>people still play Ov*rwatch
People still play Ov*rwatch
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying ov*rwatch is a game and not a Segway for top tier sfm porn.
Nice bait baka
This thread will get filled with porn.
she looks like she fucks white guys
>white insecurity
Well if it is it better have some sauces to it.
Sorry, I only jerk it to futa Overwatch stuff.
please make your own thread
All of you are weird
My brain finds bleached so boring compared to black. Now this I can coom to.
it's because she already looks white, the retarded fetish makes no sense
why are bleached niggers so insecure?
its the same shit as blacked posters. Just random retards thinking its an epic post
>post bleached
>shittedcucks come out of the woodworks to screech
every time
Raceplay is a dog shit fetish across the board, hang yourselves
Small penis, no gf, and a hatred for blacks. Bleached niggers are insecure because they never worked for their body and don't want to. They feel they can just rely on their genetics when a good healthy body needs to workout 5 times a week.
this. it's one thing if the girl is dark-skinned, but they'll even do it for blonde blue eyed girls.
lmao seething wh*toid
Bleached posters are the most pathetic and pitiful existence on this planet.
>people still fap to overwatch sfm / blendershit
how is everyone not tired of this by now?
>was filtering overwatch out of hentai search results two years ago
I understand having a fetish but posting it at every oppurtunity is kind of silly.
Because pharah best girl,that's why
...bleached.... more like... BLEAKed.... because the future is bleak...
>tfw no white uncut cock tall built BF
they are so rare
feels bad
i want to have interracial sex with pharah
I want to fill her with babies.
It's a literal copy because white chucks are too insecure to accept fictional women on the internet being fucke by black guys.
The whole thing is literally blacked but with white people, no nothing creative or unique about it.
I miss when it was just Calvin Klein and not political bullshit like "Bleached/Blacked" on the clothing.
soon to be sneeds
soon to be nuns
>Be black
>want hentai with black dudes so i can self insert
>95% of the time its cuckshit
the fuck is wrong with you niggas
So there is Blacked and Bleached.
But whats there for Asians?
I'd watch her ovaries fill up with my cum if you know what I mean
Nips are only marginally aware of the existence of black people
I don't know, black bro. It's almost like artists see us incapable of vanilla love. Like we're somehow less than them.
I have no idea what you mean
>Blacked: Black power brother, hell yeah
>Bleached: Awh hell naw honky, you a insecure little bitch!
Both are stupid anyway
The fact that you can't have an Egyptian mommy gf IRL Is a true tragedy which can be considered greater than any genocide
user, the whole point of "blacked" is that it appeals to insecure white people. That's what makes it hot in the first place.
"Bleached" is just regular raceplay without the whole "oh god my waifu is getting fucked by a lowly nigger how awful" angle.
>needing to self insert
>needing porn at all
just try to use your imagination and imagine a scenario you like
This. Been fapping to all kinds of porn without black guys and it works fine for me.
In the future it'll have one for Indians called curried. guaranteed.
you guys are brainlets, the point of bleached is to make the viewer (99% white male) the dominant and desired one
the skin color literally doesn't matter, it's about fetishizing white males
>watching porn
I shiggy diggy doo
what are ovaries? a type of fruit?
literally me irl wow
>the skin color literally doesn't matter
>it's about fetishizing white males
God i wish Egypt was real
im black and i love white cocks
for some reason
blame /gif/
I get it, it's just retarded
the skin color of the female, brainlet
the core fetish is white male worship
"Blacked" is just regular "interracial" porn fit to today's political climate.
Pretty pointless to read into it too much.
cuckolds aren't real, right Yea Forumsros?
>girl wearing bleached clothes
>is white, defeating the purpose of the bleached fetish
wouldn't that make this image black insecurity?
Yh and as a nigga I hard agree with that,white guys need more action instead of being either cucks or sissies,but this seems more like a dab on blacked instead of and encouragement to white only porn. And hell, the IRL counteract to blacked is vixen and tushy, which has hotter apparel than blacked so overall bleached still seems cringey
D. Va is korean
>literal copy
but that doesn't make any sense because the consumer is white in both cases
they are OPPOSITES
it's like netorare vs netori
>implying any one on Yea Forums can even get a GF or wife to be a cuckold
dunno who the fuck that is but she's got a stupid name
So which ones are the core audience for Bleached porn?
White incels, or Cucklord non-Whites?
>Tfw hot black gf
>Laugh together at blacked and bleached memes, don't take either too seriously
if a white person is having sex with a black person is it a simultaneous blacking and bleaching?
Only idiots still play overcuck, the game has been ruined by a combination of poor balancing/design decisions and socjus/faggot pandering. Patricians such as myself masturbate to all the awesome sfm porn and laugh at Blizzard's stupidity.
Easily the former
Both of these posts are made by white males.
OP is a incel neckbeard
user is a nigger loving soib0y
Pic unrelated.
well i think brown bottoms have a white man fetish
or something like that
But it's true, user. The most common "blacked" type porn consumer is conservative white men. Who else is going to have a fucked up race complex that this type of shit appeals to?
depends who's dominant really
strong black women conquering weak white guys is definitely a thing
It's a term coined by the former so I'd wager that. That being said, you'd puke if you knew how common it is for the afro having dashiki wearing black power type girls to be completely unable to keep their hands off of white dick.
White incels, they're the ones editing cartoons because they can't get real women
If it works like that then obviously liberal black women likes "bleached" porn.
Mexicans likes "yellowed" porn.
Asians likes "browned" porn.
Africans have no porn.
And Aussies likes Eskimo porn.
based fuck wh*toids
Racist liberals that see race mixing as the hottest taboo instead of something normal. Conservatives don't really care unless they're far right to which they just avoid it. Being conservative and hungry for blacked pounding is like being a Jew and hating money. It's pretty contradictory user. Very cooker post if you ask me.
I want a white bf
me too
t. white bf
>calls interracial cuckshit creative and unique
it's just cuckoldry but with the man being black or girl but i don't think lesbian blacked exists
So racemixing is good now?
He is a leftie trying to gaslight people,dont bother,nogs will never be civilized and they will die out without whites
meant for
it´s funny to me that this shit probably comes from a fat incel cuck who spends his time watching niggers fuck girl´s that´ll never even notice him
>bleached: white insecurity
thanks the jews and the left
>le leftists are the real racists
White insecurity. Blacked is made by whites and for whites. Its incredibly insulting to any self respecting black, as blacked treats them like some sort of primal forbidden/taboo thing.
>Racist liberals that see race mixing as the hottest taboo instead of something normal.
I suppose, but statistically, it's more common for conservative white males. So is racism.
Do you really think /pol/ back in the day had to constantly delete BLACKED threads because people were posting it for the lulz?
>Being conservative and hungry for blacked pounding is like being a Jew and hating money.
Why? Again, the only reason it's considered "hot" in the first place is because of the race anxiety angle.
I find it funny when people try to convince me of this. "I don't like BLACKED porn user, do you think I would want my LILY WHITE DAUGHTER getting BRED BY A MASCULINE NIGGER?" like bruh
>cuck and blacked shit so popular on Yea Forums and /pol/ that its become a meme in its own right
>its those leftists that love blacked not us, nope definitely not the people who post it constantly, its those guys over there
white, but just like blacked there is a disgusting amount of non-whites who get off on being cucked
>blacked is made by whites
you mean Jews right?
Pol is clinically retarded. They constantly upstart shit they hate by giving it attention. At this point its best just sit back and laugh at their retardation instead of bothering to get upset over it
>if you hate bees you secretly want to watch bees fuck white women
never said it wasn't
Yes. Jews user. It was also jews who make every bad thing in your life happen. Im also a jew, was paid by jews and also funnel all of my money to the illuminati so we can someday kill all white people even though we already control the world and the media and have all the money.
>middle eastern women the highest
Very nice
Overwatch? More like ovarywatch.
I'm black and even I know the average nigger doesn't have the mental capacity to behave unless they got their shit know kicked in by the feds but saying conservatives jerked off to black is pretty dumb given that they wanna secure the rapidly declining white race.
based Blacked supporter
>post asagi and subverse shit made for literal real life cuckolds and quite possibly liberal twitter audiences
>post anything else
>lol incel
I swear netorarefags are the most insecure projecting miserable fucks on the whole planet. They act tough when they have the shittiest fucking fetish in the known universe, they act like their shit is popular when they are the only ones actively crossposting in any board with their trash. Christ are they fucking pathetic or what?
Liberals and netorarefags' comments read like they're the same person. An interracial sfm gif on r34 reads like resetera. A thread about that shit reads like it's a DNC debate. You ain't fooling anybody.
The owner is canon jew, cuckold.
If you understand racism to mean 'refusing racial prejudice and trying not to act based on race,' conservatives are unironically the only non-racist people in the entire political spectrum. They actually believe the intermediate-phase stuff about colorblindness and judging people by character. Maybe class-reductionist communists too, but for different reasons.
t. Nazi
Greg Lansky is a super white name amirite
Its fake
>If you understand racism to mean 'refusing racial prejudice and trying not to act based on race,' conservatives are unironically the only non-racist people in the entire political spectrum.
There are people that actually think this.
Holy fuck, why didn't the Soviets just nuke America. Fuck it, it would've been worth it.
So Usopp is fucking her?
>The owner is canon jew, cuckold.
>Greg Lansky is a super white name amirite
So your proof is "just because i say so"? Okay gotcha. Insecure faggots detected
>Interracial porn was never an issue in the 90s
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong now?
Based and redpilled
dude he is literally a jew
im not memeing
Insecurity is on the rise.
Storm front took over pol and used it as a base during the early 2010's to accelerate political bullshit to force the ebin race war.
Ironically, they played into the jews hands whos ultimate plan is to divide mankind and make them easier to control.
The end result? The Alt Right is the jews greatest ally and will cause whites to be further disenfranchised and then theyll work on another race
Uhhh, sure. I literally do not watch anime.
It absolutely would have been worth it. Past the 60s the Soviet Union was objectively less Jewed than America. Yockey saw it coming.
Also I know the technical definition of racism is more like "white people exist" but that's not the case to grugs that still operate inside the liberal-conservative dichotomy.
Too busy Nuking and starving themselves
>I'm black and even I know the average nigger doesn't have the mental capacity to behave unless they got their shit know kicked in by the feds
ok there uncle ruckus
>but saying conservatives jerked off to black is pretty dumb given that they wanna secure the rapidly declining white race.
This may surprise you but people don't jerk off to what their ideal world would look like. Lizard brains don't work like that. Do you think nips who crank it to women being fucked in public and paraded around naked like pigs really want to live in a world where women have no shame? Oh wait you're just a nigger with no mental capacity
>Blacked is made by whites
>Oh wait you're just a nigger with no mental capacity
*white larper with no mental capacity
Anyone got the original to this?
>it's not self-hating whites to be the problem, it's totally whites that do not hate themselves
Again, cuckolds sound like liberal democrat voters, it's fucking uncanny. This is the political equivalent of "just insert as the dozens of fat ugly dudes".
>conservatives are unironically the only non-racist people in the entire political spectrum
>everyone else is inferior and if you disagree you are the racist
holy shit the mental gymnastics are incredible. I cant even begin to understand the mental state of someone whop is unabashedly racist but cant quite get the idea that racism is bad out of his head because society drills it in so hard, and thus us at the same time racist and accusing other of being racists as a bad thing. Go get help user
It was literally made as a no u
i just have an interracial breeding fetish and bleached lets me enjoy that because i'm not a cuck
Most whites dont hate themselves you retarded delusional pol faggot. Most whites arent very far or left on the political spectrum.
Youre a retarded useful tool
I hate this fucking "meme" so goddamn much. Stop ruining pics with your political trash.
>Taking /pol/ seriously post 2016
Frickin cringe.
>Thinking pol only houses conservatives
Even bigger cringe.
>Race anxiety angle
Elaborate,cause it sounds pretty retarded to me given the vast amount of genes labelled as white and you ,as a supposed racist conservative, decide to go after ch*nk,a n*gger, or a sp*c?
I've never even played Overwatch, but goddamn, does D. Va get my motor running.
>no source
says who? shittedcucks?
*donk donk* YOOOOOOOOOOOO'd.com
How is this political?
Source is the bleached discord where they regularly fabricate this shit and make raid threads like these to spam it in
>still hasn’t post proof
I wonder howTite Kubo and Bleach fans feel about such a fetish?
the problem is that when a certain group of people hear a white person say
>black people have been really mistreated up until very very recent times and its stupid to think the effects of all that mistreatment will be gone because they havent been shit on as hard for the last few years
and think that somehow this means he hates white people.
any proof or u just like making stuff up?
She cute
racelets sure are mad
proof about what?
I don't even know how you got that. Reading comprehension much?
Racism is whatever, I think the vulgar racism of going around yelling about niggers is déclassé but I'm not Southern, maybe that's a bigger deal when every second person is black. Honestly I look down on conservatives for buying propaganda and on top of that, buying OLD propaganda from before the anti-white line replaced the colorblind line. It shows they're just liberals going the speed limit.
>friend drew a black guy fucking my waifu for me to self insert too
>posted it on social media and a lot of his followers complained about cuckshit
Thanks for doing it and sorry for the damage
Go in the discord yourself. Theres even screencaps around of their editor's encouraging people to spam this shit
imagine racemixing with her
Akschewally BLACKED did make a couple lesbian vids. I’m not linking them rn because phoneposting, but you can find it on pornhub.
Nothing about race
>Implying ever black man is a n*gger
Ok racist
>Implying average women today have shame.
I think we know who here really lacks the mental capacity user.
>no proof
so you're just making this shit up as you go yeah?
>follow this artist named AikiYun on tumblr
>drew a rwby character with a black guy
>20+ notes of people calling her a race traitor cuck and insulting her to the point where she drew more to spite them
>lost a total of 3 followers
Lmao. These type of niggers are pathetic.
Black people don’t fap to blacked it’s all for the cucks and degrading them
I still don’t understand how people think that black people actually want this shit
>posted it on social media
He should have known better
People that tend to hate bees also hate women and like to see them being degraded and humiliated. They see bees as no more than animals. Bestiality is also big among misogynists for the same reason.
Apart from the obvious Kendra x Anna one ,just name them if there are anymore
You sound like a bleached discord nigger. Maybe grow two brain cells and check yourself yeah? Or do you need to be spoonfed how to do the simplest of tasks?
inb4 self whipping white bois complain about bleach
>diverting this hard from posting proof
almost like you have none?
Not sure if there are, the Kendra x Anna one was what I was thinking of.
Bleached is a cuck fetish
>my waifu isnt only for me im going to share her with my whole race
yeah they do retard you have one right here admitting he wants to self insert
Have you seen the first threads of this shit
Have none in the sense that i dont care enough to save it? Yes. Saying none exists because you refuse to check when it takes 5 minutes? No.
Again. You sound suspiciously like a defensive discord nigger. Keep crying.
extreme levels of mental gymnastics here, astoundingly absurd
shut the fuck up already
goddamn it you fucking niggers
Based wite boi
>black user fucking his waifu is automatically BLACKED shit
That the dude isn’t an incel larping
i appreciate you conceding
>bleached which is an attempt of the reversal of blacked which is 99% for cucks is somehow a cuck fetish even though it's by whites for whites
>people still fap to regular porn
how is everyone not tired of this by now
You’re a subhuman retard
>Imagine focusing your porn on race stuff
>Imagine not fapping to girls getting knotted
Casuals, all of you
blacks don't deserve anything nice
oh for fucks sake
i swear to god both you and blacked retards deserve to be thrown into a pit and forced to kill each other to leave
>this hungry for (You)s
They're the new upvotes to be honest
Your extreme defensiveism and desperation to get the last word says otherwise.
Im sorry i exposed your shitty discord raid. You can have the last reply you so desperately want, just gonna laugh at your cope from here on out
It’s makes you an incel now you cuck
>this thread
correct, pathetic
bleached dot com does not exist. it's just a fictional creation in the minds of jealous whitoids to cope with blacked
this is just sad, user
why does bleached live in your head rent free?
And still less pathetic than bleached/blacked faggots
Well Yea Forums?
I enjoy orc on females myself.
i swear to god it was those Asian masculinity type nerds that are so insecure they latch onto blacks for some reason.
Here's the rule:
Black people making Blacked memes make them look insecure and fragile
White people making Bleached memes make them look insecure and fragile
Keep the race based fetishes where they belong: to the other race jerking off shamefully
BASED drooling retard
This is now a ravedj thread
Post mashups
>Blacked is for cucks
>Bleached isn't
Made no u edits of porn is wincing material
>i wanna share my waifu with my whole race
Bleached is also cuck shit
>blacked is the action
>bleached is the reaction
+1 iq point
Who is this?
this is a whole other level of cope, holy fuck
Of course the middle one. How is this a question?
It’s for incels
How is it cope? Your waifu isnt getting a "for user" tattoo. Shes getting a tattoo that says shes open season for all white guys.
Lmao. Cuck cope.
>thread still up
>meanwhile, based twerking thread gets deleted
The utter state of Yea Forums
No. The queue system murdered it for me.
That doesn’t refute the fact that it was made because incels were triggered by blacked shit
>(whatever that means)
you need an iq over 18 to frequent this board, pal
>Turning fapart into /pol/
Kumbrains are retarded
This thread is just a shit flinging contest and I love it
so you want a pic of me?
to prove i like white men?
>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
Mods are incels
Just report sage and move on
Mods probably like these threads. The OP image is used frequently.
The weird thing with Bleached is that it's just a bunch of people patting themselves on the back. It's basically making memes about how good you are.
Blacked is shameful and retarded but at the very least it makes sense as a masochist fetish.
>incels were triggered
t. shekelsteinberger
Getting cucked by a black dude is low-tier. Getting cucked by a dog while he knots your waifu in front of you is kino.
I actually like White-on-x raceplay, but when the images start shoehorning in dumb shit like swastikas or nazi salutes that's when my cock just deflates.
I will also never understand White on White raceplay. You're missing the entire fucking point. Fuck white supremacists for ruining porn with their sexual pathologies.
That does refute the fact that anonymous insecure poster created a fetish as a result of not liking the other while copying everything about it
And saying buzzwords does refute my point calling you out
Wanting to see your woman fuck a black guy = gay
Wanting to see a white trap get fucked by a black guy = gay too?
Massive cope. There are tons of sucessful white people but blesched2 fags are literally thr niggers of whites.
Riding off the coattails of white chads doesnt make you one
Back then
>Hell yeah nice porn brother!
>cuck cuck cuck u watch black on white? cuck cuck cuck cuck lolololol he likes white dick on black girl cuck cuck cuck cuck
What the fuck are you replying to me for? Only reply to me if you want to talk about our waifus getting knotted.
I find it pretty hot
Probably because I'm a white nationalist
nooooooooo blackedbros......... we were supposed to win......
>Black people don't fap to blacked
Imagine being this retarded. Blacks are one of the only demographics that actually purchase pornography, so a lot of it catered to them.
t. friends with a lot of people in the porn industry (not actors)
Why does this exist?
Why do you want to see your waifu get fucked by a dog?
Bleached puts obsession on muh master race and feed an inferiority complex
because people like it
Thats a tranny
>poor lighting
>terrible angle
>sucking in gut
2/10 get the fuck away from me
first time on Yea Forums?
that's a tranny
Bleached is a silly meme, because whenever non--white women talk about white dick, they always use terms like "colonize". Better connotation too.
I just browse other boards as much as i used to.
Shit edit fucking with the lighting
>Source trust me
Because I'm a pathetic white human with a tiny penis.
>leftists say interracial relationships are good and white people should date nonwhite people
>white men express attraction to nonwhite women who like white men
Why tho?
you mean superiority complex
she posted minge too
But humans aren't meant to copulate with non-humans. And I'm pretty sure you aren't white anyways.
Because this is race bait shit
Not normal relationships you faggots
technically any race can colonize another whereas 'bleached' is exclusively white. same with blacked.
Thoughts on this?
>Retards turn fapart into racially charged /pol/bait
>people complain that the fapart is being ruined for retarded reasons
Who tho?
>tranny minge
Don't know what to tell you, user. It's not a huge secret in the industry that the black demographic for whatever reason still clings to physical product, while everyone else has moved on to piracy essentially.
Can you cûmbrains go 5 fucking seconds without posting anime tits
remove the racially motivated symbolism and wordplay and it's good. Until then it's 0/10
...She's already white. You can't BLEACH a white character. What's the fucking point of this image?
Sure. I'm still impressed by amount of details cuck put into that edit.
both are equaly cringy
>Any race can colonize
Yeah, no. Colonization and actually being successful at it is purely a European thing. No one can compare.
>studio produced porn
see a psychologist, that isn't healthy user
Thanks. Shit was excessive.
How is it race bait to celebrate the natural love between white men and women of color?
it's pretty pointless calling it bleached. It's like calling black on black blacked
Literally me
Cope. QoS tattoos exist irl and real hotwifes do it.
who cares what fat middle aged women do?
Can robots be BLEACHED?
except the asians mainly the chinese in africa
They barely qualify as human.
Ben Dover
It’s literally the only content they have being made it makes sense if they just want to self insert
>natural love
>99% fetishism and degradation
Most bleached shit i see is retarded caption shit where 80% of it is the woman shittalking herself
Of new marriages, only 12% of black females marry outside of their race and 25% of black males marry outside of their race. Its literally a non issue. Imagine having your perceptions of reality warped by internet memes.
I don't get it.
Nice cope.
>being in a battle over clothing edits of anime girls on /trash/
I can't imagine anything gayer honestly, can you freaks just stay on your containment board.
Should be human cock.
>literally homosexual cucks like blacked shit(or they are black)
>insecure fags who hate black people come up with the dumb bleached shit
I will never ever see the appeal of the BBC fetish or its crybaby opponents.
It's a strange, disgusting obsession with race and its implications in the viewers mind. You guys are literally mentally ill.
Bend over
based and /hmofa/ pilled
ahh a fellow hmofa chad i see
I never noticed how ZOOMER the choice of edits were
Whoa guys, get this...A white woman having SEX with a white man! Fuckin' crazy, am I right guys?
Should I care that my sister only fucks white women?
For the incels on trash it is.
>meme fetish tattoo
>or interracial statistics
Stop copeposting. It's sad
t. incel
See this riceman He is literally mentally ill.
I don't know what you're trying to accomplish with this reverse psychology stuff, so I'm just going to post this to be safe.
Bleached is cringe
Blacked is based
I fucking hate these fucks ruining good pictures, both sides are annoying as fuck.
What was the point of editing The Pit's art anyway? 99.9% of rule34 has a default white guy, but everyone freaks out when a few artists decide to make their default male a non-white?
>muh both sides
>very fine people
look at that fucking ghost beard
Underage white males are the biggest consumers of hentai
Blacked is cringe
Bleached is based
the pit's art is atrocious anyway idk how anyone could like it black or white
Based on what?
he cute
>real life
Most girls don't give two fucks about race, guys are just inept at picking them up and make up shit like this to cope with the fact, you'd know this if you left the house and saw real life people and couples.
>improving as an artist so I can draw me fucking my waifu
>can’t even use it to get popular because it won’t be the content to attract people or will just bring in cucks
>probably won’t even be able to fap to my own art like the memes I here about
Where is the bleached edits booru? Bleached.com is not it.
all me btw
im still waiting for a BROWNED tag for us latinbros
I don't play Animal Crossing, what is this?
post your art or else
On the idea that most people fuck within their own race, regardless of what faggots want to meme about
who are you quoting?
because internet != reality
white women still prefer white guys
HOWEVER, one trend seen online that is starting to show IRL is simply too many women with poor personality. Doesn't matter if they are 1/10 or a 10/10 more and more women have unstable, awkward, arrogant personalities.
However, there seems to be an age and social class cut off.
Older or/and well-off women or/and very driven women (career women) will go the extra mile in dating. (possibly because some of them are cheating on someone OR simply because, *crossfingers* they realize how reality works and they can't keep expecting men to do all the work)
Younger or less well-off women are more likely to have poor social skills when dating is involved and will sit there like oddly extraverted wallflowers hoping that chad will pick them. They will display their assets and cuteness is very obvious way, even to the point of incommoding others but when time comes for actual interaction they suddenly become extremely passive and anxious. ("teehee! I kept shoving my ass in his face all eve, I could tell he loved it!", "oooh shiiiiiit! he talked to me! asked me if I'd have a drink with him! WHAT A FUCKING CREEP")
Human male on female anthro
She's a futa though.
It’s all bad porn
I’m not even on my computer right now
remove the racially charges elements, and that becomes a good image
mierda hombre, ill take it
d.va is asian, but yeah the whole white chicks being 'bleached' thing is pretty fucking stupid
I'm an expert on this subject: This is a tranny, take it to the bank.
alright i guess i'll just have to hack you then
pictures of her pussy are on desuarchive bro
Does this artist understand how mirrors work?
>all this cool art ruined by BLACKED and BLEACHED fags
I prefer SAZON'D or GOYA'D
Save this thread with fat posting, jesus christ
that's a women too many of you dumb coombrains have watched too much porn to see a real female
>Tanya will never do a split on your dick
Trannies have pussies. Theyre fake, but theyre still pussies
>implying I want to look at a chopped up inside out penis
No thanks, tranny.
i dont get it
this desu
just watch pov and pretend you have a magical chameleon dick bro
Wtf? Youre spanish and dont know what Sazon or Goya are?
Why would they fabricate anything if every study out there says the same thing?
You faggots, clearly. Also, bleached is a fucking insult to white people, it's like calling blacked 'niggered'.
The only reason "BLEACHED" is extremely cringy and insecure its because it was made entirely as a means to get back at the "blacked" for doing whatever they did.
And yes, its insecure as fuck and probably made by incels, at least blacked was kind of a brand name before it became a meme. but this bleached shit became a thing purely out of insecurity.
but im white and i like it
cute belly
remove the racially and politically charged elements and this is a good image
Then you're a self loathing incel and a cuck with no self esteem.
shut up redditfag
allow me to save this thread with video games
a good image, but you're just asking for butthurt /pol/tards and /leftypol/tards to ruin it
how hard is it for you people to accept that people might actually legitimately like it?
go back to r/TheDonald
i have a girlfriend
go be a cuck/niggerfaggot somewhere else
Say's the fucking redditor
Thoughts on this?
t. redditor
Nobody who has a girlfriend looks at blacked/bleached shit. You can make shit up to try and defend your terrible tastes but that doesnt make it true
t. insecure whitoid
t. retarded cuck/niggerfaggot
t. redditor
Nigger I can do this all day
Question for any actual blacks
How do you feel about shit like this?
as a redditor could.
if diaperfags can get girlfriends anyone can dude
Have you ever had sex with a real woman? Just curious. I'm white and this shit does nothing for me, then again I never even entertained the idea of interracial porn being anti white since my brain functions on a fairly normal level.
Me on the bottom
we can't let sonygods keep getting away with this
Id rank race bait shit below diaper fags. They actually contribute and pay for their fetish instead of scribble over other more talented peoples work
i have yeah
It doesn't make Yea Forumstards seethe if I do that though
go back faggot
a good image!
I think it's dumb. I wouldn't mind if people kept it to themselves though but it's getting obnoxious.