Borderlands 3

Say whatever you want about Randy and Gaybox,
BL3 is basically more of BL2, for better and for worse.

And i'm unironically enjoying it so keep seething, cope, dilate and have sex.

Borderlands 3 Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

Post lewds and shit

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None of the new characters are as fun to play as Zero

It's alright I guess.

>*scratches head
chink eyed spyware bahaha!

I like Maya but I will never play boredomlands.

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Oh so there's nothing new? Thanks I know I can skip it now.

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gas yourself, fuck stain

maya dies op

Also having fun here, had a full group of randos last night for the first few hours of the game. The fight against mouthpiece was pure eye candy.
Also really enjoying all the salt from Yea Forums.

Garbage taste, and garbage game.
kill yourself ASAP.

>tfw you're no longer in college and don't have any free time to spend with your bros roaming Pandora.

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bl2 wasn't good

Post ur favorite borderman

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Go away Randy your game is shit.

A big titted anime thread died for this shill post

Post more buzzwords. I need even more reasons to not take you seriously.

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>have to rewatch the 20min intro whenever I make a character
holy fuck

Okay Yea Forumsros i will take your criticism and go think about it,
Now post lewds ty.

pretty based

>maya dies
>literally none of the characters give a fuck

And uh rent free haha

I agree. Only complaint is there are too many damn women in this game. feels forced.

Zane fucking sucks to play as, but I'm forced onto him because everyone else was taken in my group.

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>T. Zhou.

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Zane is so easy he stops being fun desu.

He sucks early, but probably the most fun past lvl 20 or so.

Normal playthrough is just too easy in general.

Why is everyone on l*ddit saying this game runs like shit?
It runs incredibly on my PC

>Improve almost everything, somehow make the writing even worse
>Still can't skip cutscenes but make them EVEN FUCKING LONGER
I guess in their mind it was somehow balanced out by there being far less padding sidequests and travel time.

All the side quests are fucking trash desu. Also
>weapons would usually do 10k damage in bl2
>i'm sitting here at level 20 with a pistol that does 80 damage
What happened to my rain man numbers?

How 2 beat General Traunt as Moze????

Lillith and Moxxi are the worst characters in the franchise,so if getting rid of Best Siren to finally kill Lillith is the price then so be it
Fuck the crimson whores
Fuck wymen
Fuck coal burners
And fuck Randy

Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it

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Stop sucking.

That's a good thing you goddamn retard, bloated numbers and exponential growth were the shittiest part of bl2

>actually wanting stat inflation
Fuck off, this is part of what made BL2 shit. Removing stat inflation is a significant improvement to BL3.

I don’t know where to stand and not die
If I’m too close to him he kills me, if I get up on the stairs he sends fireballs that twoshot me, and if I stand on the balconies he just lobs fireballs at me
And I can’t get past the fucker’s shield

Say hi to Tencent and the chinese government for me.


>slut worshipping OP
No thanks

Nobody cares if you like it you self-absorbed zoomer. That said the game is perfect for buzzword vomiting morons like yourself.

Anyway, i'm thinking of buying it. Anyone know how long the campaign is?

You know the game flopped when the shills have to resort to lewds. Lovin it.

at least you have a group!


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But i'm playing on the PS4

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>lies about not having free time
>spends his free time on Yea Forums

it probably won't get cracked any time soon

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>Enjoying the game
>But still comes here to try and get validation

Seems really fun indeed.

She's dead btw

>snu snu Siren
Only thing I found interesting.

I've got bad framerates myself. Play plenty of other modern games that perform just fine.

Man, Epic REALLY doesn't want to lose their only big name title, don't they.

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please tell me you can date Maya in 3

Maya gets killed like a chump for cheap drama.

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Your game is shit and there's nothing you can do to change that fact, Randy.

>use skill
>have to wait eternity before skill is off cooldown
Moze is complete shit character

She literally gets Roland'd

>be me
>often pirate games to see how well my machine run it or if it's worth it
>if worth it, gonna buy it
>no pirating no buy

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I thought that was weird. I mean shit, nobody really has anything to say about her after borderlands 2 when she was a main protagonist? I didn't expect much, but I thought maybe zer0 should of at least acknowledged it considering he fought along side her.

Certified Badass

Aint the game just full of spyware?

I'm gonna pirate your shitty game in a year when all the DLC is released. Hopefully I can mod out your poop jokes as well faggot.

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Not only that, but Tannis takes over her spot as being a Siren. Somehow.

Why is this child's head so big?

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This. No one does demo's anymore, and my autism won't allow me to play game unless I get atleast 60fps on ultra settings.

I thought Anthony Burch wasn't writing this one

>No one does demo's anymore
Exactly and it pisses me off! That's the exact reason why I didn't buy Gears 5.

Good for you OP! I'll maybe buy it in 4 years when all the DLC has been released for 5 bucks. Maybe. It probably won't be worth it though.

>grandma with giant perky tiddies

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Because she's the strongest Siren ever and is better than Maya, Lilith, Amara, and Calypso.

Nude mods when?

I want to titfuck the shit out of Moxxy

haven't played 1 or 2 just because I never got to it, do i need to know those to play this one?

oh realy? nice try piss master Randy

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1 has alright writing and story and will pretty much give you all the background on the series, but it's absolutely not necessary to play. You can go into this one blind.

I heard the performance is utter garbage, how can this be? It literally looks like bl2

You're actually better off going into it blind, story wise.

>I heard the performance is utter garbage
That's what I heard too. And people apparently had issues launching the game

BL2 is better than 3 in every way and there's no reason to play any BL other than 2.

Thoughts on these granny panties?

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It's probably because the keylogger that sends all your info to China is slowing things down

It seems like a mixed bag. Some people are getting 60fps + on their 1060's and others are getting major drops on their 1080 ti's.

I thought BL2 was boring as fuck. Enjoying BL3 a lot more than i ever did BL2.

Im so fucking mad maya died because of a shit stain 12 year old

so what did the radiation debuff end up being, it wasn't just slag again right?

>Lilith gets completely forgiven for causing BL2 and is treated as a hero and goes out in a blaze of glory sacrificing herself to save the entire galaxy and is treated as the coolest super hero ever
Glad I waited to buy the game because this story is fucking unbearable, even for Borderlands.

I might get it when Tina's playable

No idea, but enemies explode if you shoot them with enough radiation. It seems to be the most powerful element by far in terms of raw damage.

There has never been a good Borderlands game and there never will be. Please continue funding Randy. It’d be a damn shame if I lost another public figure to mock and laugh at. Half the people on this board probably don’t even know who Anthony Burch is anymore.

>a cheap whore like that
>not wearing a thong/g-string

stupid fat women designing these games

>causing bl2
Jack would've gone nuts anyway. He sees the Warrior before Lilith ever touches him, and literally every vault hunter is a raging psychopath except for Roland and Mordecai.

They'll bring her back, mark my words.

She's like 55 or some shit. She's so loose and used up that she needs panties that actually keep her shame in place, otherwise she gets a prolapsed cervix within seconds.

Haha, please buy the DLC to find out! 10 expansions to move the plot forward, haha...

>Maya gets killed for nothing
TrashHawk should stay dead jesus fuck

People play it for guns and loot

cope, her used up cunt should be hanging over her panties

She also wears special panties to contain her yeast infection, otherwise she'd leave a snail trail wherever she goes.

This but switch 2 with 3

answer me this, is the quests still in one hub and i'm forced to do those zero sense fetch quests one after another and then running back into town hub or whatever cause i fucking hated that in previous two. bounty boards and random exclamation marks in wild, fucking cringe game design. especially when all the quests are fetch quests.

Moze and Gaige scissoring when?

noone is buying your meme game Randy

Wrong, Maya dies so that 12 year old twerp can be an annoying tagalong all the way until the end of the game where she gets super cool Siren powers and saves the cast.

Almost every quest is in the zone you get them in. There's 94 side missions in the game, and usually 3 in each zone.

do the characters from tales of the borderlands take part in the main story or nah?

Cheap shit like this seems to be a staple for this series. BL2 was pretty much a middle finger to anyone that liked anything about the first game. Pierce didn't get a chance to be developed and gets killed off via a recording you find that instantly paints Jack as an irredeemable when he orders the the death of everyone on the train. Sure the Crimson Raiders took it, but the people on it were being moved by them and had nothing to do with it. I could never figure out why Burch kept having Jack talk about being the "good guy." Just make him a heartless bastard that loves being a heartless bastard and it would have been much better than this "OH LOOK HOW SMART I AM WRITING THIS BAD GUY WHO THINKS HE'S THE GOD GUY." This is a universe where everything is satirically run by heartless corporations who give no fucks about their personnel or what their work does to the environment. This could have been the Robocop of FPS, but instead we got stuck up assholes trying to be "artists."

i thought there can be only 1 sirene at a time, why are there so many of them by now?

yep a nice big download with all the DLCs ready to go, all nicely up to date, and in all likelihood NO DENUVO SPYWARE... just gotta have a bit more patience. Meanwhile I added the money I would have used to buy BL3 (on Steam if without Denuvo) to my next silver stash order.

It was 4 at a time.

Jack says early in a side mission there can only be 6 sirens in the universe at one time. So that would mean some women have the power inside them be one but it doesn't activate until another siren dies.

>It literally looks like bl2
it does not at all user compare the two games on ultra settings

arent there 5 now then?
i dont know their names so i say their haricolor:
red, blue, purple, the new midged one and handsome jacks daughter.
or am i missing something here?

Jack is a complete psychopath and the only good character in the series. He's considered one of the best villains in recent years for a reason. Any top villain list you look at post 2012 has him included.

Only Rhys and Vaughn and in the first act.

well the daughter died in 2

>Not a single bloody webm
>Only screenshots are of a geriatric moxxy
Great thread, im sure a lot of you guys are actually playing the game instead of shitposting here

It's a shame Zane is the only fun character. I feel like 2 and 3 arent even in the same world of fun as Pre when it comes to fun chars/builds.

>He's considered one of the best villains in recent years for a reason

Good God, you have awful taste. If being an annoying cunt you wish would just shut up meant he's the best, I guess you'd be right. Usually you don't want your audience to not wanna hear or see the villain because they're so obnoxious though.

I'll get it when it drops to 20 bucks on steam with a bundle that has all the DLC, probably a year and a half from now. This has nothing to do with ebin game store fuckery, I'm just sure as shit not paying 60 bucks for the base game plus 40 dollars for a season pass, fuck that noise.

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We also have Lilith showing off her exposed ass like the slut she is. Great thread.

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What the fuck happened to her face?

I've seen how Vaughn basically gets slaughtered character-wise, but do they do my boy Rhys right? He actually starts up Atlas, right?

Provably factual statement. Look up any top villain list post-BL2. Doesn't matter what the two of us personally think.

Not my money or my time. Not my problem if you enjoy this garbage
Have fun anyways user[/spoilee]

If you think his character is slaughtered post-Tales, you haven't actually finished that game. He kept escalating into the crazy fuck he is in the BL2 DLC and BL3.


give r34 time

by far the worst character of the franchise, yes much worse than lilith, yes, even worse than claptrap

I don't see the problem, incel.

If I hadn't found out they killed Maya I might have given it a go.
That was the final straw for me.

He's CEO of Atlas and you help him fight back Maliwan and their CEO who is obsessed with him and trying a hostile takeover of Atlas.

>And i'm unironically enjoying it so keep seething, cope, dilate and have sex.

not being a bigb rain like me and ironically pirating every game in the series so you can ironically enjoy it and post memes for clout

because none of them excel at any particular weapon skill

maya had no character outside of "playable character" and then they made her not playable anymore and killed her

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People have shit taste and think he's great because he said "Butt Stallion"


That's unironically what the reddit equivalent 4chin regulars ape over and over.

I like Claptrap

Which is why any top ten list with him on it can be completely disregarded because they think shitty meme humour is gold.

but that was kino

No, I finished Tales. Vaughn definitely went a bit off the deep end (and understandably so, he got more-or-less stranded on Pandora and did what he had to to survive) but in BL3 he becomes "lole muh underwear" man. I didn't expect any nuanced writing in any form from a mainline Borderlands game, but christ it still hurts. Also, I never touched any BL2 DLC.

I didnt even know Vaughn before bl3 and he appeared to me like an opportunistic guy who loves to show off his body therefore wearing only underwear.

That's a shitty price, Krieg's waifu and his reason to become a vault hunter was killed and he wasn't even in the game.

So Maya dies but Lilith who is a massive cunt that constantly ruins everything is still alive? Fucking lmao.

Classes in TPS were the only good thing about that game, nothing B3 is as cool as Nissa's aimbot special skill or her Pistol skills that ended in her being able to permanently dual wield them. Fuck B3 skilltrees.

That's what he does after Rhys says he has a nice body.

Lilith dies an hero.

That's even worse considering that she was effectively a villain and caused the entirety of BL2 to happen.

After TPS Athena became my favourite character, was awesome when she was in Tales.

kill yourself with this shit, autist
someone already replied to you telling you that you're wrong

That's a retarded viewpoint. Play the Pre-Sequel. Lilith being there or not didn't matter. Jack had already lost his mind by absorbing information from the relic. He was going to scorch Pandora regardless.

Is she ever called out for almost executing Athena? It's not so much that she tried to kill her it's that she obviously knew she was innocent

What's a good moze build? I don't really like this flamethrower

>He was going to scorch Pandora regardless.
Wait, Jack is the ""bad"" guy?

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Didn't B2 say Angel caused that scar on his face, that unnecessary part with Lilth just randomly appearing to hit him and peace ou really bothered me

? Axton zer0 and maya are all pretty chill

>He was going to scorch Pandora regardless.
And this is a bad thing?

I'll get it once it's 10 eurodollars or free.

Nah, they're all psychos. All of them laugh and have a good time when they kill hundreds of people. Playable Lilith's dialog is less psychopathic compared to the other hunters, even.

Fuck off with your SJW game.

Too bad she got pushed into being a lesbian

>Playable Lilith's dialog is less psychopathic compared to the other hunters, even.
No it fucking isn't

Same, she was a blast to play. Getting raped by a dyke was... a painful experience, though, for everyone involved.

She literally only has a few lines where she laughs. She's not even the craziest in her own game.

>Lilith just randomly appearing to hit him and peace out really bothered me
Lilith just punching him is the entire reason why BL2 happened, it's all her fault for not actually killing him.

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>literally laughing all the fucking time as she murders people
Yea real "sane".

The shameless shilling of this game is pretty sad.

How does the writing keep getting worse even when they got rid of Anthony Burch? It should be easily understandable that no one wants to see a character they played as for X many hours die in a retarded way but they just keep doubling down on it.

ehh, everyone in B2 was gay, after that tape where Jack forces a gay scientist to torture a gay captive I realised that pretty much only Lilith was straight pretty much

Jesus the "humor" in this game is fucking embarrassing. Aside from that I'm just losing interest in it. The gameplay isn't really anything special and I don't give a single fuck about the characters or story.

she even calls you 'killer' as a term of endearment

Which are played all the fucking time.
Also, being more sane than Brick isn't saying much.

Because they're trying to imitate burch, obviously.


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If Classic wow is any indication it will die down in a few days. People fell off that game super hard and the same will happen with this since it has even less going for it

But the original VHs and Moxxi already tried to kill him earlier in the story, and he swore to kill them then. I just thought it was weird because I swear Jack said Angel did that to his face.

"Hahahahaha." (Low chuckle)
"Hahahahaha." (High pitched laugh)
"Hahahaha. I'm really good at this."
"Aww, did that hurt?"
"Yes! Feel it!"
"Sup, killer? Nice work finding a camp."
"Wait - that was it? It's dead?"
"That's it?"
"That was barely worth it."
"Well, it acted tough..."
"How disappointing! I didn't even break a sweat."

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She was there to destroy the vault relic, not kill Jack. They already tried to kill him with the Destroyer's eye. Didn't work, and he had 6 powerful vault hunters with him at all times who could melt melt Lilith and Roland easily. All 4 of the original vault hunters couldn't even touch Wilhelm.

>imitating the guy that was so bad he got kicked out by Randy Pedoford
One can only imagine why.

And? Still not the craziest vault hunter. Not even close. They're all psychos, but Lilith doesn't stick out.

stay mad that people actually enjoy this game as they did the last 3 games, hivemind loser

that bothers me a bit, the 4 originals were able to take down the big alien that was in the vault but cower at a tall robot, what gives

I don't see Maya is any worse than her

>BL3 is basically more of BL2
Yes, which is precisely why it's bad.

If you have to constantly makes threads and posts about how much you apparently love the game, then that says more about you than it does me.

Wilhelm is based. The only reason the Vault Hunters in the second game could kill him is because Jack weakened him so that he would die and drop the power core that would shut down Sanctuary's shields.

Nobody's saying she's the craziest because that's so obviously Krieg it's not even fucking funny, just that she's far from the least crazy.

lmao yeah imagine people discussing a game they like

At least he is perfectly sane inside.

the trailer where overcomes his insanity for a short while to save Maya is so fucking good

The power levels are just retarded in the BL universe. Salvador is probably a one man army in the canon.

I hate how enemies explode on headshots from a pistol now, headshots used to so satisfyng in B2.

I think it's random. Sometimes they just explode, other times only their heads do. BL2 removed most of the gore from 1, though. 3 brought it back.

This is some weird fucking johning going on right now

>bringing up Retcon: The Game
>He was going to scorch Pandora regardless.

No one said anything about


wait, where's the retcon?


She dies
Maya also dies

For people who enjoy this trash heap of a game I have no intent of picking up, I just have one thing to say.

Eh, have fun, hope you enjoy the game.

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Nigga that is maya

Lilith also dies

I'm sad he's not in the game

Not like he's ever played a Borderlands game before. Mindless sheep memeing on Yea Forums.

All of his skill trees were so fucking fun and good

is my boy Axton ok and more importantly is he still white and straight?

I love that you post that picture in defense of 3

A few others have mentioned this, but he picks up a LOT when you get him to higher levels. Also, his leveling build is NOT his endgame build, so you need to initially level him towards life leech and such, then swap at end game for that kind of content.

They think BL2's writing was their big claim to fame. Remember that Burch even after leaving gearbox was sought for advice by the aussies for TPS? He's still in the credits for that game.
Burch wasn't fired by Bobandy, he left to get a TV show on hulu, which is likely bigger than what he was making at gearbox.

he wasn't even straight in 2

fuck off nigger he had a wife

He's canonically bisexual.

Yea no shit that's what I meant.

Only thing I like about BL3 is the anticipation of the Moxxy SFM

6 at a time. Also, when a Siren dies, another can take her place almost immediately.

To elaborate, his voicelines glitched when he was helping a teammate up and he said his line for maya of "Wow. Do you work out, or...?" for everyone, and Burch just said he's bi now, deal with it.

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>hes mirin
>that MUST mean hes gay!

Shitty game

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That's very clearly hitting on someone.

agreed, i also only beat it twice for the memes

>pc master cuckolds

>burch the cuck

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He also had that line about getting chicks and dudes with his money from the DnD DLC, but that should be taken with grain of salt considering it's not technically him.

When is it coming to steam? Fuck Epic

Gameplay is absolute fucking kino. Proof that when Yea Forums says only gameplay matters, they're talking out of their ass. It is all that matters, and anyone who says that unironically and doesn't like this game is a bandwagon-jumping little memeshit.

agrred, I'll be the first to say the writing is one of the worst I've seen in any game but damn it's fun as fuck to shoot people


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About six months from now

bro he's doing it to play it '''''ironically''''' and for the memes!

FL4K is objectively the best character, correct? Are we all in agreement on this?

>8-9 scoring from review sites bad
>0 scoring from fanboys good

yes Randy, the intern whos first game was fortnite has no busyness reviewing games for IGN

He is fine.


Is there a way to increase the difficulty? I don't want to play on journalist mode.

Does Maya actually die in 3?

>Epic exclusive
Not a chance in hell.

he was going to scorch pandora regardless because his "friends" kept betraying him.
the relic hardly mattered, just icing on the cake.

read the thread and maybe you'll figure something out

Moze is painfully generic which is why she’s the best 3 vault hunter

How is it possible for a soldier class to be more generic than Axton?

last time I looked at the fan reviews it was 99% REEEEing about running poorly or being on epic, which doesn't say much honestly



They are alright






Just waiting until I can pirate it or it comes out on steam, which ever comes first.


You can turn Axton into a cool looking cowboy with a beard.
He also has a fun TPS cameo with Gaige

>unironically enjoying objectively bad gameplay

Gaige is actually the best vault hunter, which cameo you mean haven't finished it

>more of BL2
so more boring unfunny trash that appeals to 10 yo zoomers

why the fuck is a borderlands game almost 60 GB

yes. great survivability and burst damage.

but I have way more free time now that I am no longer in college wtf?
get off work, do whatever the fuck you want, no studying to do.

I'm glad they gave gaige some attention


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Moze with the ushanka hat, vladof colors and using exclusively fire/vladof weaponry and flamethrowers is pretty fun

I mean her personality but what you said is true

Fiona Vault Hunter dlc please

Yeah her voice lines are pretty throw-away tier but at least she rarely speaks

That’s why she’s the best though
Can’t be obnoxious if you barely have a personality