To celebrate Ninja Gaiden's 15th anniversary, Koei Tecmo have given us Momiji in DOA6

To celebrate Ninja Gaiden's 15th anniversary, Koei Tecmo have given us Momiji in DOA6

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Never ever, gaijin! If you want to play as Ryu, buy DOA, Warriors Orochi and Smash Bros

Probably after Nioh 2 comes out honestly, be patient.

Its sad how hard they are trying to save DOA 6.
I Guess they didn't expected than the boycott would be this big.
For what I heard the sales of the dlc are quite low.

>15yr anniversary

nigga this game came out in 1988

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Maybe they should make a new game.
AND kill Irene, whats shitty waifu.
Nobody likes her.


They are literally skipping a gen, he waited too much already.

They mean the better reboot that debut on Xbox.


fuck team ninja and fuck koei

>To celebrate Ninja Gaiden's 15th anniversary
But ninja gaiden is 31 years old?

Post Mijis

Wow. That’s it?

Man team ninja have fucking lost it.

Fucking brainlets, pay attention, it's 15th anniversary of the Ninja Gaiden game from the logo they are using, not the franchise.

not even free. How does this generate hype? Do people really want to spend 5 dollars

I honestly thought Yea Forums would get more excited about Momiji rejoining.

Fucking lel, still no words whatsoever about a NG4.

>M-muh Neeeoh!

Fuck Tecmo.

RPG faggotry killed action games.

Oh you want a game that actually focuses on the goddamn action? Too bad have a grindfest were you just farm for the materials to make a 50+ damage purple dragon dildo sword.

Its actually impressive that DMC5 managed to completely avoid that stuff.

underage detected

After NG3, Team Ninja has to think REALLY hard how to not make NG4 a shit fest.

why would you even want it after NG3

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Because NG3RE was great.

They all play doa5 or vr for porn.

The worst part is the focus on action is also at the same time killing rpgs. The jews did this.

That’s a bit much.

It was better than vanilla 3 but not great. The enemies felt cheaper than 2.

Razors Edge was the equivalent of putting a band aid on axe wound.

The story was utter dogshit. But playing the trials and chapter challenges with all the characters is really fun. I do miss the tonfa though.

Sekiro did this but everyone here bitched about how there's no replayablity cause there aren't different builds

There are no bad Ninja Gaiden games.

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this shit is what i hate most about gow2018 apart from the half baked slidey combat. It also makes zero sense in the context of the game, as if kratos needs and slightly thicker layer of armor

Razor's Edge was just less shitty. Still very poor. Devil's Third was even better.

>15th anniversary

Pretty sure Ninja Gaiden has been around since the 80s.

This. The core gameplay is really fucking fun. I agree that it isn't NG2-level of good, but still good.

Media companies all seem to be under the collective delusion that their core consumers are their personal money printing machines and that a supply-side consensus will protect them from any negative consequences of taking a giant piss on them. 2019 has been a rude awakening for several of them, including Team Ninja.

>Say you won't add any guest fighters
>Add Mai and Kula
>Now add Momiji

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NG4 with playable Honoka!

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I'm totally fine with this.
What a stupid bait!

Oh look, Yea Forums is pretending they know anything about NG or even played it once in their lives again. In the same breath in which they'll diss DOA6 in favor of gacha garbage.

Go fuck yourselves.

I'm glad Momiji is back but the fact that is not bundled with her girlfriend is worrisome. Rachel is the OG NG girl after all.

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