Playing itself like a movie

>playing itself like a movie
>cens*red tifa and cut out scenes
>botched story
>menu is copy paste from KH3
>even worse and easier then KH3 gameplay
>only good thing is graphics

why are some people hyped for this again?

Attached: FF7Rautobattle.webm (960x540, 2.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Maybe because their brain functions, unlike yours.

how much do they pay you Nathan?

I don't know who this nathan guy is supposed to be. Some kind of tulpa you've developed with your psychosis?

Sure it is nathan,keep doing it for FREE

kys barry

He is another person made up by Barry aka XV-kun. He has been shitposting for a whole week in a row. Just let it go.

Are you saying you're getting paid for pretending to be retarded? I find it hard to believe that there is any monetary value in a person like you.

nathan is just another name for his boogeyman neithof, barry has been obsessed with him for like 4 years now

Attached: lmao.jpg (1111x597, 145K)

hello Nathan here what you want faggot

keep shilling nathan

I'm not shilling for anything, you low IQ retard. I gave no opinion on the game. It can be fucking garbage for all I care.

>aps jumps on aeris to lick her
Apa is literally me wtf

>barry boogeyman
.can we talk about how this game is utter dogshit?


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FFXV was good

This thread is "I chose classic mode and the game plays itself, wtf"

>final fantasy fan is a shit eating pretentious fuckwit
seems about right.

I'm not a final fantasy fan. I played like 6 of them, 4 were utter trash. Do you always pull shit out of your arse when you talk to people?

Don't reply to him, can't you see his shitposting.

At least it gives you a baby mode instead of being baby mode in and of itself like XV.

Attached: classic.jpg (1080x286, 113K)

barry stop

>FFXV is the Yakuza 6 of the series
>aka the garbage unfinished game with a bunch of features stripped off, except with even half the cutscenes and a shittiest story than Y6

>FF7R is the Yakuza 0 of the series
>full of minigames, good combat, cinematic as fuck with a better story and characters


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