I think 2 years later we can all agree this was nowhere near as good as people thought.
I think 2 years later we can all agree this was nowhere near as good as people thought
I think 2 years later we can all agree that OP is a faggot.
It's janky, repetitive, cheap, and autistic levels of pretentious which in no way qualifies as decent let alone great
If you're not into fucking 2B or the music or the visual design, then there's nothing, and I mean nothing left to compel you to play through this drudgery
I dont have garbage opinions like you.
No shit, it's just coomers coming in and expecting a good coom but got a LITTLE bit of freshman year philosophy instead and boom, they all think they're hyperintellectual philosophers now.
You're right
It's even better than people thought.
Existential depression
i unironically prefer nier gestalt/replicant in every aspect
And yes that includes combat.
What a horrible design choice in automata to have level affect damage output
it's funny because a lot of the concepts that take a hamfisted center stage in automata are present in just about every other narrative-driven game but because suddenly it's all laid out on the surface instead of being subtext it's a great philosophical masterpiece
2 years later, and no other game has managed to beat it. Automata truly will be the peak and swansong of the 2010's; one for the historybooks.
ADHD zoomer fags who can't deal with manual save, diverse gameplay and magnificent story can seethe all they want.
It's got some pretty kino moments but combat could have been better if it wasn't based around a dodge system with infinite i-frames. Great presentation, decent execution. 8/10 not IGN.
>What a horrible design choice in automata to have level affect damage output
Same thing is present in Nier
It wasn't cohesive enough for me, I guess you could say that Nier Automata lacked cohesion, in my opinion.
its too loose if anything
you fucking kids need to play nier 1 before calling anything janky, you dont know what youre saying
thanks hbomber
I own NieR 1 bro
I fucking hate that too
Yes. The only thing I remember is 2b's butt :) the actual game sucked.
It's the deepest game I ever played
Its a sequel to a spinoff. I dont know what you guys were expecting.
2 years later and i'm still fapping
>play on hard because want some challenge but not one touch kill shit
>unless I constantly pop 30% defense shit during bosses everything one touch kills for the most part
What the fuck is the point?
It... It INSISTS upon itself, user.......
It insists upon itself.
the game literally tells you not to play it on hard you retard
It's as good as people say, but at least Taro makes a game with a vision, rather than producing generic sludge, even if everything doesn't go great.
No, we don't agree with that. It's still a great game.
I can't believe they make your replay the game at least 20 times to get all the endings. And from my understanding they are all 30 second "japanese humor" endings. After I played the demo, I expected lots of "big" boss battles, but nope, they were all easy and boring.
This. Having to replay the ENTIRE game 3 times to get the actual ending is awful game design. I'm glad I dropped the game after I got ending A and didn't waste my time replaying it.
Nope, still the best game of the generation alongside Bloodborne.
Pick one and only one.
B-Bros... I cried during the ending where I shoot the credits bros... it was so beautiful...
It was way better than I thought it was going to be. I hadn't loved a Platinum game in a while and Drakengard 3 sucked 8 shades of shit, so I didn't go in with very high expectations.
It was actually hyped up so much pre-launch that everyone thought it would be shit. But then it actually turned out great.
And there it is.
And this is why I don't get gamers. IN WHAT FUCKING WORLD IS 8/10 BAD
It was awful. Half assed combat, nonsense writing with a dose of anime cringe and faggotry, only one good location. But I guess he made the first 30 minutes a shitty bullet hell so he's revolutionary or something
The music was great but the story was some fucking teenage-tier level philosophy.
It was really only cool when they did some neat shit with the gaming medium such as the final ending.
I REALLY want to beat it but I can't. I enjoyed 2B's story but now I'm on 9S and it's so boring. I'm at the Forest Kingdom again and there's absolutely nothing different about his campaign.
Is A2's story really worth getting to or should I just stop here if I'm wasting my time?
After 9S' route it changes. Only the first two routes are the same.
don't be autistic about the quests and it should only take a few hours.
The faggots that keep saying Automata combat isn't good haven't played any previous YT games.
well in 2 years there will be even more trannies here who never even finished it
Yeah after. user still has to suffer how many hours through his bullshit story
you also have to delete your save to get the true ending
I pick good.
Best end boss sequence of all time. (apart from godhand)
What a thicc ass
No I still think it’s really good
There’s good combo potential, but the problem is that you have to play on very hard to really get the hp pool in enemies to really hit it. The bracers in particular lead into really interesting strings with other weapons. It’s not really repetitive as like a not-quite-open action game with light rpg elements - it’s more or less yoko taro’s vehicles to produce essays in the framework of an older 3D Zelda game
All that aside, the story, characters, music, and atmosphere are more than great. Yes the action takes a bit of a backseat..but this is a taro game that just got a budget. If you think its strongest merit is the pure action, idk what to tell you.
>hurr durr the game has a semi serious story, it’s pretentious
user I like platinum camp as much as the next guy but taro isn’t really pretentious. He writes sad characters sure, but he isn’t constantly making you feel bad for playing the game - and he only really did that in drakengard 1 in a way that wasn’t “hurr durr the player is bad”.
Unironically in the top 5 games of all time.
Not really. Taro isn’t unique in that regard, and I would argue that this board is insanely vitriolic to any discussion of subtext being something to enjoy in a game - think “hurr durr, who cares, it’s not on the surface and this is a video game, story doesn’t matter.” Anyway, there is a good amount of interaction going in the character drama, because that’s what taro was always best at. I would say the “philosophical content” is actually all filtered through his characters first and foremost and that they’re not exactly what he’s going for when he writes. The only reason it seems that way, I think, is because he likes to write depressed, manic, or outright malicious characters more than anything
>insane iframe dodge
>lots of tools that you could use instead of playing safe
>it’s all repetitive
>waaaaah why am I dying
user just because it doesn’t grade you doesn’t mean you can have fun with combos and the broken dodging
You replay the events of route b once in a much faster playthrough. It is the weakest route of the game but after that you get all other routes in a linear fashion in the same time..
>Japanese humor endings
>the single boss in the demo
Oh you’re doing the Yea Forums-special - shitting on a game you’ve never played. Exactly where does nier have the “””slapstick Japanese humor”””
No you don’t lol. You can choose not to delete it for somebody.
I played for some hours and dropped it. I just couldn't continue. I killed some faggot that spawned out of a bunch of robots in the desert, but the game made it painfully obvious that it was meant to be a mistake since it never fought back and I couldn't just exit the area. I don't know what it is, but it just wasn't particularly fun to play.
I want to finish it because it looks like there is something there for me to enjoy, but I end up playing other games.
1) there’s a map telling you clear exits
2) there are a number of enemies doing their thing and that don’t bother you. You should wonder why your mission is to exterminate them and why you’re at “war” with them at all
It's the best game released this gen.
I walked around the whole arena I couldn't exit it so I just killed it to proceed with the story. It's been a while though so maybe it really was there and I just didn't see it.
>2) there are a number of enemies doing their thing and that don’t bother you. You should wonder why your mission is to exterminate them and why you’re at “war” with them at all
Which is why I said it was painfully obvious.
I was playing it just recently. Finished 2B's route and got halfway through 9S. How much is there after that? The combat is fun but I prefer the first game desu
waifufags arent people
Essentially the second half of the game, the better half.
Then stop bitching about Automata's "jank" because those who played 1 back in 2010 dealt with way fucking worse you underage and/or bandwagoning faggot
Its pretentious because it shoves meta bullshit in your face and its themes are too on-the-nose, all while taking itself very seriously. Its not just that the game takes itself seriously, it takes itself TOO seriously (The definition of pretentious) in its own ridiculous little world, and does it too many meta "wink wink nudge nude"s
>Its pretentious because it shoves meta bullshit in your face and its themes are too on-the-nose, all while taking itself very seriously. Its not just that the game takes itself seriously, it takes itself TOO seriously (The definition of pretentious) in its own ridiculous little world, and does it too many meta "wink wink nudge nude"s
Some of that was a result of Square Enix being shit at translation. I felt some of the lines were a little on the nose but it can't be as in your face as oh say Kingdom Hearts or Persona which might as well be Disney movies...oh wait.
I'll go back to it when I finish Greedfall, then. Just wish they didn't make you slog through the same content again.
I demand myself if this game character sexiness is damaging is name. Everyone think you play it only to COOM, when in reality is for the existenzialism. People teach you about Spec Ops: The line, but is a shit game
Its a sequel spinoff to a spinoff
You're being ironic but fuck you, that was pure kino. I did cry, that was a great moment
why is that so many people who bitch about this game have obviously never played it
basically you don't finished the game because you played a faux ending
You need more schooling.
Basically you played only a small part of the game
I can't believe they make you replay the entire 8-hour game 26 times to see every ending, what the fuck
It was obvious at the release, only gamers did saw that, although it was a really good porn fuel just like OW