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Other urls found in this thread:


Why you gotta remind me of that?

I don't wanna be alone

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In my cycle loneliness was the only way to survive.

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I’m glad the weather is turning colder. I’m Not sure why but cold weather is the greatest time to replay ME1.

I can't stand Javik and the lore-rape he brings, but I can respect that he hates what Mass Effect became as much as I do


You make up in Port Hanshan...

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I’m still mad

why? its great up until starchild. Just write your own ending for things and let it be.

Noveria was great. I think that’s one of the reasons I like playing the game during fall. Or maybe because it came out in the fall and nostalgia binds me to that.
The rachni were fucking terrifying though.

Not him but I expected a much better ending to a fucking saga than the bullshit we got.

I have wondered about you
Where will you be
When this is through


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>The rachni were fucking terrifying though.

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I'll give bioware credit for creating an interesting universe and writing interesting characters, until (((they))) took control of the writing and started putting in tranny krogans in andromeda

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Killing them like that means you still have to go in the room and they respawn when you enter.

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What did you do to prevent overheat so efficiently?

Shoot Wr*x
Save Mordin
Make the galaxy great again.

Level assault rifles and buy a good one

Pretty sure I've done that, but never got it to being that effective.

It was great, wasn't it...? Mass Effect may be one of my best videogame experiences. And memories...

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Can you imagine how devastated Jack would be if she lost Shep...?

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She isn't that broken up if you call it quits in 3..

autistic Samara is cute

now that she can take out her sexual frustration on her students Shep isn't so valuable.

Never thought I'd see the day when zoomers were nostalgic over a janky Xbox port.


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I want to go back. Out of all the games, this game trilogy should get a remaster with better co-op for 3.

I miss Jack so much. I wish she had more time in 3

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remember mass effect threads on Yea Forums before /vg/?

ME was great. ME2 was 50/50, some improvements but some things got worse. ME3 was a full retard franchise destroyer. ME:A was beating horse into a fine pulp

>ME3 was a full retard franchise destroyer.


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it never stops hurting bros

Why can't you romance Kasumi? Second best female character after Shepard.

It doesn't. I really miss the multiplayer, I wonder if they can release it as a stand alone game.

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Honestly this attitude just pisses me off now. The trilogy is great, a hell of a lot better than the way most game or movie trilogies go.

Cora Harper should have been in Shepard's squad btw

You don't actually. More of them just spawn when you walk in the room is all

Back when Bioware made jank games with soul. Rather then polished turds designed by trannies.

It wouldn't hurt so much if they didn't do andromeda. The final game could have been about you as a new character in a world after Sheppard, climbing the ranks in Omega doing missions for Aria, then getting assigned to a task force to fight the left over Cerberus members.
Literally anything, but I can see why they didn't go that route because they would have to essentially make 3 different games for the 3 endings.

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Hey, Merc here. How's everyone doing? I didn't saw any huge ME thread recently, so just wanna make sure you folks are okay.

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If all...
If all goes as planned,
Will you redeem
My life again?..
My life again?

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>You will never SS with Jack

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>I miss Jack so much. I wish she had more time in 3
I want ME4 with Shepard and I want to get stuck between a Jack and Miri sandwich.

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daily reminder that everyone should get her Vermired

>the last words of the Mass Effect saga were "downloadable content"

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I miss the good old days user


this and Saren theme = kino



I regret not doing FemShep and Garrus romance. Liara wasn't really worth it and I'm never gonna replay this series after the shitshow that was 3's ending.


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Because she's a soldier from the brain to bone. She did what she have to for sake of whole mission, and she will not be forgotten.
I just perfer my space gay-bro Kaiden and I love making fun of Ashleyfags, because they usually super retarded and hostile to everyone
no offence

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>I'm never gonna replay this series after the shitshow that was 3's ending.
Just do everything then the Citadel DLC and then turn the game off.

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Best reason is because they ruin her in 3.
You can also justify it as the best end to her story. You meet her in the first game after she is the sole survivor of her squad on eden prime and running away from the geth who killed them. Now she gets to redeem herself by sacrificing herself to destroy the lab facility and denying saren his krogan army.

such a shame they killed this franchise
also, me1's synth music was the best out of all the games

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This is something I'll never understand, Andromeda got a ton of flack for having hideous female character models that did their real life models no justice, but ME never had good looking humans squad mates.

Miranda was a mutt compared to Yvonne Strahovski, Vega's model wasn't nearly as much of a gorilla faced goon, Kaiden's model is far better looking, and Samara's model was down right gorgeous compared to the trout mouthed stiff we got.

In Andromeda it was really in-your-face. With OT you could say they at least tried, in Andromeda it's clear as day it was intentional.

That Jack on the left has positioned her gun very suggestively, hasn't she?

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I won't miss having to vendor refresh just to get good shit for the whole party. I'm going to mod the shit out of that busted mechanic if I go through again. Is it worth playing Mass Effect 3? I stopped after 2, nearly a decade ago.

>Comparing a game from 2012 to a game from 2017
Nice try you

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I can't bring myself to kill Ashley simply because Kaidan is so fucking boring that I fall asleep whenever I talk to him.

Do you have the Andromeda comparisons?

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Would you say a Jack romance is better as a renegade or as a paragon?

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I like to pretend the game doesn't even exist.
Okay, that's one I haven't heard before, how "offended" am I supposed to be?

I flip a coin honestly, I don't really like either of them after 1.

nobody tell him.

Paragon Jack
Renegade Miri

>Go back to Mass Effect 3
>Having a hard time because the new and returning characters are so bland
>Recruit Javik
>He spends every waking moment shitting on the characters
>Suddenly the game is great

Is this why the locked him off to a DLC?

Still wish I could've left both to die.

paragon, she's kino for anyone with an anti/reverse corruption fetish, not really my thing, but how her look and personality change from 2 to 3 almost converted me

>I only enjoy pessimism

Highest level Master Spectre AR with highest level frictionless materials upgrade can shoot for almost one minute. Same rifle with the same upgrade but in both slots can shoot ad infinitum. Best combo is probably one frictionless and one accuracy enhancing upgrade, with polonium ammo.

That's a shame. I wanted to play through the series again as a renegade and do her romance.

I want her back.

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ME2 was so much better than ME1 tho

I want to go back bros

>ME2 was so much better than ME1 tho


>ruined cerberus
>ruined the reapers
>ruined the comfy atmosphere with loud obnoxious characters that appeal to zoomie shits
>game starts out by killing shepard
Granted, the gameplay is better, but it's not worth it.

>ow "offended" am I supposed to be?
We're the offended ones here if you don't get the reference

That is debatable. While ME2 is my favourite for getting the things it did so down right, but on the other hand, I wish it didn't have to sacrifice so much to get there. ME1 was more ambitious and even it sacrificed a lot to become what it was.

>ruined the reapers
That was ME3.

>ruined the comfy atmosphere with loud obnoxious characters that appeal to zoomie shits
10 years ago? Zoomies? Are you serious? Forget it, you're just baiting at this point. ME2's crew was the most well received out of the entire franchise and not being included in any serious degree in ME3 was another fumbling point of that turd.

The gameplay is far better and it was worth it, it's not like there are no good missions or good characters in ME2

>Uncharted Worlds
Came into the thread to post this
Great taste user

Reminder that bro Kaidan > bitch Ash


>ruined cerberus
On the contrary, ME2 fleshed them out.
>ruined the reapers
>ruined the comfy atmosphere with loud obnoxious characters that appeal to zoomie shits
If by that you mean they introduced a loud and obnoxious token nigger, then yes. The other characters were top-notch.
>game starts out by killing shepard
A good shocker and essential part of the story, right at the start, I don't see anything wrong with it.

I always have Kaidan killed, because Ash might be a stupid bitch, but Kaidan is a closet fag, besides, saving Ash means saving the Salarian commando.

>That was ME3.
ME2 did as well by making Harbinger Shepard's booty call tsundere, and not at all what Sovereign was.
>10 years ago? Zoomies? Are you serious?
Are you retarded or do you not know the age range of what's considered a zoomer?
>ME2's crew was the most well received out of the entire franchise
By zoomer plebs, yeah.
>On the contrary, ME2 fleshed them out.
The secret subversive faction turned into full paramilitary organization that could rival the Alliance with its funds and had access to resurrection technology? Nah.
>The other characters were top-notch.
I mean, stereotypical mercenary, stereotypical thief, stereotypical stoic assassin, etc. didn't really help.
>A good shocker and essential part of the story, right at the start, I don't see anything wrong with it.
Other than the fact it makes absolutely 0 sense.

>gameplay was better
Hahaha no.

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i agree with this post completely

I’ve never played a soldier in these games so I never actually used assault rifles much. Are they fun or is it pretty basic?

>Okay, that's one I haven't heard before, how "offended" am I supposed to be?
You don't play the game, why are you here?

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Taking him on Thessia is a fuckin rush, especially if - like me - you hate Liara, and Asari in general.

Well, Soldier is alright. 2 ammo types, adrenaline, all weapons and bonus skill (I usually use reave) really helped alot. I've done 2 playthroughs as him and I don't had any problems even on the highest difficulties.
Now Im replaying the series as Vangurard Femshep. ME1 on hardcore was fun, but right now im literally suffering in ME2. Any suggestions? What equipment should I use?

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>anti/reverse corruption fetish
This was my main reason, and I don't regret it.

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Too bad they never made a sequel to this. A real shame Bioware died so soon.

Barrier is OP and very necessary because when you charge in without it you’ll get shredded. I found myself struggling until I had it.

Oh fug you asked about rifles, not class lol.
Just grab that babe (or Turian rifle) and go kick some ass. It's really fun to use, to bad it doesn't have too much ammo.

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>ME2 did as well by making Harbinger Shepard's booty call tsundere, and not at all what Sovereign was.
Harbinger being unable to shit talk? That's what destroyed the Reapers for you? The fact he doesn't hang out with 13 year olds on Fortnite. Okay, sure.

>Are you retarded or do you not know the age range of what's considered a zoomer?
Zoomers weren't even an issue 10 years ago. What the fuck.

>By zoomer plebs, yeah.
More like across the board. Stop being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. Have a (you) and go jerk off in the corner. Take advantage of those endorphins I just gave you.


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No you’re good I also meant soldiers too. I just feel like whenever I make one I’m gonna be missing out on cool powers and stuff. I guess they have their own abilities though so I shouldn’t feel that way.

is it worth replaying the trilogy just to experience the story as femshep? always played as male since I am not gay

are you gay now

>Harbinger being unable to shit talk? That's what destroyed the Reapers for you? The fact he doesn't hang out with 13 year olds on Fortnite. Okay, sure.
No, Harbinger literally calling Shepard up to shit talk him ruined them for me. In ME1 Sovereign basically tells you that you're an ant and then refuses to talk to you anymore, whereas Harbinger actually gets obsessed with you like a fucking schoolgirl.
>Zoomers weren't even an issue 10 years ago. What the fuck.
Zoomers were teenagers when ME1 came out, which is the demographic ME2 and 3 tried to pander to.
>More like across the board
Eat shit. Go praise fortnite as well because of how many zoomers love it.

not trying to offend but if you still hung up on the ending you life must suck to you to be still clinging on that after so many years

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Andromeda was retarded in how they handled biotics. The human female you start with acts like she’s going to be “”””persecuted”””” for being one. It might be feasible for them to be more rare outside the context of the spec ops/military groups in the main franchise, but still why would anyone give a shit in a far flung future sci fi setting?

Cheers, just bought it, gonna check how it will work out. Any shotgun preffernces? I'm using GPS rn. Eviscerator is good too, but I can't do shit with it because of 3 rounds magazine.

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Mass Effect 1 is hamstrung by its half-baked gunplay that makes replays a chore. Mass Effect 2 is the best game in the franchise because it manages to both have an interesting story and a is a quality third person shooter. Mass Effect 3 is an incredible shooter, one of the best TPS ever made, but is irredeemable because of the story. It's a sliding scale of quality where ME2 reigns supreme. 2 > 1 >= 3
Anyone who doesn't believe this is either a shitheel who hates video games and wants to watch television or a retard who wouldn't know good gameplay if it sat on their face and farted
Garrus is the most attractive character in Mass Effect

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I like Noveria it felt like a good spectre mission

>No, Harbinger literally calling Shepard up to shit talk him ruined them for me. In ME1 Sovereign basically tells you that you're an ant and then refuses to talk to you anymore, whereas Harbinger actually gets obsessed with you like a fucking schoolgirl.
He tries to shit talk you, in order to get to you, but fails because he is an Eldritch abomination and doesn't know how to get to you. He's not obsessed with you, he's trying to get to you. If anything, his characterization is spot on.

>Zoomers were teenagers when ME1 came out, which is the demographic ME2 and 3 tried to pander to.
ME1-3 weren't rated T for Teen. ME2 was rated M for Mature. It's not a teen game.

>Eat shit. Go praise fortnite as well because of how many zoomers love it.
Why would I praise Fortnite, you dumb fuck? You understand nothing and keep making that even more clear with every word you type.

ME1 > ME2

but I agree on Garrus

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>gameplay is defined only by combat
No especially not in an rpg series. Where those mechanics far outweigh and matter more than retards who wanted gears in space.

Well, maybe Soldiers skills is not fun as other classes have, but they damn sure useful.

In ME1 biotics aren't trusted because a lot of them have old implants that make them unstable, and also because biotics are very strong and basically godlike in combat.
I didn't play andromeda but I'll assume this wasn't brought up.

Who would you want to be in ME universe?
>C-Sec officer
>Freelance detective
>Pirate warlord/crewmate
>a spectre (other species than humans, you can throw asari commandos in here too)
>some egg-head
>a colonist of any species
>member of any species military
>low-life of Omega
God.... the possibilities are like... endless!

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>He tries to shit talk you, in order to get to you, but fails because he is an Eldritch abomination and doesn't know how to get to you. He's not obsessed with you, he's trying to get to you. If anything, his characterization is spot on.
haven't read anything this retarded in a long time

a human wageslave on the Citadel seems comfy

It literally killed any excitement I have for video games. I want to enjoy video games again. Until Bioware fixes that, I will never enjoy another video game and I will never stop being mad at the years of vidya enjoyment I lost because of it. So how about you go fuck yourself, you EA fucking shill?

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a neet shitposting on the extranet

> but fails because he is an Eldritch abomination
The concept of an eldritch abomination trying to shit talk is ridiculous to begin with.
> ME2 was rated M for Mature. It's not a teen game.
M for mature is 17 and up, which includes teens.
>Why would I praise Fortnite, you dumb fuck?
Because you believe in the tyranny of the majority. 1 billion flies can't be wrong by eating shit and all that.

no but I am an incel

>haven't read anything this retarded in a long time
You read your own line back to yourself? I understand that. Can't relate, but I understand why you would feel like that after reading your post.

A human colonist living a nice, quiet, simple agrarian lifestyle with a loving wife and five kids

They really dropped the ball with th Spectre aspect after the first game. The sequels should have been more about the fallout of reapers having been real. But they should have been one and done overall antagonists.

There was a change in the reapers intentions after Sovereign got btfo. They wanted humans let into their fold and really couldn't understand why people resisted. The writer for the series kind of expanded on this in a story he wrote about early cerberus experiments with indoctrination. A test subject infected with the same kind of things used to make husks. A scientist is captured had conversations with it and commented that this reaper hybrid thing really wanted to change her mind and took genuine interest is doing so.

Also, say what you want about 2nd game but I would KILL for another game about detective work at Illium.
Bit of cybperpunk setting+ sci fi+corporate warfare+asari+their biotic powers=win.rar

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>Until Bioware fixes that
sorry but they're dead, they're only a husk now that will make half baked games until EA pull the plug on them

I love grateful bad/evil girls. Reminds me of Xana when you don't purge her.
>That orgasm
7:33 if it doesn't start there.

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>when it gives up and just becomes power rangers

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newfag spotted

>a neet shitposting on the extranet
You need your own PC and keyboard.
Looks like you've got that covered.

Doing it rn m8.
So far so good, I plan to bang my boi Garrus, because he deserves it. Too bad I can't bang with Wrex, UH.
Jennifer Hale voice is really good, even tho sometimes she feels a bit rushed or cold. And it's also fun to see how world always reacts to you as "she", instead of "him". Sometimes, you can find something new about characters, Kaiden for example: as Sheploo he never told me that he had a girlfriend back in academy.

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They wanted the same thing in ME1 as well. That's what all those husks on Eden Prime were all about. The Reapers always wanted to harvest humans.

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>M for mature is 17 and up, which includes teens.

Are all games teen games by this shitfuck logic

best ship

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>The concept of an eldritch abomination trying to shit talk is ridiculous to begin with.
It's not, when that fucking useless fucking fleshbag is killing your millennia refined killing machines that are the collectors and is going to sabotage your plan of having a Reaper in the Milky Way, that's going to open a relay to Dark Space. Your kind has interacted with organics before and you know how susceptible they are to taunting, but it's a real goddamn shame that you're a God, far beyond such petty shit and can't possible measure up to some faggot on Yea Forums.

>M for mature is 17 and up, which includes teens.
So basically adults.

>Because you believe in the tyranny of the majority. 1 billion flies can't be wrong by eating shit and all that.
No, I fucking don't, but critical reception is indicative of quality. Unless you believe that "quality is subjective" and shit like The Room is good and Citizen fucking Kane is a piece of shit because of subjectivity. So go suck on Roger Ebert's fat, stubby cock.

Slaving in the traverse of course. Those Batarians pay top dollar for good slaves. If you think this is wrong you are bigoted anti Batarian racist. Slavery is an inextricable part of Batarian culture.

I just want to break the only Omega rule

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1 > 3 > 2 because I like biotics and 2 made them them redundant, unfun thrash

Jack isn't just grateful. Finding love with Shepard is literally the start of a life for her.

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We all have our delusions....

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Don't even reply to me again, thanks.
>It's not, when that fucking useless fucking fleshbag is killing your millennia refined killing machines that are the collectors and is going to sabotage your plan of having a Reaper in the Milky Way, that's going to open a relay to Dark Space. Your kind has interacted with organics before and you know how susceptible they are to taunting, but it's a real goddamn shame that you're a God, far beyond such petty shit and can't possible measure up to some faggot on Yea Forums.
You're a fucking retard. Harbinger has literally been around for probably millions of years and he's seen at least dozens of reapers die. The fact that he'd lower himself to shittalk some human commander is laughable.
>So basically adults.
No, a 17 yo is a teen
>No, I fucking don't, but critical reception is indicative of quality.
But not the decisive factor, unless you believe Black Panther is one of the greatest movies ever made, you stupid fuck.

As if that means anything. But still older than you.

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femshep is a galactic whore

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Best couple

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Paragon bc wholesome healing sex is the best

So swallowing is bad but what if he shoots inside the other place?

You're right, it has a much bigger impact on Jack. She even states that's why she went to Grissom.

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>You're a fucking retard. Harbinger has literally been around for probably millions of years and he's seen at least dozens of reapers die. The fact that he'd lower himself to shittalk some human commander is laughable.
You immeasurably understate the severity of the situation. Yes, he'll try anything at that point.

>No, a 17 yo is a teen
So you're pretending to be retarded.

>But not the decisive factor, unless you believe Black Panther is one of the greatest movies ever made, you stupid fuck.
So Citizen Kane is a fucking piece of shit, because some faggot, somewhere, disagrees? You don't get to pick, your singular opinion does not matter.

say my name commander

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Dick Hardcheese

honestly Kaidan is a fine romance to her, kinda bland but he's a good match for renegade shep, also the only decent human option available too.

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Bob Johnson

Tough Rumbleton

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M-Mistress... I am yours.

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I hate Zane so much.

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>ruined cerberus
That was 3
>ruined reapers
That was 3
>ruined the comfy atmosphere with loud obnoxious characters that appeal to zoomie shits
That was 3, all characters in 2 (except jacob) were good or at least entertaining.
>game starts out by killing Shepard
Kino and engaging

user is being retarded, but no one treats 17-18 year olds like adults outside of the legal sense. They are still young, dumb, wastes of cum who at most have accomplished graduating high school, as if that’s a praise worthy accomplishment.

>eclipse virgins in my BLOOD CHAD thread

ty m8


Boku no google.

Easy, hanar spectre

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I'll post the Kino

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look at him go

>You immeasurably understate the severity of the situation. Yes, he'll try anything at that point.
What severity? They attacked anyway in full force and Shepard only potentially saved the galaxy with the McGuffin, not the war preparation. Sovereign's death and the death of the Collectors played no real role, or at least not one that Harbinger was really aware of.
>So you're pretending to be retarded.
You're a stupid fucking cunt that failed biology class. Go kys.
>So Citizen Kane is a fucking piece of shit, because some faggot, somewhere, disagrees? You don't get to pick, your singular opinion does not matter.
So there are no bad movies that are critically acclaimed? This is your argument, kid.

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fuck bros, I just replayed them all and did 100% what do now ?


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Holy shit i never found this

absolutely patrician taste my friend
nothing is more kino than playing that on a cloudless night and seeing a fuckton of stars outside

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Eh, he's a pretty cool guy. And, to be fair, Candice doesn't sound like Jack. Not even close. And the voice REALLY sells her.

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Pleb and debunked here:

Don't mind me, I'm just jealous.

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>why? its great up until starchild. Just write your own ending for things and let it be.
honestly just pretend destroy doesn't have that retarded shoehorned in "woops all the robots die sorry ;)" bit to try to force you to pick synthesis and it's a perfectly fine ending

is it just me or they dont even try to make these grandiose games anymore? I guess witcher would something like that but other than that its these fucking yearly releases of ass creed, battle field and one of shits.

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Sounds like blade runner ost

>What severity? They attacked anyway in full force and Shepard only potentially saved the galaxy with the McGuffin, not the war preparation. Sovereign's death and the death of the Collectors played no real role, or at least not one that Harbinger was really aware of.
That is not even what we're arguing about, good job. Have a gold star.

>You're a stupid fucking cunt that failed biology class. Go kys.
You're an idiot.

>So there are no bad movies that are critically acclaimed? This is your argument, kid.
You don't get to decide it, fucko.

Yea, I just planned him for another Femshep playthrough.

Sheploo, Soldier, Earth, War Hero - 2 times
Classic Femshep - Vanguard, Spacer, Sole Survivor - doing rn
Custom Maleshep - Infiltrator, Colonist, - in future
Custom Femshep - Adept, Earth - in future

Same I remember playing all three games around from Nov - Jan

Seething Tranny or Jackfag?

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variety of reasons honestly, it makes a kino redemption for her family, her character is shot to shit in 3 both in looks and personality-it feels like she REEEs much harder about cerberus-and Kaidan fits much better into the role the virmire survivor is supposed to be in 3 as a spectre

White People be like: "I want to bang Aria!"
Black people be like: "A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh"

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play it again
and again
and again
and again

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>That is not even what we're arguing about, good job. Have a gold star.
He's arguing that Harbinger was simply desperate enough to have to personally try and intimidate Shepard, which isn't true.
>You're an idiot.
Says the retard that doesn't know basic biology.
>You don't get to decide it, fucko.
Like I said, tyranny of the majority. I bet you're some chink or some shit like that, fucking hiveminded insect.

Colonist femshep is my fav, the personal quest is kino

Huh, alright then, I'll play it with her instead of Infiltrator virgin

>The secret subversive faction turned into full paramilitary organization that could rival the Alliance with its funds and had access to resurrection technology? Nah.
That was 3, granted the lazarus project is hax its balanced our by them hitting you over the head every 5min with how much money they pumped into it.
>I mean, stereotypical mercenary, stereotypical thief, stereotypical stoic assassin, etc. didn't really help.
I didnr say they were top notch i said excluding jacob they were at least entertaining. If you didnt chuckle at zaeeds stories then it further proves youre retarded.
>Other than the fact it makes absolutely 0 sense.
what? The council was pissy at you bein right and had you on a fools errand that got you killed. Besides being a good in universe explanation its a fantastic way to hook your audience in the first 5min and gives a motives for shepard to give them credit even if him not going to the alliance for help is kinda shitty.

An Asari egghead, literal life on easy mode for 1000 years

Jackfag. I want her irl but Zane beat me to it.


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Post kino music, bros

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>He's arguing that Harbinger was simply desperate enough to have to personally try and intimidate Shepard, which isn't true.
Really? Even after getting personally shot in the face, after "assuming direct control" and getting BTFO, he's not desperate to stop this fucking meat sack?

>Says the retard that doesn't know basic biology.
Do you know what mature means, mother fucker? It's not for little zoom zooms making the floss, which is what the argument was about. It wasn't made with that in mind, it wasn't made to appeal to that crowd, get over yourself.

>Like I said, tyranny of the majority. I bet you're some chink or some shit like that, fucking hiveminded insect.
You don't get to make the call, dumbass. Here, let me make a fucking call. The Room is the best, most underrated movie ever fucking made. Empire Strikes Back is a piece of shit, thank God for the Last Jedi. Just as I don't get to make that call, neither do you.

>Jackfag. I want her irl but Zane beat me to it.
You know Candice will never live up to Jack. Doesn't hold a candle to her, other than sharing the same face.

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>The Room is the best, most underrated movie ever fucking made
Alright guys, you should really stop.
Not cool.

I like male shep for the more comedic renegade stuff, but femshep made the retarded surreal ending of me3 better

the way she asks the starchild/reaper AI
>"I need to stop the reapers, do you know how I can do that?"
sounds like legit psychosis, like shepard isn't even sure if it's all just a dream or not at that point

male shep doesn't seem too bothered by any of it which kind of ruins the mood

>Really? Even after getting personally shot in the face, after "assuming direct control" and getting BTFO, he's not desperate to stop this fucking meat sack?
Why would he be? It was just a delay, nothing more. Why would Harbinger, which is basically a fucking god, have some emotional reaction like this? Do you understand how the series tried very hard to humanize the reapers or not?
>Do you know what mature means, mother fucker?
Yes, 17 and above. 17 are teens. Now kys.
What are you even arguing about, zoomer technicalities? ME2 definitely tried being more mainstream and streamlined most of the game, dumb faggot.
>You don't get to make the call, dumbass.
I don't get to make the call of what I like, you chink shit?

Male shep just really fucking fucking tired. He was fighting damn reapers for the last few years, he killed Anderson because of the Illusive Man and he probably saw his friends dying on the last run to the beam. He's done. He's so fucking done.

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I always enjoyed this piece, fan-made but no-ice.

>Why would he be? It was just a delay, nothing more. Why would Harbinger, which is basically a fucking god, have some emotional reaction like this?
Because the Reapers have spies and the organics are making strides in their technological advancements and they know. Evident by how, in ME3, it takes 2-3 dreadnoughts to take down a single Reaper, during the battle over Earth. He needs to get there yesterday.

>ME2 definitely tried being more mainstream and streamlined most of the game, dumb faggot.
That doesn't mean its aimed at little zoom zoom, you fucking idiot. If you keep to that narrative, you are saying that fucking Splatterhouse was aimed at kiddies as well. Don't you understand the difference between adult and kiddie themes? This isn't fucking Frozen. So let it go.

>I don't get to make the call of what I like, you chink shit?
I don't care what you like or don't, you dumb fuck, you don't get to decide the quality of something for other people. Keep you opinion, just like your virginity, to yourself.

It's ((them)), they've corrupted the industry and driven out excellence on purpose. Much easier to have you play slot machines and vacuum the money out of your wallet.

Didn't play any of the DLC for 1 or 2. Can I get a quick rundown of what Shep did?

1 > 3 > 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>Abortmeda

I wish I could have liked 2, but it was the only one of the trilogy I kind of had to push myself to complete. 3's ending was a shitshow, but the rest of the game was still fun. I liked the gameplay least in 2 by far, and the "lol you got blown up and we re-grew you from some cells" thing felt retarded. Putting together your strike force of space badasses was pretty cool I guess, but that was it.

I can never finish this game.
I always get to Peak 15 then get bored.

If I had to choose between this two tracks, I'd picked Morinth
So much energy, holy shit, and it's super catchy


cerberus > systems alliance
me2 squad > me1 and me3 squads
TIM > Anderson and Hackett
me2 hub worlds, ambient conversations and music > me1 and me3 hubworlds

me2 was the most aesthetic game in the series. Omega and Illium are amazing. I wish they were bigger.

>Because the Reapers have spies and the organics are making strides in their technological advancements and they know.
And yet they still defeat the organics easily, so what's your point? You're saying Harbinger had spies and knew the war potential of the different races, and yet somehow doubted his victory? How retarded.
>That doesn't mean its aimed at little zoom zoom, you fucking idiot.
Yeah, you're a fucking illiterate. You keep implying that zoomers are like 10 yo's or something. It's pointless to try and explain anything else to you.
>you don't get to decide the quality of something for other people.
And yet this is the exact argument you made before, that because something is critically acclaimed it should be good for me.

They should have you choose between cerberus or system alliance in ME3. They have hinted at this choice sind ME1 and then discarded it completely in ME3.

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i was spoiled by the witcher 2 and wanted actual game changing options

>And yet they still defeat the organics easily, so what's your point? You're saying Harbinger had spies and knew the war potential of the different races, and yet somehow doubted his victory? How retarded.
Because he's seeing the progress they are making and needs to hurry. What's so fucking hard to understand?

>Yeah, you're a fucking illiterate. You keep implying that zoomers are like 10 yo's or something. It's pointless to try and explain anything else to you.
Are you implying that all adults born after 1984 are stupid?

>And yet this is the exact argument you made before, that because something is critically acclaimed it should be good for me.
No, you stupid fuck, you're the one that declared his opinion like it's fucking gospel. Keep it to yourself, or better yet, shove it up your ass.

>They should have you choose between cerberus or system alliance in ME3
in ME2 rather
ME2 as it is was a huge mistake desu

>garbage intro
>low stakes side mission blown up into its own game
>streamlined and casualized even more so than ME1

>romance Ashley in me1
>finally get to see Ashley in me2
>she bitches at me and leaves the game
If only jack had been in me1

>Because he's seeing the progress they are making and needs to hurry. What's so fucking hard to understand?
The part where a god-like being that's millions of years old acts like an undisciplined human. Also, the intimidation angle doesn't work either, since all he does is trash talk over holograms.
>Are you implying that all adults born after 1984 are stupid?
I'm implying you're a fucking retard, regardless of when you were born.
>No, you stupid fuck, you're the one that declared his opinion like it's fucking gospel.
Let me quote you then, dipshit:
>ME2's crew was the most well received out of the entire franchise
>More like across the board. Stop being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
>No, I fucking don't, but critical reception is indicative of quality. Unless you believe that "quality is subjective"

So that's you telling me that my opinion is objectively wrong because tons of people disagree with me, ergo tyranny of the majority. Now eat shit, faggot.


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>replaying ME1 during a freezing winter night with a cup of hot cocoa

fucking KINO

Javik is a based coloniser.

>The part where a god-like being that's millions of years old acts like an undisciplined human. Also, the intimidation angle doesn't work either, since all he does is trash talk over holograms.
So now you're going in circles. Logical fallacy.

>I'm implying you're a fucking retard, regardless of when you were born.
Nothing to do with zoomers, argument irrelevant.

>So that's you telling me that my opinion is objectively wrong because tons of people disagree with me, ergo tyranny of the majority. Now eat shit, faggot.
You made a claim, I argued it by citing critical reception, you counter argued that critics are wrong because you said so. That seems like you put yourself and your opinion above everyone else's. Did you fucking not?

>first year of college
>got sick
>fucking winter storm fucks up your entire city
>family is out for a couple of days
>beat the game in 24 hours 24 minutes during one seat while drinking coffee
>M4 part II kick in
damn, this was the most kino experience in my entire life
I spend the whole night staring into the ceiling and dreaming about the life I will never have

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>So now you're going in circles. Logical fallacy.
What circle? I'm saying his behavior makes no sense and is completely out of character.
>Nothing to do with zoomers, argument irrelevant.
You bringing up people born after 84 was also irrelevant, so I was just keeping the convo going.
>You made a claim, I argued it by citing critical reception, you counter argued that critics are wrong because you said so. That seems like you put yourself and your opinion above everyone else's. Did you fucking not?
Completely wrong. I said the majority doesn't just get to decide what is quality and what isn't, because there are plenty of popular shitty games/movies out there, whereas you said that quality is objective and decided by the majority.

Look at the size of her lips. I wanna lick them.

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Krogan Warlord

btfo'ing squishy salarians for 1000 years seems pretty based

I tried playing 1 for the first time last month and even at lowest sensitivity the mouse input felt way too sensitive, is there some fuckery going on with acceleration?

FUCK, now I need to play them all again, thanks Yea Forums

Angry Joe

>What circle? I'm saying his behavior makes no sense and is completely out of character.
Already argued with. You've made no convincing counter argument.

>You bringing up people born after 84 was also irrelevant, so I was just keeping the convo going
Then who are you talking about? Who is this zoomer boogie man?

>Completely wrong. I said the majority doesn't just get to decide what is quality and what isn't, because there are plenty of popular shitty games/movies out there, whereas you said that quality is objective and decided by the majority.
And I said critics as well as being widely publicly accepted. To which you put your opinion above all.

Shepard... The feels. They're killing me.

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You mean Other Joe


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Naw, you mod the ending like you should. The one I use has only the option to destroy and Shepherd lives. Also no crash landing on planet stupid. Bitches aren’t doing me like that a decade in the making. Shit is canon (far as I’m concerned) until they get the balls to do a real 4 and I’m betting they won’t.

I just can't get myself to replay this series, I had so much fun with ME1 and 2 but 3 left such a fucking sour taste in my mouth with how much they fucked us over.
I never pre-order games anymore because of it.

I'm not blazing through and enjoying them a lot
finished me1 and started me2 about 2 weeks ago

Link to mod?

I was playing through the entire Arkham series, just finished 100% Asylum, now I'm going to halt that shit so I can play the Shepard Trilogy, so yes, fuck all of you.

Based. The Afterlife club in Omega has more soul than every hub in ME1 put together. Best game and best characters.

Damn, I love listening to Riddler screaming and yelling while he got fucked by GCPD. Anyway, have a good ride, Commander Shepard... the best.

Have fun and pick best girl.

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Oh yes, another fresh soul in ME community. It's a good thing knowing that people still discover the series and playing them till this day.

Google mass effect happy ending mod. You need the extended cut installed for it to work. You’ll still need to meet the 3100 resource points req. At least it’s not insane and dependent on the multiplayer like before the patch.

I remember all the hype we had going for 3 back in 2011 and doing a playthrough with Yea Forums's help.
I remember back when we enjoyed vidya.

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You picked destroy, right anons?

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duuude the good old days

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no I picked paragon control because I'm not a retard

>I remember back when we enjoyed vidya
ME3 was a loss of innocence type of experience for me as far as video games go.

>killing the geth

You're goddamn right.

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You can't kill what wasn't alive to begin with

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Sure bro become a super-consciousness I'm sure nothing will go wrong in thousands of years if Shepard ends up going crazy and decides to use the reapers again

well it isn't my first playthrough
I just haven't played them since they were released
best girl nobody else has a chance

Afterlife is the best club. Omega is the best space-rock in the entire galaxy. Aria is love. Aria is life.
Damn, I really love just walking around Afterlife, drinking blue gooze and listening to Callista. I wish the whole Omega was bigger and had more quests, because I love this dirty streets and cheering Mercs trying to have fun with Asari strippers. Flames, screams, angry looks, danger around the corner - that's what's Omega is about.

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What to explain? 3 retrospectively made everything you did in two previous games irrelevant. And it was a shit game and a shit end of trilogy.

fuck it, they want to be truly alive then they can understand self-sacrifice

I loved her reaction to Legion in 3

>in thousands of years if Shepard ends up going crazy and decides to use the reapers again
>making assumptions based on completely nothing
literally villain thought process

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So then you should have no problem explaining it instead of generalizing it.
Go on, we got all day.

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I love Geths and EDI, but Destroy ending is literally the best out of all of them. Everyone knew that galaxy was at war, and Geths always wanted to help their creators. Their sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
To be honest, there is no such a thing as a "Good Ending" with right decisions.

The poverty and suffering bothers me. Then again, according the the characters and the codex Illium is just as bad if not worse. It's just that the Asari are much better at hiding it. I also find the bar are Illium much more relaxing. Like it's some place to sit around and get fucked up on future space drugs instead of an all out party.

>We will never get a better followup to the first Mass Effect that follows the original dark energy storyline teased in ME2 and which actually kept some semblance of RPG mechanics

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Well, I can't judge you, I just love dark and edgy places. And yeah, Eternity is a really nice place, Liara's father is a great bartender and the track is fucking lit. Also, the idea of a whole damn planet taken over by a corporations makes it even more futuristic and cooler than Omega.

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Only game lately like this is RDR2, few companies want to take risks anymore.

They could have just chalked it up to her being distraught and emotional after just having witnessed a collector attack. Instead they have her consistently bitching about Sheperd’s loyalty in 3. He turned himself in to face what he’d done (nothing) in 2 and you’re still acting like that?

The alliance just wanted that fancy new Normandy so they could tear the fucker apart for it’s tech anyways.

I just did. What are you, slow or something?

you mean combat. which isnt gameplay zoom zoom

>Already argued with. You've made no convincing counter argument.
I don't give a fuck what you're convinced of, retard. You said that Harbinger was somehow desperate enough and stupid enough to think that intimidating Shepard over viacom was somehow a useful strategy. My point is that's retarded, even if you're correct in your assessment of Harbinger's thought process.
>Then who are you talking about? Who is this zoomer boogie man?
>And I said critics as well as being widely publicly accepted. To which you put your opinion above all.
Yes, and? I dislike plenty of popular things. Get fucked, hiveminded pleb.

It was for me too man, I'd never felt ripped off by a video game once in my life before that came out.
Now I only buy like 2 new games a year and have regressed back to playing old vidya on the gamecube and dreamcast.

When I want dark and edgy I play the collector missions. The first one where you visit their ship is great. The music is fucking PERFECT and the collectors are even creepier than the reapers because of their insect-like appearances and behavior. Paragon Lost (that animated film) paints a pretty grim picture of them and gives you decent insight (that is in fact canon) into what they're like.

Killed a few hundred thou Batarians. Squishing a bug is a worse crime

I feel you so much

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The last gen in general did that to me. These fuckers can't be trusted to keep the quality control going in their series because the dev employment is a fucking revolving door.

ME2 has a beautiful grit to it. They managed to make the sequel both darker and more personal, I wish we could get a game like it again.

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Post Shadow Borker.

>they used to eat flies...

A lot of the humor in 3 is pretty reddit cringe, Citadel especially, but Javik was a ton of fun

Another user here.
Not gonna lie, but the only troubles ME3 have is the cerberus and endings. Almost everything after attacking the Cerberus base feels stupid and unpolished. Fuck Kai Leng and fuck endings.
At least it had the best combat in the series, plus uniting the galaxy was fun. Citadel is a pure fanservice kino, but fuck it, I had fun before everything went to shit.

I'm still fucking mad I couldn't run around with Jack and Zaeed in ME3, converting Zaeed into a mercenary with a heart of gold again and giving him hope, turning Jack from being a psycho killer into the love of my Shep's life

>i get a cutscene with Zaeed and a mission that involves jack


>Mass Effect 3 is an incredible shooter, one of the best TPS ever made

how? Did I just play the game wrong? Because I found it outstandingly boring

>pretending that your shep is just a tired husk by the end of ME3, especially if you did Sole Survivor or something similar


I'd say both the missions and characters in ME2 are also solidly better than ME1.


Yup, Paragon Lost was a great animated movie. It made me fell for the story of James and understand him better as a character.

You didn't play the Citadel DLC did you? It's a love letter to the series in general and why you should keep all your squad mates alive through the thing. Miranda and Jack still hate each other but there's a certain respect now since Jack started mentoring the Grissom students.

Anybody who likes this series who hasn't done the citadel DLC is doing themselves a major disservice. It basically provides a scenario in my book where the reapers lost and Shepherd is a star in the Armax Arena. Basically living it up on the citadel with a huge luxury apartment.

It's easily the best 3 DLC.

I feel you. They unnecessarily added 3 new squad mates (who no one gives a a fuck about) instead of adding Wrex or squad mates from ME2.

Hey guys

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This also
>Miranda and Jack still hate each other but there's a certain respect now since Jack started mentoring the Grissom students.
>Pick THAT option
Sheppard you're horrible

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>tfw no autistic sister to incest with
feels bad, man

it's how ME3 should have ended


>we've had a good ride..
>..the best

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The most epic thing for me was the track itself. It was literally the best reward for beating the game.
I was just sitting there, listening to the song and matching it with the game story and cutscenes. The whole song is a good ride to somewhere else, somewhere beyond this world, far far far away.
"Fight your foes,
You're not alone
Holy war is on the phone,
Asking to "please stay on hold"
Loss of blood runs cold"
Truly the best fucking song that could be in any videogame.

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you forgot the peanut butter

>the best
Mark Meer delieverd it like a champ. Way better than Hale

>you can only play as a human

What's more important.
The ending, or the story itself ?

Goddamn beautiful

I love how he improved his delivery in each game

The story itself. Fuck ending, that's for sure, but the moments I spend with my space bros were great... The best.

Fucking beautiful . Why can't more games be like this?

fuck bioware forever. I'm genuinely satisfied they are having such a bad time right now after anthem

>iTs AbOuT tHe JoUrNy nOt ThE DeStInAtIoN!!!!111!

Shut the fuck up, Bioware

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It's not enough, though. There's so much potential untapped still in the ME2 characters, that Bioware didn't even want to use in ME3, because they could all have been dead and they didn't want to put the extra work in, when not everyone would get these characters. Especially with Jack and Miranda, the potential and growth that is ahead of them is immense. And as it stands, we'll never see it. And that could, narratively, be a game on its own, a title that has these two working together and getting closer. Instead we got Andromeda with the most luckluster squad since the NWN OC and Knuckles in space. Who the fuck thought that was smart?

I want femshep to rape me

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Mark Meer is our lord and saviour. Damn, he had to voice 3 characters in the same fucking scene, that's really tells alot. And besides, he's a good guy IRL and a huge nerd and gaymer himself.
We don't deserve him.

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it was a different time

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The ending is part of the story you dumb-ass nigger, there's no separating the two.

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the ending is just as important as the story itself. this argument has been beaten to death almost a decade ago, but bioware royally shit the bed with an ending that insulting, and they fully deserved every single bit of backlash they got and then some.

the sooner EA makes that worthless bitch of a developer bite the dust the better

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Let's not mention that abortion known as andromeda

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>You will never relive completing this game for the first time and revelling in the experience as this song played over the credits


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It's because all ME2 could potentially die, and coding is hard.

Oh, Tali...

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i dont even want to listen to this because i know just how shitty and underhanded bioware gets in the third game. I used to feel happy listening to this. now I just feel bitter

The first and the last time when I wanted to bang a character that I was playing with.

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Mass Effect was pretty amazing. I can't remember the last time I played a game and would literally not want to put it down. Haven't played something that captivated me like that since I was a kid. I should probably go through the series again. I never played 3 because it got a lot of hate.

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The Citadel played like an episode of Archer
I loved it

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Don't play 3.

Don't sully your memories.

>this 3d effect
shift+F2 and turn off chromatic abberation in reshade

>this takes me back to that raid on the spanish treasure fleet

Huh. More better.

>first playthrough as femshep
>can't romance tali

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glad to help

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So many comfy mass effect threads lately. What happened?

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We can never forget. It was a better time.

I want Jack to eat my ass, while Miranda sucks my dick.

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Play 3, do everything but just before you do the final mission, play the Citadel DLC. THEN turn the game off.

Because for all the shit it got, people miss it. I think the same is going to happen with skyrim

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there's always a ME thread on this board, the memories are too strong


Well, don't ask me. Im just a guy that love to post Liara and Eclipse Merc. And talk about the games themselves, yeah.

There are so many characters whose stories went unfinished and got discarded in the final game, and they decided to add shit like samantha and the jersey shore guy for no fucking reason

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Give me Mass effect with ship management and space fights. Give me Xcom tactical gameplay on ground.


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I want to look like this.

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The worst thing is that nothing came close to mass effect level of feels. There is only void and another playthrough

The ending of ME3 is fine with the extended cut DLC. It doesn't make it good, but it at least makes it not terrible.

>why yes this is my favourite shop on the citadel how did you know?

Don't judge me.

>No excitement for video games
>posts on a video game board

Checks out.

Bro. Let it go you fucking loser.

Well, it's good bye

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Never not funny.

>why yes I romance Liara how did you know?

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I post on Yea Forums, the absolute best place to shitpost and hate on games in the entire internet.

Stacking Cryo Rounds and Frictionless Materials on an AR is basically a free pass to never let go of the trigger.

man, being renegade was so fun in that series

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Is that a good combo, though?

>Citadel DLC
That's the fun one with the Air force one reference and the party right? It had no right to be as funny as it was.

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Why, yes, I did pick Miranda, how could you tell?

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>annual replay of Mass Effect trilogy
fuck yeah, can't wait to start mine

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That's the combo that would get you infinite "ammo" right? heat buildup would never happen pretty much, I used it to cheap through those VR missions.

They were short on money because of the recession, and they had to shove in that godawful multiplayer mode that sucked even more resources away from the story . Mass Effect 3 was just a case of everything that could go wrong actually going wrong

The first game is so damn good, it's a shame how things played out but it did gave us the first one, for that alone it was all worth it.

Not the community's or the fanbase's problem, Bioware. Goddamn, I am so disappointed.

>After half a year on Illium treatment almost all of the Merc injuries got recovered. He left his crime life, and he decided to try himself into a paraolympic games. Somehow, he won his first run. After this, he transferred all the money to charities.

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It's really cheesy and shit, though. An absolute pleb filter. Shame on you.

>tfw you enter for the first time
I wish i could experience this for the first time again.

>Push up contest at party
>Vega is losing to Jacob
>Vega is bitching and gets tired
>Vega falls over and it turns out that Kasumi was cloaked and sitting on his back to help Jacob win
I wish her and Jacob got together.

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shadow borker

This fucking OST is god tier

It wasn't made to be taken seriously. It's in the tone of an 80's action comedy. Which is perfect.

Same but I think that's because I started the series with ME2 when it released on the 360

How did Vega not notice?

he's called Knuckles McBeefy for a reason

*come through turian bartender*
*ask him for one shot glass without any words*
*drink it*
*come to Aria with a slow walk*
I know that feel, bro

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>zoomers are getting nostalgic about that trash game

I bet you niggers haven't even played the good RPGs like the old republic or dragon age

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>dragon age
get out
you don't even deserve a (you)

>moooooom, he posted that image I don't like again

Mark Vanderloo is one handsome man. I have no problems saying this.

Bait's shit this series most dedicated following is made up of older millenials.

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It doesn't fit, and it adds insult to injury since the game gave bullshit reasons as to why we can't have our ME2 squadmates back(or at least most of them) only for those reasons to no longer matter so that we can throw a party while the galaxy burns.

There was a time when Mass Effect was considered one of the greatest rpg franchises on earth... What went wrong?

Look at this sexually very secure man and laugh!

if you saw a thread about things you don't like shitting up your board, would you just scroll by, or would you try to educate the retards?
I'm doing the latter.

the critics at that time say another thing. it was mediocre
barely any rpg elements.
the story was a note
the action and gameplay was cluncky that's why MS2 was so successful, as they improved the gameplay a lot.
and don't get me even started on the vehicle segments

>This site is only for me
>I should tell people what to talk about and how to talk about it
You're no better than the cancel culture SJWs.

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Are there any anime that give a Mass Effect feel? The Star Trek vibes are tangible, if underutilized, but that's neither anime nor current

3's story isn't that bad until the ending. It gets the tone off but it also has great payoffs for longstanding series plotlines like the genophage and the Geth/Quarian situation. The opening feels rushed and lackluster, and of course the Earth mission is disappointing and the starchild shit is an absolute disaster, but other than that I don't see how the story is that terrible.

No matter what anyone says, the fact that we still have threads about ME discussing all kinds of stuff about the trilogy really seals how phenomenal ME was. Just listening to the OSTs makes me want to go back. I don't know how Bioware did it, and I know nobody will be able to do it again. God I miss Mass Effect.

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This is actually true, now that I think back on it. ME1 was considered to be a good/very good game, but not great. ME2 is when people actually started considering the series to be great, which is easy to forget with all the revisionism we get from ME1 fans these days. To be fair though 2007 was a long ass time ago.

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fucking kek

This. People haven't forgoten the series, and there is still always a newcomers. It show's that no matter what, even after ME3 ending and Andromeda people still love the series and always will be there for another friendly (or not) discussion. I love ME-threads. Thank you, bros.

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The third game had pretty gud character creation music

ME2 took all the work ME1 did, took a dump on it and lit in on fire, and stapled slightly better gunplay onto what was there

The four weapons basically have four optimal builds:

>AR prioritizes blanket fire - Cooldown is key
>Pistol prioritizes its weapon skill - swap ammo types to suit the enemies' resistances
>Shotgun is a workhorse that should be built for its heat and damage to be manageable
>Sniper Rifle is the "Fuck You" button - EXPLOSIVE ROUNDS ALL DAY BABY. Everything should be dead within 3 shots by endgame, including bosses

Then what did ME3 do with ME2 after it was shat on, set on fire, and stapled?

>the old republic
Even if you mean KotOR I still like ME over both of them since 1 is just okay and 2 is incomplete like every Obsidian game.

Jade Empire is my favourite real Bioware game, followed by Mass Effect 1, Dragon Age 1, then KotOR, then the only nuBioware game worth playing: Mass Effect 3's Multiplayer. Never played MDK.

Better gunplay, and characters too. And missions and hub worlds.


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Improved the gameplay feel more, turned the reapers into laughingstocks, introduced Kai Leng (lol), and the fireworks show

>even after ME3 ending and Andromeda
But definitely not thanks to them, which is important to note. And ME3 had a lot more problems than just the ending.

Well, that was a great thread y'all. See you guys. Have a good day/night. Keep those threads alive, will ya?

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God damn it, it still fucking hurts. Why cant vidya and shows fucking end appropriately any more? Why does every fucking sequel get filled with political agenda bullshit? I'm so sick of it

Ilium was as fantastic as ME1 Citadel. Almost. Give me more Ilium, Noveria, Citadel and Omega and I am gold.

combat was better in ME1 though. The problem with ME2 is that while it does the SHOOTING aspect a little better, it does so at the expense of everything else. Powers are stripped of all their fun, and are basically reduced to a game of matching-like-to-like and using this type of power against this type of barrier, and this type of power against this type of shield. None of your abilities even have cool effects unless enemies have all shields gone, and by that point you might as well just finish them off with a couple extra bullets.

It's nowhere near as fun as the crazy stuff you could do in ME1, firing off your cool tech and biotic powers left and right and having them be useful beyond just a flashy way of stripping shields.
Vanguard ME2 is fun though, but it was even better in ME1 launching enemies into the air left and right and blasting them all with a shotgun and watching their zero-gravity ragdolls go flying everywhere.

If they had done the ending and Cerberus well (and removed the kid) I would've been happy. There's more to criticize about it but those are the only two really critical misses.

How about underutilizing the entire ME2 crew, because too much work?

To this day, I still can't really explain why Mass Effect gives me the feels, there's something about the series that always makes me come back and replay it every couple of years.

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I don't know if I should play 2. I just played 1 and loved it and just watched the trailer for 2 and it seems like they're going for a completely different feelio on this dealio.

I dunno guys I want to get back in but I'm scared I won't like it as much anymore.

No way, the only really fun power for me in ME1 was lift, because of how overpowered it was. My first run of ME was as an engineer and the ME1 powers were all worthless fire and forget nonsense. Getting combat drone in ME2 made a big difference for me. Sequel Vanguard is great, cover is a real thing, and each upgrade to your abilities has a real difference that you can feel in gameplay, because we don't have a situation like ME1 where you have more points but each one is +2% accuracy or some paltry crap.

If it's the music you should play Myst III since Jack Wall also did excellent atmospheric music for that one.

it still makes me seeth to this day that EA bought bioware. fucking microsoft should have bought them when they had the chance. look at all the amazing GOTY tier games they made for microsoft like kotor, jade empire and mass effect. they would have been a million times better off than under EA. i know MS have done some shit things some some studious but none on the level of EA. someone needs to post that image with all the studios EA killed off like pandemic. fuck EA.

some shit things to some studios*

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You may like it either a lot more or a lot less, but you should still play 2. 1 and 2 are the real core of Mass Effect and why people still care to talk about it today. In my opinion the characters are what make 2 great, their stories feel more personal in my opinion.

ME2 was a warp simulator unfortunately. Where each skill was used without discrimination in 1, each skill had to be judged against singularity and warp in 2. The opportunity cost for using one ability vs the other took all the fun out of biotics.

>spend three whole games dealing with the idea that the asari are just perfect parasites and the face of the council that fucks you over at every turn
>one whole mission of javik shitting on liara and the entire asari race
Asari belong to Prothean cock, no more and no less.

At least FemRyder has provided the Internet with enough reaction gifs to sustain itself for the next century or so.

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How many female characters can you fuck in 1 playthrough in ME1? And do you have to romance the squadmates in order to fuck them, or can you sneak in a cheeky screw with each of them first?

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Microsoft isn't as threatened by PC titles as EA is because they run that show. They're also generally willing to sacrifice creative control for platform exclusivity.


One and one only. You basically have two options. Liara or Kaiden/Ashley depending on your character's sex. Tali, Garrus and Wrex cannot be romanced. Garrus and Tali become options in the second game.

>Garrus is the most attractive character in Mass Effect
You fucking blew it.

two afaik and yes. One npc at the very start of the game and its just a fade to black dialogue, and the squadmates are shitty cutscenes, blue alien butt made parents go mad back in the day though.

Wait, so you can't fuck any side character at all?

user either doesn't remember or doesn't know you can fuck Sha'ira, but as I said, its just a fade to black, implied sex.

>not ONE custom face managed to look better than the default male and fem

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I remembered grabbing ME1 and 2 from a steam sale a couple years ago and was wondering if it's easy to carry over the ME2 save to a pirated ME3, because fuck me if I'm gonna give money to EA for an 8 years old game

The games can't check if it's from legit or not

I momentarily forgot. It's not particularly significant to the greater arc of the story. It just seemed like it at the time because the game so flippantly offered you a sexual encounter that early into the game.

it just checks if you have save games in your ME2 folder, but I think there was an issue with the savefile being in a different folder for the Origin and Steam versions of the game, but you could just copy over your files to the proper folder and it would work.

Because Vanderloo is a literal greek god
That's very good. I am gearing up for a replay of the ebtire series after like half a decade and want to make sure everything goes right

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You just have to have your saves folder in the proper part of your document files along (it should be wherever the game installed your 2 saves to as well) and it should load everything up like normal. You can even go import a save from online that has the desired traits you want for 2 and 3. It's mostly just some simple copy and pasting of files.

>Zoomers were teenagers when ME1
Not part of this argument but this is completely wrong. Zoomers were children if not infants in 2007.

Yeah, you could say that...

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>2007 was 20 years ago

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Wasn't femshep supposed to be some cute blonde as well? I seem to remember they had some vote on it that they vetoed or something.
So is that it? Only 2 potential ones? In DA:O you can fuck like 15.

You'll probably want to pirate the entire series either way, there's a bunch of DLCs that you might not have.

Also, EA, I would gladly give you some real bucks for the entire series seeing as I replay them almost yearly, but you kind of make it hard as fuck seeing as I'd have to pay full price for the dlcs because you fucks won't release a Trilogy pack with all DLCs fuck you.

The oldest zoomers were 12/13 in 2007 which makes them teens.


>So is that it?
For ME1? Yes, one npc and one companion, but relationships continue to future games and you have more options in the sequels.

>Wasn't femshep supposed to be some cute blonde as well?
That was when they were redesigning FemShep for the third game, they had people pick her new hairstyle and color.

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garrus husband

Those faces appear as though they both got custom complexion filters. Same with say, Liara. It gives them a much more believable look and the facial animations are designed around them.

This is what we ended up with from the selection btw.

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So they did veto the vote, or what?

Yeah well, about that... I found out I'm missing all the dlcs and I don't feel like paying for them guess I'm pirating it all, I already bought the series once on xbox, get off my back EA

1 crew and 1 non-crew. Sha'ira, the Consort and either Liara or Ashley

>no morinth
>two talis

fuck outta here

The Dextro Squad is tied depending on which gender your Shepard is.

>two talis

One of those talis is a chinese lady

Fuck I forgot all about Kasumi.


How did one man write a novel-length retrospective on the series and have objectively correct opinions the entire way through?


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I want to do terrible things to her and her to me

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Horrible squandered opportunity

The "choice" in Samara's Loyalty Mission was already pretty stupid, but now it's objectively inferior to go with Morinth no matter how you're playing.

new shepard game when

They did; blonde femshep was leading with 30000 votes. Emo fringe hair shep was in second with 12000. I have no idea why they went with the ginger.

while goyware shouldnt false advertise, you would be a prime retard to this game ending something else to every game in existence.
Also 90% of all plotlines that YOUR choices had any meaning do get resolved in the 3rd game prior to the ending.

It would've been cool to have an actual super villain on the team, rather than just "morally complex" 2edgy teammates.

>what the fuck did he actually mean by this?

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i want to go back

i mean what i wrote, do you have dyslexia beside being a worthless greentext memer?

No, the blonde hairstyle won because she was clearly the most attractive, but the hair color was eventually changed to red since some people threw a fit.

That's what I'm saying. Bioware discarded the results and chose red.

He's saying that you shouldn't have expected ME3's ending to be any different than any other video game's and that most of the plot lines were resolved during the game, not in the ending. But he also forgets to note that when Casey literally said "I don't think anybody will get the same ending", that we were down with this bullshit. And while we solved "some" stuff, none of it was conclusive. It was either vague or implied very fucking dark regardless of what we did. Like, it all ends in shit, whatever we did, it's just that there's maybe 10 more people that get to suffer through that shit, or they might have got off better, by getting killed earlier. That's not much of a resolution to anything. Why would anyone be OK with that? Our choices mattered. In the most uninspired, unsatisfactory way imaginable. So why should we have a problem with that?

as dev should
art ist not democracy

>you would be a prime retard to this game ending something else to every game in existence.

i can't parse what the fuck this means. the rest of the post i understand but i think there's some words missing here.

then why even have a contest? why not just post a twitter poll then delete it when you don't like the results?

No, you're just illiterate with broken grammar. Also, this user is right. The devs literally lied about what to expect from the ending.

The making of femshep wasn't an artistic choice, it was 100% pushed by marketing. Bioware's Director of Marketing said "we're putting femshep on the box and in her own trailer" and had a Facebook contest run for her appearance. Not artful in the least.

I think the only good part of me3 were those last lines of dialogue.
>"There's billions of stars, each can be home to many worlds, and each can have a different form of life, and every life is a special story of its own... "
I really liked it.

oh yeah im also retarded it seems
"to think this game ending would be something else"
>also this user is right
you are actually a mongloid, tho:
"while goyware shouldnt false advertise"

me3 ruined entire franchise

>while goyware shouldnt false advertise
Still not our problem, though. And look at Bioware now. They got consecutively shat on, their developers got stumped because they don't know what to do to turn things around, they are the laughing stock of the AAA industry and are on the verge of getting canceled themselves. We might have missed out on a good piece of entertainment, but looks like they are going to miss out on a job. Good luck getting a job after Andromeda and Anthem, you fucking hacks. Should have seen through your own bullshit, before shipping out ME3, you fuck monkeys.

So your argument is that people shouldn't believe the promises of the devs, or that the game is good on its own?
Cause you're a retard either way. ME1 and ME2 both had pretty good endings that were completely different from the deus ex shit the third game pulled out of its ass.

Umm they only made one game.


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>Still not our problem, though
...who said it was? Are you being actually inbreed?
If you dont catch the memo: You still shouldnt believed the mass effect would end different then any other videogame just because a conman lied to you. You must be quiet the buffoon in reallife if this is your default modus operandi .
>i hate bioware
great for you pal
>So your argument is that people shouldn't believe the promises of the devs, or that the game is good on its own?
1. If you believe anything what dev and publisher say before release after 6th gen, you are retarded, yes. Especially someone saying there is not gonna be duplicate ending of a game that millions gonna play.
But like i stated, that doenst absolve bioware from saying this in the first place. It just makes you a more guilable retard then you already are.
2. Yes i think me3 was good game. The ending was shit but not because "hur dur our choices" but because the whole setup and option are retarded.

i've never played mass effect. Should i?

>Not establishing everlasting love through synthesis.
Fucking casual

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>he fell for it
oh no...

> It just makes you a more guilable retard then you already are.
Bioware released that sort of ending for both games in the series up to that point. What reason would anyone have to doubt they'd do it again?
>Yes i think me3 was good game.
Opinion on everything discarded you fucking NIGGER

the synthesis and control ending defeat themself, really.
Think about it. Let say we take everything that happens at the end 100% as truth: You show that reapers are controrable. You can literarly "hack" reapers. How the fuck do you ensuere that not somebody from another galaxy comes (something that Andromeda even fucking confirms, btw. based headcanon turning out true) and use the reaper against you?

someone post the story, you know which one...

>Bioware released that sort of ending for both games
>Statement that this guys harp on about, just to recall: Casey "I don't think anybody will get the same ending"
>This user iis saying anybody in ME1 and ME2 get the same ending
Actually inbreed

>You still shouldnt believed the mass effect would end different then any other videogame just because a conman lied to you. You must be quiet the buffoon in reallife if this is your default modus operandi
I had been playing Bioware games since 1998. With the exception of DA2, I had never been disappointed by any one of their games and ME2 had been the pinnacle of that, short of Baldur's Gate 2. So I had it in good faith that they wouldn't let me down.

>i hate bioware
I don't hate Bioware, but their persistence to fuck up consistently since DA2 has been nothing short of just mesmerizing. And their refusal to learn from their fuck up is just admirable. It will be their own death and they will have nobody but themselves to blame. But they made it evident that I am no longer their fanbase, that they don't want me. Well, the fanbase that they do want, doesn't want them. And they can still turn it all around, if they want, but they won't, because they are either too damn stupid or too damn stubborn to do so. So fuck 'em.

ME3 multiplayer one one of the best horde mode TPS ive ever played. That carried the shitshow that was the singleplayer campaign for a long time

>made everyone immortal with knowledge about everything, turning everyone into reapers
>instead of killing reapers like old black man wanted to
I feel sorry for you. You just fuck up the whole existence of everything. There is no more point in life anymore.

These aren't the Bioware animations I know ...

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>This user iis saying anybody in ME1 and ME2 get the same ending
ESL retard get the FUCK outta here.

Hot take: the ending of ME3 is acceptable (only Destroy tho) if you play all the DLCs included Extended Cut.

Hell yes. I came here to kill Reapers and that’s what I’m gonna do. I’ll build a monument to the Geth after in done saving the galaxy.