Canon is a buzzword

Canon is a buzzword

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yui is my wife

Haha soo funny. Better show this on reddit. Hahahaha.

No. Canon is a descriptor, and one which the common audience understands.
Buzzwords are internal jargon that a common audience wouldn't understand.

characters, setting, narrative and pacing are also buzzwords


It's not because it's perfectly clear what the word "canon" means.

Only Yea Forums, Twitter and Reddit use the word "canon" on a daily basis as a means of circlejerking.
Perfectly normal people (i.e. those who don't go to those sites) have never bothered to say it in their entire life. Not even schools use the word "canon" when they teach English.

Must be hard having received a shit education. Though there is a significant difference in its use in literature and religion than in fandom.

>IS THIS CANON?????!!?!?!
>NOT CANON!!!!!!1

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Canon is used literally all the time when referencing things like Biblical canon you fucking retard

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So you can't understand basic irony from understanding what the terms 'lore' and 'canon' mean in their actual discussion-based usages?

Doesn't invalidate the fact that you fucks use it on a daily basis as a means of circlejerking, especially when it comes to fanfictions.

It's basically becoming an annoying, obnoxious word.

You still haven't expressed what you're upset about besides that these words, which have defined meanings, are being used. What's the context, even? Are you mad that people will shitpost
over some dumbass story decision, or what's going on here?

>Doesn't invalidate the fact that you fucks use it on a daily basis
No matter how many retards use it, doesn't make it a buzzword

My 50 thousand dollar private school taught us about the canon aspects of the apocrypha for various christian sects including gnostics.

first post based post

I will never understand how people who despise this place so much come here regularly

buzzword is a buzzword

Oh sure, using "canon" in terms of religion is fine.

I don't like it when Yea Forums and the rest of social media uses the word "canon" in general. It sounds too... fanboyish.

>I dont like thing

>when Yea Forums and the rest of ''''social media'''' uses "canon"
>it sounds too fanboyish
Does not compute, does not compute

>noooo don't use the word 'canon' to describe something being accepted as a genuine part of something!!!
what the fuck? why?

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The use of canon to distinguish an author's original work and things which have weight of 'word of god' behind them from those things which are derived from interpretation, added in by fanfiction, and added in by unofficial spin-offs dates as long as fan works have been made.
I don't see what the problem with this is.

>It's okay when someone says [word] this way
>But not when someone says it this way

smells like a ruri nigger

It's just that I would rather have you autistic lunatics say "official" rather than "canon"

These phrases sound good and sensible
>My 50 thousand dollar private school taught us about the canon aspects of the apocrypha for various christian sects including gnostics.
>Not official
>Your imaginary universe where everything about the story is perfect to you is not official
And this sounds like screeching garbage
>Not canon!!!!1
>So, killing him is not canon?

Buzzwords are words that have no defined meaning and can be applied subjectively to different things like comfy or fun (yes), canon has a well delimited meaning.

>It's fine when everyone else but Yea Forums uses the word "canon"

That's because you're cherry-picking. How about something like this:
>In Atlus' Catherine, Erica Anderson, the waitress, is a canon pre-operative transsexual.
Does that seem like screeching garbage? Or does it seem like an appropriate descriptor?

>Yea Forums is filled with politics, trannies/nigget hate, porn and incel shitposting threads 24/7 and this guy gets upset about the word canon

According to faggot OP, if social media says it, it sounds like screeching garbage
If anything OTHER THAN SOCIAL MEDIA says it's an appropriate descriptor

He's basically saying

I'd rather hear it from OP, actually. If this is just bait, then he simply won't respond and that's the end of it. If this really is just a simple case of ignorance, it can be fixed.

This is a canon route in Yea Forums, by the way.

>So, killing him is not canon?
>So, killing him is not official?
Both of these mean the exact same thing you fucking schizophrenic retard, but 'canon' sounds better when discussing fictional works.

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It sounds weird when Yea Forums says it.
But not when an professionally distributed, educational textbook says it.

I'm starting to think that this is canonically a ruse by the author, OP, against his readership base. In my headcanon, OP is staring dead at the screen, trying to summon up the joy to let out a simple chuckle at how he's wrapped those darn Yea Forumsirgins around his pinky finger.

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Thing is
Using "canon" there makes you sound like an autist.
Using "official" there makes you sounds more proper, professional and well suited within people in general

Why the fuck would I want to sound proper and professional when I'm discussing a video games series, you massive gay cunt?

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I want to have sex with an anime girl

You might want to type it into an actual REPL next time

So that normal people don't think you're an autist weirdo? "canon" in this case sounds like a fad whereas "official will always be timeless in every scenario.

Never mind the OP.
Post the things you were most surprised were canon events in your favorite franchises.

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Normal people aren't going to be discussing the intricacies of Elder Scrolls lore and whether an ex-developers writings are considered canon or official or whatever you emaciated spastic.

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