Why is this garbage so bad for gaming?

why is this garbage so bad for gaming?

Attached: RE1B7dR.png (600x600, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Dunno. Maybe it's the aesthetics.

because you're mentally retarded

Bros how do i legit get ltsc

It's not?

Works on my machine, maybe you're just retarded user.

Attached: chrome_2018-10-04_12-23-03.png (892x564, 65K)

>Another fucking update so I don't stay "out of support"

I fucking hate this crap.

Least it was before I fucked everything up.

ebay the codes you can get them for 18$

my fps in all games has gone down a lot after "upgrading" to windows 10 and there is nothing i can do about it, im thinking of going back to windows 7 again

But isn't 10 the only platform getting all the new updates for gpus?

Just learn how to optimize win10 and dele all the shit from it its not that hard

downlaod it



Is LTSC "better" than Pro? I need to be able to use certain features such as virtualization and stuff

>Is LTSC "better" than Pro?

best post itt

Windows 10 is for spying on people.

So is your browser, your phone, your car, your smart electric grid, your security system, and every stop light camera.

Your cat. Your neighbours. Your coffee machine.

They're everywhere, man!


your coffee machine is literally bugged retard

>Get a new SSD
>Decide to just reinstall Windows 10 fresh on it instead of migrating my data from my HDD
>Download GPU drivers, Steam and TF2
>"An issue with your computer is blocking the VAC system. You cannot play on secure servers"
There's no way it's anything but this piece of shit OS that's causing this fucking issue.

Attached: 1545399070026.jpg (310x236, 49K)


Only if it connects to the internet

>my fps in all games has gone down a lot after "upgrading" to windows 10

Let me guess, core2 CPU?

Well, of course. There are fixes for it on the steam forums if you're dead set on using 10.

When Windows 7 goes tits up, should I migrate to Windows 10 or some form of Linux?
I would rate my level of tech savvy as moderate. I built my computer using Logical Increments, but don't know the particular components off the top of my head, I am using a cracked version of Windows 7, I google problems when I have them, I open task manager when things are running slow, I use CCleaner periodically.
I mostly use my computer for Steam, old freeware games like Cave Story, emulators, the internet, and Photoshop.
Would Linux be over my head? Would compatibility be an issue compared to Windows 10?

why the fuck is minimalistic design such a failed abortion of an idea
why can't we have cool shit like the luna theme or vista aero again

It's the same Windows but you won't get updates that often. It's meant to use in hospitals and some government agencies where they require Windows to be as stable as possible.

Which means it is better because Windows updates break shit constantly.

It isn't bad for gaming

only issue I've had with it is despite having auto updates enabled and leaving my computer on all night every night I still have to manually install windows updates instead of it doing them while I sleep

hell I installed 1903 and I'm getting 30fps more in minecraft than on 1803

not at all, I have pop os in dual boot with my windows for some time from the same fears as you and I'm getting the hang of it at this point...but I would recommend dual boot since there are things that didn't worked on linux at all for me

You need software knowledge for linux. The most user friendly is probably ubuntu. If you decide to try it I'd suggest keeping another computer or backup hdd with your usual win7 install on the side.

because it's made by microsoft.

Every new update if i wait more than 1 week to update my pc start to lag
Until it freeze and i have to restart triggering the update

Has ocurred so much that im thinking its microsoft forcing it

me too, does anyone know what to disable in windwos 10 to get any performance boost?

It's too busy watching everything you do. So it can't waste precious resources on games.

its not
if you have an SSD
you DO have an SSD right?

> ‘we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary,’

>tfw gaming is still stuck on Windows because you you fags were too lazy to install Linux even after Valve made thousands of Windows games work on Linux out of the box

i am literally playing human revolution on arch right now faggot lay off also im this guy
arch is on my SSD

>Try to update

The only other options are macs, linux and outdated + unsupported operating systems. Adapt or perish

windows 8.1 with classic shell is the way to go

>when we believe doing so is necessary,’

I can guarantee they believe it is necessary 100% of the time.

It won't be an issue when they drop support for awhile. Its a sliding scale. You wouldn't use Windows XP right now and you probably won't want to use Windows 7 in 10 years.

Obviously using common sense goes a long way. In theory you should have nothing to fear if you keep your browser up to date, use adblocker, don't run weird shit, don't install shady extensions, etc.

Even so, and people here REE like a motherfucker about this, its for the best to have a current up to date operating system, just in case you fuck it up somehow. But there is no hurry.

Get a better pic
Get a better version of 10

home and pro perform the same you idiot the only difference is features

Yes, it is. It is free of most of the bloat, and the entire tablet shit is missing. Everything works on it, and it will NOT decide to shut down everything out of the blue and not boot up again because it needs half an hour to update. You get the most stable version of Windows with all the security updates. I don't know what you mean by virtualization, it does have hyper-v if that's what you need

I have Windows 8 on my Surface Pro 2, and that thing is a nightmare

I hate the pre-installed Xbox utilities

Because the rest of us don't deserve stability. Fuck kikerosoft.

I mean the unofficial version that doesn't force it's fat girthy update up in your tight little little hard drive.


Isn't this shit an explicit violation of the first sale doctrine?
There's no way to disable their shit for a "reasonable consumer" and yet no one has done anything

you mean LTSC? you cannot legally use that without buying volume licensing

I never had a problem with it desu. Put in my SSD and never think of it again. You might actually have brain damage if you're having troubles/its bothering you.

Tell us why. That's not good input on its own.

Nah it's because of your piece of shit pozzed intel cpu.

they are us0ing old fashioned hard drives

>you cannot legally use that
who cares? it's the only win 10 that's usable and anyone who's ever spent even a penny for a windows is a retard

Because Microsoft is trying to turn PC into another console.

>tfw PC boots up in around 4-5 seconds flat and is immediately ready to go
Feels good man.

It's just a known problem Microsoft is having in the last week. I play, and we all play on windows since EVER, sto stop complaining and get a better pc, maybe

1. It's the next shit windows in the windows cycle, windows 8.1 was decent
3. Microsoft has seriously doubled down and they technically think installing win 10 is an agreement with them that they own your computer. (which is why they can do 2 without getting sued btw)

i can download and install it as many times as i want without any shady activators

>3. Microsoft has seriously doubled down and they technically think installing win 10 is an agreement with them that they own your computer.

And they wonder why I wont upgrade.

Personally I just pirated LTSB. Granted, my computer's probably part of a botnet, but it hasn't affected performance if so, plus my installation doesn't have all that godawful crap that has no business coming stock on a desktop OS like the "windows store".

Would've been happy to pay for a legitimate copy of LTSB, mind you - Microsoft just isn't willing to sell it for regular desktop use even though it's the only version of 10 that's suitable for that purpose.

God, I wish Linux had better graphics driver's support and more games. It's funny how there are some "old" games that run like shit in Windows and fairly smoothly on Lunix, from the the top of my head: EU4 loads much quicker, Wow is better on Linux.

Windows is shit for most things except gaming and some niche programs.

>bought new computer because mom tried to vaccum my previous one and destroyed several pieces
>huh, it boots up rather quickly, that's nice
>let's play some F-Zero X
>fucking thing crashes
>let's play getting over it
>fucking thing crashes
>let's just browse the internet and read some manga
Are new computers specifically designed to be shittier than old computers?

Reminder that Bill Gates went on Epstein Plane Ride

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If you feel that guilty just buy a key, give it away, and use an activator.

If you want a market store and love apps then I'd stick to the official version and put up with forced updates.

F means loos, and it's official. A korean confirmed that loos started discriminating towards everybody that is not a streetshitter.

2700x 2080ti fag here had no issues with 10 on sata ssd
Nvme m2 gave me corruption issues

Apart from that the latest build 1903+ is based gone is the stuttering from creators update

>graphics drivers support
NVIDIA and AMD have official drivers in the repos of most major distros

You already lost friend

Sounds like something is corrupted/not seated right.

My advice would be to fuck your mother

OK, same question only I've had Linux for 7-8 years before I bought a new computer and installed W7 and haven't looked back. Back then very few games ran natively, emulation had horrid performance, installing GPU drivers for AMD was black voodoo and for GForce I got awful performance (~15 less FPS at min), and in general I had no choice but to dual-boot with XP bless her soul, basically switching back and forth for gaming. I admin Linux servers every day at work but haven't used a desktop in 6 years so I don't know how things are now, however I will never ever EVER switch to W10 NSA-spyware-bloadware-you-control-nothing.

Give me a quick rundown on what to expect in terms of gaming if I switch full-on to Debian or Mint or whatever is the flavor of the month.

I use Windows 10 LTSC with the latest drivers and play my games. It just works. No feature update ruining my performance, no bloat. Only stability and security updates.

Attached: ltsc.png (2560x1440, 767K)

Windows 7 forever baybee

Windows 10 is literally for tablets. Any real gamer would never sacrifice their principles to play on a fucking tablet operating system. Make one for the gamers, microsoft.

This. Reminder that when Yea Forums says a PC port is broken or that x doesn't work, remember that they're mongs using outdtaed Windows 7, or using whatever latest build of Windows 10 broke half its functionality

There are ACTUALLY people in this thread RIGHT NOW who are talking about Windows 10 home lmao
the absolute state of Yea Forums and "PC gamers" who are just console converts and dont know a fucking thing about PC gaming

>windows "updates" fucked my computer up
>took 2+ minutes to boot to desktop
>2.5+ to be able to click
>restore points got corrupted in the "updates"
>latest "update" actually made things better
>computer now boots to ausable state in 1 minute
>have to fight cortana for 1 minute because of 60% CPU usage
Get me off this shit.

Is it such a pain. Need to create a MDL forum account, then scour their horrible site to find the proper DL link. Then have to download the base iso AND some stupid file specific to your region. Then must create a NEW iso yourself. Then lutris to burn to usb, install, then download KMS-VL-ALL and run as admin


Why are you using W10 on your 8yo laptop that was made for Vista

Stupid zoomers cant even spell. Windows 7 is king nigger.

Windows 10 is a pedo botnet that hosts a TOR node for the jewish elite to share captain planet.

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>OS runs like shit
Brilliant skills there chief.

Attached: 1434757161757.png (373x240, 111K)

Fun fact, you can disable updates permanently by navigating to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution then changing the permissions of the Download folder to deny permissions to the two Application Package users and the System user. Stops Windows Update from being able to download any of the updates. I've been on Version 1703 for ages.

If every W10 was a nor node it wouldn't be this slow piece of shit network

It's a buggy piece of shit. I don't know if it's the Surface, Windows 8, or both, but I have had nothing but trouble with it from day one.
>touch screen sometimes detects random inputs, or continuously detects one input of the side of the screen
>only way to get it to stop seems to be to unplug the keyboard then lock the screen
>purchased it for use with Photoshop since it has Wacom drivers, but when I would try to draw with it, the pressure sensitivity would randomly shoot up to maximum pressure
>when drawing, the line would randomly stop after a few seconds
>now those problems aren't here anymore, but if I even try to click any menu in Photoshop with the stylus, the whole program locks up
>set the lockscreen image when I first got the tablet, but CANNOT CHANGE IT
>an option to change it exists, but does nothing
>can not turn off the password protection on the lockscreen
>again, an option exists, but when you click it, nothing changes
>occasionally when booting up it will have none of the installed or personalized features, almost like it's booting in safe mode
>various programs freak out or lock up completely if you touch them with the touch screen

People don't realize minimalism is not synonymous with "unfinished"

I've never had any issues with Windows 10 in general. It just works. It doesn't mean that I don't like different systems like linux distros (Mint and Manjaro are my favs), But Windows 10 gets more flak then it deserves i think.

My only issue with it is that it's a potential botnet, But that is the trade off potentially for functionality.

OS was made and optimised for certain hardware and it runs better on that hardware than previous iterations. This doesn't mean that it also runs better on older hardware. Goddamn you're stupid. No fucking way you have not it installed on HDD with some 1.8 GHz quad mobile CPU at best if Cortana eats 60% of your power and requires 2.5 minutes to launch.

I live in Commiefornia (which has seen a massive influx of them) and you're 100% correct. Indians, like all others from that side of the world, are extremely tribal and racist. It was all over when Microsoft elected one as their CEO.

I'd like to add that an Enterprise version of Windows will always exist because Microsoft isnt crazy enough to put an operating system that forces updates on hospital and banking devices.

We're set for life.

It doesn't just work. It clearly has a clusterfuck design because they took a foundation from windows 7 and tried to mix it with tablet accessibility. The control panel is totally fucked.

Wacom digitizer*

that trash OS is constantly uploading your shit to who knows where and then resetting every setting modified by the user every fucking time there's a big update.

Just because SSDs exist doesn't mean you make it run like fucking garbage on a Hard drive, much the same as the existence of multiterabyte drives makes it acceptable to bloat the fuck out of assets and make software take up 150GBs of space.

I hate this piece of shit bloat/nsa-ware so much.
If someone did not fix it for you, good luck fixing anything your self on this poorly designed hunk of shit.

>dude why do you still have legs we have cars now haha wtf

Come on you fuckers just give me the gist of it.

>The control panel is totally fucked.
The old control panel is still there you retard. Maybe try using your eyes and looking for it.

Windows 10 LTSC 2019 is cope. If you are not using this version or regular enterprise without configuration, then you are complaining for the sake it. The solution is available. Learn to read, use a search engine, ask in forums.

Attached: launcher.png (2560x1440, 1.98M)

>Having to use nonstandard versions just so you can actually use the OS
Brilliant argument there, brainlord.

You can still use consumer versions, but if you don't have the mental capacity to learn or have patience to do some configuration, just don't. Enterprise versions exist to give less headaches.

works on my machine
try using a computer from this decade and you'll be fine

Attached: 1520175961546.png (945x1064, 473K)

I have a core2 quad 9550, did I fucked up?

I unironically think it is huge steps above every other windows version before it. To the point where I have stopped using desktop linux distros as a secondary OS, and am purely on Windows save and except Server/NAS units.
I think most of the hate is fear mongering bullshit and people who just can't accept change. Like I can get why GNU/linux purists aren't gonna magically fall in love with w10. But there is absolutely no reason someone should use, or prefer windows xp, vista, 7 or 8.

Jokes on them, I use a French press.

2 rupees have been deposited into your account

Every Linux distro is just
>”Why would you want to do that anyways?”
The OS.

>I think most of the hate is fear mongering bullshit and people who just can't accept change
part of it is this, also people with cheap old computers and people who don't even know what drivers are

Or, or, hear me out on this one, I install a not retarded operating system, that won't have an aneurysm and die every other month.
Buddy linux users are at best, like 4% of home computer users, you can't use them as a scapegoat for complaints about windows 10, and that's even ignoring the obvious

>obeying the letter or spirit of laws
Pick one and only one!

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Nigga my i5-2400 can barely keep up with modern games. I can't imagine using a core 2 quad today.

>tfw have to use windows 10 and google chrome for my work, and google chrome is mandatory
>tfw don't care

Attached: d.png (996x868, 599K)

I have an FX-4130 dumpster fire and thanks to consoles it's perfectly adequate for most releases.

>actually using Home Edition ever
>not manually cracking a free legal copy of Pro edition yourself with hwid.kms38
fuck off

Poos/chinks need to be ethnically cleansed.

Attached: 1491818194309.png (600x599, 432K)

>"Why would you want to do that anyways?”
I don't understand this mentality on /g/
The point of linux is that you can choose your own personal distro, to customize it exactly just like what you want. The fact that if you want X and some asshat will response "why would you do that instead of Y" is because I want like X. The lack of self aware about how hypocritical they're is sometimes beyond me.

Been using it for years. Works without a problem. I think a lot of you are just tech illiterate and dunning-kruger victims.

Attached: 1564255395288.jpg (2048x2048, 291K)

Windows 7 was so light and easy on the resources compared to windows 10.

>Work for poo company
>"now I'm dealing with cleaning up management's mess"
Who could have possibly seen that kind of shit coming? :^)

A lot of people on /g/ are Linuxhelp.net tier retards who don't have quite as good of an understanding of their operating system as they do and aren't the best at explaining in a general workflow sense.

Yes. LTSC is based on Enterprise.

i like you

Attached: we did it.jpg (512x512, 38K)

It's perfectly fine. 40-60fps on medium in most games.

Any 8.1 chads? I was the baka that upgraded from 7 to 8

Most of them are just enthusiasts that fell for Stallman memes and have a Linux distro on a thumb-drive. I imagine a lot of them anymore don't understand why "install gentoo" is a hot meme.

>use linux
>decide to upgrade and go with AMD because mesa drivers are so much better according to everyone
>said drivers aren't available yet
>have to use windows 10 for a month until they're out

Attached: 1480628104692.jpg (189x251, 12K)

Which Mesa drivers?

I actually went up from 7 to 8.1 and I'm loving it. ClassicShell instantly negated any problems I had with it, besides not being able to figure out how to rearrange Libraries/Homegroup/Favorites/This PC in Windows Explorer to how I had them on 7.

>We want X!
>Do the customers want X?
Customers are retarded and don't know what they want. This is the mindset of every tech company.

Steam has a compatibility layer built-in. Lots of games work with it.


You literally check a box and you can play a bunch of Windows games on Linux out of the box, and a whole shitload more games will work if you have the brain power to do a simply web search for some easy tweak like adding an environment variable to the launch options.

There are also more games with native Linux support than there were in the Windows 7 days.

it's not but then again I don't use home

I mostly play pre-7th gen games and emulators BTW, the compatibility is way superior to w7, only memesters that don't actually play old games will imply otherwise

I think it's less that think customers don't know what they want and more they get off on controlling people.

Any good windows 10 cracks? I don't want to but support is ending for 7 soon. Unregistered 7 is fine but 10 has that ugly watermark overlayed everywhere.

As far as I concern, KMS is still working since day one

Go to /g/ Friendly Windows Thread /ftw/ and read the OP links.

haven't had any problems with it. honestly i feel sometimes some people are just too retarded to use a pc even though it's piss easy to use.

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If the watermark is the only thing that's bothering you, you could get a crack of windows explorer since that's what the watermark is built into.

People tend to exaggerate problems instead of doing a simple google search to find a solution. And yes, most are tech illiterates.

Supposedly it's not that hard to remove so I might just use my windows 10 iso that I have lying around and deal with it.

Note also that Proton (the built-in Steam Linux compatibility layer) sometimes makes playing a game's Windows version on Linux better than playing the Linux version on Linux. Of course, broken Linux ports are just due to incompetence of individual developers, and it's not really the norm. However, I've seen several games whose native Linux ports would fail to start, but then the Windows versions would run flawlessly in Proton. In addition to everything else they've done for Linux gaming, Valve also picks up the slack from game developers who try to develop for Linux and fail.

Kys, fag.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-14 ProtonDB Gaming reports for Linux using Proton and Steam Play.png (790x600, 113K)

What a sorry deflection attempt


19.2. I know they're in most testing branches now, but I don't really feel like setting that up and reverting when they're stable.

just be yourself bro

Yeah there's a funny case with this where Buclear Throne doesn't work without adding a single line to the run.sh if you have an amdgpu but it works fine on proton.

If you want to remove a lot of junk, open powershell as admin and run.

get-appxpackage * | remove-appxpackage

I'd also strongly recommend turning off full screen optimisation as it's caused me more headaches than anything. There's also an option somewhere where it remembers what it was doing before you turned it off and that caused me a lot of pain but I can't remember exactly where it is.

Thanks! Sounds encouraging, although I'd like to know how common this Proton support is among the fairly popular games on Steam (not just the AAA, I mean things like indie games etc., which are sometimes horribly unoptimized pieces of shit on Windows, let alone when running on top of an emulation). "Top 1000" doesn't really cover much when Steam has a billion trillion games now.
>sometimes makes playing a game's Windows version on Linux better than playing the Linux version on Linux
In what way?

Sometimes linux versions are kinda shitty or undermaintained.

>Whatever lets update windows 10
>Whole morning just doing the fucking update
>Had to spend from 9am to fucking 12:30pm playing on my shitty ps4.
Worst morning ever

>tfw companies are being bullied into ceasing driver support for any other than windows 10

Attached: 1568157378242.jpg (940x940, 170K)

>Poor companies being bullied into not having to support ten year old, outdated shit!

I'm sure they hate it.

>>sometimes makes playing a game's Windows version on Linux better than playing the Linux version on Linux
>In what way?
I explained a bit in that post but I'll give you some more details.

In regards to my own personal experience, I was referring to two games. They're stupid indie games, of course, but here they are: "Peace, Death!" and "Dungeon Souls". Both games have Linux ports, but those Linux ports fail to start on my machine (Linux Mint, AMD GPU). Others have the same issue as well, although it might apply only to AMD GPU users. After some research, I discovered that you can get the Linux ports of both games to run by adding "LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 %command%" to the game's launch options, but this forces software rendering which means awful performance and skyrocketing CPU temperatures.

Meanwhile, just force Steam to run the Windows versions of these games via Proton and they work just fine.

Devil Daggers, which is also an indie game but is really good, also has a Linux port which failed to run when I tried it on Ubuntu, so I ended up running the game with Proton which worked perfectly. Now I'm on Linux Mint and the Linux port also works, but I don't know if that's because the game was updated or because it's more compatible with Mint than with Ubuntu.

Are those gamemaker based games?

it is not

I didn't know it until I looked it up just now, but yes, both "Peace, Death!" and "Dungeon Souls" were made with GameMaker Studio according to ModDB.

maybe try adding
[export R600_DEBUG="mono${R600_DEBUG+,}$R600_DEBUG"]
to the run.sh file on the linux version, it's what you do to fix nuclear throne if you have an amdgpu

I'll try it. Thanks!

>Is it such a pain. Need to create a MDL forum account, then scour their horrible site to find the proper DL link. Then have to download the base iso AND some stupid file specific to your region. Then must create a NEW iso yourself. Then lutris to burn to usb, install, then download KMS-VL-ALL and run as admin

Everyone should have an MDL account.

Attached: 1567836104410.png (281x400, 165K)

I got an SSD and I have never seen a faster OS..

At least it was before I fucked everything up.

It uses services that didn't in wndows 8, so now on top of incompatibility you have to deal with telemetry and cortana taking resources

The Pirate Bay, of course. Search for {gen2}.

I can't imagine being one of the poor motherfuckers who had to use 10 at launch before most of the current de-bloating was figured out.

Attached: 1567812593566.png (500x500, 296K)

you can just download it straight from microsoft you retard

Sounds more of a problem with your touch screen

>using chrome instead of a ublock/umatrix and about:config solidified firefox
>not turning off all the spyware shit that can reasonably be turned off on your phone or installing random datamining apps and just using your phone reasonably
>agreeing to having a "smart" electrical supply installed when it'll be 100x more prone to failure than something that works just fine
>having a shitty alarm system
>not just driving a car you just stole everywhere to defeat stop light cameras while covering your face

5 seconds from getting out of motherboard BIOS to 8.1's login screen boiiiiiii

>downloading anything other than Enterprise/Education/LTSC

If you want to go "legit" at least use your college e-mail or something to get Education for free.

>Not having a real coffee maker instead of a glorified water boiler
>He can't make mac and cheese with his coffee maker

I was referring to LTSC, which the other user was suggesting you download from the pirate bay for some retarded reason. There's zero reason to be downloading windows from the pirate bay in this day and age, hasn't been since like vista days.

Seriously retards. There is a daily thread in the technology board all about Windows (downloads, guides, themes, debloat, recommended software, etc...) See

Attached: startisbackmenu.png (608x781, 292K)

just get windows enterprise you can configure it to do almost the same thing.

You can download legit through microsoft then buy a key on ebay for like $3-$15.

All of your data is constantly being scraped and sold by Microshit. Kills your bandwidth for gaming.

Are they still keylogging?

yes and software companies literally justify their own existence every day with fake news "updates"
windows could've stopped at xp with minor changes. literally the X32 X64 split was the last time anyone had any real worries in os programming. Everything else is nice but not entirely necessary.

I fucking hate how they removed the "download only security updates" setting a while ago which I had set to on for years but aside from that my issues with W10 are minimal.

Truly the only OS fit for cunnyseurs like me

what? I am saying the complaints linux users have about windows are still valid. The complaints windows 7/8 users have is just pure retardation.
>why the fuck would a linux user be installing windows
lots of reasons
>outside a VM
lots of reasons, but again not sure your point? this is a bizarre goalpost move in an argument I am not even in....

Basically it's not completely fucked anymore but Windows is still less of a headache for gaming

no that was just in a preview build for public testing that clearly indicated it years and years ago.
t. wannacry victim.

Reminder that MS (or rather the loos) fucking hate LTSC.
Just mentioning it gets comments shadowdeleted on r/microsoft and /r/windows10

>wangblows 10
>shitty memes
lmao kys zoomer

Attached: Did I really! (2).mp4 0002.jpg (854x480, 82K)

>Windows is now managed entirely by poos
>Linux is more pozzed each month
Where the hell do we go?

I've never been a victim of any virus.
Also security can be prioritized without changing interfaces, priorities, devices management services or anything else.
Also I'm currently running 10 pro and hating it. Don't know why anyone thought powershell was a good idea when command prompt just werked for 2 decades and now I have to learn new commands for shit that I could do before by clicking something in control panel

If it was just the random inputs maybe, but everything else together makes a software issue more likely.

Just fork linux, the fuck is the poz squad going to do about it (hint: Nothing)

shit site but it's got its uses these days. too much activity nowadays not to. i used to be in your camp until i realized almost all of my friends uses reddit for something or other now, even some oldfag channers i raided habbo and SL with.

i just fucking wish the redditors would stop coming here and shitting up the place.

>he thinks that anime is Fire Foce.

Attached: groupkek.gif (355x201, 2.99M)

So what I got out of this thread is just use 7 for the next decade or get Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC?

Firefox, user.

>Hey bro, time to update!

Attached: 1559433808973.jpg (504x504, 20K)

Sounds like the devs didn't really bother with the Linux versions at all, if they don't even work on Ubuntu (the most Windows-wannabe distribution of all distros and as such the most popular).

>tfw still on windows 7
what am i supposed to do now?
i heard they stop supporting it in december.

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Install Gentoo

Go Win 10 LTSC?

Aside from deliberate security holes (that already were being exploited), you don't really have to do anything, at worst, potentially software will require things built into win10 in the future, but it's unlikely.

Will I be able to keep alle the terrabytes of porn, music, and anime i collected over the years if I update to 10?

Ballmer was a retard and MS has only increased in usability since Nutella took over, sounds like a butthurt phone redundancy, also >reddit

If you know what you're doing, yes
Even if the update to 10 fucks up, you can still rescue all of it.

Linux Mint and Ubuntu are both incredibly easy to install and use. You'll basically never use the terminal if you don't want to.

Don't know that much about PCs but I'm on 10 Pro after having been on 10 home and I fucking HATE the updating cancer.
Had to bend over backwards through a flaming hoop to get it to stop turning on at night to search for updates and disable telemetry from grinding my HDD at night.
Constant UI changes and feature relocation/removal makes me want bad things to happen.
Then you have to do all this bullshit all over again if you update even one time.
I can only hope this shit that effectively makes your PC not your own leads to massive lawsuits, but that's wishful thinking.

I don't want some shitty Hipster OS that can't even run video games.

make a back just in case

This is irony.

The next time you think of running anything other than Gentoo, don't.

win7 here, dont listen to the kikes. Support is not going anywhere.

Not to go full /pol/ but does anyone get the feeling that globo-corps want to hire non-Westerners because they’re easier to control? They’re so concerned with being a part of the modern world that they’ll do ANYTHING to hold on to that, especially if they come from real shitholes.

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Have you ever consider getting external harddrive or an enclosure with an internal harddrive? Get either one and dump your stuff in it

It actually can run videogames, though. Hell steam itself is working to get everything working on linux to the detriment of their game development.

It's probably more to do with the fact that the third world doesn't have the types of regulation in place from decades of corporate interference to try and enable monopolies.

>Mexicans are 10 IQ points lower than whites
>they flood the country
>Indians are also 10 IQ points lower than whites
>have them occupy all meaningless "management" positions

>for no real reason my search feature is absolutely fucked and have to restart Windows Explorer after boot
>still does a horrible job of finding files even after I did a complete indexing of all my files

Fucking HOW can you be this incompetent?

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>If you want a market store and love apps then I'd stick to the official version and put up with forced updates.

or download the store files.

LTSC windows store

github link.

Use Windows 7. Until Steam/games drop support for 7, 7 is fine. Hell, even productive software will not drop 7 in a long time.


follow up with O&O shut up 10

Have the best version of windows 10 with non of the crap is as solid as a rock and updates won't randomly come and assrape the install

If only Terry would burst out of his grave to make us a Gaming dedicated OS with no bullshit like Cortana.

Do you need to buy both Win 10 and LTSC or is it all in one package?


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>Using Windows for non-gaming related tasks
Poor of you, even if your wagecucking pays well, you're still stuck with Windows.

The funny thing, Microsoft's xbox/gaming division could probably put together a better operating system than their windows division

LTSC was made in response to hospitals and government agencies telling Microsoft that if they don't make the version they want, they'll switch to a platform that is easier to stabilize.
It was gonna be even worse, user.

Fuck off tard

>installed Windows 10 when I built my computer
>Immediately turn off updates, ads, and 99% of telemetry
What about this is bad?

>poor of you

Are you french? my french girlfriend says that shit

Sure you did buddy

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Go into your router and actually block telemetry and tell me how well win 10 works.

Microsoft trying to "smart" the desktop.

They went full-notch with that in 8, and ever so slightly tracked back with 10, since they realized they went further than even normies could stomach.
Jump ship already, Windows is dead. The bulk (normal people) are lost to smart devices.
If you have even remotely a clue about computers, then Linux is Heaven on Earth.
You will wonder, how you ever managed to cope with Windows.

>Linux Mint and Ubuntu
Problem with those is that they are designed with stability first and foremost. And the target user is someone like your grandparents, who will have a heart attack if anything crashes. This means package updates are held back months, or even years, just to be safe.

For gaming, you want something with a rolling release. OpenSUSE or Manjaro are your best bets. Packages get updated fast, but not so fast that system destroying untested ones get put up.

I would switch to Linux if the programs I wanted to use were compatible.
inb4 "just use Wine bro"

I'm your girlfriend user

>to the detriment of their game development
>Game development
Son where have you been living.

Also, what's the most rice-able distro ATM that could still run the Steam Linux client? As in, I hate the Win8 "aerodynamic" (i.e. completely minimal with all options obfuscated) look, and want to be able to customize every part of my OS and GUI. What should I choose?

Why do you want to use shit that needs NET Framework, user?

I thought Ubuntu and Mint both have dev and test releases on addition to stable.

>for gaming
For fucking anything. I have to use it daily at work and what a piece of crap.

JFC is google not a thing where you are from.

I'm his girlfriend, you whore.

Or at least it was before they fucked everythang up.

I'm an artist and need Photoshop.

What about Linux Mint™ Debian Edition™

user, they have almost everyone there working on VR, Linux, and LinuxVR with a few leftover for basic game upkeep and HLVR

Sounds like Ubuntu and Mint are the right recco for Windows users. Give them unstable Linux software and they'll get so frustrated they'll start actively shilling for Windows again.

Also, you could just install a different Desktop environment dude.

F) Is he talking about jews?

All LTSC needs is a workaround to install Xbox Game Pass and it's perfect for me.

Residents of India

I downloaded a cracked Spyro Reignited and got it to work just fine in Windows, but I can't get it to run in Linux.

Anyone know what's deepin's desktop enviroment?
I installed DDE but I got a Mac-looking desktop
I want the Windows looking desktop
I already got Cinnamon

Non-issue and the key packages actually update frequently. Also, ppas exist
Neither Ubuntu or Linux Mint are Debian stable

Also, Ubuntu is getting 19.10 next month and a new LTS release in april.

LTSC doesnt let you play the Xbox?


Seconding Mint. For people coming from Windows the Cinnamon desktop is probably best.
Steam runs without any trouble (since it's designed to run with Ubuntu, and Mint is basically an improved Ubuntu), and the games run as well.

Mint is fucking ugly

Did you have vulkan setup?

Install a new theme then

enterprise is not ltsc though

Cinnamon? I respect your opinion but I strongly disagree. It looks good. Try customizing it at least a little. Users coming from Windows 7 would probably think it looks slick as fuck with default settings anyway.

Green is fine and all but I want it in blue.

disable the windows game bar
first thing I noticed when I upgraded to w10 where fps drops on games I had no problem hitting max fps

Uh, mine isn't green anymore, so you can obviously change the color.

Install either arc or adapta theme and papirus icons. Unless you're a fag from the /g/ desktop threads, those are fine for most people.

Couldn't you just buy LTSC from ebay?

Then go to the settings and change it.

May as well just pirate it. Pretty sure Microsoft have no way of knowing and you can tie it to your hardware so even if you reformat it'll still be activated.

because they want you to buy an xbox

So basically install Win 10 fresh, then install LTSC?

>Customers are retarded and don't know what they want.
They are retarded yes, but I fucking hate the mindset of "we know better". I hope you never have to work in customer support.

>i-it works on my machine :^)
win10fags are patethic

They hire third worlders because they are far cheaper than your average first world american programmer.
