
Bros....we GTA now.

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Looks like the newest pokemon game


Nips should leave open worlds to westerners

So it's been confirmed you can play as other characters and not just Goku for the entire game? I know we saw during the Cell arc you can do battles with Gohan and what not. I'm interested as to how far they'll go with the story. Right now we know it goes all the way to the Buu Arc, so that's a good amount of content since it starts at the beginning with the Saiyan arc. So that means we get

Saiyan saga
Frieza saga
Trunks saga
Android saga
Cell saga
Buu saga

I mean that's pretty much everything not including Beerus and Super stuff. I'm thinking maybe that'll be DLC? It'd be cool if we get Super content added to the game, like the tournament saga or getting to fight against Jiren, not sure how they'd incorporate that into the game though.

Does the core gameplay revolve around flying around and collecting glowing balls?
Also, why is it so empty? There's barely any detail. Looks like BotW in that regard.

>dbz gta

south americans will love this game

Man can't wait to replay the exact same story arcs for the fiftieth time


>Explore an empty borinng world and collect orbs

So its DBZ x Crackdown

I cant pass driving licence mission. Any tips?

finally those gta san andreas skin mods will become real

>patrols as the GREAT SAIYAMAN are almost guaranteed
Welp, guess I'm buying it.

Look at that potential, imagine that with stuff like roaming in Garlic Jr. castle
City section is not empty, but the other sections like desert is more likely

>xenoverse roaming but NPCs actually move

>Xenoverse 3 but without any of the online interactions and universe shenanigans

>Can finally play as BADMAN Vegeta
About time.

I'm hoping theres character specific side quests and that the game dosen't just jump into the next saga right after you finish one.
Fuck Super shit we should get the movies as DLC
>Broly 2
>Cooler 2
>Fusion Reborn

>even DB fell for the open world meme
The absolute state of this franchise.

I'll probably get this but it just won't be the same without Bruce Faulconer's OST.

>tournament of power as an actual online 80 player battle mode
not sure if want

I'm wondering now if the Buu Saga will let you play as Mr Satan/Hercule

>pants clipping through the shirt with every step he takes
awful, AWFUL!

It's still in develop. but have you seen how Vegeta gets stuck in the lamps when he should destroy them when flying towards them.

It looks like trash.


>not including Gokus OG story

Vegeta's VA has really deteriorated with age. I remember him being fantastic.

He can't do Smash Captain Falcon voice anymore, its why 4 and Ultimate recycles his sounds from Brawl.

Even in games Tenshinhan exists to job, damn. Dealt no damage, couldn't even get a hit in.

if you can't transform in/out of super saiyan whenever you want to, it's gonna be a no-buy from me

You can play Hurcule the whole game, also as Ten Ten as a cooking and bitching simulator.

>GTA dragon ball

Fuck yes, just like the old days

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Please stop giving Bandai money, thanks.

I want to be a raging giant monkey too whenever I want.

How come?

i wanna drive-by some saiyan niggas.

Anyone here remember that old dragonball halflife/CS mod? Why the fuck is that 20+ year old mod have better fighting gameplay than one made today?

It's not even done yet.

this looks terrible

We cant even go to the fucking moon anymore.

Try not to make it too obvious next time, champ.

That actually looks like a fun world to explore.
I know nothing of this game, is it coming to PC? I might get it. Haven't played a Dragon Ball game since Budokai Tenkaichi 3

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That comparison referred to "There's barely any detail".

They would be fools to not incorporate the latest completed DB story arc. Leaving super to be a sequel or dlc means missing out on the latest transformations, characters, no gogeta blue, broly, etc

looks like shit

Looks like a fucking mmo.

this looks stupid as fuck, I'd still play it

Stop getting baited by Goku and focus on passing the test piccolo

>free roam DBZ
Can you blow up cities/planets?

>3D legacy of goku

>japanese dub

>they still haven't shown off the sacred ointment level

gaming is dead

thanks doc