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why wasn't dune 2000 this campy? that was the C&C I grew up with
I found that clip a week ago and it won't leave my head. I can't read the word without smiling to myself.
The best part about this entire scene is that you can see Tim Curry visibly break character for a second to laugh at the line(s) he had to read.
Even better that they used to the take too, so one wonders what the other takes mustve been like
He’s doing so well now after his stroke. Maybe there’s hope after all
Genuinely pleased to hear that
>THANK GOD actor I have never meet is okay!
doesn't even deserve a response, let the sad cunt samefag
>wojak poster
>no empathy
Checks out
b-b-but, empathy = not unga-bunga caveman trait = beta trait!!!
also why won't women fuck me
I thought that too, but an earlier thread on this very board showed yes, Dune 2000 was campy
See the Harkonnen and Atreides campaign cut-scenes again
>my sister died yesterday
>lol imagine me being sympathetic for you or your sister, that would make me a beta and I am NOT a beta!
immediately read this in his voice
>red alert
>tiberian sun
>dune 2000
>starcraft & broodwar
Man, what the fuck happened to good rts
Blizzard butchered the fuck out of starcraft lore
>>starcraft & broodwar
this cancer together with wc3 killed genre
>Bbbbut they were so casual and easy it's like they specially were made for kids lime me and people who don't like games
Im sorry for your shit taste
>not embedding the vid
>THANK GOD actor I have never meet but has created a lot of stuff that is highly enjoyable and funny is okay!
You fucking autistic sperg kill yourself
>responding to a wojak poster
DotA and assfaggots happened. After DotA got really big every RTS had to be dumbed down to appeal to the fucking MOBA crowd. I'll never forgive Dawn of War II for doing away with the basebuilding system that was so key to making the first game feel so good.
>Tim Curry & Friends go back into time to kill Einstein
>It makes Japan OP as shit but doesn't erase the part where Einstein went back into time and erase Hitler.
Is it me or anyone hates the idea that changing one thing overwrites another and that the Soviets would have to fight not just against the weebs and allies, but also against Germany since get got rid of Einstein in 1927 and Einstein would have not created the Chronosphere and travel back in time to kill Hitler in the 1930s
I don't think you know what this word means.
Don't think too much about it, Red Alert's time travel mechanics don't make a squat of sense.
He killed Einstein AFTER he killed hitler. Its why Prism Tanks and Prism Towers are still here in RA3 but nukes aren't.
There's no way in hell that they'd make a game with wacky Nazis like we have had wacky Allies, Soviets and Nips.
>dune 2000
my brudda
This is exactly what I needed to be reminded of today.
Each Red Alert has different time travel mechanics, don't think too much about it.
>play campaign
> get quite far
>game crashes
>load up, nude russian chick greets you in the loading screen
>stop playing campaign forever
so how did it end?
>tfw we're going home
I'm sure you're a real alpha posting on Yea Forums.
Excuse me?
>C&C 1 first
Emperor: Battle for Dune is pretty gud about that.
we made this face into an emoji for my friends discord.
i use it all the goddamn time.
>le commies are evil
I hate Americans and their blatant propaganda
>le you can also play as commies
>>le commies are evil
In uprising, they stopped Futuretech from using time manipulation on the world. They were even commended by Allies themselves
Pretty much this. Once LoL became the biggest kid on the block, traditional RTS was all but extinct.
A Red Alert with wacky Nazi's would be too good for this clown world anyways.
Thankfully we did get pretty close with Yuri. Guy was just a Nazi in Commie clothing.
>confirmed for never having played 3
The Commies are legit good guys in RA3 if you play the expansion.
dilate, seethe, tranny, reee etc.
I hope your friends are good people user.
Reminder that Brian Cranson was hired by Petroglyph earlier this year presumably for the remaster
I hate that this is actually making me consider giving money to EA.
RA3 was a quality game. Why didn't people enjoy it? The forced A.I co-op commander? Eh, that was entirely unnoticed on my end. I just played as usual.
Was it the colourful setting? The fact that the Japs were a faction? Why was RA3 so disliked? I loved the FMV stuff and the infomercials with David Hasselhoff.
Fuck off Tim Curry is a global treasure.
You morons need the pause that builds up the ham.
>b-b-but, empathy = not unga-bunga caveman trait = beta trait!!!
literally the reason why early humans survived and neaderthals died out was because we had innate empathy and neanderthals didn't.
From last thread some guy gave his opinions on why he didnt like RA3, them being:
>music change from industrial funk to orchestral rock
>lost its uniqueness, example:compare Grinder 1 to Grinder 2
Other people in that thread said along the lines of:
>"Cartoonish and toyish graphics!!!"
>"too over the top and silly!!!"
Music guy's arguments are pretty sound. Cant say the same for everyone else though
Wish vidya would use real actor cut scenes instead of blowing their budget on modeling them in 3d
DOW2 was more CoH than MOBA.
I guess. I like the music in 3 but I do admit that I prefer the industrial tone of 2.
Watch yourself tankie or your neighbour will snitch on you and your ass will be sent to a gulag
It looks like trash
plus 1, RA, and TS are already free
He also said that some tracks are too general and less applicable to Red Alert like
>red alert 3
zooming in this thread is off the charts
I agree with this yeah. Some tracks definitely sound like they belong in a B-grade RTS. But some also sound really fucking kickass.
Fucking hell this is cringe
kys you unempathetic piece of trash
Society doesn't want or need you and neither do we
He posted it for the sole purpose of eliciting a reaction, why enable him?
Kickass indeed.
It was because the Japs were retarded fucking OP in multiplayer. Map control is everything, and their units having universal terrain capabilities and NOT having build range limits was just full blown stupid.
BW is still alive.
Yeah but their units are pretty weak, an AT + 3 bullfrogs can easily rip through a balanced mecha bay army. Harassing is their GOAT but unless you send your tengus in packs or use a VX (requires some moolah), that Collector aint going down.
If you want a recent rts game with a great campaign try Deserts of Kharak.
It is kino.
Them not hiring Joe Kucan means that the Remaster is gonna be utterly soulless.
but I like Tim and his work
You don't have to like it but you can't deny that RA3 was the last true C&C game. It desperately tried to keep the spirit of the franchise alive in spite of EA's usual fuckery. The gameplay isn't the best of the series, but it was good enough and downright fun in MP even if the Nips were ridiculously imbalanced. The music isn't the best in the series, but god dammit, it's still Hell's March and playing all three versions back to back when they pop up in your playlist is MANDATORY. The graphics are quite good for their day and an undeniable benefit to the experience.
RA3 is definitely not Yuri's Revenge, but it deserves more love than you give it, Yea Forums and you should know better.
So the only thing RA3 achieved is that it wasn't C&C4. Okay.
The "other takes" were probaby just him laughing his ass off.
You just know when Tim fucking Curry of all people is trying his best not to burst out laughing, the line is pure gold and you can die as a happy and fullfilled writer.
There is only one Kane. And you can't kill the Messiah.
the fact he corpsed makes it even better.
It was the last true EA 'game' that isn't influenced by money.
Don't you dare mention that filth in my presence you maggot!
Red Alert 3 is even better than C&C3 storywise.
>Wacky Nazis
Imagine the potentials
>fuckhueg landcruisers
>Ghostapo necromancers
>Nazi UFOs
>SS cyborg shocktroopers
>V2 superweapon ala GLA Scud Storm
>Ubermensch hero unit
>sexy blonde dominatrix intel officer
its shit dont waste your time. play hw1/2 remastered instead.
seething vatnik
Oh don't fool yourself, user. It was most assuredly made as a cash grab. The devs were just able to keep EA out of the studio for most of the cycle and understood that Red Alert needs it's camp AND cheesecake.
No it isn't. It is pretty damn good and arguably has far more tactical depth than the space based homeworld games do because of the way terrain works in Deserts of Kharak.
>Flammenwerfer unit
Just draw some Swastikas on Yuri and you get pretty much exactly that.
Plus Cloning Vats.
Damn, I want that now.
Too bad there is no way you could portray the Nazis in any other light than dead serious or in some demeaning way in this day and age, because of the whole "nazis were the most evil group of people in existence" shit western culture is infected with.
RA3 had insane production qualities for an EA game. God I love the naval battles
I don't remember Cloning Vats looking like that.
Just imagine it as red.
It's boring and frustrating.
>It is kino.
mediocre and butchers the original story for homeworld
I wish RA3's unit design was better. It was a step down compared to C&C3.
How come? I found it quite easy to grasp and entertaining.
No it doesn't.
Autumn Reeser all day every day