Just finished pic related. What kind of ending was that? It just... ends

Just finished pic related. What kind of ending was that? It just... ends.

You saved JD, right?

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Despite the games obvious and deliberate character assassination and back peddling of JD I doubt anyone chose Del over him.

Of course, he's all Marcus has left, and I can't do my boy like that, plus he's actually got something resembling character flaws, which makes him more interesting than Del, who's character trait was just being a friendly token black.

>This game is for s o y boys,cucks and spics and is shit for tranny's.

>Queers of war.

I'm glad they did something vaguely interesting with him, instead of keeping him the wannabe Nathan Drake that he was before.

>mfw Kait started ordering everyone around, when she's some street rat conscript, and is outranked by literally every other person there

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Looking at the porn, you aren't wrong.

gears of jank, more like. how does anyone enjoy that shit?

Why even enter the thread then? I dont go in jrpg dating sim threads just to make shitty pointless comments.

So pretty much just like gears 4? Ends with nothing really being resolved?

I saved Del because my co-op partner was a real life black guy. I mean theres going to be a sequel. I hope Marcus gets the lead.

>why attack shills defending shit?
dunno, i have something against retards and social injustices

What the fuck are you even talking about? Have sex or leave the house. You're not fighting the good fight

Why do you think sex needs to be indoors?

In the situation I think kait would choose to save del.

I loved the campaign but my only problem is with that choice, story wise neither makes much sense and feels very random.

I think its shitty to pull that in the 5th fucking game.

>ending ends
Whoaaaa...... really activates my almonds...

spoil it to me.
I gave up after meeting Niles, shit was too boring to continue.

Kait's mom is back as the locust queen. Myrrah is Kait's GILF You bring the Hammer of Dawn back online, big fight, you fight a big beastie. The heroes are determined to stop the queen now. Then it ends.

who the fuck plays the single player lmao

Kait's mom Reyna is reborn as the Swarm queen and attacks the COG as they're preparing to finish setting up the new Hammer of Dawn network. Reyna takes JD and Del hostage and gives Kait a choice to save one, while she kills the other. If you choose Del, the following scene has Kait giving Marcus JD's dogtags in a fairly sad scene. If you choose JD then they talk about how good Del was. Jack then sacrifices himself to kill the enemy by acting as the target point for the Hammer of Dawn. Kait tells Marcus she will hunt down and kill her mom

Western developers have lost all sense of aesthetics...

Why the fuck did Lizzie have to die? Is Clayton's son still alive? don't fucking tell me that Clayton is the only Carmine allowed to live?

You'd think Clayton would mentioned it at least once when he and JD meet again later on.

>That scene where JD orders her to come back and she LITERALLY makes it all about her
Christ I can't stand her.

Del is honestly way too boring to be saved. JD has conflict and potential to grow, so did Kait, until she made herself irrelevant to the plot by deleting her link to the swarm. Del on the other hand, feels like a nice guy tagalong.
>muh Kait would save Del over JD
Why? You forget that they were alone on a mission for less than 3 hours.
And also
>making Marcus suffer even more.

Also who's idea was to make the bot a playable character? What if 3 friends want to all play actual characters, and not have one relegated to being a support bitch? This shit is literally "Bring your GF to coop session with a bro" option. It fucking sucks. I'd rather have my friend play a normal guy, instead of him being forced to play as a non-character.

Campaign itself was fun as fuck. Final level was legit one of the best levels in the franchise.

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>tfw best girl only has a few voicelines and never appears

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Several questions;
Why is Reyna now a rage monster? Myrah was perfectly sane but had a hate boner for humans 'cause all the torture.
Why didn't Kait throw the knife at Reyna?
Why didn't jack do anything?
They all dropped their lancers, but what about their pistols?
How is Reyna reanimated? The crystals acted as a coccoon for the locust, not some sort of lazarus pit. And still, locust biology is different than human. Why didn't JD and Del shoot Reyna with their side arms? Or get jack to zap her? Or get jack to mind freak her?

The ending is unfortunately contrived as hell.

Because it is.

Give me examples of recent non boring shooter campaigns you've played.

Motherfucking Syphon Filter, the king of TPS.

It shouldn't fucking be about her, MUHHHHHHH LOCUST CONNECTION, god I can't stand it, Just let play though as JD, Old Marcus, hell I would even rather playing through as Clayton than this BS.

It makes sense on paper, but once you see the lengths people will goto to help her, it just becomes silly. Baird is willing to smuggle her off the continent without Jin finding out until later. It's dumb.

Nigger the only reason why Marcus is the main character of the original al trilogy is because of his Locus connection with his father and by the end all of it are severed.
>Locus is dead
>Queen is dead
>Dad is dead

I hope they add Sofia in the multiplayer.

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>Nabbed by COG and turned into a breeding sow
A bit sad.

Why is friendly AI buttfuck retarded?
Why does Gears 5 have recycled sounds and music from other Microsoft games? i.e the Flood Noises from Halo 4 MP