, got it. I guess I'll just stick with chem for now, and if I run out of ideas for feats (likely after getting some grenade/trap ones) I'll get into energy.
Though if I'm not guaranteed to take energy pistols, is Recklessness still worth it, or should I just get something else for starters?

I dunno, I haven't dabbled in armor crafting yet.

Are the aegisect troopers' behaviors determinant on your LOS? Because no matter where the fuck I go the brainless epinephrine junkies clump around my dumb ass instead of shooting the savages on their own side.

Recklessness is fantastic and should be the first thing you take if you plan on doing any kind of crit build.

o no

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Fitting name

>Using firebombs in a hostage situation

Honestly what were you expecting?

thanks man, ill maybe scope the build while installing but i really enjoy complete blind when playing an rpg. it seems like a stong focus is necessary tho?

and definitely normal first time right?

> tfw chem pistol + deadly snares (auto crits for immobilized in blobs) + crossbow which takes 14 ap to shoot

I thought he was bugged and just outright murdered him..

Not that user but its not a hostage situation if there are no hostages.

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evidently I wasn't the only one

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yea, pick one combat skill and max it every level
crafting is really strong in this game so invest some points into it
use combat utilities

play normal and oddity

>Be overweight slowfag
>Open crafting menu
>Put stuff in it
>Go fast

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>have sword build
>the only way to solve group encounters is to bomb them
>barely use the sword even tho all my feats and stats are based on it
>i have 0 in throwing
why are mines and bombs the only way to finish the game?
the sword skills are cool and devastating but fucking hell once there are 2 or 3 guys you can't just run around and kill one per turn hoping that you'll survive until the next one

you need a way to deal with large groups of enemies for any build
otherwise you'll often walk into a room and see like 10 small enemies and just get fucked over the course of like 30 seconds as all their attack animations play out

Seems to me the best choices would probably be either the crafting feats, Critical Power or Sixth Shell?

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>Open the door to a room full of enemies
>Pop a barrier in the doorway
>Pick them off with indirect bullshit
>They can't do anything
That psi-pill is a hell of a drug

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then start putting some points into throwing. you dont need a lot.

had a fucking Arsonist spawn for me on this run, fucker's wearing a flame suit with shield emitter and chucks magnesium grenades, and then there's me, lvl 2, poking around trying to cap some lurkers for ez early game loot.

critical power if you're sniper

Max Sixth Shell and Critical Power, Barrel stare is worthless, get Fragmented Chaos.

Sixth Shell seems like the best bang per point on a shooty build

I do both Sniper and Shotgun.

>feeling real clever because i snuck up to junkyard during the hopper quest and with some jewing built myself a super early electroshock pistol
>dunking on sentry bots and rathound packs all the way through GMS
>get here
>cannot shoot any of the bandits without the ricochet zapping all three hostages
had to sit there getting filled with bullets for three fucking turns waiting for them to run far enough away to zap the bandits without friendly fire
real 3 int hours

>Guy runs straight through my plethora of handheld warcrimes to try and stab me in the face
>Fear his dumb ass so he runs back through them
>Dies next turn on fire and with his skin melting from the plethora of poisons in his veins a'la that one robocop scene

Something about this game brings out the inner sadist in me.

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not him, but i have a toaster and i can run skyrim at 60fps with mods and this game freezes sometimes and i even have to restart it multiple times a day when it starts shitting itself after a loading zone
i don't know if it's just my pc or some memory leak or whatever, i'm not a tech wizard

very cool, didnt even know about oddity, but sounds awesome. about to install, anything else i should know?

turn off autosaves on transition. maybe it'll help

i know that i need an AoE ability, but it doesn't fit my style
also, no matter the amount of builds people have, they all have traps and/or throwing which fucking sucks and is fucking boring

Defrag your HDD. This game has more files in its steam folder than my entire windows and program files folders combined.

Psi doesn't need traps/throwing.

only emps here with my sword build

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it'll help the ridiculous loading time probably, but i'm not so sure about the random freezing and dying part of it all

Psi doesn't use traps or throwing
The simple fact is, a method of dealing damage to large groups of enemies is just too valuable not to take, and hard to balance for without also making it a necessity.

dont take the pill if you wont use psi
animals cant open doors
molotovs are cheap and really powerful. get them asap
bear traps require zero skill investment can make your life easier
you can make walking faster by pressing + few times

it's just a molotov with a different sprite

>Make another Super Steel stock
>No charons left
Guess I'll do some questing then

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? the molotov equivalent is exothermic aura, it makes you immune to fire and spreads fire around you for several turns, it's way different.

It does work great with point blank molotovs on these stupid hives in expedition.

molotovs set the ground on fire, the fireball doesn't
also I think the radius is smaller

Is this worth it?

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Only for crossbow imho.

Some people swear by it, I don't think it's really that good, 25 AP are better spent on anything else, you should set traps before fighting.

I used it here and there on my current run, but its not the OP must-have it used to be. Is it worth it? Yes. Is it fantastic? Not really.

So after the gray army base quest with dude, How am i supposed to get back to civilization? Do i just trudge through the upper caves until i find something?

just go north, then up

I like it, setting down a bear trap in a pinch is really nice imo and is useful throughout the game.

there's path to the lower underrail just north of dudes home

Thanks user.

>After a gorillion playthrough I finally meet the Arsonist
>That loot
Wew, how does this guy even move

Is tailoring that worth it if I'm doing a 3 CON stealth build?

what's the trick to silent isle with a non-psi build?
or is there no way and you just get fucked if you can't do mental damage?

Stay in the light, nigga. Don't pick up the mindshrooms and use them as safe spots or throw flares around.

Doppels won't spawn as long as you stand near a light source.

just run bro, take notice of your enviroment, what's abundant.
The puzzles are usually pretty easy in this game.

huh, good to know

oh yes

It will make getting decent armor much easier

Hey hey people

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Where the fuck are the missing merchants, the wiki says east, north and then west. That leads me up some cave stairs and into the subway place. Please help.

Definitely. You can use black cloth as a component when crafting balaclava, tabi, leather armor, riot gear or tactical vest. There's also soft foam padding component for leather armor or regular boots. Both influence the stealth bonus you get from crafted gear.

Get Clothier and the Nimble feat as well.

Is there a good intro guide available? I'm fucking clueless

>I'm fucking clueless
That's good, keep doing it, one day you'll want to go back in time and not know anything about the game.

Disregard this post i am retarded.

with stealth, you need like 40ish for that
every "stealth is mandatory" quest is doable with 0 stealth and noncrafted gear, not even including cloaking devices

>Gray army base
>Get my ass fucking annihilated
>Slowly but surely gain ground
>Get two levels just inside the facility

Now everything feels like a joke.

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I just did this

What's the best sort of metal armor to make? I'm mainly confused on whether I should be using a single really high quality plate or if I should use multiple lower quality plates. And is the Tungsten armor worth sinking an additional point over normal Steel?

>get game after seeing Yea Forums talk about it for over a month
>want to play pistol build
>whoops pistols are the second weakest weapon in the game
>want to play something with out psi
>whoops, psi is mandatory for cooldown reductions and massive AP boost for only 25% health loss and less than 100 total skill points
>want to play a sneaky thief trapper
>whoops, not enough points to do that and crafting
>and crafting is mandatory :^)

such a shame the developers fell for the skill based progression meme and such a shame you will defend it for giving you 'freedom' when there is no freedom, only the chains of optimization

>give up and just plan a metal armor AR build
>suddenly i have way too many skill points than i know what to do with
>the only options are memes like getting the max skill check caps in all 3 social skills
>but this requires either gimping yourself early game or taking it late game when it wont even matter

i just want to play the fucking game fucking developers

>>whoops, psi is mandatory
opinion discarded

>decide to make a through and through powerfull build that excels in combat at every point without relying on gear
>game showers me with exactly what i need and throws 0 encounters
>make a meek build that only takes off after lvl 10+ or finding specific pieces of gear
>fuckall loot, rogue plasma sentry pre-depot A
Life in the zone is rough on the weak.

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what the fuck
it really isn't
It's nice sure, but not mandatory unless you're shit and need an OP build to carry you

God that fucking bitch won't stop killing herself when the natives appear.

there are very few builds that can not afford to dip into psi and there are no builds that doing so does not improve.

Just because you 'can' do something doesnt mean its correct. You 'can' play on easy mode and do what ever the hell you want, but any build not optimized to work well on dominating is simply the equivalent of those easy mode random point distributions, there is no middle ground, either you are optimized or you are shit.

I think he means that through psi is the only way to get the ability to decrease your CDs (Temporal Increment) or increase your AP (Temporal Contraction). The AP thing is only half true since Adrenaline exists and you can stack em.

>not enough skill points
you can only level like 8 skills at once per level unless you keep levelling different shit per level, which you really aren't supposed to do
Pick 8 skills and stick to them, only branch out if you've reached the minimum of what you want for a certain skill and want to start working on another one

How much lockpicking/hacking do you need for the entire game?

>whoops, psi is mandatory

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0 and 0
if you're asking what the highest checks are they're around 135 effective

Stop responding to the shitposter.
He's spamming this shit almost every thread and in other threads too.

A build is either optimized or its shit. To say you 'can' play a weak build makes all build discussion pointless. You can play on easy mode and just randomly distribute points and probably make it through the game.
A build not designed around optimizing for dominating is simply not an option, even if you do not plan to play on that difficulty mode, because it sets the pace for the mechanics of the game.
The benefits of hybridizing with psi far outweigh the drawbacks. its not balanced and therefore mandatory.

Grenade 123 unless you are playing throwing weapons.
Hacking 130
Lockpicking 115
Crafting skills past ~150 effective skill level are completly useless (varies slightly per skill and luck, but even 150 with table and then depending on +int stuff if you do need more is perfectly reasonable and thats even excessive)
chemestry past 112 unless you are playing chemical pistol
Persuasion past 110
Intimidation past 100
Mercantile past 105

All of these things, are, depending on build, obtainable with less than 100 skill point investments. A psi build for example can effectively max persuasion with less than 50 skill points

raising these skills past thees levels is simply wasting skill points. In a properly designed game you could not do it, you could do as you say, pick 8 skill for your character and just play the game, but this is not such a game.

consider even the fact that you get 40 skill points a levleup. Why not just 8? Why not simply divide all skills by 5 and give you 8 points per level up?
The reason is so you can spend hours optimizing things, so you can shave a single point off one skill to add to another. There is no other reason to do it. The develops want you to get 123 grenade skill exactly, if they didnt then they would not have designed a game like this.

>be retarded
>blame devs

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anyone know where the reliable sources of toxic sludge are? i think i found 1 barrel on quinton and i havent seen any since

>Recycle psi headband
>Scraps weigh more than the headband itself

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>taking domichad discussions into account for your normalcuck playthrough

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Why didn't you shill this game to me sooner, Yea Forums? I am literally pic related in my first playthrough.

None of what you wrote is true though.

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Toxic barrels have fixed sources of sludge, various vendors also sell it, Harold and Quinton at SGSG for instance.

we've been having daily posts since the expansion came out

No reliable sources from merchants as far as I remember, at least not enough to supply your nade needs. Core City sewers have a few barrels and the expansion has shittons of them spread all over the place to the point you're not likely to run out.

>being good/OP = mandatory
buy a dictionary dumbass

>Toxic barrels
oh nice i think i saw one near blaine. does their sludge respawn?

>does their sludge respawn?
Of course not.

>make first character, a full psy spec willpower-focused person
>learn the first skills in the tutorial section through talking to the 4 people
>"hey go down to this area to power some generators"
>first mission, am wandering through the caves/swamps
>not really sure why all this empty space is here
>come upon some sort of small rat
>am losing badly even though psyonic ability should be able to destroy what appears to be a rat
>consider using up to all of my inventory to kill this one rat
>surely this isn't how the game is meant to be played, you shouldn't have to use all items you have to kill what is probably the first enemy in the game post-tutorial
>normal difficulty btw
>die with rat at half health
What the fuck?
I love difficulty, but am I missing something? This is obtuse, presumably there is no alternative since the rest of the game would destroy me at higher levels than I and this beginning section must be the easiest in the game

True. I'm just having a lot more fun than I thought I would.
I thought I was too impatient for turn based crpgs after I tried replaying FO2 last year.

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Im not retarded, i have studied the system and seemingly know it better than this thread since i see what bullshit it is.
A week, of full days, sitting here, researching, analyzing, looking at tables and spreadsheets, reading years of discussions and patch notes.
The system is garbage, and unbalanced as shit.

A game is not opinion, its numbers, there is a problem and a solution. In a well designed game, there are many solutions of equivalent capability, all of which provide different experiences. In such games you could pick a build theme, an archetype, optimize that, and arrive at a similar effective power level as if you picked a different one.
But here we see clearly that there are simply bad choices and good choices, and the good choices shoehorn you.

For example, evasion and dodge, apart from uncanny dodge, are absolutely useless skills. They only do anything on lower difficulty levels. Therefore using a build that incorporates them is simply learning how to be bad at the game.

shut up, faggot

>reduced AoE damage is useless
>reduced to-hit for melee is useless
are you the kind of retard who puts on metal armor and then wonders why his character in what is effectively platemail can't dodge effectively?

psi is easy and you should have 3 psi skills before leaving, what have you managed to do? Did you only get the shitty mind control skill? Its weak against stupid animals.

What you do is get psi blast and the quest with the crossbow to unlock the 4th psi trainer, mind blast, shoot the quest bolt, finish it off (you dont have to land the killing blow with the quest item) with the temporal manipulation skill, collect the quest item, go back, turn in quest, and get the cold spell
This two shots everything

You have never seen a role-playing game with useless or redundant skills before? Underrail is extremely generous by comparison to some older games.

>still replying to the shitposter
When will you people learn to hide, report and ignore serial shitposters?
You think you're gonna change anything?
Tomorrow you'll see him again, doing the same shit all over as if nothing happened.

this always confuses me because you can literally punch the rats to death with 0 investment in melee


reminds me of the guy who got filtered at GMS compound because he couldn't beat the two raiders in the first room of the third floor.

I played through the main game as a stealthy SMG/guy, what build should I use for the expansion content?

How do I deal with floor 2 of the GMS as a crossbowman without wasting a fuckton of shock bolts and emps

>i just want to play the fucking game fucking developers
go play NEO scavenger lmao, you fell into a trap reading other people's opinions about "mandatory this" and "mandatory that"
I have not once done a full psi playthrough, and I have finished the game on scavenged loot only. both are nice, but neither are absolutely necessary. it is not anyone's fault but your own that you are too autistic to just enjoy the game.

just wait for the robots to be looking the wrong way, rush the body and loot all it's shit, then run and hide to quicksave
after that the hard part is getting to the south east corner to reach the third level

New to the game, is it ok to do a crossbow+melee character or do you just focus on one weapon type?

If you fully build to maximize those skills they still do not work reliable on dominating.
Like detection, which doesnt work even with 18 perception, goggles, and paranoia.

These are the sorts of things im talking about. There are full elements of the game, entire skills, which are simply newbie traps.

it's better to, but not absolutely necessary
just means you won't be able to invest in a different skill instead

you can sneak through that entire floor without fighting. just use the vents and pay attention to their patrol patterns.

To be honest it is a bit bullshit if you play on Hard where your HP gets slashed down a notch and you also happen to have low CON. No other way in, you're forced to start combat from dialogue without stealth or any other preparation and if you lose the initiative roll you can die on the first round of combat without ever getting a turn. You also can't use AoE if you want to keep the old man alive though it's not like it matters. It's more difficult than any of the fights right after it.

you need lockpicking to do the vents, unless you lucked out and found a crowbar somewhere
even so, it's doable with 0 stealth, no stealth mode, and no vents
just do:

>useless skills
yes, i have seen them. I complained about them too.
The best systems are class based systems, skill based systems have always been garbage, and i am providing examples as to why this is.

I have to laugh, on forums i will see people caught up in the skill based idealism, fully entranced by the delusions. They will think themselves some protector of the game, guiding new players with advice, being careful not to spoil anything... and then in the very same post explain how you can detect secrets even with 3 perception because there are items and consumables that boost detection. Do you see the problem here? An unspoiled new player wont know where these things are. If you want to see all secrets naturally, you need 11 prception. So this advice giver, is blind to their own contradictions. They on one hand encourage blind playthroughs, but on the other defect the flexibility and freedom of the skill system by saying if you fully metagame, using foreknowledge and external sources to look everything up, you can get around all sorts of problems inherent in the skill system.

For the Arke power station, how do you get to the main hall? I looked at the wiki and picked up the keycard from the dead body at the basement but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the main hall, is there a keypad I'm missing?

its easier to specialize in 1 thing unless you know what you're doing.
the game isnt balanced around dominating. it was a challenge mode which was added later and it's expected to be unbalanced and broken to the point where the dev added a warning that he didnt know if its possible to beat the game on it.

>the game isn't balanced around dominating
The existence of dominating means its the standard. If its not balanced around dominating then that just means its not balanced, which has been my gist all along.

>Like detection, which doesnt work even with 18 perception, goggles, and paranoia.
have you played the game?
last run I had 10 perception and goggles. I could see death stalkers before they saw me by the time I reached the institute.

>You also can't use AoE if you want to keep the old man alive
sure you can
he usually runs to one corner, in my case it's always been the bottom one
pretty easy to use AOE without hitting him

yeah i just assumed he'd have lockpicking since crossbow builds trend that way. vents just make it easy because you get into the room opposite the trap door. the only part that caused issues for me is the top right room with a bot guarding an oddity. thank god for sprint.

on hard or lower no doubt

>existence of dominating means its the standard
how brainless can you be
it literally says Normal is the intended difficulty and way to experience the game
Hard and Dominating are just for people who want more of a challenge, Easy for shitty casuls

its literally a for fun meme mode. it just feels like the standard because we're autistic.

Seeing all secrets isn't necessary at all so who gives a shit? Perception also helps in other, more important, ways
You sound like a min-maxer. A build optimizer that's more obsessed with tweaking their 'perfect playthrough' than actually playing the game and enjoying what's there.

>step on landmine somewhere in underrail
>set game speed to 5x
>walk all the way back to SGS to get healed for free

did you reset the power

Main weapon skill + Throwing as secondary skill, because you want grenades to cover AoE and crowd control. Grenades also have a cooldown so you can't just make do with Throwing skill alone, unless you specialize in throwing knives.
If you're a psi user you want to grab several spell schools to cover your AoE and CC needs and don't need throwing as secondary.

Absolutely devilish

Honestly, the secrets are cool and handy but I've never come across one where it felt like I'd be hurting if I missed out on it. Same with persuasion really.

>it says
I can attach a label to a fork calling it an hovercraft hanger, it remains a fork.

The hardest difficulty of the game is always the difficulty that counts for builds because a build that works on the hardest difficulty works on the easier difficulties as well, but the same is not true the other way around. Thus always, when one discusses builds in video games, they discuss them in the context of the hardest difficulty mode.

If anything, i'd argue hard mode is intended since that's where player and NPC health is unmodified, i.e. standard.

>the bonus extra hard mode is the standard

Attached: attachment.php.jpg (279x267, 9K)

>on hard
correct. I still had 420 detection skill, which was enough for hard. on my current DOMINATING playthough, I've just reached the expedition camp, so I'm not far enough along to test what detection values I need to see crawlers in stealth with similar gear.
I reiterate, have you played the game?
do you plan on playing the game for the first time on DOMINATING?

just use cheatengine and give yourself extra skill points if you're gonna be a whiny bitch about it.

you cannot detect them before they attack you unless you have good stealth OR insane detection (I dont even know, maybe 800+ for instant detection threshold?)

i kind of wish i could just play on hard but with the sale prices and ai of dominating

>Seeing all secrets isn't necessary at all so who gives a shit?
It was an example user, to illustrate the contradiction. They suggested aproaching the game from a blind and immersive standpoint, not to worry about learning the specifics and mechanics and technicalities, but then in the same breath explained that you could look up a list of secrets and use items and consumables to detect them even with 3 perception (the looking up being the very kind of research into the games mechanics and technicalities that they had just chastised)

It shows the problem with skill based rpgs. They are not role playing games, they are number crunching games and always have been, so people aught to drop the act and stop trying to act like its some mystical and wondrous experience. Its a burden, and the entire reason to optimize and plan on builds is so you can finally ignore all of the mechanics, just follow your level by level plan, and actually get to immerse yourself in the game.

No, i plan to play the game first time on hard, with a build i intend to take into dominating, to familiarize myself with the game, before playing dominating to fine tune and optimize the build based on those experiences.

There are people who have commented on detection in dominating, they have already done this work for you. Why would you waste hours to find out if detection works on dominating (it doesnt) when you can read a single sentence?

Dodge and evasion also do not work on dominating. Uncanny dodge of course does, but the skills themselves, even if you fully max them with gear, simply do not make a notable difference. Therefore we can conclude they are useless skills.

>he doesn't max swimming

Well, in some games a maxed Swimming skill is actually not bad.

I hope you don't use gas and traps.

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Which one Yea Forums?

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>negotiate a truce between Camp Hathor and the Rathoud King
>go back to his den and kill all his pets for their pelts

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If you're not resetting the vendor autistically for days and buying the devastator you are doing it wrong.

Take for example hacking and lockpicking.
135 hacking and 130 lockpicking are the maximum you will ever need. This is for containers, so you actually need 15 points less in your actual skill.
Hacking however has a 130 dialogue which can not be boosted in this way.
So 130 hacking, 115 lockpicking. These are all you would ever need. It is possible to obtain more than double the effective skill value.
Defend this, justify it. It has no purpose but to punish people who do not know this ahead of time.
Now the correct solution as i have been saying is just to have a class based system. If you pick a thief you can pick locks and you don't have to worry about it beyond that. But even in a suboptimal game system, they could have added solutions to this. They could, for example, have made skill levels over the required skill amount increase the speed you pick or hack. They could have made hacking over the required amount lower the energy cost, and lockpicking have a chance to retain picks, proportional to skill over. These would be fairly useless things from a pure optimization point of view, but at least they would be something. They would let the player who wants to make a thematic character they envision is best in the world at hacking, actually have something to show for it.. They could even add a few one off occurrences in game. They could have added a few hackable terminals around the game where you can obtain data to sell to a broker, based on your skill level, so that even if it doesn't effect game play at all you have a maxed hacker get even more data to sell.
In this way there is justification for the build, it becomes a role playing game again, you can just max hacking to be the best hacker and there is a point, even if its a minor one that doesn't really matter.
But there is no reason to have hacking over 130. And even that is pushing it, trying to find excuses to raise these skills. In reality there is very little reason to have either skill above 100.

Unlimited SaGa.
But it's kind of cheating since the Panel system in there makes it so everything is multifaceted and you can make really weird build since all your skills also influence your stats.
You can make a literal pure "Swimmer" character with nothing swimming panel and still end up with a pretty good character, physically speaking.

these burrowers spawned a lot of... spawns

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Old dwarf fortress too, skills directly increased stats so fishes were constantly training swimming and got super hardcore.

where is the location of the workshop that increases your crafting skills by 15%?

gas and acid are my friends

Attached: underrail (1).jpg (1920x1080, 301K)

>Why would you waste hours to find out if detection works on dominating
why would you waste hours reading to find out every little in and out of the game rather than just experiencing it for yourself for the first time blindly? someone may have already done the testing, but I simply don't care enough to look into the results myself, I simply already planned to do a sniper rifle/crossbow build on DOMINATING anyways, and due to game knowledge from previous playthroughs could simply prepare myself for known crawler areas. I'm not wasting hours trying to prove one thing to myself to fine tune a perfect build for future playthroughs, it's just something I'd learn on my own by playing the game.

Player housing. Costs a lot of charons you could save up for a sweet boat.

mechanic guy in rail crossing sells it for 1200 I think

>get to core city
>immediately get into a fight with some mugger way higher level than me
>walk up some stairs
>get into another fight with an entire gang
holy shit I just want to find a guy who sells components wtf

Fuck, do I need to get through the cat cultists to get to the crossroads? They are fucking me up, even with explosive traps all over.

You're a long way from SGS, jack

interesting, though i'm more of a door cheese man myself

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Fixer in Junkyard sells a chemical/biology workbench.
Fredd in Camp Hathor sells a Tailoring workbench.
Travis in Rail Crossing sells a Mechanics workbench.
James(I think that's his name, the electronic shop guy in the Mayor's area) in Foundry sells a Electronics workbench.

You need high mercantile and a few other tricks if you want discounts though, they're all pretty costly.

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underrail is a big fat waste of time. I feel sorry for anyone who actually plays this game. This game reminds me of a time when rts like games were turn based. It's just a chore and unnecessarily slow.

is going full throwing not viable?
If you go into crafting pretty hard, and use traps as well, couldn't you make a bear trap and Molotov hucking madcunt build viable?

sex is a big fat waste of time. I feel sorry for anyone who actually has sex. sex reminds me of a time when sex like games were turn based. it's just a chore and unnecessarily slow.

A low-low shield is what you want as a tincan, right?

How many sormibaeren villages are there, or is there only the one?
If more, does wiping one out reduce the frequency or strength of attacks at all?

>underrail is a big fat waste of time
so, like all video games? believe it or not, some people may like what you don't like

There's no real point in having a stat at 4 unless you plan on raising it through level ups for a feat.

>is going full throwing not viable?
the aoe of grenades falls off and throwing knives are shit regardless
a spear based build that throws the spear a lot is better
still shit though

It's ok, some people get filtered at depot a.


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>There's no real point in having a stat at 4
not him, but I disagree. I don't like having stats that have skill dependencies at 3 due to the hit to the effective skill. I guess it differs from stat to stat though.

It's what you want on literally anything as low-low is enough for most high velocity guns.

just do low-low all the time


I want to make a shotgun wizard, is that doable here?
I've heard very mixed things about hybrid PSI builds.

>is that doable here?
Very much so.

Molotov + gas nade + caltrops should destroy everything organic coming your way, but you want to use throwing knives because grenades have a cooldown. It'd also be useful to branch into Temporal Manipulation so you can reduce cooldowns further, with Increment and Grenadier you can throw a second damage grenade at the next turn. But like the other user said you likely want spear as a backup, and it nicely has the throwing related feat.

im playing one on dominating and so far so good

Hybrid psi builds work just fine
The only real downside is that it splits your stats between more skills, and lowers your health.
Psi, as has been established, is worth more than it costs.

No, you want high high shield. Ideally at least.

Does this look fine for babby's first crafted shield? I just want bullets to be blocked just enough that my armor DTs the rest or most of the damage. My other emitters can give me around another 20-30 points for high and very high, or I could just do the one low freq for 40/50 high/very high

I had a high freq shield once in an earlier run and it would tank one or two dude's attacks and then pop because it was blocking 100% of the damage, so it wasn't very useful in fights that lasted longer than 2 turns. I know that people talk about them for sniper aimed shots but I don't really get the point of a high freq shield to block snipers if it runs out of energy before a sniper even engages you.

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you literally don't even have to fight them like that, just use the other entrance

Where can I reliably find boot springs?

Free Drones merchant

Pure psi is usually the best because all spell schools scale with one stat Will, so you can just pump it up to ridiculous numbers since psi abilities cover everything from damage to utility to crowd control and more. The best psi feat in the game, Locus of Control requires 10 Will so it's usually all or nothing if you want to roll Thought Control. As a bonus high Will also unlocks several lore dumps through the game.

Temporal Manipulation is the best hybrid spell school that's useful to literally every build in the game regardless of stat investments because its best abilities are completely utility-focused (reduce all cooldowns by 1, extra AP, stasis that you can cast on enemy or yourself and wait out other cooldowns) and they don't scale with Will or your effective skill level, it's enough that you meet the bare minimum casting requirements. You can either level it up to 55 for the AP cost reduction spell Contraction or 70 for Stasis, then never level it up again and focus on your other skills.

Another more specialist hybrids are monks that use unarmed combat and Psychokinesis school spells: Force Emission adds extra DMG to each unarmed attack and there's also a feat that adds STR scaling to all your telekinetic spells. Unlike Temporal Manipulation, you want to level up both your Melee skill and Psychokinesis skill as high and you can and want to have at least respectable Will even if it's not maxed out. Metathermics or Thought Control see less use in hybrids because their best abilities' effectiveness scales directly with very high Will.

As a note using any psi at all requires you to take a pill that permanently reduces max HP by 25%, but even if you're just taking it for Temporal Manipulation it's usually very much worth it.

I did it. I purged the entire fetid marsh of living beings. All I got for my supplies was a shitty arena ticket and a shotgun.
Where the FUCK is the nexus entrance? The spider's lair is a dead end, the fetid marsh is a dead end, the blistering shores is another area entirely, the crimson meadow center isn't connected, I'm losing my god damn mind here.

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The purpouse of high high shields is to protect you from things your metal armour cant
Electric and energy attacks

Alright, I've been unable to determine this: does Spear Throw's DAMAGE scale with your effective Throwing skill or effective Melee skill? I'm assuming it's the former

>stasis that you can cast on enemy or yourself and wait out other cooldowns
Works with regen vests too IIRC.

>The spider's lair is a dead end
check again, or just be a baller and bypass it with 10 agility

>you literally don't even have to fight them like that, just use the other entrance
>other entrance
The what now?

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I went temporal manipulation because you guys wouldn't stop telling me to dilate, but it doesn't seem as useful as the other spells to me. What am I missing?

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this is genuinely god tier bait

thanks for the laugh whoever this is, probably harper


>What am I missing?
that Contraction is better than Dilation.

do i need throwing if all i'm going to do is toss inc or gas grenades?

if you're ok with throwing them at yourself

30 and 6 dex so you can get Grenadier and spam more effectively, otherwise no

Botching a grenade throw will set its trajectory off, like in X-COM. If you like seeing a hilarious gaping hole in your warcrime funhouse, feel free to skimp on Throwing.

if you want your throw to head in the same cardinal direction as the destination you selected, yes. 0 throwing (if you don't build your character to throw grenades at your feet) is an F9 simulator the likes of which should never be explored.
plus, as someone who played baseball, it's so goddamn embarrassing that you have to invest so much into throwing accuracy. tossing the equivalent of a rock accurately isn't difficult at all

its nice to have some for grenadier and making sure you dont waste too many nades on misses, but there isnt much reason to go above 100 effective or so unless you're going all in on three pointer or memeing with a spear.

>Only Kevlar I could find in three hours is a shitty 110Q spin
Goddamnit, it's the only thing left for my armor and none of the vendors refresh to anything better

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How this build look?

Attached: Spear + Shield.png (1119x1013, 131K)

Unless you love savescumming then you need at least nominal investment in throwing skill, though you won't need to max it if you're using Throwing solely for grenades and not single-target stuff like throwing knives or spear throws. Or if you plan on picking up Three-Pointer and exploiting it to its fullest.

>tossing the equivalent of a rock accurately isn't difficult at all
my losses at bean bag toss against literally children beg to differ

Does this mean the deed is done?

Attached: Genocide question mark.png (595x200, 128K)

Contraction with the feat is bonkers.

You were throwing things at children, not at *specific points on the ground*. Also, you weren't lobbing them distances you could conceivably underhand toss.

She should say this.

Attached: genocide complete.jpg (1680x1050, 1.03M)

>Insist Gorsky gives me the card to mess with Burrowers
>Find a fat load of fuck all and two oddities
I really should've listened

Well, i'm just doing it because i'm sick of the bastards invading, I feel like from the way she describes it, they are basically neutered.
I've stretched myself pretty thin to get to that point, i'm all out of magnesium bombs and gas grenades. So can I just leave it there and continue with the main quest or will the persistent buggers still keep at it?

For real. Every time I run into a burrower area my heart sinks because I know I'm about to waste all of my ammo, traps and grenades for 0 fucking reward.

No real loss if you have a shield
If you're on classic XP you even get XP for killing them, and you can of course sell the venom to Quinton so he can satisfy his addiction for burrower cum

it's funny how you can tell when a player is and isn't psi or is and isn't oddity by whether they see a bunch of enemies as either a reward or a punishment

>I know I'm about to waste all of my ammo, traps and grenades for 0 fucking reward.
Burrower genocide best reward of my life

As a tungsten tank, I see burrowers nothing but an annoyance