Just catched Steins Gate here on PC in my country .. and I'm wondering...

Just catched Steins Gate here on PC in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more games with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Steins Gate for sure.. but gimme some suggestions.

I love time travel games .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..

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How did you catch it?

Ah yes... you did catch it? I too am fanatical on repetition of the day... will recommendations being given I wonder?

Majora's Mask makes you play the same three days over and over, but it is an action adventure game and also quite old.

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Life is strange, Steins gate 0

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higurashi and umineko, both of which are better

Muv-Luv is better than any VN and is basically the best sci-fi ever
Best use of a time travel plot ever
Best use of a parallel universe plot ever
Best use of an alien invasion plot ever
Makes the rest of the medium including Steins Gate look amateurish tbqhwy fampai.

Attached: Muv-Luv-Alternative.jpg (1440x848, 214K)

How did you catch it?

haruhi suzumiya
endless eight




Steins;Gate 0, but I only cared for the mood swings of both games. Plot works, then becomes questionable towards the emd

drink bleach, shit smear

>'repeating the same day' theme?
I don't know wtf stein's gate is but I think the Devil Survivor games did this.

Ah yes... you did catch it? I too am fanatical on repetition of the day... will recommendations being given I wonder?

do you even know what nukige is?

Both Higurashi and Umineko have an element of repetition to it, but I'd prefer not to exactly spoil how it works. They are pretty great stories.

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Groundhog Day for the SNES

if you've played fate/stay night, play fate/hollow ataraxia

Is there a reason to go out of your way for the uncensored PC version or is the Vita port fine?

Fuck if I knew this existed I would have used it as the OP image instead of whatever the fuck steins gate is

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I was going to mention this
Muv luv is great
Only difficulty is that most of what you enjoy it for, the military drama is locked behind Muv luv extra, a generic slice of life VN

do i really have to play extra

The generic slice of life was great if you went in blind however which is sadly pretty much impossible now. Such a sudden drastic change after clearing the routes was really cool

>do i really have to play extra
Absolutely yes, and in retrospective is the best part of the story. Marketing emphasize a lot the fact there's military stuff and mechs in muv-luv, but "back then" when it was originally released you were not supposed to know, they marketed it as a normal slice of life school slice of life thing.
Also, Extra is fucking hilarious and is even better during re-reads so do it.

>do i really have to play snorefest slice of life part to play nukige part

user, not to be an ass, but do you even know what a nukige is?

On what planet is umineko anything more than a 3/10?

On the planet where people have taste, of course.

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Basically play it until you get bored, download an unlimited save file
You won't get the full experience but a good one.

exmaple of kamige:
example of nukige:

What was Erics end game?

Are you mistaking nukige with kusoge? Because a nukige is a game focused almost entirely on sex, fapbait basically. Which muv-luv absolutely is not, it's just an eroge where besides the sexual component is so minor compared to everything else it might as well not be there.

>main villain is literally a seething tranny
Don't even get me started on the abomination known as episode 8. I don't know how people can trash v3's ending while praising umineko's

But user, Episode 8 is absolutely fantastic. Nah I get it, of course it's divisive as fuck but I loved it. Couldn't have asked for anything more really.

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I think you're confusing nukige with kusoge
Kusoge are shit games
Nukige are purely pornographic games.

I stopped halfway through episode 6 and didn't regret it
4 was great
Battlers complete personality shift in the second half to loving Beatrice and the change in themes weren't enjoyable to me.

big cope

Fuck all of you this is supposed to be a meme thread it’s a reference to the Groundhog Day threads on Yea Forums but I guess you are all newfags

Who gives a fuck about Yea Forums user, stop sperging and post video games.

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Fuck all of you this is supposed to be a meme thread it’s a reference to the Groundhog Day threads on Yea Forums but I guess you are all newfags

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wow it was supposed to be a shitty meme thread and now its not, oh the horror

>going to Yea Forums at any point in time

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It’s the funniest board for sure