Nu-neo Yea Forums will defend nanny state

nu-neo Yea Forums will defend nanny state

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Other urls found in this thread:

>loot boxes unsafe for kids
bans loot boxes for everyone

What next? They gonna completely ban alcohol and cigs because they are bad for children?

>inb4 dumb frog poster

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Yes I will.

nobody will fall for your corporate cocksucking false flag.

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cute frog poster

Holy shit its actually happening
Videogames are going to be saved

In this case the player wins and greedy jew publishers lose so its ok.


>british government
>doing anything



>muh ebul goburment

Meanwhile corporations are growing bigger and bigger and acquiring so much sway that they can change laws and force themselves upon people whatever they like it or not.

Enjoy the State of Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc

>ea will die in your lifetime
first positive thing uk did since forever

They're safe for kids, just not for the parents' wallet.

If you want to gamble go to a casino cunt
Get that trash away from my games

Fucking retard, alcohol and cigs are 18+, games are not

Shouldn't you prove something is harmful before you ban it?

All they had to avoid regulation was to not be evil, exploitative predators. They brought this on themselves.

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Gambling is highly harmful

Based, devs deserve to get fucked for thinking they can get away with greed.

banning cigs would be great, smokers smell like ass. If you smoke I should legally be allowed to fabreeze you if you stand in my presence for more than 15 seconds.

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either that or let jews have their filthy way of exploiting people

lesser evil and all that

21+ if you're a cucked american

Nothing stopping publishers from offering enormous amounts of DLC. Problem with that is that they can't abuse gambling impulses when the "most rarest" item can be bought like everything else

And I'm legally allowed to beat your ass if you do it

Why are frogposters always, without a fault, dumb as fuck?

but smoking should be ban.
your indirectly poisoning other with that shit.

tell a man to drink poison and he will call you crazy.
give a man a cigarette and he call you his friend.

lmao faggot I will blow my smoke into your beta face if I see you and watch you cry

They are literally trying to get children addicted though. eg rayman legends, a game for kids, has scratch tickets and other gambling mechanics (not paid) whose objective is to introduce kids to gambling at a young age so when they are teenagers they spend their whole allowance with other ubishit lootbox games.

Dumb frog poster, those make bank and are too old of an industry to kill, meanwhile vidya's too young and still gets bullied
I don't care for lootboxes, fuck them, but really UK parliament can't even get a porn block done right, too incompetent despite being a bunch of dumbasses

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I hope you die of lung cancer, faggot.

not if I kill myself first

I smoke 2 cigarettes a day (and wash my hands afterwards+ rinse mouth with toothpaste). Would I smell too?

seethe more stinky

>I should legally be allowed to fabreeze you
Even if that was legal, see if I wouldn't push your shit in

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It's not that we want government to babysit us on microtransactions, we want AAA companies to be unable to profit off microtransactions in the first place. Alternatively stopping retard whales from giving AAA companies their money.


Fuck free market and fuck liberal democracy.

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This is a complete win. You would understand that if you took the corporate dick out of your mouth.

they should ban all microtransactions too

Get fucked fortnite kiddies.

It gets in your clothes, I guarantee you stink like cigarettes. Smokers are the proto-smashers.

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>smoker degenerates

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>nanny state

Yeah why cant children just straight up walk into casino's, strip clubs, buy cigarettes or alcahol? Says who exactly? The nanny state?

>give kids allowance according to the housework they've done
>everything they buy comes out of their own savings
>including "rent" and their meals
Teach kids the value of money and they wont spend it on useless shit.

it's the natural evolution of things, games are a thing for children and trans children.

making scams illegal doesn't infrige upon freedom of speech

Simple way around this is to slap games that have paid for loot boxes with a gabling tag for its rating purposes turning it to a 18+ game, they will soon change their fucking tune.

indirect effects are completely overblown, you literally fell for the anti-smoking propaganda
t. non-smoker

children can't be trans you sociopath

You're full of shit.
t. actual non-smoker

UK banned lolis already, so I don't give a shit anymore since they ban what I like already.

All these mad addicts replying

Smokers smell like shit and their areas where they're allowed to do their habit are always littered with their cigarette butts everywhere.

>its okay for me to put stinky smoke up into the air but if you spray fbreeze in the air its not

holy fuck frogposters are this retarded

I never understood why smokers always just throw the butt anywhere. Can't they like put it in their pocket until they get to a proper trash or something?

people crying about "muh nanny state" don't seem to get that the ESRB was specifically put in place because the government said "if you can't police yourself, we'll do it for you" and now 25 years later the industry is refusing to police itself so the government is cashing in that check.

based. look at these smokers and crackheads responding.
fuck smokers, good thing cancer exists

I thought based BJ prorogued those cucks

This is a legitimate problem that I feel isn't genuinely discussed enough. Private companies usually control what can happen on their private platforms, it's true, but when they hold a monopoly on what has become to new town square, so to speak, then it's a problem. One of the US's greatest parts is the freedom we have thanks to the first ammendment, and it's being stamped out by these giant conglomerates and allowed to be by these people being raised and taught that most of the speech freedom we've been allowed is a bad thing, a relic from an old time that should be done away with, when it's one of the main thibgs that made my country as great as it is.
I'm not even right wing at all, I'm center left if anything, but I'm also a free speech extremist. The public can judge people for their stupid politics all they want, that's great, but I have a huge fucking issue with these faceless corperate entities coming down and making anyone who's thinking they don't like into a non-person.
And it's only gonna get worse from here, they've been softening us up for years for it.
It's a sad fucking state, man.

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>including rent and their meals

a little harsh on 10 year old johnny user. When i left education i immediatly found work and as long as i was living at home i paid rent right away. 10 years later i have never been in any debt in fact i have savings. You dont have to go full retard to teach young people fiscal responsibility.

you're just afraid because you don't like the smell. To get actual health damage you'd have to stand beside a smoker 24/7. For the majority there is no problem with smoking at all

>government makes law to censor free spech
i sleep
>government makes law to regulate my corporate overlords

incidentally i've decided to quit this week after 5 years!

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he got reverse-cucked

eat shit niggers

They are doing this exactly same thing with e-cigs in the us now
>create e-cigs
>they got popular
>business start putting toxic things inside their products to maxime profit
>side effects start showing
>government have to ban everything for a moment until better guidelines are put in order

How the actual fuck did no one think that law through
>lets give the rest of the world of trolls a literal V& button they can post anywhere at any time without concequence for themselves but for all brits who's HDD document the loliposting its jail time like it had been the real thing posted

How literally retarded.

until you get cancer.
smokers are neurotic by nature and should be send to a mental institution for self-harming themselves.


Good luck with that shit boss props for not falling for the vape meme.

Real question over here. Will the goverment go after 18+ games with loot boxes for attracting children? We all played those violent shooters and heard a ton of children screaming before. Will the goverment start going after all games with the excuse that it is protecting children? Because I think alot of games with loot boxes would simple stamp a 18+ tag onto themselves and be done with it. Would the goverment think that is a problem too?

ea has shills here, remember

If the kids can't make due they'll be provided enough welfare allowance for the rent and meals part. But no money for candy and toys. It's just there to remind them that living isn't free.

My favorite part about this is they've made it not only acceptable,but expected to have anyone with this opinion handwaved as "alt-right" despite being anti corporation being nowhere near right wing. At least, not traditionally.

Probably not, but putting AO rating on your game is suicide

>vape pens are fine, no regulation
>corporation finds ways to maximize profit by using dangerous substances
>now vape pens are not fine
>now regulation
People don't realize the government wouldn't need to step in if companies didn't endanger the public for a few cents on the dollar.

some people actually live with them. I used to.

wow what a cool dad you will be, im sure they wont rebel at all or hate you. Again, you are proposing to go full retard with it.

>forks ban
>porn blocks
>the entire brexit thing

the england government is in shambles. they have zero idea what they are doing.

I agree

Anyone else noticing how popular Slots are on Twitch? A few days ago it was the 2nd most popular channel with 60,000+ viewers. It's fucking disgusting. First my games turned into casinos now the biggest streamer plattform too. Also in my country the government recently allowed gambling commercials so on every fucking bus stop, train, street ad, tv ad, radio there's nothing but fucking various online casinos. Whatever you do in life there's gambling right in your face. I just want all this fucking shit banned.


This, and what baffles me are cunts who complain about it, it's not like some second hand smoke is in any way more harmful than carbon dioxide and all that shit emited by cars that you breathe in daily.

Well, it would be better to not have cancer at all, but a cancer eating other cancer is better than the two of them working together.

I hated my dad when I was a teenager. As an adult I started to appreciate his methods.
None of this was super strict. It was just weekly listing of the housework I'd done that he wrote on the fridge where he could direct me whenever I whined I wanted candy and new vidya.

The funniest thing about it is that these cucks will defend any predatory corporate behavior with 'they're a private company so its ok' but rage endlessly about any government action no matter how much it benefits them. Almost as if they were paid shills.

sure you can, if you could quit then why didnt you do it years ago or even no smoke in the first place you crack whore?

cancer can happen to anyone, correlations to anything, may it be smoking, red meat or whatever, are mostly very small. To get those effects of increased danger of cancer you have to smoke daily for years.
That's why anti-smoking activism is retarded. If you ban cigarettes you might as well ban every kind of drug, energy drinks, soda drinks, fast food, chemical components in food, sugar, the list is endless. All of these are bad for your health in some degree

good for you, I hope you succeed.

>work at shitty call center
>building is stuffy, smells like fat people
>10 minute break
>escape outside to designated wagie zone
>No fresh air
>cigarette smell everywhere
>smoke fucking with my asthma
>end up just hiding in the bathroom, ironically the only room in the building that doesnt stink
>hurpdurp why do non smokers have the AUDACITY to complain

remember that it is their fault, they knew the actual mood regarding loot boxes, and STILL decided to advertise virtual gambling (using real money of couse) with roulettes and slot machines to 3 years old kids.

Good. Go fuck yourself, publisher shill. Tell your employer to pay their fucking taxes by the way.

It's become so watered down nobody even really knows what the fuck alt right even is. What is it? Neo nazism? Men's rights activists? Q-boomers? People who just find the SJW trend distasteful? (Which I do as well, I may be center left but they're a bunch of crybabies playing oppression olympics)
Because I've seen people from each camp get shut down for each of those things. It's one thing to ban an account that's just spamming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER KILL ALL JEWS FUCK FAGGOTS, I get that. But there's been a load of people shut down just over expressing wrongthink.
It's a sad fucking day seeing my fellow people fall into this disingenuous mire. These giant faceless corperations don't give a fuck about you, they're almost always sinister, and they say whatever gets them off a hook faster.(just look at the Facebook deal with the Hong Kong protests, playing both sides)
It depresses the hell out of me.

They should ban them simply to get rid of
>brb smoke

I'm not sure if ill escalate to that, but I would be glad to have less lil shitter in games.
The problem with that is almost the same with, loot boxes. kidd and teeangers makes good part of players AKA consumers, which would fuck really hard the companies.
also what this user said, companies DON'T want to make their games 18+ because they would loss a lot of potential money with that

>It was just weekly listing of the housework I'd done that he wrote on the fridge where he could direct me whenever I whined I wanted candy and new vidya

This is more than reasonable, in fact the opurtunity to be PAID for housework is not something i even got a chance for, i simply did it. But any stipulation of then taxing a child after seems stupid.

Um don't have asthma?

i wish you good luck!

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Well man, the ESRB exists because the government told companies "regulate yourselves or we will do it". If the "regulating" organisms aren't going to do squat about the people's demands, this happens.

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I like it for the simple fact that these sports games innovate their boxes more than their actual games. Maybe this will force them to make their games better.

Smelly cunt.

It's one of those laws that is unenforced and there as a deterrent, while the ISP do record everything you do they have no obligation nor reason to hand it over to the police unless it is specifically requested by them, as it turns out sending all your customers to jail isn't the greatest commercial venture. The police don't just randomly go looking up peoples browsing habits either unless you have been accused of something like fraud or paedophilia or placed on some sort of terrorist watch list they wouldn't even pull your internet usage up.
I don't think there has been even a single case that hasn't happened because it was found during a hard drive scan of someone who was caught owning/distributing child pornography.

If a fart near you and you can smell it even though i could have made the choice not to is it your fault? Why are you complaining? Its just a bit of fart you can smell my dude. Im gonna keep farting around you too.

kids should be able to sell drugs

UK politics is a weird mixture of conservatives who think it's still 1972 and unhinged socialists who are bizarrely more pro-corporate than conservative corporate shills

That is actually what they're trying to do here, yes.

do you also congradulate pedos that havent raped children yet for resisting their urges?

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name a worse """hobby""" than smoking.

The living expenses are the baseline for the allowance. It's there by default as writing only.

Ban cigs all you want, leave my pipe tobacco alone.

Yeah, I never understood that either. Another good reason for pipes; you leave a tiny amount of ash when done which mostly gets blown away as you dump it.

user, don't be so discouraging. If user succeeds that's one less stinko the rest of us have to put up with.


>do you also congradulate pedos that havent raped children yet for resisting their urges?

maybe if people did there would be less children harmed

>2nd hand smoke
>people need to smoke 2 packs a day for 30 years to get health problems
>retards think one breath of second hand smoke will harm them

I remember one video a guy said that having a dog was a hobby...and lots of people think netflix is a hobby somehow

>hey bro, don't mind me, just cancering up your lungs, it's totally okay, any harm you might experience is just a statistical correlation, not causation, except that it has already been proven by studios by tabacco companies and independent studies that it is actually causatioin, lmao, stop being such a nerd
>Because SHS (second hand smoke) contains basically the same carcinogens as mainstream smoke, albeit at different concentrations 33, it is conceivable that SHS may induce genotoxic and epigenetic effects similar to those already established for mainstream smoke. The well-characterized genotoxic and epigenetic effects of mainstream smoke include the formation of persistent DNA adducts at crucial cancer-related genes, and transcriptional silencing of cancer relevant genes, respectively (see, Fig. 2) 15,16,34. These genotoxic and epigenetic effects have already been observed in different in vitro and/or in vivo systems, including animal models and humans, e.g., cell culture, tissues, biopsies, etc., and have been shown to be related to tumor development. Future investigations should employ comprehensive footprinting of SHS-induced DNA adducts in relation to mutagenicity together with thorough analysis of DNA methylation status in relation to gene expression in cancer-related genes. Not only can these investigations improve our knowledge of the underlying mechanism(s) through which SHS may contribute to lung carcinogenesis, but they may also help identify specific biomarkers that can be used for early detection and prognosis of lung cancer as well as for assessment of its treatment strategies.

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sounds like something an irresponsible smoker would say, I bet you only tried smoking because "DUDE CIGARETTES ARE COOL AND BADASS LMAO"

Shut up you nasty fucking smoker

We both know that isn't happening. Lootboxes are quantum kikery and should be stamped out, but I think the government isn't going to stop there.

>person who is addicted to smoking and tries to quit is the same thing as a non smoker

You shouldn't make light of people who are trying to better themselves.

keeps smoking my dude
gonna have a good laugh when you get cancer :)

Amphetamines. They're the reason I don't go to parties anymore, you'll always get the group that can't enjoy themselves without them and if you aren't part of that group they don't want to talk with you.

have a cig animefaggot you seem agitated

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Yeah? I'd buy them the latest copy of comic LO

everytime I see a smoker I instantly cover my nose and stare at them

kys dumbass frogposter

hobby usually involves doing something creative or productive

I got a lot into arguments about hobbies because people think prefering certain consumptionist practices is called hobby and not just another attempt of normalfags to get a "nerd creed" without doing any work beyond handing over his/her/xer money

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>alcohol, cigs and gambling are regulated +18
>wah why they want to ban lootboxes until regulations come in?
Go away.

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>all these commies zoomers

Literally google UK Hentai jail and it has happened. Usually as some moron was getting their computer fixed as well, but imagine posting on Yea Forums but you cannot EVER get your hardware fixed because every now and again some frogposter wants to shitpost with loli and your cache remembers it while the local PC guys trawls your HDD for any possible gf nudes you might have, see's the lolis and gets the fucking coppers and locals burning down your house with torches and pitchforks. Thats the UK. Meanwhile its all bollocks because you can buy manga like Battle Royale from Amazon or local bong bookstores and that has Mirsuko explicitly nude and fucked while quite literally saying "im fifteen."


how is this any different from some fat bitch with an eating problem? both smell like shit and cant cope in life without their addiction

if they were truly trying to better themselves they wouldnt have started smoking

t. nigger that cant read

>buying comics

how do you function without a stick in your mouth?

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Every time that's happened it's because the guy also had real CP or a record of it.

predatory behavior by big money needs to stop.

>how is this any different from some fat bitch with an eating problem? both smell like shit and cant cope in life without their addiction
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying getting the better outcome is more important than being right rubbing his nose in his poor life choices.

No but ill defend this particular decision out of self interest. Because lootboxes never make games better and the games that use them to make money are garbage to begin with.

>unnngh just fuck my boipussy corporate daddy uwu

it neurotic behaviour.
if i gave you a drink full of rat poison, you call me crazy, yet your okay with cigarettes?
what the difference?
cancer can happen to anyone sure, but smoking increases the chance of affecting others too.

if any fast food did this they be shut down.

>if they were truly trying to better themselves they wouldnt have started smoking
Are you not capable of making mistakes like the rest of us?

>Cunnyposters are the new Tianemen square pasta's

I don't see the problem. Raising children on gambling is goiung to create problems, the majority of parents are morons who don't understand this. As such banning it is the best solution.

how's living a soulless life user?

Better to have Nanny State than loot boxes.
Jews got too greedy. Anglos are slapping them down.

he probably doesn't have any emotions that weren't approved of by an oversight committee through request forms filled out in triplicate.

my absolute favourite thing on Yea Forums is seeing ancap retards come over here to try and reverse-engineer support for the crippling garbage nickle-and-dime-ing that is suffocating the industry

Wow you don't like subscriptions-based games-as-service for "access licenses" to this gatchafarm stapled to the husk of a mobile clone? You want to "own" an original "game"? PRETTY CRINGE, r/NU-V!

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Wrong. In fact one guy was told by the judge "young man you are escaping a jail sentence today only because of the few images you had and the fact that they were only drawn. You will however sign the sex offenders registry" and people still beat him up in the streets and bricked his windows. He was the landmark UK case for it.

give him a rest he's still trying to calm down after the news that sony will not let spiderman appear in MCU movies anymore

if they were weak willed enough to pick up something as a coping mechanism then they arent worth redemption

no, i reasearch everything i do and min/max all possibilities, i dont go out and just pick up some heroin needle and start selling my ass for the next fix. Many people have whats called "personal responsibility" if you go into something blind then its entirely your fault
>dude smoking for multiple years or even decades was just a mistake!!!
smoking once because you thought it made you a cool kid is a mistake, doing it over and over just because you cant live without it is NOT a mistake.
you gonna defend all those fags that bought DLC or horse armor "honest mistake makers" ?

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>bans loot boxes for everyone
Would you rather they implemented some shitty forced age verification system like they tried to do for porn.

And you know what, I don't think lootboxs are any more harmful to children than they are adults, they should be banned because they are cancer killing my video games and if it takes a nanny state to fix it than so be it

I don't see anything wrong with banning alcohol and cigs, they are a scourge on humanity

>*puffs in your general direction*
>"smell this fagboi"
>*throws the hot butt in your face*

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You frogposters really say the dumbest shit, behind anime reaction face posters. I'd give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're trolling, but I fear you're genuinely stating this.

they tried to ban booze and we got the mafia. You can't strip humanity of it's alcohol, we've been using it for thousands of years.

>sex offender over drawings
Nigga just deport me I'd straight up rather be homeless in another country than a slave in this one

>literal cancer as well as figurative

Holy shit I couldn't tip my fucking fedora hard enough at this post

just dont get caught, always have a back up plan bro

>Nigga just deport me I'd straight up
You can fucking leave now if you're going to talk like that

It's not feasibly possible to ban that shit since it has been engrained into human history, also because its basically everywhere.

Only your neighbours wont know the context only that you are "that fucking nonce" forever and will demand that the government either "bring back the rope" or that some vigilante just straight up kill you slowly. Forever. For the rest of your life.

>he says he makes no mistakes
>on Yea Forums
you already made a mistake

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Based as fuck. Smoke cucks are SEETHING

Banning cigarettes are fine, literally nothing good comes from them. But alcohol is something as ild as civilization that can't be done away with so easily. We tried it and failed miserably.

There are only downsides to smoking. Even if you'd argue the minor benefits, they're definitely not worth gimping your body and unironically paying for it too.

desu it will be hard to ban smoking because it simply make too much money.
you want to save the human race, you have to get rid of greed first

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there are already societies that have been going without alcohol for thousands of years lmao

>if they were weak willed enough to pick up something as a coping mechanism then they arent worth redemption
Even if they aren't my nose sure as fuck is.

>you want to save the human race, you have to get rid of greed first
This is the truest post I've read all thread.

>*grabs you by the throat*
>*unzips dick*

Fedoralords are the last people to look after themselves, fedoralords are the fags that think smoking/drinking/gambling makes them look cool

Im only here because 8chuck got shutdown

>being around smokers
just tell them to fuck off, or light a few cigs, throw them in the nearest flammable place, and when shit burns down blame the smokers

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>all these seething replies from smokefags
Enjoy lung cancer lol

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You can't get someone second hand drunk. Alcohol is fine, it's alcoholics that are the problem.

Based. Smokers are fucking subhuman animals that don't deserve to have free will (oh wait they don't lol)

This post reeks of
>much enlightenment

reminder Yea Forums is the reason why EA makes so much profit

are you that remove gays poster on 8/b/?

I dont think Yea Forums like sport game much.
i think you mean normies

>saying that anything else "reeks"

no, i mainly shitposted on 8/v/ about hitman being a puzzle game

You dont understand the UK. The justice system once tried and convicted 2 UK men because someone sent them a video of a man fucking a pig. One of the men didn't even open the file and deleted it immediatly but the first man who was arrested was found to have sent it as a joke to the second and they obviously found out who that guy was while investigating the first. The judge even said "i apreciate you did not go looking for the video in question nor did you view the material, but it was found in your possession." They made both men sign the sex offenders registry for 10 YEARS and published their criminal conviction and names in newspapers.

>won't someone THINK of the CHILDREN
I don't like lootboxes either but you guys hiding behind that defense are disingenuous as fuck

>doing it over and over just because you cant live without it is NOT a mistake.
Its called addiction, a natural human response.

Have fun collapsing while trying to run after me for more than 15 seconds

Thats true, why can't we just come out with it and say "down with corporate greed"?

This. Most EA mtx profits are from FIFA alone, the rest from other sports games.

>born without having any say in it
>The cunt who caused you to be born extorts you
Kill yourself

Uh lmao I shit post on 4x2chan I'm superior to humans

>its natural to get addicted!!!
sure kid

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Banning cigs would be fine
Banning alchol will just send whatever country it happens in into chaos just like what happened in the US.

as depressive has that story is.
apart from moving nation, what can we do if we were found in the same situation?

Bruh nicotine addction feels the same as hunger. If you go without it for a day your mind prioritizes finding another cig. Like when you're hungry you order fast food.

>games are not

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Finally UK did something right.

the funny thing is that if EA and other devs wouldn't try to push this shit so hard into fucking everything they could have gotten away if it.

Then again why would anyone be stupid enough to buy ea, ubisoft and activion games?

>what can i do except move

dont own any electrical devices that can connect to the interent. Remember in the UK you can be arrested for "extreme pornogrophy" wether its a joke or not. Some twat you know think its hilarious to send all his mates a video of a girl blowing a dog for "the banter"? Thats your entire life ruined m8. Welcome to the UK.

if you know that something contains an adcitive substance yet consume it anyway that isnt addiction its a choice, you dont get instantly hooked because you smoked 1 cig, you have to actually smoke for a few weeks in order to become hooked on it

>Hard liquor and smoking was and still is considered a high testosterone manly thing

Of course, the modern faggot zoomer generation would be against it

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Also keep in mind that the whole "drawings are pedophilia" thing can potentially extend to drawings of all anime tits, depending on how sensitive the people you're dealing with are.

Alcoholics are better people than smokers.

there is no "england government"

>unhealthy vices that provide nothing and can kill you are manly
No thanks rabbi

>fork ban
lol wut

that a lie coming straight from hollywood advertisement.
Been a drunken and a smoker was always seen has degenerated behaviour until hollywood wall street jew so a opportunity to make money.

drinking and smoking are alright in moderation.
Being a heavy drinker and smoker sucks major ass for everyone.

no you aren't. that's called assault and it's explicitly illegal.


>Banning cigs would be fine
Not for the UK at least, might be the same for other countries with socialist health care but 95+% of the cost of cigarettes is tax that is used to fund the NHS. If they completely banned smoking people who have been smoking for decades aren't magically going to become paragons of health and are still going to clog up the health system but without the tax there would be a massive short fall and non smokers would have their taxes go up to fill in the missing funding. Increasing taxes on the majority of the electorate is not how you win elections which is why they are taxing the shit out of the smokers instead.

>dude weed lmao xd is the pinnacle of masculinity
Yes, yes we would. Subhumans like you should be exterminated.

>implying archeo-proto Yea Forums would want this shit

Can you really blame the UK government for being fearful of packages containing surprises.

welp, it was nice having video games while they lasted
this is the end for us, guys

lootboxes are not video games
gambling does NOT belong in video games

I agree
but neither does the fucking government
spent an entire fucking decade keeping those cunts out of video games, and now we're welcoming them in with open arms

The government gave the video game industry had 25 (twenty five) years to regulate themselves. Their failure to do so is entirely their own fault and they deserve everything that happens to them, you time traveling libertarian from 2011.