Entire party betrays you

>entire party betrays you
>you still put them all down

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what game?

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Massacre ending to SMT IV Apocalypse might suffice. Everybody else was turning over a new leaf to be buddy buddy and follow the power of friendship, but you can just kill them all when the final choice of how to change the world becomes unavoidable.

Not OP but i've only ever read an LN with a similar premise

MC's group of heroes conspire for years and and then murder him because it aligns with all their interests, the MC comes back to life at the beginning of his journey, first thing he does is beat the living shit out of the princess

jade empire

Tales of Xillia 2 for an optional ending.



AC: For Answer

Nidome no Yuusha

One of the endings of Tales of Xillia 2.

Bonus points for said party also being the party from the first game and the MC being entirely new to this one.

Dragons Age Origins if you really want to

MC is the one who betrayed them though.

Which one is it?

>tfw you're the final boss

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Arc Rise Fantasia

You're a retard if you are being serious

More like Ludger betrays everyone


Depends on how you look at it

>want to continue my half completed play-through
>all the romsites only have the undub
It wouldn't be the same without the trainwreck dub

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Shadowrun Dragonfall.

Breath of Fire IV


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That's why I'm surprised they didn't see the MC's decision coming from a mile away. The game is programmed to punish the player if they acted one way throughout the game then switch sides last second, which is more of a betrayal than the MC who hated on everybody throughout the game and having the party expect a different outcome. Though Apocalypse's writing isn't that good to begin with, otherwise I might have had some remorse in wiping them all out instead of the personal goal of never hearing them speak again.

You do your job too good


How the fuck do people still like Ichika after she went full retard?

4 > 1 > 3 > 2 > 5

yotsuba is my favorite but I dont hate any of them

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Dagda was right.

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>worst girl
>can't and won't win
feels good

That depends on what dialogue options you picked throughout the game. If you told them off at every turn they really should have known you weren't their buddy.


Hyper Dimensional Neptunia 2

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4 > 2 > 3 > 1 > 5

Lisa The Painful

Where are you Ninobros?

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Vanguard Bandits had you betraying your party and killing them all. Good game.


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The quints mother must have been going through hell delivering these bastards

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>nobody mentions Lisa The Painful

4 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 2

>Just delivering
Now imagine trying to rise these retards (and Nino) all by yourself

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Spec ops the line

A guy gives you two options: destroy the giant cradle cities floating in the sky over the ruined earth which will kill millions of people but destroy what's limiting people from migrating to space, or kill him and his terrorist group to maintain peace as the pollution gradually rises up to the cradles. Or, you know, just kill all the factions and humanity altogether. If you side with the terrorists in destroying the cradles, you're given a new mission that was a trap, where your former allies decide you're too crazy to let live as a genocidal monster and wonder if you're even human anymore and fight you to the death. On the higher difficulty runs, your own handler even joins in to fight you.

SMT IV Final

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The MC was never on their side to begin with.

Easily the worst sister.

>Party member betrays you
>it switches from co-op to pvp mode
>the story progresses based on the victor.

Shadow of Mordor

Didn't they turn that into a manga recently? I remember reading one in the past few months exactly like that.

Asura’s Wrath


>Villain makes his "join me" speech
>you can actually do it and it doesn't result in an instant game over or a non-ending

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>main character that you've grown so attached to dies at the end

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I don't get the whole they went behind his back angle. They weren't trying to be sneaky, Ludger was suffering and they thought to spare him from having to kill his own brother on top of all the other shit.

>You get a proper route where you go back and start killing everyone

so harem ending is basically a given right?

that's the way it is

See the fire in your eyes... see the fire in your eyes...

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I'm afraid.

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>can join the villain if he likes you enough
>can stab him in the back and take over

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The ending to this game was so beautifully tragic it almost made me sick with sadness.

Morrowind, if you are indeed the Nerevarine and decide to kill the Tribunal.
The tribunal betrayed the Nerevar.

>villain tells you to wait at the table he does some business
>you can actually wait
>if you do he comes 15 minutes later and kill degenerates together

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Devil Survivor 2 was pretty dank with this. Weird entity which seemingly opposes you the whole game, only way to get allies who believe you betrayed them is by suppressing them yourself and having a high enough friendship so they rejoin you.

I hate it, but when it's done well I love it.

>friend greets you after many years of you being on the run because of false allegations
>sets you alight and your entire army in an ambush


Jade Empire?

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The doll doesn't betray you though

Smash Bros?

Fou-Lu wasn't wrong at all, fucking Yuna gets away with it
hakanaku tayutau sekai wo kimi no te de mamottakara

>Gehrman(not really)
>Beggar(not really)
off the top of my head

It's funny how even the leader of the terrorists jumps in to kill you with his original handle because you went too far.
Because the terrorists just want the cradles to return to earth so they can start going into space, meanwhile old king's just go full genocide with blowing up cradles.
Did you know in the japanese version, Old king hums a bit of Thinker during the cradle destruction mission?

Neverwinter Nights 2

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Growlanser IV's Dulkheim route is this, odd as it is when it comes plot wise, as its the around the last part of the game.
You can side to the enemies side since they have a crucial information that can help you in the overall plot. If you joined to them, most of your party will go against you and you can outright kill them if you encounter them the next time you see them on the battlefield. You need to kill them if you want to see the other endings.

They were never my friends.
After Asahi dies I’d rather kill them all if it means I can have her back.
I don’t even think I liked her I just hated her the least.

Far Cry 2

Why didn't more SRPGs do this? Langrisser is the only one that comes to mind.

Langrisser 2/4 were fun games

Langrisser IV's Chaos route feels tacked on. Its just for the sake of being evil there. At least Langrisser II has a reason for you to defect in light.
But why join side if you can fuck them all?

It was tacked on, more effort went into the neutral route, was still fun though

>Party drugs you and uses you as a healslut.
>You realize you have a time reversal part rather healing power
>Go back in time just before you were taken in
>Mindbreak your party members into becoming sex slaves

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Yeah, even though these types of routes are very rare to begin with, that still tends to happen anyway. Rather than showing the protagonist's gradual descent into derangement/evil and why each of his choices leads to another particular choice, it's usually just "oh by the way I'm an asshole now hahaha die"