Does Fire Emblem really have incest in it or is it just a meme?

Does Fire Emblem really have incest in it or is it just a meme?

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Sometimes it's technical
For example this woman grooms a street urchin to be her eventual husband but the writing basically implies that they have a brother sister relationship

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It's okay because she's not blood related.
13 inches

Yes. It's a major plotpoint for FE4 and the sheer levels of incest Rhea is on in 3H has never been seen before to my knowledge.

Incest were pretty common in the days of royal families.

Yeah. However, addressing the one you posted, Fates has adoptive only on both sides, completely nullifying the only aspect of Birthright that pulled people in besides maybe the non-European setting

Where would you get that idea from? There's nothing incestuous about a brother and sister being King and Queen.

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Well that could just be in title rather than by marriage

What are some games that feature close familial relations?

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I think Genealogy was the one that let you bone your sister, granted it was kind of an exploit.

A villain cucks the mc of the fourth game, kills him and marries his wife, who turns out to be his sister, and has satanic inbred children with her. You tell me.

Saddest game ever.

Fates does have incest, though with the grey waves waifu

The name of their final weapons references a brother and sister that did incest.

why what is it?

You can canonically fuck your sisters if that's what you're asking, but they're all NBR

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Priscilla's pretty thirsty for Raven's dick in Blazing Blade
too bad he has Lucius


fuck off, fe fanbase is retarded fags

>fe fanbase is retarded fags
water is wet

They retconned the only incestuous pairing in Fates.

Correct, it was a glitch. However, first cousin marriage is A-OK! Or Ayra and her uncle Shanan

Kana Imouto. A Japanese visual novel that's all about the MC's little sister suffering an illness.

She dies in every single ending except one

>the only incestuous pairing in Fates
Fucking your cousin isn't actual incest, I do it all the time

I want to be pampered by this doting onee-san.

>Having sex with someone who is functionally 50% isn't incest
Based third worlder

A cousin is only about 5% related to you though

Remember, your family is merely your adopted family, even your 'real' Hoshidan family (they cleverly hide this fact until you marry them)
If you want to go full sweet home, water is your legit cousin.

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>Yea Forums unironically likes 3D women

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Imagine being such an incel that your only hope of sex, even in an escapist fantasy setting is incest.
This is where japan is at as a culture and you incels eat it up.

It's okay if its taboo

You say that like incest is easy to achieve lol, pretty sure if you're an ugly incel that even normal women wouldn't touch, your relatives sure as fuck aren't going to risk breaking long standing taboos with you

The point is the only intimacy you have is with someone who is essentially stuck with you.
It's also a fact that people find people with genetic similarity to themselves attractive.

I would no joke fuck the bejesus out of my sister.

>You say that like incest is easy to achieve lol
How does it get any easier? They live in the same house as you.

>It's also a fact that people find people with genetic similarity to themselves attractive.
Except people tend to be actively turned off by relatives as per the westermark effect. When they say genetically similar they mean somewhat similar in appearance, not full on incest similar, there's pretty much a sweet spot between incest and fucking complete aliens that people tend to go for.


Because 99.9% of people would never even dream of fucking a relative. Any ugly incels sister is going to have infinitely better options with normal people than fucking him, particularly with humans inbuilt disgust towards fucking relatives. It'd probably be harder for someone to fuck their sister than to fuck some random girl on the street.

cringe and twitterpilled

The appeal is literally the complete opposite of what you're saying. The point of such a taboo fantasy is that it's ordinarily impossible. Unless you're muslim.

spotted the TMZ viewer

See that seems obvious because you're not a degenerate piece of shit, but look at what is replying to.
These fucking incels look at this and see their dream fulfilled.


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Yeah men in japan are ridiculously beta, so their fantasy is to have someone who loves them just for them existing and lives in their house and they do nothing.
Then they're never related by blood because THAT would be too far.

That and the whole pedophile vibes. Because women are intimidating unless they're children

2 nukes were not enough.

I love Camilla

Real alphas fuck their sisters because they're literally just too hot for their sisters to resist, the real redpill

Do you love her 13 inches?

The marth games - ?
The Valentia games- ?
The Leif games - alvis and Julia
The elibe games - ?
Sacred stones - ?
The radiance games - ?
Awakening - you can make lucina and owain fuck, they're first cousins
Fates - all sorts of family fucking, but the only blood related incest is corrin and azura
3 houses - you and rhea. You and sothis

>t.Never had sex

Actually I have, with hot relatives as well.

>Sacred stones - ?

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Redneck incel detected.

To be fair Western (and Christian canon) morals see that step siblings is still incest and taboo.

>Sacred stones - ?
C'mon now.

Still considered to be moral incest, even if not biological.

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>Sacred stones - ?

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>moral incest
lol the shit Americans will come up with

>why yes I'm telling lies on the internet how could you tell

>Oh she's not blood related
The fucking excuse to justify that your fantasy is fucking your family.

>Sacred stones - ?

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You can fuck your cousin and make cousins fuck in Fates. Can make cousins fuck in Awakening. Rhea is like 120 levels of incest in 3H. Modern FE went all in on the memes.

if you say so, whatever helps you cope

>t.never had sex and like lying to strangers online.

Whatever makes you feel better about your and your fat gf lad

>How can the people on the internet tell that I'm lying about having sex.

>Sacred stones - ?
Nice try, Ephraim.

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Are ya winning champ?

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Incest laws against step siblings/parents/cousins started when Rome became Christian.

Because you're coping redditors?

It's not incest if she's technically not your sister

Wow the "incels want incest" thing turned into a self fulfilling prophecy in this thread.
Careful guys, or the high point of your life will be lying about fucking your sister to people who can tell you're an incel just by the way you talk online.

To be honest it's a lot of fun when it's genuinely not a lie but everyone insists you're lying any way because they can't cope.

Still pisses me off to no end how shit the localization was for that game. It had some top tier waifus and they straight up cut all the mechanics related to them, not to mention the memes/political agenda they inserted into the dialogue, and the entirety cut conversations. I think that may have been the game that made Nintendo learn not to trust NoA with this shit or at least to tighten the leash on the treehouse.

Only your parents are 50%. A cousin is at most 1/8 but from random combination could be 0%.

I've played SS lots of times and have never gotten the incest vibe
Is there any standing reason you guys have for the incest or are you just grasping at straws because Ephraim protects his sister?

>Is there any standing reason you guys have for the incest or are you just grasping at straws because Ephraim protects his sister?
Aside from the weird dynamic they already have, if Ephraim and Eirika remain unmarried then they rule as king and queen of renais. You can't call it shipping goggles when it's about as subtle as Oreimo's ending.

It's funny that they think it's something to brag about too.
Like having sex with someone who's not related to them is outside the realm of their imagination at this point it's so impossible.

Literally the first picture after OP

t. works his ass off for months to bang a single fatty

>they rule as king and queen of renais
If I remember right, there's a whole conversation of who would rule at the end of the game or not, because it has to obviously be one or the other
>weird dynamic
Explain seriously, the only dynamic they have is "grew up together, and feel united by war that kills parents and best friend who started said war"

Basically this.
That's like bragging you're not a virgin because you got diddled as a kid.

read the supports dingleberry

That's because they spend their whole time watching porn and in the last couple of years like half of pornhub is incest shit for some reason, so that's all they know about sex because they don't have it in real life.

yeah having a girl literally be the one to initiate sex with you, and be willing to go against taboos just to fuck you is totally on par with being molested.

I know it's hard for you to fathom being an ugly cunt who no woman would willingly fuck, but it does happen.

>Half of pornhub is incest
Yeah, why/how the fuck did that happen?
Is this the anime influence on the American porn industry?

And by family no less. Which makes you a Chad because they went against taboo or whatever.
I honestly feel like that might be the case and this is some unhealthy alternative to therapy.

Eirika: Just...a bit longer.
Ephraim: Yes, you may be right. There may be an end to this fighting soon. We may yet defeat the evil in this land and return it to the hands of men. Then, Renais may enjoy its former glory.
Eirika: Yes... You will be crowned king of Renais, and I will help you rebuild our land. We will make it a happy and prosperous country, free of conflict. Just as we three used to dream about...
Ephraim: We...three. Lyon was here with us, wasn't he? We three had so many grand ideas for the futures of our lands.
Eirika: Yes... We talked about a lot. But Lyon...
Ephraim: ......
Eirika: Brother... Brother...please promise that you won't ever leave me alone. Please...promise...
Ephraim: Of course. I would never leave you. Why would you ever think I could do something like that?
Eirika: Brother...
Ephraim: I know better than anyone how you feel, dear sister. Ever since we were born... No, even before... We two have always been together. And together... we will always stay.
Eirika: Yes, dear brother...

Is this the best argument you have for incest?Seems like brother and sister just care for each other like family is supposed to

Thread devolved into talking about pornhub and some incel screaming about fucking his family and not even getting any replies.
Yep, that's Fire Emblem alright.

>13 inches
Height difference? That's pretty hot.

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Jews own the porn industry
They like making their goy degenerates and peddle incest porn to them using the hottest and highest paid actors/actresses

It was a fire emblem thread about incest
Dont pretend it was going to turn into anything but this

Taking your step-family members as your spouse is a sin.

Between you and her? Yes, especially since you're so small!

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Ephraim: Eirika, are you all right?
Eirika: I am fine, Brother.
Ephraim: I'm right here, so please call me if you need anything. I'll always be nearby.
Eirika: Yes, thank you. But you do understand that I am here to fight, don't you? I cannot ask you to watch me constantly. I am your sister, not your ward.
Ephraim: Eirika...
Eirika: Wait, don't... What are you--?
Ephraim: You looked a little upset... I thought I would stroke your face like I used to...
Eirika: Please stop it. You're treating me like a child...
Ephraim: Oh, I'm sorry. It's just an old habit... Besides, you were always the one who pestered me to do it when we were little. Don't you remember?
Eirika: N-no, I don't remember! That was such a long time ago... Ahh... Dear brother, please try to remember where we are right now. What would our companions say if they saw us in such a personal moment?
Ephraim: Yes, that would be embarrassing... Forgive me, I did not mean to do anything you would find unpleasant.
Eirika: N-no... I didn't mean that... It's just--
Ephraim: So, you really do want me to stroke your face?
Eirika: No! I mean, look...
Ephraim: Ha ha, you always did blush so easily! You haven't changed at all!
Eirika: E-enough! are starting to anger me!

>Sacred stones - ?

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Oh no an older brother who used to dote on his younger sister, he must be fucking her!

Not one of those people has been able to prove there is even remotely an incestual vibe to SS so unless you're going to, it's time to fuck off

bro you're talking to people who insist Camilla has a dick because some faggot spammed a chart 2 years ago. Let it go.

>fall in love with sigurd and have a child
>get captured by evil people
>they erased her memory
>she gets married and have two children with her brother Arvis
>she still cares for him even after the fact learning about her first love sigurd who died by his hands
>Arvis also had an affair that produce a child

this game also had children slaughter and possibly prostitution

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I cant help it, Yea Forums didn't use to be full of retards that couldn't even attempt to defend their own retarded statements, no one will even argue with me anymore, they just get btfo and disappear now
It's so dissatisfying

these are the Japanese we're talking about. just accept it.

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Yeah I'm sure Ephraim must be fucking his A support sister and not any of the dozens of women he can S support

there are so many references to incest between the two they even addressed it in the gachashit game
there are so many memes about them that you get banned from reddit if you talk about it there

>you get banned from reddit if you talk about it there
oh noo what will ever will i do if i get banned from a site i never go to. go back

Why don't you post them then and prove it to me?
I'm sure memes are an accurate depiction of how things are and work, so as long as you KEEP SAYING IT, it should be true right?

>taking memes this seriously
Bet you didn't know Eirika also has a giant horsecock.

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imagine seething this hard because your waifu's brother cucked you

At least this kind of memeshitposting is easily discernible as a joke
muh incest because projected degeneracy into subtext is so fucking brainlet tier, I'm concerned with how many people buy into it

Imagine trying this hard to project an incestual relationship onto two characters because you want to fuck your sister

play the game zoomer

How much incest is it for Byleth to fuck Rhea? it's gotta be at least 3 or 4 different types of familial relations at once.

I have several times
It's how I know you're full of shit and your inability to prove to me that they're fucking is both a testament to your ignorance of the game and your incapability to provide evidence to anything you claim

Imagine being gay lol

Same energy.

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is this series even worth reading?

>no balls
full package futa/full futa >= full futa/female >= male/female > full futa/trap > trap/full futa > male/full futa > full futa/male > female/female >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> half package futa/anything

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absolutely based

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>nobody ever likes futa on male
I fucking hate you people.

thats basically gay as fuck user. you might as be watching yaoi or some shit.

futa is for coping fags that like dick so much they'd rather see it worn on a titty monster
Eventually you'll start liking traps and settle for marrying some tranny

Why dont you go suck a dick and get over it faggot?

Only if it's futa.

he rated full futa on trap though

incest incest its the best
put your sister to the test

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ok retard, guess everyone is wrong and you're right

>t. incel inquisition thread
If even this basic fetish is too degenerate for you, why the fuck are you here?
>inb4 Yea Forums is for games

burden of proof is on you

If everyone is right then they should be able to prove it, unlike what you've been capable of
2+2=4 because it's proven to be true
Ephraim and Eirika aren't fucking unless you can actually prove that they are