Meta thread

Should lewd video games get their own board?

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there's already 3 videogame boards

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is this the end goal of the stupid fags pushing cumbrian memes?

Don't the japanese pornographic go to /h/ and /jp/ anyway? Now that /aco/ exists they could shove western smut to that, actually enforce the SFW rule on Yea Forums and we'd be golden

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We don't need a serperate board for H games if nobody posts NSFW. The only purpose of such a thing is to not trigger normalfags and westaboos. And fuck them anyways, they need to leave this board, period.

yes but lewd games don't tend to actually have any "video game" behind the blatant jizzbrain pandering in the first place

>We don't need a serperate board for H games if nobody posts NSFW
Naturally, but barely anyone abides by that anymore. It's all about sticking it to the jannies out of spite now

No, puritans should just go back to resetera.

The problem with moving eroge to /h/ is that hentai content needs to be split between /h/ and /d/ based on what the content is and most eroge should go in /d/ by those rules but don't. Plus /h/ obviously isn't interested in talking about gameplay.
Eroge threads have been standard on Yea Forums ever since the board was made, it's only over the last few years that mods have suddenly decided to start deleting them even when nothing NSFW is being posted.

is good enough

No they should not, if they're entirely hentai games with no gameplay then they can go on /h/ or /vg/, if they have substantial gameplay that can be the focus of discussion then threads are welcome on Yea Forums too (looking at you kamidori)

there you go
now fuck off retard

>Plus /h/ obviously isn't interested in talking about gameplay
As a board yeah but the people gravitating towards eroge threads are a different breed

>Sengoku Rance will officially release in English whenever MG gets their payment processor to stop being a bitch
>Mods will delete all threads about it

>lewd video games
dont need another board, they're still videogames
If you mean
>porn video games
Now there's an oxymoron if I've ever seen one

if by lewd video games you mean hentai VNs, they are not only on /vg/ but also /jp/

Yea Forums is for video games and they belong here more than those secondary threads where they're not discussing video games at all

- drawfag/art request threads
- e-celeb shit
- twitter screencap threads
- thinly veiled shitpost threads
- etc...


Really? I've always seen Sengoku Rance threads get a pass, which makes sense considering the threads are 90% gameplay strats and lore discussion

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Really? Explain yourself.
By whatever measure you use for that conclusion, a horror game is an oxymoron too. Because you cant have a game that's based in fear and get enjoyment out of it.
Also, you're a faggot.

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It's completely arbitrary whether they'll be allowed or get deleted. The content of the thread doesn't even matter.




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>The only purpose of such a thing is to not trigger normalfags and westaboos. And fuck them anyways
This underaged wannabe rebel thought process is why this board is shit. Weeb faggot

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>implying porn games have any actual gameplay
If I want to play a game, I'll play a game
If i want porn, I'll watch/read hentai
Porn videogames are the worst of both worlds, half-assing the gaming part,and forcing you to sit though it to unlock and enjoy the porn which sometimes, is actually linked to you LOSING instead of winning
Fuck off if you actually think porn videogames are worth defending. Keep your porn as VNs, dont try to paint it as something it obviously isnt
You're not only a faggot, but also a stupid faggot

Nintendo games should get their own board
Sony games should go to Yea Forums
Xbox games should be merged with /PC/

Anime games should be bannable and moved on Yea Forums

Japanese games on /jp/
American games on Yea Forums

You should try actually playing one, faggot.

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and are the same type of person.

that's racist
we need to open borders
Yea Forums cannot survive without lewd posters
nintendo fans are not having children

i think it's trying to communicate...

if i want to experience a depiction of sex i will watch porn, not read some hentai
hentai is the worst of both worlds, still images in black and white with no sounds and shitty dialogue and stories
fuck off if you think hentai is worth defending

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Reminder that an edit of Konata giving a blowjob remains one of the page top banners and appears on SFW boards including Yea Forums.

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>wahaaaa ago away from my dischord recruiting board wahaaaaaaa

>All porn games are game over rape
>All hentai is greyscale manga

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What are you doing here if you hate weebs?

I know you're buttmad that hentai doesnt have many examples of your favorite BLACKED genre, but that's just how it is, jackass

you can like video games without being obsessed with little 2D girls, user

Newfags everyone

I don't think you know what weeaboo means.

we need more. PCv, PSv, xboxv, and nintendov. The amount of users is insane and its killing Yea Forums because its impossible to start threads

Why dont you recommend a porn game with decent gameplay then? I eagerly await your non-existent response
>all porn games are game over rape
>sometimes is tied to losing
You're clearly not reading faggot


You're just proving his point.

>Why dont you recommend a porn game with decent gameplay then? I eagerly await your non-existent response
Sengoku Rance has already been named.

>Kichikuou Rance is a movie
Please explain this one to me.

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i don't know how else to tell you this but you're a dumb fuck who doesn't know what weeb means

Just goes to show the type of people going "reeeee annie may grillz".

>constant dialogue and cutscenes aren't movie-like

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>no u

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If you want recommendations, just ask. Don't bait.

>Fire Emblem is a movie

ok you stupid nigger? that was exactly my point? you can like video games without being obsessed with 2D girls? are you the dumbest faggot on this board right now?

/h/ is perfectly usable, Illusion games have a very active presence over there.

No point, you already predisposed yourself into denying any response.

fuck anime faggots

they're usually pedophiles and losers in real life, literal scum of the earth

NOW you're gettin it!

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we need an eceleb board


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It pisses me off so much that there's not a single nsfw board where you can actually discuss shit when 2chan has so many of them. The closest is /h/, where however half of the porn is banned.

ACfag has entered the thread.

It actually is, because one unit will always become strong enough to kill everything
>not one example
My point exactly, retards

sure, nice cherrypicked argument. meanwhile you're beating off to loli shit

i'd love to curbstomp you, fucking faggot

FUCK coomers

That would be...
...depending on content.

fuck off tenda, you couldn't stomp shit.

That image hasn't been relevant in years, nu-Yea Forums transitioned from ironically being the last to being it in earnest

>I'm totally a badass IRL!
I thought summer was supposed to be over by now holy shit


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why dont you get back to masturbating to cartoons pal