New death stranding footage comes out

>new death stranding footage comes out
>shows less gameplay than even uncharted games
>somehow sonyfans go on a rampage saying that everyone has been proven wrong about the game and it's not a walking sim

Did I miss something or am I just too smart for this shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's literally a walking sim.


Obsessed with what? I'm not the one who made 30 threads a day how "Yea Forums was BTFO".

keep saying it

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looks like daryl is at it again

It's a true Kojima game everyone knows what they're getting here and it ain't MGSV

The funniest thing is that the more people keep saying its a walking sim the more the game will start to appeal to people as they start realising that people who dislike the game are delusional.

Woo, took only 45 minutes for 20 seconds of gameplay! Truly not a walking sim.

>expecting to get shown anything when it literally takes 3 years for kojumbo to decide to show us walking and shooting
There's either far, far more to this game than what meets the eye (cool and possible), it's exactly as we've seen just with stuff we haven't seen (cool, still getting it because I like the premise and gameplay), or it's going to be a shitty, boring game (doubt it)

>generic shootan
Wow it's fucking nothing.

>postman flees from Amazon Fulfillment death squad, 2050 (colorized)

It's still gameplay retard
Just like every game that people hail as masterpieces here

It looks like shit to me on every level. Like that game Brian wu made with the testicle hair grey girls go janking around. NO ONE should like that shit.

But I've been in mgs threads before and I know kojimafags are fucking INSANE and worship his farts. I didnt grow up with mgs so jumping into it and seeing how literally rabid and crazy the fanbase is really turned me off. It's really hard to explain it in words. You have to have experienced it. They're actually, legitimately crazy about anything that guy does

>Just like every game that people hail as masterpieces here
lolno. Stay delusional.

Genuine question: is there a day 3 footage for the game?

it's not MGS5

>Watch video
>Japanese lady says SUGOI every minute

>rearranges his luggage
>sets a waypoint so he knows where to walk
>lots of slow walking
>walks through a river and drops his luggage
>picks his luggage back up
>resumes walking


It is.

Yeah we have enough games where the protagonist uses their fucking legs to move around already.


If there was something cool they would have shown us already. Kojima is a big fan of movies, doesn't he understand that trailers are supposed to show everything in the movie before you go watch it so you know whether it's going to be good or not? Why is he so afraid of showing off what his game is going to be like and keeps wanting to hide everything? Considering his past record of being a talentless hack, it must mean the game is going to be shit.

It's a post game genre. Thank you very much.

>considering his past record of being a talentless hack
So alternate realities really do exist.. Did Hitler lose in yours too?

>cannot comprehend different marketing strategy because only subject to one marketing strategy for decades
>different bad

>am I just too smart for this shit?
waek bait
Have some President Samantha America Strand

Attached: 4L_AoeckxJl.gif (500x370, 2.54M)

>Watch video
>Japanese lady says IKKU every minute


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Its odd. This board used to fellate Kojimbo's cock daily for many many years as if he was the god of gaming with no equal. Then for some reason the board just started getting even more contrarian than it already was, and maybe zoomers starting coming of age idk but now Kojimbo is no longer seen as this biblical gaming figure he once was seen as. And don't say it was always like this. The worship this man got on Yea Forums was insane. MGS, 3 in particular, was even widely posted and regarded as the GOAT game. I think it even one time won a strawpoll here for greatest game of all time so yeah..

Imagine talking about a video game and saying gameplay and interactivity are bad.

>i only play games for the combat and not the story

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wtf the game

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The board used to have a big sony player base but theyve been replaced by zoomer and manchild nintendo fags who only want to endlessly talk about smash and seethe over anything on other consoles

Go watch a movie then you turbonigger.

>Show a fuckload of customization
>burrrr but wot do u do lol

Konami shills not bringing their best to the table

>used to have a big sony player base
Nah, it always was a Yea Forumsitendogaf board.

this board still loves MGS3, but MGS4 was bad and MGSV was a let down, DS just looks bizarre.

I mean you should? Unless something is one of the few genres like a rpg/jrpg and dungeons and combat should still be just as common as "immersion" based nonsense. Only small brain retards who lack self awareness can say otherwise. I get immensely bored if im not fighting or solving something atleast 10 minutes after story shit.

At least you are nice enough to post pictures of yourself.

Nah I wouldn't say that at all. I don't remember the year TLOU came out but if it was in 2012 this board certainly was shitting on that game hard. That and Gone Homo were both in the running for most overrated game of the year and I think Yea Forums agreed on Gone Homo due to how forced it was by the gaming media SJW of the day. This board was never that pro Sony ever and I've been a regular here since 2011 I believe. Definitely been here by 2012 as a regular lurker at first before posting even once. Lurked one full year so I think 2011 was when I first started to lurk here.

Watching Yea Forums shit all over Tortanic was hilarious too.

I know the majority consensus is still love for MGS3 but the discussion has declined so much since I started coming here. I now that time passed is why but shit that game was hoisted up in a way I've seen of few games ever on Yea Forums. Dark Souls was one of them that people were crazy for here too before it got that pc port. Then a lot of shitposting started happening once it did get it.

I cant tell if kojima makes his games funny intentionally, Whenever there's overt humour in his games its dumb teenage shit but somehow everything else is so awkward its genuinely funny, this has now spread to every combat encounter.

Nobody with taste liked TLOU thats why. Yea Forums used to hold good sony games in high regard

there's not really anything left to discuss by this point

But there is nothing wrong with that. All good games regardless of the console they are on should be held in high regard. I hope Death Stranding does well but from what I seen its just confusing. To me it looks more a less like another version of MGSV only with a more beta character that carries luggage around.

The mission tally thing at the end was a BIG dopamine hit for me. Trying to think of ways to get more score/carry more gear, complete objectives in original ways and minmax your progression.

Sadly, its still just walking/exploring, waiting for Koji's next WHATDOESITMEAN imagery and pewdepie level joke.

It will be forgotten by spring.

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The guy looks, sounds, and talks like a badass.

did u see how things slowed down when you stopped the bad no no men? dude im cum now

>Its not gameplay unless its combat

>Truck Simulator but walking

Actually based


Attached: ds.png (566x534, 624K)

Who are you quoting?

Game has shooting mechanics
>lol generic shooter
Game has any sort of wilderness
>lol empty open world with nothing in it
Game has cuteness
>lol movie-game with no gameplay XD

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Why did they dress Sam like a Trump supporter?

What did Kojimbo mean by this?

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I mean cutscenes but then again if a game does have cuteness then it will be called "waifubait" or something like that on Yea Forums

the world gives me some shadow of the colossus vibes so now I actually want to play

>implying I have a ps4

just emulate it then

>Inafune exposed
>Kamiya exposed
>Mikami exposed
>Miyamoto exposed
>Itagaki exposed
Now Kojima has been exposed. Why is no Japanese dev immune to ruining himself?

yoooooo the game has a funny face...
very epic and random
Looks like another wacky kojima game! looool I just have no idea what going on! GOTY confirmed

Looks bad

idk how kojimmy recovers from this

This is what happens when kojima has complete freedom on the project.

Konami was 100% right and Sony done goofed.

why the fuck does this just look like a heavily modified MGSV

>The board used to have a big sony player base
Yea Forums has been a nintendo-biased board since 2006, when most of the shitposters here found out they were too poor to afford a ps3 at launch. they've been seething at sony ever since.

what is so special about this gameplay that warrants all the attention it's getting

Miyazaki still not exposed because the hype was real with him unlike these others.

>Why is no Japanese dev immune to ruining himself?
>tfw DD2 finally might be the game he invisioned

Interesting detail, it looks like they're trying to capture you rather than kill you

Thats amelie.

I have 0 interest in buying the game, but it sure as hell doesn't look like a walking sim to me. I've seen running, jumping, climbing, driving and shooting. Seems to be some survival mechanics as well. Have you played an actual walking sim before? Go play Proteus and try to defend your position on Death Stranding.

That is exactly what I got from watching the webm and some of the demo video last night. It looks like MGSV a whole lot. Only difference is he's more beta as I said earlier, he carries luggage and is a delivery boy.

If they kill you it kills them. People explode when they die.

Don't care if you're wrong or right OP, but either
A. You're just baiting which is unfortunately the only way to make a thread anymore
B. You've got your head so far up your own arse due to a misplaced superiority complex

Because it is. Decent controls with a EMPHASIS on YOU GET TO PLAY YOUR MISSION HOW YOU WANT!!
But I’ll assume the best ranking you get is the speed of which you do things

it's a worse version of MGSV
bravo kojimbo

The problem isnt that it's a walking sim. The problem is that kojima has been shilling this as the mona lisa of gaming for the past 4 years, but it's nothing fucking special.

Also too many celebrities

Not as bad as Die-Hardman but fucking hell.

>praising all that empty space
why the fuck does Kojima not care about level design any more

It is a walking sim but it's still gonna be good

If I want to play a game for its writing I'd play pathologic, not Kojimbo trash.

Because that's literally what it is

Neither, just trying to promote an actual discussion about the game by listing things that dispel the walking simulator bullshit. Not a single thread has had actual full-time discussion of this game, it's been endless arguing over muh movie muh walking simulator.

>you can walk
>you can run
>you can crouch
>you can take down enemies from behind
>you can craft with resources like 100 other games

>tfw finally get to go to the moon

Yeah he still hasn't explained void outs. There's no way this is the entire gameplay.

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Kojidrones you better pray to god right fucking now that there isn't a Kojima model in this game.
If this game has single bug or the gameplay feels like shit and time was taken to put Kojima in the game rather than fix it then you guys will never hear the end of it.

I'll take your word for it but "too smart for this shit" screams superiority complex to me

Rescuing Kojima in his own games is peak ludo

I only realized it until after I posted, but because I have so many tabs open I thought this was the thread I made, but it isn't. Sorry about that. I made the one with the uncanny valley picture of Sam smiling

Voidouts are what happens when a BT eats you, it makes a big crater wherever you die.

This game looks like trash

Name one thing wrong with this game that isn't "IT'S A WALKING SIM BECAUSE MY FACE DOESN'T GET BLOWN OFF EVERY 5 MINUTES

so new and original

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aight, fair enough
it's a solid point though I guess, people losing their shit over footage of walking and pissing and a small bit of combat

it's a walking sim

The board as a whole has traded critical thinking for pessimism.

>it makes a big crater wherever you die.
I doubt that's an actual gameplay mechanic because it would be incredibly complicated to program and add little to gameplay

lol. I can’t wait for this game to be released. I hope you’re all still around so I can laugh in your face.

He has the complete wrong idea of what people will be playing this. Nobody actually cares about the real life actors, their true fangirls watch tv and dont play games.

I don't think he meant to say new because he already did that with MGS

>Nintendo biased board
>still seething about BotW

Not at all Zoomer mentality. These walking simulators started during Zoomer lives. You liking this is actually, literally Zoomer.

In his own words, it is a gameplay mechanic.
"Kojima also revealed that "So as you saw in the trailer, you saw the crater, and when you come back, it’s still there," unlike other games which may take players back to when the crater was made. This means that "depending on the player, you might have a lot of craters all over the place.""

He's saying his game is new, genius.

and i am still waiting for the new genre elements

Kojima goes through so much, can't you just give him a break already?

Attached: kojumbo.png (589x493, 63K)

New concept of preparing for wandering around the empty oversized open world just like BotW

If he can tie all these random ideas together well then it will be a masterpiece

98 metascore inbound then

That was just terrible.
I used to be hyped as fuck but every time they show more it just keeps getting worse and worse.

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Look at the animations of him yanking the guy out of the car, getting in and starting the car. Literally the exact same ones from MGSV.
Also, the running animation looks identical.

I play video games to have fun. You larp like you’re some deep being that understands “art” and that action games are below you, but in reality you’re a sour child who will say anything to prove his game is “good”.

I don’t want to play a character who takes 30 minute walks. I play with friends, do you think they want to play while all we’re doing is walking?

It’s not art. It’s not deep. It’s a walking simulator.

You’re not above us. You’re not intellectual. You’re defending your trash console so you don’t have to suffer the embarrassment of having made the wrong choice.


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Seething this hard lol

>showed multiple vehicles
>showed package carrying device that can double as a skateboard thing
>showed customizable weight distribution
>showed combat mechanics
>showed terrain mechanics such as jumping large gaps, using the ladders and ropes
>showed downtime with BB
neo/v/ at work

Kojima's obsession with open world shit was the beginning of his downfall. Prove me wrong

Attached: kj.png (972x555, 94K)

Why the fuck is Kojima so obsessed with spamming emojis now?

You and your mouthbreathing friends arent sitting in a circle playing system shock either, not a single masterpiece of the medium was made for the faggot crowd. Consider looking into david cage lites where you can pass around the controller as an interactive movie plays out

...that looks absolutely horrid.

He just played the wrong games user, Hackjima should've played Gothic 1 & 2 to get inspirations on how to do a proper open world game.

dont forget the epic boss battle and its glorius combat mechanics

>his downfall
Is he working on a new game? Yes. Did his last game flop? No. Is he making money? Yes. Are people still enjoying his work? Yes.



I don’t even know what games you’re talking about. lol. We play FIFA or Battlefield.

What if I actually want to play walking sim instead of just shooting bad guys like literally in any other video game?

>pulls enemy out of truck
>is a cut scene
>get in truck
>is a cut scene
>gets out of truck
>is a cut scene
>everything else is running
look great let me pre-order the most expensive version

>All this bitching

You're going to buy this game anyway and you know it. Stop deluding yourselves.

What's the point of a walking simulator if all places look ugly, empty and barren?

>We play FIFA or Battlefield.
Bruh, just stop using this site


They're no more cut scenes than they are animations.
Its like if you people were complaining in an RPG because when you select an attack a "cut scene" plays showing the character using the attack. It isn't a cut scene, its an animation with different camera angles.

Snoyfags just lost RDR2 to PC, in addition to the drought taking a serious toll on their mental health. Nothing new

>They're no more cut scenes than they are animations.

nigger. its takes away all your control including your camera. its a fucking cutscene and the transitions look like utter shit.

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>Deep traversal mechanics are zoomer
So I take it you think Truck Simulator is Zoomer as well?

The fuck did he do to piss off Amazon?

>wtf I want too see all the cool places in the trailer instead of discovering them by myself in the game about walking and exploration

Yeah like every game does retard


fucking killed me there

>Snoyfags just lost RDR2 to PC
>Snoyfags just lost RDR2
RDR2 is on Xbox AND Playstation.

Were there loading screens? Was there noticeable difference in the visual quality? Was it pre-rendered?

>its takes away all your control including your camera
Why do you need control while he's getting into the car?

Yeah I guess bayonetta and DMC are all long cutscenes too because certain combos take control away from you. People are so desperate to shit on this game its unreal

Hes proven time and time again that hes an awful writer. MGS4 was him trying to tie together all the threads of the series and it was fucking embarrassing

Imagine being this jealous of kojimas success

So it's all the dumb over the top shit Jimmy wanted to do

MGS5 had pretty good stealth gameplay, when it wasn't actively being ruined by cutscenes

This is basically MGS5 but with less stealth and more wacky action shit

When the wacky action shit was never that good

Didn't know you shoot people in tetris. Or Taiko. Or pokemon. Or any other fucking game that has nothing to do with shooting people, but still has actual fucking gameplay.

You people sound deranged

>implying Xbone has any relevance, atleast as far as snoyfags are concerned

Amazon does not welcom competitions and does not take mercy on lone postmen anons...

Now be a good amazonian and subscribe to a premium prime version, or else.

>>MGS5 had pretty good stealth gameplay, when it wasn't actively being ruined by cutscenes

that doest make any sense....did you play mgsv?
You got one cutscene after like 5 mission in between


uncharted games have gameplay

Even if the gameplay is nothing revolutionary I'll still play it for the story.

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>pretending there isn't an 1 hour gameplay video out and that it doesn't like utter fucking dog shit

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Your delusions are causing you to expect things to be in the game that you've been given zero indication to think they would exist. Same thing happened with V. Kojidrones are a fucking cult

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MGSV tilted the fans to borderline hate because it was such a disappointment compared to the trailers and for the game itself. The Kojima hate didn't come out of nowhere or because of Death Stranding looking "pretentious".

According to the cultists level design is and big empty space is good because of "atmosphere". They're deranged.

Holy shit, PS4moviegaymers are actually real?

I thought it was just a meme!

It sounds like he doesnt actually do jack shit

>"Deep" taversal
The original Super Mario has deeper traversal than this overhyped piece of shit

V exposed themselves when mgsv wast the mgs4 movie they expected.

No they dont you crazy idiot. RDR2 doesn't do a cutscene everytime you get on a horse, but MGSV does

Literally MGSV and MSGV was complete trash.

>Press Bing Bing Wahoo to jump
Wow so deep Nintendo cum in my ass

>omg the ladder puzzles in tlou are so sugoi i need to make a gamu about it

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What atmosphere?

Normal games have a free camera for these types of actions, kojima games always do mini cutscenes because the engines cant handle the transitions

>Press jump button
>Fly your body height times 10 into the air
oh wow my baby game made for literal children is soooo deep dude!!!


Attached: beautiful2.jpg (1680x929, 579K)

The fuck are you on about, Yea Forums fucking hated mgs4 the movie.

That's funny since everyone here praises BotW and all that game is is empty space.

So were being hunted by Amazon Prime Death Squad now?

Where did you see me praising BotW?

Why are you pretending to be a fucking retard? You obviously understand the difference between animations and cutscenes so why are you being such a disingenuous faggot? The lengths you weirdos will go to defend your cult leader is surreal and fucking CREEPY

You aren't really helping with these shitty youtube screenshots and you know it

deep down /v / wanted a movie
kojima gave them a game.

>when your open world is so fucking boring and empty that it makes shrines look like the pinnacle of open world design

>You obviously understand the difference between animations and cutscenes

The problem is you don't.

And death stranding is obviously copying a lot from rdr2. Why is he so obsessed with rockstar

You just proved his point.

I guess some of the criticism was over the low cutscene-gameplay ratio, but much more over the cut content, bland open world and dull characters

2008 Yea Forums has little to nothing in common with 2019 Yea Forums.

At least with uncharted or tlou you could sort of understand why someone would be into those type of games. DS just looks so... boring

Has any more info on the map size surfaced? Is it actually the size of the whole usa to scale? Are there going to be cities or is it just empty randomly generated wasteland?


There are some complaints to be made for this game but graphics aren't it.

You have a brain capable of putting together details based on your visuals, correct? A low quality picture (all that exists due to official footage not being uploaded) can't take away that much from the breathtaking visuals.

I did not.

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Why is Yea Forums so shitty these days?
Not even complaining about things in game just screaming madly with little rhyme or reason
Its been the same on cyberpunk, astral chain and demon ex machina threads too.

Whats so fun about spouting random bullshit that gets zero (you)s just to overload the board with garbage?

You're so delusional it's actually sad.

There's a whole ass port/city, I assume there'll be even bigger settlements.

that game had ladder puzzles?

Attached: camilo-sesto7.jpg (243x366, 26K)

And how much of that landscape is actually interactive?

Can you dig? Harvest anything? Where is the wildlife?

All you do is walk over it.

I wish I knew where these retards come from, it's like they don't actually play games

I have a brain capable of putting together all the details to conclude that you're a massive faggot

You can piss to grow mushrooms, so anything's possible

on Yea Forums and /vg/ 80% of the criticism was about the lack of cut scene.
with skullface car ride along adventure has the main topic

who the fuck plays video games?

Attached: 1567665806860.jpg (480x480, 24K)

>grass clipping through actual rocks
Umm yikes

So Konami were right this whole time?

is this footage sped up? that looks janky as hell like literally some indie game dev who bought some animation assets online and don't know how to put them together

No the game looks like MGSV reskin
And that game was ok at best
PW, 4 and V were all meh tier

It's incredibly massive based on how we've seen at least 25 or more large open views that have zero visible connection to eachother. There are multiple city ruins, even things like destroyed malls, regular houses, or actual non-destroyed cities like the port.

How am I delusional? For finding beautiful visuals beautiful? Wow so delusional of me.

You can harvest various resources all over it, find cargo that other players lost, build structures, we've seen birds and deer in cutscenes but not in actual gameplay yet, and vast areas of land can be destroyed by a crater if you die to a B.T. And in a sense it's interactive because your character physically interacts with it all the time, and your ladders can as well.

Took a few hours but the seething Konami shills are here in droves.

Expressing genuine interest in anything is "cringe", so instead they do nothing but shit on every single game. I don't know what's fun about that either.

It's sped up

Yes. Some guy's been making and spamming sped up webms of the game since the release date trailer. Why? Who knows.

Yes, because dying in this game generates voidouts

It has to be sped up because of file size limits

Looks too fucking easy

Or you could just make multiple shorter webms which don't look like shit.

That fucking jump holy shit how in the name of fuck did they think that was positively presentable?

Kojima has always been a hack fraud

Why do you think this happened? Honestly I think Tortanic has to be largely responsible. Everything about that game just woke some sort of sleeping ancient evil within this place kek.

>The board as a whole has traded critical thinking for pessimism.
>Then for some reason
Or maybe MGSV came out you absolute fucking retards.

Attached: Skull Face.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Japanese people are not picky about these little things

I can't think of any mainstream Japanese game released in the last year that had anything as odd as that when otherwise presenting a realistic setting where you should be laying a fucking ladder out and not leaping like Super Mario.

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lol, are you a newfag?
They told the same for MGSV, and the trailer basically shown everything

>Yea Forums hyped the fuck out of MGSV
>it turned out to be horrible
>Yea Forums shitsposts constantly about Death Standing
>it turns out to be fantastic

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Looks like it'll be fun to explore.

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Sam porter brigdges look at you.

He uses an exoskeleton to jump. Also I think he said they're still developing the game, even though it's 2 months from release.

>not play on 'the Chad stride' difficulty

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Its not just this game that is being shitposted nonstop tho. You should look at the astral chain threads on release day, filled with literal lies being thrown around and general random bullshit like butching about real world cops and shit.

protip: it's so you can read the details of the packages they drop and decide if you wanna take it or not.

pretty much. but just look how much asspain he's causing by label his own work as new.

Attached: kojama.jfif.png (828x1792, 1.51M)

It's there a joke or a reference here or did you just think Premium Lead was funny in its own right?

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So far all of the game trailers and demos have mostly shown things in the grassy/mossy black rock region which is the first region at the start of the game. We know there are at least 4 other regions that we have yet to see any significant footage of(the crater wastelands, the Mars-like desert area, the WW2 area and the beach/ocean area).

>Hackjima should've played Gothic 1 & 2
the world isnt ready for such a masterpiece

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>It's a walking simulator!

Well, yes. It's THE walking simulator. Pick out the right clothes and shoes for the hike you're making, plot a course, navigate the terrain, keep your balance on uneven ground and slopes. Take care of your cargo, conserve your strength and don't piss yourself.
Now and then you get to engage with human enemies and surreal death monsters.

That's the game. I absolutely don't blame people who think there's not enough action, but it's hardly a braindead no-gameplay press-forward-to-cutscene either.

Why is the baby in a vat of piss.

Kojimbo is going to skullfuck your brains and you are going to love every second of it.

>The problem is that kojima has been shilling this as the mona lisa of gaming for the past 4 years
More like Sony fans and games media treated it as such.

emoji's are all related to the game in one way or another

I don’t care about the “walking simulator” thing but the whole focus on the social internet part of the game is a turn off. It’s cool in a souls game where it’s just messages but later in the life of the game there’s just going to be buildings everywhere.

i really want thr world to be a dangerous fucking place ala S.T.A.L.K.E.R. when everything can fuck you up. also AI need a huge improvement if whats shown wasn't the reviewer difficulty

Boy, shit happens. MGS4 threads back in '08 were inundated with
>Take it to Yea Forums
>MGS4 is a movie
posts. Bloodborne was shitposted before release with
bullshit. Shit happens. It especially happens to something as strange looking as DS.

can't wait for Yea Forums to be wrong for the millionth time

If you don't like the game it's because you are a zoomer/ have adhd. Only people with high iq who can appreciate a calm and relaxing game will enjoy it.

And everyone here can agree that No man's Sky, the same thing, was shit when it launched. Fucking stupid. This is a modern art piece of video games, people so far up their own asses they can't see the game for what it is.

I hate the online aspect too, but I hope it's not necessary and I can 100% it without it.

>the whole focus on the social internet part of the game is a turn off
Aside from random memes, what else is focusing on "social internet"? That Social Strand System thing is nothing more than a variant of Dark Souls' soapstone feature.

Looks pretty bad.

>i dont want to blow up player made structures
>i dont want to steal everythings from them
>i dont want to troll the everloving fuck out of other players

Attached: 1560577946881.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

>mossy black rock hills
>grassy grey rock with light brown small mountains
>mars-like area
>light brown rock snowy mountains
>grassy mossy black rock plains
>desolate area similar to mars-like but all black rock, with small mountains
>two different flat black rock with ravines and snow mountains
>grassy normal brown-gray-black rock with super tall brown snowy mountains
>big normal grassy mountain-plains with big rivers
>flat grassy normal rock plains with super big snowy mountain and big normal mountains
>super mossy muddy black rock
>mossy swamp forests
>ruined city #1
>ruined city #2
>possibly ruined city #3 because you see inside of a ruined mall, definitely more than just two ruined cities though
>all the snowy mountains can be climbed

You can play offline and not miss much, like MGSV.

Is DS the new Bloodborne in terms of making Yea Forums seethe

>even with all the controversy, all the hate, all the doubts about the quality of the final product, STILL NOT HADES
This man is confident in what he and his team are doing.

Attached: Screenshot_106.png (409x324, 276K)

The things you place around the environment affect the worlds of other players.
If the translator in Yong's stream was correct, then even the home bases you build can also be destroyed by other players.

I can picture the immersion and sense of exploration being ruined because of that, but also interesting that the world is constantly changing. I think I'll just play offiline for peak comfiness at least the first time.

i love it

Attached: 1568451164223.png (760x526, 141K)

*huff* *huff*

Am I too late for upset snowflake game journos losing their shit over a red hat on Twitter and calling all gamers toxic and Nazi?

Attached: Capture.jpg (677x459, 30K)

there is no controversy or hate outside of Yea Forums about this game, believe me

this place is a dump

>can also be destroyed by other players.
Ok, so can we say a war against Reddit it is very much confirmed, isn't?

Attached: Screenshot_14.png (303x171, 77K)

>then even the home bases you build can also be destroyed by other players
it will probably just be like FOBs in MGSV. You can easily just opt out of the features by not connecting to the network in the game and play it like a normal single player game. Best outcome is they allow us to pick which features we want to use and don't want to use.

just give it a week or two when Resetera doxx some member of his team and leak his private messages.

Plus I already can see Resetera or some feminazi on twitter get mad

didnt heard any till now. maybe send to jason (((schreier))) or something

>maybe send to jason (((schreier))) or something
cant type right without my Monster™ Energy™ drink

Attached: 1536527990124.jpg (422x422, 108K)

>wear a red hat
>get called a Nazi
This is the future we chose.

Attached: 1511027940310.png (388x418, 316K)

He plays with meaning a lot. V can say whatever he wants about Kojima. Can be a egomaniac, but he is not stupid. Pic related.

Attached: DQlOKIaVQAE8FlB.jpg (1200x901, 156K)

i just wanna state that violence and terrorism is always the solution. look what happens in Ireland and Is*ael for example.
take up arms against the commies in your hometurf.

A korean is now dead

Refn is not actually a Trump supporter.

Game looks shit. Fite me.

Just don't buy it lol.

Kojimafags will defend this

>posing with some meme hat with some has-been director

how is he smart exactly

yeah, like we don't have yellow men thread for every nintendo exclusive as damagecontrol

Yea Forums honestly gets angrier than resetera nowadays, it's pretty pathetic

theres a good quality screenshot. expect a high quality video of both TGS videos in next few days. hopefully the game look like crap caused by youtube compression.

The vehicle was a nice teaser.
You are carrying all this stuff around, why not become a post-apocalyptic trucker?

I think you'll be able to transport even more stuff with different kinds of ATVs like this one as the game progresses.

Attached: 1568318325723.png (448x408, 66K)

Watch the release date trailer, it doesn't look like shit.

There it is

Attached: EEbOh4dUEAAKzcv[1].jpg (1330x1051, 132K)

I dont get it. There are a lot of boring games with tedious mechanics that are praised here like kerbal space program, crusader kings, eve online, space engineers, etc.
But when it come to death stranding, that is yet another boring game with tedious mechanics, nooooo it has to be a cinematic garbage that it is nothing but walking and yeah i kinow the game is nothing but walking what else you expected afterall is one of those boring games remember? Those with lot of "realistic and phisically possible" stats; those with lot of reading and planning; those where the difficulty comes in the vast and tedious mechanic that it is impossible to master for some.

Remember Yea Forums? You asked for this.

Kojima is an incredibly boring writer

This is the timeline where the wrong side won,our world is doomed

Day 1 buy for me, this game understands me on a deep level

Attached: Monsta.jpg (990x557, 52K)

>the text is in english
oh boy

Based ISIS poster

>its mgsv again
oh fuck off

At least there's no pride flags.

Literally every single thing you could do in MGSV was shown in prerelease footage. I doubt this will be any different. This is likely the entire game aside from unlockable guns and customization options




Attached: 1564284641990.jpg (317x267, 22K)

>he actually put monster into the game
The man knows his audience.

Attached: Kojiboomer.png (3756x1807, 2.77M)

Yeah because that's something worth expelling energy caring about. I dont care if Sam is a fat black dilating tranny if the gameplay is fun. But this shit just looks fucking duuuulllll.

>it doesn't look like shit.
imo landscape looks subpar to BRIDGES buildings like the locker, material desige like suit, the bike and so on
rock textures are blurry af.

>Nintendo games have dogshit gamepla-

Attached: 1524810260208.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

The game itself has some sort of blur filter in it is what i've noticed when trying to take screenshots, but I don't know when and where it appears.

It's a pleb filter
Just like SoTC

We do see him ride around in their vehicle for a bit until they taze him out of it, so I think it's possible.

Excuse me? It's not some private company. It's official government business!

Attached: the postman.jpg (400x600, 100K)

This guys do want to delete the line between work and play as concepts, in the other hand, the Konami philosophy is using mobile technology in order to achieve high gross profits, Kojipro approach is "let's use the tradition and power of videogames in order to accomplish the this goal".

Combat in this game is not the main focus, it is social connection, because the game is more a TOOL than a "cinematic experience" or a walking simulator, your brain HAS to work in a different pace, you cannot, by any means, to rush the experience. The game demands a totally different mindset in comparison with modern vidya where the main objective is to kill.

>Let people be happy for what they have.
I like this phrase a lot.

Attached: b4f.jpg (569x428, 25K)

proof me wrong then.
gaddafi was toppled
syria almost fell until iran, russian and later US stepped in
ireland got independence
is*ael got their promised land.

this game will be good and there is nothing you can do to change it zoomie

it already looks outdated

>this game will be good
it LOOKs good as of right now. gameplay is alright, online multiplayer might be the best things to ever happen. but still keep a critical mind, user.

If you're blind

Attached: rz1hnf52ebz01.jpg (1573x941, 326K)


Attached: Kojimbo BTFO.jpg (1048x86, 21K)

Pathetic snoy nigger cope

It's a thin line between terrorism and revolution, the difference is if the public is on your side or not

It'll be worth it then.

i strongly disavow Kojima now.

>the difference is if the public is on your side or not
100% agreed.

Attached: cringe.png (582x677, 322K)

i fukin hate haha posters

just imagine your last smoke with mads.. wouldnt that be gay haha..ha..right?

Attached: mads.png (864x1230, 1.09M)

Kill yourself poorfag

where is the second day, second half of the footage???

Attached: 1555778339135.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

There has to be a kind of concept in the story or lore that prevents or restricts the use of vehicles or make energy sources extremely scarce.

Attached: Screenshot_123.png (317x203, 111K)

Its a new take of Paperboy but without the bike annon.

Holy fucking boom. Somehow I feel this game won't attract the Monster Energy crowd

Attached: 1568481042801.jpg (2048x1536, 572K)

>pretending to be boomer to stir shit up

you zoomer piece of shit. oldfags will hate this "game" if they already don't.

Yes, but now you have a Kaneda grey bike.

Attached: Screenshot_181.png (979x619, 850K)

>smooth tires
>off road
it would literally not be able to ride around

they obviously have a micro-abrasive super-science(tm) grip
fucking holograms n' shit and you're whining about tires

What is the game which inspired this? It was a walking sim about japan something and you rescue a princess in the end it had like stand or strand in the name?

hahahhaha lmao

>tfw that hat would actually be extremely relevant in the game's setting

where is the second day, second half of the footage???
>where is the second day, second half of the footage???
where is the second day, second half of the footage???
>where is the second day, second half of the footage???
where is the second day, second half of the footage???
>where is the second day, second half of the footage???
where is the second day, second half of the footage???
>where is the second day, second half of the footage???

The footage that is on youtube is not the whole thing? It seems there was also a private show just like the leaked briefing.


I don't know who you're talking about
the footage kojima was to release was cut in two pieces to show on different days, publically.


>am I just too smart for this shit
According to snoy walking/chore simulator fans you're not intelligent enough and also you're ADHD for needing to click buttons all the time.

the the snoys are right.
that the absolute truth

They already showed it. It wasn't anything terribly exacting. Basically just showing a bunch of "immersive" things you can do in Sam's mancave which functions as a hub and taking a bath in a hot spring with Margaret Qualley.


thanks user, here's some oc in return

Attached: 1552065845595.webm (360x370, 336K)


Attached: 1567959692335.png (1903x997, 2.81M)

Even actual old school Nintendo fans are seething at BOTW because it's a shit game that we got instead of this
The only people who unironically like BOTW are zoomers who grew up with Ubisoft and Minecraft and think open-world survival is the pinnacle of game design.

This is some serious cope


Attached: iowndi.jpg (1544x1080, 764K)

It's not about ADHD or intelligence, it's about that clearly this game can't be played in traditional terms. Did you see when Norman was loaded with things in the first game session? You have things to deliver but you can't do it in the first race, so basically you have to change the rhythm that is embedded in the gameplay of most video games.


Attached: Dr Nigger.jpg (549x556, 27K)


Attached: 040.jpg (882x624, 72K)

> President Samantha America Strand
Is Kojima an 8 year old?

Attached: 1564835014111.jpg (150x89, 9K)

Yeah, because BOTW is unironically full of stuff to do.

DS looks fucking empty.

MGSV sunk the Yea Forums fanboy ship

>giving a shit about fucking names in kojimble games after Hot Coldman
are you?

Attached: 1567690932721.jpg (653x1024, 225K)

>QTE fest

at least you admit death stranding is not gonna be a good game

I take it this is your first exposure to Japanese media?

> BOTW is unironically full of stuff to do
Copy-pasted korok seeds and momblin forts don't count as "something to do". Once you've done one you've done them all.

President America Strand sounds a lot stupider than Hot Coldman or Diehardman. Especially since DS is suppose to be some 2deep4u moviegame.

This trailer made it apparent that DS is just the worst parts of MGSV recontexualized. Vast emptiness dotted with Far Cry-tier camps with minimal level design.

The open world meme ruined Kojima.

Attached: 1555711635370.jpg (952x960, 145K)

>at least (mental gymnastics)

you will all be ashamed of your words and actions

yeah its not at all the 45 minutes of "gameplay"

You just know

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You people bore me so much.

this, but unironically. Yall are boring af, videogames can be fucking peaceful and fulfilling experiences sometimes, if you just take a moment and let your mind go, you can have the same experience of going on a life changing hike for just $60 instead of the horrid cost of actually fucking going outside. Yes, its a walking simulator but its fucking beautiful with interesting characters and a cool plot.
Quit being a faggot for once

>can't take away that much from the breathtaking visuals.
They're just mountains my dude. I jus t have to look out of my window to see them. What is so damn breathtaking about them?
Give me some actually good looking visuals. Not just some barren mountains for as long as the eye can see.

why did you quote me? i don't even own single nintendo device nor did i say the game's bad.
fucking nigger kill yourself

Imagine being such a walking sim that Until Dawn and Man of Medan have more gameplay than you

woah bros someone leaked the ost

>mentions 2 things

Lol. Off the top of my head:

>practically every plant is harvest-able
>Entire forests can be cutdown
>Every wild animal can be hunted/cooked
>Temperatures affect the player
>Tons of enemy mobs
>Tons of mini-dungeons and collectibles
>Weather systems

I'm sure there are shitloads more things to do, but I haven't played the game for like 2 years.

What has DS shown us so far?

>Big empty fields and hills
>Ladders to cross big empty gaps
>occasional bandits or whatever
>you can piss on the ground I guess

Not him, but simply traversing the terrain in BotW is more of a game than the same act in Death Stranding.
A trek from the southwestmost point of BotW's Hyrule to its northwestmost point is a lot more engaging, involved, and interesting than what it seems like a similar trek in Death Stranding would be.

haha what a faggot

DS has shown far more biomes than BOTW has, enemies in DS are just about as common as they are in BOTW, DS has weather systems, and if DS is empty then BOTW is almost just as empty.

What I don't get is why they fucking stand around so much, aren't aggressive, have no tactics to surround one little guy, are so bad at aiming, and barely pursue him.

There is no sense of danger, no sense of risk, this looks like grown men playing tag.

Also why hasn't anyone posted the thread theme yet:

Attached: calling ups.gif (400x400, 289K)

DS looks like a weird, niche sort of game, and honestly, i'm all for that.

I don't think games are in THAT bad of a spot right now, we've had a good chunk of great indie offerings at a fairly regular pace and most of the problems people have with AAA games seem to be things outside of the games themselves. Even fucking EA Battlefront 2 is perfectly playable as a multiplayer game even if the campaign might as well not even exist.

The big thing we're lacking right now is well-funded games that want to deviate from the norm and do some weird shit. We don't get killer7s and the like anymore. Everything's all about mass appeal.

Not about to worship Kojima for it though, I'm pretty sure he's a weird auteur jerk with an inflated sense of self importance

What do you mean? They clearly are chasing the player. And these are likely just low level enemies.

Except there's things to do in botw.

Meanwhile there's nothing to do in your cinematic walking simulator.

I'd like to point out we haven't seen more than two weapons in this game.

>And these are likely just low level enemies.
You mean low IQ. Even for a beginner area, this looks retarded.

In a way, I hope this game has more stealth and more combat than shown, and that it gets better than that. But we haven't fucking seen it.

I wonder if the game will use or have tech inspired by Policenauts.

Attached: Policenauts Office.gif (500x254, 241K)

>no tactics to surround one little guy
>literally the original yakety sax chase webm has them cornering the player
>apparently they aren't even aware of the player and only of packages

>there's things to do in botw
>there aren't things to do in death stranding
>despite both games being almost exactly the same

Making all these comparisons to breath of the wild is really gonna make you look silly when Death Stranding turns out to be a very archaic open world video game.

>Kojima said he doesn't want to show anything to not spoil anything for years
>Shows literally basic gameplay to make fans happy
You're just looking for excuses to shit on Kojima, just admit it

>literally the original yakety sax chase webm has them cornering the player
It mostly consisted of cuts of a bunch of short sequences with no continuity, hard to figure out any kind of tactics. This time we got longer sequences, and you see a guy fucking driving away with a truck for no apparent reason.

I say the AI is retarded.

>gameplay is spoiling the game

sure pal

its certainly not just a complete absence of gameplay

You should compare the BotW pre release trailers, they aren't much different.

>DS has shown far more biomes than BOTW has

List them. Botw has swamps, forests, deserts, plains, Zoras aquatic kingdom, snowy mountains, towns/castles.

>enemies in DS are just about as common as they are in BOTW,
How the FUCK would you know that? We've only seen like two or three instances of enemies out of the 2 hours or so of gameplay footage.

>DS has weather systems
Oh? Can you get struck by lightning? Is the player affected by cold weather or rain?

>if DS is empty then BOTW is almost just as empty.

Says the Kojidrone with nothing to backup his words. BOTW has measurably more content at this point, it's not even subjective.


It's Kojima that isn't doing much to sell his game.

Most people won't buy a game unless they have some idea of the gameplay, and that such gameplay is good. Keeping the plot secret is fine, he kept most of TPP secret despite showing lenghty gameplay sequences.

>gameplay is spoiling the game
it unironically is
it's not hard to infer story details from mechanics (especially if they're as intertwined with the story as Kojima liked to do in MGS)

i'd argue the not being filled in on gameplay is arguably more important when it comes to giving the player a fresh, surprising experience than story details.

Like DOOM. DOOM's story doesn't matter at all, but imagine being a guy who knows nothing about DOOM and finding the BFG for the first time in E1, knowing nothing about it, and then firing it at a filled room.

probably a better experience than if you know exactly what it does in advance

>List them.

rocks, rocks with snow, wet rocks and mossy rocks

look at alllllll this damage control

If you can pick up cargo lost by other players I hope it keeps a list of people that held onto it. Would be fun to be the one to turn in something 10 people had their hands in

>can't even pickup the rocks

It's just window-dressing.

If they kill him (or he kills himself) a nuke goes off.

but you can step around the rocks while on your 20 minute walking trip

>shows less gameplay than even uncharted games
98% of uncharted is gameplay you stupid faggot

>Animations where you can't do anything but wait for the animation to play are cutscenes
This is the most ridiculous post I've ever seen on Yea Forums
By this logic every game is full of cutscenes
This is the pre release gameplay of BotW. All they did was show running around/climbing/hitting some mobs.

Presumably, we'll see in due time. But even then that's not really an excuse. It's like all of humanity being hidden in bunkers and only appearing as holograms, how many such convenient excuses exist to not have to make a proper game? I bet thought the entire course of the game, you won't ever enter one of these bunkers and meet the thousands of people inside.

A good game doesn't need that many excuses.

Spotted the sonygro. Go back to your cinematic tranny experiences cum gargler

so they showed gameplay

he got punched?

The same stuff we've seen from DS.

>open world with actual exploration with no real set destination, can easily go straight to hyrule castle if you wanted
>empty open world with literally no exploration with a predetermined start and a predetermined finish
>these games are the same

breath of the wild will be a higher score than death stranding, honestly, this game will probably score lower than the metal gear solid games as well since it unironically looks like boring ass shit.

Somebody's mad.

Only retards are trump supporters

It's okay you'll get over it

>empty open world with literally no exploration with a predetermined start and a predetermined finish
And I could say the exact same about BotW if I were to judge it from trailers.

post BB chimping out on Sam

lmao no just fucking no you retarded nigger

you just dont get it do you? you are unironically a fucking delivery boy which means how you play this game is already predetermined every single mission WILL be you going from point A to point B no exceptions

in breath of the wild you are free to do whatever the fuck you want in any order you please

gotta them (You)s

What's your point retard? BotW didn't have travelling from A to B? Are you retarded nigger?

Breath of the Wild has traveling from point A to point B or point C or point D all the way to Z.

Dont worry lad im sure you wont get bored of your empty ass open world delivery game.

sadly Yea Forums lost its touch and is no longer the coolest place on the internet

And how do you know Death Stranding doesn't?

This is some next level cope.
Zelda has one beginning and one end. Same as Death Stranding.

This is objectively not true. The pre-release trailers showed off shrines, divine beasts, tons of enemies and weapons and biomes. All we've seen from DS is the same mossy beach aesthetic and 2 enemies.

I don't think anyone who isn't retarded is claiming it isn't a walking sim. Most people are saying it isn't JUST a walking sim.

It's THE walking sim.

Because its literally a delivery boy game.

>im not coping you are

not when this game scores high 70's

>BOTW has measurably more content at this point
Possibly because it is a released game, where as Death Stranding isn't. Not that it matters, both of them are going to generic open world task simulators to get the onions boy market all sweaty and ready to consume, the difference being that BOTW reuses the same Zelda story formula, where at least DS will be some new terrible fever dream filled with celebrities and 'muh themes.' They are both terrible games that are further pushing the industry to make every game an open world farming simulator. BOTW was unoriginal garbage that stole its ideas from other open world garbage. DS is going to be yet another Kojima game that doesn't follow through and will inevitably get stuck up it's own ass.

Apparently this is an 'A to Z' map, lol

Attached: bebaazdiogh31.png (1247x701, 673K)

what does a delivery boy do?

and what are you in death stranding?

Breh that's my fetish.

Was this traced from Mel Gibson in lethal weapon?

>not when this game scores high 70's
>No actual argument or point
>Starts making up things that won't happen in the future.

A gift for the guy this morning that at least made an attempt to stream.

Attached: Kung pow Enter the fist.webm (294x125, 2.87M)

We already saw that you can discover packages or lost items in the world and then find the owner yourself. You don't have to go straight from one point to the other. You can deviate and steal shit from bandit camps etc.

How can you even think this dumb shit is an argument?
What does Link do? Go from A to B to defeat Ganon.
I guess BotW is a linear game.

Pretty much yes, Japan's copyright laws are both fast and loose

Attached: IngramBrown-RiggsMurtaugh.jpg (640x360, 268K)

Nah it was bLOADborne because 45 fucking seconds load times.


japs steal, it's what they do

Attached: 1565335287346.jpg (1920x1080, 588K)

>when you have to play dumb because the truth hurts

That's what you're doing, yeah.

>no u

>no u

Yes. Now go bing bing wahoo and bounce on Goombas for me.

You're fucking dumb if you think every game does this.

>Konami shills SEETHING

Attached: zILTWpd.jpg (683x1024, 183K)

The game is empty space because it's suppose to get "populated" by all the shit people put everywhere around the chiral network, either to help themselves or hinder you. Purposely hindering people won't get you money tho. Also, there totally are ruins of civilization and other landmarks.

Attached: 1567632404505.jpg (576x480, 60K)

I don't like the look of Death Stranding AND I didn't like Breath of the Wild either.


>its supposed to be boring

Gonna assume this:

1. All the hightech needs to be concentrated in the safe zones, otherwise hugely expensive equipment can be lost when it's BTFO by BTs

2. Vehicles draw too much attention from BTs unless under special circumstances (like Amelie's slow-travelling convoy)

No it's not fucking Minecraft. But it's not empty either, there are large bases.

I really wanted this to be the next shadow of the colossus type of game. slow, intimate, surreal, contemplative experience not intended for mass market, dudebros and mainstream cancer in general. then they showed us pissing mechanics, mushrooms, dorito pope hologram and package delivery action. fuck you kojima, this was your last chance to redeem yourself.

Attached: 1539997154773.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

this just looks like another TPS, I can't stand how people overhype anything kojima does specially after MGSV

>can't have hard terrain to navigate and monsters to kill

Attached: 1563579292164.jpg (851x726, 61K)

>both exactly the same
DS isnt even out yet cockmuncher

I understand letting dogs kiss your face but that wolf is straight out slipping his tongue in her mouth

Miyazaki was exposed by Hallway Rolls 3.

You're talking about animations for entering and exiting a vehicle, which are made to be as quick as possible.
In GTA once you grab a person in a car, you lose control. If they did that with a different camera angle, you'd call it a cutscene. They're animations.

This. I actually kinda liked the idea of a deliveryman walking in a huge, desolate land with unspeakable horrors going around, it kinda reminded me of Blame!, I always wanted a game like it, but the latest news and gameplay videos are starting to worry me, it just looks like a normal open world game. What a shame.

>I cant tell if kojima makes his games funny intentionally
from the look of the video and his voice tone, I would guess he stopped giving a shit in trying to fit logic just to push things he finds cool on the spur of the moment while shoving his favorite medias and a few 2deep4u messages

I'm gonna pass because I'm literally a fucking delivery man.

Last thing I wanna do when I get home is figure out how to deliver more shit.

We’ve seen three plus grenades so you’re wrong lmao.

I rill rike it

Would Kojima want to play a game where you sit at the computer and program shit? And controlling that person is fucking clunky and awkward and has bars and meters and has to piss?

Why would someone want to play a game that's more work? wtf

>Copy paste MGSV
>'New genre hope you rike it'
I don't understand his thought process

>ARMA exists
>Eurotruck simulator exists
>farming simulator exists
>hunting simulators exist
>somehow this one is over the line because it’s AAA

No, those are over the line too. I just can't imagine having fun with simulators when life is such a grind already

Not helping your case making the game sound interesting

doesnt have to mean theyre bad
youre childish just like the poster you replied to
time to go to bed you have to get up early for school tomorrow

if killing people create those craters, why are there so many craters in the middle of nowhere and none in or around the mega cities?

>time to go to bed you have to get up early for school tomorrow
It's Saturday dipshit. But I guess everyday is Saturday when you're a NEET

free publicity since you Yea Forumsirgins can't help but running your fucking mouth

I’m not trying to make it sound interesting. I’m wondering why it makes you niggers twitch and seethe. I mean, it’s literally a game about trekking and the asshurt is immense, I wanna know why.

There's one near the city you start in, it's too small to see clearly on that map. Who knows what the fuck caused those gigantic ones.

Escapism. I guarantee you, all those games I listed with the exception of ARMA is being played by people who’ve never had the jobs themselves. Because it’s a boring fucking job but you can do it in the safety of your couch and you can pick it up and put it down.

This would be hilarious.

I hope he learned from MGSV and delivers a good final and complete product.

That would turn the game into a truck simulator instead of a footwear manager

>you can walk on the ground or put some stuff in it
wow so interactive!

What do you mean?