Other urls found in this thread:
Hitting while stunned is easy? What a your point
FF7R has an easy-automatic mode where the game plays itself.
Barry is shitposting by trying to claim that this is the ONLY way you can play FF7R.
The game plays itself.
Not much different from spamming the same menu options over and over again. Honestly seems like an improvement, given those animations took some amount of skill to make.
FF7 has always played itself, so do all turn-based JRPGs. In the old game all you had to do was press a button and watch a 10 minute cinematic execution. What's significantly worse about this?
how is that relevant ? they specifically went away from turn based system
To another system that's no less involved. So what's your point?
>ff7 shitposting at an all time high
>Cyberpunk 2077 shitposting completely stops
Didn't the original FF7 have an auto-fight system as well?
Legitimately asking, never finished playing through it and don't remember.
>First XV
>then KH
>now 7R
>yfw you aren't a sqweenie
What do you expect, you're not allowed to enjoy vidya on Yea Forums
I don't know
You could hold down the circle button and put something on the control joystick and run in circles and the Game would auto battle
could you repeat the question?
With a man omnipresent in the board that always respawns and hates every series, i agree.
what a sad fucking life he must live
kill yourself barry
>so do all turn-based JRPGs.
Not all JRPGs are squaresoft trash you know
>Tokyo Gaming Show is taking place right now
>Wonder why they are talking about fleshy released new gameplay videos of a Japanese game and not about a shitty western game
Gee, i wonder why
Isn't this the "Classic" mode, that attempts to emulate the original battle system by having movement and auto attacks be automatic, and the player is in control of using special abilities, magic and items only, and when they are usable is dictated by the ATB, like every character being given a "turn"?
He's not touching the controler
It took me a while to figure it out since unlike you streamer obsessed retards my eyes don't go right to the picture in picture.
It's on "classic" mode, they showed it in the video. At least that's why i gathered from the footahe, you can also see he's pressing them when not on classic mode cause the hud is pulsating every time he presses the buttons during normal attacks.
aRPG with good gameplay doesn't exist
>cdpridf once again coming back to insinuate that everybody criticising their trash fire is one person
Making that fucking post was the worst thing our moderation team ever did.
Where are these videos showing them not touching the controller from?
So what? I'm sure you can turn it off and it gives disabled gamers the ability to play too.
People are still gonna buy it lol
Yeah at least it isn't utter shit like Dragon Quest.
same energy
was only gonna watch cutscenes on youtube anyway. but this lowers chances of me buying from low to zero.
Imagine being called Barry, that's like a 1980's gay concierge name.
At least it gives you a baby mode instead of being baby mode in and of itself like XV.
>playing any game made by those hacks after the merger
Turn-based combat is outdated. Please just play your old games and don't hold back new games for us
>tfw stupid enough to have had any hope for XV after XIII
>tfw will be stupid enough to have hope for VIIR anyway
>Turn-based combat is outdated.
Not when you do it right, like Original Sin or SMT.
Yes, but TORtanics don't care.
You can via the difficulty menu.
>don't hold back new games for us
Saying this while posting in a FF7Remake thread
m8 you zoomers should leave alone the old games, and the hack devs also
REmake2, Spyro, CTR, Medievil, Smash opening corpses just for the DLC bucks and now FF7R
>tfw when you're a shitty 4channel zoomer who overuses tfw
>disabled gamers
>implying there are any actual able gamers
>mfw ledditfags reply
There's market for turnbased, look at DQ11 or Persona5
Didn't FFXII have something similar with the Gambit system?
Do these shitty devs just hate video games or something?
FF12 could play itself if you set it up that way.
FF13 auto selected attacks.
FF15 is hold button combat.
Now FF7R is this shit.
you can call it baby mode but you're all going to turn it on half way through the game when you get bored of mashing X
Yeah but it was shit compared to the system from Dragon Age.
>mfw Xenoblade is getting a better remake next year
>FF15 is hold button combat.
I see this meme a lot but whenever I try to just hold the attack button I die in seconds
>hurr durr SE should make final fantasy like kingdom hearts
>why is the combat so shit reeee
You mean the remake where they just put on the animu turd faces from Xenoshit2 on the XB1 characters?
Isn't this the automatic mode?
Besides, if you choose commands and the character acts them out for you, isn't that the basis of the original's battle system?
JRPGs are for autistic 12 year old japs.
lol you are pathetic.
I don't know.
square has only made 2 good things in the last 8 years
Its not the attack button retard, its the evade button
Well, now we know the level of iq of FF15 apologists
I knew you fucking idiots would post this mode out of context.
But that drains your MP, if you only dodge for too long without warping you'll die anyway
DQ11 and?
Shut up zoomer
The disappointment from FF7 fans when they realse it's just a reskinned FF15 corridor simulator with button mashing combat is going to be so sweet.
Nier and shadowbringers
They are going to love it.
FF14 expansions.
They have published several good games though.
Fucking kill yourself cunt.
the autist in your pic related is the rain in cyberpunk/superior limb based combat/ nuObsidiangfag guy
That one is never on jrpg threads
You sure showed me XIIfaggot.
I doubt that, they post the same shitty bait as all those other threads
It was already anime faces, they just changed art styles
People play Persona because of the story and the social gameplay. The combat and the too long dungeons are just a chore. And they know it that's why they didn't even bother to design the dungeons and make them interesting in persona 4. Nobody plays the game bc of it anyway
Yeah, from a decent one that can be improved upon to a totally shit one.
>xv-kun at it again cherrypicking a segment where they explain that theres a mode where the characters will attack automatically to fill up the atb gauge, at which point the game will slowmo and enter the command menu where you can select your move for that "turn"
>webm conveniently stops just before the atb gauge fills completely to show this off
Its pretty desperate to blatantly lie and hope no one else will watch the actual presentation or understand what theyre saying just so you can cry on Yea Forums that everyone loves this game and not your favorite lie turned flopped game
yes, all you do is press attack and occasionally heal. That's auto battle in practice
>FFXV is the Yakuza 6 of the series
>aka the garbage unfinished game with a bunch of features stripped off, except with even half the cutscenes and a shittiest story than Y6
>FF7R is the Yakuza 0 of the series
>full of minigames, good combat, cinematic as fuck with a better story and characters
He's the one who spams any FOTM drama shit. He always post the same pics/webms in every single threads he finds about it.
Dunno if he is also the wrpg vs jrpg guy that got exposed yesterday.
>mfw Yakuza 7 is a turn based rpg but FF7 is not
That's the Classic Mode.
It's below even the easy mode
Turn based casuals absolutely btfo
Nier automata
The remake had an optional classic turn based mode because people couldn’t stop bawling about it being an action game. Are you babies happy now?
>linking polygon
What a timeline we live in, even with Classic Mode
Have a Twitter screencap from the official twitter instead.
FFcucks have been losing for almost 20 years now. How is it possible?
>mfw FF7R is an action game but Yakuza 7 is not
the humour is in how happy they are to have a mode easier than Easy
>That one is never on jrpg threads
Hes the one who has been spamming Yakuza 7 threads so this is no longer technically true.
kek this is the real irony here
yakuza 7 looks stupid as fuck
You mean the one with the combat webm?
Can you repeat the question?
>Willingly turning my game into FF13 again
Haha! No.
>Classic Mode made for turd-based babies
>mocked as being a mode easier than Easy
>this thread is the result of that butthurt
toppest of keks
It's hilarious how dumb you kids are. You need to be tricked into playing a turnbased game. There is no "action", it's you mashing X to get a TURN
7R looks awesome tbqh family desu
I don't see anything awesome in that video. Please tell me specifically which part of that shit is supposed to be awesome.
you could fill your materia with counters and just let enemies attack you
Is that how you describe KH too? Which is essentially what the base gameplay is based on.
>automatic dodges are awesome
Aerith's so graceful
that wasn't the classic mode presentation, wasn't automatic
oh yes more demo webms for us to pretend it's the final game
fucking epic Barry
No KH kiddie, while your shit game is also a dumb action game, FF7R is ATB like hte original, only there is an optional mode where you can mash X to build up your turn gauge so you can pretend you are playing an action game.
>No Hard mode
Platinum made Automata, SE just bankrolled the project.
It's like pandering to SJWs.
It's never enough.
No it's actually the opposite, 7R is an action game, only it has ATB bars so you can pretend you are playing a braindead turn based game.
I doubt it would change anything significant outside of hp and damage values
i want to dance with herh
>7R is an action game
See? The trick is working. You should be embarrassed, but I guess you don't mind devs treating you like a low IQ ape. You are mashing X doing meaningless chip damage while you wait for your TURN to do real damage.
Why do you keep spamming this? I've seen it in multiple threads now. The infrastructure of the game is based on a real time action one, the enemies are actively moving in a real time setting and even if you choose an ATB action, there isn't any guarantee it will actually come out, because if an enemy is hitting you or pinning you, you're not going to be able to perform the action. It's not like when you choose an ATB action the game stops and lets you do it for free, you still have to properly use the move within a real time action based environment.
The whole premise of turn based is exactly that, all involved participants are taking turns using actions. There is no sort of system that isolates action into turns, and ATB is nothing but a resource. You can't call a game like KH3 turn based just because you only want to attack when your MP is full or something, or a tales game because you're waiting for CC to fill up.
you can make the actions of the enemies faster and revamp AI. But mostly make the enemies faster so you have less time to dodge/block, and more damage taken in general.
What is this, a gif for ants?
my only issue is they're making Jessie too cute
I can't take this
fuck easy-normal-hard
just do a baby mode and normal (hard) mode. Don't make it convoluted like MGS with 6 fucking difficulty settings
of course, this is assuming "normal" isn't casual easy anyways
>Why do you keep spamming this?
It's the truth. Why do you keep denying it?
>here isn't any guarantee it will actually come out, because if an enemy is hitting you or pinning you, you're not going to be able to perform the action
Try not imagine her bullet riddled body being crushed by hundreds of tons of steel user
Don't get too attached, it'll hurt more.
Are they confirm summon works for normal battles or it boss fight only?
is FFXV good? Need something to play and its only 15 dollars with all the DLC included
fuk u
>even considering to play ff15
Just look at a walkthrough and realise square is dead.
accidentally hit enter
>there isn't any guarantee it will actually come out, because if an enemy is hitting you or pinning you, you're not going to be able to perform the action
Just like in the original ATB games when the enemy was performing their action, you had to wait for it to be done before your character would act.
I never said anything about KH3, so you can take your little strawman and shove it. I am not comparing this to KH. I am comparing it to the original, and it is the same, only with pointless flashy button mashing to get the next dumb as shit generation to play it.
>No KH kiddie
I've never played KH, try again.
lucky bastard
Yeah it's god tier. Beware of nostalgiafags on Yea Forums who shit on it because it isn't like their turn based rock paper scissor simulators.
literally me wtf
oh god he's back
>Make a complete awful mode which nobody wanted
No you fucking cuck.
It's worse than XIII
No idea how they managed to pull that out
XIII looks more fun desu
sounds good, where's the "no no" part?
>plays like a fucking mobile game
*dabs on FF7R fags*
>better game
>better cast
>better visuals (it actually has colors)
>better world
>better soundtrack
>all this remade to be released NEXT YEAR in a COMPLETE EDITION with just ONE PAYMENT FOR THE FULL GAME
>nobody wanted
oh are we starting the revisionism already
Nigga, he never left. Who do you think made this thread? OP's webm even has the same damn filename he was using in the post-stream threads.
b-b-b-but square said FF7 is too big to be just one game!
Why'd they spend so much money and dev time working on this large scaled remake instead of just making FF7 but with better presentation?
>that delusion and desperation from a Xenofaggot
>combat is just topple2win
>sidequests are all the same fetchquests
>second half of the game is fucking boring as hell
But that game is shit lol
What is this game and how do I not buy it?
There's a demo. It's apparently around an hour long but I couldn't even get through that.
an entire game of open world garbage with that faggot boyband sounds like a nightmare.
this looks disgustingly clunky
>animu turd faces
Why do you fags come here?
What the fuck is going on in this webm
>literally a gacha game gameplay
It's just Barry trying to start a war between the fanbases again. Old trick he keeps doing.
Why is a Xenofaggot in a FF thread?
fuck off back to Yea Forums
Because that would be a remaster not a remake
This one obviously is. If you just wanted original FF7 with some fixes and spit-shined graphics there are PC mods for that you can play right now.
go back
even type-0 has better combat than xv.
>hit an enemy at the right time to counter
>a fucking prompt that shows up as soon as the enemy starts attacking
He's making fun of you for buying a game in pieces at full price each like a sap.
soulless remake
meanwhile on FF7R
>combat is automatic or press X to awesome
>no sidequests
>second half of the game is non existent since they'll gut all the non important parts of the original to release this in less than 10 years
because you would whine that squeenix just took the OG and make it look better, which is lazy and cashgrab and bla bla.
Looking forward to this and 7R. You need to die in a fire.
>This one obviously is.
>only covers first 5 hours of the original game
because you're a faggot
>Literally bitching about an OPTIONAL turn based combat option
Shitposters are getting desperate as fuck I see. This game looks incredible. You lost doom posters it's over
>of course, this is assuming "normal" isn't casual easy anyways
That's probably why so many of us want stuff like "hard." Because the default difficulties nowadays are garbage.
I'm only looking forward to Xenoblade 1 Remake because Final Fantasy hasn't been good in 20 years.
Calling turn based games "rock paper scissor simulators" is givign them too much credit. At least in RPS you have to predict your opponent. Turn based JRPGs are for brainlets who want to be in a safe place and enjoy easy games with no skill. And the actual """""""""strategy""""""""""" in those games are shallow as fuck. From previous FF's to SMT it's always just heal when low on hp and use the enemy's weakness. It's the same fucking shit everytime and it's never satisfying or fun. Because you're choosing words in a menu and your brain power isn't tested in any way unlike real time combat where you need real use of positioning and spacing in a fast paced environment, use hitstun for consistent combos, evade attacks in real time instead of tanking them and healing, and adapt to enemies who are actually different in more ways than "health pool/elemental weakness".
XV shields can be used for deflection and to stagger enemies, Shield of the Just also has a wide AoE warpstrike. You can block any attack with shield so long as you're facing the enemy, but the counter attacks are only through the parries.
yeah, those Nomura manfaced abominations in FF7R sure are soulless alright
>trying to force some retarded rivalry between two unrelated games
>implying I'm not going to enjoy both
He's trying to do that with everything on his sight, DMC and FF15, GG and Tekken, DMCV and Sekiro, etc.
must be why XV outsold XBC2
>game looks just like FF15, and that's not a good thing
>FFXV-kun is shitting on it and praising FF15
this fag is fucking weird. It's the same awful shit, you should like it.
>Turn-based monkeys will defend this
No I mean like why is it so visually sloppy; it looks like they're just tumbling over each other.
>Tifa plays like Snow
>Aerith plays like Vanille
>People are fine with this and still shits on 13
Does the guy playing tapping a single button with the same footage playing really make you excited? This is not good gameplay.
Other way around, at least in a spiritual sense
But I like XIIl :(
I might be the only person who kinda liked 13's story, but hated the gameplay.
the first half that there is no real story other than you fucking around having a car trip on the world is really enjoyable, when the story kicks in it's a waste of time
Are you for fucking real right now? XVs combat all blends seamlessly at unparalleled levels of fluidity in combat animation and motion blending. The hitstop increases sense of impact and feedback hitstop, there is no interuption of "consistency" during attack combos, critical hits and finisher attacks all deal more hitstop because they are higher impact hits than regular hits, that is consistent and internally logical. The flow of battle is heighted because of that because it puts an emphasis on notifying high impact strikes for satisfying feedback. XV has highly blended and fluid animation accounting for all kinds of terrain. If you want to see bad combat animation go look at FF7R's simple and cartoony flashy animations that feel disjointed.
>plays like
looks like
how many years are you going to keep this up man
literally room-temperature IQ. Positional attacks matter, as do physical dodges. Holding the button down also prevents you from extending your combos. Your dogshit argument can be said about Souls, KH, or any other action game
What happened to Yea Forums?
When Bioware showed shit gameplay Yea Forums rightfully turned on them. Square Enix shows one button gameplay and you suck it off.
I'm too old for Yea Forums.
cope,FF7R will destory ur shitty game in sales and reptuation
ah yes the famous nincel cope
Does scrolling through menus while you watch a cinematic actually make you excited?
Because I like JRPGs other than the Xeno series
The initial slam is great but after that the black-wearing enemies and your all-black wearing party blend in too much and it's hard to make out who's who.
If you wanted me to play the game based on that webm it's not really working.
then leave the board forever.
No. It doesn't.
Are you going to be honest now?
It's cartoony and disjointed because you have to actually PLAY THE GAME. Hold the attack button and then tapping the dodge button when things look scary is not a compelling combat experience and no amount of tele-swords will change that
Would of rather have a remaster honestly. 7R is not only going to be a third of a game but they're changing alot of shit I dont agree with will probably buy it but I feel as though these resources could of been better used for a hypothetical FF16
Nice spacing fag.
>mashing buttons
Are you going to be honest now?
look at the controller in the upper left hand corner
until this board dies, he quickly ban evades to always come back.
>Episodic, barely 10% of the original game
>Confirmed added fillers that advent children tier writing
>You can literally do nothing and win, showed in tgs gamedemo. There is also a easy mode. Just remember how easy XV AND KH3 are.
>No costumes or cosmetic change
>Cringy voice dialogue
>Linear as fuck like XIII, no exploration in Midgar
>KH3 minigames
>Only 4 playable character, RED XIII isnt playable.
>Only orchestral music
>Ugly Tifa
I except after the honeymoon phase is over, it will become a dissapointment like KH3 and FFXV, the fundemental problems of those game are present here in FFVII remake
It's easy as fuck, cut content and you will get empty feel after finishing it.
I am honest. Are you finally going to admit you like pretending to play an action game now?
It's like Classic Mode is optional or something..
Exactly. And it's already on 2 blu-ray discs and the length of a modern FF game. Cramming everything into one PS4 release is impossible. Also because the remaining 80% of the game doesn't exist yet.
Is this the new dilly-dally-shilly-shally copypasta?
No fuck you Turn Based is still the kino RPG style but zoomers are so cocked out on Fortnight they don’t have the patience to play FF7.
I don't have patience to play FF7 now either, the load times every battle are fucking terrible.
I'd rather play a dozen other old jrpgs over FF7.
Are you retarded? All you fags do anymore is shit on things and say "OH NO NO NO". It's hard to talk about anything about how shit something will be because we're not allowed to be excited
You joking, we had the mandatory thread crying about CP77 and trannies just a couple of hours ago
So you never played the game or know what you're talking about, or know about break % or crit boosts on manual finishers which is different on different weapons, or on pure functional level of objective different combat inputs. You are literally also wasting time if you hold to attack instead of tap because tapping gives manual finishers which has crit boost which increases break % on enemies which kills them faster than holding anything.
I'm not retard. I happily discuss video games here. Have had a lot fun recently discussing Fire Emblem Three Houses. Maybe the threads about games you like are bad because the games are bad.
FF 7 Remake officially KILLED Cyberpunk 2077. Why would I want to play a shitty ass generic fps with bad graphics and borderlands tier gameplay when I can play this?
>Specific weakpoints on boss's that you have to physical move to in real time to attack
>Positional enemy attacks that you have to dodge to fully avoid damage
>Combos that can't be finished by holding the action button
Are you going to finally admit you would rather have the game play for you while you scroll through menus?
I don't want to play either, but atleast Cyberpunk 2077 looked good at first. Everyone with a brain knew a FF7 Remake would be a soulless cash grab if they ever made one.
Chip damaging enemies to death never FEELS good, regardles of how well animated the chip damage attacks are.
Not him but FFXV's combat is fucking embarrassing. Just look at that webm. Thats not how an action game should be animated
This, OP is a shitposting retard.
The majority of that webm is the player mashing the attack button and the teleport button when he stops hearing his attacks hitting
It's not fucking out yet you aspie. I'm not saying it will be good but it isn't even given a chance
Nah, that one was at least somewhat competently made when it hit. Besides being so poorly written, this new one also has shit that was already proven wrong months ago. This is just some ESL fag trying to ride the wave of threads for easy (You)s.
XV sold 8.4m in its first 2 years, FF7 did only 6.57m in its first 2 years and FF8 didn't hit 8m until 4 years after release, XV is selling far better than any FF. XV saved FF and made it relevant again
It looked good in the first trailer when it looked like Bladerunner and not GTA 5 badly modded and forced first person mode. Cyberjunk 2077 is literally Borderlands in a city instead of a post apoc setting.
It's almost like they advertised it harder than any other FF ever with a piss easy combat system that can be experienced by a wider audience.
>weakpoints aren't a thing in turnbased games
>positionals aren't a thing in turnbased games
>combos aren't a thing in turnbased games
>these things are all automated or completely unnecessary since classic mode handles or ignores it
I have already said menu cutscenes is not my thing. Why are you struggling to admit you enjoy pretending to play an action game?
He's trying again
FF7 was on PS1 you dumbass,gaming wasn't mainstream back then and it was still one of the best selling games in ps1
also it did 10+mil by the end of its life which FFXV STILL DID NOT DO
FF7 will sell higher then FFXV for sure
>reddit the ff sold more with more people owning consoles
>It looked good in the first trailer
Yes, that's pretty much what I just said. Thanks.
Eat a cup noodle.
Holy FUCK seek help
So this is classic mode right?
I can't believe Yakuza of all games is the RPG I'm now waiting for.
This is the future of videogames
>JRPGs other than the Xeno series
You don't.
>This is the future of Final Fantasy
Good thing Dragon Quest XI S is out soon.
Objectively fucking wrong on every single thing you tried to pull out of your ass. See Ok so you literally didn't play it. you literally have tapping to attack, tap to dodge roll and block with perfect blocks, directional inputs with modifiers like charges and stagers or sidesteps, weapon switching, warpstrikes, aerial combat, tech rolls, aerial dodges and airsteps, character switching where every character has unique gameplay system and mechanics completely different from each other, etc. You have more ways to approach an enemy in XV than any Soulsborne has, you have far more combat variety too and there's more enemy variety. You can shoot in XV, you can switch to Prompto to vulnerable an enemy and shoot them, or use a charge attack on an enemy in XV either before or after a warpstrike, different weapons have different warpstrike like AOE warpstrikes or individual target ones, or multi hit warpstrikes etc. Plus there is less weapon types in any Souls game than XV, there are countless different weapon movesets for Noctis to use, plus the other three bros who all play different and unique from each other. Same with how attacking ebemies in the air works in those too, because of things like death drop/airsteps in XV you have much smoother targetting and zoning on enemies.
Yeah. Basically just auto attacks until atb is full and then you select a command.
Very enlightening. Thank you
>Being able to enter an alternate mode so you don't have to worry about mechanics makes the mechanics no longer matter
When did I say they don't exist in turn-based games? Feel free to post a video of when cloud has to wait for his "turn" to perform an action. ATB filling up is no different managing mana or other finite skill resources in other action games
>I have already said menu cutscenes is not my thing.
I've got some bad news for you...
XV literally sold better than any other FF ever when comparing release timespans, cope.
XV hit 9m in under 3 years
The only other FF to hit 9m was FF7 which it took 5 years and that was on PS1, PC and playable on PS2 which is all higher installbase than PS4 and XB1
You think he gets paid for this, or is it really just mental illness?
good lord mods wake up
Why the fuck do you "people" hate video games so much?
FF7R is 100x more hyped and talked about then FFXV,it will sell more
screenshot this barry
>Ok so you literally didn't play it. you literally have tapping to attack, tap to dodge roll and block with
You had twenty words to refute me and spent it whining that I didn't agree.
It's a literal autism
There was a similiar shitposter on Yea Forums who kept going for 5 fucking years until he was presumably locked in mental asylum or just killed himself
Mods can ban but he will keep quickly ban evading as long this board lives, he will keep plaguing it until it dies.
>eel free to post a video of when cloud has to wait for his "turn" to perform an action.
Look at the videos of the game in this thread. It's literally happening in them.
>ATB filling up is no different managing mana or other finite skill resources in other action games
Do you want to elaborate on how mashing X to fill a gauge to have a turn is the same thing as managing your mana usage? (lol like this even fucking matters in FF7, a piss easy game with elixirs out the ass)
This is "Classic Mode", by the way. You gullible retards
>let go of controller
>Cloud does a basic attack that does minimal damage
>boss attacks and kills you
>game over
It's only one person.
because games are objectively worse now than they have ever been and the industry likely needs to collapse to clean out all the nanny state scum
Sorry, but there's already people who played the demo saying they beat the boss doing exactly that.
Why the fuck do you "people" think hating an obvious shit game means you hate all games? I think games are great today. This one isn't.
Probably. That guy has been exposed copy pasting the same replies to his webms in multiple threads.
Objectively play the old release then.
Yeah, John Q. user beat the whole demo using JUST basic attacks. No really guys, trust me.
>I think games are great today.
Alright, see you next week when you find another "obvious shit game" to shitpost about.
Objectively go read youtube comments if all you want is blind praise.
>Final Fantasy VII (11 million in 2015)
Outside of the almighty and untouchable Pokemon this is the best-selling JRPG of all time. Think FFVIIR can overtake it despite being an exclusive at the moment? I think it's possible, but improbable since it would mean that 10+% of all PS4 owners would have to buy it. I'd like to see it happen though.
There are plenty of shit games today as well. The same was true back in 2001, before you were born.
FF7 is unironically more cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077
*Sips drink*
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't need to be single-player only
>it doesn't matter that NPCs don't refer to you as "he/she" anymore
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to have substance
Whatever makes you feel better, sure.
well barry just got destroyed
Okay so when I wait for my stamina bar to fill in dark souls, that makes it turn based? Or what about adrenaline and magic in the witcher? Is it finally my turn when they're filled?
Lmao you're stretching pretty far here bud
hey how did you do that
it's garbage, the best part about the game is the secret platforming dungeon, but it's not worth mucking through shit to get to that
get a job barry
XV is a trashgame liked by trash humans. This is factual.
>no reply
I broke him. Guys I broke Barry.
The animation looks great, the fuck are you on? Only game better than it is DMC 5.
How do you enjoy that game? Normal is too easy for me and hard is too difficult
go back
It's just journalist difficulty.
7R looks great, and XV is still shit.
>How do you enjoy that game?
They don't, but they only "played" Shitmata for its amazing writing.
Not even the great Goethe comes close to what Yoko Taro has written.
But the conversation is at the bottom of the screen not the top
>Turn-based combat is outdated.
By far the worst meme right now and I think some of the newfags believe it unironically by now.
So did your thumbnail.
Basically, anything not Switch related will be targetted by the Switch tranny discord. This has been proven countless times.
Once more FFXIII is the greatest FF game in the past 2 decades.
Yep. All the meaningless moves that do pitiful amounts of damage which were added just for the sake of making the game appear action-based are automated in Classic Mode. They still happen, because they're needed to charge your ATB, but in the original your bars charged all by themselves and these "mini-attacks" weren't needed or even a part of the game.
So the part you no longer have to do is the part you never originally had to do in the original. It just looks more entertaining to watch than having everyone stood in a line doing nothing. All the meaningful moves, ie. the ones that have real impact on battles, ie. the only ones you had access to in the original, cannot be automated in Classic Mode and must be done manually just like in the original.
All the running around and sword swinging is just filler. Why should anyone care that senseless button-mashing is taken care of for you?
You can call it turn all you want but it doesn't make it one. When most people talk about turn based they mean games where nothing is happening between turns. Don't mash buttons in the remake and you'll just be standing there until you die, the enemy doesn't give a fuck about your "turn". If it was a true turn based game all this skirmish/auto attack combat would be visual only and not even show damage numbers, only command use would count and enemies would respect the turn order for their skill use.
it's fucking b8 to create a strawman. Mods = Gods
Go back
>shitposters get BTFO on multiple websites with a single pasta
>g-go back!
What are you takling about brainlet, almost every action game has pathetic chip away attacks with cooldowns/limited use on the actual impactful skills. If the scaling was buffed up (auto attacks do 1000's of damage and enemies had more health) or no damage numbers were being shown, I guarantee people's perception of the combat would be different.
>neithof is seething
What's the matter barry ?
Honestly it's the best solution for every faggot. Turnbased chads get to enjoy watching constantly flow of action, neaderthal mashfags get to mash small dick dps
The "remaster" on the right look 1000x worse you dumb motherfucker, only the lighting on the last bottom right pic looks acceptable.
>A super-dimensional being... heh
I didn't think he actually talked like that, I thought it was just the autistic fanbase while RPing in facebook comments.
No they fucking don't. Action games pride themselves on being able to play the game how you want. There is nothing action based in this. DMC, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden don't have fucking cooldown bullshit to actually do significant damage.
This is the polar opposite of an action game, this is the laziest sort of bullshit that I can possibly imagine, because it's been lifted straight from phones. There is nothing skill in this gameplay, there isn't even a sense of trying to predict enemy attacks and having to deal with things like status effects or making sure your HP is full. It's the same boring, mindless shit that 15 was, just in a new tin. SE can't make games anymore.
>b-b-boogeyman is seething
go back barry
DMC has meter for devil trigger which you have to build up. In DMC1 you literally deal chip damage outside of DT, is it not an action game? Haven't played the other two but I'm willing to bet my left nut that they also have some kind of resource.
Dragon Quest V had better gameplay than any non tactics FF
Tactics is far from the best FF and DQ is universally shit.
>there will be an option to play the game with turn based combat
only retards and children will use it, but it's still based that square included it
That's because the remaster is on the left.
>FFXV webm alongside that post
You have to be more subtle than that
>play how you want
>action games
based barry making shitOF seethe
Try saying that when you've actually played the game Barry.
Wow look, it's an RPG where your character attacks when near and your focus is more on moving and selecting abilities.
Are you expecting an action game? Play an action game.
My bad. In that case whoever made that image has an inverted penis + is a fag.
I love how everything we've seen from this looks to good so the shitposters have to fall back on "lol this game has a very easy difficulty setting, blunder of the century!"