Does it deserve the hate?

Does it deserve the hate?

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Can anyone explain what's bad about Halo 2?

It's got very unfun enemy design
>jackal snipers

love dat' SHIIIIIIT

No. It has the best oST, is the game with more and better gameplay additions, the best writing and some graphical issues or Inquisitor levels aren't reasons enough for all the hate.

Halo 2 Project Cartographer

Brutes are dumb because of their head hitbox disappears when they charge but still more fun to fight than elites. The sniper jackals are fine as soft speed test to fuck you up for going too slow and letting them set up.
Fuck the drones though, even with mouse aim they will fuck your ass on Legendary if you don't cheese the ever loving shit out of them

one of the greatest video games of all time, easy

>Tartarus, stop. Put down the icon.
Why couldn't the later games match this level of soul?

What hate? Its my favorite Halo

What hate? It’s like one of the most revered games of all time. God Yea Forums is so schizophrenic.

>tfw own a an xbox and still never played halo
suck my dick faggots

I am 343 Guilty Spark

Yes, Halo 2. Up there with Sonic 06 and Duke Nukem Forever as some of the most reviled games of all time

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>You look nice!

>because of their head hitbox disappears
Shit is that what happens?
No fucking wonder killing them becomes ass when they charge

>You told me there wouldn't be any cameras.
>And you told me you were going to wear something nice!

halo 2 aged better for me personally. i feel like the equipment system in 3 was a bloated addition in retrospect. not to mention that the weird simulated projectile system that made precision rifles unsatisfying to use.

totally get why most think it's superior, though.

Halo 3 was bloated as fuck. All of the Brute weapons sucked and they nerfed a lot of the covenant weapons to try accommodating them IIRC.

>replaying Halo 2 right now
The first two Arbiter missions are so uninteresting to me but the next two are top tier

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>Tartarus, The Prophets have betrayed us.

Post yfw
>slipspace rupture detected
>slipspace rupture detected
>slipspace rupture detected
>slipspace rupture detected
>slipspace rupture detected

>console FPS babies thinking they have a place here

*blocks your path*

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Halo 3 maps were mostly ass. Equipment was shit. Spartan Laser was actually more busted that homing rockets because it was hitscan and the aiming laser wouldn't appear due to lag.So most of the time you would blow up not knowing what happened.

Vehicle physics were complete broken too. For some reason the battle rilfe could almost flip over anything smaller than a Tank, especially the ATV. One time a battle rifle kept a warthog from moving forward while to was doing a wheelie buy just shooting its underside.

I remember when the carbine was actually a little better than the BR in Beta and people were artistically screeching that it shouldn't be better then BR. Why? They was never any reason given.

Dual wielding was pretty much non existent too because the weapon layout on all the maps put things like the SMG and Plasma rifle nearly half a map apart and placing 3 battle rifles in between.

Halo 3 had dual wielding?

yeah but hardly anyone even used it
the most noticeable change was that you couldn't dual wield Needlers anymore

based retard

>liking halo
how the fuck you can play these games. Weapons feels like pure shit and ttk is unnecessary high

>ttk is unnecessary high
shut the fuck up, zoomer

Thats why I like Halo 2 the most though, the battle rifle replacing the AR brings down the TTK dramatically in the campaign and MP

ftfy. now please leave the thread

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Realtalk anything special I need to know about running it now? I went fuck it and played Halo 1 Refined last weekend, but I'm worried some Games for Windows crap might fuck up here.

>Dual wielding was pretty much non existent
shame because the smgs sounded like god's vibrator when dual wielded
only combo i even bother to use is plasma pistol/magnum, and that's only if i didn't find one of the 10 BRs on a map

If you download the pre-patched version for Project Cartographer it just works right out of the box. Way easier than setting up Custom Edition

you say this, but as someone who play MCC a lot, all the halo1 matches have a ttk of less than 2 seconds thanks to the goddamn magnum

wish they'd just remove the damn gun from matchmaking, turns the game into cod, whoever spots the enemy first wins all firefights